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Medieval simulators on PC. Games about the Middle Ages on PC - a selection of the best strategies and RPGs

28.03.2018 Pavel Makarov

Strategies of one of the first and once most popular genres computer games on PC, most a prominent representative which was “Age of Empires” - an RTS in a medieval setting. The first representatives of the genre are games with simple mechanics: building a base, building units, attacking the enemy. Gradually, the strategies became more complex, research elements were introduced that improved units and buildings, the opportunity to travel through eras appeared, etc. In this article we will present the top 15 most striking and memorable strategies about the Middle Ages.

Release date: 2018
Genre: city ​​builder, real-time strategy
Developer: Shiro Games
Publisher: Shiro Games

Northgard is a medieval RTS from the Shiro Games team, in which you have to inhabit the continent of Northgard and populate it with powerful Vikings. At the same time, you will have to fight off animals, undead creatures and establish diplomatic relations with the local residents - the Jotuns.

Teach people various crafts, wisely manage mined or conquered resources, managing to survive the winter and enemy raids. Only tactics and strategy will allow you to expand your influence in new lands teeming with very smart AI.

Release date: 2016
Genre: real time strategy
Developer: GSC Game World
Publisher: GSC Game World

Cossacks 3 is a large-scale real-time strategy from the developers of GSC Game World, telling about battles between the 17th and 18th centuries. Several factors play into winning: the amount of previously mined resources, the choice of troops and weapons, landscape, physics and even the time of day.

Enter the battle by choosing one of 20 nations, bringing up to 32,000 units into the fight at the same time.

Multiplayer for 8 people with the ability to create teams will definitely not get boring.

Release date: year 2014
Genre: real time strategy
Developer: SkyBox Labs, Big Huge Games
Publisher: Microsoft Studios

Rise of Nations is an RTS game from Big Huge Games. The game is a synergy of traditional strategy and city-planning simulator, similar to Civilization, since there are national borders and even wonders of the world.

Maximum authenticity of what is happening: caravans open up new routes, sea trade campaigns create their own fleet, and cities represent key buildings on the continent around which the gameplay is tied. Create your own wonder of the world to take advantage of the benefits provided by this building.

Release date: 2015
Genre: simulator of construction of medieval siege weapons, sandbox
Developer: Spiderling Studios
Publisher: Spiderling Studios

Besiege is an indie sandbox project developed by the Spiderling Studios team. The player's task is to create a special device to achieve the goal while completing the level. With every new one open card the level of complexity increases significantly, and therefore the car has to be improved and modernized every now and then (add armor, install a catapult or a transport crane for the convenience of moving heavy objects).

Complete freedom of action from the very first minutes. The main task is to achieve the goal in any way.

Release date: year 2014
Genre: medieval castle building simulator, real-time strategy
Developer: FireFly Studios
Publisher: FireFly Studios

Stronghold Crusader 2 is a sequel to the original castle sim project from FireFly Studios. The sequel is also a mixture of RTS and city-planning simulator, in which the main character will have to make a difficult choice between the Crusaders and the Arab fighters for justice. The further fate of the Holy Lands directly depends on the actions of the commander.

Admiring Richard Lion Heart? You will have the opportunity to play on his behalf, managing to control 25 types of different units with special abilities. Difficult, but interesting.

Release date: 2006
Genre: turn-based, real-time tactical strategy
Developer: The Creative Assembly
Publisher: SEGA

Medieval II: Total War – global step-by-step strategy in real time from The Creative Assembly team. Events will unfold in parallel in North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. You have to go through such historical events, like the discovery of gunpowder "Black Death", the invasion of the Mongols and more.

Take part in the Crusades for the glory of Islam or Christianity, rewrite history in your own way, without holding yourself back by any restrictions. In war, all means are good.

Face off? LAN mode for 8 people is just suitable for these purposes.

