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Should you give your baby a pacifier? Should you give a pacifier to a newborn? Cons of using a pacifier
  • Doesn't sleep well
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  • Not a single little thing sometimes causes such heated discussions within one family as the most common pacifier - a pacifier. Mom, for example, doesn’t see anything wrong with it, but grandma desperately protests and insists that the pacifier is incredibly harmful to the baby’s bite. Dad takes a neutral position, but only until the moment when the baby starts yelling.

    And what a hassle it is to lose a pacifier if the child is already used to it! Parents are ready to run to the pharmacy in the middle of the night for a new one, just to calm down their child. The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky tells whether such a pacifier is necessary for a child, how to wean him off it in time, and whether there is any harm from the fact that a baby sucks a pacifier.

    "Pros and cons"

    If you don’t give a pacifier as a matter of principle, then the baby will most likely start sucking his finger as soon as he can reach his mouth with it. This is an unsatisfied sucking reflex, which absolutely all newborns have, and which goes away on its own at a certain age. A child sucks his thumb not because he wants to, and not at all out of boredom. This is an instinct, and it is completely useless to fight it, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

    If you choose between a finger and a pacifier, then Komarovsky says that the pacifier is optimal. Its harm is greatly exaggerated, but its benefits are undeniable, because it:

      helps satisfy the sucking reflex;

      calms the child, puts him to sleep;

      stimulates intestinal motility, develops facial muscles.

    There is no consensus on the dangers and benefits of pacifiers in pediatrics. Some doctors say that it is harmful, others recommend giving it to little ones. One thing is certain, says Evgeny Komarovsky: you need to listen to the child himself. If he wants to suck, let him suck. If he spits out the pacifier, there is no need to insist. It’s not a good idea to teach it specifically at 2 months, at 3 months, or later, when teeth begin to emerge.

    If the pacifier solves some specific problems of the child, there is nothing wrong with it, but if the pacifier itself turns into a problem, you need to try to part with it or endure it. So, many children at 5-7 months, when falling asleep, “lose” the pacifier or take it out of their mouth themselves, and then get scared and start screaming in the night until their relatives come to their aid and return the pacifier back. In this situation, only the parents themselves need to evaluate the pros and cons and decide what is easier for them to endure - crying without a pacifier for several nights or an occasional cry because of a pacifier, which will pass when the baby realizes that there is no need to touch it with his hands.

    Often mothers are afraid: when the time comes to separate the child from the pacifier, his psyche will begin to suffer from this.

    This is not true, the doctor is sure, weaning the pacifier does not entail any disturbances in mental and emotional development. Such information is disseminated by not very literate and knowledgeable people.

    Another argument of opponents of nipples is a decrease in lactation. They say that the child, having sucked enough of the pacifier, will eat less of the mother’s milk, and her production of this same milk will expectedly decrease. Komarovsky advises not to panic, but to rely only on the facts: if the baby is growing well and gaining weight normally, you don’t have to worry about the fact that he didn’t eat something because of the pacifier.

    If there are signs of malnutrition, low weight, or other symptoms of retarded physical development, you need to find the cause, and it is unlikely to be a pacifier. Sucking during a meal is determined by such an instinct as hunger, and sucking a pacifier is the satisfaction of another instinct, sucking.

    How to choose the “right” pacifier

    Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and children's stores there is a huge selection of pacifiers. There are silicone and latex, with and without rings, large and small. It is difficult for parents, especially those without experience in selecting such items, to understand which pacifier is considered “correct.”

    Evgeniy Komarovsky claims that a properly selected pacifier has less impact on the bite.

    Normally, at the moment of sucking, a child should create a significant load on the tongue, and the perioral and facial muscles should also work well. The lower jaw, which is smaller than the upper jaw at birth, grows more intensively with the help of such “training” and by six months it catches up with the upper jaw. When choosing a nipple, you need to understand that it should be as similar as possible to a female nipple, that is, physiologically adapted.

    Latex pacifiers are yellow, silicone pacifiers are white. Both of them last a long time, unlike the rubber ones that our grandmothers used when they were little. However, silicone ones are better able to withstand repeated boiling and do not cause an allergic reaction.

    Among all the variety, Komarovsky recommends giving preference to silicone pacifiers that have an anatomical or orthodontic shape and are appropriate in size for the child’s age. “One” in size is up to six months, and “two” is after six months. There is also a “troika” - after a year and a half. Foreign manufacturers designate these sizes accordingly with the letters of the Latin alphabet - A, B, C.

