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Essay “What qualities love reveals in a person.”

Human personality is a deep concept. Character qualities become a reflection internal state person.

Harmonious relationships

Character traits are most clearly manifested in society. These include mental abilities, skills and abilities, outlook on life, principles and beliefs. A mature personality will be characterized by conscience, empathy, decency, hard work and other highly moral characteristics.

Not only age can reveal a person’s personality, but also love. If a person is self-sufficient, self-confident, constantly striving to develop, then this wonderful feeling will only reveal in him positive traits. His love will be noble and calm. He will strive to make his soulmate happy. The person will try to help and treat her with respect. But if the object of sympathy does not experience reciprocal feelings, then a mature person will accept this with dignity and will not make plans for revenge.

Unhealthy Expressions of Love

Sometimes a person suffers from immaturity. He may be characterized by selfishness, but he has never even heard of nobility. For such a person, love becomes a pathology. It will resemble perversion, not bright feelings.

It is unlikely that the object of sympathy will bother to say good words about him, respect and love. He will face frequent insults and devaluation of any achievements. At the same time, this person will demand blind adoration for himself. He will easily invent situations to blame and create a jealous scene. This is clearly an unhealthy relationship. Strong personality will not tolerate such an attitude, but a soft person will not be able to fight back.

A harmonious union is only possible if both partners are willing to invest equally in the relationship. These are adults and emotionally mature people who are ready for altruism, support, and love. They will not criticize and devalue each other. This is a strong union that is ready to confront the whole world, but not fight each other. The world would be ideal if relationships were built on such principles.

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Love is the highest manifestation human feelings, deep affection. It can be different: parents to their children and vice versa, between a man and a woman, love for their work in life, profession, for the Motherland. The theme of love is eternal: for thousands of years people of art, philosophers, poets and writers, composers and musicians, painters and sculptors have been singing it in their works.

The works of such Russian writers at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as Ivan Alekseevich Bunin and Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin also have their own vision on this topic. In their works we will find the thoughts that they wanted to convey to us, we will look at the heroes and their qualities that love revealed in them.

The tragedy and drama of love is shown to us by I.A. Bunin in his collection of stories " Dark alleys" In the story from this collection “Caucasus,” the hero loves his wife and acts nobly, decisively and courageously, “defending his honor, the honor of his husband and officer,” shooting himself in the temple after learning that she does not love him.

The tragedy, as it turned out in reality, is not that the happiness of the two lovers could not have happened, but that the deceived husband committed suicide. It is clear that the further relationship between wife and lover cannot be called happy if such a sin has fallen on their souls.

In his story “Olesya” A.I. Kuprin shows us the dedication and selflessness that a person is ready for for the sake of his loved one in order to prove his love. And although the feelings between Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich are sincere and mutual, their actions speak volumes about what qualities are inherent in them. It is clear that Olesya is much more responsible: she stepped over herself and her principles. The proof can be that she, a pagan, went to church for the sake of her chosen one. Ivan Timofeevich, on the contrary, is indecisive. He is ready to marry her, but the thought of Olesya’s grandmother, Manuilikha, “severely upset him.” It so happened that it was his fault that Olesya got hurt, but he could have prevented it: “Suddenly, a sudden horror of foreboding gripped me. I uncontrollably wanted to run after Olesya, catch up with her and ask, beg, even demand, if necessary, that she not go to church. But I restrained my unexpected impulse.”

“The Garnet Bracelet” tells the story of suffering love, which is repeated “only once in a thousand years.” Telegraph operator Zheltkov sincerely and unrequitedly loved Countess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina for seven years. He didn’t even try to win her sympathy and gave her a garnet bracelet - a family heirloom. During the meeting with Vera’s brother and her husband, he behaved with dignity and nobility, so Vera’s husband realized that Zheltkov felt only pure and sincere, suffering feelings for his wife. Realizing that Countess Sheina was tired of this whole story and she wanted it to end as quickly as possible, Zheltkov did not interfere with her life with his feelings, but could not suppress his love for her, and therefore did not see the point of further existence. Leaving this life, Zheltkov blessed his beloved: “Hallowed be Thy name.”

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: in a person who truly and sincerely loves, the best human qualities are revealed: selflessness, nobility, selflessness, courage and determination.

