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Death of Her Majesty. What will happen when Elizabeth II dies? How will life in the UK change? Is it true that Queen Elizabeth II died?

The situation with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is unfolding more wonderfully than the most extraordinary action movie. The President newspaper was the first and only in the world to draw attention to the fact that the queen disappeared from the air at the end of October 2016 (see “Where did Elizabeth II go: converted to Orthodoxy, died or reincarnated?”).

Her wards from many countries of the world, it seems, did not care at all that the queen had not been with them for a long time. No one reacted in any way to reports of her disappearance, or to the very possibility that Elizabeth II had died.

None of the conscientious citizens and professional journalists reacted to Patriarch Kirill’s visit to England, which was unprecedented in nature. His press service never gave us the honor of presenting protocol photographs of Kirill’s meeting with Elizabeth II. From which we concluded that such a meeting did not take place.

But the Russian special services reacted harshly to this visit of the patriarch to someone else’s patrimony. On the same day when Patriarch Kirill arrived in England, he lost his bank - in which, at the same time, the funds of the Russian Orthodox Church were kept.

What reason was there that Kirill sacrificed the bank for his trip to the possibly already dead queen?

“I think that Kirill went to England to bid farewell to the deceased queen on her last journey - according to the Orthodox rite,” Andrei Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper, shared his opinion.

– Why according to the Orthodox? England, it seems, is the patrimony of the Anglican Church.

– According to my version, which I outlined in my bestseller “The Metaphysics of Power” (2016), King George V of Great Britain is the German Emperor Nicholas II who fled from Russia. If this is so, then Elizabeth II is the daughter of King George VI of England, who, in turn, is the son of that same George V. If Nicholas-George was Orthodox, then Elizabeth II could be Orthodox, and not Anglican. Let's remember, Birth name is English. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, where "Alexandra" - perhaps tribute to the father of Nicholas II Alexandrovich. Patriarch Kirill, as a person privy to the secrets of the secret government, naturally knew such things. So I arrived. And this mission of his is much more important than owning a bank,” explained Andrei Tyunyaev.

After all this, the world became quiet. And the other day there was a whole bunch of messages that the queen had died after all. Among them are those who report that “Obama responded to the death of the Queen by decreeing the US Army on high alert.”

The report said the extraordinary press release was published and then quickly removed from the royal family's website. It reported that Queen Elizabeth had died.

“I have a special, reverent attitude towards the royal family and the queen, because she became the heroine of my science fiction novel “The Battle for the World Throne,” said Andrei Tyunyaev. – I know that the royal family reacted to the appearance of this book. In particular, immediately after the novel's release, Prince Charles ordered the killing of all the squirrels in the kingdom, and the English intelligence services put some of my resources on preview.

But now, after news of the queen's death surfaced, the royal family has deleted the press release. But the deleted press release appeared on Google. The search engine reported before the press release was taken down: news that Queen Elizabeth died in her sleep yesterday morning appeared briefly on the royal family's official website.

An official statement released by the Queen's press secretary at the request of Prince Charles claims that Queen Elizabeth II died in her sleep at Sandringham House after complications "in the past few weeks following her cough and chest infection at Christmas."

Rice. Screenshot of the press statement announcing Queen Elizabeth's death.

Prince Charles and Princess Anne (who recently inspected Russian Arkhangelsk alone - see here; here; here) were at Sandringham with the Queen.

“Perhaps the most important thing in this news is not that the queen is dead. In the end, she was already a very old woman,” noted Andrei Tyunyaev. – The main thing in the news is that this statement also says that Prince Charles will ascend to the throne. If this happens, the royal family will be able to resolve the difficult situation in which it finds itself due to the marriage machinations of Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, who does not correspond to the British crown. Let me remind you that before she was diagnosed with childlessness, she was announced several times that she was pregnant, and now she gave birth to two... At the birth of the first, the royal couple kicked out the Minister of Foreign Affairs so that he would not accuse them of switching the baby. I wrote about this in my novel “The Battle for the World Throne.” Now another prince, Harry, has also begun to look for wives from the third and even fourth world, dooming the British crown to rapid decline. Elizabeth II, although she herself was not particularly pure and not necessarily of royal blood, held this issue firmly. A year ago, she even admitted that it was the royal family that removed Diana because she fornicated with Arabs and, already, being pregnant from who knows who, endangered the British crown. All these questions mean nothing to the common man. And for kings this is the limit of truth. That is why the world has now warmed up to its pre-war state.

