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DIY textile gifts for Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day Decor - DIY holiday decoration ideas. Making a “fairy tale” for two

Every year our country celebrates a well-known and beloved holiday -. On this holiday, the windows of all stores are overflowing with heart-shaped products: plush red hearts, soft toys with all their appearance indicating love and romance, decorative themed candles, figurines and other pleasant little things. All this is usually presented as a gift for Valentine's Day to your soulmate. A romantic gift always testifies to sincere and pure feelings, love experiences and, of course, passion.

In this article, the News Portal “site” has prepared for you several simple to implement, but incredibly beautiful and original ideas for making homemade gifts for Valentine’s Day. Agree, a gift in which a piece of your heart and soul is invested will be a million times more valuable!

So let's get started...

DIY Valentine's Day gifts

Gifts for Valentine's Day for boyfriend and girlfriend

Let's start our conversation about making homemade gifts for your loved one for Valentine's Day with a book theme. Modern bookstores today are overflowing with all kinds of books, among the many of which you will definitely be able to find a gift for your other half.

For a guy, you can choose an exciting detective story or an adventure book; for a girl, a fresh light novel or a book that will contain detailed master classes on making something (manicure, needlework, makeup, etc.) would be an excellent gift. You may ask, where will the theme of the romantic holiday, Valentine’s Day, be hidden in this gift?

We offer to make bright, romantic covers for books that you will give to your significant other.

In addition to a beautifully designed book, be sure to make a bright heart-shaped bookmark.

And for true romantics who, on Valentine’s Day, decided to propose marriage to their beloved, the following idea is suitable. Cut a secret hole in the book into which to place your wedding ring. For this purpose, it is best to choose a thematic book, for example, it could be a guide book on how to make a beautiful and original wedding.

DIY Valentine's cards and original gifts for Valentine's Day

DIY gifts for Valentine's Day

A very unusual, and most importantly pleasant gift for a loved one can be a miracle box that will contain a large number of multi-colored notes. In the notes you will write why you love your lover or lover, what you like about your other half, and also fill the jar with warm and affectionate words, wishes and compliments.

If there is no suitable jar or box, then you can make a memorable original picture, which will be called “I love you because...” and then you will list all the qualities and virtues that are characteristic of your soulmate.

Gift for wife or husband on Valentine's Day

Themed coffee or tea cups can be an excellent gift option for your beloved spouse. You don’t have to go to the nearest supermarket to buy cups! Make the cups yourself, and the design on them will definitely be unique and close to only the two of you.

Video of DIY gift master classes for Valentine's Day

An original DIY gift for Valentine's Day

It is not at all necessary to present expensive jewelry as a souvenir for Valentine's Day, because you can create amazingly touching and cute little things and decorations with your own hands.

You can easily make this luxurious heart-shaped pendant yourself using multi-colored beads, glue and any plastic or cardboard shape you like.

When you think about homemade gifts, it's not all about saving money, because to make something with your own hands, you have to buy different components. So such a gift can take the same amount of money as a regular one, purchased, and certainly more of your time. Why work then?

Firstly, only a homemade gift will have individual characteristics and contain a message for only one person, and this is very nice.

Secondly, as they often say, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. Now compare the amount of attention when a person simply went to the store and chose an item and when he purchased all the components, thought through the concept and did something with his own hands.

Here are 10 sliders with step by step tutorial. Use ideas and your own imagination.

1. Money rose

If you decide to give money, you can give it not just like that, but in the form of a beautiful rose. Double joy is guaranteed - you give both money and attention.

For a rose you will need 5-7 banknotes of any denomination, wire, green ribbon, artificial leaves, glue. Leaves and ribbon can be purchased in the florist department.

Fold the banknote in half and bend the edges in different directions. We will later make a rosebud from this banknote.

Fold the remaining banknotes as shown in the picture, folding the edges to one side. We will make petals from them later.

We put the banknote on the wire, twist the end of the wire so that the banknote does not fall.

When you roll the bud, insert your finger inside the banknote and form petals around it, then it will turn out voluminous.

In the same way, put petal banknotes on the wire and twist it. Make them different in shape, then the rose will look natural.

