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Status: everything is fine. Statuses about yourself with meaning

If you are sad and your mood is not improving, and your loved one simply comes up to you and hugs you with the words: “Everything will be fine, I’m with you” - this is true happiness. If after his smile and kind words you feel better, cherish this person.

Happiness will come... It will only timidly knock and quietly cross the threshold. And with his arrival everything will get better.

For some, happiness is when there is no time to take care of the farm in the VKontakte application, because you still need to have time to respond to numerous messages.

Happiness cannot come tomorrow; it does not know about yesterday. It does not look into the future and does not return to the past. It can only come now, only at this moment, so it is so important not to miss it.

Best status:
Your soul becomes lighter when you see someone’s smile, but you can’t describe the feeling when a smile is meant for you.

How good it is to wake up early in the morning out of habit, but a little later realize that you don’t need to get up early today, and, wrapped up warmly, continue to sleep. What happiness!

For happiness, one thing is enough, but something different every day.

There will be happiness, I believe... it will be... just a little more and everything will be fine...

Happiness is when you don’t have time to water the garden at the “Farm” because you are bombarded with messages =)

Happiness is when you have Bad mood, he will come up, hug you and say: “Everything will be fine.” And then he smiles, and your soul becomes warmer.

Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present...and that is not a day, but a moment.

What a joy it is to wake up and, without opening your eyes, understand that you don’t need to go anywhere, calmly roll over to the other side and fall asleep again.

Today I was brushing my teeth and touched a glass with toothbrushes and a razor, but I caught it all) isn’t this a little happiness..)

Just because you're different from others doesn't mean you're worse

Want to cry. Cry with happiness!

Happiness is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.

It's nice to see a person smile with happiness. It’s doubly nice when you are the reason for his smile.

Most happy man, this is the one who, having got into the past, would not change anything there.

You must be able to be happy every moment, and not wait for happiness to come someday later. What if today is actually the best thing that was, is and will be in your life...

The eyes give away the happy ones...

The eyes give away the happy ones...

To be happy you need only one thing, just something new every day.

He is happiness... that's all... I love him... even if not in catchphrases... I just love him... even if from a distance...

It's complicated in places, but it doesn't need anything else.

Happiness is when they say good things about you, and you are still alive.

And sometimes you really want to cuddle up to your loved one when it’s so bad, cuddle just so she can say “Everything will be fine!” Let this phrase bring more tears, but then everything will definitely be fine, only because there is someone to cuddle with

More than kisses, letters mingle souls.

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine.

Silence is the ultimate weapon of power

I don’t want a Fairy Tale ending… I want a Fairy Tale that never ends.

The real actor has a direct line to the collective heart.

Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.

Dieters -- People that are thick and tired of it

There are 4 very important words in life. Love, Honesty, Truth and Respect. Without these in your life, you have nothing.

How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself

The ignorant classes are the dangerous classes.

Fat is a way of saying no to powerlessness and self-denial.

Dream is not complete by sleeping!.

How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?

The energy of the mind is the essence of life.

To most men any romance which runs beyond the limits of an episode becomes a nuisance.

To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever.

90% of what is considered IMPOSSIBLE” os infact possible. The other Amazing0% will become possible with the passage of time & technology.

A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work

Love with predictability; its very essence is surprise and amazement. To make love a prisoner of the mundane is to take its passion and lose it forever.

The most noteworthy thing about gardeners is that they are always optimistic, always enterprising, and never satisfied. They always look forward to doing something better than they have ever done before

Ability without honor is useless.

Ideas any one can mold as he wishes.

Love stories are only suitable for the solace of people in the insanity of puberty. No healthy adult human being can really care whether so-and-so does or does not succeed in satisfying his physiological uneasiness by the aid of some particular person or not

There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life.

Where is there dignity unless there is honesty?

My Attitude is GoD gift and nobody take it from me.!.

Tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on it.

Don't lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.

Silence is argument carried on by other means.

The world is full of geniuses waiting to grant your wishes.

Nothing is perfect, but when I’m with you everything is perfect.

He who sings frightens away his ills.

If APPLE made a car, would it have windows?

The pain passes, but the beauty remains.

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.

Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.

I may win and i may lose but i will never be defeated.

There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect.

Love is the master key opens the gates of happiness.

By the way, I’m wearing the smile you gave me.

If somebody really cares about you they will never put you on the back burner.

I find nothing more depressing than optimistic.

Either that wallpaper goes, or I do.

The only true gift is a portion of yourself.

The heart that is empty of doubt is the cleanest of hearts.

If you dream the proper dreams, and share the myths with people, they will want to grow up to be like you.

Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.

Love is an ocean of emotions entirely surrounded by expenses.