Release date: year 2013
Genre: real time strategy
Developer: Skybox Labs, Hidden Path Entertainment, Ensemble Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Studios

Age of Empires II HD is a re-release of the cult strategy from Ensemble Games in a new quality. The studio Skybox Labs was responsible for the remake, which did not in any way affect the gameplay or atmosphere of the project. The player has access to 13 civilizations with unique units and technologies.

Using the latter is not so easy - you need to create an appropriate building, and then develop the ability from scratch. And remember that each faction has both strengths and weaknesses: you can win in castle value but lose in defense quality.

Release date: 2017
Genre: turn-based strategy about Vikings with RPG elements
Developer: Logic Artists
Publisher: Logic Artists

Expeditions: Viking is a real-time strategy game from Logic Artics. You have just been appointed leader of a Viking clan living in a small village. The task is extremely simple - to make the settlement blossom and prosper. Loyal housecarls will follow the leader anywhere, even to Valhalla.

Choose the style of leader at your own discretion, choosing the optimal skills and characteristics of the hero for yourself. Make peaceful alliances and write your name on the pages of history, where there will definitely be a place for heroism.

Release date: year 2012
Genre: global strategy about the Middle Ages
Developer: Paradox Development Studio
Publisher: Paradox Interactive

Crusader Kings II is a global RTS from Paradox Development Studio. The game recreates feudal system relations medieval Europe and countries of the Middle East, including not only big picture events, but also personal relationships between characters. Here, every now and then, intrigues and even a struggle for the Papal throne will arise.

The player himself chooses the dynasty around which the plot is built. Study history in a playful way, observing real-life personalities.

Release date: 2017
Genre: global strategy about the Middle Ages with RPG elements, turn-based battles
Developer: Overhype Studios
Publisher: Overhype Studios

Battle Brothers is a tactical RPG with a huge open world from Overhype Studios. You have to learn how to manage a squad of mercenaries in the era of medieval Germany. All battles are turn-based, based on the turn-based strategy of Heroes Might and Magic.

Outside of battles, the hero must look for new quests for himself and take care of the welfare of the mercenaries (weapons, armor, provisions). The game is stuffed with fetnesian characters and representatives of German folklore.

Release date: year 2014
Genre: city ​​planning simulator of a medieval village
Developer: Shining Rock Software LLC
Publisher: Shining Rock Software LLC

Banished is a city-building sim from Shining Rock Software, diluted with strategy elements. You become a kind of hand of God, since the main resource of the game is people. They are born, work, reproduce and die. The key measure of success is supporting the well-being of subjects. It is not enough to build a house - you also need to inhabit it.

No conditions or conventions: build anything, as long as you have enough resources. 18 types of crafts will not let you get bored, especially since there is no standard strategy here - everything is at your discretion.

Release date: 2005 year
Genre: global strategy about the Middle Ages
Developer: Black Sea Studios Ltd
Publisher: Paradox Interactive

Knights of Honor is an RTS from the Black Sea Studios team in a historical setting. You have to rule an entire dynasty with a king at its head. Create heirs, enter into mutually beneficial agreements with representatives of other kingdoms, principalities and sultanates (pacts, alliances, trade agreements).

The emphasis in the game is on exotic goods, since they are responsible for the advantage of a particular power and its advantageous position relative to other states.

Release date: 2017
Genre: global strategy about the Middle Ages
Developer: Reverie World Studios
Publisher: Reverie World Studios

Medieval Kingdom Wars is a global real-time strategy game from developer Reverie World Studios. Historical setting and a huge living world medieval era. Create cities, fight in the name of the king, take part in large-scale sieges and show off your tactical skills in battle.

Campaign mode with an abundance of international and domestic intrigue, network mode and more. A painfully realistic survival simulator awaits you, where you will even have to hunt rats in order to save not only your own skin, but also the garrison under your control. Difficult, but exciting.

Release date: 2005 year
Genre: economic strategy, city planning simulator medieval city
Developer: Ubisoft Blue Byte Studio
Publisher: Ubisoft

The Settlers: Heritage of Kings is the fifth series of RTS The Setters from Blue Byte Software. In this part, the developers abandoned the standard setting, adding many gameplay elements similar to Cossacks: Europian Wars.

