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Comparison of Sharikov and Sharikov dog heart table. The story "Heart of a Dog": characteristics of Sharikov. Sharik and Sharikov: comparative characteristics. Essay about Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

From an ordinary mongrel dog, the ignorant and dangerous boor Sharikov is formed, inheriting from Klim Chugunkin (donor) not only the pituitary gland, but also an unattractive appearance, bad habits and a tendency to alcoholism. The author shows how gradually, “processed” by the chairman of the house committee Shvonder, Poligraf Poligrafovich (that is the name he chose for himself) makes more and more demands on Professor Preobrazhevsky and becomes a threat to the entire house.

The first words that the dog-man utters are vulgar swearing and tavern vocabulary. Having become a man, he follows the habits and tastes of Klim Chugunkin, a thrice-convicted beer regular, plays the balalaika, dresses in blatant bad taste (a “poisonous-sky-colored” tie, patent leather boots with white leggings). Perhaps Sharikov would have remained within the framework of bad habits, not presenting any particular danger, if not for Shvonder. Supported by the chairman of the house committee, Poligraf Poligrafevich begins to make exorbitant demands. In response to fair comments, he snaps: “Somehow, dad, you’re painfully oppressing me.” Sharikov considers himself to be a labor element. Theater for him is “counter-revolution alone.” The escalation of outrages committed by Sharikov is growing. He already demands to be called by name and patronymic, brings papers from the housing association to a living space of sixteen arshins, to this living space he brings suspicious individuals who turn out to be thieves, and then the bride. The patience of Preobrazhensky and Bormental is running out, but as soon as Sharikov feels threatened, he becomes dangerous. After disappearing for several days, he appears in a new form. “He was wearing a leather jacket from someone else’s shoulder,” In paper; which Sharikov presented to the professor, it was stated that he “is the head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.) in the MKH department.” By putting on a leather jacket, Sharikov finds himself “in his specialty,” he felt power and uses it roughly. Inspired by Shvonder, he writes a denunciation against the professor and his assistant, acquires a revolver and ultimately points it at Bormenthal, signing his own death warrant. Having undergone a reverse operation, the dog, of course, does not remember anything and is quite happy with his fate.

The experiment failed, the professor himself understands that in his scientific research went too far. Scientific interest does not justify the monstrous results obtained in the competition with the Creator. The scene of the operation itself is noteworthy: Bulgakov enhances the naturalism and physiology of the description, evoking a feeling of disgust at what is happening. In excitement and excitement, the “creators” of the new human unit themselves lose their human qualities.

It is clear why Bulgakov was then concerned about the problem of such scientific creations: before his eyes, a social experiment, more monstrous in its scale and results, was being carried out, conceived and carried out by political adventurers - the revolution and its consequences. Was created new type man - homo soviticus, in whom the satirical writer saw primarily Sharikov.

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov - a character in the story by Mikhail Bulgakov " dog's heart", as well as the film of the same name, which was released in 1988. Sharikov is a former rootless and homeless dog, who, as part of an experiment, was transplanted with a human pituitary gland and seminal glands. As a result, after the operation, the former Sharik turned into Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, who himself believes himself as a “man of proletarian origin.” In the film, the role of Sharikov was brilliantly played by Vladimir Tolokonnikov, and later the actor said: “Sharikov is my first and, probably, last. bright role"By the way, both Nikolai Karachentsov and Vladimir Nosik auditioned for the role.

The homeless dog Sharik appeared in the story “Heart of a Dog” from the first lines. The unfortunate dog suffered greatly - from a side scalded by the cook from the canteen, from hunger and cold, besides, his stomach hurt unbearably, and the weather just made him want to howl. Out of despair, Sharik simply decided to die in one of the Moscow gateways - he no longer had the strength to fight the cruel, “dog” life. And it was at this moment, when the dog had already come to terms with the inevitable defeat and gave up, that Sharik was noticed by a certain gentleman of clearly aristocratic origin. That day ended unexpectedly for the homeless dog - he received a portion delicious sausage, and then a roof over your head.

In general, Sharik was very smart dog, although not “blue blood”; yes, he has been since early age learned to distinguish colors and unmistakably knew which shop sold what, and where he could get food.

Once at the professor’s house, Sharik perked up: “Wow, I understand that,” thought the dog. Finally, after long wanderings through the frozen streets, after hunger and constant struggle for life, he was lucky - now he had a real home, with real owners and hearty food.