  • I am not an artist, but I paint my dreams. I am not a writer, but I am writing my book of life.
  • As long as you are the same as everyone else, no one needs you. As soon as you become different from everyone else, everyone will need you.
  • I can't stand it when people expect something from me. I immediately have a desire to do the opposite.
  • I only listen to others to make sure I get things done my way.
  • No more complex task in this world than to find yourself.
  • Statuses to yourself with meaning - If cats are scratching your soul, don’t hang your nose - the time will come, and they will purr loudly with happiness.
  • One of my disadvantages is that I forgive people for things that cannot be forgiven, and I get offended by the most ordinary little things.
  • It’s easy and simple with me when I’m away and in photographs.
  • Sometimes, to be truly happy, you need to take a step back. After all, many doors open on themselves.
  • Yesterday I learned about myself that I am no better than others. Well, now you need to find out that it’s no worse...
  • Self-confidence is the basis of everything major successes and achievements.
  • The weather outside is so wonderful, there’s nothing to even whine about. And I love whining! This fucking good weather ruined everything.
  • All people want to find a soul mate. And when they find it, they want it not to be half, but an exact copy of themselves.
  • Seeing yourself from the outside is much more important than in the mirror.
  • I want love and affection, and there are noodles and fairy tales all around!
  • When I have a lot of difficulties, there is no need to feel sorry for me, I should be envious: after all, now I will become smarter and stronger.
  • Selfishness is when you want her to be with you, and love is when you want her to be happy.
  • I try to live as they live ordinary people. As soon as a fighter considers himself great, he will lose.
  • If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent, just as if women knew closer to the men, then they would become even more flirtatious.
  • No matter what life teaches us, our hearts believe in miracles!
  • Are you trying to change others? Is it hard to change yourself?
  • The lessons of misfortune are not always useful: in some cases they soften and correct a person, but more often they harden him.
  • Money, looks and their character don't matter to me.
  • The task of our parents was to give us life. Our task is to give life to our Self.
  • It doesn't matter what I am. It is important that with you I will be exactly as you deserve me.
  • You can think whatever you want about me, only I know the truth!
  • When I was young, I wanted to change the world. Now I'm trying to stop the world from changing me.
  • One of the most difficult things is to try to deceive yourself.
  • Say only good things about yourself; whoever said it will be forgotten, but what was said will remain!
  • I don't like this person. I guess we need to find out this person better.
  • I can talk about myself for hours, but the audience doesn’t always gather.

If you love a person, and he is far away now, then he will always be close to you in your heart. But if a person you don’t care about is nearby, then anyway he will always be somewhere far away.

I used to call my beloved my sunshine, but now I’m just a bitch. It's a shame and pain to endure this. To hell with this kind of love.

If your eyes are filled with happiness and love trembles in your heart, love, do not be shy about this magical feeling, suddenly he is also madly in love.

As soon as you start running from love, it will embrace and absorb you completely and you will not go anywhere else.

Best status:
- Do you have love? - No, damn it, text messages that I re-read every day at night!

For the pain caused, you will now be alone and tears will not help bring me back. Love had to be appreciated.

We have such a relationship that he can offend, scold, shout, be jealous, but kiss and love. And if anyone gets close, he will kill anyone.

I’m starting to feel happiness again, but I’m afraid to plunge into it headlong, because the last parting was unbearably painful and lonely.

I want to bury my nose in your neck and sleep... for a long time...

A lot of guys, with their behavior and actions, just scream “I’m the most asshole asshole in all of Assholery!”

I want someone whom I can call in tears at 3 am, and he will answer and say “Where are you?...I’ll be right there!”

that means he is not narcissistic, not selfish, and so on... who can sacrifice himself for the sake of his beloved is now called a rag?!

We are in different streams of life, we have never spoken and never thought about relationships with each other... And today he asked me to meet.

Every day I scan your photo.

boys are boys... but who will study

Men love modest girls who have the fire of passion in their eyes.

No. Of course you’re good, but I won’t give it to you. (With)

I remember the day when I got sick with you. And I haven’t found a cure for this yet... Statuses about it.

walk, walk... just put on a hat

Eye to eye I smiled with happiness.

You asked why you are silent...

and in response to my “get out” he takes it and kisses me. – statuses for your loved one

haha..what a freak you are!!! Yes, you dress well, your perfume has a fashion brand, you read rap, your body makes high school girls sigh, and you have a great appearance in general... but you're still just an ordinary asshole!

I need you intravenously... every day... so that I can live

baby, he’s been busy for a long time... different.

I am ready to fight for you until my last breath, look, kiss, last heartbeat...

nothing... you tell him that he has a villa in the Maldives, she will love him.

your new girlfriend will be very indignant at the fact that you put 3 tablespoons of sugar in her tea, as I once loved.

he calls you, and you come up with the speech of your conversation...

there is snow, ice, cold outside... and only he warms you with his palm

remember once and for all, I am only with you, I am only yours - statuses for your beloved

We are far from each other... It’s hard... But you and I are strong, we will endure this year and be together again! The happiest! I love you and really look forward to leaving this fucking army!

I may have fallen in love, but I won’t remain silent!

What the hell with your butterflies, people have organs inside them, not insects.

She will wait for you, and you will fuck.

arnie, if a girl sent you a text message in the morning “Darling, you are the best,” it means that that night she compared you with someone.

