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Holy noble prince George of Vladimir, founder of Nizhny Novgorod. George Grand Duke of Vladimir

Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke of Vladimir(11/26/1188, Suzdal - 03/4/1238, on the Sit River, a tributary of the Mologa River, in the Yaroslavl Principality), martyr. (memorial: February 4, March 4, June 23 - in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints, in the Cathedral of Nizhny Novgorod Saints and in the Cathedral of Tver Saints), led. book Vladimir (1212-1216, 1218-1238), 4th son led. book Vsevolod (Dimitri) Yuryevich Big Nest and blgv. led Kng. Maria Shvarnovna, brother blgv. princes Constantine, Svyatoslav (Gabriel), Yaroslav (Theodora), Vladimir (Dimitri), father of St. princes Vsevolod (Dimitri), Vladimir (Dimitri), Mstislava (Theodora), MC. Prince Theodora.

G.V. was baptized in Suzdal by the Bishop of Rostov. Luka. In 1207 and 1208 participated in campaigns on the lands of the Ryazan principality. In 1211 he married his wife. Prince Agafia Vsevolodovna, daughter of the Kyiv prince. Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny. In the same year he led. book Vsevolod the Big Nest decided to put G.V. to reign in Rostov instead of the prince who had ruled here since 1208. Konstantin Vsevolodovich. Led to the last one. the prince was going to transfer after death Grand Duchy of Vladimir.

However, Konstantin refused to move to reign in Vladimir, intending to own both Vladimir and Rostov in the future. In response, Vsevolod the Big Nest, convening a broad meeting with the participation of white and black clergy, including the Rostov bishop. St. Joanna, bequeathed the capital city of Vladimir and eldership among his own children to G.V.

Vel. book martyr Georgy Vsevolodovich. Icon. 1645 (Tretyakov Gallery)

After the death of Vsevolod (April 15, 1212), G.V. became leader. Prince of Vladimir. Konstantin did not accept this. G.V. offered to transfer Vladimir to his brother in exchange for Rostov. However, Konstantin, who wanted to imprison the prince’s son in Rostov. martyr Vasily (Vasilko) Konstantinovich, agreed to give Vladimir Suzdal in return, which did not suit G.V. Military operations began: G.V. with his brother Prince. Yaroslav went to Rostov, but things did not come to a decisive battle, a truce was concluded. In the same 1212, G.V. released the Ryazan princes with their wives to Ryazan, bishop. Arsenia and people captured by his father during campaigns in 1207 and 1208. In 1213, civil strife resumed, G.V. and Yaroslav and their army went to Rostov and again everything was resolved peacefully. This time, the prince who was sitting in Moscow spoke on the side of Constantine. Vladimir Vsevolodovich, on the side of G.V. - Prince. Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. At the end of hostilities, G.V. led Vladimir from the reign of Moscow to the south of Rus' - to Pereyaslavl Russky.

The establishment of the 2nd episcopal see in the North-East is connected with the confrontation between G.V. and Konstantin Vsevolodovich. Rus' - Suzdal-Vladimir (see. Vladimirskaya and Suzdal diocese ). In con. 1214 Vladimir people, led by G.V. “expelled” from the department of the Rostov bishop. John, who “signed himself to the bishopric of the whole land of Rostov” and retired to Bogolyubov (or to the Suzdal Kosmodamianov) monastery, where he received the schema. 10 Nov 1214 he was consecrated Bishop of Rostov Pachomius, confessor of the book. Konstantin Vsevolodovich. In 1214/15, on the initiative of G.V., the bishop of Suzdal and Vladimir was appointed abbot. Vladimir in honor of the Nativity of St. Our Lady of the Monastery St. Simon.

Rostov Bishop Kirill finds Vel's headless body. book George. Lithography. 2nd half XIX century

In 1216, in the Suzdal land there was the largest struggle for power since the time of the prince. Vsevolod the Big Nest internecine war. It began with the fact that brother G.V. Yaroslav was expelled from the reign of Novgorod by his father-in-law. book Mstislav (Theodore) Mstislavich Udatny. G.V. stood up for Yaroslav, on whose side were the younger Vsevolodovichs Svyatoslav and John, as well as Blgv. book Muromsky David (Peter) Georgievich. At the same time, Konstantin Vsevolodovich entered into an alliance with Mstislav Udatny. Mstislav's brother, Prince of Pskov, joined this union. Vladimir, cousin Vladimir Rurikovich Smolensky, nephew Vsevolod Mstislavich. 21 Apr 1216 on the river. Lipitsa (near Yuryev-Polsky) a battle took place between the princely factions.

G.V. and his allies suffered a crushing defeat, losing, according to Novgorod sources, more than 9 thousand people. Vel. the prince fled to Vladimir, where he was besieged by opponents and capitulated. Konstantin, who became the leader. the prince of Vladimir, and his allies made peace with G.V. and gave him possession of Gorodets-Radilov on the Volga. Together with G.V., the Suzdal-Vladimir bishop also left for Gorodets. Simon.

In 1217 led. book Konstantin and G.V. entered into a new agreement. According to its terms, G.V. increased his possessions and moved to reign in Suzdal; after the death of Constantine, he was supposed to again occupy the grand-ducal table. G.V., in turn, guaranteed the preservation of his brother’s children of the estates allocated to Konstantin during his lifetime. book Vsevolod's Big Nest. Feb 2 1218 Konstantin died and G.V. returned to the Vladimir table. Soon he began to strengthen the east. borders of the North-East. Rus'. In 1220, the army of G.V., led by his brother Prince Yuryev. Svyatoslav made a successful campaign against Volga Bulgaria. The following year he led. The prince founded N. Novgorod at the mouth of the Oka, which became the east. an outpost of his possessions. Here in 1224, by order of G.V., the stone Transfiguration Cathedral was erected, and between 1221 and 1227/28. outside the city walls a church and monastery were built in the name of the Most Holy. Mother of God. In the 20s XIII century On the initiative of G.V., active church construction was carried out in Suzdal. In 1222, here on the site of the ancient Assumption Church. The cathedral was founded in honor of the Nativity of St. Virgin Mary (consecrated in 1225).

G.V. sought to secure the reign of Vela for his proteges. Novgorod. In con. 10's - early 20s in the principalities of the North-West. Representatives of the Smolensk princely branch were firmly in Rus'. Using the confrontation between the boyar groups of Novgorod, G.V. managed to change the situation. In 1221, he placed his eldest son Vsevolod on the table here, in the spring of 1223 he replaced him with his brother Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, and in the spring of the following year he returned his son to Novgorod. In the winter of 1224/25, Vsevolod was forced to leave Novgorod. After this, G.V., together with Yaroslav and the brother of his wife Blgv. book Mikhail Vsevolodovich(from the Chernigov princes) made a campaign to the Novgorod land and occupied Torzhok. Long negotiations ended in refusal. the prince from continuing the campaign and the short stay of the Novgorodians under the control of the prince. Mikhail. In 1225, he took the Chernigov throne and Yaroslav Vsevolodovich again began to reign in Novgorod.

In 1223, when in the North. An army of Mongols led by commanders Subudai and Jebe, southern Russians, came to the Black Sea coast. princes, trying to create an anti-mong. coalition, turned to G.V. Vel. The Prince of Vladimir sent a detachment to help them, led by his nephew, Prince. Vasilko Konstantinovich. However, the detachment only managed to reach Chernigov, where they received the sad news of the defeat of the Russians. troops on the river Kalke. In 1226 G.V., together with his nephews Vasilko and Vsevolod (John) Konstantinovich went with an army to the Chernigov land “to help” the prince. Mikhail Vsevolodovich, whose rival in the fight for Chernigov was the Kursk prince. Oleg Igorevich. G.V. managed to achieve the conclusion of a peace that assigned the Chernigov table to Mikhail. By order of G.V., campaigns were undertaken against Mordva.

In 1226, his brothers Svyatoslav and John made a successful campaign. In the winter of 1228/29, a new large-scale campaign against Mordva was led by Vladimir himself. prince. In addition to G.V., his brother Yaroslav, nephews Vasilko and Vsevolod, as well as the Murom prince took part in it. Georgy (Yuri) Davidovich. Campaign against the muzzles. book Puresh, who was oriented towards Volga Bulgaria, in support of the muzzles. book Purgas, dependent on G.V., was successful. In 1232, the Russian campaign. The troops against Mordva were led by Vsevolod, the eldest son of G.V.

In 1228, G.V. did not allow new strife in the Suzdal land. His brother Yaroslav, forced to cede the reign of Novgorod to his brother-in-law Mikhail of Chernigov, plotted to “resist” his elder brother and entered into an alliance with his nephews - Vasilko, Vsevolod and Vladimir (Dimitri) Konstantinovich. G.V. invited Yaroslav and Konstantinovich to Suzdal, where, through the mediation of Bishop. sschmch. Mitrofan(in 1227 he replaced St. Simon at the Suzdal-Vladimir See) the princes “corrected all the dislike among themselves.”

The consequence of G.V.’s agreement with Yaroslav was the support of the leader. brother's prince in the subsequent struggle for the Novgorod table. In 1230, Yaroslav returned to reign in Novgorod, but Mikhail did not abandon his claims. In Vladimir in the end. 1230 through the mediation of the Kyiv prince. Vladimir (Dimitri) Rurikovich's embassy arrived from South. Rus' led by Metropolitan. Kirill I, “asking for peace between Mikhail and Yaroslav.” With the help of G.V., peace was concluded, but the next year the war began. Yaroslav marched with his army to the north-east. volosts of Chernigov land. G.V., acting in alliance with his brother, made a campaign in the volost of Mikhail (although he himself did not accept active participation in military operations).