However, Sharik had very little time left to live in the form of a dog. It was not by chance that the ball ended up in the house of Professor Preobrazhensky, the same gentleman who picked him up from the street, and soon, in exchange for shelter and excellent food, he became part of an experiment to transplant a human pituitary gland and seminal glands into a dog.

After a successful operation, Sharik began his transformation into a human. His hair fell out, his limbs became elongated, his appearance took on human form, and soon speech was formed - a little “barking”, abrupt, but still human. So, from the homeless dog Sharik, Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov emerged, who began to very quickly adapt to his new society. Sharikov turned out to be a good test subject - soon Preobrazhensky himself gasped at how quickly and confidently Sharik found his place in the human pack - he instantly understood Soviet realities and learned to improve his rights. Very soon he already straightened out his documents, registered in the professor’s apartment, got a job (and not just anywhere, but as the head of the department for clearing Moscow of stray animals).

Sharikov’s essence turned out to be proletarian to the core - he learned to drink and began to get drunk, rowdy, harass servants, hang out with proletarians like him, but most importantly, he began to make Preobrazhensky’s life very difficult. Sharikov wrote denunciations against the professor, and once even began threatening him with a weapon.

This was enough, and in the epilogue Preobrazhensky performed the reverse operation, which put an end to the dangerous experiment - Sharikov again turned into Sharik, becoming a dog. At the end of the story, a dog runs out to the investigators from the criminal police, who came to the professor’s house to find out, when Preobrazhensky whistles. He looks somewhat strange - without hair in places, with a purple scar on his forehead. He still had some human manners (Sharik still stood up on two legs, spoke a little in a human voice and sat in a chair), but it was still, without any doubt, a dog.

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In the film, directed by Vladimir Bortko, Professor Preobrazhensky was played by Evgeny Evstigneev, and Sharik himself was played by Vladimir Tolokonnikov, and this role became his most striking role. acting career. Later, the actor admitted that sometimes he felt offended that he was firmly and forever remembered for only one role, the role of Sharikov. On the other hand, Vladimir once said: “... It’s nice, proud to realize that I did something significant in cinema. What role after Sharikov could be brighter? None... This is probably why the rest of my works are not remembered very well ".

In the film, Tolokonnikov-Sharikov said many bright, well-known catchphrases, like “Are you going to beat me, dad?” or “I’m not a master, all gentlemen are in Paris,” and also “Get in line, you sons of bitches, get in line!”

In general, the name Sharikov has long become a household name - it is “sharikov” that is used to call ignorant, poorly educated people who, for one reason or another, find themselves in power.

Sharikov Poligraf Poligrafovich is one of the main characters in M. A. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog.” At the beginning of the story, Sharikov is just a good-natured yard dog, whom Professor Preobrazhensky picks up. He treats the dog's wound and treats him well. Sharik is happy with life.

“They care about me,” thought the dog, “very much.” good man. I know who it is. He is a wizard, magician and magician from a dog’s fairy tale...”

As a result of an experiment on pituitary gland transplantation, Sharikov is born. At first the professor thought that he had succeeded in creating

A human being, but it soon becomes clear that, in fact, he managed to “resurrect” the criminal Klim Chugunkin.

“You stand at the lowest stage of development,” Philip Philipovich shouted, “you are still just an emerging, mentally weak creature, all your actions are purely bestial...”

Sharikov is immoral and stupid, he has neither honor nor conscience. He is deprived of even the rudiments of morality and nobility. My new life he starts playing the balalaika, drinking and swearing. He harasses women, damages furniture, and causes a flood in the apartment. The dog Sharik turned out to be “such scum,

It makes your hair stand on end.” Sharikov receives the support of the authorities in the person of Shvonder, who sees him as a proletarian and a full-fledged member of society. Sharikov probably only had a dislike for cats left from the dog. Shvonder finds him a job he likes - now he runs the cat catching department. But even here Sharikov shows cruelty, which is not characteristic of either animals or people.

Professor Preobrazhensky steadfastly endures the tricks of his ward and at first harbors hope for his re-education. But the dog-man's behavior is getting worse every day. Sharikov crosses all boundaries when he writes a denunciation against the professor and threatens to kill him.

“But who is he? Klim, Klim. Here's the thing: two criminal records, alcoholism, “divide everything”, a hat and two ducats are gone..... A boor and a pig...”

