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Slavic signs runes amulets. Slavic runes and runic alphabet

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The ancient Slavs were well versed in esoteric issues, and they used this knowledge in all spheres of their life. The overwhelming majority of them used protective magical amulets or talismans. For the manufacture of amulets, ancient Slavic runes were mainly used; they were endowed with special magical properties capable of implementing various life tasks.

Talismans were used to increase wealth, make a successful trade deal, become a participant in some profitable enterprise, and attract the forces of nature to one’s side. Thus, our ancestors knew how, for example, to attract rain during the summer drought in order to increase productivity, and also to disperse rain clouds when rain was undesirable.

The amulets performed a protective function - they helped preserve the integrity of the family, the health of all its members, the love between spouses, contributed to the birth of healthy children, and protected the home and property. Our Slavic ancestors were very sensitive to nature, knew a lot about its power and strength, and knew how to use them at the right time.

Possessing the secrets of the interaction between nature and man, they believed in higher power, they revered many Gods, each of whom they endowed with a specific set of character traits, elements and powers to control it. Mystical halo of rituals, runes, magic amulets and runic symbols of amulets are important elements of ancient Slavic culture, who played a key role in the development of this unique and powerful (at that time) civilization.

Slavic runes - what are they?

This concept itself means a certain set of special signs/symbols, which are both a magical instrument and an ancient alphabet of the peoples living in Northern Europe. The word “rune” itself (from “run”) means “secret” or “secret”. Later, the ancient runic writing was supplanted by the Latin alphabet, but did not disappear, but took on a new quality - it began to be used for fortune telling, magical rituals, creating amulets and amulets, talismans.

There are several variants of runic writing; the most widespread are the ancient Germanic and Slavic runes. It is known that the ancient Slavs had many more runes at their disposal, but modern society knows only eighteen of them. You can interpret their meaning only if you:

  • understand ranking Slavic gods;
  • you know each deity by name, as well as the element for which each of the gods is responsible;
  • understand the “language of runes”;
  • master methods (magical Slavic rituals) of interaction with the gods;
  • capable of controlling the forces of nature through runes.

Which runes are the most powerful?

We can safely say that they cannot be divided into “strong” and “weak”, since each of them, having unique properties, performs a specific task. Each rune can be used separately or in combination with other runes that add up in combination with a certain number of them. How many runes you intend to use depends on the complexity of the task that your amulets must accomplish and your desire to solve it as efficiently as possible.

The best practice is making runes with your own hands

Based on this, it can be noted that ancient Slavic runic symbols are designed to solve various problems. The confrontation between Darkness (Chaos) and Light (Good) lies at the heart of Slavic culture, our ancestors firmly believed in this, so protective amulets were a priority. With their help, the Slavic tribes tried to resist the forces of evil and negative energy of natural origin or specifically directed by unkind people. For example, the runes Dazhdbog, Perun, and Mir have such powerful protective power.

Runes such as Need and Chernobog belong to the elements of Chaos. However, runic symbols that have the power of Chaos should not be classified as unconditional Evil, since, together with the forces of Light, they are fundamental for the existence of all living and nonliving things in the world. Without them, the spiritual world would not exist. Their main purpose is the destruction and destruction of something unnecessary, sick and outdated, so that something new can be built in its place. Destruction always underlies the creation of something new.

Choosing material for making runes

Our ancestors used improvised materials to make Slavic runic symbols - wood, leather, bone, paper, stone, fabric, clay tablets, etc. To begin with, they made a base from the selected material - small elements of arbitrary shape (more often they were round, rectangular or square) and applied runic symbolism to their surface.

Our ancestors had silver as a priority - a metal closely associated with the Good, possessing antiseptic properties and a pronounced healing effect on living organisms. Oak, cedar, spruce, and birch wood were widely used. Nowadays, many also prefer to make runic security symbols independently, rightly believing that such amulets will have special power and fully correspond to their purpose. Ready-made protective products made of silver (sometimes gold), made in the form of original and beautiful jewelry, are also popular.

Modern man is not deprived of the opportunity through magical Slavic runes:

  • adjust your own destiny;
  • receive help and protection from higher powers in your creative development;
  • count on their patronage in career matters;
  • expect their assistance in matters of interaction and understanding between people;
  • acquire a powerful incentive for self-development, etc.

In any area of ​​human life, characterized by some regression or stagnation, you can use the magic of Slavic runes to eliminate negative aspects and acquiring powerful positive energy.

Features of Slavic runes

The appearance of the prototype modern writing In Rus', our society is indebted to the works of the pioneer printers Methodius and Cyril, who invented the Old Church Slavonic language of Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet. Before this, our ancestors did not use alphabetic writing, but runic writing.

In addition to written signs, runes were also endowed with a secret magical meaning, where each symbol was given certain value for fortune telling and witchcraft.

Designation of Slavic runes

Slavic magicians and sorcerers widely used runic signs in their practice, providing ordinary people magical help to solve various problems.

Protective amulets in the form of runes, charged with positive and powerful energy, from such masters were considered very effective and efficient. In addition, runic script was applied to various household items, “woven” into fabric, and decorated with clothing.

Silver was revered as a noble magical metal, so amulets made from it were very valuable and, first of all, they tried to buy silver amulet with runic signs for children in order to protect them from various misfortunes. It was customary to wear runes made of gold when a person experienced a loss of strength, discord in the household, and was plagued by failures.

Features of Slavic symbolism

The art of using and producing runes requires the master to have knowledge of Slavic culture, an understanding of the religious characteristics of ancient Slavic society, and mastery of the skills of conducting certain Slavic rituals and magical actions.

Runes are the keys to information portals, a gift from the Gods, projecting their power and will onto the Earth, designed to strengthen the divine order of the universe on our planet. A more thorough study of each rune can serve as proof of this.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Order, kind. Belobog, the Tree of the World, the divine “I” in human essence. Belobog is a complex Slavic symbol that correlates with the essence of a person, his inner “I,” and is depicted in the form of a tree or a man whose hands are raised to Heaven. It means society, community, clan. In fortune telling it means the success of any business or event.

