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Social origin of Zhilin and Kostylin. Learning to write an essay. Zhilin and Kostylin (comparative characteristics of heroes). Fighting your own abilities

In 5th grade we begin to learn how to write essays. The first essay in the genre of comparative characteristics is “Zhilin and Kostylin” (based on the story by L.N. Tolstoy “ Prisoner of the Caucasus"). Together with the guys, we draw up a plan and write an introduction together. I present several of the most successful works of fifth-graders.


Zhilin and Kostylin: comparative characteristics of heroes

(based on the story by L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)


1. Introduction

2. Main part

2.1. How do heroes behave in a situation of mortal danger? (Meeting with the Tatars, when the heroes are captured)

2.2. How do heroes behave when a ransom is demanded from them?

2.3. How do heroes behave in captivity?

2.4. How do the heroes behave during their escape?

2.5. What was the fate of the heroes?

3. Conclusion.

3.1. How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect?

L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” makes us think about these questions.

When Zhilin met the Tatars, he shouted to Kostylin: “Bring the gun!” But Kostylin was not there, he ran away like the last coward. Then Zhilin thought: “Even though I am alone, I will fight to the last!” I won’t give in alive!”

In captivity they behave differently. Zhilin made dolls, repaired things and thought about how to escape. Kostylin slept and did nothing.

Zhilin did not immediately write a letter, so as not to upset his relatives, but Kostylin quickly wrote a letter and waited for the ransom.

Zhilin tried to find a way to escape, and Kostylin lowered his hands and waited for them to be rescued. Residents of the village treat Zhilin with respect. The attitude towards Zhilin is much better than towards Kostylin, because Zhilin helped everyone, repaired things, made dolls, treated people, and did not lie and sleep.

The characters of these heroes are completely different. Zhilin is stubborn, always gets his way and wins, he wanted to escape - he was the first to escape, and Kostylin was ransomed barely alive. I would imitate Zhilin, as he is brave, worthy of respect, and persistent.

It was not very pleasant for me to read about Kostylin, he always hesitated, was lazy, but I enjoyed reading about Zhilin: he was captured again because of Kostylin, but even the second time he offers to run away with him, does not abandon him.

People, finding themselves in the same circumstances, behave differently because they have different characters. Some people command respect because even in difficult situations they do not lose their pride and dignity.

You need to accustom yourself to dignity from childhood in order to do the same as Zhilin in a difficult situation.

Chugunova Sofia, 5 "A" class

Why do people behave differently when faced with the same circumstances? Why do some evoke our respect, while others - contempt? The story of L.N. makes you think about these questions. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

“Two officers served in the Caucasus: Zhilin and Kostylin,” this is how the story begins.

One day they left the fortress, accompanied by soldiers. It was a hot summer then, and the convoy was moving very slowly. Kostylin suggested that Zhilin go alone, because he had a gun.

Having driven into the gorge, they saw the Tatars. Kostylin forgot at that very second both about his friend and about the gun and rushed headlong into the fortress. He did not think that Zhilin was in great danger. Kostylin didn’t even want to try to help his comrade. When Zhilin realized that he could not escape the pursuit, he decided that he would not give up so easily and would kill at least one Tatar with a saber.

Zhilin was nevertheless captured. He had been in the village for several days already. The Tatars immediately began to demand ransom. Soon Kostylin was brought to the village. It turns out that he had already written a letter home asking for a ransom of five thousand rubles to be sent. Zhilin is bargaining because he is thinking about his mother, who will not be able to find that kind of money. And he writes the address on the letter incorrectly, since he decided to escape from captivity on his own.

In captivity, Zhilin did not become limp. He made dolls for Dina and other children, repaired watches, “treated” or walked around the village. Zhilin was looking for a way to escape. I was digging in the barn. And Kostylin “only slept or sat in the barn for whole days and counted the days until the letter would arrive.” He did nothing to save himself.

And so they ran away. Kostlin constantly complained of pain in his legs, shortness of breath, he did not think about caution, he screamed, although he knew that a Tatar had recently driven past them. Zhilin behaved like a man. He did not escape from captivity alone, but called Kostylin. He put Kostylin, who was aching from pain in his legs and fatigue, on his shoulders, although he himself was not in in better shape. This escape attempt nevertheless failed due to Kostylin’s behavior.