Marina Vetrova

The 90-year-old Queen of Great Britain has not appeared in public for two months, giving rise to fertile ground for political and conspiracy insinuations.

In a series of articles, the President newspaper tried to draw attention to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. She simply disappeared, and the world community “loving” her, like a flock of sheep, not paying any attention to this disappearance, stupidly continues its worthless path.

Meanwhile, the possible death of Queen Elizabeth II is already being considered by world politicians as a chance for Donald Trump to lead the British Commonwealth - see “Will Donald Trump Lead the British Commonwealth of Nations?” And it includes, in addition to England itself, Canada, Australia and the USA.

So, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain allegedly caught a bad cold. Therefore, they say, for the first time in 28 years she cannot take part in the traditional Christmas mass. This version of the queen’s disappearance was circulated by the court media and immediately reassured society with a “balanced” alternative: but the queen’s husband, Prince Philip, and other members of the royal family took part in the service.

It is clarified that for the first time in almost three decades, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, for good reason, does not take part in the annual Christmas mass, which traditionally takes place at Sandringham Palace in Norfolk, one of the favorite palaces of the monarch, reports Joinfo.ua with reference to The Guardian.

As the Kiev (wow!) journalist JoinInfoMedia found out, the queen will not be able to take part in the mass due to a severe cold, according to Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth II has canceled her Christmas plans due to her illness.

“The Queen continues to recover from a severe cold and remains indoors to improve her condition. "Her Majesty will take part in the Christmas celebrations with the royal family," the palace said, adding that the queen's husband Prince Philip and other members of the royal family will take part in the festive mass.

Note that the Queen has attended the traditional Christmas service at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene every year since 1988.

This is all certainly good. Looks like reality. But it’s not clear which side the Kiev journalist clung to the queen? But even if we omit this, the version with a disease in the form of a cold sounds stupid. If not, it’s wildly stupid.

Let us recall that for the first time the newspaper “President” drew public attention to the disappearance of Queen Elizabeth II in an article dated November 9, 2016 “Where did Elizabeth II go: did she convert to Orthodoxy, died or was reincarnated?”

The answer was deafening silence. And society remained silent. And the Windsors remained silent. And the search engines did not record any presence of the queen. Even a portrait of Elizabeth II was presented to society without her “>Is Queen Elizabeth alive? What is this strange portrait?

After this, Elizabeth II appeared at some ceremony “>Elizabeth II has been found! She paid tribute to the victims of armed conflict at a ceremony in London.” Although, it seemed to everyone that it was her double. And in the second half of November, the intelligence actress unsuccessfully tried to find out whether Elizabeth II was alive.

Elizabeth II has not appeared for two months now. If it's a cold, it's fatal.

Let us recall that a similar situation arose with Rothschild and Rockefeller. They also died on the 20th of June 2015, but have still not been declared either alive or dead.

The version that they were cloned in laboratories in Southeast Asia seems (to many conspiracy theorists) the most realistic (see the book “Human Metaphysics: People, Clones, Chimeras”).

Queen Elizabeth II was arrested for saying that 2017 will be “a year of slaughter the likes of which we have not seen since the Second World War.”

In response to our interpretation of the disappearance of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain (see “Queen Elizabeth II is still dead? This is the first time she did not participate in the Christmas service”), the English media published their version of her departure from society.

YourNewsWire.com published an article entitled “Queen Elizabeth Placed Under ‘House Arrest’ After Christmas Message,” reporting that Queen Elizabeth was allegedly placed under “house arrest” by the royal family itself .

And now the queen is not allowed to appear in public places. This happened after she attempted to uncover a global network of certain “dark forces” during the recording of her Christmas Message, a source from the BBC claims.