Fold the petals around the bud and wrap the wire with tape to hold all the stems together.

Glue artificial leaves to the ribbon to make the rose look like a real one.

2. Personalized mug

Here letters are drawn on the mug, but using the same technology you can draw anything: write a name, make a heart, or translate a funny picture.

For a homemade mug with a picture you will need:
white porcelain mug, scissors, porcelain marker, carbon paper (carbon paper), pencil or pen, tape, a picture printed or drawn on paper that you will transfer to the mug.

Cut out from paper the picture you want to see on the mug, and a piece of carbon paper of the same size. Place the carbon paper on the mug with the dark side, the picture on top, and secure with tape.

Trace along the outline of the picture with a pencil or pen so that the image is imprinted on the mug.

Using carbon paper, the outline of the picture will be printed on the mug. After that, you trace the picture with a porcelain marker. If you are making a personalized mug, you can fill in the outline of the letters with oblique strokes. Looks cool.

Once your image is ready, let the marker dry for 24 hours and then bake it in the oven at 160°C for 1.5 hours. After this, the mug can even be washed in the dishwasher, and the inscription will not be erased.

3. Notepad

This gift is quite simple to make, and you can decorate it however you like. Instead of a pink owl, the cover could be a photo of you together, hearts, wishes, or something like that.

You will need: a stack of printer paper (you can use paper of different colors for a more original notebook or print a faded copy of your favorite photo on each sheet), scissors, a stapler, glue, designer paper for the cover, a cardboard box.

Fold a stack of paper in half.

Place future notepad leaves on the box and outline with a marker. Keep in mind that the cover should be a couple of centimeters larger than the sheets, so leave a few centimeters on each edge.

Wrap the cardboard cover in designer paper (you can use pretty gift paper) and glue the paper to the cardboard.

Staple the notebook sheets to the cover in several places.

4. Love message from the keyboard

Original declaration of love from a computer keyboard. You will need: a frame with glass, an old keyboard, light or dark paint, a stencil and a marker or black nail polish.

Take out the required number of keys, paint their whites with paint or varnish and let them dry. Make a stencil with the required letters (you can download the required font on the Internet and print it, then cut out the middle with a blade and use it as a stencil). Place a stencil on the dry keys and write the desired letters with a marker or black paint or nail polish.

Glue the finished keys inside the frame behind the glass. You can buy a frame at an art department or photo salon.

5. Wire ring

This ring can be given as an addition to the main gift or as a small pleasant surprise.

You will need: wire cutters, pliers, a roll of red wire, a round object the size of a finger.

First, using a round object, we make a part that will wrap around the finger.

Now, using pliers, bend the wire as shown in the pictures.

We hook one edge of the heart and remove the excess wire with wire cutters.

We hook the remaining part of the heart.

6. Wallet for charging your phone

For this wallet you will need thick felt, scissors or a sharp utility knife, fabric with hearts or other patterns.

First you need to measure the size of the phone and its charger. The phone should fit easily into your wallet, and the square window at the top should fit through the charger. A very functional gift: now the phone on charge will not be accidentally pushed to the floor, and if the charger cord is short, the phone will not hang on it a centimeter from the floor.

7. Pieces of love

This is a cool bag with a homemade puzzle from a photo of you together. Very cute and original.

You will need: ink or black paste from a pen, a stencil (you can make it yourself), a brush or a cotton swab, a white cloth bag (you can also sew it yourself, adding a drawstring to the top).

We put a stencil on the bag, fix it with tape and carefully apply the letters.

For the puzzle you will need your favorite photo, some popsicle sticks, glue and a sharp utility knife.

Apply glue to the back side of the photo and lay out the ice cream sticks evenly, close to each other.

When all the sticks are laid out, we write some warm words of congratulations at the back.

When the glue has dried, turn it over and carefully cut the puzzle with a stationery knife.

All that remains is to put the finished puzzle in a bag and give pieces of love to your other half.

8. Recognition lamp

An interesting souvenir with meaning. On the pedestal of the lamp is written: “The light of my life.”

Carefully remove all the “insides” from the light bulb.

