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Specifics of personality self-realization in social spheres of life. Self-realization: using existing potential

Professional self-realization personality begins with professional self-determination, that is, with the choice of profession. The choice of profession is influenced by the following factors: the position of parents and relatives, the position of teachers and class teachers, personal professional and life plans, abilities and their manifestation, awareness of a particular profession, interests and inclinations. In conditions market economy it is also necessary to take into account the socio-economic demand for a particular profession, the real opportunities for training and employment in the chosen profession, its material and social significance.

According to the theory of Russian psychologist E.A. Klimov, a professional choice can be considered successful if the individual characteristics of the optant (chooser) correspond to one of five types of professions: man - man, man - nature, man - technology, man - sign system, man - artistic image. Economic specialties, for example, according to this classification belong to the “person - sign system” type. And in order to successfully work in any profession of this type, you need special abilities to mentally immerse yourself in the world symbols, distract from the actual objective properties of the surrounding world and focus on the information that certain signs carry. When processing information, the tasks of control, verification, accounting, processing of information, as well as the creation of new signs and sign systems arise.

There are other theories of professional self-determination. For example, the theory of the American psychologist J. Holland states that professional choice is determined by which of the six personality types is formed to at this moment: realistic, exploratory, social, artistic, entrepreneurial or conventional type. For clarity, let’s take a closer look at the last two personality types:

Entrepreneurial type - risk-taking, energetic, dominant, ambitious, sociable, impulsive, optimistic, pleasure-seeking, adventurous. Avoids monotonous mental work, unambiguous situations, and activities involving manual labor. Professional choice includes all types of entrepreneurship.

Conventional type - conformist, conscientious, skillful, inflexible, reserved, obedient, practical, inclined to order. Professional choices include banking, statistics, programming, economics.

After choosing a profession, a person decides on the method of obtaining the appropriate specialty, place of work and position. And further professional self-realization is associated with the professional development and self-improvement of a professional, with his desire to reach the pinnacle of professionalism (acme). "Acme" in the field professional activity- this is the stability of high work results, reliability in solving complex professional problems in non-standard conditions, professional and creative inspiration, as well as an individual style of professional activity.

Professional self-improvement in our time is necessarily connected with continuous education, which includes organized training in educational institutions and self-education. Self-education fulfills the need of a professional to be an independent, competent and competitive person. Professional self-education as an independently carried out activity aimed at improving professionalism includes:

^ mastering new values ​​and approaches to professional activities;

^ professional education, that is, the development of new ideas, technologies, etc.

^ understanding (reflection) of one’s own experience and forecasting further work.

Today, there are several periodizations of professional self-realization of the individual. For example, psychologist Su-per (USA) divides the entire professional path of a person into five stages:

Growth stage (from birth to 15 years). Already in childhood, the professional “I-concept” begins to develop. In their games, children play different roles and try themselves in different activities. They show interest in certain professions.

Research stage (from 15 to 25 years). Boys and girls, based on an analysis of their interests, abilities, values ​​and capabilities, think through options for a professional career, select a suitable profession and begin to master it.

Stage of career consolidation (from 25 to 45 years). Employees try to take a strong position in their chosen activity. If in the first half of this stage a change of place of work and specialty is possible, then by the end of it, in the process of professional self-improvement, the individual reaches the pinnacle of his “acme”, that is, the pinnacle of professionalism.

Stage of maintaining what has been achieved (from 45 to 65 years). Workers try to retain the position in production or service that they previously achieved, and continue their self-improvement in order to keep up with the times.

Decline stage (after 65 years). The physical and mental strength of older workers begins to wane. It is necessary to change the nature of professional activity so that it corresponds to the decreasing capabilities of the individual.

Methods of self-motivation are self-criticism, self-order, self-obligation, self-coercion. The choice of self-motivation techniques and their inclusion in the practice of self-improvement also involves exercises, that is, repeated repetition of those states, actions and situations that are fixed as qualities of a competitive personality. The ways and methods of self-education have already been discussed in more detail earlier (Topic 5).

