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Ground forces of the Russian Federation, their composition and purpose. Ground forces of the Russian Federation

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Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces)- a state military organization of the Russian Federation, designed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation - Russia, for the armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of its territory, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of Russia.

A branch of the Armed Forces is an integral part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, distinguished by special weapons and designed to perform assigned tasks, as a rule, in any environment (on land, in water, in the air).

Ground troops
✑ Aerospace Forces
✑ Navy.

Each branch of the Armed Forces consists of combat arms (forces), special troops and logistics.

Ground troops

From the history of creation

Ground forces are the oldest type of troops. In the era of the slave system, they consisted of two types of troops (infantry and cavalry) or only one of them. The organization and tactics of these troops received significant development in Ancient Rome, where a coherent system of their recruitment, training and use was created. In the VIII - XIV centuries. the use of handguns and artillery sharply increased the combat power of the ground forces and caused changes in the tactics of their actions and organization. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Ground forces in various countries, including Russia, received a harmonious permanent organization, which included platoons, companies (squadrons), battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions and army corps. By the beginning of the First World War, ground forces constituted the bulk of the armed forces of most countries. By this time, they received repeating rifles with bayonets, heavy and light machine guns, rapid-fire guns, mortars, armored vehicles, and at the end of the war, tanks. The troops were united into armies, consisting of corps and divisions. The further creation and introduction of new types of weapons into the troops caused a change in the structure of the ground forces. They included armored, chemical, automobile and air defense troops.

Organizational structure of the Ground Forces

  • High Command
  • Motorized rifle troops
  • Tank forces
  • Rocket Forces and Artillery
  • Air defense troops
  • Intelligence units and military units
  • Corps of Engineers
  • Radiation, chemical and biological defense troops
  • Signal Corps

Ground troops- This is a type of troops intended primarily for conducting combat operations on land. In most states they are the most numerous, diverse in weapons and methods of warfare, and have great firepower and striking power. They are capable of conducting an offensive in order to defeat enemy troops and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to greater depth, repel enemy invasion, firmly hold occupied territories and borders.

    These troops include:
  • motorized rifle troops,
  • tank forces,
  • missile forces and artillery,
  • air defense troops,
  • units and units of special forces,
  • units and institutions of the rear.

Motorized rifle troops- the most numerous branch of the military. They consist of motorized rifle formations, units and subunits and are designed to conduct military operations independently or jointly with other branches of the military and special forces. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, and have effective reconnaissance and control means.

Tank forces designed to conduct combat operations independently and in cooperation with other branches of the military and special forces. They are equipped with tanks various types(high cross-country tracked combat vehicles, fully armored, with weapons to destroy various targets on the battlefield).
Tank troops constitute the main striking force of the ground forces. They are used primarily in the main directions to deliver powerful and deep blows to the enemy. Possessing high firepower, reliable protection, great mobility and maneuverability, they are capable of achieving the ultimate goals of combat and operation in a short time.

Rocket Forces and Artillery- a branch of the military created in the early 60s. based on the artillery of the Ground Forces and the introduction of missile weapons into the troops.
They serve as the main means of nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy and can destroy nuclear attack weapons, enemy force groups, aviation at airfields, and air defense facilities; hit reserves, control points, destroy warehouses, communications centers and other important objects. Combat missions are carried out using all types of fire and missile strikes.
In addition to missile systems, they are armed with artillery systems, which, according to their combat properties, are divided into cannon, howitzer, jet, anti-tank and mortar systems, according to methods of movement - into self-propelled, towed, self-propelled, transportable and stationary, and according to design features - into barreled, rifled , smoothbore, recoilless, jet, etc.

Air defense troops carry out tasks to repel enemy air attacks, cover troops and rear facilities from air strikes. Air defense is organized in all types of combat during troop movements and positioning on site. It includes reconnaissance of enemy air, alerting troops about him, fighting anti-aircraft missile units and anti-aircraft artillery, aviation, as well as organized fire from anti-aircraft weapons and small arms of motorized rifle and tank units.

Special troops- these are military formations, institutions and organizations designed to support the combat activities of the Ground Forces and solve special problems. These include engineering troops, radiation, chemical and biological defense troops, communications troops and others, as well as weapons and logistics services.

The ground forces are the most significant types of troops in the country. Any armed conflict can be resolved through the combat capabilities of exclusively ground forces or in their interaction with other armed forces of the state. They provide national security and protect the country's national interests mainly on land.

Russia: ground army, a little history

Throughout the long history of the state, the Russian ground forces have played an important role in protecting its territorial integrity from numerous enemies.

The turning point in the development and creation of the regular Russian army was October 1, 1550, when Tsar Ivan the Terrible, by his decree, laid the foundation for the first standing army, which had the characteristics of a regular army. In November 1699, Peter I, in his decree, mentioned a recruiting system based on territoriality, which had a positive impact on the combat effectiveness of Russian soldiers, which, in fact, marked the beginning of the formation of a new army. The development of the ideas of Peter I led to the establishment in 1763 of a unified structure of infantry regiments, each of which included 12 companies, consisting of 2 Grenadian and 10 musketeers, consolidated into 2 battalions, and an artillery team.

