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Random phrase from Max Fry. Max fry quotes, aphorisms

Max Fry is the literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. Their books are written in an easy and exciting way, pulling you in from the first pages. They are filled with optimistic and humorous insightful observations and fill them with a desire to live. A real literary antidepressant.

We have collected 28 quotes filled with optimism, kindness and real wisdom for living with a good mood:

  • Your head should be spinning - this is its main responsibility!
  • I just desperately need something out of the ordinary to happen sometimes. Extraordinary. Inexplicable.
  • The good thing about life is that it doesn’t always meet our expectations!
  • A month is, of course, a very long time. But “in a month” sounds much better than “never.”
  • A person simply needs a break from himself, at least from time to time.
  • I have an excellent rule: if you no longer like what is happening, you must leave immediately.
  • Pretend that you have everything in order in perfect order. You will be surprised when you realize how much it is effective method. Once you manage to deceive yourself, you will be able to handle everything in the world.
  • You and I are great, we did everything we could. It remains to do everything that we cannot, and then success is guaranteed.
  • Long live split personality - the shortest path to mental balance!
  • Praising me is a very correct strategy. You can twist more than one hundred meters of good, high-quality ropes out of what you have conscientiously praised. The thing, as you know, is necessary in the household.
  • Laughing at people is a great way to avoid killing them more often than necessary.
  • If you're falling off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What do you have to lose?
  • Wait and hope - the right way suddenly go crazy, but running around the city and doing stupid things is exactly what you need!
  • Doing the impossible is not such a big problem if you know where to start...
  • Sometimes a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.
  • One important secret: you need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly need to go.
  • If there is no exit nearby, you should create it yourself, from scrap materials.
  • When you know what to talk about with a person, it is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship.
  • It always seemed to me: it happened, that means it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky once again fell on my head? It collapsed, therefore, we must survive.
  • It's good when it's morning at nine. No, at ten it’s even more beautiful, but at eleven it’s already debauchery.
  • The absence of a direct prohibition can well be considered a kind of permission.
  • And without that great mood it got even better. So I had to go down the narrow stairs sideways: a smile couldn’t fit through.
  • A man does not forgive, he forgets, but a woman forgives everything, but never forgets.
  • Fate is not stupid. There is no point in bringing people together.
  • You should say something stupid from time to time, this helps create a warm, friendly atmosphere.
  • You never know which of your weaknesses will turn out to be your greatest strength.
  • How many vices are there in one single living creature - this, I understand, is perfection!
  • I still don’t regret anything, if only because it’s pointless.

Max Fry's books are very popular among those who like to plunge into the world of adventure. They successfully combine subtle humor and philosophical discussions about life. If you like Max Fry, quotes from whose books have long been catchphrases, we offer his most striking statements.

Max Fry: quotes about love and happiness

For a long time, Max Fry's books aroused genuine interest among readers. And it wasn’t just the interesting plots: the identity of the author remained unknown for a long time. After a while, it turned out that the books were written by two people at once - Svetlana Martynchik and her husband Igor Stepin.

There was a lot of criticism towards the authors, since many did not understand the writing style, the confusing plot, and the contradictory main characters. Nevertheless, the works are very popular. In the books of Max Frei, everyone finds confirmation of their philosophy.

The theme of love is eternal. It is also touched upon in Max Fry's books. Quotes from the author’s works make you think about what love is and what it can be like. And where there is romance, there is happiness: it is hardly possible to imagine life without feelings.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with best quotes Max Fry about love and happiness:

But love is not, it seems, a matter of conscious choice. When the heart turns on, common sense flies into hell, which, according to my estimates, is already filled to the brim with it.
...I know only two ways to love people. The first way is to rejoice immensely every time I see a person. And I almost don’t remember him at all when I don’t see him. The second way is to almost never see at all (or we’ll do without the “almost” at all), but remember that there is, theoretically speaking, such a person. And kiss the ground for the fact that such a creature walks somewhere on this earth.
I'm generally not good at reading people. Especially the ones I love.
Love is lying on the uncomfortable slippery knees of an uncomfortable slippery, constantly moving beloved creature, sliding off them every few minutes, but not letting go of the claws that have grown after a haircut, not clinging, but plopping on the floor, sighing, jumping back onto the slippery uncomfortable knees, curling up in a ball. and again slide to the floor, but do not release your claws, do not cling, fall, sigh and return - and so on ad infinitum.