In 1230, G.V. participated in 2 of the most important events in church life in the North-East. Rus': the transfer of the relics of the martyr to Vladimir from Volga Bulgaria. Abrahamia and appointment to the Rostov department Kirill II, abbot. Vladimir Nativity of the Virgin Mary Monastery (Rostov prince Vasily Konstantinovich and his brothers asked G.V. for permission to erect it). By 1234 in Yuryev-Polsky, which received from G.V. as an inheritance the prince. Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, the construction of the center was completed. in the name of the Great Martyr. St. George the Victorious - heavenly patron G.V. In 1237, bishop. Mitrofan built an icon case in the Assumption Cathedral “above the meal”, decorated with gold and silver, and at the same time the vestibule of the cathedral was painted. Under G.V., the Vladimir chronicle continued, which was partially reflected in the Laurentian Chronicle of 1377, and in a more complete form - in the Moscow Chronicle. XV century

In the fall of 1237, Vel. Prince of Vladimir led the resistance to Batu’s invasion of the North-East lands. Rus'. The 1st attack of the Mongol-Tatars was aimed at the Ryazan land; after its destruction, Batu moved to the borders of the possessions of G.V. Vel. The prince first tried to organize a rebuff to the enemy outside his lands: an army led by Vsevolod Georgievich advanced to Kolomna, uniting with the remnants of the Ryazan forces. It was defeated, after which the Mongols took Kolomna, entered the Vladimir-Suzdal land and in January. 1238 Moscow was besieged (here Batu’s second son, G.V. Vladimir, was captured). After this, G.V. left Vladimir, leaving his sons Vsevolod and Mstislav to defend the city. Together with 3 nephews Konstantinovich G.V. stood with the army on the river. Sit, waiting for help from the brothers Yaroslav, Svyatoslav and John.

Vel. book martyr Georgy Vsevolodovich. Cover. 1645 (GVSMZ)

Meanwhile, Batu's troops besieged Vladimir. 7 Feb. 1238 the city was taken, during the assault the entire grand ducal family died: led. Kng. Agathia, princes Vsevolod, Mstislav, prince. Theodora, St. princesses Maria And Christina, young grandchildren of the king. Agathia and G.V. March 4, 1238 Mong. The army led by Noyon Burundai approached the City and attacked the Russians. army. The Mongols won, G.V. fell in battle. After the departure of Batu’s troops from the North-East. Rus' Rostov bishop. Kirill II (who was hiding during the Mongol campaign in the city of Beloozero) took the headless body of G.V. and took him to Rostov, where he kept the remains. The prince was temporarily buried in the Assumption Cathedral in the same grave with the lord. book Vasilko Konstantinovich. After some time, the head of the leader was found and placed in a coffin. prince

In 1239, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who occupied the Vladimir grand-ducal table, transferred the remains of his elder brother to Vladimir, G.V. was solemnly buried in the Assumption Cathedral in a stone tomb next to his father - Prince. Vsevolod the Big Nest. The burial was performed by the Bishop of Rostov. Cyril II and Archimandrite of the Vladimir Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery Dionysius, as well as “the abbess, and the priest, and the monk.”

His brothers Vel. were present at G.V.’s funeral. book Yaroslav and the Suzdal prince. Svyatoslav, as well as other princes with their squads, many boyars and servants. As a contemporary noted,

“Don’t you hear singing and crying, and great cries, for fear that the whole city of Volodymyr was crying for him” (PSRL. T. 1. Stb. 467). The “Book of the Degree of the Royal Genealogy” describes the miracle that took place during the burial: “His holy head clung together to his honest body, as if there was not a trace of cutting off on his neck, but the whole structure was intact and inseparable... Also, his hand and gum bulged out. She was inspired to see her as if she were alive, showing the feat she had accomplished” (PSRL. T. 21. Part 1. P. 265).

The Degree Book's story about G.V. was included on February 4. in Chetii-Minei, compiled in 1646-1654. John Milyutin. The authenticity of this message was confirmed opening of the relics G.V., which took place on February 13 and 15. 1919 An eyewitness to the opening of the relics reported:

“At vol. book George, killed in a battle with the Tatars... in which his head was cut off, the latter turned out to be attached to the body, but in such a way that one could notice that it had been cut off earlier, so that the cervical vertebrae were displaced and fused incorrectly" ( quoted from: Lazareva. P. 29).


GV can be traced in the chronicles of the 13th-16th centuries. In the Tale of Batu’s invasion as part of the Laurentian Chronicle of 1377 (compilation of 1305), the Vladimir princes who died in 1238 in the City are characterized as martyrs for Christ: Vasilko “washed himself in the blood of a martyr for his sins with his brother and father George, with the great prince" (PSRL. T. 1. Stb. 467). In the Praise of G.V., read in the same chronicle, it is said that he “striving to keep God’s commandments, and always having the fear of God with him in his heart... not sparing his property, distributing it to those who demanded it, and decorating churches with icons priceless and books... he honors the superfluous Chernech ranks and priests, giving them whatever they need, and thus God fulfills his request” (Ibid. Stb. 468). The “Russian Chronograph” edition of 1512 includes the story “On the Assassination of Grand Duke Yury,” containing G.V.’s prayer before the Battle of the City after receiving news of the capture of Vladimir (Ibid. T. 22. P. 398). In the Nikon Chronicle (late 20s of the 16th century), G.V.’s prayer ends with a request to worship “with these new martyrs” (Ibid. T. 10. P. 109). K ser. XVI century G.V. has not yet been canonized: his name is included in the Russian Memorial. princes and princesses, created between 1 Oct. 1556 and 30 Jan. 1557 by order of the king John IV Vasilievich, in the section “A sekh pominati na pokhida” (Russia and the Greek world in the 16th century. M., 2004. T. 1. P. 215, 399).

The degree book (60s of the 16th century) glorifies G.V. as a martyr:

“Grand Duke George was crowned with blood, by which he ascended to Christ; from the Worthless he received the crown of martyrdom, which he desired” (PSRL. T. 21. Part 1. P. 264-265).

To the editor of the Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. book Alexander Nevsky, created Jonah (Dumin) in the end XVI century, includes a story about a vision that the monk of the Vladimir Nativity Monastery Anthony had during the invasion of Moscow by the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey in 1572. The monk saw saints Boris, Gleb and Alexander Nevsky, who woke up the princes whose remains rest in Vladimir churches, - Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky, prp. Petra, Tsarevich Ordynsky, and G.V. - and called on them to come to the aid of Ivan the Terrible against the Tatars ( Mansikka V. P. Life of Alexander Nevsky: Analysis of editions and texts. St. Petersburg, 1913. pp. 196-197).

G.V.'s service was published in Trefologion (M., 1637), and the troparion and kontakion were included in the printed Saints (M., 1647). The earliest list of service dates back to ca. 1630 (RGB. F. 304. No. 628), the oldest notated service is contained in the handwritten Stichirar of the 50s. XVII century (RGB. F. 379. No. 64). The “Charter of Church Rites of the Moscow Assumption Cathedral” (c. 1643) says about the celebration of the memory of G.V.: “On the 4th day (Feb.- A. G.) they celebrate the Great Martyr Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, the swan rings the good news, the middle peal rings” (RIB. T. 3. Stb. 53). Around 4 Feb. G.V.'s name is included in the Monthly Book Simona (Azaryina)(RGB. MDA. No. 201. L. 311, mid-50s of the 17th century), in the Synodik of the Moscow Assumption Cathedral (c. 1684) (DRV. M., 17882. Part 6. P. 439) , as well as in the “Description of Russian Saints” (late 17th-18th centuries). Established since the 17th century. celebration of memory of G.V. 4 Feb. (instead of March 4) most likely goes back to the Degree Book. In 1889, when the 700th anniversary of the birth of G.V. was celebrated, the Nizhny Novgorod diocese petitioned the Holy Synod to postpone the celebration to March 4, but this led to the fact that both dates began to be celebrated in the Nizhny Novgorod diocese as days of memory of G.V. In the same year, Tver Archbishop. Savva (Tikhomirov) blessed to celebrate the memory of G.V. on March 4 in Pokrovskaya Church. in the village Bozhenka Kashinsky U. Tver lips. (according to local legends, it was there that the Battle of the City took place), previously in Pokrovskaya Church. the chapel was consecrated in the name of G.V.

22 Jan 1645 in the presence of the patriarch Joseph and the king Mikhail Feodorovich In the Assumption Cathedral, the discovery of the incorruptible relics of G.V. took place, which were transferred from the stone tomb that stood in the altar of the Annunciation chapel to a silver gilded shrine in the center of the cathedral near the south. pillar, made at the expense of the patriarch. On the lid of the shrine was placed an icon of G.V., depicting the prince in full size under the image of the Holy Trinity, with a sword in a sheath and with a martyr's cross (now in the Tretyakov Gallery). On the shrine there was an embroidered shroud of the same iconography (now in the GVSMZ). Cancer of the 17th century not preserved (melted down in October 1941). At the tomb of G.V. in the 17th century, cases of healing were obviously noted, since in the inscription on the shrine of 1645 (known in publications of the 19th century) and in the description of the burials of the Assumption Cathedral of the 80s. XVII century G.V. is called the Wonderworker of Vladimir and all Russia ( Sirens. The path to the city of Kitezh. pp. 36, 39).

In 1852, with funds donated from all classes of Vladimir, a new silver shrine was made, into which St. the power of the prince. In 1888, by order of the Vladimir Archbishop. Theognosta (Lebedeva) The reliquary was placed between 2 columns in the middle of the cathedral, to the right of the bishop's seat. During the construction of a new iconostasis in 1768-1774, which was accompanied by a rise in the floor level in the altars and on the salt, the original stone tomb of G.V. was covered with earth.

Vel. book martyr Georgy Vsevolodovich. Sewn icon. Ser.- 2nd half. XVII century (GVSMZ)

According to the assumption of A.V. Sirenova, for the transfer of the relics in 1645, the so-called. Vladimir Life of G.V. (the earliest list is GVSMZ. V-5636/109. L. 40-89, 1695), based on a text close to the Simeonov Chronicle of the 15th century. (the same chronicle served as a source for compiling “gravestone sheets” in the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral). A special version of the Life of G.V. (“Life and Suffering”), based on the text from the Degree Book, was created ca. ser. XVII century in Kostroma (known in 1 list - RSL. F. 218. No. 768. L. 10 volume - 43, 2nd quarter of the 18th century), apparently Sergius (Shelonin), in 1647-1648. who was the rector Ipatievsky in the name of St.. Trinity husband mon-rya. This Life includes a narrative about the founding of G.V. Yuryevets-Povolsky. The Kostroma Life of G.V. was probably used when the Old Believers compiled the Legend of the City of Kitezh (late 17th century), the main character of which is G.V., who suffered “from Tsar Batu for the faith of Christ and for the holy churches.” . In edited form, this edition of the Life was included in the Chetya-Minea of ​​Andrei Denisov (see. Denisovs) 1713-1715 Old Believer Monastery Jonah Kerzhensky included a short Life of G.V., compiled on the basis of the Degree Book, in the “Alphabet of Russian Saints” (YaMZ. No. 15544. L. 129 vol. - 130, 1807-1811).

