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Ribeye steak recipe in a frying pan. Striploin steak: recipe, cooking features, recommendations and reviews

Did you know that filet mignon and ribeye steak are two of the most popular steaks among gourmets and meat eaters? In this article we will tell you how to cook ribeye steak at home. If you follow our tips, it's not that difficult!

Cooking a ribeye steak at home is no more difficult than cooking it on the grill. You just need to remember the basic cooking rules. You can fry the steak on a grill pan or bake it in the oven, cook it in sous vide or in a josper. But, taking into account that not every kitchen has special devices for cooking dishes using a “gentle” method, we will share a basic recipe for steak in a frying pan.
How to cook ribeye steak at home? First, let's choose the right dishes. A large cast iron frying pan works great. It holds the temperature well and distributes it evenly inside the steak. A thin pan (like a pancake pan) or a convex pan (like a wok) will not work. Because the meat is first sealed on the outside, and then cooked until cooked. In a frying pan with a thin bottom you will achieve a crispy crust. But remember: such dishes are unable to accumulate heat, and by the time the steak reaches the desired level of frying, the crust will burn. In convex frying pans, the cooking temperature is different parts The cookware is different, so the meat will not be cooked evenly. So, a tip to help you cook ribeye steak at home: use a heavy-bottomed cast-iron skillet or grill pan. In addition to excellent taste, the grill pan will add delicious stripes to your dish.
Second tip: choose only high-quality meat and only marbled beef. Without a doubt, you can buy marbled meat as a whole cut and cut the steaks yourself, but if you have no experience in such manipulations, it’s not worth the risk. It is better to buy a ribeye steak that has been cut by a professional, so you will get the perfect cut for the perfect dish. Well, you probably already know that real steaks are prepared exclusively from marbled beef. Buying beef for steak in Kyiv is very easy if you visit the T-Bone steakhouse shop on the Capital Market.
Now for tips regarding cooking technology. If they don't seem significant enough to you, read them again! Each point is of great importance and affects the taste ready-made dish. So, how to cook ribeye steak at home?
1. Remove it from the package 2 hours before cooking to allow the meat to “breathe” and reach room temperature. It's okay if the beef bleaches a little, it will help crisp the skin.
2. Before placing the beef on the hot surface of the frying pan, be sure to dry the meat. This way the steak will be fried, not stewed.
3. Heat the pan thoroughly. It’s better to put it on medium heat for 3-5 minutes to create a light smoke.
4. When to salt steak? There are different theories and a lot of controversy about this. In our opinion, one of the best options is just before putting the meat in the frying pan. Dry it, season it, brush it with oil and send it to fry.
5. Do not pierce or cut into marbled beef to check doneness. Use a meat thermometer for this. This will keep the beef juicy.
6. Leave the finished steak meat to rest. It is best to place it on a wooden board and cover with foil for 3-5 minutes. During this time, the ribeye will be ready.

How to cook ribeye steak at home, recipe

T-Bone Academy shared with you the important nuances of cooking steaks, all of them can be combined into one basic recipe. First, remove the cut from the package and leave for 1.5 hours. You can buy steak meat in the T-Bone online meat store. Crush the garlic cloves with a knife without peeling. Tear a couple of sprigs of rosemary and thyme with your hands, and lightly crush the black and allspice in a mortar. Mix these ingredients with coarse salt, olive oil and marinate the ribeye for 20 minutes. After this, dry the meat with napkins and grease again with oil. Fry in a well-heated frying pan for 3-4 minutes on both sides, the temperature should reach 58-59°C. After this, remove the meat to rest for 5 minutes. Then slice across the grain and enjoy the marbled beef. Bon appetit!

Initially, steaks were portioned pieces of beef tenderloin fried in a pan or grill. In its original form, this dish was formed in Britain and migrated from English cuisine to the tables of colonial and other countries. For the borrowed recipe, they began to use not only beef, but also other, local varieties of dark meat, so now a dish made from mutton, lamb, elk, venison, etc. can also be called steak.

Depending on which parts of the animal carcass are taken for the steak, its name also changes. For example, there are filet mignon, chateaubriand, skirt, porterhouse and rib steaks. In this article we will talk about striploin steak - a piece of meat from the lumbar part of the back closer to the head part.

