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The forest is crashing. The Forest does not install, does not start, crashes, freezes

Game lovers The Forest sooner or later they face various kinds of problems. Among the most frequently encountered problems are when The Forest does not install, does not start, or freezes, slows down, or a black screen appears, and other problems arise during the game, in particular, The Forest does not save, controls do not work, or there is no sound in game, in this article we will look in detail at the main causes of problems and errors, as well as ways to eliminate them.

The Forest won't install

The Forest System Requirements

Before installing The Forest on your computer, you should check the system requirements provided by the game developers. Remember that for the game to work correctly, at least the minimum requirements must be met. However, in some cases, even minimal settings may not be enough. In this case, you will either have to abandon the game or increase the performance of your computer.

Minimum Featured
OS: Windows 7 Windows 7
CPU: Intel Quad Core Processor Intel Dual-Core 2.40 GHz
Video card:

nVidia GeForce 560

nVidia GeForce 8800GT AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB

RAM: 4Gb 4Gb
Free disk space: 5Gb 5Gb

Of course, we won’t throw away the game, but we will work on the preliminary settings. In this regard, we will check our PC for compliance with the simplest requirements. So if The Forest won't install, let's see if there is enough free space on your hard drive to install the game. The distribution requires free disk space, so a few gigabytes of extra space will not hurt. Also, it should be kept in mind that various games require a significant amount of free space, up to 100 GB and above.

The Forest installation is blocked by antivirus software

Often, anti-virus programs, in the fight against viruses, protecting our computer from external threats, block numerous processes performed by the operating system for security purposes. Sometimes such security is so strong that the antivirus begins to block access not only to viruses, but also suspends some normal processes, perhaps by mistake, considering them potentially vulnerable. Hence the conclusion: disable your antivirus while installing The Forest.

Cleaning your computer and rebooting

Sometimes, a simple system reboot can immediately solve many problems that arise both during the installation of games and their subsequent operation. The same applies to various programs and applications. There are many reasons, as already mentioned: the computer is filled with various kinds of garbage, including an overflow of the system cache, the maximum permissible number of simultaneously running processes, among which, perhaps, some are frozen and are not running, but the load on the system is not bad at all. In this case, .

Internet access

During the installation process, some game clients require access to the Internet, providing access to the installation or update server. In this case, it is necessary make sure the Internet is working.

The Forest won't start

Before looking for reasons why The Forest won't start, you need to make sure that the installation of the game itself was successful. Otherwise, if during the installation process on the computer any failures or errors were observed, but at the same time the game was installed, it is still impossible to guarantee the subsequent launch and operation of the game with maximum accuracy. If the game starts, you're lucky. However, what will happen next is unknown.

Reinstalling the game

Surely, many gamers have encountered a situation or, as you might call it, a cause or effect associated with reinstalling a game. That is, if the game installed normally, but does not want to start, reinstalling it can fix the problem. It is unknown what this is connected with, perhaps the antivirus or firewall “ate” some files or something else during installation, but after installing the game again, it becomes fully functional. Thus, delete the game and install it again, paying attention to every detail of the installation. Perhaps at some point the installation program will ask for some files, etc.

Searching for information by error text

Another option, it is not described in this article, but as a little secret that everyone knows about, we will add that an error when starting The Forest is usually accompanied by a corresponding system message. So, in this case, it would be true enter the text of such an error in the search, as a result of which you will receive the most detailed answer, and, moreover, concerning this specific error. This is how you will accurately determine the cause and, as a result, find a solution.

Computer news, reviews, computer problem solving, computer games, drivers and devices and other computer programs." title="programs, drivers, problems with the computer, games" target="_blank"> !}

Run The Forest as Administrator

As an alternative, you can run the game as an administrator. That is, in our case, so that run The Forest as administrator, you need to right-click on the game shortcut and select Run as administrator. If this method helps solve the problem so that the error does not occur later, set run as administrator by default for this game. To do this, open the Shortcut Properties, in the Compatibility tab, check the box Run this program as administrator.

Game compatibility issue

Another obstacle to launching The Forest may be the game's incompatibility with your operating system. In this case, still there, in the Shortcut Properties, you need to add a checkbox Run the program in compatibility mode for:, and select the desired OS from the drop-down list.