In this Message, the Queen listed the names of famous figures who are guilty of “the most terrible crimes against our people and our children.”

The Queen asked for forgiveness for hiding these facts and not speaking about it sooner, and asked her subjects to understand and forgive her, since she was hiding it simply to ensure her own survival.

BBC crew chiefs and palace advisers interrupted the recording of her Address after the Queen said 2017 would be "a year of carnage the likes of which we have not seen since the Second World War" because the evil forces of the global elite had already everything was prepared to achieve their goals in this war.

BBC staff were shocked. The Christmas Message was interrupted and a BBC crew chief urgently contacted the director. According to an insider, the director, after speaking with BBC executives, told them that the Queen had been “opening her mouth too much lately” and that “we should forget everything we just heard and get it over with.”

"He said not to make a scandal." A senior palace manager contacted Prince Charles and the heir to the throne said he would now “resolve the problem.” It is clear that the solution to the problem involves placing Queen Elizabeth under “house arrest,” which effectively deprives her of the opportunity to appear in public.

A few hours after lunch, the crew was informed that Queen Elizabeth would be recording a “clean” second take of the Christmas Message. After recording this second “clean” take of the Message, all of her traditional public appearances were cancelled.

Here is an English article. As we can see, in it Queen Elizabeth is shown ALIVE, but INCOMPATIBLE. And Prince Charles is the one who steers and understands. This is typical behavior of extras who think that in this way they really influence the course of things.

As we have already reported, the queen has been in another world for a long time. Her absence of almost two months cannot be the result of any late interview or any palace conspiracy.

As for the “year of slaughter,” the Zionist forces, that is, those same “dark forces,” clearly overestimate their capabilities. Although they have been obsessively trying to start a large-scale war for several years now. The biblical conflict in Donbass, constantly fueled by the Zionists, the biblical pseudo-war in Syria, the biblical discontent with the return of Crimea to Russia, the terrorist attack on the Tu-154 plane that took off from Sochi - all this is the march of a crazy cancerous tumor that has spread its metastases throughout all countries of the world (see. “Russian Tu-154 was blown up by the Khazars?”).

Yes, this form of cancer is extensive. However, I do not think that the World will not have weapons capable of resisting Zionism.

And the queen must be buried with honors and not hide her body, as the heirs of Rothschild and Rockefeller do, who do not show the World either living or dead bosses.

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Elizabeth II is one of the most influential women in the world, the head of the Windsor dynasty, and has been the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for more than 65 years. A flexible politician who knows how to defend her opinion, she is a symbol of her country and is especially popular and loved by the people.

Childhood and family

Elizabeth II is the eldest daughter of Prince Albert, born on April 21, 1926 at Mayfair Manor on Brewton Street during the reign of George V, who was her grandfather. The full name of the royal person is Elizabeth Alexandra Maria, the girl received the name in honor of her mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.

In 1936, after two decades of reign, King George, who loved his granddaughter very much, died. The throne passed to Edward VIII. In the name of love for the beautiful Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee, he abdicated the throne. The story of Edward and Miss Simpson is considered one of the greatest love stories of the 20th century, and it was the story that brought Elizabeth's father to the British throne, who was crowned George IV in May 1937.

George IV's brother Henry was considered the next contender for the throne, but he abandoned the role of heir to the throne in favor of Princess Elizabeth, who was barely 11 years old at that time.

As befits a princess, Elizabeth studied the humanities and exact sciences, but paid special attention to law, including international law, and received a decent education without leaving the palace. The princess's pride was her excellent knowledge of French, which she learned on her own.

In 1940, Princess Elizabeth made her first radio appearance: a thirteen-year-old girl from Buckingham Palace supported children affected by Nazi bombing. Princess Elizabeth's sincere words instilled hope in the British people, and she won sympathy even among some of the most critical citizens of the crown.

In 1943, the princess officially assumed the position of adviser. Contrary to popular belief, Elizabeth did not serve in the military, but she was a member of the women’s self-defense unit and learned to drive an ambulance, thereby setting an example for the women of Britain.