We twist hearts out of red wire using pliers. By the way, if the wire remains, you can make a heart ring.

9. The Book of Your Love

A small book of your favorite photos together with descriptions and confessions.

Select and print your favorite photos on photo paper in one format, leaving free space on the left for writing.

On each photo you can write wishes, a declaration of love, or some moments from the history of your relationship, maybe general jokes or something else.

10. Beer for your beloved man

This gift is for the most creative girls whose boyfriends are crazy about beer.

You will need bottles of his favorite beer, preferably with different varieties. As for the quantity, decide for yourself.

The labels are removed from the bottles, and for decoration you will need: thick paper, paints, markers, heart stickers, glue, scissors and a lot of imagination.

Ideas for inscriptions: riddles that hint at the type of beer, and at the same time include something like “for the beloved man”; your general beer-related jokes;
inscriptions with the meaning “Especially for you”, with his name, affectionate nicknames, etc.

So it is approaching - the Valentine's Day. Everyone, in whose hearts a burning feeling burns, awaits him with trepidation. In anticipation of the magical moment of congratulations, young (and not so young) people prepare touching surprises for each other. And the most loving ones do DIY Valentine's Day gifts to embody the fervor of your heart in it.

How can you leave your loved one without a gift on February 14? If you consider that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, then you can combine business with pleasure and give your sweet tooth chocolate and kisses.

Valentine's Day is the most suitable holiday to forget about standard purchased gifts, because it is much more pleasant and valuable for us to receive a gift that is made with one’s own hand and imbued with the love of the giver. So we can make a romantic, original surprise, the simplest of which is a love letter. From different envelopes you can make a banner, full of love messages. When there are no envelopes in stock, you can quite easily make them yourself, and the smaller they are, the nicer the banner itself will look. The envelopes are folded according to a simple standard pattern, and decorated and painted according to your own taste. Inside each of them you need to put notes consisting of words about your feelings. You can leave some of them open, filling them with romantic little things that will be slightly visible from the inside, and cover the rest with bright cut out hearts. Envelopes are hung on any ribbon, thread or twine, placed above the bed, above the boudoir or above any other suitable place. A banner like this is a very inexpensive and, at the same time, unique way to decorate your apartment on the eve of Valentine's Day and demonstrate your feelings to your loved one.

Do you like to kiss your soulmate? Make an album like this. it will fit in your wallet and will blow kisses from you at any time.

First, take this photo...

Then print and draw the hearts, secure with tape or stapler and voila! If the description doesn't seem enough to you, watch the video.

Another fun way to make a gift is to create a collage of love quotes from magazines. This way you can cut out any lines from the magazine that convey feelings similar to your own. Or you can even select parts of the text that describe the portrait of a person similar to your loved one. By forming all these words into a single collage, you can make a gift in the form of a painting or a postcard. You can also collect lines on a whole sheet of whatman paper, which will absolutely surprise your friend.

And this is how you can decorate your holiday table with the help of hearts and toothpicks.

A red garland may not be the best gift. but the most necessary thing is February 14th.

Prepare a couple of meters of decorative ribbon and New Year's garlands.

Just follow the photo and you will end up with a beautiful garland.

And you can please your loved one with a sweet tooth with a hearty delicacy by choosing the cookie recipe you like and preparing it yourself. We must not forget that it is important to give the liver a heart shape.
Always appropriate and very easy to do DIY Valentine's Day gift in Wall Art style. In such a surprise you can collect all the most important symbols of the holiday. What you need to do is download a drawing from the Internet, print it and frame the picture.

Don't know what to do with your old frame? Paint with white acrylic paint and decorate with hearts - it will be a Valentine.

Here's another framed valentine. From buttons.

Prepare a frame and a contrasting background. Velvet is better.

Using a template, buttons, and glue, design your Valentine's card.