You will reincarnate as the character Dario, whose village was destroyed by the Black Knights. The hero will have to lead the militia to drive out the uninvited guests from his territory.

Release date: 2015
Developer: Creative Assembly
Publisher: SEGA

Total War: Attila is a project that combines elements of RTS and turn-based strategy. Developed by Creative Assembly and in fact is the 9th part of the Total War network.

The action takes place in 395 AD since the split of the Roman Empire. You will play as the great leader Atilla, while simultaneously managing your own state. Constructions are given Special attention: industrial buildings can pollute the atmosphere, sanitary buildings can clean them. It is necessary to seek a balance between industry and ecology.

Strategies have always been popular. This genre doesn't require the same reaction speed as simulation or action games, but that doesn't mean it's easier. After all, only quests can compete with strategies in the challenge they can pose to the player’s ingenuity and intelligence.

Well, strategies about the Middle Ages have always been popular. Don't believe me? Well, think about games like Stronghold and Medieval: Total War. You don’t have to look for the reason for the players’ favor for a long time - after all, the Middle Ages are almost the same as fantasy, but without magic and unnecessary gloss, it’s more... real, and therefore more attractive. And so that you don't have to choose the most Interesting games of this type, we have prepared for you the TOP 10 strategies about the Middle Ages. So, let's begin.

10. Citadels

Our tenth place is taken by a good real-time strategy. The game does not have any special plot, and the controls and graphics are a little let down - but the game is quite capable of dragging on. Made for fans of classic strategies like Starcraft 2, only in a medieval setting. The game is not bad, but it cannot be called something completely outstanding. Well-deserved tenth place.

9. The Settlers: Rise of an Empire

In ninth place we have the sixth game in the famous series about settlers. As in all games in this series, in Settlers: Rise of an Empire (that is the name under which the project was released), the economy plays a very important role. For that matter, the economic development here is much more elaborate than military operations. The only drawback of the game is that it is too easy in places, but that is why it should be recommended to beginners. Overall, Settlers is an interesting project with leisurely, thoughtful gameplay and nice graphics.

8. Golden Horde

The next game that I would like to recommend to you is the Golden Horde. An original project from domestic developers. Interesting historical setting, good, although sometimes slightly drawn-out gameplay, three campaigns - for the Russians, Mongols and Teutons. Of course, you can still make some claims to the game in terms of historical accuracy, but, nevertheless, the project is recommended, at a minimum, for familiarization. And preferably - for a complete passage.

7. Knights of Honor

It was impossible to ignore the Knights of Honor. This game has diplomacy, economics, and excellent real-time combat. Manage your state, spread your religion, enter into alliances and alliances with other ruling dynasties (and you are the head of such a dynasty), and finally, fight. The game is very multifaceted and extremely interesting. Perhaps the graphics engine let us down a little - but, overall, the project turned out to be very worthy. Therefore, we strictly recommend it.

6. Anno 1404

Next up is an economic strategy, in which the construction of cities and trade play a very important role. True, there are military actions here, but we still need to grow into them. In principle, the game can be compared to SimCity, only here everything is much more interesting. Because in addition to urban planning, there is also trade, military action, and diplomacy. And the plot is quite good. Therefore, this game is recommended to all fans of economic strategies.

5. Kingdom Come: Deliverance

In fifth place, our game is not so much about strategy as it is about tactics. An interesting campaign, a good combat system (although, of course, there are better ones), the ability to develop troops and an excellent quest system. In addition, the fact that the game is about the Crusades is a bonus. It seems that the topic is a hackneyed one, and everyone who is not too lazy has trampled on it - but it is not becoming less in demand. In general, tactics lovers - this game is for you.

4. Grand Ages: Medieval

We build cities, conclude trade and diplomatic alliances, go to war - this is all about Grand Ages: Medieval. As soon as she came out (by the way, she came out just the other day), they began to scold her. They say it’s long, and incomprehensible, and in general – ugh, disgusting. Well, fans of dynamic gameplay really have nothing to gain here. But those who like to play slowly and thoughtfully, planning each of their actions like a move in a chess game, will like the game. Fortunately, all the prerequisites for this are there, which means play and enjoy.

