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VK statuses for boys about friends. Boyish statuses. Daring statuses about the main thing

A real boy must be kind, but he is never asked to be weak. What is a man's philosophy? Find out about this from the daring statuses for VK for boys.

To answer not the most conscientious people

Daring statuses about the main thing

A boy's life can be smooth or hard, but there is always a place for true friends in it. These statuses are dedicated to them:

Statuses about feelings

We are rarely loved for who we are, but maybe that's for the best:

Cheeky statuses from a boy's life

The boys are not philosophers, but they know a lot more about life. In order to get out of a variety of problems, you need the right attitude:

  1. Don't talk to me about life from scratch. You don’t know what it’s like to get out of a minus.
  2. I am a man, and by definition I am fearless, a boy can only be like that.
  3. My mother may be ashamed of me, but I am unkillable.
  4. For the sake of success, I will sacrifice everything except the health of my loved ones and my friends!
  5. Guys, respect women! And I’m not talking about skins now...
  6. Don't say the word "impossible" to me. I don't know what it means.
  7. Do you judge me for my difficult character? How else? A boy without character is a rag.
  8. Always keep your word: this is your price.
  9. I am caring and kind at home, and this is also my strength.
  10. If you're not sure, don't promise. There's nothing worse than being a jerk.
  11. Yes, I don't have much money, I just don't need to impress people who remind me of it.
  12. Between figure and kindness, always choose the latter. Beauty will fade, kindness will fade forever.
  13. A good person will not necessarily be intelligent, and an intelligent person will not necessarily be good.

Anyone can upset a real boy, but not everyone has time to apologize!

If you fall, get up, and if you get up, go.

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​victories. And never believe that there is no way out.

Forget about who you are now and become who you want to be.

Without knowing the bottom, don't poke your nose into the water. Keep your friends, appreciate freedom.

The boy must be responsible for his words, or he is not a boy.

Don't lie to someone who trusts you. Don't trust someone who lies to you.

Anger is a state in which the tongue works faster than the brain. Be wiser, think with your head.

Don't be afraid to lose those who aren't afraid to lose you.

I’ll tear everyone apart for my family, for my lads and for my beloved!

Don't demand respect for yourself. Act in such a way that you will be respected!

Do not expect mercy from the enemy and always strike for sure, even if you are covered in blood and beaten all over, there is always granite in your soul.

The boy said it, the boy did it! The boy didn't do it, the boy forgot!!!

If I go left, I won’t get home. I’ll go right, but I won’t have time to go left.

It is better to do beautifully than to speak beautifully.

Vasya is not driving, Petya is not driving, the guys in the cabin are the ones in authority.

Without humor, life is boring. Without love, life is hopeless. Life is impossible without friends.

Know how to keep all the pain inside, people don’t care about your feelings.

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.

In spite of the failures, in spite of the troubles, no matter what happens to you - do not lose heart!!! It happens that with your nose, knees, belly... Well, fall everyone... But don’t lose heart!!!

Start each day as if it were decisive.

It’s better to have muscle pain than drugs and alcohol!

Remember, brother, one grace, the heifer is not waiting for you, but the Mother is waiting for you!

And remember, bro, what we used to be like. How we grew, progressed and fell in love for the first time!

Do today what others do not want - tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.

