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The procedure for providing land plots to farms. Land for farming

According to current legislation, it is possible to rent land plot for farming.

To do this, you need to collect a package of documents and go through a certain procedure.

The Land Code classifies plots for farming and peasant farming as agricultural plots. They can be rented by Russian citizens, foreigners or businesses.

On the other hand, it is true that forced retirement from chemistry can cause shock, also economically, as with any rehabilitation. This is a disregard for natural processes and intense chemistry Agriculture cause gradual eradication of the soil. And so this requires more and more doses of chemistry. It also requires artificial irrigation since there is no caries and no natural water use. The earth “works” on an afterburner, water comes out of the soil, the chemical lobby flourishes, the farmer is forced to invest annually in fertilizers and plant protection products.

Farming is land that is remote from populated areas and is intended for agricultural work.

Such areas include:

  • fields;
  • gardens;
  • reforestation;
  • roads and communications;
  • places where buildings for storing agricultural products are located.

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The impact of this complete agricultural chemistry on our tables. Naturally, as in life, there are good and bad professors. The good guys "sounded the alarm" and we know all about it from them. Otherwise, farmers argue that if the earth is alive, it is not affected by chemicals, then natural pests are maintained in some mode, and not artificially managed plants are stronger, more resilient.

We're not even getting into the most important issue here, consumer health, since you've probably encountered a similar statement from a farmer who indicated that what he produces in his area is unhealthy. Unhealthy? - he is surprised. - But this is not for people, it is for sale! But here we are dealing with ethical issues. Or rather, in the gap between the farmer's ethics and the economy.

To rent land you need to collect a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • duplicate marriage certificate;
  • agreement on joint activities(if needed);
  • payment receipt (800 rubles).

Rural development is one of the priority tasks of the state. The country is currently working on a program to replace imported goods with domestic ones, so many who decided to develop their business turned specifically to the agricultural sector. However, they are faced with a question: where to get land for their own farm or growing vegetables? Experts advise: rent it for long time from the state. Many farmers have already done this. Let's figure out how to follow their example.

Poland produces fertilizers and plant protection products mainly from Germany. And they actually return these subsidies. EU subsidies do not come from the moon, but from our mandatory contributions. What you can expect - an ideal business. At the same time, the trend is increasing, even the demand to convert fossil fuels into alternative energy. One such alternative is biogas production.

In our conditions, on average on earth, you can produce about 3 tons of biomass per hectare per year. Intensive production of biomass, such as energy willows, requires nitrogen fertilizers. Poland, spending 14 billion yen per year. m3 natural gas, 2 billion. m3 is released by nitrogen fertilizers. Instead, chemical fertilizers and plant protection chemicals are introduced into the system.

Development of the agricultural industry

Until 2020, the country will have programs aimed at stimulating agriculture. First of all, they are aimed at supporting beginning farmers who have personal subsidiary plots and have already begun to sell products from it. For this, there are several projects that are financed from the federal and regional budgets:

We mentioned that in Poland over the past 30 years 40% organic matter has disappeared from the best contaminated soils that have been formed for 10 thousand years since the glaciers disappeared. One generation brought soil at four to five years of age. Against the backdrop of these changes, we see the chemical lobby and money circulating - like payments. Let us add that in the literature of this subject, the bibliography includes mainly German publications. Therefore, the wise Germans do not fall asleep in the ashes: they know what it is, and at the same time they lobbied us with their chemistry spinning in the EU subsidy system, as if they had any further plans for Polish agriculture as Polish land.

  • carrying out activities for the transfer of personal farms to private farms (organizing sales, holding fairs, assistance in obtaining land);
  • targeted grants;
  • regional subsidies.

Translation of a small subsidiary farming joining an enterprise registered in accordance with all the rules is perceived with disapproval by many, since after it it will be necessary to pay taxes on time and keep reports. On the other hand, the state has introduced a reduced rate of agricultural tax (it can be uniform), as well as additional benefits for producers.

That being said, at the same time, the trend towards creating all these alternative energy sources, including biogas, is increasing. He believes that for individual farmers, this should be biogas operations based on dry fermentation, as opposed to wet technologies, which require more effort, complex processing and constant subsidies. Such projects and technologies have been created in Poland after all. There is a Polish, innovative, industrial method for producing biocarbon that can serve as an “agricultural fertilizer with a long decomposition cycle.”