In 1774, the south was consecrated in the name of G.V. chapel of the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. Probably at this time, a poetic inscription appeared on the pillar above the prince’s tomb, the author of which is considered to be the imp. Catherine II Alekseevna(publ.: Filaret (Gumilevsky). RSv. March. P. 38). In 1795, the left side chapel of the Nizhny Novgorod Archangel Cathedral was consecrated in the name of G.V., and in 1863, the left side chapel of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1889, a grand ducal hat, which according to legend belonged to G.V., was donated to N. Novgorod from Vladimir.

The holy relics of G.V. after their opening in February. 1919 were removed from the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral and returned to the Church in the 50s. XX century (previously 1958), presently rest for the time being in the Assumption Cathedral. The name of G.V. is included in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints, the celebration of which was established in 1982 with the blessing of the Vladimir and Suzdal Archbishop. Serapion (Fadeeva).

Source: PSRL. T. 1. Issue. 2, 3; T. 3; T. 6. Issue. 1; T. 10; T. 18; T. 21. Part 1; T. 23-25; T. 38; T. 41 (according to decree); KhalanskyM. G. Materials and notes on the history of ancient Russia. heroic epic. [Art. 2]: Lamentation led. book Yuri Vsevolodovich // IORYAS. 1903. Book. 8. No. 2. P. 169, 175-176; Menaea (MP). February. pp. 143-154 [Service G.]; June. Part 2. P. 248.

Lit.: Filaret(Gumilevsky). RSv. March. pp. 32-43; Barsukov. Sources of hagiography. Stb. 122-124; Description about Russian saints. pp. 217-218; Life and deeds of St. blgv. led Vladimir prince George (Yuri) II Vsevolodovich. N. Novg., 1889; St. blgv. led book Georgy Vsevolodovich, miracle worker of Vladimir. Vyazniki, 1889; Dimitri(Sambikin). Monthsword. February. pp. 47-55; March. pp. 24-30; SerebryanskyN. [AND.] Old Russian princely lives. M., 1915. S. 149-151, 182; VoroninN. N. Architecture North-East. Rus' XII-XV centuries. M., 1961-1962. T. 1-2; KuchkinIN. A. formation of state territories North-East. Rus' X-XIV centuries. M., 1984; LimonovYU. A. Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'. L., 1987; Markelov. Saints Dr. Rus'. T. 1. No. 229. P. 459; LazarevaN. YU. “Invincible by opposing forces”: The fate of St. relics of Russian saints of God in the 20th century. // DanBlag. 1998. Vol. 9. P. 29; SamoilovaT. E. Holy book Georgy Vladimirsky: History of Veneration // Makaryevsky Readers. Mozhaisk, 1998. Issue. 6. P. 145-154; SirensA. IN. The path to the city of Kitezh: Book. Georgy Vladimirsky in history, lives, legends. St. Petersburg, 2003; Hesame. Life of Georgy Vsevolodovich // SKKDR. Vol. 3. Part 4. pp. 377-380 [Bibliography].

A.A. Gorsky

Yuri (Georgy) Vsevolodovich(November 26, 1188 - March 4, 1238) - the third son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir from his first marriage, with Maria Shvarnovna. Yuri (Georgy) Vsevolodovich canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the ranks of the noble princes. Prince's relics Yuri Vsevolodovich are located in the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir.
- Grand Duke Vladimirsky(1212-1216, 1218-1238);
- prince Gorodetsky(1216-1217);
- prince Suzdal (1217-1218).
Yuri Vsevolodovich born in Suzdal on November 26, 1188. Baptized Yuri Vsevolodovich Bishop Luke.
July 28, 1192 Yuri was tonsured and on the same day he was mounted on a horse. As the chronicler noted, “ and there was great joy in the city of Suzdal “.
IN 1207 Yuri Vsevolodovich took part in the campaign against the Ryazan princes.
in winter 1208/1209 Yuri Vsevolodovich With Konstantin Vsevolodovich participated in the campaign to Torzhok against the Novgorodians, who imprisoned his brother, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, and called Mstislav Mstislavich Udatny to reign, and at the very beginning of 1209 - against the Ryazanians, who tried to take advantage of the absence of the main Suzdal forces and attacked the outskirts of the city of Moscow.
IN 1211 Yuri Vsevolodovich married Princess Agathia Vsevolodovna, daughter of Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny, Prince of Chernigov. The wedding took place in Vladimir, in the Assumption Cathedral, by Bishop John.

Conflict between Yuri Vsevolodovich and his brother Konstantin Vsevolodovich.

Mongol invasion.

IN 1236 at the beginning of the Mongol campaign in Europe, it was devastated. According to the refugees were accepted Yuri Vsevolodovich and settled in the Volga cities.
IN end of 1237 Batu appeared within the Ryazan principality. The Ryazan princes turned to Yuri Vsevolodovich, but he didn’t give it to them, wanting to “ the individual himself does the swearing “. Batu's ambassadors came to Ryazan and Vladimir demanding tribute. In Ryazan, the ambassadors were refused, but in Vladimir they were gifted. At the same time Yuri Vsevolodovich sent troops led by his eldest son Vsevolod Yurievich to help Roman Ingvarevich, who had retreated from Ryazan.
Destroying December 16, 1237 Ryazan, Batu moved to Kolomna. Vsevolod Yuryevich was defeated and fled to Vladimir (Vladimir governor Eremey Glebovich and younger son Genghis Khan Kulkan). After this victory, Batu burned Moscow, captured Vladimir Yuryevich, the second son of Yuri, and moved towards Vladimir.
Having received news of these events, Yuri Vsevolodovich He called the princes and boyars to a council and, after much deliberation, set off across the Volga to gather an army. Surviving in Vladimir were his wife Agafia Vsevolodovna, sons Vsevolod and Mstislav, daughter Theodora, Vsevolod’s wife Marina, Mstislav’s wife Maria and Vladimir’s wife Khristina, grandchildren and governor Pyotr Oslyadyukovich. The siege of the city of Vladimir began on February 2–3, 1238. The city fell on February 7, 1238, the siege and assault lasted 8 days. The Mongol-Tatars burst into the city and set it on fire. Yuri's entire family perished (Vladimir Martyrs); of all his offspring, only his daughter Dobrava survived, who had been married to Vasilko Romanovich, Prince of Volyn since 1226.

The death of Yuri Vsevolodovich, his relics and canonization.

March 4, 1238 In the Battle of the City River, the Grand Duke's troops were defeated at the camp by secondary forces of the Mongols led by Burundai, who followed a more northern route separately from the main forces. Among those killed was himself Yuri Vsevolodovich.

The headless body of the prince was discovered by the princely clothes among the remaining unburied bodies of killed soldiers on the battlefield by Bishop Kirill of Rostov, returning from Beloozero. He took the body to Rostov and buried it in a stone coffin in the Church of Our Lady. Subsequently, Yuri's head was also found and attached to the body.
IN 1239 remains Yuri Vsevolodovich were solemnly transferred by Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to Vladimir and laid in the Assumption Cathedral. In the “Book of the Powerful Royal Genealogy” it is described that the head of the Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich during burial it stuck to his body, and his right hand raised up: “ His holy head is so closely attached to his honest body, as if there is not a trace of cutting off on his neck, but all the parts are intact and inseparable... Also, his right hand is stretched out to see, with it, as if alive, showing the feat of his accomplishment“.
On February 13 and 15, 1919, the opening of the relics took place Yuri Vsevolodovich. According to Orthodox Encyclopedia, an eyewitness to the opening of the relics reported that the head of the Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich It was previously cut off, but fused with the body so that the cervical vertebrae were displaced and fused incorrectly.

According to the chronicler “ Yuri was adorned with good morals: he tried to fulfill God's commandments; I always had the fear of God in my heart, remembering the Lord’s commandment about love not only for neighbors, but also for enemies, and was merciful beyond measure; not sparing his property, he distributed it to the needy, built churches and decorated them with priceless icons and books; honored priests and monks“. In 1221 Yuri Vsevolodovich founded a new stone cathedral in Suzdal to replace the dilapidated one, and in 1233 he painted it and paved it with marble. In Nizhny Novgorod he founded the Annunciation Monastery.
IN 1645 the incorruptible relics of the prince were found, and January 5, 1645 Patriarch Joseph began the process of canonization Yuri Vsevolodovich Orthodox Church. At the same time, the relics were placed in a silver shrine. Yuri Vsevolodovich was canonized as the Holy Blessed Prince George Vsevolodovich. His memory is February 4 (17) “ in memory of his transfer from Rostov to Vladimir “.
IN 1795 on the initiative of the Nizhny Novgorod vice-governor Prince Vasily Dolgorukov, a descendant Yuri Vsevolodovich, in Nizhny Novgorod they began to celebrate the date of birth of the city’s founder.

Family of Yuri Vsevolodovich.

Married since 1211 to Agafya Vsevolodovna (about 1195 - 1238), daughter of Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny, Prince of Chernigov, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Vsevolod (Dmitriy) (1212/1213 - 1238), Prince of Novgorod (1221-1222, 1223-1224). Married since 1230 to Marina (1215-1238), daughter of Vladimir Rurikovich. Killed at Batu's headquarters during negotiations before the capture of Vladimir by the Mongols;
Mstislav(after 1213 - 1238), married from 1236 to Mary (1220-1238) (origin unknown). Died during the capture of Vladimir by the Mongols;
Vladimir(after 1218 - 1238), Prince of Moscow, married since 1236 to Christina (1219-1238) (origin unknown, presumably from the Monomashich family). Killed during the siege of Vladimir by the Mongols.
Dobrava(1215-1265) In 1226, she was married to Prince Vasilko Romanovich of Volyn, thanks to this she became the only survivor of the devastation of Vladimir by the Tatar-Mongols (1238), a descendant of Yuri Vsevolodovich;
Theodora (1229-1238).

Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich(November 26, 1188 - March 4, 1238) - Grand Duke of Vladimir (1212-1216, 1218-1238), Prince of Gorodets (1216-1217), Prince of Suzdal (1217-1218).

The third son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest from his first marriage, with Maria Shvarnovna. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the ranks of the noble princes. The relics of the prince are in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir.

early years

Born in Suzdal on November 26, 1188. Bishop Luke baptized him. On July 28, 1192, they were committed tonsure Yuri and on the same day they put him on a horse; “And there was great joy in the city of Suzdal,” noted the chronicler.

In 1207, Yuri took part in a campaign against the Ryazan princes, in the winter of 1208/1209 with Constantine on Torzhok against the Novgorodians, who imprisoned his brother, Svyatoslav, and called Mstislav Mstislavich Udatny to reign, and at the very beginning of 1209 - against the Ryazanians , trying to take advantage of the absence of the main Suzdal forces and attacking the outskirts of Moscow.

In 1211, Yuri married Princess Agathia Vsevolodovna, daughter of Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny, Prince of Chernigov; The wedding took place in Vladimir, in the Assumption Cathedral, by Bishop John.

Conflict with brother

In 1211, Vsevolod the Big Nest, with the support of a specially convened meeting with the participation of the boyars and Bishop John, gave the Grand Duke's Vladimir table to Yuri in violation of the rights of his eldest son, Constantine.

On April 14, 1212, Vsevolod died, and the contradictions between the brothers resulted in civil strife. The 3rd oldest brother Yaroslav took the side of Yuri, and the 4th and 5th brothers Vladimir and Svyatoslav took the side of Konstantin. Yuri was ready to give Vladimir in exchange for Rostov, but Konstantin did not agree to such an exchange and offered his brother Suzdal, he refused. At first, the struggle took place on the territory of the principality, but then, when the interests of Yuri and Yaroslav intersected with the interests of the Smolensk Rostislavichs, in particular Mstislav Udatny, in Novgorod, the Smolensk and Novgorodians invaded the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, united with Constantine and defeated Yuri, Yaroslav and the Murom residents and put under the great reign of Constantine. Yuri received his inheritance Gorodets Radilov on the Volga. Bishop Simon followed him there. The very next year, Konstantin gave Yuri Suzdal and, leaving the Rostov land as an inheritance to his offspring, recognized his brother as his successor at the grand ducal table. Constantine died on February 2, 1218, and Yuri became Grand Duke for the second time.

Foreign policy

Yuri Vsevolodovich, like his father, achieved foreign policy successes, largely avoiding military clashes. In the period 1220-1234, Vladimir troops (including those in alliance with Novgorod, Ryazan, Murom and Lithuanian) conducted 14 campaigns. Of these, only three ended in battles (victories over external opponents; 1220, 1226, 1234).

Already in 1212, Yuri released from captivity the Ryazan princes captured by his father in 1208, including Ingvar and Yuri Igorevich, who came to power in Ryazan as a result of the struggle of 1217-1219 and became Yuri's allies.

In 1217, the Volga Bulgarians reached Ustyug, but retaliatory measures were taken only after the death of Constantine and Yuri’s rise to power, in 1220. Yuri sent a large army under the leadership of his brother Svyatoslav; the army reached the city of Oshel on the Volga and burned it. At the same time, the Rostov and Ustyug regiments along the Kama entered the land of the Bulgarians and destroyed many cities and villages. At the mouth of the Kama, both armies united and returned home. That same winter, the Bulgarians sent envoys to ask for peace, but Yuri refused them.

In 1221, he himself wanted to go against the Bulgarians and marched to Gorodets. On the way, he was met by a second Bulgarian embassy with the same request and was again refused. A third embassy arrived in Gorodets with rich gifts, and this time Yuri agreed to peace. In order to strengthen an important place for Russia at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga, Yuri at that time founded the city of “Nov Grad” (Nizhny Novgorod) here, on the Dyatlov Mountains. At the same time, he built a wooden church in the name of the Archangel Michael in the new city (later the Archangel Cathedral), and in 1225 he founded stone church Spasa.

The founding of Nizhny Novgorod entailed a struggle with the Mordovians, taking advantage of disagreements between its princes. In 1226, Yuri sent his brothers Svyatoslav and Ivan against her, and in September 1228, his nephew Vasilko Konstantinovich of Rostov; in January 1229 he himself went against the Mordovians. After this, the Mordovians attacked Nizhny Novgorod, and in 1232 they were pacified by Yuri’s son Vsevolod with the princes of Ryazan and Murom. Opponents of the spread of Vladimir's influence on the Mordovian lands were defeated, but a few years later, during Mongol invasion, part of the Mordovian tribes sided with the Mongols.

Yuri organized campaigns to help his former opponents in the Battle of Lipitsa: the Rostislavichs of Smolensk, defeated by the Mongols on Kalka - in 1223 to the southern Russian lands led by his nephew Vasilko Konstantinovich, who, however, did not have to fight: having reached Chernigov, he learned of the defeat Russians and returned to Vladimir; and in 1225 - against the Lithuanians, who ravaged the Smolensk and Novgorod lands, ending with the victory of Yaroslav at Usvyat.

In 1222-1223, Yuri twice sent troops, respectively, led by the brothers Svyatoslav to Wenden and Yaroslav to Revel to help the Estonia, who rebelled against the Order of the Sword. In the first campaign, the Lithuanians were allies of the Russians. According to the Chronicle of Henry of Latvia, a third campaign was launched in 1224, but Russian troops only reached Pskov. Russian chronicles date Yuri's conflict with the Novgorod nobility to approximately the same time. Vsevolod Yuryevich was taken by his supporters from Novgorod to Torzhok, where in 1224 his father came to him with an army. Yuri demanded the extradition of the Novgorod boyars, with whom he was dissatisfied, and threatened to come to Novgorod in case of disobedience water your horses with Volkhov, but then left without bloodshed, being satisfied with a large sum of money and giving the Novgorodians his brother-in-law, Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich from the Chernigov Olgovichs, as princes.

In 1226, Yuri sent troops to help Mikhail in his fight against Oleg Kursk in the Principality of Chernigov; The campaign ended successfully, but after establishing itself in Chernigov, Mikhail entered into a fight with Yaroslav Vsevolodovich for the reign of Novgorod. In 1228, Yaroslav, again expelled from Novgorod, suspected the participation of his older brother in his exile and won over his Konstantinovich nephews, Vasilko, Prince of Rostov, and Vsevolod, Prince of Yaroslavl, to his side. When Yuri found out about this, he called all his relatives to the Suzdal Congress in September 1229. At this congress he managed to settle all the misunderstandings:

And everyone bowed to Yuri, who was his father and master.

In 1230, Yuri married his eldest son Vsevolod to the daughter of Vladimir Rurikovich of Kyiv and, with the diplomatic support of the latter and Metropolitan Kirill, transferred Novgorod to Mikhail and his son Rostislav. But having finally lost Novgorod in favor of Yaroslav (1231), Mikhail immediately joined the fight for Kyiv against Vladimir Rurikovich and Daniil Romanovich of Volyn, who came over to his side. In 1232, Yuri went to the Chernigov land against Mikhail in the direction of Serensk, and stood there for some time. Mikhail avoided direct combat. In 1229, the campaign against the order planned by Yaroslav did not take place due to disagreements with the Novgorodians and Pskovians, but after Pope Gregory IX declared a crusade (1232), Yaroslav defeated the knights in the battle of Omovzha. After 1231, for a hundred years, only the descendants of Vsevolod the Big Nest were Novgorod princes.

List of military campaigns of the Vladimir troops in the period 1218-1238

  • 1219 - Ingvar Igorevich. Gleb Vladimirovich and the Polovtsy;
  • 1220 - Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. Volga Bulgaria, Oshel;
  • 1221 - Yuri Vsevolodovich. Volga Bulgaria, Gorodets;
  • 1222 - Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. Order of the Sword, Wenden;
  • 1223 - Vasilko Konstantinovich. Mongol Empire, Chernigov;
  • 1223 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Order of the Sword, Revel;
  • 1224 - Yuri Vsevolodovich. Novgorod land, Torzhok;
  • 1226 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Battle of Usvyat;
  • 1226 - Yuri Vsevolodovich. Chernigov Principality, Kursk;
  • 1226 - Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. Mordva;
  • 1228 - Vasilko Konstantinovich. Mordva;
  • 1229 - Yuri Vsevolodovich. Mordva;
  • 1231 - Yuri Vsevolodovich, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Chernigov Principality, Serensk, Mosalsk;
  • 1232 - Vsevolod Yuryevich. Mordva;
  • 1234 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Order of the Swordsmen, Battle of Omovzha;
  • 1237 - Vsevolod Yuryevich. Mongol Empire, Battle of Kolomna;
  • 1238 - Yuri Vsevolodovich. Mongol Empire, Battle of the City River.

Mongol invasion

In 1236, at the beginning of the Mongol campaign in Europe, Volga Bulgaria was devastated. According to Vasily Tatishchev, the refugees were accepted by Yuri and settled in the Volga cities. At the end of 1237, Batu appeared within the Ryazan principality. The Ryazan princes turned to Yuri for help, but he did not give it to them, wanting to “start the fight himself.” Batu's ambassadors came to Ryazan and Vladimir demanding tribute, in Ryazan they were refused, in Vladimir they were gifted, but at the same time Yuri sent troops led by his eldest son Vsevolod to help Roman Ingvarevich, who had retreated from Ryazan.