Writing notes with tender confessions, words of love and congratulations will also turn into a fun game if you write a large number of them and place them in the most seemingly unexpected places. And let your loved one find them gradually, not even in one day. The result will be a real oriental fairy tale about a thousand and one notes!
Another way to decorate a holiday is with balloons, which are never superfluous. Having bought balloons filled with helium, you need to tie photos of yourself and your loved one to the ends of their ribbons. So they will help lovers refresh their memories and remind them of the most pleasant moments, days spent together, which will be extremely romantic. With balloons, feelings will seem even more sublime. And to add more passion to congratulations on Valentine’s Day, instead of general romantic photos, you can (only for your loved one!) attach erotic photographs of your body to the balloons. He will definitely remember this gift for a long time.

But it’s not for nothing that they say that happy people don’t watch hours. You shouldn’t give a watch, but a “heartfelt” calendar, especially one made by yourself, will come in handy even by mid-February.

We will again need a frame, hearts, glue and stationery.

I just wish February would last longer.

And on such a holiday it’s best to turn to a well-tested attribute - a valentine made with your own hands. If you make it yourself and give it to your loved one, it will be much more pleasant for him than receiving standard store-bought heart cards. Your soul is invested in a homemade gift, and this is more than important. Such original gifts for Valentine's Day with your own hands It’s not at all difficult to do, and the result obtained is worth spending a little of your skill and a little time. Moreover, there are many ideas for making wonderful valentines, which are given not only to the husband or beloved boyfriend, but even to a friend, colleague and mother. With the help of such souvenir cards you can collect many grateful smiles on your holiday.

And in such a homemade book you can leave a love message.

You'll have to work hard on the book, but it's so beautiful!

When else to give warm and soft knitted crafts, if not in February?

Such original ones are made from old knitted clothes and fabric.

Such a simple valentine is very unpretentious to make, but looks quite stylish: multi-colored hearts on ribbons, birds cut out of colored paper and glued to a piece of cardboard, which gives them additional volume. You can decorate the product with flowers, also voluminous ones. A great idea for valentines for a friend or classmate would be a “girly” theme with funny captions. And the subject of the postcard is soft toys, flowers, rings on scented paper with sparkles.

Funny cubes or...

...original valentines? It depends on how you fold it)

Prepare wooden cubes (available at an arts and crafts store), glitter, heart template, and glue.

Draw quarter hearts on the cube, spread with glue, sprinkle with glitter.

Cover the glitter with another layer of glue.

This is what a funny Valentine should look like.

You can even play with it with kids.

A bottle of wine has always been and will be a good gift. Especially in a beautifully decorated bottle.

You can write a letter or poem to your loved one on a piece of paper, glue it to a cardboard base, cut it into pieces and send it in a letter. Or you can even send one piece of this puzzle every day, calculating everything so that the last piece is received on Valentine’s Day. If your loved one deserves to receive the “Best Lover in the World” award, then he should be presented with a certificate made independently. A fun way to congratulate a friend is to cut paper into small strips and write wishes on each of them like “Kiss”, “Hug”, “Invite to dance” and so on. You can put all the stripes in a box and give it to your loved one so that he opens it every day and fulfills your sweet requests. To do DIY gift for February 14th and use it to impress the recipient, you can use the idea of ​​outrageous romantic surprises. So, when you come with your beloved to a karaoke bar, you can surprise her by simply ordering a suitable song ahead of time, stand up and sing, dragging your friend onto the stage and making her sing along.

Don't like to tinker with manual work for a long time? buy a cup and porcelain paint and just paint the hearts.

Or even just one heart on each cup.

A cool result will be achieved by “kidnapping”, for which you need to blindfold the girl and drive her through the streets of the city for so long until she is completely confused in her place of stay. Then the bandage is removed upon arrival at her favorite restaurant or a good hotel, where candles will be lit, a bowl of exotic fruits and a chilled bottle of elite champagne will be prepared. You can also make a giant greeting card, the size of a refrigerator. And it’s best to present such a Valentine card in some public place. You can also effectively present your loved one with a dish you have prepared. To do this, you need to prepare dry ice (just a little), place it in a bowl of water, place it in the middle of the tray and place different foods around it. This way you will achieve a stunning effect of white billowing clouds. Although many consider any candlelight dinner not so much romantic as banal. However, by candlelight it is appropriate not only to have dinner, but also to have breakfast with your beloved in bed under the flickering of a candle. And love is worthy of such rituals!