3. Medieval: Total War

Well, here's our lineup of leaders. It opens with Medieval: Total War - a wargame from the Total War series, which would be simply disgusting to ignore. There are amateurs in this toy economic development were left behind - however, as in all other games in the series. But what kind of battles are there... Scale, historical realism. Sieges are something special. This game, like its expansions and sequels, is strictly recommended for all fans of large-scale battles. Although, what am I talking about - after all, they have been familiar with this magnificent project for a long time.

2.Age of Empires 3

Our second place goes to the classic real-time strategy about the Middle Ages. Nice picture on the screen, simple and intuitive controls, dynamic gameplay. True, we have here not only the Middle Ages, but also the beginning of modern times - but this, I believe, will not confuse anyone. a brief description of Age of Empires 3 is convenient, familiar and very interesting. In general, there is nothing too original in the game, but all the classic elements are used so appropriately that it is extremely difficult to tear yourself away from the Age of Empires. If you haven't seen this game yet, be sure to play it. You will not regret!


Well, in first place we have the classics. The First Citadel is one of the strategies that is the best... well, in almost everything. Well-developed military and economic campaigns - and in the military one we must not forget about the economy, and in the economic one we will sometimes have to deal with defense. Good graphics, despite the fact that the game is already many years old. Interesting gameplay - with all the delights of the Middle Ages such as building a fortress, large-scale sieges and so on. Bonus in the form of a plot - the military campaign is a retelling of the story about King Richard the Lionheart. Try it, and I promise you, this game will keep you hooked for a long time.

The romance of the Middle Ages leaves few people indifferent. The world is still young, the lands are eager to find a feudal owner, powerful military technologies have yet to be invented... He who has a sword in his hands, and a detachment of loyal knights behind his back, can conquer the whole world! This opportunity is provided by browser-based war strategy games with swords about the Middle Ages. If your destiny is to command, dominate and win, you need to take the path of a ruler!

Without fear and reproach

If you feel that you were born too late and would like to correct this omission, go back to the Middle Ages and start playing war strategy games about knights. Study fortification, purchase weapons and horses, equip troops and do not forget to exploit the peasants. For example, in 1100 AD. Don’t forget to form diplomatic alliances, build a vassalage system, and think very carefully about military tactics.

Go on a campaign to conquer distant lands! Your medieval knights are eager to fight! Just don’t forget to provide them with supplies and weapons, because the enemy is cunning and strong.

If you enjoyed playing the browser-based sword strategy game about knights, now try moving to the East and fighting alongside the crusaders' rivals. Register in the Caliphate!

We are building a grandiose empire

Does the soul require truly grandiose proportions? This means that you need to play browser-based strategies about the Middle Ages, which provide truly large-scale opportunities for building super-empires. Such a game is the multiplayer strategy Empire Online 2, in which you can:

  • Develop resource production;
  • Increase the population (not forgetting to build houses for it, since people don't like being homeless);
  • Study technologies;
  • Build scientific and cultural sites, including Wonders of the World;
  • Improve the army;
  • Conduct diplomatic negotiations;
  • Send out spies;
  • Found colonies;
  • Capture territories.

It's impossible to tear yourself away!

Heavy armor, stern knights and gloomy fortresses that are almost impossible to conquer - yes, yes, in this collection we're talking about about the best open world medieval games on PC.

This exciting historical era has inspired some great RPGs, strategy games, and multiplayer games. And if you add a little fantasy to it, it will turn out really cool.

1. Kingdom Under Fire 2 – epic army wars

“” is an excellent mixture of MMORPG and strategy with high-quality graphics and interesting lore.

Video games Kingdom Under Fire 2

The combat in the game is dynamic with key combinations, massive attacks and a variety of spells. And the game is completely in Russian and free.