    It is better if the chosen pacifier does not have a bulky base and dismountable parts, so that the child does not accidentally choke on spare parts from the pacifier.

    When the first teeth come out, it is better to change the silicone pacifier to a latex one - it is softer and will not deform the teeth. You need to change a latex pacifier about once every month and a half, since it is less suitable for boiling and wears out faster.

    Pacifier and bite

    The favorite argument of all nipple opponents is the bite. Yes, the pacifier affects him, says Evgeny Komarovsky. But she is not alone. This is largely influenced by metabolism (how much the child receives and how he absorbs calcium, phosphorus), and whether there is enough vitamin D in his body.

    If the child is “artificial” and in his life deals only with nipples, then this increases the load on the jaw. If he also sucks on his mother's breast, and then continues to satisfy his sucking reflex with the help of a pacifier, then there are other risks of changes in the bite.

    When a baby acquires teeth, the state of the bite is affected by the quantity and quality of solid food that the baby will receive.

    In addition, a lot of information about what shape the jaw will be, as well as how the upper and lower ones will be located in relation to each other, is contained in the genetic code, that is, it is embedded in the child even before his birth.

    Thus, it is impossible to draw a parallel - a pacifier - an incorrect bite. Not a single doctor has yet been able to prove and argue that this is not the case. Therefore, the danger is rather theoretical in nature.

    How to wean a child off a pacifier?

    Weaning off sucking a pacifier is a troublesome task, and, most importantly, pointless, says Evgeniy Olegovich. In some children, the sucking reflex is strong and stable from birth, in others it is weaker. Second children, as a rule, quickly spit out the pacifier that has become unnecessary. And babies with a very strong reflex may require a pacifier at both 2 and 3 years old. However, no one has ever gone to school at the age of 6-7 with a “duda” in their mouth, says the doctor, and therefore there is nothing to worry about.

    The problem of prolonged pacifier sucking is not a problem for the child, not a disease, not a bad habit - it is his need, but an absolute problem for the whole family. Mom and grandmother really want the baby to grow up quickly. Giving up a pacifier, in the understanding of most parents, is one of the steps towards growing up, like the first step, the first itch, the first word. And if the child does not want to part with the pacifier, then there is no need to mock him. His time, says Komarovsky, has not yet come.

    The parents' action algorithm should be as follows:

      We tried to hide the pacifier. If she screams and can’t sleep during the day, there’s no need to experiment anymore. The attempt is repeated six months later.

    I have always been interested in the question “does a child need a pacifier?” I did not find the answer on our website. but on others it is there.

    here are some links: www.nnmama.ru/content/health/rezus/firstyear/rezus/newborncare/afisha/gvandsoska


    Does a child need a pacifier?

    While expecting a child, future parents prepare in advance for an exciting meeting, for the birth of their baby. Necessary things are purchased that the baby and young parents cannot do without. There is definitely a place in the long dowry list dummy. Modern pacifiers so beautiful, bright, made from different materials, different shapes, manufacturers vying with each other about the improvements and advantages of this children's accessory, but are silent about the fact that they can bring a lot of trouble...

    Let's talk about the disadvantages of using a pacifier.

    1. Implications for breastfeeding. – pacifier(or pacifier) and the baby sucks the breast differently, nipple confusion often occurs and, of course, does not suffer from this pacifier, a chest; - after nipples Often the baby cannot latch onto the breast deeply and correctly and does not suck effectively. This is expressed in the fact that the baby sucks only foremilk, which contains more water and only part of the nutrients. Hind milk is fattier and can be sucked out only with proper latching of the breast; – the nipple is used instead of the breast as an object for sucking and, accordingly, the amount of attachment to the breast is reduced, which leads to insufficient stimulation and a decrease in milk production; – from the point of view of psychology, for a newborn baby, mother and breast are one whole, if the baby sucks pacifier(and not without the help of adults) this means that he has another mother - in the end, the child can choose the “rubber mother”; - when sucking nipples the baby’s mouth muscles do not work effectively, he gets tired faster and may not have enough strength to suck the breast;

      So sucking pacifiers(and bottles) can lead to the following consequences regarding breastfeeding: – Cracks, abrasions, nipple injuries; – Lactostasis, mastitis – Lack or excess of milk; – Small weight gain; – Lactase deficiency, foamy stools, severe regurgitation; – Baby biting the breast, arching under the breast and crying; - Breast refusal.