Love is the highest manifestation of human feelings, deep affection. It can be different: parents to their children and vice versa, between a man and a woman, love for their work in life, profession, for the Motherland. The theme of love is eternal: for thousands of years people of art, philosophers, poets and writers, composers and musicians, painters and sculptors have been singing it in their works.

The works of such Russian writers at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as Ivan Alekseevich Bunin and Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin also have their own vision on this topic.

In their works

We will find the thoughts that they wanted to convey to us, we will look at the heroes and their qualities that love revealed in them.

I. A. Bunin shows us the tragedy and drama of love in his collection of stories “Dark Alleys”. In the story from this collection “Caucasus,” the hero loves his wife and acts nobly, decisively and courageously, “defending his honor, the honor of his husband and officer,” shooting himself in the temple upon learning that she does not love him. The tragedy, as it turned out in reality, is not that the happiness of the two lovers could not have happened, but that the deceived husband committed suicide.

It is clear that the further relationship between wife and lover cannot be called happy if such a sin has fallen on their souls.

In his story “Olesya” A.I. Kuprin shows us the dedication and selflessness that a person is ready for for the sake of a loved one in order to prove his love. And although the feelings between Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich are sincere and mutual, their actions speak volumes about what qualities are inherent in them. It is clear that Olesya is much more responsible: she stepped over herself and her principles.

The proof can be that she, a pagan, went to church for the sake of her chosen one. Ivan Timofeevich, on the contrary, is indecisive. He is ready to marry her, but the thought of Olesya’s grandmother, Manuilikha, “severely jarred” him.

It so happened that through his fault Olesya suffered, but he could have prevented it: “Suddenly, a sudden horror of foreboding gripped me. I uncontrollably wanted to run after Olesya, catch up with her and ask, beg, even demand, if necessary, that she not go to church. But I restrained my unexpected impulse.”

“The Garnet Bracelet” tells the story of suffering love, which is repeated “only once in a thousand years.” Telegraph operator Zheltkov sincerely and unrequitedly loved Countess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina for seven years. He didn’t even try to win her sympathy and gave her a garnet bracelet - a family heirloom. During the meeting with Vera’s brother and her husband, he behaved with dignity and nobility, so Vera’s husband realized that Zheltkov felt only pure and sincere, suffering feelings for his wife.

Realizing that Countess Sheina was tired of this whole story and she wanted it to end as quickly as possible, Zheltkov did not interfere with her life with his feelings, but could not suppress his love for her, and therefore did not see the point of further existence. Leaving this life, Zheltkov blessed his beloved: “Hallowed be Thy name.”

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: in a person who truly and sincerely loves, the best human qualities are revealed: selflessness, nobility, selflessness, courage and determination.

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Love... This is a bright, wonderful feeling. It is multifaceted in its manifestations. One of them is patriotism. In difficult wartime conditions, this feeling motivates a person to perform feats and reveals in him such qualities as courage and devotion to his homeland.

The idea of ​​this sounds in the works of many Russian writers. Let us remember “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy. It is dedicated to the feat of pilot Alexei Meresyev, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. During the next combat mission, his plane was shot down by the Germans and fell into territory occupied by the enemy. Meresyev survived, but seriously injured both legs. Not wanting to surrender to the enemy, the pilot made the decision to reach his own people, despite the injuries he received. Driven by memories of home, mother, beloved girl, the desire to once again take the fighting machine into the air in order to fight to the last drop of blood against the invaders and liberate the Motherland from the enemy, Meresyev crawled through the snow “to his friends” for eighteen days without food or water. The exhausted fighter, in a semi-conscious state, was found by village boys. In a military hospital, both legs affected by gangrene were amputated. Meresyev did not want to come to terms with the idea that he would remain disabled and would never again be able to take to the skies and destroy fascist planes. The desire to return to duty again, fight the enemy, and defend his native country helped this man not only learn to walk on prosthetics, but also dance on them. At the cost of incredible physical effort, after long training, Alexey Meresyev fulfilled his dream - without legs, on prosthetics, he lifted a combat vehicle into the sky and again began to shoot down fascist planes. In 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Thus, using the example of the life story of pilot Alexei Meresyev, we can conclude that love for the Motherland reveals to a person such qualities as courage and heroism, gives determination and forces him to fight to the end.