Preobrazhensky performs a “reverse” operation and the kind, affectionate dog Sharik returns to the world again. With the words of Professor Preobrazhensky, the author draws a line, a conclusion: “Science does not yet know a way to turn animals into people.” And the real beast was not the dog Sharik, but the soulless and cruel Klim Chugunkin.

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Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov is the main negative character in the story “Heart of a Dog”, the man into whom the dog Sharik turned after the operation of Professor Preobrazhensky. At the beginning of the story, it was a kind and harmless dog that was picked up by the professor. After an experimental operation to implant human organs, he gradually accepted human species and behave like a human being, albeit an immoral one. His moral qualities left much to be desired, since the transplanted organs belonged to the deceased repeat offender Klim Chugunkin. Soon the newly converted dog was given the name Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov and given a passport.

Sharikov became a real problem for the professor. He was rowdy, harassed neighbors, pestered servants, used foul language, got into fights, stole and drank a lot. As a result, it became clear that he inherited all these habits from the previous owner of the transplanted pituitary gland. Immediately after receiving his passport, he got a job as the head of the department for clearing Moscow of stray animals. Sharikov's cynicism and callousness forced the professor to carry out another operation to turn him back into a dog. Fortunately, he still had Sharikov’s pituitary gland, so at the end of the story Sharikov again became kind and affectionate dog, without boorish habits.

Such literary hero, like Sharikov’s “Heart of a Dog”, cannot leave the reader indifferent. His image in the story outrages, shocks, causes a storm of emotions, this is the merit of the author - a genius artistic word M. Bulgakov. The creature, which appeared due to human intervention in what Mother Nature commands, serves as a reminder to humanity of its mistakes.

Appearance of Polygraph Sharikov

The author's irony affected not only the semantic component of Sharikov's image, but also his appearance. The creature, which was born as a result of the operation of Professor Philip Preobrazhensky, is a kind of symbiosis of a dog and a person. The pituitary gland and seminal glands of the criminal and drunkard Klim Chugunkin were transplanted to the animal.

The latter died in a fight, which speaks about the lifestyle of a man who became an unwitting participant in the operation. The author emphasizes that the human being into which the dog Sharik turned after the operation looks very much like a dog. His hair, body hair, gaze, habits - everything indicates that the animal is invisibly present in the image of the newly made “citizen”. Sharikov's too low forehead indicates his low intelligence. Bright, flashy details in clothing are an indicator of bad taste and lack of basic culture in clothing.

The moral character of the hero

Sharikov is a symbol of arrogance, impudence, rudeness, familiarity, illiteracy, laziness. His image is the personification of the lumpen proletariat: that layer of society that very quickly got used to the new political conditions. Relying on fragmentary information, altering phrases from the slogans of the new government, these people “fight” for their rights, pretending to be active and work. In fact, they are parasites and opportunists; the government, which promises unprecedented benefits, attracts stupid, narrow-minded people who are ready to be a blind instrument in the fight for a bright future.

Polygraph Poligrafovich inherits the worst that is in the nature of animals and humans. The dog's loyalty and devotion, his gratitude to the owner - all this disappeared during the first two weeks of Sharikov's life. The character bites, pesters women, and is rude to everyone indiscriminately. The hero's ingratitude, his dissatisfaction with everything, and the lack of minimal culture in communication are infuriating. He begins to demand registration from the professor, and after some time he tries to evict Philip Philipovich. As a result, it comes to the point that Sharikov decides to kill his creator. This moment is very symbolic, endowed with a special meaning. It is here that the motive of the political ideology of the new system is clearly visible.

The fate of Polygraph Sharikov

No matter how hard the professor tried to educate and remake his brainchild, Sharikov turned out to be beyond the influence of convictions and moral teachings. Even violence (or the threat of it from the professor's assistant) has no effect on Sharikov. The hero continues to lead an immoral lifestyle, use foul language, scare residents, and drink. The characters are too intelligent to change anything. Sharikov and others like him understand only brute force, they live according to the principle of existence in the animal world.

The most amazing thing is that after the professor corrects the mistake, the hero comes to an important conclusion. In the creature that resulted from the experiment, all the worst things come from humans; the dog is a kind and noble animal. It turns out that there are people who are worse than dogs - this metaphorical nature is emphasized by the author several times. Fortunately, the professor was able to correct his mistake in time. He has the courage to admit that his philosophy of nonviolence does not always work without fail. Bulgakov hints that the new political system will not be able to repeat the professor’s step. The course of history cannot be stopped, and retribution for interfering with natural processes will inevitably overtake society.



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