    2. Consequences for the baby's health. - of course, if pacifier will lead to disruption in breastfeeding, then the baby’s health will suffer as a result - and in particular the digestive, nervous, immune systems and metabolism; – pacifier this is a source of infection, it needs to be washed, boiled, and monitored for absolute cleanliness; – nipples are made of foreign material – and can be harmful to health (according to recent studies, latex is prohibited for use). – even when sucking on an orthopedic nipples– the load on the muscles is not distributed evenly, which can lead to malocclusion, problems with teeth and gums; – the speech apparatus also suffers – this leads to speech defects and distortion in the reproduction of sounds; – increased risk of ear infections; – dummy promotes “self-absorption” - the baby withdraws into himself - this leads to a decrease in exploratory interest in the world, a decrease in the need to interact with other people, a slowdown in socialization, and is one of the causes of childhood autism; - on top of that, when a baby gets breastfeeding when he is worried, he receives endorphins - “joy hormones” that suppress stress, and pacifier does not secrete these hormones, i.e. the child’s nervous system suffers, which leads to malfunctions of the whole organism;

    Probably, after reading everything stated above, some readers will think that it would be necessary pacifier remove, but it seems that in some situations you cannot do without it.

    Let's look at the situations in which a pacifier is usually used and how to do without it:

    1. More often pacifier Use when a child is crying or worried.

      Something happened to the child, he cries - he experiences stress, this happens at the level of the hormonal system. When a mother gives breast, firstly, the baby feels warmth and mother’s protection, secondly, the taste of milk reminds him of the taste of amniotic fluid, and he calms down, feeling safe as before in the tummy, thirdly, again, almighty endorphins, which relieve stress at the level of the hormonal system. That is, a normal situation is when the mother gives him the breast at any squeak from the child.

      Breast is not only food, but also satisfaction of the sucking reflex, satisfaction in physical contact with the mother.

    2. If anxiety manifests itself on the street or in the clinic. Find a quiet place and give your baby the breast. You can cover yourself with a diaper, feed in a sling, or use special nursing clothes. If it's cold outside, you need to return home before the baby asks for the breast. There is no need to go on long walks with a baby up to 1.5 months, when there are no long (1.5-2 hours) sleep breaks. When the rhythms have been determined, feed the baby just before leaving the house and try to return to the moment when he wakes up.

    3. Going to bed. There is no need to rock your baby to sleep with pacifier. Let your baby fall asleep under your breast, you can take a nap with him, or after he falls asleep, use pillows and blankets to create a cozy, tight nest, and put a shirt or T-shirt under his nose that smells like your milk. This way you will save time, effort and nerves.

    If the baby is not in a good mood and cannot fall asleep without rocking, rock him with your chest (this is convenient to do in a sling or sitting on a large ball).

    1. If a baby puts his fist in his mouth, this is not a reason to take away his warm fist and replace it with a cold rubber band. Most often, children put their hands in their mouths at 2.5-3 months. - just at this time the baby is learning new skills, he has found his hands and is studying them with the help of his mouth and at the same time learning coordination - it’s better to rejoice with him. Also, this may be an intrauterine habit; most children, being in the tummy for the last few months of pregnancy, actively and for a long time suck their fists - with established breastfeeding, the sucking reflex will be satisfied and this habit will die out (at the latest by 14 months). Among other things, children can suck their fist when teething. There is nothing wrong with this - the fist sucks almost the same as the breast and does not interfere with breastfeeding. If the baby sucks his fist for more than 5 minutes. Offer him your breast - perhaps he wants to eat already.
    2. After swimming. Wrap your baby in a towel and place it on your breast. After he has eaten and dried, he can be changed and treated (if required) and no more tears or pacifiers.
    3. When getting dressed for a walk, almost all children cry, well, they don’t understand who came up with all this torment. Choose your baby's wardrobe so that it consists of a minimum of clothes, learn to dress quickly. Dress while sitting (for an older baby), they can’t stand dressing while lying down. Place it on your chest for a minute and continue dressing.
    4. If you leave your baby with someone, firstly, try not to leave the awake baby without his mother until he is 3 months old. Babies up to this age do not yet separate themselves from their mother and believe that this is a single whole, so when the mother disappears from sight, they experience an eerie feeling. stress. If necessary, an older baby can be left with a person whom he knows well, he can be calmed by rocking, it’s okay if the baby sucks his fist without his mother, if there is a need to feed, it is better to do it with a spoon, pipette, or syringe. If all possibilities have been exhausted, the baby is worried, and the mother has not been gone for long, as a last resort, you can use pacifier, but not earlier than the baby was 6 weeks old. And remember, there should be no pacifier in the presence of your mother.
    5. There are, of course, situations when a pacifier is needed- this is all the case when there is no other way to satisfy the sucking reflex. For example, the mother does not breastfeed or works long hours (and the baby is still less than 6 months old). The child is separated from the mother. The child has no mother. It would be reasonable if pacifiers, pacifiers and the mixture was released only according to prescriptions prescribed by a doctor in truly difficult cases.