The second half of the 18th century was marked by the appearance of divisions and corps in the ground forces. In 1768, the ground forces were divided into 8 divisions and 3 guard corps. Each division included three branches: infantry, cavalry and artillery. The most fruitful period in the construction of the Army was the period between the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, when motorized mechanized troops were created, which played an important role in the fight against Nazi Germany. During the war, the technical equipment changed radically, the number of guns and mortars increased 3 times, tanks - 10 times, pistols and machine guns - 30 times.

In the post-war period, the ground forces of the Russian Federation improved and developed in accordance with scientific and technological progress, which led to the modernization of tanks, artillery, the emergence of armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, helicopters, and anti-aircraft missile systems.

Structure of the Russian Ground Forces

Today, Russian ground forces are organizationally divided into the following types:

Ground forces include platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, subordinate to the command of the army or directly to the district. The main provisions for conducting and preparing for combined arms combat are outlined in the regulations. The first handwritten charter of the ground forces appeared back in 1607, it described the basics of military development, methods and methods of training troops, the order of movement and deployment of troops in places of military operations.

Leadership of the Russian Ground Forces

The task of leading the ground forces is assigned to the Main Command of the Ground Forces. The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces was first formed in March 1946. Throughout its long history, the High Command was disbanded more than once and underwent many changes. The last change occurred in 1997, when the Main Command was renamed the Main Directorate, which performs the following tasks:

Prepares troops for combat operations;

Improves structure and composition, optimizes numbers;

Develops military theory and practice;

Develops and introduces combat manuals, manuals, and methodological aids into troop training;

Improves the operational and combat training of the Army together with other branches of the Russian Armed Forces.

How are the Russian Ground Forces equipped and armed?

The Russian Ground Forces have at their disposal Russian or Soviet-made equipment. It is represented by towed or self-propelled artillery (guns, howitzers, mortars, multiple launch rocket systems), tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored reconnaissance vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles and flamethrowers, self-propelled anti-tank guided missiles, and air defense systems. Reconnaissance drones are also in service with the Russian ground forces.

Automatic and hand-held grenade launchers, rocket-propelled grenades and flamethrowers, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, pistols, assault, sniper and large-caliber rifles, light, single and heavy machine guns make up small arms.


Ground forces have shoulder straps, emblems on the corners of the collar, and sleeve insignia as insignia. The functional purpose of shoulder straps differs in color. A small emblem in the form of a flaming grenada against a background of crossed swords, made of golden metal, is intended for everyday military uniforms, the khaki emblem is for field uniforms. A sleeve insignia demonstrating affiliation with a military unit, district or formation is located on the left sleeve near the shoulder.

The right sleeve of the uniform has a patch with the sign of the ground forces, branch of the military, or a sign of belonging to a unit or unit. The SV sleeve insignia is an image of a double-headed eagle in a round red shield with open wings, holding a silver sword in one paw and a flaming grenade in the other. The eagle's chest is decorated with a shield topped with a crown. There is a rider on the shield who hits the dragon with a spear. The flaming grenade on the small emblem and in the eagle's paw symbolizes the power of the NE, and crossed swords are a common traditional symbol of armed struggle.

Goals of ground forces in peacetime

IN Peaceful time military ground forces:

Maintain combat potential and training of personnel at a high level;

Ensure readiness for operational and mobilization deployment;

Prepare control centers and units for military and combat operations;

Create reserves of weapons, military equipment, and materiel;

Participate in peacekeeping missions;

Participate in eliminating the consequences of accidents, disasters, disasters.

The purpose of ground forces in a threatening period

During this period of time, the Russian ground forces perform slightly different tasks:

Increase the composition and increase the combat and mobilization readiness of troops;

Strengthen and increase the forces and means of combat duty and reconnaissance of the maneuvers of the supposed enemy's troops;

Groups of troops are promptly deployed in threatened areas;

Participate in carrying out individual territorial defense activities;

Prepare weapons and armed equipment for combat use, increase the material and technical support base;

Cover the state borders of the state;

The first defensive operations are being prepared.

SV objectives in wartime

Perform tasks in accordance with the strategic deployment plan of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

They suppress possible military conflicts and repel enemy aggression with combat-ready groups of troops.

Together with other troops, they carry out defensive and counter-offensive operations aimed at defeating the enemy.

Participate in territorial defense.

Ground forces are a flexible, operational-strategic force with high firepower, mobility and security, capable of repelling enemy aggression due to the variety of weapons and methods of combat operations.

Ground forces are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to cover the state border, repel attacks of the aggressor, hold occupied territory, defeat troop groups and capture enemy territory.

Ground forces (ground forces), equipped with various types of military equipment and weapons, include military command bodies, motorized rifle, tank troops, missile forces and artillery, air defense troops (air defense), which are branches of the military, as well as special troops (formations and units intelligence, communications, engineering, nuclear technical, technical support, automobile and rear security), military units and logistics institutions, other military units, institutions, enterprises and organizations.

Motorized rifle troops designed to conduct combat operations independently and jointly with other branches of the military and special forces. They are capable of operating in conditions of the use of both conventional weapons and nuclear weapons.

Motorized rifle troops can break through the enemy’s prepared defenses, develop an offensive at a high tempo and to great depth, together with other branches of the military, destroy the enemy, consolidate and hold the captured terrain.