In the end, Zhilin escaped from captivity. Dina helped him with this. Kostylin was bought out barely alive a month later.

This is how different characters influence a person’s destiny. Zhilin commands my respect for his a strong character, courage, endurance, ability to stand up for oneself and for a friend, determination. Kostylin only gets contempt because of his cowardice and laziness.

It seems to me that qualities worthy of respect need to be cultivated small, because this is how we begin to cultivate in ourselves the qualities that Zhilin possessed!

Elizaveta Osipova, 5 "A" class

How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect? Why do people behave differently when faced with the same circumstances? Why do some evoke our respect, while others - contempt? L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” makes us think about these questions.

Zhilin and Kostylin are two officers who served in the Caucasus.

Kostylin, when he saw the Tatars, showed his cowardice and abandoned his comrade in trouble: “And Kostylin, instead of waiting, as soon as he saw the Tatars, he ran as fast as he could towards the fortress.” Zhilin, unlike Kostylin, showed himself heroically and fought for his freedom to the end: “... I won’t give in alive.”

When they were both taken prisoner and they began to demand a ransom from them, Kostylin was afraid for his life and did everything as the owner told him. Zhilin was not afraid of the Tatar threats and did not want to pay the ransom, as he planned to escape.

Kostylin sat in the barn all day long, waiting for money. Zhilin proved himself to be a skillful person and worthy of the owner’s trust. But when Zhilin walked around the village, he tried to come up with an escape plan.

When Zhilin suggested that Kostylin flee, he tried to dissuade him, he was afraid that they would be noticed. Zhilin knows from the stars which direction to go. But Kostylin did not last long; he gives up and tells his comrade to leave him. Zhilin was not a person like Kostylin, and therefore could not abandon his comrade in trouble. The Tatars noticed them, “...they grabbed them, tied them up, put them on horses, and drove them away.”

The life of the heroes has become even worse. But Zhilin, even in such a situation, continued to think about escape. When he suggested this to his comrade, Kostylin, it seems to me, committed the only human act. He didn't want to be a burden to his comrade. Zhilin successfully escaped from captivity, “and Kostylin, barely alive, was brought in only a month later.”

Each person behaves differently in the same situations. I think because of human qualities. Some people think only about themselves, like Kostylin. Others, such as Zhilin, think about others: “... it’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

Some people command respect because they think not only about themselves, but also about others. They do not despair, but continue to fight, like Zhilin: “... I won’t give in alive.” Others do whatever they are told. And they abandon their comrades, like Kostylin: “And Kostylin, instead of waiting, as soon as he saw the Tatars, he ran as fast as he could towards the fortress.”

It seems to me that these qualities are brought up in the family. We must overcome our fears.

Volkov Pavel, 5 "A" class

Why do people behave differently when faced with the same circumstances? Why do some evoke our respect, while others - contempt? Zhilin and Kostylin are the heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy, officers.

When meeting with the Tatars, Zhilin showed courage, fearlessness and did not want to give up completely, but Kostylin acted like a coward and a traitor. He left his comrade in trouble and ran away.

When they demanded a ransom from Zhilin and Kostylin, our heroes behaved differently. Zhilin bargained and did not yield, and besides, he wrote the wrong address. He's like a real man, counted only on own strength. Kostylin, on the contrary, did not resist and wrote a letter asking to be redeemed for five thousand coins.

In captivity, Zhilin and Kostylin manifest themselves differently. Zhilin tried to win over the village residents. He was a jack of all trades: he fixed things, made toys for children and much more. Meanwhile, Kostylin did nothing, slept and waited for the ransom. Zhilin believed in himself and hoped for the best, but Kostylin showed his laziness, cowardice and weakness.

During the escape, Zhilin showed courage and devotion towards his comrade. Zhilin was more resilient than Kostylin, although he was tired, he continued to walk. Kostylin was weak and unstable. That's why they were caught.

The fate of our heroes turned out differently. Zhilin did not lose hope and made a second escape. This escape turned out to be successful. Kostylin was bought out a month later. He was barely alive.

Thus, throughout the entire story, Zhilin demonstrates his courage and courage, and Kostylin demonstrates laziness and cowardice.