To draw up a program for self-education of the desired qualities of a competitive personality in the field, for example, of management activities, you can use those identified by M. Woodkk and D. Francis in the book “The Uninhibited Manager”:

The ability to manage oneself, maintain one’s physical and mental health, and effectively use work and rest time;

Having clear personal goals and reasonable ideas about what is important and valuable in life;

The ability to find a way out and make decisions in the most difficult, critical situations;

Ability to innovate, constructive thinking, create original projects;

Knowledge of modern management approaches;

The desire for self-improvement, the realization of one’s capabilities;

Ability to train subordinates and form effective work teams;

The ability to influence others, including using one’s own image.

The image of a business, competitive person is a specially created image of an attractive person, where the main factors are clothing and appearance, behavior, the ability to conduct a conversation and listen, give clear instructions, etc. The structure of the image of a successful person has three components:

Internal - intelligence, way of thinking, memory, goals and means, ideas, interests, erudition;

Procedural - forms of communication, energy, professionalism, temperament, plasticity, expressiveness.

Creating and maintaining your image, without which it is impossible major success in any field of activity, it is also a process and a result of self-education.

The definition of “self-realization” includes a whole sequence of processes, among which, first of all, the individual’s awareness of opportunities in a particular area of ​​life, his future goals and plans, as well as their further implementation through active work. In short, self-realization by an individual refers to his embodiment of his internal potentials in any sphere of life or several of them.

The desire to realize oneself and one’s individual potential is a natural psychological need of every person, which is inherent in him from birth. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, fulfillment occupies the highest level. Finding yourself in society, making the most of the opportunities and talents inherent in nature - all these things are literally vital for each of us. Self-realization is the key to feeling satisfied with life and the environment.

Personal self-realization

The ability to realize one’s internal reserves is inherent in every person by nature from the very beginning. In essence, self-realization of an individual generally plays a fundamental role in determining his life, since it is precisely this that contributes to the identification and full disclosure of even the most unobvious capabilities and talents of a person, which, as a rule, leads to the most stable and successful life in society.

At the same time, at the same time, in early childhood, multiple symptoms appear that accompany a person for the rest of his life. They also need to be identified and resolved, and this requires constant focused work. The biggest enemy to the realization of a person’s individuality lurks in the social environment – ​​stereotypes. Stereotypical thinking is widespread in society and can often be imposed on any person in early childhood.

A person’s personality is always both a subject and an object for social structure. So in the course of an individual’s adaptation to society and its specific groups, his determination, internal directions of activity, beliefs and motives play a very important role. As a rule, it is a purposeful person who directs his activities for the benefit of realizing his capabilities and potential who achieves the greatest success. At the same time, an individual who always goes with the flow of the circumstances that happen to him rarely achieves his personal goal.

Technically, the process of personality realization represents such an orientation of the individual’s activity that will make it possible to make maximum use of objective conditions environment and society, as well as its subjective capabilities, potential and talents, with the aim of translating into reality any personal strategic plans. When it comes to self-realization, it means only a long-term perspective, and not a one-time achievement for the current period of time.

Creative self-realization

The creative process is an activity that is considered integral for any individual, since it is an evolutionarily formed mechanism for the manifestation of human subjective capabilities. At the same time, a person’s mastery of the essence of creativity to the full is a basic criterion that also determines his spiritual development.

Why is creative realization so important? The fact is that the creativity of any individual is directly related to his skill and talent as a whole, which is reflected in his success in all other areas of life.

Experts note that in to the greatest extent the disclosure of the subject's capabilities occurs when he performs a socially useful and required activity. At the same time, however, a comparison occurs not only with external motives, but also with the internal ideas about this activity of the individual himself. That is, this type of activity must correspond to the interests of this person; it is then that it will turn into “amateur activity,” that is, the individual’s implementation in a certain area turns into self-realization. Personal motivation is an integral factor. It is on this basis that we can state the fact that creative process in itself is initially a process of self-realization, as it is in its “pure” form.