Tank forces constitute the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are highly resistant to the damaging effects of nuclear weapons and are used primarily in the main directions of defense and offense.

Tank troops are able to make full use of the results of fire strikes and achieve the final goals of the battle and operation in a short time.

Rocket Forces and Artillery are the main means of nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy in front-line, army (corps) operations and combined arms combat.

The missile forces of the Ground Forces include formations and military units of operational-tactical missiles of front-line and army subordination and tactical missiles of army and divisional subordination.

Artillery includes formations and military units of howitzer, cannon, rocket, anti-tank artillery, mortars, anti-tank guided missiles and artillery reconnaissance.

The Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces (Air Defense Forces) are designed to cover groupings of troops, facilities and their rear from enemy air strikes. They are capable, independently and in cooperation with the forces and means of the Air Force, of destroying enemy aircraft and unmanned aerial attack vehicles, combating enemy airborne assault forces along their flight routes and during drops, conducting radar reconnaissance and alerting troops about the threat of an air attack.

Small arms of the Ground Forces

5.45 mm Kalashnikov AK74M assault rifle- designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy fire weapons. It has a standard attachment point (bar) for night sighting devices.

7.62-mm modernized Kalashnikov PKM machine gun- designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy fire weapons. The sight is mechanical, open type. The barrels are replaceable.

7.62 mm Dragunov SVD sniper rifle- designed to destroy various emerging, moving, open and camouflaged single targets.

The rifle includes a sniper optical sight; it can additionally be equipped with a night sight, allowing shooting at dusk and at night. For hand-to-hand combat, a bayonet-knife is attached to the Dragunov rifle.

12.7 mm machine gun NSV-12.7- the machine gun is designed to combat group targets, lightly armored vehicles, firing points and low-flying air targets. The trigger mechanism allows only automatic fire in short (4-6 shots), long (10-15 shots) bursts and continuously. The barrel is quick-changeable.

30-mm automatic mounted grenade launcher AGS-17 “Flame”- designed to destroy enemy personnel and fire weapons located outside shelters, in open trenches (trenches) and behind natural folds of the terrain (in hollows, ravines, on reverse slopes of heights).

The rifled barrel of the grenade launcher is quick-detachable.

The grenade launcher has a trigger mechanism that allows for single and automatic continuous fire.

Firing from the AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher is carried out along a flat or mounted trajectory in short bursts (up to 5 shots) and long bursts (up to 10 shots), as well as continuously.

The grenade launcher is equipped with an optical sight with 2.7x magnification.

For firing, the AGS-17 is mounted on a tripod machine, which has sector mechanisms for horizontal and vertical guidance, a sleeve reflector, and a precision leveling mechanism.

9mm Makarov PM pistol- designed to defeat the enemy at short distances.

Armored weapons and equipment of the Ground Forces

Tank T-90S- designed to recruit tank and motorized rifle units and formations, as well as reconnaissance units and naval units operating in the coastal zone, to successfully break through enemy defenses, develop tactical success in operational and strategic operations, defeat the enemy after the use of nuclear strikes, increase the scope of the operation and achieving goals in relatively a short time, and to enhance defense vigor and resilience at the tactical and operational scale.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-90- designed for transporting motorized rifle units to the battlefield, their fire support when dismounting, transporting weapons and military cargo on the battlefield.

The armored personnel carrier can be used as a base chassis for creating various types of weapons and military equipment for different types of troops.

BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle- intended for transporting unit personnel, defeating and suppressing enemy tank-dangerous manpower, destroying its anti-tank and anti-personnel weapons, repelling attacks by tanks, helicopters and low-flying aircraft.

BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle- designed for combat operations as part of parachute and air assault units in all conditions of their combat use.

Missile and artillery weapons of the Ground Forces

Tactical missile system "Tochka-U"- designed to hit the most important targets in the tactical depth of the enemy troop formation.

120-mm self-propelled gun "Nona-SVK"- designed to destroy manpower located openly or in shelters, fire weapons, command and observation posts, and armored enemy targets.

120-mm automated self-propelled gun "Vena"- intended to destroy manpower located openly or in shelters, fire weapons, command and observation posts of battalions and companies, armored objects.

Radar complex "Zoo-1"- designed for reconnaissance by shot (launch) of firing positions of firing mortars, artillery, multiple launch rocket systems, launch positions of tactical missiles and ensuring firing (launching) of their similar weapons.

152-mm self-propelled howitzer "MSTA-S"- designed to destroy artillery batteries, tanks and armored personnel carriers, destroy defensive structures, suppress command posts, destroy enemy personnel and firepower.


  1. Ground forces are designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land.
  2. In terms of their combat capabilities, the Ground Forces are capable of independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces to conduct an offensive and repel an enemy invasion of the country’s territory.
  3. The Ground Forces include various types of troops, special troops and services.


  1. What are the main types of troops included in the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation?
  2. What combat capabilities of motorized rifle and tank troops can you list?
  3. What main types of small arms are the Ground Forces equipped with?
  4. What examples can you give of the use of Ground Forces in peacekeeping operations?