    All healthy newborns have a pronounced sucking reflex. Immediately after birth, the child is already able to grab his mother’s nipple and begin the process.

    By interacting with the mother's breast or bottle with formula, the baby not only obtains food, but also seeks reassurance. Sucking helps the baby relax and feel comfortable; a pacifier will be a faithful assistant here.

    Is it possible and necessary to accustom a baby to a pacifier? It is simply necessary for bottle-fed babies; they receive food by the hour, and the sucking reflex is not fully satisfied, so from birth parents can use a pacifier; it will comfort or distract the baby. Babies who receive breastfeeding on demand also readily take the pacifier. But, in this case, it is better to give a pacifier not from the first days, but after a few weeks, when lactation has established.

    A baby can completely do without a pacifier, but there is nothing terrible or bad in getting used to it, if you follow the rules of hygiene.

    Watch the video about whether you need to accustom your child to a pacifier:

    Pros and cons for a baby

    Psychologists say that a pacifier is needed to fully satisfy the sucking reflex. and in the future there were no problems such as thumb sucking, long-term addiction to a bottle of water or formula, or the desire to bite nails and pencils. Some experts even find a connection between the unrealized reflex and smoking in adulthood.

    First of all, a pacifier is necessary for easily excitable babies who have difficulty falling asleep or often wake up at night. It helps the child quickly calm down and be comforted. In addition, the child switches his attention to the pacifier, and the favorite sucking process makes it easier to survive intestinal colic, pain during teething, or simply to distract from irritating factors.


    Speaking about the benefits of a pacifier for the baby and mother, the following positive points can be noted::


    A pacifier is an artificial object that helps comfort a baby, but if it comes into contact with an infant, it can also have negative consequences. Doctors and parents note several problems that cause harm to the baby.

    According to a number of pediatricians, it is impossible, or at least not recommended, to use this item. Reasons for giving up pacifiers:

    Arguments for and against from Komarovsky

    Komarovsky considers a pacifier not a necessary thing for babies. If the baby does not want a pacifier, then this is even good; the parents will be spared the difficult problem of weaning, and the child will be spared from attachment.

    However, there is no point in special accustoming to the pacifier, because it carries both benefits and harm. Although the famous doctor admits that all the positive and negative consequences are largely exaggerated, and the most important thing when using a pacifier is hygiene, since there is a danger of transmitting infections to the child through a dirty surface.

    Komarovsky considers the only significant argument against the pacifier to be a possible violation of breastfeeding.

    The first month after childbirth is an important period for the beginning of good lactation; the mother should put the baby to the breast as often as possible, stimulating milk production. The pacifier at this time can interfere and disrupt the process. Also pacifier cause problems with natural feeding in the future, so it is better to postpone it for 4-5 weeks.

    The pacifier helps to realize the need for sucking only when the baby is full. If the mother is sure of a sufficient amount of milk and established lactation, then it is allowed to give a pacifier.

    Watch the video about the opinion of pediatrician Komarovsky regarding the use of a pacifier:

    Some parents are faced with the question of how to accustom their newborn baby to a pacifier. To answer it, you need to figure out whether this is necessary and what methods will help solve the problem.

    A baby has many innate reflexes that help him grow and develop in the first months. These include sucking, grasping, searching and motor reflexes.

    In order to satisfy the sucking reflex, a newborn baby needs to suck on a pacifier or mother's breast. He can't hang onto his chest all day long, so you can offer him a pacifier during breaks.

    This is the most important benefit of pacifier training. But there are others:

    • sound, calm, long sleep;
    • children quickly get used to their separate crib;
    • sucking movements help improve the functioning of the digestive organs;
    • short separation from mother is easier to experience;
    • a pacifier helps cope with the child’s whims, worries and fears;
    • the daily routine is being adjusted, including feeding;
    • often children who are not accustomed to a pacifier begin to look for substitute objects: a fist, a finger, the edge of a blanket, toys, which does not always meet hygienic requirements;
    • During teething, the pacifier acts as a sedative.