Having destroyed Ryazan on December 16, Batu moved towards Kolomna. Vsevolod was defeated and fled to Vladimir (the Vladimir governor Eremey Glebovich and the youngest son of Genghis Khan Kulkan died). After this victory, Batu burned Moscow, captured Vladimir, the second son of Yuri, and moved towards Vladimir.

Vereshchagin V. P. Bishop Kirill finds the headless body of Grand Duke Yuri on the battlefield on the Sit River

Having received news of these events, Yuri called a council of princes and boyars and, after much deliberation, set off across the Volga to gather an army. Surviving in Vladimir were his wife Agafia Vsevolodovna, sons Vsevolod and Mstislav, daughter Theodora, Vsevolod’s wife Marina, Mstislav’s wife Maria and Vladimir’s wife Khristina, grandchildren and governor Pyotr Osledyukovich. The siege of the city of Vladimir began on February 2 or 3, 1238, the city fell on February 7 (according to Rashid ad-Din, the siege and assault lasted 8 days). The Mongol-Tatars burst into the city and set it on fire. Yuri's entire family perished (Vladimir Martyrs); of all his offspring, only his daughter Dobrava survived, who had been married to Vasilko Romanovich, Prince of Volyn since 1226. On March 4 of the same year, in the Battle of the City River, the Grand Duke's troops were defeated at the camp by secondary forces of the Mongols led by Burundai, who followed a more northern route separately from the main forces. Yuri himself was among those killed.

The headless body of the prince was discovered by the princely clothes among the remaining unburied bodies of killed soldiers on the battlefield by Bishop Kirill of Rostov, returning from Beloozero. He took the body to Rostov and buried it in a stone coffin in the Church of Our Lady. Subsequently, Yuri's head was also found and attached to the body.

In 1239, the remains were solemnly transferred by Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to Vladimir and placed in the Assumption Cathedral. In the “Book of the Degree of the Royal Genealogy” it is described that the head of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich stuck to his body during burial, and his right hand was raised up: “ His holy head is so closely attached to his honest body, as if there is not a trace of cutting off on his neck, but all the parts are intact and inseparable... Also, his right hand is stretched out to see, with it, as if alive, showing the feat of his accomplishment" On February 13 and 15, 1919, the autopsy of his relics took place. According to the Orthodox Encyclopedia, an eyewitness to the autopsy of the relics reported that the head of Grand Duke Yuri had previously been cut off, but fused with the body in such a way that the cervical vertebrae were displaced and fused incorrectly.

Assessing the personality and performance of the board

Historians and novelists, according to an established tradition laid down by noble historiography, saw in Yuri Vsevolodovich the direct culprit of the terrible ruin of Rus'. This point of view was criticized in the famous study of Doctor of Historical Sciences V.V. Kargalov “ Ancient Rus' in the Soviet fiction " The author writes: “ The reader involuntarily gets the impression that if on the eve of the Mongol-Tatar invasion it was not Yuri Vsevolodovich who was sitting on the grand ducal “table”, but some other, more energetic and far-sighted prince... then the outcome of the war could have been different... The tragedy of the country was different: the bravest and most energetic princes and governors (and there were many of them in Rus'!), due to feudal fragmentation, could not unite the forces of the people to repel the conquerors" However, this point of view, which can also be called traditional, raises serious objections in historiography. It is emphasized that in the first half of the 13th century the Mongols conquered many countries at very different stages of development, and the idea that Rus' could have successfully resisted the invasion if it had been united is erroneous.

Warmly and convincingly, on the basis of numerous chronicles and other documents, the prominent Soviet prose writer and publicist Vladimir Chivilikhin rehabilitates Prince Yuri in the opinion of his descendants in his novel-essay “ Memory", awarded the USSR State Prize. But the fate of the Great Prince of Vladimir Yuri II Vsevolodovich and his time are still waiting to be revealed by historians and novelists.


According to the chronicler, “Yuri was adorned with good morals: he tried to fulfill God’s commandments; I always had the fear of God in my heart, remembering the Lord’s commandment about love not only for neighbors, but also for enemies, and was merciful beyond measure; not sparing his property, he distributed it to the needy, built churches and decorated them with priceless icons and books; honored priests and monks." In 1221, he founded a new stone cathedral in Suzdal to replace the dilapidated one, and in 1233 he painted it and paved it with marble. In Nizhny Novgorod he founded the Annunciation Monastery.

In 1645, the incorruptible relics of the prince were found, and on January 5, 1645, Patriarch Joseph began the process of canonization of Yuri Vsevolodovich by the Orthodox Church. At the same time, the relics were placed in a silver shrine. Yuri Vsevolodovich was canonized as a saint. Holy Blessed Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. His memory is February 4 (17), according to Mikhail Tolstoy, “in memory of his transfer from Rostov to Vladimir.”

In 1795, on the initiative of the Nizhny Novgorod vice-governor, Prince Vasily Dolgorukov, a descendant of Yuri Vsevolodovich, the date of birth of the city’s founder began to be celebrated in Nizhny Novgorod.

Folk legends

Founding of Kitezh.According to this legend, in 1164 Georgy Vsevolodovich rebuilt Small Kitezh (presumably modern Gorodets), founded the Feodorovsky Gorodets Monastery in it, and then went to a very remote region, where he built (in 1165) on the shore of Lake Svetloyar Great Kitezh, that is, actually the legendary city of Kitezh.

Foundation of Yuryevets Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich was sailing along the Volga with his army; opposite the mouth of the Unzha River, he saw a fire on the mountain and decided to stop in this place. And as soon as they climbed the mountain, he saw the icon of St. George the Victorious and decided to found a fortress here, later a city in honor of his saint of God - Yuryevets. This icon, as stated in the chronicle, was written on a board with spherical outlines and was subsequently transferred to Moscow to the Assumption Cathedral (according to another source, it was carved on stone).

Testament of Yuri Vsevolodovich.“Get along with the Russians and don’t disdain the Mordovians. It’s a sin to fraternize and worship with the Mordovians, but it’s better than everyone else! But the Cheremis only have black ears and a white conscience!”

Grant of Mordovian land.“The old people from the Mordovians, having learned about the arrival of the Russian prince, sent him beef and beer with the young people. The young people ate expensive beef, drank beer, and brought land and water to the Russian prince. Prince Murza was delighted with this gift, accepted it as a sign of submission to the Mordovian tribe and sailed further along the Volga River. Where he throws a handful of land donated to him by the slow-witted Mordovian youth, there will be a city; where he throws a pinch, there will be a village...”

The first inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod The first Nizhny Novgorod settlers were artisans who fled from Novgorod from boyar taxes. Yuri Vsevolodovich took them under his protection and involved them in construction, thanks to which the first fortress was built in a year.

The end of Nizhny Novgorod.“There is a small stream in Nizhny Novgorod near the fortress; it flows through ravines and flows into the Volga near St. Nicholas Church. His name is Pochaynaya and they say that Yuri Vsevolodovich, the founder of Nizhny Novgorod, named this stream that way, being struck by the similarity of the Nizhny Novgorod location with the Kyiv location. In the place where Pochaina originates, there is a large stone on which something was previously written, but has now been erased. The fate of Nizhny Novgorod depends on this stone: recently it will move; Water will come out from under it and drown the whole of Nizhny.”


Wife since 1211 Agafia Vsevolodovna (about 1195 - 1238), daughter of Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny, Prince of Chernigov, Grand Duke of Kyiv.


  • Vsevolod (Dmitry) (1212/1213 - 1238), Prince of Novgorod (1221-1222, 1223-1224). Married since 1230 to Marina (1215-1238), daughter of Vladimir Rurikovich. Killed at Batu's headquarters during negotiations before the capture of Vladimir by the Mongols.
  • Mstislav (after 1213 - 1238), married since 1236 to Maria (1220-1238) (origin unknown). He died during the capture of Vladimir by the Mongols.
  • Vladimir (after 1218 - 1238), Prince of Moscow, married since 1236 to Christina (1219-1238) (origin unknown, presumably from the Monomashich family). Killed during the siege of Vladimir by the Mongols.
  • Dobrava (1215-1265) In 1226, she was married to Prince Vasilko Romanovich of Volyn, thanks to this she was the only survivor of the devastation of Vladimir by the Tatar-Mongols (1238), a descendant of Yuri Vsevolodovich.
  • Theodora (1229-1238)


Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich (1189-1238) - Grand Duke of Vladimir - 1212-1216. and 1218-1238

Vel. book martyr Georgy Vsevolodovich. Icon. 1645

Yuri is the third son of Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest from his first marriage to Maria Shvarnovna. He was born in Suzdal on November 26, 1187, according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, and according to the Laurentian Chronicle - in 1189. He was baptized by Bishop Luke. On July 28, 1192, Yuri was tonsured and on the same day he was mounted on a horse; “And there was great joy in the city of Suzdal,” the chronicler notes on this occasion.
In 1208 or 1209, he completely defeated the Ryazan princes, who were devastating the Moscow region, near the Drozdna (Trostna) River.
In 1210, he took part in a campaign against the Novgorodians, who imprisoned his brother, Svyatoslav, and called Mstislav Mstislavich Udatny to reign; peace, however, was concluded without bloodshed.
In 1211, Yuri married Princess Agathia Vsevolodovna, daughter of Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny, Prince of Chernigov; The wedding took place in Vladimir, in the Assumption Cathedral, by Bishop John.

1212-1217 - Grand Duke of Vladimir.
Vsevolod III after his death (1212) appointed his second son, Yuri, as his successor, and not the eldest, Constantine, because the latter did not want to take Vladimir without his beloved. A fight broke out between the older brothers, in which the younger brothers also took part.

(c.1212-1345) - capital Yuryev-Polsky.
Uglich Principality(1216-1591) - capital of Uglich.
Yaroslavl Principality(1218-1463) - capital Yaroslavl.

Already in 1212, Yuri released from captivity the Ryazan princes captured by his father in 1208, including Ingvar and Yuri Igorevich, who came to power in Ryazan as a result of the struggle of 1217-1219. and became Yuri's allies.