  • Game website: https://ru.4game.com/kuf2/install/

2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – a legendary RPG with a cool storyline

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the exciting adventure of Geralt of Rivia as he goes in search of the child from the prophecy.

Video games The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

And other nice little things like the crafting system, variety of equipment, excellent DLS. Seriously, don't install this game, it will drag you on for a long time.

  • Game website: http://thewitcher.com/en/witcher3

3. ArcheAge – a beautiful MMORPG with sandbox elements

"" is another colorful mixture of fantasy and the Middle Ages. This eastern MMORPG has earned its place in the selection due to its huge variety of content.

Video games ArcheAge

The game pleases with regular, almost weekly updates, holidays, quizzes and cross-server events.

  • Game website: https://aa.mail.ru/

4. Life is Feudal: MMO - a large sandbox with construction

“” - but here there is no fantasy, only the harsh Middle Ages with brutal warriors swinging huge axes.

Video games Life is Feudal

The most serious and realistic, with not the lowest barrier to entry and difficult survival. Cool!

  • Game website: https://lifeisfeudal.com/

5. Kingdom come: Deliverance - the best open world RPG of 2018

"Kingdom Come: Deliverance" is a breakthrough of the year, a game that receives almost one positive reviews. Large, very beautiful and complex.

Video games Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Realistic picture, realistic combat, crafting, gravity transfer system. Yes, this is exactly the real Middle Ages that we deserve!

  • Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/379430/

6. Wild Terra Online – old school sandbox in isometry

« » – simple picture, minimum system requirements and not the easiest survival in an open medieval world.

Video games Wild Terra Online

The game is from domestic developers, but it looks and plays no worse than its Western competitors.

  • Game website: http://www.wildterra.ru/

7. Thief - the difficult life of an ordinary thief

Thief is a dark, solo adventure set in an iconic universe. This is the story of the thief Garrett and his student, who go in search of a certain stone.

Thief video games

The game even has horror elements, so the mission in the mental hospital really makes you nervous. And the graphics are beautiful.

  • Game website: https://www.thiefgame.com/

8. Stronghold Kingdoms – a cozy strategy for weak PCs

“ ” – unhurried development of settlements, distribution of resources and semi-automatic war. Everything is as it should be in a classic strategy.

Video games Stronghold Kingdoms

The game is distributed free of charge and, thanks to the minimum system requirements, is perfect for weak PCs.

  • Game website: https://ru.strongholdkingdoms.com/

9. Black Death – survival in a world with plague

“Black Death” is a survival simulator in a medieval world with a map area of ​​8 square kilometers.

Video games Black Death

Black Death, survival and diversification of professions

1 Black Death - a plague destroys a character if he communicates with the sick or eats the wrong food.
2 Variety of professions– swordsmen, bandits and farmers are played very differently.
3 Living world - cities and villages, hundreds of NPCs, day and night, the spread of plague.
4 Survival - hunger system, non-target combat, buying buildings, hiring workers.

The game allows you to steal gold from the pockets of other players. And the sandbox looks cool, for an indie.

  • Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/412450/

10. Throne: Kingdom at War – browser strategy with excellent pictures

"" - try yourself in the role of the king of a medieval city in one of the highest quality browser strategies for 2018.

Video games Throne: Kingdom at War

Light browser strategy in a medieval setting

1 A beautiful city - dozens of buildings, hundreds of studies, gradual development.
2 Preparing for war– create warriors and spies, train a hero, upgrade your troops.
3 There are a lot of battles - raid your neighbors, capture mines, take part in events.
4 A joint game - thinking over a coat of arms for a clan, hierarchy, massive wars for territory.

At the same time, the game is extremely friendly to beginners - the training here is detailed, and the time of non-aggression is enough to get used to it.

  • Game website: https://plarium.com/ru/

Great picture, addictive atmosphere and big worlds- It's hard to choose what exactly players like most about this top ten open-world medieval games. But the fact that they deserve attention is for sure.