In 1947, on her birthday, Elizabeth again spoke on the radio, assuring the British people that her whole life would be dedicated to Britain. In the same year, her marriage to Philip, Prince of Denmark took place.

The gradually deteriorating health of the father and the unfavorable prognosis of the doctors required the almost constant presence of the future queen during official receptions, meetings and negotiations. By the beginning of 1951, no one had any doubts that the months were counting, and Elizabeth unofficially began to fulfill the duties of the monarch.


The news of the death of George IV overtook the princess in Kenya, where she and her husband spent several days at the Tree Tops Hotel, located among the branches of a huge century-old tree. According to some sources, on February 7, 1952, an entry appeared in the hotel guest register that for the first time in the history of civilization, a princess climbed a tree, but came down from it as a queen.

The coronation of the young queen took place on June 2, 1953 in the ancient cathedral of Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was broadcast on British national television, which contributed to the growing popularity of the new monarch. Millions of British people literally froze in front of their televisions, trying not to miss the slightest detail of the most spectacular and beautiful event in the history of Britain.

Despite the fact that in the post-war years the economy had just begun a long period of recovery, a huge amount was allocated from the treasury for the festive decoration of the streets. The dress of snow-white satin for the coronation ceremony was made by the court tailor Norman Hartnell; it was embroidered with the national emblems of Britain and the Commonwealth countries - English roses, Canadian maple leaves and Irish clovers, as well as other flowers that have a symbolic meaning for Britain.

In a golden open ceremonial carriage drawn by eight gray horses, the queen and her husband proceeded to Westminster Abbey, where the solemn coronation service took place.

Governing body

In strict accordance with the existing tradition of parliamentary monarchy, the queen performs functions that are exclusively representative in nature and has no right to influence the government of the country. After her coronation, Elizabeth II made a six-month tour of the British colonies, Commonwealth countries and many countries around the world.

In the spring of 1956, the Queen received Nikita Khrushchev, who served as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee of the USSR, who arrived in Britain with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Nikolai Bulganin. The top officials of the Soviet state presented memorable gifts to Elizabeth and family members, among which was a brooch with a royal blue sapphire surrounded by diamonds, as well as a painting by Ivan Aivazovsky and a sable cape.

During her reign, the Queen met with politicians, major entrepreneurs, scientists and cultural figures. Among the celebrities who were honored to visit Buckingham Palace over the years were Elizabeth Taylor, Yuri Gagarin and The Beatles, as well as presidents of various states.

In 1994, Elizabeth visited Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in 2003 hosted a reception in honor of President Vladimir Putin.

Fearing that the reputation of the British royal house would suffer from rumors that surrounded the unhappy marriage of Elizabeth's son Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, as well as caring for the happiness of her son, the Queen insisted on a divorce, the procedure for which began in 1996. Some part of British society did not approve of the queen's act, but subsequently the British were forced to admit that she was right.

Elizabeth II has been repeatedly called in the media the queen of people's hearts. The humanity and kindness of this woman, who remains faithful to her oath, which she took back in 1953, is the key to her popularity among the people.

Personal life of Elizabeth II

In his youth, Prince Philip, the grandson of the King of Greece, a tall, slender, blond man, was distinguished by his amazing beauty. At a tea party in Dartmoor in 1937, the young man did not immediately notice the thirteen-year-old girl, who did not take her rapturous eyes off him. After the reception ended, this girl, Princess Elizabeth, locked herself in her room and wrote a letter to the handsome prince.

The friendship that began with correspondence grew into love. King George did not approve of his daughter’s choice: it is known that he did not like the friendship of Philip’s father, the Greek Prince Andrew, with Adolf Hitler. Besides this, the prince was poor, and apart from his title, blue blood and tender love for Elizabeth, he had nothing.

In early 1940, Elizabeth and Philip became engaged in secret, and the king had to give in and allow what was to become one of the happiest and longest marriages in modern history. The relationship between Queen Elizabeth and Duke Philip is considered exemplary, but few people think that for the sake of his queen, Philip renounced his royal title and changed the Orthodox faith in which he was baptized to Catholicism.