Availability of .NET Framework libraries

Also, a very serious problem with running The Forest is the lack of the .NET Framework library installed on the computer, which ensures the launch and maintains the functionality of almost all programs and applications, including games. This is a prerequisite and Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there are different versions of the .NET Framework library, and therefore the presence of any one of them on the computer cannot sufficiently guarantee correct work games.

Availability of DirectX

And, of course, perhaps the most important condition, a requirement that is necessary for absolutely all games, including The Forest, installed DirectX. Without it, no game will work. Currently, almost all distributions that in one way or another require DirectX installed already include this set. Typically, DirectX is automatically installed with the game. However, if it is missing, you need to download and install it. It is not necessary to do this before installing the game, you can do it after installation, but Having DirectX on your computer is a must.

The Forest freezes

Video card problem in The Forest

The reason why many computer games, including The Forest, freeze is because the video card does not meet the minimum requirements. For gamers, the video card is the main tool, the main success or disappointment. If your weak video card, then no updates, no drivers, and the like will help you. To achieve maximum effect and enjoy the game, A reasonable remedy would be to think about purchasing a more modern, stronger video card. Minus this method There may be a significant financial investment, since high-quality graphics and gaming at maximum settings are not cheap, and buying a good video card can cost a pretty penny.

Installing and updating the video card driver

But don't despair. In order for the game to run more or less well on the computer, you can solve the problem even with a regular average video card; you can configure it, and also check all the necessary computer parameters to ensure a comfortable game. If your video card is more or less modern, then prerequisite is the availability of the latest drivers. Fortunately, you can download and install them completely free of charge from the manufacturer’s official website. After installing the drivers, as a rule, if you have an AMD or nVidia video card, then special software is downloaded along with them, which is installed on the computer, and thanks to which you can control various game settings.

The Forest slows down

Let's return to the problems described above, related, so to speak, to poor installation of the game. If there were any problems, it is quite possible that the game will often cause slowdowns, lags and other errors in the future.

The Forest slows down due to unnecessary processes

If the game The Forest slows down, you can also check the operating system load. Any game itself requires significant resources to play and work correctly. The Forest is no exception. If in this moment, in addition to the game, there are other processes running on the system, you need to check them and determine how important they are at the moment. As quick solution, close all unnecessary processes and leave only the most necessary ones. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can close everything in the world so that the computer itself simply stops.

Computer news, reviews, solutions to problems with the computer, computer games, drivers and devices and other computer programs." title="programs, drivers, problems with the computer, games" target="_blank">Компьютерная помощь, драйверы, программы, игры!}

The Forest slows down due to weak internet

Another point is Internet access. If the game requires good high-speed Internet, then of course the problem is obvious and, in principle, understandable. Therefore, it is worth thinking about purchasing a more powerful tariff. But there are situations when even with good internet, The Forest is slowing down. For example, at a certain moment an update of an application on the computer began, let alone if movies were downloaded along with the game. Or maybe you watched a video, for example about passing The Forest, and played the game at the same time!? Thus, anything will slow down here. Decide one thing: either a movie or a game. And if you need both, then at a minimum the computer must have "thermonuclear" properties. Do you understand what we mean!?

The Forest how to increase fps

Setting up graphics in The Forest

High fps or fps is something that is so often lacking in the game. If you are one of such users, then Using maximum graphic settings can greatly affect the FPS of the game and cause various lags, slowdowns, and freezes. On the other hand, If you lower the graphics settings as much as possible, you can significantly increase FPS. By the way, you can control graphics settings not only in the game itself, but also in the software of your video card.

Video card overclocking tools

To significantly increase fps The Forest Many users use overclocking tools. There are a lot of them on the Internet and it won’t be difficult to find them. For example, to overclock an nVidia video card, you can use the MSI Afterburner utility.

Low FPS due to overheating

Low FPS in The Forest maybe because of CPU overheating, and the video card itself. The above remedies can eliminate this problem, thanks to which you can, for example, set the cooler speed to maximum.

The Forest ping

The Forest how to lower ping

Important for increasing game speed

Perhaps some users will find the utility useful, which allows you to avoid Internet connection downtime. In most cases, the problem occurs among users of 3G modems. Thanks to her you can in Game. .