Magical meaning – protection of the Higher Power, protection of the Light Forces.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Chaos, destruction, fall. Chernobog, Gloom, Darkness, Shadow. The inverted Tree of the World, the antagonist of the Peace rune and everything Divine. Visually it looks like the World rune upside down. In magic it means the collapse of the old order. What has become obsolete will be destroyed, what survives will become stronger. In fortune telling - death (to business, feelings, alliances, moral/physical death of a person). Connects the magician with destructive forces that break through the magic circle, any closed system.
Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
The Center of the Universe, the Altar and the subject of the struggle between Belobog and Chernobog. Top of the World, Beginnings, Basics, Greatness. Sacred meaning: Alatyr stone. Alatyr is the keeper of the sources of existing roads and rivers on Earth. The rune is the beginning and end of everything. This is the stone laid at the foundation of the World, the stable center of the cycle of events in the struggle between the forces of Order and Chaos. In magic - primacy, superiority, priority. Altar for sacrifices. In fortune telling, it advises to act according to the law of God. The rune is a powerful amulet for children.
Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Movement. A road connecting two worlds (Order and Chaos). Joy, Road, Pleasant Journey. The rune design visually resembles the English letter “R”. A harmonious flow, when everything happens by itself and is decided in the right direction. In magic it means the right direction, correct actions, the likelihood of overcoming obstacles.

Fortune telling is an experience for business people. Talisman for travelers.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Fate, inevitability. Visually, this rune is similar in design to the Alatyr rune, but its short “leg” is turned to the other (right) side. The need to stop, followed by rebirth through pain. In magic - stiffness, inability to act and move forward, poverty, zero effort.

In fortune telling, it means the need to abandon planned plans.

A talisman for those who are looking for their path in life.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Fire (sacrificial), Purification by fire. Truth, Fire, Verb. Visually it resembles the Alatyr rune turned upside down. This is the rune of the implementation of plans, the fulfillment of dreams, the implementation of plans in their pure form - without superficial tinsel, burning in a cleansing fire. Only sincere intentions come true, they are revealed real reasons, according to which we should expect the corresponding result. Reveals everything secret, cunning, deceitful. Everything that is falsely and unnaturally imposed will be consigned to the fire of purification. Once purified, the idea will be embodied in a new form and implemented. In magic - hidden life. In fortune telling, a person will achieve what he wants, but his true plans and thoughts will be revealed to everyone.
Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Warrior of the Spirit (walking along the road). Sacrifice, Road, Courage, Warrior, Persistence, Strength of Spirit. Visually it looks like an arrow pointing up. Before you can get anything, you need to sacrifice something valuable. Sacrifice on the path to initiation and Power means sacrifice of oneself. The sacred essence is the road to the Altar and embodiment, getting what you want through sacrifice; Slavic magicians interpret this rune as fair reward after loss. In fortune telling, it does not signify a good event, payment for the mistakes of the past. Talisman for people associated with crime who are in prison.
Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Power, Omnipotence, Property and Power of the Warrior. Integrity, Knowledge, Power. Visually, the design resembles the Russian letter “I” with its sides shifted up and down, or an inverted lightning symbol. Overcoming any obstacles (internal/external). In magic - directs Right way, helps to clearly see the goal, gives power, gives Victory.

In fortune telling it means triumph, quick and complete victory.

A talisman for those who are involved in competition.

Favors athletes.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Divine Creativity and Origin, Wisdom of the Gods, Spirit of the Vedas. Veles, Wind, Top, Vedat. Visually, the rune resembles a hollow arrow pointing upward. To know about the Divine, to act according to the will of the Gods. In fortune telling it means the possibility of self-realization.

In magic there is a powerful Wind-Force associated with air element, filling the inner magic circle.

Slavic talismans with this symbolism are suitable for those in need of good luck.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
A mother protecting her child. The earth that gave birth to all living things. Feminine.

Rune of Strength.

Mother, Makosh, Earth, Fate, Birch. Visually, its design resembles an inverted and crossed out (like a seven) unit. The rune of fertility, power, abundance. Amulets with its symbolism are highly recommended for mothers and pregnant women.

In magic - patronage and support.
In fortune telling there is a Divine Gift, a gift of fate.


Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Fire Power Eros (Greek) or Yar (glory). Rune of the masculine principle.

Creator, creator.

Yarovit, Youth, Yar, Fire, Love. Visually, this rune resembles an inverted number four with a beveled “bucket”. It is the personification of passion, creative impulse, fertilization of the emptiness of Chaos, the union of opposites. In fortune telling it means renewal. In magic - life, the Power of Incarnation, masculinity.

An excellent talisman for every Slavic man. For women, amulets with such symbolism help to get rid of infertility and attract gentlemen.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Life-giving Water, Spring, Moisture (giving life), manifestation of life, harmony. Lel, Water, Love, Attraction. Visually, the drawing resembles the number “one” drawn in the other direction. Vitality, youth, movement, passion, love. In fortune telling - a beautiful young lady, the beginning of a business, new prospects. In magic - Power driven by attraction, intuition, some kind of interest.

Talisman for a young couple in love.

Slavic protective amulets with this symbolism protect against the evil eye.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Unknown, Supreme, Hidden, Secret, Intimate. Rock, Spirit,

Incomprehensible, Unknown.

The drawing visually resembles the Russian letter “Zh”. The Rune of Doom, which should be taken according to the situation as it is. Something unknown, frightening in its manifestation, not amenable to reason and strength. In fortune telling - the influence of Rock, Higher uncontrollable Forces with a situation that cannot be predicted.