This meat is traditionally considered an exclusively male “brutal” treat, since a piece the length of a palm and a thickness of 1-1.5 cm consists of large fibers and is surrounded by a solid strip of fat. When fried, it gives a luxurious meaty aroma, but it turns out to be quite fatty and, accordingly, high in calories. For people who closely monitor the amount of calories they eat, a modification of the striploin was invented - the New York steak. The same piece of tenderloin, but without fat.

Given the fat content of the product, striploin steak is usually served with a light side dish of vegetables or simply with sauce. Flavoring seasonings for the dish are different. This can be either a delicate creamy or cheese sauce or more spicy and rich mushroom, meat, mayonnaise sauces and dressings with chili pepper and soy.

Important! To prepare meat, it is advisable to use not ready-made spice sets, but whole spices, which must be crushed in a mortar directly when preparing the piece. This will give the steak more flavor.

Striploin steak with white wine sauce

White wine can be not only a good accompaniment to seafood and fish, but also an excellent ingredient for a delicious sauce for meat.

List of ingredients:


  • Striploin beef steak – 4 pcs.
  • Black pepper in peas.
  • Fresh chili pepper.
  • Sea salt.
  • Olive oil.


  • Dry white wine – 250 ml.
  • Chicken yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 50-70 g.


  • Young zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese – 100 g.
  • Ripe tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • Basil – 20 g.
  • Celery – 1 stalk.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the pieces of meat with a napkin.
  2. In a mortar, coarsely grind the black peppercorns, fresh chili pod without seeds and sea ​​salt. The amount of chili pulp depends on your taste; with a whole one it may turn out too spicy.
  3. Rub the beef pieces with this mixture and set aside on a cutting board for 10 minutes.
  4. During this time, coarsely chop the zucchini and tomatoes. Quickly fry the vegetable slices (not until soft) in well-heated vegetable oil with crushed garlic cloves, then place one at a time in a baking dish.
  5. Also simmer the chopped celery a little in oil and put it in the mold.
  6. Sprinkle the vegetables with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. For the first 10 minutes, keep the temperature at 180 degrees, in the last 5 minutes raise it to 200.
  7. Pour the wine into a deep frying pan and simmer over low heat. After reducing the volume by a third, pour into a small container and continue evaporating in a water bath.
  8. Working constantly with a whisk, pour chicken yolks into the evaporated wine, and then add butter. Salt and season. When the sauce thickens, it is ready.
  9. Fry the pieces of meat in hot olive oil. Dry on paper towels and place on serving plates. Pour over wine sauce.
  10. Place the vegetables you noticed with the cheese next to your taste and decorate the composition with whole basil leaves.

Grilled striploin steak in honey with vegetable garnish

Spicy steak with a delicious charcoal grill and a glossy crust, garnished with tender green beans and tomatoes.

Important! To prepare this dish you need a grill pan.

The list of ingredients is given for 4 servings.

List of ingredients:


  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • Dried chili - to taste.
  • Dried garlic - to taste.
  • Liquid honey – 1 tsp.
  • Salt.


  • Fresh green beans – 400 g.
  • Ripe tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Pine nuts or sesame seeds – 1 tsp.
  • Green onion stalks (white part) – 50 g.
  • Sweet and sour tomato sauce(“Krasnodar”) – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the pieces of meat and fry without any spices or oil in a well-heated grill pan so that a beautiful charcoal grill is formed.
  2. In a bowl, combine liquid honey, chili pepper, dried garlic, salt and other spices to taste.
  3. Brush the steaks on both sides with this mixture and place in a ceramic baking dish.
  4. Bake until done for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Pink juice when pierced means medium-done, clear juice means complete readiness (dark gray meat).
  5. In a regular frying pan, melt the butter and fry the green onion stalks, cut into cubes. Then add the green beans and simmer everything over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  6. After the juices have evaporated a little, increase the heat and add the peeled and seeded tomatoes, diced.
  7. Fry a little and add tomato sauce to the vegetables. After 5 minutes, turn off and let cool slightly.
  8. Place one steak and side dishes to taste on a serving plate. Before serving, sprinkle the vegetables with pine nuts or sesame seeds, roasted in a dry frying pan.