The Forest black screen

If it happened that The Forest displays a black screen, there is a problem, again, with the video card. Check the availability of drivers, namely, whether they are the latest ones. If the manufacturer has produced more than new version, don’t be lazy to waste time - update your video card driver.

The Forest takes off

If the game The Forest crashes to the desktop, in this case it is worth checking the correct installation of both the game itself and updates, patches, etc. Perhaps the previous update itself contains certain errors. There is little that depends on the gamer; all questions are up to the game developers. If it is possible to reinstall the received updates, do so. In the worst case, reinstall the game itself.

The Forest is not saved

Probably the most common reason why The Forest is not saved, is incorrect path to save game. What does it mean? This means only one thing - many games refuse to work with Cyrillic. If the folder on your computer with game saves has Cyrillic characters in its path, then The Forest may give an error when saving. Simply put, use the path to The Forest save folder, only in Latin, without Russian words.

Most problems with saving The Forest arise due to the game's incompatibility with the operating system. This fact is most inherent in the Windows 7 operating system, but perhaps also in others.

The Forest controls don't work

Keyboard or joystick problem

If in The Forest controls don't work, there are many reasons. For example, if the control buttons do not respond at all, there may be a problem with the controller or keyboard. Check the connection and, if necessary, restart the device. Sometimes, a game restart is required to complete this procedure.

Sticky keys in game

Often, problems with controlling The Forest can occur due to sticky keys. When several buttons are pressed simultaneously, the system reacts to this in a unique way. What conclusion can be drawn from this? - use joysticks to play.

Incorrect control settings

At the same time, the control problem may lie in The Forest's control settings. Carefully check the control keys and, if necessary, replace them with the ones you need.

Incorrect keyboard layout

Alternatively, you can change keyboard layout. You can do this with a keyboard shortcut Shift + Alt. The fact is that For some reason, controls in some games only work on the English keyboard or vice versa. Experiment.

The Forest no sound

Adjusting Volume Settings

There is such an interesting point: if at all, it is understandable, but there are situations when the sound on the computer works, but, for example, in some application, for example in a browser or game, there is no sound. The fact is that the appropriate parameters are not set in the sound card settings. Simply put, if in The Forest no sound, necessary Open Volume Options and check all available settings, Special attention, while paying attention to our game.

Setting up sound in The Forest

If there is no such application in the volume settings, but there is still no sound in The Forest, go to the settings of the game itself. Most likely, the main audio device has been disabled or changed somewhere. And further. Very often, and occurs in almost everyone - The game's sound settings have gone wrong or playback devices not defined. In order to solve the problem, restart the game, and if there is a desire and a little time, for greater confidence, restart the system. In many cases this method helps.

This is a little of what you can do and what to look for if you have problems with The Forest. Perhaps something was left unsaid, something was said wrong. If you have any questions about the game, please ask them in the comments. Or, if you have already encountered various kinds of problems and were able to solve them, please share. Perhaps someone is having a similar problem right now, and your solution will help fix the situation. Good luck and have a good game!

Hello. You've probably encountered a crash problem. The games Forest after pressing the start button. I have been looking for a solution to this problem for a very long time, because the money has been spent and I want to see for what))). Here is my personal step-by-step solution to crashes.
1) Click Start
2)Then look for the Execute item
3) In the open window we write regedit
4) A registry window opens. Next, follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\SubSystems
5) Click on SubSystems and see 7 registry files on the right, we only need one with the name Windows
6) Make a copy of this file, just in case. To make a copy, click export and save this file with a name convenient for you and in a location convenient for you.
7) Then open the Windows file and scroll to the left in the line, looking for the line SharedSection = any numbers. Here we need to change just one value in the middle, you will have a different number, I had 12888. This is the amount of allocated RAM for applications. Change this value to 4096. Save.
8) Next point, go to start and write cmd
9) The console opens for us, here we write bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 4096. MANDATORY! write IncreaseUserVa and not increaseuserva, the console is very case sensitive.
10) All that remains to be done is to restart the computer and enjoy the game. The first launch of the game can last up to 5 minutes, it all depends on your hardware.

The Forest is a survival horror game. Main character As a result of a plane crash, he ends up on an island densely filled with forest where he encounters numerous dangers, hunger, cold and the terrible mutants that inhabit it.