Like Alexei Meresyev, love for the Motherland helps Prince Andrei, the hero of the epic novel by L.N., to accomplish a feat. Tolstoy "War and Peace". During the Battle of Austerlitz, Bolkonsky sees that a mass flight of soldiers from the battlefield has begun. He understands that this manifestation of cowardice undermines the honor of the Russian army. Forgetting about everything, driven by a sense of patriotism, Prince Andrei, under a hail of bullets and shells, raises the banner and goes on the attack alone. As he expected, his action helped to raise the morale of the fearful soldiers and resume the offensive. It was love for the Motherland that prompted Prince Andrei to commit such a heroic act and revealed in him such qualities as courage and valor.

The fact that love for the Motherland gives people the strength to overcome all the horrors of wartime and often contributes to the manifestation of the best human qualities is also said in the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Being captured by the Germans, a soldier Soviet army Andrei Sokolov ends up in a concentration camp and is sentenced to death for speaking too freely to his superiors. Concentration camp commandant Müller wants to shoot the daring Soviet prisoner himself. However, before the execution, he wants to conduct a kind of psychological experiment: he invites Andrei Sokolov to drink a glass of vodka for the victory of German weapons for courage. The main character of the story, being a true patriot, cannot betray his Motherland even in words, so he agrees to drink only for his own death. Müller, admired for his courage and loyalty Soviet soldier his country, leaves Andrei Sokolov alive and even gives him bread and lard. Thus, if a soldier loves his Motherland, he will refuse to betray it even in words, and in extreme life situation will show incredible courage.

Summing up my thoughts, I would like to recall the words of J. Rousseau, who repeatedly repeated: “The greatest feats of virtue are performed out of love for the Fatherland.” Indeed, patriotism raises the morale of soldiers, reveals in them such qualities as bravery, bravery and loyalty to the Motherland. Therefore, love for the Fatherland is a feeling that plays an important role in war time, since without it it is impossible to defeat the enemy.

Love is a feeling of trust and affection for a person. Love brings completely different emotions to people's lives: for some it inspires, to overcome difficulties or to improve themselves, but for others, on the contrary, it brings pain, disappointment and fear. Despite this, in my opinion, love is a wonderful feeling that everyone dreams of experiencing. But can love change a person's life? How does it affect your character?

Love brings out the best in a person. For the sake of our loved ones, we are ready to change something in our lives, constantly work on ourselves to be better. I found confirmation of my point of view in the novel “Oblomov” by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov.

The main character of the work, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, before meeting Olga Ilyinskaya, spent his entire life lying on the sofa. He thought and dreamed a lot, but acted little. He did not love life, was not interested in anything, was lazy, apathetic and cowardly. Love for Olga temporarily changes the hero. Ilya Ilyich begins to read books, takes an interest in art, goes to the theater and for walks, and becomes more decisive. However, after a while he gets tired of all this and returns to his old life. Although Oblomov's love for Olga Ilyinskaya could not completely change his life, it revealed his best qualities: kindness, patience, determination and sincerity. This proves that for the sake of a loved one, people are ready to improve and become better.

Love also reveals such character qualities as perseverance and courage, because for the well-being of loved ones a person is ready to make self-sacrifice. I became convinced that this is exactly the case after reading Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” The main character of the work, Margarita, was the wife of a wealthy man, but she did not love him and was not happy with him. She met the Master, with whom she later fell in love and began secretly dating him. The Master devoted his entire life to working on novels about the Concept of Pilate, but the first attempts to publish it caused a huge wave of criticism, which is why the Master went crazy and burned his novel, and also decided to go to a hospital for the mentally ill and asked to leave him there. Margarita, being in complete despair, decided to make a deal with the devil Woland in order to save her lover. The heroine became the hostess of the "Satan's Ball", and in exchange for this, Woland returned the Master and gave the lovers eternal peace. In my opinion this is very a brave deed from the outside main character. Thus, using the example of the relationship between the Master and Margarita, the author shows that love reveals such character qualities as courage and determination, since loving person ready to go to great lengths for the well-being of loved ones.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that sincere love has incredible power. It is capable of revealing all the best qualities that exist in a person, it is capable of inspiring and encouraging a person to overcome many difficulties in life.



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