If you choose agriculture as a business, then you will have another opportunity - you will be able to lease a plot of land for construction or planting. Most often, land is taken to grow feed crops or products for sale and processing.

Procedure for obtaining a plot

In 2015, changes were introduced to the legislation, which are aimed at simplifying the procedure for transferring agricultural land for lease. Now their transfer for use is regulated not by federal legislation, but by the Land Code. In this regard, the procedure has a number of nuances.

In the northern direction, charcoal has been present in the soil for more than 10 years, and all this is useful. The British are experimenting with their own production of “charcoal” for gardens and organic farms. Poland has also experimented with lignite fertilizers. Naturally, one-time treatment methods cannot be compared with long-term agricultural technology.

Biogas plants are just one alternative to passing biomass “down the chimney” without using agricultural land. If we look at the integrity and persistence of the problem of agricultural chemistry and its growing costs, including health care costs, and the terra preta problem outlined above, the problem of carbon compounds in the soil is a matter of combining alternative energy sources derived from agricultural biomass into interests of agricultural land, it seems to us a completely new light.

If you want to organize or expand an existing peasant farming, then you need to write a petition to the municipality to provide you with a plot for its operation. After approval, the executive authorities will issue you a preliminary decision.

In your application you need to indicate:

  • estimated location of the site;
  • terms of provision: free or paid;
  • what right do you want to get to the land: lease it or own it;
  • for how long you will need the allotment;
  • justification for the required size of land: this may include a list of types of activities and the number of participants in the farm;
  • the goal you want to achieve using the land (expansion or creation of a farm).

If the outcome is positive, you will receive the land for rent after publication of the decision in the media and on the administration website. You can draw up a contract for use only if no one else claims the land. Based on the results of the auction, the plot can be purchased by an interested party.

Link to introductory photo. This material was created through a conversation with an engineer interested in the problem of earth. Are you afraid that foreigners may start buying land in our country? Therefore, the rules must be changed as soon as possible. To change, farmers across the country protested loudly. Poland is gripped by a wave of protests.

President Duda signed the bill but said he was angry and needed to be changed as soon as possible. Why do you need to change settings? After all, it was only in June of this year that the Diet introduced amendments to the Law on the Formation of the Agricultural System. It is intended to justify protecting agricultural land and allowing it to be sold only to individual farmers.

If there are no other applicants for the plot, the procedure for preparing it for lease begins. The municipality is preparing:

  • rental contract;
  • documents for the site.

If at the time of the representative of the peasant farm’s application the plot has not been formed, then the registration procedure will take more time. The municipality will survey it and register the land as state property.

This only stops individual farmers from selling land, but in my opinion it will not stop sales to commercial companies. In addition, it will limit private property. The farmer will not be able to decide who sells the land. If he wants to do this, he will have to obtain permission from a commission appointed by the Agricultural Property Agency.

How is it possible that Polish lands are being bought by foreigners? It is included in current legislation. This is possible because the law makes it possible to circumvent the law. Companies do not sell land, only stocks or shares, and such trading is not prohibited. How do companies buy so much land? After all, they can have up to 500 hectares.

The size of the plot is determined by the municipality independently. In distant Siberian regions and on Far East You can rent several hectares of land. In the European part of Russia it is difficult to find large plots of land that do not have an owner. It is worth noting that land intended for peasant farming can only be obtained outside the boundaries of populated areas.

The company, which leased 30 percent of its acreage to expand its individual farm, was able to buy up to 500 hectares, she said. Companies are eager to take advantage of this and continue to use it. They buy up to 500 acres, then they split it up, they make a parent company, a subsidiary company and even a granddaughter company and work wonders. Thanks to this, the parent company, which will provide its land subsidiary company, no longer has 500 hectares and can buy additional farmland.

Neither the Ministry of Agriculture nor the Agricultural Property Agency has any control over this. And to make matters worse, the land that the company has separated from the lease to obtain the right to purchase the land, and therefore does not end up in the hands of individual farmers, because it is bought at auction by poles, that is, by a substitute person. Polish farmers cannot compete with them, beat them at auction, because they have much more more money and dictation are high stakes.