In magic - dedication to the Unknown.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
God and the Tree of Life, the Supreme essence of everything, the Foundation (Support) of the Universe. Bell, Visually, the symbol looks like a straight line crossed out in the middle by two parallel lines. A sacred connection with the ancestors and their powerful support. In Magic - the powerful Power of the Ancestors, the Family Tree.

In fortune telling - Divine protection, reverence and help of the Gods.

Among the Slavs, amulets with this symbolism protect a person from negative emotions and the evil eye.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Good, Gifts of the Gods, Luck, Happiness. Fertility, Gift, Visually, the symbol resembles a regular triangle lying on its side (with its apex to the right), with the base line extending beyond its apexes. Among the Slavs it is a symbol of Good, a period of abundance and prosperity, a serene existence. In fortune telling it means: good news, new acquaintances, acquisition, indulgence, success, praise, luck, profit. For women - pregnancy. As a talisman, it protects the house from misfortunes and the family from negative influences from outside.
Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Infinite Power, Power Power, Protection, Coverage. The design of the symbol resembles the Russian letter “P”. It has the most powerful energy, a warlike and despotic symbol.

Masculine Origin.

Protecting the World from Chaos, maintaining Divine order on Earth. In fortune telling - overcoming obstacles (if it applies to the client), otherwise the rune promises failure, a difficult period that should be waited out (any actions in opposition to this Power will be swept away).

In magic - the patronage of the Gods. It is recommended as a talisman for military and law enforcement officers.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Divine Spirit, Life, Grass (growing), blood (young, “boiling”), Sun. Movement, Life, Nature. Visually, it is almost similar to the “Bereginya” rune, but is directed in the other direction and its top line does not cross out the vertical line. Rune of Light Forces. Among the Slavs it means everything new, full of strength and talent. Helps you find joy in life, understand the language of nature, and appreciate life. In magic

In fortune telling, it can foreshadow pregnancy and the birth of children, development, and a positive outlook.

A talisman for creative people.

Drawing Symbol The word is the key Description Meaning
Ice, Stiffness, Glass. Base, Ice,

Stop, Stagnation.

The drawing visually represents a straight vertical line. A Slavic symbol that indicates external stagnation with intense internal work (preparing for something, accumulating strength and knowledge, opportunities, finding a solution, etc.). In fortune telling - stopping all things, cooling feelings, distance.

In magic, it is a tool for the cooling ritual.

We have considered only the most general concepts in the interpretation of Slavic runes and reliable amulets. Their deeper meaning is known to those people who study them long time and uses his knowledge in practice. Connoisseurs of runic signs even today believe that the secret of the runes has not been fully revealed and the possibilities of these ancient symbols are limitless.

Interpreting the meaning of runes is a very complex matter, requiring certain skills and understanding of the language of their magical signs. If you are at a loss in choosing which runic amulets you most need, start from the problem itself. Choose a sign that will more accurately reflect your expectations and the reality around you than all others.

With the help of runes - unique Slavic magical tools, you can endlessly learn the world and yourself, achieve your goals, protect yourself from negative influences. They can lift the veil of your past, open a window to the future, and help you decide on the present. Separation of runes according to the “black/white” principle is impossible, since in each individual layout the result of the same rune will depend on a number of factors:

  • the man himself;
  • his worldview, attitude to the world;
  • direction vector (+/-) of its energy;
  • characteristics of the goal;
  • the degree of determination and readiness on the path to achieving it, etc.

The subtle world, like the material world, is characterized by the presence of cause-and-effect relationships. Harmony with the world and oneself is achievable only under the condition that when turning to magic, a person pursues good goals.

The body of Ancient Knowledge is hidden in the secret writing of Slavic runes. The practice of pagan traditions is still used today to achieve certain goals. Amulets with different runic signs perform different functions: they predict, protect, help, warn. You should never forget that the rune is only a guide to magical mysteries and a tool that allows you to use them; the final result of the desired depends entirely on the person himself.

Runes are symbols created entirely different cultures and peoples. Naturally, this was done separately, different meanings were put into them, but they have something in common. Any runes are the quintessence of the energy of civilization, its moral, ethical and cultural meaning.

That is why there is so much goodness in Slavic runes. Our ancient people considered love to be the main force in life. Each symbol he created is a talisman and amulet for those who profess the values ​​of the Russian world. So, more about the meaning of Slavic runes.

List of runes of the ancient Slavs


Its essence is the divine, that which is hidden deep within a person and is sometimes not realized by him. This is order and a symbol of the genus. She is also called Belobog. In magic, its meaning is the protection of the Higher Powers. Those with whom every person is united, with whom he merges during prayer. If it falls out during fortune telling, then you can take on any business. The Higher Powers are on your side. It also foretells the smooth completion of any project, overcoming all obstacles, and deep mutual love.

This Slavic rune is the opposite of the World. She personifies the essence of evil. Just not what is aimed at everything Divine, but what is Chaos, that is, the road to the new. In a magical sense, Chernobog personifies the destruction of the old order. Everything that has outlived its usefulness will go away, the rest will be tested for strength. The order will collapse, making room for new shoots. May mean death in a physical sense.


This is the center of everything, the essence of the universe. All forces, fighting for primacy, fight precisely for this original inch of land. In magic, the meaning of Alatyr is superiority, the priority of traditions. This is the essence of the earth itself, its beginning. If it appears during fortune telling, he gives advice: act according to the behests of your ancestors, value family, honor traditions. Very good for mothers who are worried about the fate of their children and serves as a good amulet for a child. She reassures and says that everything is going right.


Rainbow is happiness in motion. This Slavic rune speaks of the harmonious flow of Chaos into Order and back. It means life itself. In magic it symbolizes right direction, action. Can talk about the beginning difficult path or its imminent completion. In any case, all difficulties will be overcome, obstacles will be removed. Rune that fell out in the layout business man, symbolizes the acquisition of new invaluable experience. It is used as a talisman by those who go on a journey.