  1. Prepare a brief report on the main types of weapons and military equipment of the Ground Forces (armored, rocket-artillery, equipment and weapons of air defense forces and engineering troops).
  2. Using special literature and the section “ Additional materials", prepare a message about the engineering troops of the Ground Forces.
  3. Using historical literature, prepare a report on the topic “Small arms of the Ground Forces during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.”
  4. Write an essay about one of the famous Russian designers of small arms (Dragunov, Kalashnikov, Tokarev, Mosin, etc.).

Ground forces are a branch of the Armed Forces designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. In most states, the Army is the most numerous branch of the Armed Forces.

The ground forces of the Russian Federation are capable, in cooperation with other types of forces, of conducting an offensive in order to defeat the enemy group and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to great depths, repel the enemy’s invasion, its large airborne assault forces, and hold occupied territories, areas and lines. Currently they own the main role in solving problems of covering the state border, repelling aggressor attacks on land, holding occupied territory, defeating enemy force groups and achieving ultimate goals, both in a nuclear war and in a war using only conventional weapons. In addition, they must be able to protect Russia's national interests within the framework of its international obligations.

The Ground Forces of the Russian Federation are the oldest and largest branch of the Armed Forces in terms of combat strength. For many years, they played a leading role in solving the most important tasks posed to the Russian Armed Forces. During the Great Patriotic War, their combat readiness was tested.

IN historical development The Patriotic War of 1812 occupies a special place in the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces. In the battles against the French army, which conquered all of Europe, Russian troops turned out to be more prepared and dispelled the myth of Napoleon's invincibility.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, all the most important tasks in the fight against Nazi troops were solved by the Ground Forces.

The ground forces of the Russian Federation include: motorized rifle, tank, missile troops and artillery, air defense, army aviation, special troops (intelligence, communications, electronic warfare, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, technical support, automotive and rear security); military units and institutions in the rear.

Types of ground forces

Motorized rifle troops

Motorized rifle troops, the largest branch of the Ground Forces (since 1963). Motorized rifle troops have preserved the best traditions of Russian and Soviet infantry, which was called the “queen of the fields.” They consist of motorized rifle formations, units and subunits, which include motorized rifle, artillery, tank and other units and subunits.

Motorized rifle troops are equipped with modern weapons to engage ground and air targets - automatic weapons (machine guns, machine guns), artillery, tactical missiles, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3), armored personnel carriers (BTR-70 , BTR-80, BTR-90).

Tank forces

Tank troops, a branch of the ground forces. They consist of tank, motorized rifle (mechanized, motorized infantry), missile, artillery and other units and units.

This is the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are equipped with tanks (T-72, T-80, T-90), self-propelled artillery (Geocint, Msta). Tank troops are characterized by high maneuverability and increased resistance to the effects of nuclear weapons. Modern tank forces are capable of making rapid marches over long distances, breaking through defenses and developing an offensive at a high pace, and overcoming water obstacles on the move. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Soviet tank forces, having the best tanks in the world (T-34, KV, IS), defeated the fascist "tigers" and "paters" and played a huge role in the defeat of the enemy.

Rocket Forces and Artillery

Rocket Forces and Artillery are a branch of the Ground Forces created in the early 60s. In the Armed Forces of the USSR for nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy. Rocket troops and artillery, as a branch of the military, are retained in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently, the missile forces and artillery are armed with Grad, Smerch, Uragan multiple launch rocket systems, D-30 artillery guns and other weapons. All types of weapons have been tested and shown to be highly effective during combat operations in Afghanistan and on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Air defense of ground forces

Air defense of the ground forces is a complex of combat operations of various air defense forces and means in service with units and subunits of the ground forces. The air defense of the ground forces is organized with the goal of defeating the enemy's air attack means, repelling attacks from his aircraft and missiles on troops and rear facilities, and also prohibiting the conduct of aerial reconnaissance. Today, the air defense of the ground forces is equipped with effective and mobile anti-aircraft missile systems: “Shilka”, “Stlela-10”, “Kub”, “Tunguska”, man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) “Strela-3”, “Igla” , “Igla-1”, etc.

The air defense of ground forces proved its effectiveness during the Great Patriotic War and in local post-war armed conflicts, including in Egypt, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.

Airborne troops

Airborne troops (Airborne Forces), a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. The airborne troops are equipped with air transportable self-propelled artillery, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles (BMD), automatic small arms, communications and control equipment. The existing parachute landing equipment makes it possible to drop troops and cargo in any weather and terrain conditions, day and night, from various heights.

During the Great Patriotic War, all five existing airborne corps participated in fierce battles with invaders on the territory of Latvia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Airborne units took part in battles near Moscow, Rzhev, Stalingrad, etc. The largest airborne operation was the Vyazma airborne operation; in total, about 10 thousand paratroopers were sent behind enemy lines. Landings were also carried out in Harbin, Port Arthur and Southern Sakhalin. During the Great Patriotic War, all airborne units and units of the Airborne Forces received the name “Guards”. Thousands of soldiers, sergeants and officers of the Airborne Forces were awarded orders and medals, and 296 people were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. In the second half of the 20th century, units of the Airborne Forces took part in events in Hungary in 1956, in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and other local conflicts. In Afghanistan, airborne units were the most combat-ready and suffered less than other units. The airborne troops took Active participation in all armed conflicts on the territory of the former USSR. Currently, airborne units are used in the territory of the Chechen Republic and in other regions of the North Caucasus.