You will have to search for the site yourself. To do this, you need to request a cadastral plan from the administration of the selected area and study it carefully. You need to choose land that does not have owners and is not occupied by other objects. It is impossible to obtain an allotment within:

  • national parks;
  • nature reserves;
  • closed territorial entities;
  • objects owned by military and law enforcement departments.

You can rent a plot for a period no longer than three years if you use it:

Is it likely that these rules will change? New law aims to eliminate an entry that allows companies to buy up to 500 hectares in exchange for excluding 30% of the area for farming expansion. You say the current law, passed in June of this year, will make it more difficult for farmers to sell their land. Will they no longer be able to manage it, their property, as they would like?

Unfortunately, unless the law changes, this will happen. The law currently dictates that a farmer with a small farm - in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship up to 30 hectares of land - will not be able to decide who sells it and how much. You will not be able to share such a farm among your children. The land will be able to be purchased from him only with the consent of the Farmer's Real Estate Agency, only the farmer for filling, i.e. expanding his farm to 30 hectares. This law replaces land consolidation and is very unfair.

  • for grazing animals;
  • for gardening;
  • for making hay.

In other cases, the right of use can be issued for a period of up to 49 years. This is the maximum period for using the allotment specified in current legislation. If you use the land without violations, you will be able to buy it into ownership in three years.

This is where the big farmers, who have a lot of land, will lose again. The new law should restore the task. We fought to ensure that companies could not move land, but to the end that the individual farmer had limited rights. My children would probably not have had a chance at this in competition with rich foreign companies. And what do you think about the draft amendment to the Law, adopted by law and justice?

He says that in order to purchase Polish land, four conditions must be met. Firstly, the land can only be purchased by one farmer, the second - only up to 300 hectares, thirdly - you must prove that part of the money for the purchase of land comes from the farm and, finally, the fourth - the buyer has at least ten years to grow this land. If it turns out that after nine years this has not been done, the land will be taken away and only compensation will be paid. In the end, speculators, foreigners, Poles and commercial law firms must be prevented.

The amount by which you will be able to take the plot for use for the needs of a farm is determined by the municipality based on the cadastral value of land in the area.

How to deal with a provisional refusal

The right to purchase agricultural land for lease can be transferred to another farm through public auction. In this case, the applicant will need to register the plot at his own expense. After cadastral work and receipt of documents, it is necessary to submit an application for the provision of fields for rent. In this case, the authorized body will practically not be able to refuse.

This will end with speculation on the ground, it will cease to be a commodity. In my opinion, the farmer should also rent land from the Agricultural Property Agency and invest in equipment. If he retires, she will give her the land. On this moment the farmer cannot rent or buy it. Some people are bankrupt because they are unable to repay the loans they incurred for this purpose.

The initiator of this proposal was MP Alexey Mushak, who in December last year, together with two other parliamentarians, presented a bill in parliament on the release of the Ukrainian agricultural land market. Ukraine needs active investment attractiveness, and the agricultural sector is considered as one of the main sources of income for the state budget and local budgets. The opening of the agricultural land market will protect the introduction of the agricultural land market, which will facilitate the full implementation of property rights on the part of owners of agricultural plots, the acquisition of investments in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, increase the level of material well-being of land owners, and increase the availability of financing for agricultural production, - argued in support for the bill, according to which the agricultural land market will begin to function on the Dnieper from July 1 of this year.

It is only important to have time to do this before other applicants. It is also possible to repurchase the right to use for a certain fee. Most plots, even those located near large populated areas, can be purchased for rent at a cost much less than the market price.

If there are no other applicants, but the municipality has refused the representative peasant farm, there is an opportunity to defend your right through the court. Decisions are often made in favor of farmers.

In what cases can land be taken away?

It is important to take into account the proper use of land plots. If you do everything correctly and do not hide your goals from the municipality, then within 36 months after registration of the lease you will be able to obtain ownership of the plot.

However, it is not uncommon for district administrations to terminate a contract unilaterally. This happens if violations were found during the use of agricultural land:

  • soil pollution and degradation;
  • formation of landfills for household and industrial waste;
  • poisoning or destruction of the fertile layer;
  • use of land for the construction of private houses.

In this case, the body that previously signed the lease contract is able to take advantage of Article Six Federal Law, which regulates the circulation of agricultural land. Representatives of the executive branch can find out about violations by conducting inspections or through written complaints from area residents. Forced termination of a contract occurs in court.



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