  • Boy statuses - We are so brave because we don’t expect any favors.
  • God created a thief, and the devil created a prosecutor, go boys to where there is no work, where there are no laws and courts...
  • Don't talk to me about life from scratch. You don’t know what it’s like to get out of a minus.
  • It happens in life - boys lose their own...
  • I am a man, and by definition I am fearless, a boy can only be like that.
  • Only suckers are not afraid of anything, real boys are always cheating...
  • My mother may be ashamed of me, but I am unkillable.
  • Lord, protect me from my friends, I can handle my enemies myself.
  • For the sake of success, I will sacrifice everything except the health of my loved ones and my friends!
  • I survived there, where the mammoths froze.
  • Guys, respect women! And I’m not talking about skins now...
  • A guy should be decorated with only one princess, and not a flock of sheep.
  • Don't say the word "impossible" to me. I don't know what it means.
  • We are not cool, but cool people are drawn to us. We are not thieves in law, but people with ideas value us. We don't have weapons, but we are always dangerous. We are few, but when we are united, we are invincible!
  • Do you judge me for my difficult character? How else? A boy without character is a rag.
  • The most pleasant thing is when the guys from your yard want to be like you.
  • Always keep your word: this is your price.
  • Honesty and loyalty are an expensive gift that you should not expect from cheap people.
  • I am caring and kind at home, and this is also my strength.
  • There are two types of women: good and ideal. The good ones have a large F, as well as a small P, and are good at holding X in their hands. F is living space, P is a need, and X is a household. What were you thinking - this is the ideal woman.
  • Boys' statuses - If you're not sure, don't promise. There's nothing worse than being a jerk.
  • Life is given to a person only once. You need to live it in such a way that those at the top go nuts, saying: “Cool! Worth repeating!”
  • Anyone can upset a really active guy. It is important to apologize in time in order to wait longer for your sudden funeral.
  • If things get tough in life, a friend’s shoulder will help!
  • I hate boys who needlessly offend cute girls with their fists, obscene words or behavior. Such unique people are rude to ladies out of male impotence and fear.
  • He who is ready for everything is not prepared for anything.
  • Men are subject to emotions. Boys sometimes feel acute hunger.
  • Never, under any circumstances, should you give up. Any difficulties are not a punishment for the past, but a test for the sake of the future.
  • The secret to successful family relationships is simple. When a guy is wrong, he doesn’t admit it. If he knows the right remedy, he will remain silent.
  • If there is nothing left to hold on to, hold on well.

Only a car and a dog do not betray.

There is no law for us - we are boys from the area.

If you love, love without deception. If you believe, then believe until the end. If you hate it, say it straight. And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes.

It's better to be last among wolves than first among jackals!

Turn off your phone, don't make contact, and you will find out how many real friends you have.

There will be luck, there will be luck, and it cannot be otherwise - you just need patience!

There are people to whom you really want to say thank you, at least for existing.

If a girl takes the first step herself, believe me, she really cares about you!

My friends and I have different parents, but that doesn’t stop us from being brothers.

Think with your own head, do as you know, always. Don't bend to public opinion.

Every boy's dream is to hold his son from his beloved girl in his arms.

Your own company is a company in which you don’t have to think when you speak.

Think back to yourself a year ago. A lot has changed. Some got closer, others left.

And as long as my heart continues to beat, I will be proud of the place where I was destined to be born!

Don't forgive betrayal. No one. Never. They deceived you once, which means they will deceive you a second time.

I don't try to please people. Everyone who needs it already likes me! You won't be good to everyone!

Take care of the one you love so that later you don’t have to live with the one you got.

It doesn’t matter how many friends you have, What matters is whether they will help you in a difficult situation!

Brother remember: We will never leave you in trouble!

It happens that you leave everyone for the sake of a person, and he leaves you for the sake of everyone.

Mom teaches you to be kind, dad teaches you to be proud. But my brother doesn’t teach anything, he just said: “If they hurt you, I’ll tear you up!”

Don't waste time on people who don't have time for you.

Don't avoid a fight, wounds will heal faster than self-esteem.

I don’t need the perfect one, I need you, harmful, jealous, but so beloved.

Treasure only those who value you.

I don't care about those who hate me. I live for the people who love me.


Those who grew up in the courtyards and know what the word “boy” is will certainly find something interesting for themselves here, in our selection of “boy statuses”. When we were young and rode with friends through overgrown parks and gardens, rode motorcycles for hours and tried to achieve our youthful goals. Although, boy is not just a word from childhood. You've probably met real boys in your life who keep their word and fulfill all their promises. There are, of course, exceptions that are the opposite of these individuals. In general, read the statuses guys, draw conclusions and we wish you a pleasant viewing. Good luck.



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