In 1214 it was formed by the will of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Georgy Vsevolodovich.
Since 1149 Rostov, Suzdal and Murom diocese.
Since 1164 (1172) Rostov and Murom diocese.
Since 1198 Rostov, Suzdal and Vladimir diocese.
Since 1213 (1214) Rostov, Pereyaslav and Yaroslavl diocese.
Since 1214 Vladimir and Suzdal diocese.
Since 1226 Rostov and Yaroslavl diocese.
Since 1228 Suzdal, Vladimir and Pereslavl-Zalessk diocese.

In 1215, Yuri established a special diocese for the Vladimir-Suzdal region in order to eliminate its ecclesiastical dependence on Rostov. was appointed bishop Abbot Simon. Simon was dedicated from the abbots of Vladimir in Kyiv - Metropolitan Matthew. The newly installed Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal in 1214 placed his residence in the same place where he had previously been abbot, i.e. in the Mother of God Nativity Monastery in Vladimir.
Saint Simeon is the author of eight stories about the Pechersk monks, which laid the foundation for the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon - the first Russian "Fatherland". Bishop Simon died on May 22, 1226 and was buried in the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir.
The next bishop of Vladimir was the abbot of the Vladimir Nativity Monastery Mitrofan, dedicated Metropolitan of Kyiv Kirill II. The saint took a lot of care about decorating the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral.

Georgy Vsevolodovich came to the defense of Yaroslav, on whose side were the younger Vsevolodovichs Svyatoslav and John, as well as Blgv. book Muromsky Davyd (Peter) Georgievich. Mstislav Udaloy took the side of Konstantin. Yuri and his younger brothers suffered a strong defeat at 1216.
Yuri, having killed three horses, rode on the fourth at noon on April 22, Friday, to Vladimir, sad, exhausted in only a shirt (he threw off his outer dress on the road, as it slowed him down in his flight). The people of Vladimir did not recognize their prince the first time: his appearance was so unusual. Not expecting defeat, they mistook him for a princely messenger, hastening to please them with the news of victory. “Ours will prevail,” they shouted enthusiastically, following the horseman approaching the city. But what was their surprise when they recognized him as the prince himself and in such a pitiful form. “Strengthen the walls, lock the city,” were the first words of George that reached the ears of the people of Vladimir. But who was to strengthen and defend the city? Everyone capable of carrying weapons was taken on the march. Remained in the city: spiritual, decrepit elders, children, and women. Instead of joy there was crying in the city; in the evening and into the night they began to come running and simple people, one will come running wounded, the other will kick. And then bitter complaints were heard against Yaroslav, the main culprit of the disaster: “We suffered such a misfortune from you, it is said about your perjury: come, birds of the sky, feed on human blood, animals eat human flesh.” The unfortunate prince asked the citizens not to hand him over to the victors. He wanted to leave the city of his own free will. The people of Vladimir sympathized with the prince, but could not help him in any way: they only promised not to hand him over to Constantine.

1217 - prince in Gorodets Radilov.
The winners were in no hurry to come to Vladimir. They spent the whole day at the site of the massacre, probably cleaning up the dead bodies, and only on Sunday, the third day after the battle, April 24, they approached Vladimir and besieged it. On the night from Sunday to Monday there was a fire in the prince's palace. Despite desire Vladimir took the Novgorodians and Smolnyans by storm; Mstislav did not allow them to do this and saved the city from defeat. The next night, Tuesday, the fire in the city repeated again: it caught fire opposite the place where the Smolyans were encamped, and burned until daylight. This time the Smolensk prince did not allow his people to enter Vladimir by surprise. The victorious princes were confident that George himself would surrender the city to them and ask them for peace. On Wednesday morning (April 27), Yuri came out to the winners with rich gifts; “Brothers, I beat you with my brow, give you life and feed me with bread.”
Constantine solemnly entered Vladimir, led the inhabitants to the cross, reconciled Yaroslav with Mstislav, and gave Yuri Gorodets Radilov on the Volga. Before leaving Vladimir, Georgy Vsevolodovich entered the Cathedral Church, where in front of miraculous icon He poured out all his sadness to the Mother of God in cries of prayer and, shedding tears, fell on the tomb of his parent. “God judge my brother Yaroslav for bringing me to this,” he said, leaving the temple, then sat down with his family in the boat and down the river. Klyazma went to his new destiny. Among the few friends who wished to follow him was the Bishop of Vladimir, the virtuous Simon, who did not want to leave his prince in misfortune.
Having seen off Georgy Vsevolodovich, the residents of Vladimir opened the gates to the winners and procession met them.

1217-1219 - Prince of Suzdal .
Soon after his accession to the throne, Constantine asked George to come to him in Vladimir for a friendly meeting. George did not hesitate to answer the call and, out of his kindness, sincerely forgave his brother. Both brothers, in the words of one writer, during their meeting “snatched and cried for many hours,” entered the cathedral church of the Mother of God, where, at the tomb of their parent, they sealed their reconciliation with prayer and kissing the cross. Constantine assigned another inheritance to George, the city of Suzdal, and declared him heir to his throne. George, for his part, gave his word to Constantine to replace his father in the person of his children when he led. Prince of Vladimir. Comforted George left with his family and court for Suzdal on September 11, 1217.

On February 2, 1219, Constantine died, causing general sadness among the people; The chronicle says this: “they cried with great tears - the boyars, as the intercessors of their land, the servants, as for a feeder and master, the wretched and monks, as for their consolation and the clothing of their nakedness.” Yuri sat down in Vladimir.

1219-1238 – Grand Duke Vladimir .
After death he led. Prince Konstantin, the people of Vladimir kissed the cross of his brother Georgy Vsevolodovich, who, after a short break, assumed his rights as a grand duke for the second time. Together with him, his inseparable companion, Bishop Simon, arrived from Suzdal.
The second accession of Georgy Vsevolodovich to the grand-ducal throne took place under favorable circumstances. Although northeastern Rust still remained divided into appanages and even into a large number of them, since, after the death of Constantine, the Rostov principality was divided between his two sons; but, ruled by princes connected by blood ties, she did not particularly suffer from this. None of the chronicles says that the appanage princes were dissatisfied with their inheritances; on the contrary, it is known that they revered George, as the eldest in the family, as a father and acted in everything according to his will.
The Volga Bulgarians took advantage of the civil strife that existed in the Vladimir principality after the death of Vsevolod, again began to disturb the Russian possessions and in 1217 reached Ustyug, which belonged to the Vladimir prince. The first thing George did upon ascending the throne was to pacify the Bulgarians. For this reason, in 1220, he equipped a large army and sent it on a campaign under the leadership of his brother, Svyatoslav Yuryevsky. It reached the city of Oshel on the Volga and burned it. At the same time, the Rostov and Ustyug regiments along the Kama entered the land of the Bulgarians and destroyed many cities and villages. At the mouth of the Kama, both armies united and returned home. The Grand Duke and his children went to meet the victors in Bogolyubov, he himself introduced them with due honor into the capital, generously presented them with gold, silver and materials and arranged a cheerful three-day feast in their honor. That same winter, the Bulgarians sent envoys to ask for peace, but the experience of previous years had already shown that peace with this restless people could not be reliable; Yuri refused them. In order to completely stop the Bulgarian raids on Rus', it was necessary to strengthen the eastern borders of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.
In 1221, a fire devastated the city of Vladimir, and 27 churches burned down. Two years later, a new fire destroyed the grand ducal courtyard and 2 churches.

In 1221, he himself wanted to go against the Bulgarians and marched to Gorodets. On the way, he was met by a second Bulgarian embassy with the same request and was again refused. A third embassy arrived in Gorodets with rich gifts, and this time Yuri agreed to peace.

Founding of Nizhny Novgorod

Drive base book martyr Georgy Vsevolodovich N. Novgorod near the Dyatlov Mountains. thin V.P. Malinovsky. 2003

The “last” Slavic city on the Volga until 1221 was Gorodets.
In 1221, Prince George Vsevolodovich, at the confluence of the two great rivers Volga and Oka, founded a stronghold for the defense of the borders of the Vladimir principality from the Moksha, Erzi, Mari and Volga Bulgars under the name Novgorod of the Nizovsky land (the Vladimir principality was called the Nizovsky land by the Novgorodians) - later this name transformed into Nizhny Novgorod, and retained the imperial title until 1917.

Monument to Yuri Vsevolodovich and Bishop Simon in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow

The Archangel Cathedral is the sacred center of the Kremlin. The cathedral is located on Chasovaya Hill. The wooden church of the Archangel Michael was built back in 1221, then it was soon rebuilt into a stone one. In 1225 he founded the stone Church of the Savior.


Nativity Cathedral in Suzdal

The first construction of the cathedral dates back to the 11th century, during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh. In 1222, by order of Yuri Vsevolodovich, the dilapidated building was dismantled, and in its place a new one was built, made of white stone. It stood until the 16th century. In 1528, the white stone walls were dismantled down to the arched belt with women's masks and replaced with brick ones. The three-domed cathedral received a five-domed completion in the 17th century. signed from the inside. Thus, the cathedral has survived to this day with great changes. The interior has preserved wall paintings from the 13th, 15th, and 17th centuries.
- the first city temple intended not only for the princely family.
It is located in the center of the ring of earthen ramparts, in the bend of the Kamenka River. Throughout its history, the temple burned down several times. The sons of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, princes from the Shuisky family, and others are buried in the cathedral.