Here are some more gift ideas: romantic food.

If you know how to cook, bake heart cookies. If not, then just buy ready-made ones and serve them beautifully.

When you think about homemade gifts, it's not all about saving money, because to make something with your own hands, you have to buy different components. So such a gift can take the same amount of money as a regular one, purchased, and certainly more of your time. Why work then?

Firstly, only a homemade gift will have individual characteristics and contain a message for only one person, and this is very nice.

Secondly, as they often say, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. Now compare the amount of attention when a person simply went to the store and chose an item and when he purchased all the components, thought through the concept and did something with his own hands.

Here are 10 sliders with step by step tutorial. Use ideas and your own imagination.

1. Money rose

If you decide to give money, you can give it not just like that, but in the form of a beautiful rose. Double joy is guaranteed - you give both money and attention.

For a rose you will need 5-7 banknotes of any denomination, wire, green ribbon, artificial leaves, glue. Leaves and ribbon can be purchased in the florist department.

Fold the banknote in half and bend the edges in different directions. We will later make a rosebud from this banknote.

Fold the remaining banknotes as shown in the picture, folding the edges to one side. We will make petals from them later.

We put the banknote on the wire, twist the end of the wire so that the banknote does not fall.

When you roll the bud, insert your finger inside the banknote and form petals around it, then it will turn out voluminous.

In the same way, put petal banknotes on the wire and twist it. Make them different in shape, then the rose will look natural.

Fold the petals around the bud and wrap the wire with tape to hold all the stems together.

Glue artificial leaves to the ribbon to make the rose look like a real one.

2. Personalized mug

Here letters are drawn on the mug, but using the same technology you can draw anything: write a name, make a heart, or translate a funny picture.

For a homemade mug with a picture you will need:
white porcelain mug, scissors, porcelain marker, carbon paper (carbon paper), pencil or pen, tape, a picture printed or drawn on paper that you will transfer to the mug.

Cut out from paper the picture you want to see on the mug, and a piece of carbon paper of the same size. Place the carbon paper on the mug with the dark side, the picture on top, and secure with tape.

Trace along the outline of the picture with a pencil or pen so that the image is imprinted on the mug.

Using carbon paper, the outline of the picture will be printed on the mug. After that, you trace the picture with a porcelain marker. If you are making a personalized mug, you can fill in the outline of the letters with oblique strokes. Looks cool.

Once your image is ready, let the marker dry for 24 hours and then bake it in the oven at 160°C for 1.5 hours. After this, the mug can even be washed in the dishwasher, and the inscription will not be erased.

3. Notepad

This gift is quite simple to make, and you can decorate it however you like. Instead of a pink owl, the cover could be a photo of you together, hearts, wishes, or something like that.

You will need: a stack of printer paper (you can use paper of different colors for a more original notebook or print a faded copy of your favorite photo on each sheet), scissors, a stapler, glue, designer paper for the cover, a cardboard box.

Fold a stack of paper in half.

Place future notepad leaves on the box and outline with a marker. Keep in mind that the cover should be a couple of centimeters larger than the sheets, so leave a few centimeters on each edge.

Wrap the cardboard cover in designer paper (you can use pretty gift paper) and glue the paper to the cardboard.

Staple the notebook sheets to the cover in several places.

4. Love message from the keyboard

Original declaration of love from a computer keyboard. You will need: a frame with glass, an old keyboard, light or dark paint, a stencil and a marker or black nail polish.

Take out the required number of keys, paint their whites with paint or varnish and let them dry. Make a stencil with the required letters (you can download the required font on the Internet and print it, then cut out the middle with a blade and use it as a stencil). Place a stencil on the dry keys and write the desired letters with a marker or black paint or nail polish.

Glue the finished keys inside the frame behind the glass. You can buy a frame at an art department or photo salon.

5. Wire ring

This ring can be given as an addition to the main gift or as a small pleasant surprise.

You will need: wire cutters, pliers, a roll of red wire, a round object the size of a finger.

First, using a round object, we make a part that will wrap around the finger.