Striploin steak with tomatoes and cheese

Ideal roast dish summer day when you really want it delicious meat and there is a complete lack of desire to eat a hearty side dish.

The list of products is given for 4 servings.

List of ingredients:


  • Striploin steak beef – 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • Whole cumin - to taste.
  • Dried dill - to taste.
  • Salt.
  • Chili pepper optional.


  • Multi-colored tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Fresh garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Fresh basil – 30 g.
  • Green onions (stems only) – 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 30 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
  • White wine – 2 tsp.
  • Salt.
  • Black pepper.
  • Brine cheese (brynza, suluguni, aristey) – 150 g.


  • Olives or black olives - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Make the side dish first, as the vegetables need to sit for about half an hour. This will make the taste richer.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes. Also chop the basil greens coarsely. Finely chop the green onion stems.
  3. Cut the pickled cheese into cubes. If it is already cut and is in an oil fill, then it must be thoroughly drained.
  4. In a bowl, mix lemon juice, wine, vegetable oil, salt, pepper and garlic pressed through a garlic press. Some recipes strongly recommend grinding the cloves in a mortar to create the sauce, but here it will be better if it remains in the form of large pieces.
  5. Mix all the side dish ingredients together, pour in the sauce and leave to infuse.
  6. Separately, crush cumin, black peppercorns and salt in a mortar. Mix with dried dill and rub the pieces of meat with this mixture. Let the steaks sit for about 10 minutes, then quickly fry in a well-heated frying pan.
  7. The meat needs to be actually seared; it may still be red inside.
  8. It must be cooked until ready in the oven for 5-15 minutes (depending on the required roasting), placing it in a baking dish and setting the cooking temperature to 180 degrees.
  9. For each serving, place one steak and 3-4 tbsp. l. side dish

There won't be many photos. In the future, of course, I plan to provide more detailed photo reports on the preparation of dishes, but you must agree that a photo of chopped mushrooms and onions will not change much big picture and will not diminish the understanding of what happened in the end. But, I repeat once again, I will try to take photos at every stage so that everyone can get their favorite juicy long posts.

Let's start with the meat, friends!

Naturally it's beef. Don't be friends with those who say that there is more, for example, pork steaks. This is all nonsense. The term steak originally appeared as a combination of two words Beef Steak, and then they began to simply say steak in abbreviation. Now there are fish and pork and almost chicken steaks, which in fact are not steaks. Beef and only beef. And no exceptions.

The breeds of cows are also different. There are dairy ones, there are meat ones. From the name it is clear that some are for giving milk, and the second are for giving meat. Dairy meat can (and should) also be used for food. The only thing is that it needs to be simmered or stewed for a long time, otherwise the meat will be tough. Meat from the meat (and oil:) breed can be fried for a couple of minutes and it will be tender and tasty. This is achieved by maintaining a certain “special lifestyle” and “diet”.

I took the steak in individual vacuum packaging. I bought it at a regular supermarket. Cut from the back from the Miratorg company.

Black Angus breed. From what you can now buy in the store this the best option. If you sweat and google, you can find meat higher quality with delivery. Well, there are more expensive options, although not by much. In general, many people criticize this marbled beef (this is the kind that is best suited for frying) from the Miratorg company. I don’t know... excellent quality and availability for the money. They were the first to supply their marble to shops and hypermarkets. Well done...

Next, we take the steak out of the vacuum packaging and let it lie outside the refrigerator, saturate with oxygen and reach room temperature. I hear a question from those reading this post, “Why does the steak need to come to room temperature?” Yes, because when you fry a steak straight from the refrigerator, you will have a crispy crust on top, and inside

cold, raw meat.. Therefore, leave the piece alone for 30 minutes. I had such a beauty.

While the sauce is cooking, heat up a frying pan with a thick bottom. Better cast iron. Next, we set the heat under the sauce to a minimum, just so that it just remains warm.