People, finding themselves in the same circumstances, behave differently, because not everyone has enough self-control and fortitude... Some are stronger, some are weaker. I think it all depends on the character of the person. Some people command our respect because they do good and courageous deeds, while others deserve contempt because they are cowardly and show bad sides of their character. To cultivate qualities worthy of respect, you must try to overcome your fears and sometimes not be afraid to take risks.

Galkina Tatyana, 5 "A" class

Officer Kostylin is bright in Leo Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” minor character. He is the complete opposite of the main character Ivan Zhilin both in appearance (the first is dry, slender and fit, the second is overweight, thick and puffy) and in character.

If Zhilin a real hero and a model of courage and honor, then Kostylin is a rather vile, selfish and weak-willed person who will not disdain betrayal for his own benefit.

Characteristics of the hero

("A worker arrived, and a fat man, barefoot and ragged, was following him; there's also a pad on my foot"- this is how another officer, Kostylin, ends up in captivity with Zhilin)

Kostylin - a rich and influential Russian officer noble origin, having a high enough rank for his superiors to allow him leave. Together with Zhilin, he sets out on a journey with a military convoy and is captured by the Tatars. When the mountaineers attack, Kostylin, who had a gun with him, does not even have time to use it, because, having lost his head from fear, and cowardly abandoning his comrade to the mercy of fate, he tries to run away. But he is caught and captured, he finally becomes limp and is ready to agree to all the conditions of his captors, just to gain freedom.

Frightened and lost, he immediately obediently agrees to write a letter demanding a ransom for five thousand coins, although the smart and sensible Zhilin is trying to at least bargain with the Tatars for at least a little food and clean clothes. In captivity, he behaves like a weak and spineless person, not trying to do anything, and simply waiting for money to be paid for him. Zhilin begins to dig, and Kostylin does not even try to help him, passively observing his efforts. He does nothing, doesn’t go out anywhere, unlike the active and enterprising Zhilin, and all day long he either waits for a letter from home with news of the ransom, or simply sleeps.

During the first escape, Kostylin, pampered and not accustomed to difficulties, constantly whines and moans, agrees to let the thin and emaciated Zhilin with his cut legs drag him on himself. As a result, a chase was organized and they were caught. As punishment, they put him in a deep hole in the ground, the pessimist Kostylin, having finally lost all hope of freeing himself, loses heart and meekly awaits his fate. When Kostylin tries to escape a second time, he refuses to even climb out of the hole and no longer tries to overcome any difficulties. Zhilin successfully makes a second escape and, having recovered from captivity, continues to serve in the Caucasus, and Kostylin is released a month after the ransom arrives, sick, exhausted and barely alive.

The image of the hero in the work

("Kostylin wrote home again, still waiting for the money to be sent, and was bored. He sits in the barn all day and counts the days until the letter arrives, or sleeps")

All story line Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is built on the contrast of the characters and behavior of two central characters: Zilina and Kostylina. In a difficult life situation, in which they find themselves, each of them behaves differently and will show hidden traits of their character: someone bravely and courageously fights for their freedom, someone cowardly and passively waits for salvation from the outside. Using the example of these heroes, the author wanted to show readers what a real person should be like and what he should not be.

Tolstoy even chose the surnames for his heroes for a reason, because Zhilin is immediately associated with strength, wiry, endurance and strength, and Kostylin echoes the word crutch, i.e. with weak person who needs support and support. All actions and behavior of Zhilin in the events described in the story evoke respect and pride for our Russian people, and Kostylin - condemnation and even contempt for his cowardice, weakness and betrayal. Zhilin truly deserved the right to be free, because he put all his efforts into this, and Tolstoy sincerely admires his qualities and shows sincere sympathy for him. And it’s probably not without reason that the word “prisoner” is included in the title of the story. singular, because of course, this story is dedicated to Zhilin, and certainly not to Kostylin.

The most striking are those works in which the main characters are completely different. It is these characters that are the basis of Leo Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Characters- Zhilin and Kostylin. These men have different destinies and characters. The story tells about their life in captivity of the Tatars and their attempt to escape. But the path to freedom is thorny, and in particular because these two officers are the complete opposite of each other.

First meeting of comrades

The events take place during the war. Officer Zhilin received a letter from his mother. She asks her son to return. Ivan, that’s the man’s name, considers the offer and agrees. It was dangerous to travel alone, so the soldiers walked in a column. The group moved slowly, and the thought that it was better to go alone came to his mind. As if hearing his thoughts, another officer, Kostylin, invites him to continue the journey together.