This is a symbol of Rock. The meaning is a forced stop, which is invariably perceived with suffering, but leads to rebirth (of a person or circumstances). In magic it means constraint, often poverty, the inability to continue work, the road. If it appears during fortune telling, it advises abandoning a plan that will not lead to success. Used as a talisman for people who are lost in life and want to get out “on their own path.”


Fiery Slavic rune, symbolizing purification and embodiment. She says that everything old should burn. Insincerity, lies, etc. will be overcome. A person's inner intentions will be revealed. The meaning in magic is the embodiment of what is hidden inside. The one to whom it fell during fortune telling should both rejoice and be wary at the same time. On the one hand: the goal will be achieved, on the other hand, all intentions are open. It will not be possible to keep the secret from being made public.


This is a complex rune. She means Warrior of the Spirit. Anyone who walks the road must be prepared for sacrifice. Without loss you cannot achieve what you want. You need to not just bring gifts to the Gods, but give something valuable, maybe yourself. In magic it means receiving through loss. Persistence and strength directed not outward, but inward. If it falls out during fortune telling, then you need to prepare for the worst. Ahead lies the reckoning for long-standing mistakes that are of fundamental importance. Used as a talisman by people who find themselves in very difficult situations (possibly related to crime).


This is the Slavic rune of power. He who follows the path of the Warrior will overcome all obstacles. You just need to understand that the struggle is with both external and internal obstacles. In fortune telling, its meaning is “quick victory.” Used as a talisman in situations where a person is fighting against competitors or circumstances. Helps athletes.


Another name is Vedat. The rune means creativity in the most Divine sense. The desire to act according to the will of the Higher Self, to make dreams come true. Having fallen out during fortune telling, it pushes towards self-realization. It means a change in various, highly successful combinations of circumstances. Used as a talisman by those who desperately need good luck (and by others, too). Helps players.

This is the rune of a Mother protecting her child. It symbolizes the strength and power of the Earth itself, which gave birth to all living things. When fortune telling, it means the correct direction of thoughts and actions. You are protected, everything will be fine. and mothers. It also means fertility; farmers often used it to protect their land and make it fertile.


This is a light and at the same time masculine rune. She personifies passion, the desire to create, to fertilize. Its essence is fiery. But it is faster and more dynamic than other runes. In magic it means the masculine principle, the thirst for life and embodiment. In fortune telling it means everything new. Talisman of Slavic men. Women use it in the treatment of infertility, to attract gentlemen.

This is the rune of life-giving water. She represents spring and the beginning of a new life. Light and joyful movement, filled with the awakening and harmony of nature. In magic it means intuition, prosperity not with the mind, but with luck, travel under the influence of the “decree of the heart.” A talisman for young people just starting out in life. Protects lovers from the evil eye.

This is a symbol of the unknown. If it appears during fortune telling, it means that the Warrior has found himself in a situation beyond his control. Something implicit, unknown, frightening appears on the stage. There is no chance to resist him. Everything will happen according to the will of Rock. You need to humble yourself and accept the situation as a lesson.


This Slavic rune means the Tree of Life and God at the same time. She personifies the Supreme essence of everything that happens. When doing fortune telling, it says that God will not leave you in trials. You can count on his comprehensive and timely help. It also indicates that a person has solid support under his feet. He is ripe for active (sometimes aggressive) actions. Used as a talisman by leaders.

This is the Slavic symbol of Good in all its manifestations. When doing fortune telling, it can tell you that you are a real darling of fate. All things will end in your favor, you will make a profit. For women, it may portend an imminent desired pregnancy. The tests are over, prosperity and abundance await you. Talisman of family and home. Sometimes it is used as a talisman for an enterprise.

This is the most powerful rune. Her energy is powerful and heavy. A force that cannot be resisted. When doing fortune telling, you need to look at who it relates to. If k, then he will overcome all obstacles; no one can compete with him. If the rune interferes with the client, then it is better to wait out the storm on the sidelines, otherwise it will inevitably be crushed, twisted and thrown onto an unknown shore. Talisman of the military and security forces.


This is the rune of natural, natural development, light strength, filled with the divine spirit. Its symbols are growing grass, collecting and evaporating moisture, blood running through the veins. If dropped during fortune telling, it will tell about children, their path or condition (possibility of appearance). Advice - be closer to nature, smile, enjoy life. The talisman of everyone who is engaged in creativity.

This is a Slavic symbol of lack of movement. Rune - ice. Nothing can happen. In fortune telling, its meaning is “complete stagnation.” It is often used for. Sometimes it foreshadows a crisis, an unforeseen stop in business. It’s worth sitting and waiting until the situation degenerates. Stagnation is not movement only outside, all activity is possible only inside. If this rune falls out, then it is better to have a good rest. Progress is unlikely, so why waste energy?

Runes of the ancient Slavs (also Russian, Wendish, Vedic, Aryan, pagan runes) - according to official version, the alleged writing of the ancient Slavs, which existed even before the emergence of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet.

Who created the Slavic runes and when did they appear?

There is no single point of view on this issue. Some argue that Slavic runes are the oldest symbols in the world and their origins must be sought in Vedic culture. Officially recognized historians are inclined to the version about the European and ancient Germanic roots of runic writing. The date of origin is considered to be the 1st century AD.

Eighteen Old Slavic runes are known, each of them has its own image-meaning.

Description and meaning of runes

Photos of runes (available for download)

Each rune has a certain meaning and energy. Knowledge of the meaning of Slavic runes can be useful in a wide variety of situations.

To achieve the result you are interested in, you can apply a temporary tattoo with the image of a rune to your body or make a talisman, and then additionally charge it.

Be attentive and careful when selecting a rune: you should not rely only on its description. Try wearing it for a short time first, carefully listening to the sensations in your body.

For convenience, we have arranged descriptions of Slavic runes in alphabetical order.