Anno 1404 is a real-time strategy game. You will be able to create your own state, which will exist thanks to maritime trade with neighboring city-states, as well as by capturing new territories. Much attention the game focuses on the creation of colonies on islands covered with palm trees and full of strange eastern resources. Please note that rare resources are the main component of this game. As your state grows, citizens with increased needs will begin to settle in it. In order to satisfy these needs, you will have to either look for a suitable island to extract the necessary resource, or use the services of neighbors who have it in abundance.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011)

A game in the heat of adventure and action, which is a continuation of the game of the same name and tells us about the adventures of the main character Ezio Auditore. In this part of the game series, he appears to us as an elderly assassin, who can no longer be surprised by anything, but, nevertheless, he is the best in his business. He is still capable of killing the Pope speaking in St. Peter's Square to a crowd of believers in a way that would look like suicide. We again have to watch the ancient confrontation between the Assassins and the Knights Templar, who are determined to enslave all people on the planet.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (2011)

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a multi-platform RPG that boasts a huge open world. This series of games has gathered an incredible number of fans around the world. And this is not surprising, because The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is the most successful game in the series, where each player can independently explore the farthest corners of the world of Tamriel and discover something new.

The game takes place 200 years after the events of the previous game in the series. You can feel like one of the Dragonborn - people who are entrusted with the mission of fighting the Dragons, who have gradually begun to return to the world of Skyrim.

Medieval 2: Total War (2007)

Medieval 2: Total War - definitely Best game series of strategies of the same name. You can become the ruler of any of European civilizations. Well-thought-out urban development, which will not let you get bored, will allow you to create from a settlement either a city that brings high income and is oriented towards industry, or a well-fortified fortress.

Dante's Inferno (2010)

In this slasher, we will not be talking about the Dante that flaunts in Devil May Cry, but he has a greater right to this name, because in the game in places there are phrases one after another from Aguilleri’s Divine Comedy.

The gameplay is quite rich. The player will find both medieval parkour and puzzles. To destroy enemies, Dante uses a small arsenal, including a devil's scythe and a crucifix, which here serves as a ranged weapon. A rich set of combos will not let you get bored even with such a meager choice of weapons. There are plenty of options for getting rid of the enemy, but, unfortunately, in battle it will still be more effective to use a couple of proven techniques.

For Honor (2017)

In the team action game from Ubisoft, players will be able to play as one of three heroes, whose abilities are radically different from each other - a fearless Viking, a valiant knight and a samurai. Next, the player is invited to organize battles in a team of four with an army of AI bots, or go through a single player campaign.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (2012)

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a first-person action game set in the fictional country of Agate, which this moment absorbed civil war. The Agate Knights and the Masons are fighting for control of the country. The game world is quite detailed. Players have to periodically interact with him in various game modes, which include both team battles and battles in the “every man for himself” mode.

Sid Meiers Civilization VI (2016)

This game cannot quite be called “medieval”. This is a turn-based strategy game in which you become the ruler of one of the largest civilizations and lead it to world domination through all eras, from antiquity to the information era. During the game you will interact with neighboring civilizations, as well as with small city-states. Both diplomacy and military power will be used. Also, do not forget about the espionage system, with the help of which you can significantly simplify achieving victory over the enemy.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)

The third part of the game series about the adventures of the witcher Geralt of Rivia, released in 2015, is one of the best today role playing games with an open world. Together with Geralt, you will have to go in search of the missing witcher's student Cirilla.
During your journey, you will make decisions that significantly affect the plot of the game. You will also have to develop the unique abilities of a witcher, as well as collect artifacts.

Age of Empires 3 (2005)

The game is a real-time strategy game. At the time of its release back in 2005, it made a splash, both in terms of graphics and gameplay. The graphics, of course, are unlikely to surprise at this point, and thanks to the well-developed and balanced gameplay, they will not soon be forgotten.

There are only three resources in the game, so the economic system is quite simple. There is no emphasis on it here. This is just a means to strengthen the base and recruit new soldiers.
Both a single player campaign and multiplayer are available to the player, which supports up to 8 people on one map.



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