To survive you will have to build yourself a home, provide yourself with food and protect yourself from terrible creatures. The Forest appeared in early access at the alpha testing stage and is full of bugs, errors and other shortcomings. Most of the most common errors and options for resolving them will be described in this article.

The Forest System Requirements

Before installing the game, you should consider whether your computer can handle this game.

operating system: Windows 7/8
CPU: two cores at 2.4 GHz
Video card: 512 megabytes
DirectX: 9 and higher, based on this it is logical to assume that the game will also run on Windows XP.

In general, based on the system requirements, you can understand that the game is not very demanding and you can experiment with installing it on not very powerful machines.

The Forest game won't start

If your computer roughly matches the system. requirements, but the game still does not start:
1) Clear Steam cache
2) Check if there are any errors in the path to the game. For example, are there any Russian letters in the address where the game is installed?
3) Try reinstalling the game with the antivirus turned off.

The Forest takes off

For a comfortable game you need 4 GB of RAM, if you have 4 GB, but the game still crashes, try the following:
1) While playing, turn off all passively running programs, such as torrents, Skype or ICQ, and also try disabling your antivirus for a while.
2) Use DEP for the game exe file.
3) Update drivers and DirectX.
4) Try lowering your graphics and sound settings. For example, turn off shadows and music in the game.

The Forest lags, freezes, low FPS

1) Update your video driver to the latest version.
2) Try lowering your graphics settings.
3) Disabling background programs like torrents, Skype or ICQ, etc. will also help.
4) Set your screen resolution to a lower resolution, it doesn't always look the best way, but this is the most effective way to increase FPS.
5) If you have a laptop, then you should not run the game on the built-in video card.

Error The Forest is not saved or settings are not saved

You need to make sure that your student's name. Windows entries and there are no Russian letters in the path to the save folder. You should only run the game as an administrator.

Error The Forest no sound

You should update your sound driver.

The Forest bugs with textures in the game

If your PC has two video cards, then you need to disable SLI/Crossfire mode. Also check if your video card is overheating and update the video driver to the latest version.

The Forest black screen, nothing visible

Try running the game in windowed mode, if this helps, just expand the game to full screen. Check the integrity of the Steam cache.

So, friends. This page is dedicated to the game The Forest, and more precisely, to solving problems that may arise in this game.

The Forest game is a survival horror game that has recently been tested, where the player will have to survive in a forest with caves and... enemies. But now it's not about inner world games. Let's talk about technical problems when launching The Forest game, etc.

Below we will try to lay out various types of problems with descriptions of their solutions.

What are the system requirements for The Forest?

Minimum system requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7
CPU: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT
DirectX: Version 9.0

Operating system: Windows 7
CPU: Quad Core Processor
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
DirectX: Version 9.0

The Forest won't start

So, what should you do if your game The Forest does not start?

2. Run the game as administrator

3. You must have all additional game software installed properly:

4. Check the integrity of the files in Steam, and if you have a pirated copy, make sure that the antivirus program did not delete anything during installation or startup.

5. During startup and installation, it is advisable to turn off all unnecessary programs and other software from the tray. The game is memory intensive and requires a lot of resources. Release as much as you can.

6. If you have Windows 8-8.1 and a pirated copy, then it is quite possible that Windows itself has quarantined a suspicious file. Latest versions Windows has its own kind of antivirus program. To fix the problem, go to Control Panel - Windows Defender (gray brick wall icon), go to the History tab and display all quarantined items. Mark the file that is marked with the number when the game was first launched (or installed), most likely this is today's date. Then click Restore.

7. Make sure that the time in the system is correct (especially the year and month).

8. Your computer must have at least 4 GB of RAM, otherwise the game may not want to run at all. To be sure, enable the swap file on the system.

9. The path to the game should not contain Cyrillic characters, as should your username in the system.

The Forest is eliminated

In this part of the material we will look at solving situations when The Forest crashes on the desktop.

1. If you have less than 4 GB of RAM on your PC, then a crash is possible when generating the game world. The game requires a lot of RAM, so turn off unnecessary programs before starting.

2. Try increasing the swap file.

3. Lower the graphics settings in the game and switch the Vsync value.

4. Follow steps 1 and 3 to solve the previous problem.

5. If you have a licensed copy of the game on Steam, then you should check the integrity of the game cache and do not forget to check the game for updates.