Alatyr(Az, World Mountain, Grail)
The Alatyr rune symbolizes the center of the World, the basis of the universe. This is the beginning and the end, the balance and core around which the cycle of life and the struggle of opposites develops. The world mountain, similar to the universal altar or chair, is the prototype of all earthly altars and thrones.

Bereginya(Mother Earth, Makosh, Fate)
Bereginya, among the Slavs, symbolizes feminine energy, protecting and giving life. The Mother Goddess creates favorable conditions and protects all living things. She is responsible for fate and material wealth, gives life and deprives it. The Bereginya rune should be used if there is a lack of vitality.

Wind(Strength, Veles, Top)
Rune of knowledge, magic, strength and will. Bereginya is the rune of earthly forces, and Wind represents subtle and spiritual forces. Rune of Veles - the ancient Slavic god of wisdom and material wealth. Bestows wisdom and strength.

Dazhdbog(Fertility, Gifts)
Dazhdbog is a Slavic rune of luck and wealth, symbolizing goodness and gifts. This is a symbol of spiritual and material well-being, endless abundance. Helps in improving your financial situation.

Eat(Life, Alive)
The rune symbolizes the forces responsible for the physical side of life. There is an image of the continuous movement of the flow of life: growth, development, renewal. Can be used in the treatment of diseases.

Source(First Principle, Ice, Standing)
There is a legend that our world arose from an ice seed. Water contains a huge potential for life and activity, while ice keeps it in a motionless state and is the source of future life. The Slavic rune Source denotes several meanings: on the one hand, it is the fundamental principle and source of future activity, on the other, stagnation and stupor.

Steal(Fire, Sacrifice)
The image of the Great Fire and sacrifices for it. Also, Krada - denotes activity and losses associated with its implementation. For any implementation of our plans, we always pay some sacrifice. Grants purification, accelerates and enhances the implementation of intentions.

Lelya(Water, Attraction, Love)
Rune Lelya is a symbol of life hidden in water, joy, awakening and instinctive spontaneous intuition. Increases attractiveness and intuition, eliminates unreasonable fears and complexes, helps in lucid dreams.

World(I, Belbog)
The image of the rune contains the image of the Tree of the World; it is a sign of the highest nature of man and all things. It is interesting that the modern symbol of peace is the inverted rune of Peace - the Chernobog rune. What world are we being led to? Grants the wearer protection and favor of the light gods.

Need(Inevitability, Karma, Falsehood)

The rune of Veles in the guise of the God of the dark world is Viya. The Rune Need is interpreted as an all-compelling force from which it is impossible to hide. In addition to images of death and retribution, the rune captures images of the limitations of the material world and the shackles that hold the consciousness of people. Strengthens the instinct of self-preservation, accelerates the implementation of karma.

Support(Motherland, Pillar, Gods)
Rune of the Gods, who are the pillars of the universe. Designates the Gods located on the axis of the world and the people existing near them. Used by those in the know to attract the blessings and protection of the Gods.

Rune of the thunder god Perun - the thunder god who protects the world of people and Gods from the forces of destruction. The image contains masculine energy and vitality. Symbolizes dedication, passing through the rejection of the old and rebirth. Develops and strengthens personality, imparts physical and mental resilience.

Rainbow(Joy, Road)
The rainbow denotes the path in the direction and to our universal source, the image of which is contained in the Alatyr rune. The rune is useful when traveling and for the favorable resolution of difficult situations.

The image of the unmanifested Spirit, containing within itself the source, goal and end of all things. Used to convey a situation or thing to a higher power. It is believed that the transmitter loses the ability to control what is given.

Force(Knowledge, Integrity)
The rune contains an image of energy that allows us to move towards the source of the entire universe without leaving the path. Symbolizes the completeness and unity that we will find when we reach the end of the path. The rune gives the wearer stamina, determination and determination.

Treba(Warrior, Victim)
The word “requirement” is translated as “sacrifice.” The essence of the image is self-sacrifice to achieve a goal. The image is best revealed by the legend in which the hero feeds a bird with his own meat, which pulls him out of the kingdom of the dead.

Oud(Youth, Love)
The Slavic rune Oud denotes the sexual and creative force that changes our world. Enhances the wearer’s sexual attractiveness, helps with infertility, and gives strength for activity.

Chernobog(Shadow, Darkness, Reflection of the World Tree)
The image contains forces striving for the destruction of the world and general chaos. The meaning of the rune is opposite in meaning to the rune of Belbog (World), together they form a balance and are the basis for the existence of a dual material world. The Peace rune represents the forces of order, and the Chernobog rune represents the world-destroying spirits of Chaos. The essence of the rune is destruction - use with extreme caution.

Should you get tattoos with runes?

All at once…

Runes applied to the body influence your destiny. Keeping this in mind, you can get a tattoo with any Slavic rune.

Are you sure that the image and energy contained in the rune will delight you throughout your life? And we're not talking about the effect of tattoos on skin health and public opinion, everything is clear here.

Much more important is your personal desire, which for many people changes several times a day, let alone the decades that you will have to spend with a tattooed rune.

If you want to get a tattoo for some magical purpose, and not just for the sake of beauty, then it would be much wiser to make an amulet or apply a temporary tattoo.

Fortune telling with runes

The principle of fortune telling with three runes

It is believed that runes are able to predict the outcome of a situation. Using a minimal set of self-made Slavic runes (even drawn on plain paper), you can already conduct a fortune-telling session.

It is important to guess in correct location spirit. You should be as calm as possible; nothing should distract the fortuneteller. Do everything slowly - without fuss. To create a suitable atmosphere, it is permissible to use incense, essential oils, and other attributes you like. The question you are interested in should be short and clear, so concentrate on the situation and think about simplifying the question.

For interpretation, use a reference book or book (for example, "Runes Eastern Slavs" - author Kreslav Rys). In the future, we will definitely make a special service for fortune telling on runes on the website.