Now, using pliers, bend the wire as shown in the pictures.

We hook one edge of the heart and remove the excess wire with wire cutters.

We hook the remaining part of the heart.

6. Wallet for charging your phone

For this wallet you will need thick felt, scissors or a sharp utility knife, fabric with hearts or other patterns.

First you need to measure the size of the phone and its charger. The phone should fit easily into your wallet, and the square window at the top should fit through the charger. A very functional gift: now the phone on charge will not be accidentally pushed to the floor, and if the charger cord is short, the phone will not hang on it a centimeter from the floor.

7. Pieces of love

This is a cool bag with a homemade puzzle from a photo of you together. Very cute and original.

You will need: ink or black paste from a pen, a stencil (you can make it yourself), a brush or a cotton swab, a white cloth bag (you can also sew it yourself, adding a drawstring to the top).

We put a stencil on the bag, fix it with tape and carefully apply the letters.

For the puzzle you will need your favorite photo, some popsicle sticks, glue and a sharp utility knife.

Apply glue to the back side of the photo and lay out the ice cream sticks evenly, close to each other.

When all the sticks are laid out, we write some warm words of congratulations at the back.

When the glue has dried, turn it over and carefully cut the puzzle with a stationery knife.

All that remains is to put the finished puzzle in a bag and give pieces of love to your other half.

8. Recognition lamp

An interesting souvenir with meaning. On the pedestal of the lamp is written: “The light of my life.”

Carefully remove all the “insides” from the light bulb.

We twist hearts out of red wire using pliers. By the way, if the wire remains, you can make a heart ring.

9. The Book of Your Love

A small book of your favorite photos together with descriptions and confessions.

Select and print your favorite photos on photo paper in one format, leaving free space on the left for writing.

On each photo you can write wishes, a declaration of love, or some moments from the history of your relationship, maybe general jokes or something else.

10. Beer for your beloved man

This gift is for the most creative girls whose boyfriends are crazy about beer.

You will need bottles of his favorite beer, preferably with different varieties. As for the quantity, decide for yourself.

The labels are removed from the bottles, and for decoration you will need: thick paper, paints, markers, heart stickers, glue, scissors and a lot of imagination.

Ideas for inscriptions: riddles that hint at the type of beer, and at the same time include something like “for the beloved man”; your general beer-related jokes;
inscriptions with the meaning “Especially for you”, with his name, affectionate nicknames, etc.

Valentine's Day is approaching, the celebration of which invariably takes place in a romantic atmosphere. The most effective way to create it is to decorate your own home with cute decor that symbolizes the strong feelings of lovers. We share simple but effective decor ideas for the most sensual holiday of the year.

  1. Personal book of love

It is not difficult to make such decor. You will need ribbons, white and red paper, and several hardcover books. Wrap them in red paper and glue hearts with inscriptions onto the binding. All that remains is to stack the books and tie them with ribbon.

It is advisable to choose books whose themes correspond to the holiday. For example, romance novels are suitable. After all, your partner may have a desire to leaf through the book.

A more complex option is to make personalized love books. Take several photo albums, in each of which leave the required number of pages. The rest can be carefully cut off. Fill photo albums with pictures of them together and other mementos, such as letters.

  1. Tree on which words of love grow

To make this decor you will need several oddly shaped branches and colored paper. Place the branch in a vase and hang paper hearts with themed messages on it. For example, you can write declarations of love or the best qualities of a loved one that you admire on them. If desired, the branch can be coated with white, pink or red paint from an aerosol can.

  1. Unusual contrast card

It is impossible to imagine Valentine's Day without the exchange of “Valentines”. A handmade card will show the strength of feelings much better than one purchased in a store. Fold a sheet of thick paper in half. Outline the outline of the heart and draw stripes on it. Fill in the outlines of the stripes with black paint and the hearts with small red buttons glued with acrylic or silicone glue.

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words

Surely there are a lot of different buttons stored in the house that have no worthy use. They can be used to create a romantic picture. Using thread or chalk, mark a contour on the fabric according to the size of the selected frame. Try several options for placing buttons inside the outline and choose the one you like best. All that remains is to sew the buttons to the fabric and trim it so that it is slightly larger than the frame. This is necessary to securely fix our painting in the frame.