Army aviation

Army aviation is an integral part of the air forces of a number of states; intended for actions directly in the interests of combined arms formations. Divided into assault, reconnaissance, transport and special purpose; armed mainly with helicopters (Mi-8, Mi-6, Mi-24, Mi-28, Ka-50) and partly with airplanes (Su-25, An-12, Il-76, etc.

Special troops

Special troops, units and units designed to perform special tasks to support the combat and daily activities of the armed forces (engineering, radio engineering, chemical, etc.) and having special technical equipment. To successfully and timely solve the assigned tasks, there are units of military intelligence, radio and radio engineering, engineering and others special types intelligence.

Currently, many special forces have been created to combat illegal armed gangs in the Chechen Republic and Tajikistan. During the Afghan war of 1979-1989. Special forces units proved their effectiveness, they engaged in reconnaissance, destroyed caravans with weapons and gangs of dushmans.

Corps of Engineers

Engineering troops, special troops designed to provide engineering support for combat operations of troops. In the Russian army they consist of engineering-sapper (sapper), road-engineering, pontoon-bridge, ferry-landing and other formations, units and subunits. They are equipped with a variety of high-performance machinery for the production of complex, labor-intensive engineering work, various landing and pontoon-bridge means for crossing water barriers at high speeds, means for quickly creating anti-tank, anti-personnel and other obstacles.

Automotive troops

Automotive troops, special troops for transporting supplies, evacuating the wounded, transporting troops. Automotive parts have proven themselves well during the Great Patriotic War, during combat operations in Afghanistan and on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

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On the topic of:

Ground troops.History of creationania, purpose, structure

Completed by a 1st year student of group S-1-4

Vladislav Morozov

Teacher: Gekman L.D.


Ground Forces (SV)-- a type of armed forces (AF) of many countries of the world, along with the navy (forces) and air force (fleet).

In some countries they may be called ground forces, the Army (for example, the US Army). Traditionally they consist of infantry, cavalry, artillery, motorized and mechanized units, units, formations and formations. They may also have their own aviation units, called Ground Forces Aviation or Army Aviation and Air Defense Forces.

Ground forces are the most numerous type of armed forces of any state and they bear the main burden in any armed conflict and war.

Ground Forces (GF) - a branch of the armed forces of the USSR, was intended to conduct combat operations primarily on land, the most numerous and diverse in weapons and methods of conducting combat operations. According to its combat capabilities, it is capable of independently or in cooperation with other types of armed forces to conduct an offensive in order to defeat enemy troop groups and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to great depths, repel enemy invasion, its large air and naval landings, firmly hold occupied territories, areas and frontiers. In its composition, the ground forces have various types of troops, special (special purpose (special forces)) troops and services. Organizationally, the Army consists of divisions, units, formations and associations.

The ground forces were divided into types of troops (motorized rifle troops, tank troops, airborne troops, missile troops and artillery, military air defense troops (army branches), army aviation, as well as units and units of special (special purpose (special forces)) troops (engineering, communications, radio engineering, chemical, technical support, rear security) In addition, there were rear units and institutions in the Army.

History of creation CIN

At all stages of the existence of our state, the Ground Forces of Russia played the most important, and often decisive role in achieving victory over the enemy and protecting national interests, the history of the creation of the Army goes back centuries.

On October 1, 1550, a historically turning point occurred in the construction and development of the regular Russian army. On this day, the Tsar of All Rus' Ivan IV Vasilyevich (the Terrible) issued a Verdict (Decree) “On the placement in Moscow and surrounding districts of a selected thousand service people,” which, in fact, laid the foundations of the first standing army, which had the characteristics of a regular army. In accordance with the decree, rifle regiments ("fire infantry") and a permanent guard service were created, and the artillery "detail" was allocated as an independent branch of the military.

The archers were armed with advanced artillery, mine explosives, and handguns. In addition, the system of recruitment and military service in the local army was streamlined, centralized control of the army and its supply was organized, and permanent service was established in peacetime and wartime.

In relation to the types of troops, the archers were mainly infantry. A small part of the streltsy army was cavalry, called stirrup streltsy. According to the place and conditions of service, the Streltsy army was divided into “elected” (Moscow) and police (served in other cities). By the end of the 16th century, the Streltsy army as a whole numbered 20-25 thousand people.

In peacetime, the archers carried out garrison and guard duty, guarded the border, and in wartime they took part in the most important campaigns and battles. The archers received their baptism of fire during the siege and capture of Kazan (1552). Thanks to the reform, Ivan IV the Terrible managed to significantly increase the number and combat effectiveness of the army. Having such an army, the Russian state was able to solve a number of foreign policy problems: eliminate the constant threat from the Kazan kingdom, conquer Astrakhan, reach the Terek, and begin the conquest of Siberia. Peter I made a decisive contribution to the creation and improvement of the Russian Army.