Professional self-realization

Another relevant type of realization for any person in a progressive society is professional self-realization. In this case, the key mechanisms are also the processes of self-actualization, which are something like a trigger mechanism that determines the further direction of the individual’s activities. As already mentioned, it is in socially useful and relevant activities that the full potential and abilities of each individual can be fully revealed. So professional activity, especially in combination with personal motives and goals, provides the most fertile soil for the development of self-realization.

The activity itself in the field of the chosen profession occupies almost a dominant position in life. Many of us give almost everything to our work. free time. It is in working conditions that certain experience, skills, abilities and knowledge are formed, growth and career advancement occur. It also has a significant impact on the social status of the individual. The ability to choose a profession, the opportunity to use one’s acquired skills and talents in it, and achieve some success is one of the main life goals for many people.

As an individual realizes himself in this area, he develops certain qualities and skills, and his view of the situation around him changes. In particular, it is possible to identify aspects that are noted in the course of professional self-realization.

Based on their level of relevance for the individual, we can also talk about his level of implementation:

The individual is aware that he or she belongs to a social group of a certain professional occupation.
There is also an understanding and assessment of one’s own compliance with the criteria of the chosen professional activity. The individual is aware of his place in work, its hierarchical structure, and development opportunities.
Understanding and assessing recognition in the profession by others. Their personal assessment of his level of professionalism.
Self-esteem develops in this area. A person learns to accept and adequately evaluate his position, work opportunities, desires for promotion and real potential in this direction, his pros and cons.
Vision of the place of work in your future life.

Social self-realization

Unlike other areas of life, it is based on the purely personal goals of the individual. It lies in his achieving that level of social status and satisfaction with life in society that seems ideal for him.
The realization of an individual in this area of ​​life is largely related to social roles, which include any of the possible social activities, for example, pedagogical, political, humanitarian.

Realization of oneself in life as a whole also largely relies on the individual’s ability to empathize, that is, sensuality. It's about not only about attitude towards others, although this often plays a role. The greatest results in self-realization in life are achieved by people who, for example, are inherently responsible for the decisions and actions they make.
The direction of any person’s activity within the framework of self-realization in society is determined by the position of his inner “I for others.” That is, the motivation of actions and life position of an individual are related to how he would like to appear in the eyes of the people around him.

Conditions for personal self-realization

There are a number of factors, in the absence of which this process is impossible in principle, that is, we mean the conditions for self-realization of the individual. These include the upbringing and culture of the individual. In addition, each society and each individual social group, which includes the family system, develops its own standards and levels of personality development. This is also reflected in the educational processes, since each individual community will have a certain influence on the child, that is, the future full-fledged individual, instilling in him its culture, lines of behavior, isolating character traits, principles, and even motivation for behavior. Also, traditions, foundations, and even stereotypes accepted in the social environment have a separate influence, which often turns out to be the strongest.

Self-realization goals

Since this activity is aimed at achieving certain external positions, the goals of self-realization are, for the most part, not in self-knowledge and internal analytics, but in demonstrating one’s individuality, existing opportunities and potential among people. When we say that a person has achieved success in life, we mean the full use of all his internal resources, aimed at realizing the plans he has conceived. The primary problem of self-realization is that there can be a complete discrepancy between internal energy reserves, desired achievements and real successes. Thus, a person’s true potential, that is, his talents and internal reserves, may not be fully revealed due to certain external circumstances, which leads to dissatisfaction.

Problems of self-realization

Despite great attention to this issue from specialists, the problems of self-realization are still poorly understood. By and large, this is due to the fact that the processes of realization of the subject themselves are quite capacious and complex, so that there is not even any single theory of its definition in psychology.

As teenagers, many of us dream of seeing ourselves in a certain role in the future, e.g. successful businessman, actor. But life, in particular society itself and even people close to us, makes its own adjustments, because society does not need hundreds and thousands of people of the same type in their professional and social calling. There is a discrepancy between desire and real possibilities, which can already lead to dissatisfaction, and the teenager himself is faced with a difficult choice.

To solve such a problem of self-realization, it is worth unlearning how to live with teenage dreams, and not aiming at the distant future at such a young age. In addition, when faced with difficulties, you should not give up on your goals, but look for ways to achieve them.