The existence of such writing has not been proven by historians; this technique was invented by modern followers of the native Russian gods. Everything about Slavic runes: meaning, description and their interpretation. This method of fortune telling, although modern and not ancient, as it might seem, really works. Slavic runes will help protect yourself, your family, and loved ones with the help of magic. Protect from what? From a bad look, from the evil eye, from bad people that can slander, damage a person, from difficult life situations- in a word, from everything that no normal person would wish for himself. What is the power of Slavic runes and how can it help protect yourself and loved ones?

The runic alphabet is a set of symbols, each of which has its own magical meaning.

A runic series is a set of specific symbols that in ancient times were common as an alphabet and a tool of magic. Later, the writing of the peoples of Europe was supplanted by the Latin alphabet, but runic signs are still used to carry out rituals, create amulets and amulets. There are quite a few varieties of runes, and among them the most famous is the Scandinavian version.

Our Russian ancestors did not have their own runic alphabet. But the system built by modern Rodnovers really works as a mantic and magical instrument. It is based on a deep knowledge of Slavic culture and mythology and the heritage of the related people of the Scandinavians (Varangians).

In ancient times, symbols were often used by people who endowed them with special meaning and power. In all countries, magicians, priests, and shamans used them to protect them from evil spells, from bad influences, from everything that brought trouble. Also, amulets were used to attract good luck in all matters.

Runes were applied different ways: extrusion, chasing, drawing. They were applied to clothes, embroidering these signs, on household utensils made of clay, on doors in the house, in the stable, so that various evil spirits could not penetrate there. Even the sacred idols were inscribed with runes, they signified the names as well as the powers of this deity.

These symbols are conductors of energy, the most powerful energy, which, unknowingly, can be used not for benefit, but to harm oneself. What do you still need to know about runes, so that they are for the good, and not vice versa?

Rune amulets

Any runic series strives to describe the world with a set of symbols. Read on the website

In ancient times, runes were used for amulets, which were made from various materials - leather, wood, bone.

The number of symbols used depends on the complexity of the task that is assigned to the amulet, and it can perform a variety of missions.

Modern pagans make themselves various rune tattoos that symbolize the inner world of a person, his goals and desires, and are also amulets.

For example, the wind symbol helps to move to the top, achieving any goal. The Perun rune applied to the body protects against dark forces. A tattoo with a rainbow symbol represents the road leading to the center of the universe, and a tattoo with the rune of peace represents a person’s desire for a quiet life.

Of course Orthodox priests They do not approve of such body decorations, as well as tattoos on any other topic. But supporters of pagan rituals are not at all bothered by this behavior, and runic tattoos are becoming increasingly popular.

If you want to get yourself a tattoo with magical symbols, be it Slavic runes or Chinese characters, thoroughly study their meanings from several authors, so as not to accidentally ruin your life


In this section we will consider in detail the description of Slavic runes, their meaning and combination in interpretation with each other. Anyone who is just learning the magic of runes should not take on making amulets and amulets with complex symbolism.

Dark runes

The runes Need and Chernobog are signs of Darkness and Chaos. Together with the symbols of Light, they underlie the existence of all living and nonliving things on Earth.

However, the main mission of “dark” runes is to destroy everything that is sick and unnecessary to make room for something new. Most religions of the world agree that creation is impossible without destruction.


The center of the Universe, the end and beginning of life on Earth.

The rune denotes the cycle of light and dark forces, or Belbog and Chernobog. This is the very center of the Universe, the end and beginning of life on Earth. Alatyr also symbolizes the law of Balance, the circulation of events and phenomena in the world and the return of everything to its original position.

According to Slavic mythology, Alatyr is a stone that stands on the island of Buyan and is the navel of the earth, all roads begin under it and it is from it that all rivers begin their flow. At the same time, Alatyr serves as a throne for the gods and magic stone, where sacrifices are made to higher powers.


Traditionally, the gods were perceived by the Slavs as pillars, supports; in the ancient languages ​​of the northern peoples, even the words god and pillar sounded the same. Also, a pillar is a pole, a shaman’s tree, along which he climbs straight to heaven. It turns out that the poles are also gods, giving shamans the strength to travel.

In fortune telling, the fallen rune of Support is most often interpreted as support provided by the gods. It is also a symbol of the fact that a person is given the opportunity to gain strength of spirit, strong support, and an unshakable position, which will allow him to cope with any obstacles in life.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:


Cold rune, meaning “freezing” everything - diseases, social phenomena, attacks of rage and aggression. However, “freezing” in this case does not mean elimination. This is only a temporary stop of some negative processes and events, giving a respite.

The rune also protects from external processes and internal thoughts and torment. It creates a so-called shell that does not allow you to feel negativity.

The magical meaning of the rune is stagnant phenomena and processes, the onset of a crisis in personal relationships or in the business sphere.

If during fortune telling you get the Source rune, it should be considered as good sign. The frozen state will not last forever. It carries within itself the powerful force of further thawing, development, and movement forward, which is symbolized by the rune Is.


The rune of Life itself and movement, the naturalness of being - as opposed to dead immobility. It is also a symbol of divine forces, by whose will trees grow and life juices are carried through their trunks. The Rune Is makes blood run through a person’s veins.

In magical terms, the rune Is symbolizes movement, development, growth, renewal of a situation or process. All of this follows the temporary freeze that the Source brings. It is the rune Is that ensures the life process on Earth, through the harmonious combination of the runes of Krad and Dazhdbog, although they are in an eternal struggle.


The Rainbow Rune is a road that is predetermined by the unity and confrontation of the forces of Belbog and Chernobog. In turn, the path means something more significant than movement in time and space. This is at the same time a state that is neither like vanity nor like peace. It is somewhere in the middle between Chaos and divine Order.

When doing fortune telling, the Rainbow rune symbolizes stable movement forward, assistance in travel, positive resolution of difficult and confusing life situations. In general, the rune can be characterized by the formula “do what you must, and let what will be be.”