His decree “On the admission into service of soldiers from free people,” announced on November 8, 1699, marked the beginning of the introduction of a recruitment system, which essentially meant the formation of a new army. The recruitment system was territorial in nature: the regiments were assigned to provinces and were maintained at their expense. Each of them was distinguished by its own characteristics, reflected on the banners, in attributes and uniforms, and also had a certain recruitment territory, which gave it its name. At the same time, the feeling of compatriotism greatly contributed to the education of patriotism.

The territorial recruitment system had a positive effect on the combat effectiveness of the Russian army: recruitment under these conditions was easier to bear and the regiments quickly acquired the necessary chemistry. The soldier transferred all his affection to the regiment that had become his own - his second family and to the regimental comradeship. The Northern War with Sweden, which lasted 25 years, largely “reworked” the combined militia into a real regular army, which wrote a bright page in the history of the Fatherland and the Ground Forces of the defeat of the Swedes near Poltava (1709). During the war, the newly recruited regiments, remaining on the field for many years, eventually turned into a standing army - one of the best in Europe at that time. The followers of Peter I also made a significant contribution to the development of the Russian North. In 1763, Russia was divided militarily into five districts, then called “divisions”: Livonia, Estland, St. Petersburg, Smolensk and Ukrainian. Over time, Belorussian, Kazan and Voronezh were added to them. All these “divisions” represented a purely territorial association of troops; the highest organizational and staffing unit in peacetime remained the regiment. In the same year, a unified structure of infantry regiments was established, each of which had 12 companies (2 grenadiers and 10 musketeers), consolidated into two battalions, and an additional artillery team.

In 1764, the leadership of the Military Collegium passed into the hands of P.A. Rumyantseva. Under him, as later under G.A. Potemkin, in the construction of the Army, most of all attention was paid, firstly, to the originality of the Russian military system, secondly, to the compliance of the organizational structure of the troops with the advanced provisions of tactics and strategy, and thirdly, to facilitating the conditions of service for the soldier. The implementation of precisely these principles of the construction of the Army allowed the outstanding Russian commanders A.V. Suvorov and M.I. to prove themselves. Kutuzov. Their brilliant victories and leadership talent still serve as an example worthy of imitation. Suvorov's "Science of Victory" was a shining example advanced Russian military theoretical thought of the 18th century in matters of the basic principles of tactics and methods of training and educating soldiers. Many provisions of this manual have not lost their meaning to this day and are embodied in modern principles of training and education of military personnel. In the second half of the 18th century, higher tactical formations—divisions and corps—appeared in the Ground Forces. In 1768, the field army (Land Forces) was divided into eight divisions and three guard corps, for which permanent cantonment areas were determined. Each division consisted of three types of troops: infantry, cavalry and artillery. The reform of the military command system carried out in early XIX century.

By the Manifesto of Tsar Alexander 1 of September 8, 1802, instead of collegiums, ministries were established, including the Ministry of Military Ground Forces. Subsequently, after the abolition of serfdom, the structure of the Russian army, methods of recruiting it, organizing and arming troops, and the system of training military personnel were reformed. Instead of the recruiting system, all-class (universal) military service was introduced. In the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, significant qualitative changes took place in the armament of the ground forces. Smooth-bore guns disappeared, machine guns appeared, artillery was rearmed, wire telegraphs and new engineering tools were actively introduced.

All this entailed changes in their organizational structure, and also led to the emergence of new forms and methods of military action. A new system of military command and control bodies was created (the Military College, the Quartermaster Unit, and then the General Staff), and a coherent system for training command personnel was formed. In the middle of the 19th century, the Russian ground forces, according to the methods of recruitment, deployment, and specific tasks performed, were divided into field, local, auxiliary, reserve, serf and Finnish troops, as well as irregular (Cossack) units, state militia and reserve. They included four types of troops: infantry (82%), cavalry (9%), artillery (7.5%) and engineering troops (1.5%).

First world war(1914-1918) led to further changes in the structure of the Russian North Army. On the eve and during the war, they consisted of infantry, cavalry and artillery, which were considered the main branches of the military. Engineering troops (sapper, pontoon, communications, telegraph, radiotelegraph), aviation and aeronautical troops were considered auxiliary. In addition to those listed, there were also railway troops, irregular Cossack troops and state militia. During this period, the construction of the Russian North was carried out in the most difficult conditions of wartime and the growing economic and political crisis. Attempts to deploy multimillion-dollar ground forces, provide them with modern weapons and train them with trained military personnel encountered low economic capabilities of the country, and the consequences of erroneous official views on the nature of the armed struggle negatively affected its results.

As the course of military operations showed, this was the main reason for the large losses of the Russian army. But even in such unfavorable conditions, with skillful command, the ground forces managed to achieve impressive successes. For example, the so-called Brusilov breakthrough - the offensive of the troops of the South-Western Front (1916) under the leadership of cavalry general A.A. has not yet lost its significance from the point of view of military art. Brusilova. The front had an almost equal balance of forces and resources with the enemy, and success was achieved through careful preparation of the operation, the decisive massing of forces and assets in the breakthrough areas, and the suddenness of the offensive.