Love is sitting in an uncomfortable position, raising your knees, barely touching the floor with your toes, trying to move as little as possible so that the little stupid white cat falls and sighs as little as possible, and in this amazing world, woven from stupidity and love, there was a little more peace and quiet.
“I love you, I can’t live without you, please don’t disappear,” I tell myself on the darkest days. While we're still together.
It seems that I will increase the number of happy idiots by one person. And rightly so: there should be more happy idiots than us unhappy idiots.
Any black streak ends sooner or later. The main thing is to manage to survive until the moment when luck starts again!
You should not put your own firmament of heaven on someone else's shoulders. Everyone is his own globe, his own Atlas.
Good weather is absolutely enough for happiness, but in bad weather you can, for example, bake Apple pie. And no additional meaning is required. As in childhood.
We are all born and die with the same unspoken request on our lips: please love me as much as possible! In our desperate search for this unrealizable self-love, we pass by magnificent things that could well come true, including real miracles. But we have no time for them: we are too busy looking for those who will appreciate and love us.
...The people I love - they somehow live in me, and I feel good with them. And out of stupidity it seems to me that I, too, somehow live in them, crawling like a delicate alien thing through the arteries, poisoning the blood, accumulating on the walls of the vessels. It seems to me that everyone benefits from such simple and understandable processes.
- How little I need to be happy!
- Everyone needs little to be happy, yet everyone has a lot of different things available. But there is always something wrong.
Skeptical mind - terrible weapon in the fight against your own happiness.

Max Fry's quotes about love and happiness are very contradictory, but they contain deep meaning. Perhaps this is precisely the philosophy that is close to many modern people.

Max Fry: travel quotes

Traveling is a wonderful opportunity to relax, see the world and how other people live. It’s rare that someone doesn’t like to leave home for a while to another country in order to gain new experiences and recharge their energy.

In Max Fry's books, a lot of time is devoted to the movements of the main character. So it’s no wonder that travel quotes have become popular.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with quotes from the books of Max Frei, because the authors saw in movements something more than just a change of scenery:

The best journey is the one that never ends.
It’s easy to love unfamiliar places: we accept them as they are and don’t demand anything other than new experiences.
…In general, I like to leave, because without leaving one city it is quite difficult to come to another, and I like coming more than anything else.
I'm leaving forever... And in general, everyone always leaves forever... It's impossible to return - someone else always comes back instead of us.
You should love the journey, not the future destination, whatever that may be.

Sunrise in the mountains is the best event that can happen to a person.
It is much easier to fall in love with someone else's homeland than with your own.
There is always an irresistible charm in a foreign World, no matter what it is. And one’s own homeland often evokes melancholy disgust, sometimes completely unjustified.
There's nothing better than a clear, sunny spring morning in the old Echo Center... and there's nothing worse than a clear, sunny morning at any time of the year, anywhere in the universe - if you haven't been given enough sleep.
One of the most simple ways to love the city in which you live is to look at it from time to time through the eyes of a stranger (unless, of course, evil fate has thrown you into a completely disgusting hole).
Any unfamiliar city seems wonderful to me... I look after unfamiliar cities how they care for women - I try to gently touch the cobblestones of the street with my feet, I even breathe carefully, accepting each portion of the air permeated with someone else's aroma with gratitude, like a kiss, so as not to seem like an insensitive rude person, one of many, and I say admiringly: “You - the most beautiful place Of all the things I’ve seen, it’s simply impossible to do better!”
The average delighted tourist is happy with everything because he has escaped for a while from the usual cycle of life: he does not have to jostle in public transport, buy groceries for dinner, take out the garbage, checking the instruments, calculate the rent, go to bed early, prudently setting an alarm clock at the head, tossing and turning from side to side, write answers to tricky questions, which the boss will certainly ask tomorrow morning - nothing like that at all. A lifelong slave to routine, drunk with sudden freedom...