Pray, asshole, that I come back.

he is the one for whom I will make coffee in the morning

I love the scent of perfume. Feel it with your nose, bitch, you can’t feel it with your heart (c)

You, bitch, will still remember me when you look into her eyes.

and instead of a teddy bear, you hug your loved one. You grow up.©

and the girl is no longer yours.

I really want to write a phrase here, after reading which you could understand everything)) but I don’t know such words yet

Do you know why I fell ill with you? Yes, because you yourself are sick!

and I don’t need tracks for me, flowers, gifts and so on. I need you.. and that's enough.

I’ve been hinting to my beloved for a month that I want breakfast in bed for my birthday (well, there’s coffee, toast, scrambled eggs) and, of course, flowers... And he prepared me buckwheat soup and with the words “Zaya, I’m sorry, but the roast was burnt,” he handed me a flowerpot from the windowsill... I love a fool like this ©

and when my own eyes meet, I lower mine and move on.

Kiss so tenderly and tenderly...to give you goosebumps

Yes, I love you... but it hurts me to watch how that bitch makes eyes at you - Statuses about him. Statuses for your beloved guy.

Honey, you won't date your posh principles. They don't love you, I love you!

I want you to be mine! Why am I going to get drunk to hell.....

I’m sick of these drools “I love you right at the very best....”

Whoever confesses his love first gets it.

Everything is possible except “you and me”

[The shine has faded. The fire went out. It's a shame. But not for the first time. My soul suddenly felt empty. It's simple. This is how feelings go away.]

after you, so many memories...

As they say, you are not enough for me. Statuses about him. Statuses for your beloved guy.

I'll look into his eyes and see hearts in them

I love Seryozha! I won’t say that he is the best, that he is ideal. He's just one, like everyone else. We are all different. Although everyone tells each other “all girls are the same, all guys are the same.” So why are you changing your soulmate?

feel your breath like breathing myself

I love you, but I won't give it to you))

Just hold on, baby.

Don’t waste your words on those who don’t hear them, on a trifle not worthy of offense. On those who breathe evenly next to you, whose heart does not hurt with your pain.

my nerve cells will not tolerate your pressure.

I will never forget how we were sitting on the steps in the entrance, you laid your head on my lap and fell asleep with a smile on your face... Happiness...

You can no longer look after me, as I once looked at my downcast eyes, and you can no longer look for my light, no longer listen to the words addressed to your friend, you can forget that I still love you, but how quickly the roles change...

Ol.. tell me honestly.. will I wait for you in vain? - Statuses about him. Statuses for your beloved guy.

bring me to a state of uncertainty, tender love, attachment to the eternal

Guys are like a tram, gone - the next one will come

you should be with me because that's what I want

and at night I will again sniff the pad with your scent

that's how. we.met.walked.fell.in love.forever. Statuses about him. Statuses for your beloved guy.

and now you’ve already suffered enough... he brought you to tears again... you keep repeating to yourself that you’ll send him... and when he looks into your tear-stained eyes and says “I’m sorry, dear,” you’re lost...

¦ automatically on paper. Statuses about him. Statuses for your beloved guy.

it’s always like this...: before you wanted to be with him, but he had a girlfriend... and now you have a boyfriend, and he’s trying to woo you

you say to yourself after you're an idiot, you've passed.

Did you fall in love with him again? No, you just got very drunk...

He invited me to his place to look at his stamp collection... well, I think his excuse was this... in the end, one and a half thousand stamps in 5 albums, in 23 wall frames... oh well, that's it... but, I quote, “everyone still has its own story, listen ..”

forget love, go dance. – statuses for your loved one

10 guys bowed at her feet, ready to give everything to be with her, but she chose 11... who didn’t even look in her direction.

You know, I won't get tired of it. I know that I won’t be with you, but of course it hurts me and all that. But I know that, unlike her, you are not deceiving me...

Girls, please remind me of the status...like 10 people bowed down before her, and she loves someone who doesn’t even look at her...

My memory will soon be full of you - statuses for my beloved

Do you know the difference between you and blood? - What? “Blood enters and leaves the heart, and you remain there forever.”

I liked it with you this night, dream more often

if a guy says he loves you, check him... it’s quite possible that he thinks so.

look into her eyes and tell her everything you think about her. Then you will be a guy.

How I just want to be next to him, hear the beat of his loving heart and just be silent...

You know, I really fell in love with you and I don’t care if you go into the army... I’ll wait as long as necessary..

Of course, I'm sorry, but I love you - statuses for your beloved

and for some reason my mother is always against my boyfriend...

The problem is that you apparently don’t understand what a doormat guy is. It’s not in your opinion.

I know that you are not exactly what I need, but I don’t care because I love you

uh...stop...he's busy with me...I should have taken the queue!!

No, you’re not that straight “uhh”, but look at that “hey, how do you like it?” you'll get off

you love him, you love him... and then bam there’s a new kid in the class



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