  1. Romantic garland of countless hearts

Even a child can make such a garland, and it looks more than impressive. Fold thin strips of multi-colored paper in half and bend in the middle. Fasten the free edges of the strips with a stapler or simply glue them together. The first heart is ready. Then thread a couple more strips through it and repeat the procedure described. All you have to do is be patient and assemble the garland of the required length.

Another option is to make a large heart consisting of several small ones. Glue the edges of narrow strips of paper folded together. The two stripes in the middle remain free. The free edges of the remaining strips are glued to this middle on both sides.

  1. Love with coffee aroma

Ordinary candles in red and white colors are a good, but a little boring decor option for Valentine's Day. We suggest you diversify it - make your own candlestick that will exude a pleasant coffee aroma. Simply fill a short glass container with coffee beans and place a flat candle in it.

  1. Souvenirs for friends from the heart

The basis for making such decor, which can be used as a souvenir for friends or to decorate your home, is hearts made of multi-colored cardboard. In order for the threads to be held in the desired position in the picture, it is necessary to cut its edges in a zigzag shape. Tie the first turn of the thread on the base heart. Use the free long edge to wrap the heart in a circle. In this case, the thread connects the opposite cutouts along the edges of the card.

  1. Garland of pleasant memories

Most photographs, no matter how important they are, are reviewed extremely rarely. So why not make Valentine's Day an occasion to cherish the moments spent with your loved one? Secure the printed photos with a decorative clothespin on a long ribbon and decorate with hearts cut out of paper. If you can’t find clothespins, glue the pictures with any universal glue.

  1. DIY love elixir

Ordinary Coca-Cola in glass bottles, decorated with your own hands, turns into a love elixir. Remove labels from bottles and thoroughly remove any remaining paper. Then degrease the glass by wiping it with alcohol - this is necessary so that the paint is securely fixed to the surface. Acrylic or stained glass paints are suitable for covering glass.

  1. Cupid's arrows, from which you cannot escape

The basis for Cupid's arrows, which can be given to loved ones or used to decorate the interior, are wooden barbecue sticks or cocktail straws. The tip and feathers for the arrow are cut out of dense fabric, for example, felt. Identical parts are glued together on the “shaft”, thereby being fixed to it.

  1. Love message on bottles

Wine bottles can help convey a message to your loved one. Carefully clean them of labels, degrease the surface with alcohol and cover with acrylic paint. Special paints for glass, which are sold in craft stores, are also suitable. When the painted surface is dry, draw the desired letters on it. The decorative composition will be complemented by branches of artificial plants placed in bottles.

  1. A heart you want to eat

Decor made from fruits or vegetables is an original way to decorate a holiday table. Any oblong red or pink fruit will do. For example, tomatoes are “cream”. Cut several vegetables in half diagonally and secure the different halves with a decorated toothpick. Appetizing hearts are ready.

  1. A heart filled to the brim with love

What will it take to make a decor that symbolizes a heart filled to the brim with love? Jars with screw caps, gold acrylic paint, bright ribbons, multi-colored beads. To ensure that the paint adheres well to the glass surface, do not forget to clean it and degrease it with alcohol. Instead of beads, you can use any bright little things.

  1. Decor that will please those with a sweet tooth

Decor for the holiday table can be made in a matter of moments. Simply fill glass vases or tall glasses with colorful candies.

  1. Cozy panel in country style

As a basis for the panel, you can use cardboard or a small board covered with fabric. The heart itself is made from short colored sticks. Draw the outline of a heart on the fabric and glue the sticks onto it using acrylic glue. Then you can start filling the outline. Three or four layers of sticks glued on top of each other are enough to create an exclusive home decor.

  1. Simple but effective decor for a holiday dinner

Paper and scissors are all you need for a cute decoration that will decorate your holiday table. Fold the paper several times, draw a heart on it and cut it out. The more hearts there are on the table, the more elegant it will look.