What is human self-realization?

Self-realization is an individual’s active life position to realize his potential in activities or relationships.

The process of self-realization of an individual involves the implementation of one’s internal resources and abilities, innate and/or acquired, regardless of whether these abilities are pro or antisocial.

Human need for self-realization

A person’s desire to prove himself in society, reflecting his personal qualities, his desire for the most complete disclosure of himself, the use of his knowledge and skills, the implementation of his own plans, the realization of individual talents and abilities in achieving everything he wants, the desire to be the best and feel satisfied with his position. The human need for self-realization and self-expression is the highest of all human needs.

Self-realization = recognition + self-affirmation

The need for self-realization consists of the need for recognition and the need for self-affirmation. It is important for a person not only to be able to express himself. In order to fully satisfy the need for self-realization, a person also needs to receive high praise from others. That is, in order for an individual to self-realize, it is important not only to receive results from his activities, but also to feel the return from others.

To evaluate how self-actualized you are, there must be an evaluation criterion. For example, you want to realize yourself as a doctor. Then the evaluation criterion may be the number of patients whom you helped recover. At the same time, recognition is the recognition of patients (not colleagues), and self-affirmation is your level of professionalism.

A person who was able to develop and put into practice his internal innate and acquired abilities is assessed by society as an accomplished person.

The process of self-realization requires from the individual, first of all, the active application of volitional efforts in the conditions of specific activity.

Ways of personal self-realization

What tools does a person use to achieve self-realization, social recognition and take his place in life?

Every day we reveal ourselves in our professional activities, in our hobbies, and recently a new new way self-realization – a global virtual network and global information space. However, the main and main means of human self-realization is creativity.

Creative self-realization

Creative self-realization includes the discovery of talents not only in the field of art, but also the application of one’s abilities and knowledge in scientific activity. However, you should not deny the possibility of creative self-realization if it seems to you that you do not have the ability for art or science.

Creative self-realization is also possible in the process of solving certain professional and life problems, in searching for ways of self-expression in any area of ​​life.

Of course, a creative approach opens up the greatest opportunities for self-realization for an individual. It is creative self-realization that contributes to the self-development of the individual and the achievement of many other goals.

Professional self-realization

Professional self-realization first of all means achieving significant success in the chosen field of interest to the individual. labor activity. Such professional self-realization can be expressed in occupying the desired prestigious position, fulfilling professional duties that bring pleasure, in increasing the level of wages and so on.

So professional activity, especially in combination with personal motives and goals, provides the most fertile soil for effective self-realization. After all, it is in socially useful and relevant activities that the full potential and abilities of an individual can be fully revealed.

The activity itself in the chosen profession plays almost the dominant role in a person’s life. Many of us devote almost all our free time to our work. It is in working conditions that certain experience, skills, abilities and knowledge are formed, and personal and career growth occurs. Professional self-realization also has a significant impact on a person’s social status, which in turn is associated with his social self-realization.

Social self-realization

Social self-realization is the achievement of success in interpersonal relationships, in society, and precisely in such quantity and quality that bring satisfaction and a feeling of happiness to a person, and are not limited to patterns and stereotypes established by society.

Unlike other areas of self-realization and areas of life, social self-realization is based on the purely personal goals of the individual. Social self-realization consists in a person achieving that level of social status and satisfaction with his life that seems ideal for him specifically.

Social self-realization of an individual is largely related to those social roles that include any of the possible social activities, for example, pedagogical, political, humanitarian, etc.

For example, social self-realization for women is often interpreted as the true, natural destiny of representatives of the fairer sex. Successful social self-realization in our society lies in a woman fulfilling her potential: meeting love, starting a family, becoming a mother. And for most women, such self-realization is a necessary component for feeling like a happy person.

Conditions for personal self-realization

There are a number of factors, in the absence of which the process of self-realization is impossible in principle, that is, we mean the conditions for self-realization of the individual.