The Rainbow rune was also borrowed from the Scandinavians. In the original it is called “Raido”, which translates as “road”.


Rune Rock is a symbol of the unmanifested divine Spirit, which is both the beginning and the end of all things on Earth. The symbol is similar to the Eastern Tao and can be illustrated by the words of Herodotus: “What is destined by fate, even God cannot avoid it.”

The magical meaning of the symbol: unknown higher forces begin to influence the current situation, so its outcome, like the future in general, cannot be predicted. The Rock rune is also used to dedicate something - an object, a situation, a phenomenon - to the Unknowable.


The pantheon of Slavic gods is represented in the system by the symbols of Perun, Dazhdbog, Krad, Belbog and Chernobog. The rune Perun symbolizes the thunderer, who protects both gods and mere mortals from the forces of Darkness. It is a sign of masculinity, strength, power and straightforwardness.

In fortune telling, Perun can mean the emergence of a powerful force that can move the situation forward or provide additional energy. Also, the rune of the thunderer can indicate personal power and divine power, protecting against mental or physical destruction.


The meaning of this rune is Good, in every sense. This is both material - money, things, and spiritual - joy, love, prosperity. The main attribute of Dazhdbog is the horn of plenty, in other variations it is an inexhaustible cauldron of all kinds of benefits. The Scandinavians call him Freira, the Celts call him Dagda.

The Dazhdbog symbol indicates a quick improvement in your financial or spiritual condition.

During fortune telling, the appearance of the Dazhdbog symbol indicates an imminent improvement in your financial or spiritual condition. This could be the acquisition of something, the development of new relationships and connections, making new acquaintances, as well as a favorable outcome of some important actions.


The word "krada" has Slavic roots and means sacrificial fire. Thus, Krada is a rune of fire, close to the German Gebo and Kano. According to pagan beliefs, fire is a divine gift and the power that embodies the manifestation of the divine in the Middle World.

Krada is the rune of speech, since the northern peoples have always believed in the power of the word, its correspondence to the plan. Also, Krada symbolizes the loss of everything superficial, alluvial, since fire symbolizes purification, embodiment and realization of all intentions.


One of the most difficult runes to interpret. From the point of view of the ancient pagans, Belbog represents ordinary person in the form of a god. At the same time, God personifies the entire world around us. This means that mere mortals are a reflection of this world, or macrocosms.

The World rune indicates the divine nature inner world man and symbolizes the forces directing the World to the absolute Order established by the gods. In fortune telling, the Belbog rune means patronage and protection from the forces of light.


The rune of Chernobog symbolizes a deity who is in constant conflict with Belbog. If Belbog strives to bring the World to ideal Order, then Chernobog is aimed at destruction, Chaos. However, defining them as “good” and “evil” is wrong, since only when these gods confront each other is Balance maintained.

Chernobog represents a trinity: the trickster god, the jester god and the clown god; all of them are in an eternal struggle with the Guardian of the Order established by other gods and constantly violate the boundaries of this Order. Also, the Chernobog rune symbolizes the unconscious. Its magical interpretation is a gap vicious circle, destruction of outdated connections.

Runic amulets of the Slavs

For long rune service, it is important to choose the right material. The simplest is stone, metal or wood. They recommend making them from wood, stone, and metal. The lightest and most amenable to processing is wood, so most runes are most often made from wood. The selected wood is cut into small pieces; an oval shape is best used. The pieces are processed, then symbols are applied to them. Each rune is varnished and placed in a fabric bag.

Stone and metal are difficult to process, so these runes are quite difficult to make at home. Although a rune made from stone has great strength than a metal one, and a metal one has more power than a wooden rune.

You can order the production from a master, but the runes will be better connected to you. Especially applying symbols to runes is an important step. This is when the combination of runes with your energy begins. And you should not neglect this in the initial stages of creation. Runes must be stored in a bag made of soft and always natural fabric. It can be cotton or linen fabric.

How to activate a rune - place the rune in your palm, hold it, close your eyes and think about good things. Imagine what you want and what goals you want to achieve. This eliminates all negative effects if the rune was not made by you.


Don’t forget, before you start practicing, telling fortunes with runes, creating amulets and amulets, be sure to study the theory, and carefully, and not superficially. You need to know it thoroughly, every sign, every combination, otherwise you can harm yourself and those who receive your amulets. The formula must be composed correctly, because even positive symbols in an incorrectly composed formula will give a negative result. The effect will not be at all what is expected.

Slavic amulets in the form of runes have long been used by people to protect against evil spirits, damage, the evil eye and more. negative impact per person.

In addition, they helped, giving strength and guiding me in the right direction. People made the right decisions, got rid of problems and believed that it was runic amulets that helped them in this. They were depicted on everything:

  • Doors and walls of houses.
  • Clothing and interior items, dishes.
  • Military uniforms, weapons, ships, etc.

To use the power of runes to their full potential, you need to decide which symbol is right for you, and for this you need to know the meaning of each of them. Therefore, the topic of today’s article is about what runes are, amulets in the form of runes, their meanings and how to make them with your own hands.


Today there are many guesses about where the runes came from. But there is very little evidence about which of them is true, so we can say that these are only assumptions, and their true origin is still unknown to us.

However, it is known that the most ancient of the runic symbols are related to the 2-3 centuries AD. But many of them are very similar to the symbols found on the walls of Bronze Age caves. Most likely, they preceded the appearance of Slavic runes. It is believed that those ancient symbols were intended for various kinds of predictions and had one common quality with the runes that we see today. Both of them have magical properties.

According to Scandinavian legends, runes were given to people by God Odin, who, in order to understand their meaning, pierced himself with a spear, thereby nailing him to the Yggdrasil tree. So he hung there for nine days, increasing his knowledge and unraveling the meaning of the runes.

It should also be noted what method was used to apply these signs. They were carved on stone, wood or bone using knives or ritual weapons. In addition to the above places of application, runic symbols were made separately for fortune telling.