6. If your game The Forest crashes/freezes when loading, then we need to do some manipulations on the PC.

So, you need to open the Registry Editor. Press the key combination on the desktop Windows+R(If you don't know, Windows key, the one at the very bottom of the keyboard row with the Windows icon).
Then in the window that appears, enter regedit and click OK. In the editor, open the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\
A series of options will appear on the right, find Windows and double click on it. Find this in a long line: SharedSection=1024,3072,512
All we have to do is replace 3072 on 4096 and click OK to close.

Now again open a small window by pressing Windows+R and write there cmd and do it. The black window that appears is the command line, enter there: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 4096. If you get an error, run the command line as a system administrator in Start-Programs-Accessories/Utilities and execute the same command.

Now restart the computer and you're done.

The Forest freezes

Let's look at what can be done to get rid of freezes in The Forest:

First, you need to check the integrity of the game cache in Steam, updates.

Secondly, freezing in The Forest is quite a remarkable thing. Essentially, following all the points in the solution to the previous problem with The Forest (Departures) will help you. We don't want to rewrite the material again.

If The Forest twitches, freezes, or twitches, then the solution to the next problem is for you (Brakes).

The Forest slows down

Performance problems in The Forest affected a few players, but some were still affected by this problem. If you have a low FPS in The Forest, i.e. few frames per second, then this part of the article is for you. Let's try to solve the brake problems in The Forest.

1. Lower the graphic settings in the game. Disable shadows, anti-aliasing, vert. synchronization.

2. The game is very demanding free space in RAM, so before starting, be sure to turn off all other unnecessary programs (and antivirus), and also enable the swap file on the local disk with the game and on the disk with the system.

3. There may be a virus or unwanted background software running on your computer that is loading the system. To verify this or the opposite, open the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE), and then sort the list of processes by CPU load and end the “heavy” processes.

6. If you have a laptop, then connect the power and Energy saving(battery icon) put Maximum performance.

7. If you have a laptop with 2 video cards, then run the game on the game card. To do this, right-click on the game shortcut and there Run with GPU.

Endless loading in The Forest

Let's think about the endless loading in the game, how to fix it?

1. Don't be sure that it is endless. The fact is that with each launch, and especially the generation of the game world, a colossal amount of resources (especially RAM) is spent. Therefore, install a larger swap file, be patient and wait for the download.

2. Try lowering your graphics settings.

3. Install the new version of drivers for your video card (Link at the top of the page).

Black screen in The Forest

A black screen can occur due to several reasons. Let's figure out why some players get a black screen in The Forest and what needs to be done:

2. Lower the graphics settings in the game, if vertical synchronization is enabled, disable it and vice versa.

3. Launch the game in windowed mode (Alt+Enter).

4. Check the integrity of the cache on Steam.

Blue screen in The Forest

If in the middle of playing The Forest you get a blue screen or it appears in the same place, then this is for you. In this subtitle of the material about solving problems with The Forest, we will help you get rid of the blue screen or tell you why it appears.

1. CPU or GPU is overheated

The reason for this could be either insufficiently good cooling, or dried out thermal paste, or simply a low fan speed (if you have an adjustable one).

2. Software incompatibility

This may be incompatibility of the hardware with the OS (a common reason on laptops, where the hardware is initially tailored for the system with which it comes with).

Some drivers may also be incompatible with the game.

3. For some reason, the game causes a blue screen in the same place in the game (loading stage). If you have a pirated version, download another license? Checking the integrity of the cache. And in any case, we update DirectX, completely removing the old one.

Graphic problems in The Forest Textures, light in the game

If you have any kind of graphic problems, then first of all update the drivers for your video card (Link above on the page), removing the old ones. And the next step is to customize the graphic settings in the game.

The Forest is not saved

It's time to talk about the fact that some gamers do not save The Forest. First of all, this was corrected by the first patches of the game. The problem was in the game itself, but it is fixed with patches. On your part you need:

Run the game as administrator and make sure that the path to the game does not contain Cyrillic characters.

You can try a cheat for endless rebirth in a cave as an analogue to saving.

If you find some other solution to the problems described on the page, be sure to write about it in the comments.



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