Max Fry is the literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. Their books are written in an easy and exciting way, pulling you in from the first pages. They are filled with optimistic and humorous insightful observations and fill them with a desire to live. A real literary antidepressant.

We have collected 27 quotes filled with optimism, kindness and real wisdom for living with a good mood:

  • Your head should be spinning - this is its main responsibility!
  • I just desperately need something out of the ordinary to happen sometimes. Extraordinary. Inexplicable.
  • The good thing about life is that it doesn’t always meet our expectations!
  • A month is, of course, a very long time. But “in a month” sounds much better than “never.”

  • A person simply needs a break from himself, at least from time to time.
  • I have an excellent rule: if you no longer like what is happening, you must leave immediately.
  • Pretend that everything is fine with you. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. Once you manage to deceive yourself, you will be able to handle everything in the world.
  • You and I are great, we did everything we could. It remains to do everything that we cannot, and then success is guaranteed.
  • Long live split personality - the shortest path to mental balance!

  • Praising me is a very correct strategy. You can twist more than one hundred meters of good, high-quality ropes out of what you have conscientiously praised. The thing, as you know, is necessary in the household.
  • Laughing at people is a great way to avoid killing them more often than necessary.
  • If you're falling off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What do you have to lose?

  • Waiting and hoping is a surefire way to suddenly go crazy, but rushing around the city and doing stupid things is exactly what you need!
  • Doing the impossible is not such a big problem if you know where to start...
  • Sometimes a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.
  • One important secret: you need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly need to go.


If there is no exit nearby, you should create it yourself, from scrap materials.

  • When you know what to talk about with a person, it is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship.
  • It always seemed to me: it happened, that means it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky once again fell on my head? It collapsed, therefore, we must survive.
  • It's good when it's morning at nine. No, at ten it’s even more beautiful, but at eleven it’s already debauchery.
  • The absence of a direct prohibition can well be considered a kind of permission.
  • The already excellent mood became even better. So I had to go down the narrow stairs sideways: a smile couldn’t fit through.
  • A man does not forgive, he forgets, but a woman forgives everything, but never forgets.

Max Fry- literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. They wrote a series (about 40 books) “The Labyrinths of Echo” and a sequel. Main character books, Sir Max moves to another world and enters the service of a powerful wizard.

If you're falling off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What do you have to lose?

Max Fry, "The Chronicles of Echo"

Man is born alone; strictly speaking, birth is the first step towards loneliness, these are the rules of the game into which we were all drawn without asking; complaints are not accepted. When appears close person- this is a wonderful event, a precious gift of fate, a welcome respite on the way, but loneliness was, is and remains the natural state of every living creature. Inability to accept personal loneliness as the norm - mental illness which needs to be treated.

Max Fry

Nothing is impossible. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone at all. Many things are difficult, but “impossible” is a meaningless word.

Laughter is an excellent seasoning for passion, much better than the languid seriousness with which the heroes of melodramas attack each other.

Max Fry, "The Outsider"

Confidence is the privilege of fools.

Everyone chooses for themselves what will become true for them and what will not. Do not neglect the opportunity to make this choice consciously, then everything you like will become true.

Max Fry, Crow on the Bridge. The Story Told by Sir Schoorf Lonley-Lockley"

Night is night, at night you can believe in any nonsense, if only there were a good preacher. But in the morning everything is different.

Max Fry, "Book of Complaints"

When you tell “the truth and only the truth” about yourself, while trying to be exciting or at least funny, the effect is amazing: your own sorrows begin to seem like an old joke that you yourself have already heard from someone.