In 1948, Elizabeth gave birth to her first child, Prince Charles. The second child was Princess Anna, born 2 years later. The third child of the royal family, Prince Andrew, was born in 1960, and the fourth, Prince Edward, in 1964. Queen Elizabeth II

The news about the first same-sex marriage in the history of the royal family between Ivar Mountbatten, Duke Philip's cousin, and his lover James Coyle, caused a lot of noise. The wedding ceremony took place in 2018 in Devon, but neither the queen nor her husband were present.

Despite her age, Elizabeth continues to fulfill her duties and represent the interests of Britain in different countries of the world. Defending the right to her own opinion, in 2017 she openly condemned the inappropriate behavior of Mr. Trump, as well as the belligerent policies of Kim Jong-un, and in 2018 she expressed hope that she would wait until the time when Russia would be ruled not by Mr. Putin, but by another person who have not lost touch with reality.

As is enshrined in the traditions of a constitutional monarchy, the queen should not interfere in politics, but the authority of Elizabeth II and her long reign allowed her to influence the course of events in a certain way. Queen Elizabeth II is the most influential woman in the world, but, as many researchers note, she has never used her influence for personal gain.

The modern Queen of England Elizabeth 2, whose biography is a description of the life of a person who witnessed a variety of eras, has been on the throne since 1952. Her reign is the longest in British history.

Family and childhood

On April 21, 1926, the future Queen of England Elizabeth 2 was born. It is difficult to imagine the biography of a member of the ruling dynasty without her pedigree. The girl was the daughter of the duke and his wife Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. The child's father was the son of King George V.

When the monarch died in 1936, the throne was inherited by his eldest son, Edward VIII (Elizabeth's uncle). However, he ruled for only a few months. According to the laws of the state, he had to marry a person equal to him in belonging to an aristocratic family. However, the king chose to tie the knot with a divorced woman from a non-royal circle - Bessie Simpson. It was the fact that she had already been married twice that outraged the government, which invited Edward to abdicate the throne. He really renounced power, and the throne unexpectedly passed to his younger brother, who took the crown name

This castling made ten-year-old Elizabeth heir to the world's largest British Empire. If George had had a boy, the title would have passed to him, but this did not happen. The future Queen Elizabeth 2 was in the center of public attention as a child as a representative of the new generation of the ruling Windsor dynasty.

Heir to the throne

The early biography of Queen Elizabeth 2 of England was consistent with her status as Princess of York. She lived with her parents in Kensington. One of her main hobbies since childhood was horse riding. The queen was faithful to this hobby throughout her youth. At the same time, the girl was taught a full range of sciences. Wide-ranging knowledge was a mandatory attribute for members of the Windsor dynasty, as they personified the best that the monarchy could give to the state. Particular emphasis in Elizabeth's education was placed on the humanities: religious studies, jurisprudence and art history. The child showed a remarkable interest in the French language, which was encouraged by the teachers.

The biography of Elizabeth 2 took a sharp turn when she became the heir of her father, the king. She and her parents moved to Buckingham Palace. Three years later, World War II began, and the carefree life ended with the first salvos of German guns on the continent.

Great Britain supported Poland and, together with its main ally France, declared war on the Third Reich. Despite the fact that the main political decisions were made by the government and parliament, it became an important symbol of the unity of the nation in the face of the growing Nazi threat. As a child, Elizabeth 2 faced completely unchildish dangers and experiences that all her peers had to endure.

During the Second World War

Despite the fact that Hitler never decided to send ground troops to the British Isles, his aircraft carried out regular bombings of English cities. The raids were especially persistent and frequent in the first years of the war, when the Wehrmacht victoriously occupied almost all of Europe. Elizabeth's father regularly visited the troops. Already in 1940, the heiress made her first public speech to her compatriots, addressed to the children of the country.

The future Queen of England Elizabeth 2 grew up in such an atmosphere. The biography of the child became an indicative cast of the era. In 1943, she visited the troops for the first time, visiting a grenadier regiment. A few months before Germany's surrender, Elizabeth joined the army and became a mechanic-driver of an auxiliary ambulance in a women's self-defense unit. The princess received the rank of lieutenant, and since today she is the current monarch, her military rank remains valid. This means that Elizabeth is the last non-retired World War II veteran in the entire world.