First of all, these include the upbringing and culture of the individual. In addition, each society, each individual social group, a certain family system, develops its own standards and levels of personal development. This is also reflected in the educational processes, since each individual community will have a certain influence on the child, that is, the future full-fledged individual, instill in him its own culture of behavior, isolate character traits, principles, and even motivation for behavior.

Also, traditions, foundations, and even stereotypes accepted in the social environment have a separate influence on the possibility of self-realization for an individual, which often turns out to be the strongest.

Factors of personal self-realization

Certain innate personality characteristics are also important factors in self-realization. For example, psychologists describe a person capable of effective self-realization as an individual:
having freedom of action in any life situations;
feeling independent control over life;
mobile, having high adaptive resources;
acting spontaneously in decision making;
having creative potential.

But not all psychologists unambiguously interpret the above characteristics of a person as necessary traits, qualities, conditions for self-realization of an individual. Obviously, to achieve effective self-realization, it is not so much innate talent that is needed, but rather acquired personality traits such as determination, self-confidence, understanding of the goal, initiative, determination, hard work, vitality and energy.

Self-realization is possible at that level of human development when a person discovers and develops his abilities, realizes the priorities of his interests and needs, has a certain set of character qualities, and is ready to make certain volitional efforts. Therefore, the main condition for effective self-realization is also painstaking internal work on oneself, constant self-development and self-education.

Personal self-realization is the path that will lead you to understanding yourself

“Life is a process of constant choice. At every moment a person has a choice: either retreat or advance towards the goal. Either a movement towards even greater fear, fears, protection, or a choice of goal and growth of spiritual forces. Choosing development instead of fear ten times a day means ten times moving towards self-realization.”

Abraham Maslow

What is the first difference between humans and animals? The ability to think and build relationships with others like yourself? Get food by peaceful means, but also subjugate other people, the ability to analyze and build logical conclusions?

Yes, but still The main difference between a person and an animal is the desire to know oneself and their purpose in this world, and not just survival in it. And the search for the meaning of life often leads us to the need to know our “I”, which requires being realized in our own place in this world. But what is your “I”? The answer to this question will help you become a harmonious person, satisfied with your life. The process that leads to this result is called self-realization.

Self-realization of a person - natural need , which is pointed out by psychologists A. Maslow, E. Fromm and Z. Freud. Some recognized a person’s right to consciously seek ways of self-realization, while others called this need unconscious - biological or instinctive. Most people see behind this process only the receipt of obvious advantages, such as wealth and fame, which we have talked about more than once. What are personalities?

The hierarchy of human values ​​is expressed in a pyramid built by psychologist A. Maslow. And at the top of this is precisely self-realization, called self-actualization by the indicated scientist.

Maslow's pyramid of human needs

Of course, the order in which needs are satisfied can be purely individual and depends on a number of factors, but it is obvious that wealth is only a means to satisfy other needs and cannot be the goal of a person’s self-realization. However, fame is also most often just recognition. And fame does not always come as a result of this. Can a person be realized if he has become famous, for example, due to a scandal in public place? Is this his life goal? Most really famous people remain unsatisfied and continue to search for themselves, having received all the dividends from their fame.

It turns out that a person’s self-realization is a search for oneself? Summarizing all existing scientific definitions, the answer is affirmative. But people have different paths, which is determined by the individual characteristics of each person. That is why psychology cannot offer a single model of personal self-realization for everyone. The ideal is considered to be diversified development, which leads to harmony in relationships with one’s “I” and with the outside world.

The greatest opportunities, according to psychologists, come from creativity. Exactly creative self-realization also contributes to personal development, and achieving many other goals, and most importantly, this path becomes individual. It is noted that often a person sets a goal to become like his ideal. Creative self-realization excludes this path, since in the process a person finds himself, reveals and develops his talent, and does not imitate someone else. It is impossible to find yourself in imitation, because this is just another role that a person tries on.

You should not deny the possibility of creative self-realization if you think that you have no ability for art. Creativity is a special approach to solving certain problems, a way of activity, and not the activity itself as such.

Personal self-realization is the path that will lead you to understanding yourself, satisfying your needs necessary to achieve mental comfort. And everyone has different ways of achieving such harmony...