First Zilina and Kostylina are very important for further development events. The author does not talk about what he looks like main character, but gives a description of Kostylin. He is rough with sweat dripping off him due to the heat. After making sure that he has a loaded weapon and vowing to stick together, Zhilin agrees to the invitation.

Ambush and unexpected betrayal of a friend

The comrades are leaving. The entire path lies through the steppe, where the enemy is clearly visible. But then the road runs between two mountains. At this point a conflict of views arises. In the scene, there is a comparison between Zhilin and Kostylin in terms of their sense of danger.

Two excellent warriors perceive the mountain gorge differently. Zhilin sees a potential threat and is sure that the Turks can ambush behind the rock. Kostylin is ready to move forward, despite possible risk. Leaving his friend below, Ivan climbs the mountain and sees a group of horsemen. The enemies notice the officer and gallop towards him. Zhilin shouts at Kostylin to pull out his gun. But he, seeing the Tatars, rushes into the fortress.

Comparative characteristics Zhilin and Kostylin will be incomplete without considering this situation in more detail. The first cared about the safety of both, while the second, under difficult circumstances, thought only about own life. Kostylin left his comrade without a weapon. Ivan fought back for a long time, but the forces were unequal. He was taken prisoner. But already at the Tatars he learns that his unfortunate friend was also ambushed.

Second and unexpected meeting of former friends

The man spent some time in a closed barn. Then he was taken to the house of the Tatars. There they explained to him that the man who captured the soldier sold him to another Tatar. And he, in turn, wants to receive a ransom of 3,000 rubles for Ivan. The officer, without hesitation for a long time, refused and said that he could not afford such an amount. The most he can offer is 500 gold. The last word it was firm and unshakable. His comrade is brought into the room.

And the appearance of Zhilin and Kostylin is very different. The second officer is fat, barefoot, exhausted, ragged, with stocks on his feet. Zilina is no better, but the thirst for fight has not yet died out in him. The new owner sets Kostylin as an example and says that he will be accepted for a ransom of 5,000 rubles.

The author shows how humbly he accepts an offer of such a high price. Ivan achieved that the price for his soul would be But still he understands that his mother, who lives on the money that he himself sends to her, would have to sell everything in order to free her son. Therefore, the officer writes the wrong address so that the letter does not arrive. The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin when establishing the ransom amount indicate that the first officer takes care of his mother, even if he is threatened with death. Kostylin is not worried about how money is raised for his release.

Attempting to escape from the enemy

Time passes. Leo Tolstoy vividly describes the everyday life of Zhilin. A man wins the heart of his owner's daughter when he makes clay dolls for her. He gains respect in the village as a master, and even through cunning - as a doctor. But every night, when the shackles are removed, he digs a passage under the wall. He works during the day, thinking about which direction he should run. The characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity are completely opposite. Zhilin does not sit still, unlike his comrade. And he sleeps or is sick all the time, waiting for the storm associated with the death of one of the Tatar warriors to pass.

One night Zhilin decides to run away. He also offers this to his cellmate. Kostylin is skeptical about this. He states that they do not know the way and will get lost at night. But the argument that because of the death of a Tatar, they, like Russians, can take revenge, finally convinces him.

Fighting your own abilities

The prisoners act. Trying to get out, the clumsy Kostylin makes a noise. The dogs growled. But the prudent Ivan fed the dogs for a long time. Therefore, they quickly calmed down their commotion. They get out of the village, but the fat man is out of breath and falls behind. He gives up very quickly and asks to leave him.

The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin are a competition between cowardice and strength. Both are tired. The night is impenetrable, they are forced to go almost by touch. Bad boots rub your feet until they bleed. Kostylin stops and rests over and over again. Subsequently, he becomes exhausted and says that he is unable to continue his journey.

Then his friend pulls him on his back. Because Kostylin screams in pain, they are noticed and tracked down. Before dawn, the comrades were caught and this time thrown into a hole. And there the portrait of Zhilin and Kostylin is opposite. An officer thirsty for freedom is trying to dig a hole, but there is nowhere to put the earth and stones.

More and more often we hear talk from enemies that Russians need to be killed.