Wedding with Philip

With the advent of peace, the future Queen of England Elizabeth 2 also returned to her standard duties. The biography of the princess in 1947 was marked by her wedding to Philip Mountbatten.

In the first half of the 20th century, all the ruling European dynasties were closely intertwined. Philip was the grandson of the Greek King George I, as well as a member of the Danish royal family and a descendant of the British Queen Victoria. The newlyweds met as children in the 30s. After his marriage, Philip received the honorary title of Duke of Edinburgh. Despite the fact that he was born back in 1921, he is still in good health and regularly fulfills his dynastic duties. It is interesting that the Queen’s husband did not accept the title of Prince Consort, which was customary for his position, and remained Duke of Edinburgh.

Philip and Elizabeth had four offspring: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. All of them today have children and grandchildren, who, in turn, make up the extensive royal family of Great Britain. Charles, as the eldest son, became his mother's heir in 1952, when she took the royal throne, and remains so to this day.


Queen Elizabeth 2 came to the throne under unusual circumstances. In 1952, she and her husband went to Kenya, then a British colony, on vacation. It was in this exotic country that the heir to the throne received the sad news of the death of her father George V, who ruled the country for sixteen years.

It took several months to organize the coronation, which would symbolize the beginning of the reign of the new monarch. The ceremony was held in its traditional place - Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth 2 became the new queen. When the young 25-year-old ruler ascended the throne, the eyes of the whole world were turned in her direction in the literal sense of the word, because it was then for the first time at such an event that cameras were used to broadcast the event.

First years of reign

The British Queen Elizabeth 2 traveled a lot in her youth. She did not abandon this habit from the first days of her reign. With her accession to the throne, the ruler visited the countries that were part of the Commonwealth of British Colonies. In the 50s and 60s, the process of granting independence to these states, located in all parts of the world, began. Most of them were in Africa. In addition, for the first time in history, a British monarch visited Australia and New Zealand. This person turned out to be Queen Elizabeth 2. The ruler’s fascinating biography was superimposed on her unique status, which attracted the attention of the whole world to her person.

The queen did not forget about internal affairs in her homeland. She regularly met with parliamentary representatives and discussed the agenda. In 1957, the first political crisis broke out in the ruling party during its time on the throne. Back then they were conservatives. Prime Minister Anthony Eden resigned. Since the party did not have established mechanisms for electing its leader, the queen had to take responsibility into her own hands.

In her first steps in power, Elizabeth often consulted with the legendary Winston Churchill. After consultations with the venerable politician, it was decided to propose the candidacy of Harold Macmillan, which was accepted. He became the 65th Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1957 to 1964.

Relations with the Commonwealth of Nations

Even in her youth, it became clear that the future fate of Queen Elizabeth 2 would be connected only with serving her native country. She became a ruler in an era when in other countries the power of monarchs was either swept away by revolutions or became only a decorative appendage.

In Great Britain the situation was different. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were several empires that were somewhat similar to its state structure. For example, Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. In all these countries, monarchical institutions of power were dismantled after bloody wars. Great Britain avoided this.

However, after the Second World War it was clear that the imperial consciousness would have to be abandoned. Even under Elizabeth's father George VI, India, the jewel of the British crown, gained independence. Now the young ruler had to consistently abandon the remaining remnants of the past imperial era.

The most important tool for realizing this goal was British diplomacy did everything to establish friendly relations with its former colonies, while giving them a platform for conversation on equal terms. There were especially many problems in the African region, where revolutions and civil wars began after the departure of the British authorities.

Traditionally, Elizabeth devoted a lot of time to her country's relations with Canada. Until 1982, the British government had some say in domestic decision-making. After the reforms, such a system became a thing of the past, which was another step towards abandoning the previous British policy of interference in the affairs of its former colonies. However, Elizabeth remains the nominal Queen of Canada today. In 1976, she, as a monarch, opened the Olympic Games held in Montreal. Many years later she will take part in the same ceremony in London. The opening of that Olympics took place in 2012.