Salt and pepper the steak. Add a little thyme and rosemary. I had dried ones, there were no fresh ones in the store. It's a pity.. It tastes better with them) Pour a little good olive oil on it. Place on a heated frying pan. Hoods and open windows help! There will be a ton of smoke. Fry for 2:45 (we set it exactly according to the timer! No “approximately”) on each side. If the steak is thicker than 2 cm, fry it a little longer. Fry, remove from heat. Wrap the steak tightly in foil for 5 minutes with a piece of butter. We let it rest in foil so that the juices spread throughout it evenly and it is all juicy))

We waited, cut it, put it on top of the hot sauce and it was done))

We don’t shout that the meat is undercooked, raw, or not ready! Medium-rare and medium for marbled beef are ideal roasting. This is how its taste is fully revealed. If you want to cook meat to the point of sole, you should not spend money on marbled beef. This will be wasted money.

Have a nice time everyone. Appetite and evening.

For meat lovers, steak is an essential dish for everyday meals and formal feasts. The homeland of this juicy fried piece of meat is America. But if you think that there is nothing difficult in cooking steaks, then you are very mistaken. Only by choosing the right meat, adhering to the rules of frying and using spices, can ordinary beef turn into a real culinary masterpiece.

Meat selection

If we break down the name of the dish into parts, we get “rib” - rib, and “eye” - eye. This is precisely what explains the rule for choosing meat. It should be cut precisely from under the shoulder blade, exactly in the place where the tissue adjoins the rib. Looking at the cut, you will notice a layer of fat that seems to divide the piece into small parts. This pattern just resembles an eye.

A traditional ribeye steak recipe does not use frozen meat. But if there is no opportunity to purchase a fresh product, then look for it in the meat departments. The convenience in this case lies in the fact that the meat will already be cut into pieces of the required thickness (3-5 cm). But you won’t have to pay cheaply for it either.

How to fry?

Now let's find out how to cook steaks so that they are beautiful, tasty and juicy?

  • Don't rush to throw meat into the pan right away. The first rule that experienced chefs are advised to follow is heating. Remove the steak from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature. Thus, unnecessary moisture will come out of it.

If time is limited, then the most quick way heat the meat - wrap it in cling film and hold it under running warm water for a while. But after this, be sure to blot with a paper towel.

Remember, you can’t wash steaks!

  • The second rule is to use a minimum of spices. If you want to experience the true taste of meat, then all you need is salt and pepper. Many culinary publications and chefs argue about when to add salt. Some argue that you should let the pieces sit in the spices for a few minutes before cooking. Others are confident that they can safely add salt without fear of loss of juiciness.

In this case, it all depends solely on your preferences.

  • The third “commandment” is to decide on the degree of doneness. If you prefer your meat rare or medium rare, then a grill pan will suffice. If you are a fan of well-done steaks, then immediately preheat the oven.

Lightly coat the meat with vegetable or olive oil and place on a hot frying pan. Fry for 1.5-2 minutes on each side, turning regularly. Please note that this must be done exclusively with tongs. Fork will cause juice loss and the meat will become dry.

For medium doneness, 6-7 minutes is enough. For deeper cooking, remove the pieces from the pan and place on the preheated oven rack for a few minutes.

  • And the last rule - do not rush to serve the dish to the table in the heat of the moment. Place the ribeye steaks on a warm plate or board to rest.

Americans also love the Cowboy Ribeye, which is a cut of the bone prepared according to a traditional recipe.

What to add?

The traditional recipe can be slightly varied by adding, for example, a little thyme and garlic to the spices.

The sauce will also be an excellent addition to the meat. One of the simplest and most delicious is with tomatoes and mushrooms. For it, you need to grill a few cloves of garlic and cherry tomatoes, sprinkling them with a little salt and sugar. Fry the mushrooms with onions, adding a little red wine and vinegar, wait until it thickens.

Place champignons in sauce on steaks, garnish with garlic and tomatoes.

Another version of the sauce - with herbs and hot pepper. Grind parsley, oregano, green onions and hot pepper in a blender. Season with olive oil and salt, add a little wine vinegar and let it brew.

If you want to present your beef tenderloin in a dramatic way, giving it a little kick, pour a little whiskey into the plate and set it on fire. The alcohol will evaporate, and the aroma and taste will become richer.

Enjoy the unique taste fried meat, prepared according to all the canons of American chefs. Bon appetit!



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