  1. Symbol of love using quilling technique

A heart made from many pieces of paper rolled into a tube can be used as a hanging or table decoration. Cut out a heart from thick cardboard. Glue thick paper tubes along its edges in a vertical position. For structural reliability, they can also be glued together. Now you need to fill the heart with other paper tubes, but loosely twisted. We recommend making them in different sizes - this way the composition will look more impressive. Additionally, the heart can be decorated with ribbons or lace.

  1. A love game that never gets boring

As the classic said, “our whole life is a game.” That means love too. This attitude towards the most wonderful feeling can be expressed by decorating the interior with a decorative garland. Heart cards are its constituent elements. Using a hole punch, holes are made in them, through which a thin red ribbon is threaded. Additionally, the garland can be decorated with narrow strips of fabric tied to a base ribbon.

  1. Sparkling wreath of hearts

The basis for the manufacture of such hanging decor are metal containers from “pill” candles. They are easy to bend into a heart shape. Then the elements of the garland are glued together using silicone or acrylic glue. All that remains is to decorate the wreath with ribbons and hang it on the wall or door.

  1. Newspaper panel with good news

Replace a framed picture or photo with a newspaper page. The inscription can be applied to it using a stencil with letters or drawn by hand.

  1. Strawberry hearts in champagne

Hearts cut from strawberries will look especially impressive on low champagne glasses. We recommend choosing medium-ripe berries, otherwise the edible decoration will not be firmly fixed on the glass.

  1. Bright garland of voluminous hearts

A festive garland of paper hearts is an interior decor for Valentine's Day that will definitely not go unnoticed. Cut out hearts of the same size from multi-colored paper. Then place the two hearts together and stitch down the middle. Make a hole in the top, and then bend the halves of the hearts. All that remains is to thread the ribbons through the holes and tie them to the base.

  1. A heart pieced together

A puzzle is a thing that quickly gets boring and is used quite rarely, but you don’t dare throw it away. But an old puzzle can be given new life. Just glue its parts together in the shape of a heart and decorate the resulting wreath with ribbons.

  1. Romantic panel using string art technique

The basis for the decorative panel for Valentine's Day is a painted square board into which nails are driven along the drawn outline of the heart. A thread is tied to one of the nails, which then clings to the others in a chaotic manner. By the end of working on the panel, the thread should wrap around each nail. The greater the distance between adjacent nails, the more thread layers the panel should have.

  1. Unusual wreath made of wood

If you have a thick branch and a jigsaw at your disposal, then you should try to make an original wreath from wooden saw cuts. To make this decor look elegant, we recommend making the cuts thin. Cut out a heart outline 8-10 cm wide from cardboard and glue the first layer of cuts onto it. Then glue the second one so that the wood cuts cover the gaps between the elements of the first layer. To keep the texture of natural wood visible, paint it in light colors.

If the idea of ​​sawing wood seems too complicated, then use hand-painted paper hearts instead of saw cuts.

  1. Burning hearts in sparkling candlesticks

To make a candlestick symbolizing a burning heart, you will need glass jars, newspaper or music paper, and decorative twine. To give the paper an aged look, you can moisten it with strong coffee or tea. After drying, the desired shapes are cut out of the paper and glued to a jar tied with decorative twine. In a similar way, using carved paper napkins, you can make other candlesticks.

Wrap hearts a couple of centimeters wide, cut out of cardboard, with thick thread. Tie the remaining free edge into a loop. Such hearts are used as independent hanging decor or elements for a garland.

  1. A laconic panel with a textured paper heart

A cardboard box with voluminous sides was used as a frame for the panel. If one is not found, then you can glue thin wooden beams around the perimeter of the cardboard base. The heart, the central element of the decorative composition, is made of paper, the edges of which are cut. To make the panel look three-dimensional, several identical hearts, bent in the middle, are glued onto a cardboard base.

  1. For wine lovers

Preparing materials for such a decorative panel can take a lot of time - after all, you need to collect a couple of dozen wine corks. The corks are then glued to a thick wooden or cardboard base using construction adhesive. Carefully paint the corks in colors ranging from pale pink to dark fuchsia, creating a gradient effect. The panel can be supplemented with a thematic inscription.



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