Finale and will

The owner's daughter comes to the rescue. She lowers a pole into the hole, along which, with the help of a friend, Zhilin climbs up the mountain. The weak Kostylin remains with the Tatars. He runs away with his legs shackled, but nevertheless gets to his army.

After some time, they pay money for Kostylin. He returns barely alive. This is where the work ends. The author does not say what awaits the characters with the last names Zhilin and Kostylin. The heroes had different destinies, the first relied only on their own capabilities, the second was waiting for manna from heaven. They are two poles that are guided by different principles and rules. If Zhilin is stubborn, courageous and freedom-loving, then his partner in misfortune is weak, lazy and cowardly.

A wonderful-hearted officer

The main characters of Leo Tolstoy are Zhilin and Kostylin. This story is about two officers. The first fought bravely, the second humbly accepted everything that life had in store for him. Zhilin is characterized by such a trait as care. He thinks about the old mother when they asked for a ransom, worries about the fate of his friend, so he does not leave him in the village of enemies, for the girl who helped him get out of the hole.

She is ordered to hide the pole that she brought so that Zhilin can rise. His heart is full of kindness and love. The officer fell in love with the simple, peaceful people of the Tatars. Therefore, it makes their life easier in every possible way. He is a symbol of everything bright and sincere in the work.

Kostylin - hero or anti-hero?

Kostylin is often considered a negative hero. He abandoned his comrade in trouble, distinguished himself by laziness and weakness, and brought danger to both of them. There is nothing to say about the cowardice of a man, because every now and then helplessness is manifested in his actions.

But is Kostylin really as weak in his soul as he is on the outside? Somewhere deep in his heart he is brave and strong. Although some of this borders on unreasonableness. It was he who suggested that his comrade separate from the group and gallop first. He was also ready to walk between the mountains without even making sure whether it was safe there. No less courage was needed to decide to escape, which he had not planned and for which he was not prepared either physically or mentally.

The characterization of Zhilin and Kostylin is an analysis of two opposing types of courage. But Kostylin showed more courage when he refused to repeat the escape attempt. Moreover, as best I could, I helped my friend get out of the hole. He understood all his weakness and did not dare to set his comrade up again. It is in such actions that the secret of his essence lies.

Leo Tolstoy skillfully created a gallery bright images in his works. The story tells about two different characters of people, in which selfishness and loyalty, cowardice and courage are contrasted. The author shows how these heroes behave differently in the same situations.

The main character is an officer, a brave and devoted man. Kostylin is also the main character, a kind of antipode to Zhilin. He is a Russian officer serving in the vast Caucasus.

From portrait characteristics it becomes known that Kostylin was no different physical strength, was very pampered and lazy. His last name is very eloquent. It comes from the word crutch. What is a crutch? This is a support for people who have sore legs. It can be assumed that the author is hinting that the hero needed outside help just like sick people on a crutch. As the plot develops, we become convinced that such a guess is justified. Kostylin does not know how to make decisions on his own, he runs away from problems in the literal and figurative sense.

At the beginning of the story, Kostylin is positioned as a friend of Zhilin. He accompanies Zhilin when he goes home on vacation. Together they break away from the main group of people in order to quickly get to their homes. But even such an act is ambiguous. Kostylin quickly fell under the influence of other people. And so he went with Zhilin because he asked him to, and not because he was worried about his friend. When Zhilin saw that the enemies were approaching, he shouted to Kostylin, calling for help. Kostylin had a weapon, but still he is a coward and runs away without waiting for Zhilin. Thus, the hero commits a cruel betrayal.

Zhilin is captured by the Tatars, despite all the courage with which he fought them off. However, being unarmed, there was little he could do. By the will of fate, Kostylin is also captured by the same Tatar. Betrayal does not save the hero from a terrible fate. Russian officers are locked in a barn and put in stocks.

Their “owner” demands that they write letters to their relatives asking for a ransom for them. Zhilin is cunning and writes the wrong address on the letter so as not to upset his poor mother. And Kostylin at this moment can only think about himself, and therefore fulfills all the demands of the mountaineers. He behaves passively in captivity and does not help his friend develop an escape plan.

When the Russian officers escape from captivity for the first time, Kostylin behaves horribly. He constantly complains about chafing his feet. And Zhilin has to bear it on himself. As a result, they were caught and taken back to the village.

Kostylin is one of the main characters in Leo Tolstoy’s story, a physically weak, selfish person capable of betrayal.



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