Max Fry, "Quiet City"

It is necessary that not a single day of your life is like the others - a recipe for eternal youth.

Max Fry, "Quiet City"

Pretend that everything is fine with you. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. Once you manage to deceive yourself, you will be able to handle everything in the world.

Max Fry, "The Elusive Hubba Han"

A person usually sees only what he is prepared to see in advance.

I'm so smart now that I should sleep in a safe.

Max Fry, "The Power of the Unfulfilled"

Long live split personality - the shortest path to mental balance!

Max Fry, "The Book of Fire Pages"

Hiding your feelings is an empty matter, it’s better to simply not have them, and that’s all...

Max Fry, "The Outsider"

You need to love and praise yourself. Don’t entrust such a responsible task to strangers.

Fate is not stupid, it won’t bring people together in vain...

Max Fry, "Simple Magical Things"

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship.

Max Fry, "The Outsider"

If there is no exit nearby, you should create it yourself, from scrap materials.

“Tomorrow” is one of the most dangerous words in the world. It paralyzes the will worse than any other spell, induces inaction, destroys plans and ideas in the bud.

I'm pretty indifferent to people ever since I got bored of actively not liking them.

Max Fry

Not only the inarticulate muttering of a person backed against the wall, but also the most powerful spells are powerless when fate really grabs you by the throat and kicks you forward into your destiny.

I have never heard of a wolf getting lost in the forest, even if it is not the forest in which he was born. Probably, there is also some kind of “city dweller instinct” that has not yet been studied: if you can already navigate one big city, you will not have any special problems with other megacities.

Max Fry

A person who has hope is always stupider and weaker than one who has nothing to lose.

I still don’t regret anything, if only because it’s pointless.

Good weather is absolutely enough for happiness, but in bad weather you can, for example, bake an apple pie. And no additional meaning is required. As in childhood.

Max Fry

Every self-respecting schizophrenic is obliged to discuss current problems with himself, his loved one, from time to time.

Yes. Everything should always be the way I want. All other options have irritated me to death since childhood!

MAX FRY - quotes

Books by Max Fry- this is an easy home read when your heart wants comfort and magic. ABOUT magical worlds and roads, about magic and magical adventures. That one day a person may see his own Door in the wall leading to the unknown. The characters in these books are eternal children, with their motto “how interesting everything is!” These books are simultaneously fantasy, a magical detective story, and a story about friendship and love. Written with irony, light humor, kind and positive, easy to read, with pleasure and with a smile.
Quotes from these books are not aphorisms. These are the thoughts and reflections of the characters, an attempt to understand themselves and the world. And sometimes it's just jokes.
Read good books- and you will be happy!

QUOTES from books by Max Fry

Quotes from the book Stranger (Labyrinth) and other books in the Labyrinths of Echo series

And remember: a dream come true is not always the same as happiness. But it's still worth a try...

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship.

Sooner or later, one way or another...

"Tomorrow" is one of the most dangerous words in the world. It paralyzes the will worse than any other spell, induces inaction, destroys plans and ideas in the bud.

If you're falling off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What do you have to lose?

But some dreams should remain dreams, I think so.

Reason and humor are two sides of the same coin, in my opinion.
And remember: “Victory at any cost” is not our motto. Our motto sounds different: “Victory, inexpensive.”

You are saying amazing things now.
- To say unsurprising things, there will still be hunters without me.

A man never decides anything,” objected the stern Fayriba. “It’s just that many men are able to convince themselves that they are the ones who make the decision...

- There is always an irresistible charm in a foreign World, whatever it is. And one’s own homeland often evokes melancholy disgust, sometimes completely unjustified...