As for the current state of the Commonwealth of Nations, Elizabeth remains the head of this system today, although all organizational issues can be resolved without her participation, while the queen is a symbolic figure.

Tragedies of the Royal Family

Over the years, the personal life of the royal family, of which Elizabeth is the head, has become surrounded by more and more unpleasant and shocking news. In 1979, terrorists from the Irish Republican Army killed Prince Philip's uncle Louis Mountbatten. He was not only a close relative of the Queen, but was also an important statesman under George VI, in particular, he was the last Viceroy of India.

Mountbatten was on his yacht when a radio-controlled bomb planted by terrorists exploded on it. Several of his relatives and an Irish boy who worked on the ship died along with him. On the same day, the radicals' massacre was complemented by their organized attack on British soldiers, which killed 18 people.

A couple of years after this terrible tragedy, the heir to the throne, Elizabeth's son Charles, married Diana Spencer. The Princess of Wales enjoyed great popularity among the people due to her charitable and social activities.

The couple had two children - William and Harry. The eldest son is the next contender for the royal title after his father. However, the family life of Charles and Diana still failed. They had a difficult relationship. In the early 90s, the prince began dating another woman. This state of affairs was unacceptable for Elizabeth, who believed that the couple’s complicated personal life cast a shadow over the entire royal family. On her initiative, Charles and Diana divorced in 1996. This gave rise to a huge social scandal.

Before the passions had time to subside, in 1997 the UK was shocked by the shocking news of Diana's death in a car accident in Paris. A few years after this event, Prince Charles married his longtime girlfriend for the second time. The wedding took place in 2005, when his children from his first marriage had already grown up and lived independent lives.


Despite the scandals and tragedies that rocked Buckingham Palace from time to time, Elizabeth successfully carried out her royal duties for several decades. The British monarch, by tradition, was also the head of the Anglican Church, which was formed during the Reformation in the 16th century.

In the old days, there was a long conflict smoldering between Catholics and Protestants. In a new era, the time has come for a historic reconciliatory meeting of the heads of the two churches - the Pope and the British Queen. John Paul arrived in London in 1982. He was met by the Queen of England herself. Photos of these people spread all over the world.

At the same time, a conflict broke out between Great Britain and Argentina. The Queen did not make any formal decisions related to tactics and strategy. However, this conflict could not pass her by. Elizabeth's youngest son, Andrew, served in the British Army during this conflict and was a member of the helicopter crew.

The war began due to the uncertainty of the ownership of the Falkland Islands, located off the coast of Argentina. After almost three months of naval battles, Great Britain was victorious and retained the archipelago.

Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher

While Elizabeth made no decisions related to the war, the burden fell on the shoulders of another influential British woman, Margaret Thatcher. She was the country's leader and prime minister from 1981-1990. For her tough character and determination, the politician received the nickname “Iron Lady.” Thus, in the 80s, a female tandem was formed, which was at the head of the British state.

According to laws and traditions, the head of government held a working meeting every week, which was attended by Elizabeth 2. The Queen of Great Britain and her dynasty maintained close relations with Thatcher. From time to time, rumors spread throughout the country that fundamental disagreements had arisen between the prime minister and the monarch in domestic and foreign policy. These conversations were actively circulated by the press. Despite this, Thatcher herself and Elizabeth’s official representatives each time refuted such judgments.

At the same time, in the 80s, British society was going through difficult times. This was primarily due to the tense social situation. Due to the policies of austerity, privatization and monetarism, of which Thatcher was an adherent, the country was wandering on the brink of an economic crisis. Such measures were necessary for government reforms. The Queen, due to her status, usually found herself on the sidelines from the wave of public criticism.

Diamond Jubilee of the reign

In 2012, the Diamond Jubilee of the reign came (60 years), which was celebrated by the Queen of England. Photos of the country's celebrations made it onto the front pages of newspapers around the world. Elizabeth became the second after Queen Victoria to live to see this significant date.