    Gastroenterologists say that sucking improves bowel function. Gas passes faster and colic occurs less frequently.

    Stages of training

    From what age should a child be introduced to a pacifier? Most experts are inclined to believe that it is better to teach from the first days of life. From the 4th day, when milk production improves, you can give the newborn a pacifier.

    Other experts believe that it is better to start from the second month of life, when the final formation of the lactation process occurs.

    A few tips to help you get your baby used to a pacifier faster.

    1. It should be offered after feeding, especially if the baby wants to sleep. At first, he may stubbornly spit out the pacifier, so you should hold it lightly with your hands. If you strongly insist on sucking, the child may not accept such a pacifier at all.
    2. A bottle of water followed immediately by a pacifier may help. The child reflexively continues to suck the pacifier after the nipple on the bottle.
    3. It should be given when the baby is lying in the usual position for feeding.
    4. When a baby cries, but his crying is not associated with hunger, this is also the time to introduce a pacifier.
    5. If the baby does not take the pacifier, you can dip it in breast milk or formula, it all depends on what kind of feeding he is on.

    The training method should be used with caution using honey and jam, as they can cause allergic reactions.

    After the child is fast asleep, the pacifier should be removed from his mouth. If he gets used to sleeping with a pacifier, he will wake up and become anxious as soon as the pacifier falls out of his mouth.

    Experts' observations have shown that bottle-fed babies need a pacifier more and get used to this accessory faster. Breastfed babies can stay at the breast for a long time (up to 40 minutes), so they satisfy the sucking reflex to a greater extent. It will be more difficult to train them.

    If a child stubbornly refuses to take a pacifier, it may be because of the pacifier itself. There are several types of pacifiers you can try, which differ in shape, size and material.

    The size is selected according to the age of the child (from birth to 3 months, from 3 to 6 months, from six months of age and up to 1.5 years). The nipple itself can be made of latex, rubber or silicone.

    A baby's preferences may change every month. Therefore, if he does not take a pacifier from birth, perhaps during the period when there is not enough milk (from 6 months), he will begin to suck on it.

    Two shapes of pacifiers are produced: round and semicircular. It is better to give preference to an orthodontic (beveled) pacifier. It promotes the formation of correct bite and jaw development. If your child does not take the pacifier, you can try changing it to a different shaped pacifier.

    In addition to the nipples there are rings. They are convenient for walking, as they are attached to a mount. But during sleep it will disturb the child.

    Selection Cautions

    After you have succeeded in accustoming your baby to a pacifier, you should adhere to some more rules:

    • when going outside, the pacifier must be hung on a special holder that is attached to clothing;
    • Every month you need to buy a new product;

    • before the baby puts the pacifier in his mouth, you need to check it: there should be no cracks, tears, the material should not stick together;
    • you should not dip the pacifier in sweet food, this contributes to the development of caries in the future and subsequently complicates the process of weaning from the pacifier;
    • You should give a pacifier only when the child really needs it.

    Before giving a pacifier, you need to be completely sure that the baby is not hungry. We must try to keep it sterile.

    You can take a second pacifier outside in case the first one falls. There is no need to lick it before giving the pacifier to your baby.

    1. The newly purchased pacifier should be doused with boiling water.
    2. After each use it should be washed with warm water.
    3. Boil the pacifier once a day for three minutes.
    4. The pacifier must have a storage container.
    5. If the child is sick, the pacifier should be boiled more often than once a day. After recovery, it needs to be replaced with a new one.

    There are supporters that a pacifier interferes with the normal development of the psyche and speech of a newborn. The more often he takes it, the more problems arise. Psychologists and speech therapists warn about possible negative consequences:

    1. Decreased cognitive activity. When the baby takes the pacifier, his attention becomes focused on the sucking process. Other information is poorly absorbed and remembered.
    2. Late speech acquisition. The longer a child sucks a pacifier, the slower speech will develop.
    3. The difficulty of weaning from the accessory when the time comes.
    4. Sucking develops into bad habits. If a child sucks on a pacifier longer than on the breast, you may later observe that he bites his nails, ends of pencils or pens.

    Parents should note that the pacifier should not replace physical contact and communication. If the child is capricious, perhaps the mother needs to spend more time with him: hug, kiss, caress.

    The issue of pacifiers has always been relevant. It is often difficult for inexperienced parents to understand it, because opinions on the need for this accessory differ. Some people believe that such products will harm the baby, while others are sure that if used wisely, the pacifier will not affect the baby in any way, but will only help him quickly calm down. A pacifier is necessary for all children - both artificial babies and those who are breastfed; thanks to it, babies go to bed faster.