“You’re not cutting it, Max,” Ande said sadly. “I’m leaving forever, and in general everyone always leaves forever.” It is impossible to return - someone else always returns instead of us
- What lengths do second people always go to in an attempt to finally become first!
- But people, you know, are characterized by imperfection...
- You know, some miracles are much easier to perform than to understand!
“In those days, I was young and did not have the luxury of appearing to be a miser.
“For me, it’s better to know more: there’s something damn attractive about ignorance, but it’s dangerous, right?”
“True,” Juffin confirmed seriously. “But the same can be said about knowledge.” So the main thing is the correct dosage.
The Journey to the Dark Side Begins with Another Journey. From the fact that one morning a person wakes up, leaves his home and goes into the unknown.
Did you hear the crash? - I asked. “It was the stone that lay on my heart that fell.
Everything was fine until the elves violated the ancient ban and tried the wine...

One of the few virtues of anger is that it is stronger than fear.

Death is a little like the wind: an invisible but tangible force that is always ready to sweep us off our feet...

Quotes from the book Master of Winds and Sunsets

"Master of Winds and Sunsets" - first of the books new series Max Fry "Dreams of Echo"

This is the story of the city full of wonders: fantastic sunsets, colorful winds, night rainbows.
And poems written in the sky.

“We all don’t know how to do something, and that’s great. Otherwise there would be much less surprises and meaning in life.”

“Every creature is born in order to experience the world. And not in order to please everyone in this world"

“Why are you fighting?
- Because life is beautiful and amazing. And someone has to balance this unbearable happiness with their bad mood

“Since childhood, I knew what art was for. And what an artist should be. And why do all this? To change any human life, and through the sum of such changed lives - the whole world. Change - and not even because it is my will. But because such is the will of the world. He always wants to change and calls for help from everyone who is nearby. But a real artist simply stands closest to everyone, that’s the secret.”

« Sleep is the freedom of consciousness from everyday obligations. A kind of vacation»

“I get used to everything very quickly and don’t like changes, including the so-called “better.” Because when external circumstances change, you yourself change along with them, and you never know in advance whether you will like being this new person."

“A person who has his back to the wall is capable of absolutely anything. And I, one might say, live by this wall.”

“She is omnipotent, which means she can do anything, including mistakes.
- Aren't you?
- Where should I go? I’m not omnipotent yet.”

“When you look out of the corner of your eye, some hidden things simply don’t have time to hide from you.”

Quotes from the book " Too many nightmares"

“Great plans,” I responded. - But why does the World absolutely need to be changed?
- Yes, because he himself is constantly changing. The only question is whether this will happen with my participation or without me.

Night is the time when we dream of the sky. This is why the most incredible things happen to us at night.

Don't you think that the meaning of life is the same for everyone?

It is impossible to predict in advance how much someone can endure and how much they will break. No man knows this even about himself.

How great it is to be born as a simple person, for whom almost everything is impossible, which means that every day you can jump over your own head, triumphing over reasons so trivial that it’s funny to yourself. This is probably how I imagine happiness.

Of course, you shouldn’t worry, but only because worry is a state that is not conducive to efficiency.
We all don’t know how to do something, ... but at the same time we are capable of much more than we expect.
I have noticed more than once that the phrase “now I know what to do” precedes the wildest and most ridiculous actions in the life of the person who said it...
“It doesn’t happen like that,” she smiled. “For a person to exist and not have problems - they don’t even write children’s fairy tales about that.”

Happiness for many becomes a difficult test: suddenly there is something to lose! It is only from the outside that it seems as if being happy is easier than being unhappy, but in reality it often turns out the other way around.

"Being mindful of other people's affairs - The best way take a break from your own"

"The whole truth about us"

"This is a book about what the path to happiness is always within us, you just need to listen to its whisper. About what knots we tie on the threads of our destiny and soul. About friendship, love, magic and silver foxes. Read and re-read, definitely.” From the review.
I really liked you. Like at home in childhood, although there was nothing like this in my childhood.
“Gradually and almost imperceptibly, step by step, and one day it turns out that you are already what you are, your own Cosmos and Chaos, and only theoretically you understand that before there was no So"

After all, “you never know where you’ll get lucky” (c)



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