It is noteworthy that the Western allies were able to solve the problem of breaking through positional defenses and developing tactical success into operational success only at the final stage of the war - in the fall of 1918. The experience of the First World War pointed to the feasibility of a new system of army control for that time, which included the following links: Headquarters - front - field army. The improvement of the established management system was carried out in the right direction - in order to ensure unity of management in political, economic and military relations. However, the Russian military-political leadership managed to achieve significant results in resolving this key issue only towards the end of the war. After the socialist revolution of 1917, the old Russian army lost its combat capability, and in a short time a new Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army was created, which underwent a baptism of fire in the conditions of civil war and military intervention. The period of military development between the two wars - the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War - is considered one of the most fruitful, making a significant contribution to the development of the organizational structure of the Army and increasing the level of their technical equipment. One of the most important achievements in the field of building the Army was the creation of a new type of troops within the Ground Forces - motorized (from 1934 - armored vehicles), which played a crucial role in achieving victory over Nazi Germany. On the eve of the war, the number of armored forces increased 7.4 times. Their main formations were divisions that were part of the mechanized corps.

During this period, the ground forces included infantry, cavalry, artillery, armored forces, engineering troops and signal troops. However, due to the fact that the control of those branches of troops that were usually classified as the Armed Forces was carried out by different control bodies (inspectors of the Red Army, the General Staff, the main and central departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense), formally they were not yet an independent type of Armed Forces. The highest formation of the Ground Forces before the war was the combined arms army, which included 2-3 rifle corps, a mechanized corps (in the border districts), as well as units and subunits of aviation, artillery, engineering troops, communications and support.

In the pre-war period, great importance was given to the rearmament of formations and units of the Army. New artillery systems with improved tactical and technical characteristics were created and began to enter the troops, including the BM-13 (Katyusha) multiple launch rocket system, which had no analogues in the world, KV-1 and T-34 tanks, the latest tools engineering weapons, automatic small arms, anti-tank rifles, sniper rifles, etc. True, the Soviet Union did not have enough time on the eve of the war to organize their mass production and fully meet the needs of the troops. And yet, the Ground Forces had everything they needed to conduct an armed struggle against the aggressor. By the beginning of the war, they had 303 divisions (including 211 rifle, mountain rifle, motorized rifle and cavalry divisions, 61 tank and 31 motorized), 3 separate brigades, over 110 thousand guns and mortars, about 23 thousand. tanks, and their share of the total strength of the Armed Forces was 79%. The Great Patriotic War occupies a special place in the history of the development of the North. Since military operations on the Soviet-German front were carried out primarily on land, the main role in the armed struggle against an experienced and strong enemy belonged to the infantry (rifle troops), armored forces, artillery, and formations of other branches of the Army. Despite the exceptionally difficult conditions that arose at the beginning of the war, the ground forces were able to maintain combat effectiveness, significantly increase their combat capabilities, bleed the enemy in heavy defensive battles and go on a strategic offensive, which ended with the liberation of not only our country, but also the entire Eastern Europe, the complete elimination of further threats of fascism.

Having withstood severe trials during the war, the ground forces reached such a stage of their development that they could effectively solve all the tasks assigned to them. Their number almost doubled, a flexible and quite effective structure was formed that met the conditions of conducting an armed struggle against a technically well-equipped enemy army. The ground forces developed mainly along the lines of strengthening their strike and firepower, which was ensured primarily by the growth of armored forces and artillery. Thus, the share of armored and mechanized troops increased from 4.4% (1941) to 11.5% (1945), and the RVGK artillery - from 12.6% (1941) to 20.7% (1943). The technical equipment of the ground forces changed radically during the war years. The number of guns and mortars in the active army has increased almost 3 times, new types of tanks - 7-10 times, submachine guns - about 30 times. In general, the army's armament has been updated by more than 80%. Moreover, many types of weapons and equipment were superior in their characteristics to foreign ones. The organizational structure of associations, formations and units of the Army was constantly changing in relation to the changing conditions of armed struggle and new opportunities for equipping them with weapons and military equipment. The experience of the Great Patriotic War shows: even in difficult wartime conditions, all problems of the construction and development of the military can be successfully solved. However, this requires the following basic conditions: a clear program of action; material, technical and human resources; firm leadership of the troop construction process; tension of all forces of the military-industrial complex. These conditions must, in our opinion, be observed when carrying out modern reforms in the Armed Forces and Ground Forces. The post-war period is characterized by the official organizational design of the Army as a branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and subsequently by profound qualitative changes in them. With the end of the Great Patriotic War, the SV remained the largest and most diverse type of armed forces in its composition. Their number at the final stage of the war was almost 10 million people, and after demobilization by the end of 1948 - about 2.5 million. For the day-to-day management of such a complex structure in composition and number, a separate management body was required that would be responsible for the state

Ground forces, was involved in their construction, development, and also supervised operational, combat and mobilization training. In March 1946, in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, by order of the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, the Main Command of the Ground Forces was formed.