In 1223, terrible news spread throughout Rus' about new, never-heard-of enemies approaching the Grand Duchy of Kyiv. Nobody in Rus' knew who these enemies were and where they came from. Some called them Tatars, others Taurmen, others Pechenegs. It was heard that they had already conquered many lands outside of Rus': Yasov, Obezov, Kosagov, devastated the Polovtsian land, and from here it was not far to Kyiv. The Polovtsian prince turned to the Russian princes for help. “Today they have taken our land,” he told them, “tomorrow they will take yours, and therefore help us.” The Council of the Princes of Southern Rus' decided to help the Polovtsians. “It is better to meet enemies on foreign land,” they reasoned, “than on our own,” and they sent for help to Vladimir to Georgy Vsevolodovich. But the Tatars, as these new enemies in Rus' were called, did not hesitate to attack, and the Vladimir army, sent under the leadership of Vasilko Konstantinovich, did not get to the point. The Battle of Kalka, known in Russian history for such a strong defeat of the Russians, “which has never happened since the beginning of the Russian land,” has already ended. In this battle, 6 Russian princes, 70 heroes, many tyasyats, boyars and governors fell; some Kyivans died then up to ten thousand, “about them it is impossible to say how many of them were beaten, although only God knows the number is countless” (Nick. 354.) and out of the entire Polovtsian and Russian army, barely a tenth managed to escape. “And there was crying and grief in Rus' and throughout the whole earth, who heard this misfortune” (Laurel 189). Southern Rus' was expecting complete destruction, but suddenly the Tatars turned back and “we don’t know where it came from or where it came from.” Vasilko Konstantinovich, having brought his army only to Chernigov and, “hearing this great misfortune,” hastily returned to Vladimir, “preserved by God and the Most Pure Mother of God” (Lav. 189.).

In the summer of 1223 there was a terrible drought throughout the Vladimir-Suzdal land: forests and swamps were burning; the air was filled with such darkness and smoke that birds fell to the ground and animals from the forests fled to cities and villages, “and there was fear and horror on everyone” (Nick. 347). Terrible comets frightened the northern people in 1223 and 1225. But the year 1230 was especially difficult and threatening for the people of Vladimir and more than half of Rus'. On May 3, an unprecedented natural phenomenon occurred in Vladimir. During the liturgy, while the Gospel was being read in the cathedral church, the following happened strong earthquake that many churches were cracked, the icons in them moved out of place, chandeliers and candlesticks swayed from side to side; The people, thinking in horror, “as if a head had gone around them,” fell to the ground. That same month, on the 10th and 14th, terrible solar eclipses were visible in the sky. “Not for good, but for evil, dividing our sins, God shows us signs” (Nov. 114.). “And God was angry and devastated the earth” from the Annunciation to Elijah’s day there was rainy weather, then there was a cold, the grain did not have time to be harvested in the fields in time, frosts began on September 14th, and unfortunately the previous year had a poor harvest. As a result, a famine began so severe that people ate pine and linden bark, tree leaves instead of bread, they did not disdain horse meat, dogs, even carrion, “and the wrath of God spread and killed people all over the earth, they are innumerable.” In 1231, this disaster passed: the harvest of bread and various vegetables that year was excellent throughout the Russian land, and moreover, a lot of grain and flour were imported from German soil. The survivors thanked God, who had sent His mercy to them, “when, terribly speaking, the Russian land was already perishing from famine.” The next 5 years passed well for the city of Vladimir.

In the west there was a struggle with strong enemies who began to threaten Rus' even before the Tatars: Lithuania, Swedes and German knights Teutonic Order. They threatened not only with the seizure of territory, but also with the destruction of the Orthodox faith, the spiritual basis of the Russian people. In 1222 - the campaign of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich against the Order of the Swordsmen near Wenden, the Lithuanians became allies of the Russians.
In 1223 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich's campaign near Revel to help the Estonians who rebelled against the Order of the Swordsmen.
According to the “Chronicle” of Henry of Latvia, in 1224 a third campaign was launched, but Russian troops only reached Pskov. Russian chronicles date Yuri's conflict with the Novgorod nobility to approximately the same time. In 1229, the campaign against the order planned by Yaroslav did not take place due to disagreements with the Novgorodians and Pskovians, but in 1234 Yaroslav defeated the knights in the battle of Omovzha.
In 1225, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich's campaign against the Lithuanians (Grand Duchy of Lithuania), who were ravaging the Smolensk and Novgorod lands, ended in Yaroslav's victory at Usvyat.

The founding of Nizhny Novgorod entailed a struggle with the Mordovians, taking advantage of disagreements between its princes. In 1226, Yuri sent his brothers, Svyatoslav and Ivan, against her, and in September 1228, his nephew, the Prince of Rostov; in January 1229 he himself went against the Mordovians. After this, the Mordovians launched an attack on Nizhny Novgorod, and in 1232 they were pacified by Yuri’s son Vsevolod with the princes of Ryazan and Murom. Opponents of the spread of Vladimir's influence on the Mordovian lands were defeated, but a few years later, during the Mongol invasion, part of the Mordovian tribes sided with the Mongols.

In Novgorod, the struggle between parties continued, in which Yuri also had to take part. In 1221, the Novgorodians sent envoys to him with a request to give them his son as a prince. Yuri sent his young son Vsevolod to reign in Novgorod and helped the Novgorodians in the fight against the Livonian Order, sending an army led by his brother Svyatoslav. Vsevolod, however, soon returned to Vladimir, and instead of him, Yuri sent, at the request of the Novgorodians, his brother Yaroslav. In 1223, Yaroslav left Novgorod for his Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, and the Novgorodians again asked for Vsevolod Yuryevich. This time there were some misunderstandings between Yuri and the Novgorodians; Vsevolod was taken from Novgorod to Torzhok, where in 1224 his father came to him with an army. Yuri demanded the extradition of the Novgorod boyars, with whom he was dissatisfied, and threatened, in case of disobedience, to come to Novgorod “to water his horses in Volkhov,” but then left without bloodshed, being satisfied with a large sum of money and giving the Novgorodians his brother-in-law, Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich, prince Chernigovsky.
But the continuous change of princes in Novgorod continued: Yuri’s brother Yaroslav reigned there, then his brother-in-law, Mikhail Chernigovsky. In 1228, Yaroslav, again expelled from Novgorod, suspected the participation of his older brother in his exile and won over his Konstantinovich nephews, Vasilko, Prince of Rostov, and Vsevolod, Prince of Yaroslavl, to his side. When Yuri found out about this, he called all his relatives to a congress in Vladimir in September 1229. At this congress, he managed to settle all the misunderstandings, and the princes bowed to Yuri, calling him father and master.
In 1230, the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Rurikovich and Mikhail of Chernigov turned to Yuri with a request to settle disputes between Mikhail and Yaroslav over Novgorod. With the participation of Metropolitan Kirill, Yuri reconciled the opponents; Yaroslav submitted to the will of his elder brother and abandoned Novgorod, which was given to Michael's son, Rostislav.

Dnieper Rus', still torn apart by civil strife, again, as happened under Vsevolod, began to turn to his son, Vladimir, for help in its needs.

In 1231, George went to the Chernigov land against Mikhail, who, in alliance with Vladimir Rurikovich, the Grand Duke of Kyiv, began hostile actions against Yuri's son-in-law, Vasilko Romanovich, and the latter's brother, Daniil of Galitsky. After this campaign, Mikhail lost Novgorod, which again passed to Yaroslav, after which for a hundred years only the descendants of Vsevolod the Big Nest were Novgorod princes.

In 1226 Vladimir Church lost her worthy Archpastor. “Blessed, merciful and teaching” Bishop Simon died on May 22nd and was mourned. the prince and the entire flock, was buried in the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. In his place, Mitrofan was elected by George, according to some chronicles hegumen, according to others archimandrite of the Vladimir Nativity Monastery; but for some reason his consecration was postponed for a long time. The Grand Duke, being in Chernigov, met with Metropolitan Kirill of Kyiv, who arrived here at the head of an embassy from the Prince of Kyiv with the same goal of pacifying the princes. This metropolitan, a Greek by birth, was “cunning in the teaching of the Divine Scriptures and very teacherly.” He won over all the princes who were at the congress; but Vel loved him most of all. book Georgy. He begged the High Hierarch of All Rus' to go with him to Vladimir, “and bless him there too” and install a bishop of the Vladimir-Suzdal region. In the first days of March, the Metropolitan arrived in Vladimir and was received by the citizens “with great honor.” On the 14th of March 1227, “at the halfway point of Lent, when we perform worship to the honorable cross“The consecration of the bishop was scheduled. George invited 4 more bishops from neighboring principalities to this celebration, and almost all the princes of northeastern Rus' came together. On the appointed day they gathered at the Assumption Cathedral. The prince, his entire family, visiting princes, boyars and many Vladimir residents, and with such a large assembly, were installed by the council of Russian hierarchs Mitrofan as bishop of “Volodymer, Judgment and Pereslavl”.
The chronicler who described this event was himself an eyewitness to it. “May I, a sinner, be and see something wondrous and glorious and glorify the All-Merciful God and the Great Prince George.”
After the consecration, the Metropolitan stayed for several more days in Vladimir, “being honored a lot” and leading. the prince and the people of Vladimir, and then went to Kyiv. Vel himself. The prince with his children and brothers escorted the distinguished guest out of the city.
In 1230, the successor of Metropolitan Kirill, who died in 1229, was also in Vladimir, the Metropolitan of Kiev of the same name, who was at the head of the embassy to George from the Prince of Kiev to pacify the same Mikhail of Chernigov with Yaroslav of Pereslavl. The prince led and this time treated the Metropolitan with due respect and persuaded his brother Yaroslav to make peace with Mikhail.
Vel. Prince George, having heard about it, wished that his holy relics would be transferred to Vladimir. An opportunity was soon found for this. At the end of 1229, ambassadors from Bulgaria came to the prince to renew peace treaties with Russia. George demanded that the ambassadors give him St. the relics of the martyr, to which they willingly agreed. On March 9, 1230, on the day of remembrance of 40 martyrs, “the martyr of Christ Abraham the new was brought from the Bulgarian land to the glorious city of Volodymer,” Bishop Mitrofan and all the clergy of Vladimir “with great honor and with lights,” the prince and his entire family and all Vladimir residents came out to meet St. the relics a mile outside the city and, singing church songs, they brought them into the city “and laid them in the church of St. Mother of God, to the monasteries of the Grand Duchess Vsevolozhie, the Assumption, and the Women’s Monastery.”