Runic talismans are a system of signs that were used by the Germanic and Scandinavian peoples for writing. The word “rune” itself is translated as magic, mystery, magic. Exist historical information, according to which they were used for various magical rituals. Therefore, the meaning of Slavic and Scandinavian runes expands significantly: applied to weapons and ships, they increased their strength significantly.

In addition, amulets in the form of runes were used in other areas of life. They were applied to the walls and doors of houses, interior and household items, and clothing. Thus, protecting the family from troubles and diseases, they protected the home from evil people And evil spirits, contributed to strengthening the love of a married couple and the birth of children. Often, Slavic runic amulets were used to attract good luck in business, favorable completion of a transaction, attract fortune and even the forces of nature to one’s side.

Our ancient ancestors knew how to use the natural elements for their own purposes. For example, they called for rain when there was a drought, and vice versa, they dispersed clouds when there was excess moisture. For all this, special rituals were carried out, in which they often used runes and their power. That is why the meaning of runes is much greater than written characters.

It is worth noting that they were used not only separately. A combination of several runes was often used at the same time. Thus, their strength increased, and with it the opportunity to get what they planned. At the same time, it cannot be said that some of them have greater strength and energy than others. Each of them is strong in its own way, has its own meaning and is intended for specific purposes.

To try their power for yourself, you need to formulate the question correctly. With runes at your disposal, you are unlikely to know the answer to the question of when you will meet your soul mate. Or what tomorrow will be like for you. Slavic and Scandinavian symbols answer more global questions. For example, for what reason you are unable to implement your plans. Or they will help those who are in doubt to make the right choice.

To receive their power and help, just a photo is not enough; the runes must be made or drawn with your own hands. You can do it on a sheet of paper, but preferably something thick (cardboard). If you have problems, for example, in your intimate life, then such a sheet should be placed, say, under the pillow, so that it is not in sight. But such a runic talisman is designed to solve one specific problem in a short time.

There are 24 runes, and each of them corresponds to a specific human desire. Therefore, you need to carefully study their meanings before choosing any for yourself. Otherwise, it will not come true, and the Gods may be angry with you for such negligence.

What do signs look like and what are they for?

Slavic runes are signs carved on a small piece of wood or metal. Today there are two areas where they are used: amulets and fortune telling. As for the second, you should not take on this without thoroughly studying all the intricacies of this matter. It’s better to contact a specialist or figure it out yourself, but keep in mind that this will take a lot of time. Each rune has its own meaning depending on its location. There are reversible and irreversible runes, and it is also important in what sequence they are located.

It will be much easier to use the power of runes as a talisman. It is enough to decide on your desires and choose one of the runes to fulfill them, depending on its meaning. For example, one common human desire is wealth or financial wealth. The Fehu rune is perfect for this; its main goal is to attract and preserve finances, as well as movable and immovable property.

In addition, it promotes health growth. Used in all runic connections aimed at both. It has a powerful force, so it must be used with caution, especially in combination with other symbols. Most perfect option- a runescript of three Fehu, such a talisman will not overwhelm you banknotes, but will create many conditions for making money.

The Urus rune will be an excellent talisman for those who need to improve their health. Replenishes loss of health, immunity and vital energy. The image of this rune is the image of a bull, it is similar to its horns, and therefore endows its owner with unbridled energy and strength, which is necessary to realize the opportunities that Fehu provides. You also need to be careful with it so that the energy that Urus gives does not turn against you.

Another frequently used rune is Ansuz. Translated it means “Words of the Gods”, i.e. signs coming to us from above. Endows its owner with wisdom and eloquence, relieves timidity. Helps people develop their speaking and Creative skills. An excellent assistant for presentations and exams. And another property of Ansuz is the creation of a connection between lovers on a telepathic level.

The rune symbolizing light, fire, torch is Kenaz. But this fire does not have destructive power, it is completely controlled and is aimed at maintaining the fuse. Very suit creative people, helping them create and not lose creative energy. Kenaz is often used to enhance the powers of other runes.

Vunyo is a rune endowed with the most positive energy. Joy, happiness, luck in all areas of life, this is what Vunyo gives to its owner. An excellent assistant in family, love, work and other matters. Can be safely used in all amulets and runescripts. If it fell out during fortune telling, you can relax. This means that the period has come when you will succeed without unnecessary fuss and excitement.

All these talismans can be made with your own hands. So, first you need to choose the material from which the Slavic runic amulet will be made. Our ancient ancestors used leather, wood, stone, paper, and bones for this. Later they began to give preference to silver.

This choice was explained by the fact that it is this metal that heals and acts as an antiseptic. Today there is a lot of jewelry that is made in the form of runic signs. But it’s still better to make it yourself, so it will have much greater power.

Naturally, in order for the power of the rune to act for a long time, you should not put it on paper. It is better to give preference to metal, wood or stone. Wooden runic amulets are more common, this is due to the fact that it is easier to work with. Select a tree and cut it into small pieces. They can be round, oval or square.

Treat it so that there are no small splinters and apply the rune. It can be burned, cut or painted. After which the amulet must be varnished. On stone, it is best to use the paint option, since carving on stone is more difficult. But many people can do this on metal.

As we already wrote above, silver was most often used to create a runic amulet. Such amulets were made mainly for children to protect them from evil spirits and other negative influences. For people who suffered from loss of strength and failure, runes were made of gold.

Each rune has its own color. And the most important condition when creating them: all materials must be natural. As, in fact, is the storage place for amulets: a bag made of natural fabrics. The final stage is the ritual with which you activate the rune. The simplest thing is to hold it in your hand with eyes closed, thinking about good things and your desire. This ritual is especially necessary if you purchased a talisman from another person.

And remember: do not start making a runic amulet without studying the meaning of each of the runes. This is very important point, because even if you draw several runes in a row that carry positive energy, together they can have the opposite effect. Author: Natalia Chernikova



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