Its creation was in accordance with the established practice of global military development, when armed forces are divided into types according to their purpose, taking into account their areas of application: land, sea, air. The importance of creating a new governing body for the Ground Forces was emphasized by the appointment of their first Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Subsequently, the Ground Forces were led by other famous military leaders: Marshals of the Soviet Union I.S. Konev. (1946 -- 1950, 1955 -- 1956), Malinovsky R.Ya. (1956 -- 1957), Grechko A.A. (1957 -- 1960), Chuikov V.I. (1960 -- 1964), Petrov V.I. (1980 -- 1985), army generals Pavlovsky I.G. (1967 - 1980), Ivanovsky (1985 - 1989), Varennikov V.I. (1989 -- 1991), Semenov V.M. (1991 -- 1996), Kormiltsev N.V. (2001 --2004). Despite the obvious expediency of creating and having the Main Command of the Ground Forces in the Army, it was disbanded three times (1950, 1964, 1997), and the functions of managing the Army were transferred to the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. Each such disbandment was explained by the need to eliminate parallelism in work, eliminate duplicate controls, increase efficiency, etc.

However, life itself proved the weakness of these arguments, and each time, after a short time, the High Command of the Ground Forces was restored again (1955, 1967, 2001). Guided by the principles of expediency and common sense, I would like to hope that this will not happen in the future. main feature construction and development of military forces in the post-war period was that it was carried out under the influence of scientific and technological progress and was ensured by a close union of science and production in the interests of creating effective weapons, improving military equipment and weapons in accordance with the growing requirements of war, and the transition to integrated control automation troops and weapons systems. During this period, it was possible to achieve a generally proportionate and harmonious development of ground forces weapons systems.

Along with nuclear missile weapons, which became the main means of armed struggle, tanks and artillery were intensively improved and modernized, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, helicopters, anti-aircraft missile defense systems and other modern weapons appeared. Scientific and technological progress initiated significant changes within the structure of the Ground Forces. After the war, the types of troops that became part of the Ground Forces were clearly defined, and they themselves received their own governing bodies.

Air defense troops, army aviation (Ground Forces aviation) became new branches of the military; rifle troops became motorized rifle troops; artillery became missile troops and artillery. Since 1992, such large-scale transformations have taken place in the Ground Forces as part of the reform of the Armed Forces that their appearance has changed significantly. Moreover, at first, far from being better side, since at first the military reform essentially came down to a reduction in the Armed Forces and the Ground Forces as well. Thus, from 1989 to 1997, associations, formations, military units and organizations stationed in the territories of eight military districts were transferred from the Army to the CIS countries, troops from four groups of forces were withdrawn, 17 armies, 8 army corps, 104 divisions were reduced. During this period, the staffing level decreased by more than 1 million 100 thousand military personnel, including 188 thousand officers who were laid off (dismissed from military service). And only starting in 1997, the reform began to be carried out more purposefully, in accordance with the approved five-year plans for the construction and development of the Ground Forces.

NE structure

Taking into account the purpose and tasks to be solved, the Ground Forces have been reduced to a three-component structure, which allows minimizing the costs of their maintenance and adequately responding to military threats of various scales.

First component-- military command and control bodies, formations and military units of constant readiness, capable of performing tasks in peacetime states without additional staffing and intended to solve problems, together with other troops (forces), in local (border) military conflicts. This component of the ground forces is now receiving the closest attention in matters of staffing them with contract servicemen, modern weapons, military equipment, material means, ensuring the effectiveness and quality of combat training. In addition, it is planned to continue to increase the number of formations and units of permanent readiness within the ground forces.

Second component- these are formations and military units of reduced strength, combat equipment and personnel, capable of performing limited combat missions in peacetime states and intended to build up groupings of troops in a local (regional) war.

Third component-- strategic reserves intended to strengthen troop groups in a regional war. Currently, the share of the Ground Forces in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation does not exceed 30%, which is the lowest figure compared to other armies in the world. The ground forces organizationally consist of motorized rifle and tank troops, missile troops and artillery, air defense troops, which are branches of the military, as well as special troops (reconnaissance, communications, electronic warfare, engineering, chemical warfare protection, technical support, rear security, rear units and organizations). The basis of their combat strength consists of motorized rifle, tank divisions and brigades (including mountain ones), brigades (regiments) of military branches and special troops, organizationally consolidated in the army and front-line (district) groupings of troops (forces).

ground force armed force

Associations and formations of the Ground Forces are the main component of the military districts: Moscow (MVO), Leningrad (LenVO), North Caucasus (SKVO), Volga-Ural (PUrVO), Siberian (SibVO), Far Eastern (FE).

Motorized rifle troops- the most numerous branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces and the core of their combat formations. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, missile systems, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems and installations, effective means intelligence and management.

Tank forces- branch of the military and the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are used primarily in the main directions to deliver powerful cutting blows to great depths against the enemy. Possessing great stability and firepower, high mobility and maneuverability, tank forces are able to make fullest use of the results of nuclear and fire strikes and achieve the final results of a battle and operation in a short time.

Rocket Forces and Artillery- a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction in front-line and army (corps) operations and in combined arms combat. Designed to destroy nuclear attack weapons, manpower, artillery, and other fire weapons and enemy targets.

Air defense troops-- a branch of the Ground Forces designed to repel enemy air attacks and protect troop groups and rear facilities from air strikes.

Special troops-- military formations, institutions and organizations designed to support the combat activities of the Ground Forces and solve their inherent special tasks. The successful implementation by combined arms formations of the tasks facing them is ensured by special troops (engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, and others) and services (weapons, logistics).

Posted on Allbest.ru

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