He carried rumors about piety. book George and his influence on other Russian princes spread far beyond the borders of Rus', and Pope Gregory IX did not fail to make an attempt to attract him. Prince of Vladimir into the Roman Catholic faith. In 1231, he sent a letter to George in Vladimir, in which, after flattering expressions of love and good wishes, Vel. the prince and the usual convictions to submit to him, the pope, as the vicar of Christ and successor of the Ap. Peter, supposedly the only one who has the power to bind and decide, wrote: “We, sincerely desiring the salvation of your soul and every success, benefit and honor, we beg and convince your lordship that you humbly accept and observe the rites and customs of the Latin Christians, subduing yourself and your the kingdom, out of love for Christ, the sweet dominion of the mother of all Christians, the Roman Church, which offers to have you in the Church of God as a great sovereign, and to love you as a chosen son; but you will feel the grace of the apostolic seat and ours more abundantly if, leaving the path of error, you follow the straight path shown to you. And we, for our part, will accept you and your kingdom under the protection of our strong patronage.” But dad's attempt was unsuccessful.

Mind. 1238
. 1238-1246 - Grand Duke of Vladimir.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Today, March 4, many centuries ago, Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich passed away. The story of his glorification is amazing: he was neither an outstanding commander nor a brilliant politician; his time was marked by unrest, discord, and disorder, and his fate turned out to be, in general, tragic. However, the people judged him not by the results, but by the intention of his actions.

People felt that “according to their hearts,” according to their inner structure, he was a good-natured, peaceful prince who strived in life to fulfill the gospel commandments. He turned out to be close in that he drank from the same cup of suffering, which is why his name was inscribed in the history of the last heroic defense...

On November 26, 1187, according to the Ipatiev Chronicle (and 1189 - according to the Laurentian Code), a son was born into the family of Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest - Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich. He was destined to become a contemporary and participant in dramatic events - the seizure of Rus' by the Mongol-Tatars and the establishment of a foreign yoke.

Holy Blessed Grand Duke George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich

Pure heart

“The same days, put him on a horse. And there was great joy in the city of Suzhdal,” - this is how the Chronicle reports about the event that occurred when the son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest, Yuri, was four years old. On May 28, 1192, the prince underwent the ceremony of tonsure, i.e. initiation into warriors. On this occasion, his father, according to tradition, presented a treat to the townspeople, and none of the merry Suzdal residents then thought that perhaps one of the most peace-loving and doomed Russian commanders was riding in the saddle.

From his youth, Yuri Vsevolodovich was a man of quiet disposition, modest and obedient to his father. Feeling that the spirit of piety prevailed in his son, Prince Vsevolod did not give him independent military assignments, unlike his brother Yaroslav. Thus, Yuri, the first of the sons of Vsevolod the Big Nest, did not distinguish himself on the battlefield, but it was to him, the youngest in age, contrary to the custom of those years, that his father decided to leave the grand ducal throne.

The father's favor was attracted by the son's obedience to his parental will. Yuri's elder brother - direct heir - Konstantin incurred the wrath of his father's self-will ( see footnote). Collected for the occasion Zemsky Sobor approved Yuri as the successor of Grand Duke Vsevolod, bypassing Constantine.

Already in the first years of his reign, Yuri's temperament manifested itself. When, against his will, he found himself drawn into a strife with his older brother, on whose side were two others - Vladimir and Svyatoslav, he sought to resolve the dispute, avoiding a fratricidal battle. The standing of the parties and the separate exits of the detachments ultimately decided the outcome, and peace was concluded, but only for a year. In 1216, Prince Yuri had to take under his protection his brother Yaroslav, his faithful ally, who had been ousted from the throne by the Novgorodians, whom Konstantin Vsevolodovich did not fail to support. And in this new dispute between the princes, the straightforwardness and loyalty to the word of Prince Yuri was especially evident. When the head of the Novgorod militia, Mstislav Udatny, tried to persuade him to peace, sharing with his brother: “You and I have no quarrel, we have a quarrel with Yaroslav,” the prince replied: “My brother Yaroslav and I are like one person.”

The forces of the parties turned out to be unequal; Prince Yuri, having driven several horses, reached Vladimir, where there were almost no defenders left. However, even in defeat, he showed a truly Christian character, asking the townspeople only not to hand him over as a hostage and to leave him the opportunity to go out to his opponents himself. Having bowed to the Novgorodians, Prince Yuri said: “Brothers! I hit you with my forehead, but my brother Konstantin is at your mercy.” The princess won the hearts of his opponents towards him, and Mstislav Mstislavich himself persuaded Konstantin Vsevolodovich to reconcile with Yuri.

With humility, Yuri Vsevolodovich accepted the “new lot”, retiring in 1216 with his family and court to Gorodets Radilov on the Volga and placing all his hope in the mercy of God. And in fact, its removal turned out to be short-lived. Already in 1217, Prince Konstantin summoned Yuri from exile, gave him Suzdal and promised Vladimir after his death. And on February 2, 1218, Prince Konstantin died, and Yuri, according to his will, returned to reign.

Taking away the capital like a bride

After restoration to the throne, Yuri Vsevolodovich made considerable efforts to improve the capital of the principality. The golden domes of the temples, the rich vestments of the altar icons and the carved decoration of the iconostases sparkled like the last rays of the sun before a storm. The principality rested under his hand. Among the strife of those years, out of fourteen campaigns, only four ended in battle. Prince Yuri also resolved relations with former opponents in the same spirit of kindness. In 1212, he released in peace the Ryazan princes captured by his father, who had entered into an alliance with him.

When news of the upcoming battle of Kalka reached the Vladimir lands, Prince Yuri, in response to a request from Kiev for help, sent an army under the command of Vasilko Konstantinovich to the south, but it was not in time for the battle and returned from Chernigov. To protect against raids by steppe dwellers, the prince built new fortresses - in 1221, at the mouth of the Oka River, he founded Nizhny Novgorod, and soon events confirmed that these fears were not in vain. In 1229, refugees – Saksins and Polovtsians – arrived from the Trans-Volga steppes to Volga Bulgaria, and then the Mongols knocked out from the river line appeared. Yaika Bulgarian "watchmen". During these years, the prince managed to establish peaceful relations with Volga Bulgaria, since its rulers were forced to seek an alliance with their northern neighbors in the face of the Mongols.

The undertakings of Prince Yuri and his policies in general seemed reasonable and successful to his contemporaries. In the administration, which made it possible to maintain Vladimir’s primacy among the Russian lands, there was a sense of calm prudence, and yet the enemy, with whom a battle was to be fought in the near future, turned out to be much more skillful and powerful than the Russian princes could have imagined...

Heavenly sign

According to legend, a coward became a harbinger of the impending disaster on May 3, 1230. In Vladimir churches during the liturgy, everything went dark, lamps and icons swayed on the walls. Soon the Tatars reappeared in the Middle Volga, remaining to spend the winter in close proximity to the Bulgar borders.

Information about the new enemy in Rus' was the most inaccurate. Thus, the traveling Hungarian monk Julian testified that at that time in the Vladimir region they repeated the deep-rooted opinion that the “Tatars” avoided storming fortresses, but only ravaged their surroundings. Perhaps the Russians and their prince got this impression due to the fact that the bulk of the refugees from Bulgaria were rural residents, while none of the defenders of the cities escaped. These conversations overlapped with memories of the pogrom on Kalka, which left the impression of the new conquerors as typical steppe inhabitants who would not go deeper into Russian lands. Meanwhile, in 1236, the impregnable capital of Volga Bulgaria was taken by storm, despite six rows of walls, and almost its entire population was destroyed. Information about this came to Rus' belatedly. The princes continued to hope that in the event of a “raid” the enemy would not dare to besiege the cities.

Last prayer

The advance of the Mongol hordes was like breaking a dam. One after another, news came about the fall of cities: Pronsk, Belgorod, Izheslavets. The heroic defense of Ryazan and Kolomna choked under a hail of arrows and fire from the Tatar army of thousands.

And what about the Grand Duke? The letter from Ryazan residents sent to him for help remained unanswered. At that time they said that he wanted to “make a fight” out of fear of competition from the Ryazan prince, but this rumor bears little resemblance to the truth: after the defeat of Bulgaria and the Battle of Kalka, there was no time for competition. Most likely, the reason was different - the prince wanted to deflect the blow from Vladimir, leaving him in the care of his sons and heading with the militia to the river. City. Perhaps Yuri Vsevolodovich hoped that if his brother Yaroslav arrived in time, they would be able to gather a significant army. This took time, but the central regions of the grand duchy remained unprotected.

...Approaching the walls of Vladimir, the Mongols tried to come to an agreement with the townspeople, hoping to deceive them into capitulating. On February 7, the assault began: within a few hours of shelling, the walls in the designated places were destroyed, the surviving defenders were forced to retreat to the gates of the old city, but even there they could not resist and rolled back to the stone fort, in whose cathedrals the clergy confessed to the townspeople preparing for death. And at the end of February, the detachment of Burundai, who had just captured Rostov and Uglich, suddenly, like a tornado, fell on the army of Yuri Vsevolodovich.

According to one of the chronicles, Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich accepted only after he had time to rise from prayer. What did he pray for at that hour? – Is it about victory or about the repose of the souls of brothers in faith and his family, who died during the siege of Vladimir, about the only surviving daughter - Dobrava, or about the granting of patience in the test of the cross sent to him? Or perhaps he asked forgiveness for the sins of the Russian princes, divided by the spirit of competition, or blamed himself? He met death meekly, like the first Russian saints - the passion-bearing princes, with words of fervent appeal to God. The Russian lands were plunged into darkness, but folk tradition has long preserved the memory of that time when the Grand Dukes tried to fulfill with their lives the eternal law - the Gospel commandments and showed in their lives examples of obedience to the will of their parents, humility, faithfulness to their word and zeal in the peaceful service of their land.

1645... The last year of the reign of the pious king. A fertile time for the restoration of the world after the turmoil. This year the relics of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich were discovered. With the blessing of Patriarch Joseph, the blessed prince was glorified as a saint. Thus, the Russian Church was given another patron, and Mikhail Fedorovich’s successors were given a reminder of those qualities that determine the true dignity of a Christian ruler.

Footnote: Konstantin was not satisfied with his father’s decision in the distribution of capital cities and proposed to give Vladimir to Konstantin, and Rostov to Yuri, and demanded both cities. This caused the father’s anger and a change in the order of inheritance.



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