    The main argument of supporters of the use of such products is the need to satisfy the sucking reflex in babies, which appears even at the stage of intrauterine development. While in the mother's belly, the baby sucks its thumb, thus preparing for breastfeeding.

    When you run your finger, pacifier or pacifier over your baby's lips, you will see that he instinctively extends them, tries to grasp the object with them and begins to suck.

    After birth, even a well-fed baby will continue to smack his lips, gradually calming down and falling asleep. You should not be afraid of this behavior, since this is also one of the manifestations of the sucking reflex.

    The sucking process is extremely important for the proper formation of the baby’s facial bones and bite. When a baby on breastfeeding eats, his lower jaw strengthens. In artificial babies, especially if there is a large hole in the nipple of the bottle, such stimulation does not occur. But both children sometimes need to be given a pacifier so that the jaws work and the bite is formed correctly.

    As a rule, the sucking reflex is completely satisfied in children on breastfeeding; in artificially fed children, the process of sucking a bottle is often not enough to cover the physiological need.

    When is a pacifier needed?

    By satisfying the baby's sucking reflex, you can not only properly develop the baby's jaw and satiate him. The sucking process has a pronounced sedative effect. Newborns immediately stop crying when their mouth is occupied with a pacifier, and begin to actively suck on it.

    Some babies cannot sleep without their mother's breast or formula in their mouth. At such moments, the child can be given a pacifier.

    A pacifier is, of course, an indispensable assistant for mothers, with which you can quickly calm your newborn. If a breastfeeding baby stops crying after receiving the mother’s breast, then a pacifier comes to the aid of artificial breastfeeding parents.

    Neonatologists and pediatricians are not against the use of pacifiers, but recommend giving them to newborns only to help them fall asleep better or calm down when they are capricious. Many mothers whose breastfeeding babies sleep in their own bed and not in the parent’s bed, after feeding they shift the baby and give him a pacifier. In addition, mothers do not always have the opportunity to calm the child by offering him the breast, then the pacifier becomes an indispensable assistant.

    When the baby stops crying or falls asleep, it is better to take the pacifier from the baby. It is not recommended for children to sleep with it in their mouth, since long-term use can disrupt the process of proper bite formation or cause caries of baby teeth.

    Which one to choose?

    Nipples are available in silicone and latex. Each of these materials has its own pros and cons. Latex is harmless, but has a characteristic odor that a breastfed baby may not like. Silicone nipples will not lose their shape when boiled, but they are not very elastic and are therefore prone to tearing.

    Based on the experience of mothers, latex nipples are best suited for newborn artificial babies and those who are breastfeeding, as they are softer. The shape suitable for the baby can only be determined experimentally; the baby may not like the “correct” orthodontic pacifier, and then you will have to buy another one. Babies who are breastfed may like a product with a physiological shape that resembles a nipple.

    Dentists believe that long-term use of pacifiers leads to the formation of malocclusion in children. To prevent this from happening, when choosing a product for your baby, pay attention to orthodontic models.

    Cons of using a pacifier

    • it is important to use the pacifier as little as possible, using it only in extreme cases;
    • take timely care of your products, because keeping a foreign object in the mouth for a long time, and even a dirty one, can lead to early caries;
    • Abuse of a pacifier can weaken the sucking reflex, because the baby gets tired of sucking his “sedative”, and he no longer has the strength to use his mother’s breast (if the baby is breastfeeding) or a bottle (if he is artificial);
    • When sucking on a pacifier, the baby will definitely swallow air, which, when it enters the digestive system, causes colic.

    Perhaps the most important disadvantage of pacifiers is that they are addictive. The baby will not be able to sleep and calm down without a pacifier, and you will need a lot of patience and strength to one day wean your baby off it.

    Children on breastfeeding can begin to be weaned from the “bad” habit from 5-6 months; for those who are artificially breastfed, this period may be delayed.

    • you need to change nipples in a timely manner, the service life of silicone products is 1 month, and latex ones - 3;
    • Boil pacifiers daily for no more than 5 minutes;
    • store pacifiers in an airtight case;
    • Take spare pacifiers with you on walks, because rinsing with water will not clean a pacifier that has fallen to the ground;
    • Do not lick a fallen pacifier under any circumstances, otherwise bacteria from your mouth will move into your baby’s mouth;
    • Inspect the pacifier before giving it to your baby; if it has tears, it should not be used.



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