Each personality is unique in its own way. Life path a single person can never be repeated. But if the length of our life is destined from above, then its width depends only on us. And here many people have a problem and it lies in the self-realization of a person as an individual. Some manage to find their niche, others spend their entire lives searching, and still others even live best years wasted. How to find yourself and reach your full potential? This is what we will talk about now.

Psychology of personal self-realization. Self-realization is not only a process of personal improvement and self-knowledge. This is also the result of constant growth and working with internal potential. People who were able to realize their inner resources are usually said to have achieved success in life. However, for this to happen, a person must constantly develop. Psychological problems Personal self-realization lies in the discrepancy between a person’s energetic and intellectual potential and the degree of its actualization. In other words, due to various life circumstances, the true potential of an individual may not coincide with the final result of its activities. This often leads to feelings of dissatisfaction own life. Despite this, the need for self-realization remains in every individual, and this phenomenon has been studied by leading psychologists in the world for a long time.

In his research, S.L. Rubinstein came to the conclusion that the main mechanism of personality formation is motives. They manifest themselves in a person’s thoughts and actions. If, for example, a person takes responsibility, courage in making decisions and works with his fears, then subsequently these actions will take root in his consciousness in the form of certain character traits. As a result, all new properties will be connected into a single system, with the help of which a person will be able, or vice versa, will not be able to reveal himself.

K. Rogers identified two personality types:

  • - fully functioning;
  • - unadapted.

However, his other colleague S. Maddi compared several theories of personality and took the following characteristics of a full-fledged person as a basis for his research:

  • - creativity - without it, personal fulfillment in life is impossible;
  • - the “here and now” principle - includes the mobility of the individual, its high adaptability and spontaneity in decision making;
  • - freedom of action in all life situations - a sense of control over your life.

Strategies for personal self-realization.

Self-realization is a process that lasts throughout a person's life. It becomes possible only when the individual himself realizes his abilities, interests and needs.

In other words, a person’s entire life is built on a chain of actions aimed at self-realization and achieving life goals. To succeed in life, it is important to make efforts that consist of certain strategies.

The implementation of these strategies is the main condition for personal self-realization.

As a person’s age changes, his needs change, which means that goals and life strategies also change.

For example, in youth a person begins to decide on his choice of professional activity, and many at first begin to resolve issues of their personal life.

When the first stage of self-realization has been achieved and a person has acquired a family and profession, correction and modification of strategies begins. When the need to acquire a position disappears, adaptation to this position, environment, etc. begins.

As for the family, something similar happens there too. Strategies are chosen by the individual, taking into account age, character and needs.

Although there are often cases when the “here and now” principle is triggered, when a person does not have time to think or the benefit of the action that comes up is obvious.

Ways of personal self-realization. A reasonable question arises - what are the ways of personal self-realization? What tools does a person use to achieve social recognition and take his place in life?

It's actually quite simple. Every day we reveal ourselves in work, in hobbies and hobbies, and recently a new way of self-realization has appeared - the global network and global information space. However, the main and main means through which a person’s full potential passes is creativity. Psychologists believe that only creative activity can lead a person to above-standard activity without pursuing any specific goal. In other words, creativity is a voluntary activity on which a person is ready to spend all his strength in order to express himself and his capabilities. But what motivates a person to work long and painstakingly on himself? These are, as a rule, well-known and universal human values, needs and mechanisms:

  • - the need for respect and recognition in the group;
  • - the need for intelligence development;
  • - desire to start a family and offspring;
  • - the desire to achieve success in sports or simply become strong and healthy;
  • - the need for a prestigious profession and work with good earnings; personality psychology self-development
  • - desire to constantly improve yourself and your abilities;
  • - desire to take a worthy place in life and in society;
  • - the desire to get rid of bad habits and raise the level of demands on oneself.

As you can see, the driving forces of personal self-realization are quite simple. But only when a person has already been able to achieve and satisfy more than half of these motives can we say that he is a full-fledged person. This means that the process of self-realization can go on to infinity.

Human ideals are priceless, but the pursuit of them is a thousand times more valuable.



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