The climax of the holiday was a parade of several hundred ships descending the Thames in London. According to statistics, this is the largest water procession in history. On June 4, a gala musical concert took place near the walls of Buckingham Palace. The Queen was personally congratulated by such legendary British performers as Paul McCartney, Elton John and others.

A year before, the biography of Elizabeth 2 and the entire royal family was marked by another joyful event. The ruler's eldest grandson and heir, William, got married. His wife was Catherine Middleton. In 2013, Elizabeth became a great-grandmother for the third time. William had a son and heir to the throne, George.

Modern status of the queen

The eventful biography of Queen Elizabeth 2 of England is an example of the life of a monarch who, over the years, increasingly renounced his former privileges and became a state figure performing representative functions. Today, the ruler continues to follow the traditions of her tenure on the throne. Once a year she organizes a speech before parliament.

The Queen also regularly meets ambassadors and diplomatic delegations. In previous years, she often traveled to various parts of the planet, but with age, the intensity of travel decreased. However, most recently, in 2011, Elizabeth went to Ireland. It was a historic visit. Great Britain and its western neighbor have been in conflict for centuries. In the 20th century, the Irish struggle for independence (including in Northern Ireland) took the form of terrorist attacks, which Elizabeth 2 herself witnessed. England, however, overcame this crisis and improved relations with Dublin.

Over the decades on the throne, the ruler has acquired her own style in dealing with parliament. As a rule, she tries to stay away from political fights between parties and supporters of different programs.

But it was the cold-blooded and unapproachable queen who had to make important decisions when crises occurred in parliament. For example, this happened in 1957 and 1963. In both cases, the prime minister resigned, and the ruling party could not decide on a successor. Then the queen herself chose the speaker of parliament. Each time this helped defuse the situation in Downing Street.

Today in Great Britain, every resident of the country knows about everything that Queen Elizabeth 2 of England is connected with. The biography, full name and other facts from her life are well known to everyone. She managed, despite the changeability of the modern era, to maintain the authority of the monarchy.

A few days ago, Meghan Markle’s father was invited to the channel’s studio, where he gave a long interview about his famous daughter. As it turned out, Thomas Markle very much regrets the staged footage that appeared on the Internet not so long ago, and also expresses admiration for his friendship with Prince Harry.

The Queen of Great Britain has lost her faithful friend and companion, a 15-year-old corgi dog named Willow. Unfortunately, this is the queen's last corgi, a representative of the glorious dynasty of noble dogs living at court. Its ancestor was a dog named Susan, which was given to young Elizabeth for her 18th birthday.

Yesterday it became known that Elizabeth II had appointed Prince Harry as youth ambassador to the Commonwealth of Nations by decree. Now the prince will represent Great Britain, as well as cooperate with the ambassadors of other countries that are its former colonies.

There is very little time left until the wedding of Prince Harry and his bride Meghan Markle. In this regard, more and more information is appearing in the press about how members of the royal family feel about the choice of Prince William’s brother. Today Kate Nicole reported that Elizabeth II is delighted with Markle.

Prince Harry's bride is preparing to undergo one of the main church sacraments - the rite of baptism, the ceremony of which will take place in March this year. Meghan Markle, who was raised in Protestant traditions and was the wife of a Jew, decided to accept Anglicanism as a sign of respect for Her Majesty the Queen.

The paparazzi recorded on their cameras how the royal family went to church on Sunday. The star of the shooting was Kate Middleton, who amazed everyone around her with her radiant smile and great mood.

In Great Britain there is a tradition of celebrating the Day of Remembrance of Fallen Soldiers. Every year on November 12, this ceremony is led by the reigning monarch. This year, the Queen decided to delegate this responsible mission to Prince Charles. What is it for?

The British royal family is currently hosting the Spanish monarchs. To mark the occasion, Elizabeth II held a state reception at Buckingham Palace last night. It was attended not only by the monarchs of Spain and many of the members of the British royal family, but also by numerous guests.

For those who follow the life of the British royal family, interesting news appeared on the Buckingham Palace website yesterday. Queen Elizabeth II has decided on a personal aide-de-camp who will accompany her to public events and meetings in place of her husband Prince Philip.



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