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Types of society: traditional. Typology of society. What does it mean

Society is a complex natural-historical structure, the elements of which are people. Their connections and relationships are determined by a certain social status, the functions and roles they perform, the norms and values ​​generally accepted in a given system, as well as their individual qualities. Society is usually divided into three types: traditional, industrial and post-industrial. Each of them has its own distinctive features and functions.

This article will discuss traditional society(definition, characteristics, basics, examples, etc.).

What it is?

A modern industrialist, new to history and social science, may not understand what a “traditional society” is. We will consider the definition of this concept further.

Operates on the basis of traditional values. It is often perceived as tribal, primitive and backward feudal. It is a society with an agrarian structure, with sedentary structures and with methods of social and cultural regulation based on traditions. It is believed that for most of its history, humanity was at this stage.

Traditional society, the definition of which is discussed in this article, is a collection of groups of people at different stages of development and without a mature industrial complex. The determining factor in the development of such social units is Agriculture.

Characteristics of a traditional society

Traditional society is characterized by following features:

1. Low production rates, satisfying people's needs at a minimum level.
2. High energy intensity.
3. Failure to accept innovations.
4. Strict regulation and control of the behavior of people, social structures, institutions, and customs.
5. As a rule, in a traditional society any manifestation of personal freedom is prohibited.
6. Social formations, sanctified by traditions, are considered unshakable - even the thought of their possible changes is perceived as criminal.

Traditional society is considered agrarian, as it is based on agriculture. Its functioning depends on the cultivation of crops using a plow and draft animals. Thus, the same piece of land could be cultivated several times, resulting in permanent settlements.

A traditional society is also characterized by the predominant use manual labor, extensive absence of market forms of trade (predominance of exchange and redistribution). This led to the enrichment of individuals or classes.

The forms of ownership in such structures are, as a rule, collective. Any manifestations of individualism are not perceived and rejected by society, and are also considered dangerous, since they violate established order and traditional balance. There is no impetus for the development of science and culture, so extensive technologies are used in all areas.

Political structure

The political sphere in such a society is characterized by authoritarian power, which is inherited. This is because this is the only way to maintain traditions. long time. The management system in such a society was quite primitive (hereditary power was in the hands of the elders). The people actually had no influence on politics.

Often there is an idea about the divine origin of the person in whose hands the power was. In this regard, politics is actually completely subordinated to religion and is carried out only according to sacred instructions. The combination of secular and spiritual power made possible the increasing subordination of people to the state. This, in turn, strengthened the stability of a traditional type of society.

Social relations

In the sphere of social relations, the following features of traditional society can be distinguished:

1. Patriarchal structure.
2. The main purpose of the functioning of such a society is to maintain human life and avoid its extinction as a species.
3. Low level
4. Traditional society is characterized by division into classes. Each of them played a different social role.

5. Personality assessment in terms of the place that people occupy in the hierarchical structure.
6. A person does not feel like an individual; he considers only his belonging to a certain group or community.

Spiritual realm

In the spiritual sphere, traditional society is characterized by deep religiosity and moral principles instilled from childhood. Certain rituals and dogmas were an integral part of human life. Writing as such did not exist in traditional society. That is why all legends and traditions were transmitted orally.

Relationships with nature and the environment

The influence of traditional society on nature was primitive and insignificant. This was explained by low-waste production represented by cattle breeding and agriculture. Also, in some societies there were certain religious rules condemning the pollution of nature.

It was closed in relation to the outside world. Traditional society did its best to protect itself from outside invasions and any external influence. As a result, man perceived life as static and unchanging. Qualitative changes in such societies occurred very slowly, and revolutionary changes were perceived extremely painfully.

Traditional and industrial society: differences

Industrial society arose in the 18th century, primarily in England and France.

Some of its distinctive features should be highlighted.
1. Creation of large machine production.
2. Standardization of parts and assemblies of various mechanisms. This made mass production possible.
3. Another important one distinguishing feature- urbanization (the growth of cities and the resettlement of a significant part of the population on their territory).
4. Division of labor and its specialization.

Traditional and industrial society have significant differences. The first is characterized by a natural division of labor. Traditional values ​​and patriarchal structure prevail here, and there is no mass production.

Post-industrial society should also be highlighted. Traditional, in contrast, aims to extract natural resources, rather than collect information and store it.

Examples of Traditional Society: China

Vivid examples of a traditional type of society can be found in the East in the Middle Ages and modern times. Among them, India, China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire should be highlighted.

Since ancient times, China has been distinguished by strong state power. By the nature of evolution, this society is cyclical. China is characterized by a constant alternation of several eras (development, crisis, social explosion). It should also be noted the unity of spiritual and religious authorities in this country. According to tradition, the emperor received the so-called “Mandate of Heaven” - divine permission to rule.


The development of Japan in the Middle Ages also suggests that there was a traditional society here, the definition of which is discussed in this article. The entire population of the Country rising sun was divided into 4 estates. The first is the samurai, daimyo and shogun (personified the highest secular power). They occupied a privileged position and had the right to bear arms. The second estate were peasants who owned land as a hereditary holding. The third is artisans and the fourth is merchants. It should be noted that trade in Japan was considered an unworthy activity. It is also worth highlighting the strict regulation of each class.

Unlike other traditional eastern countries, in Japan there was no unity of supreme secular and spiritual authority. The first was personified by the shogun. In his hands was most of the lands and enormous power. There was also an emperor (tenno) in Japan. He was the personification of spiritual power.


Vivid examples of a traditional type of society can be found in India throughout the country's history. The Mughal Empire, located on the Hindustan Peninsula, was based on military caste system. The supreme ruler - the padishah - was the main owner of all the land in the state. Indian society was strictly divided into castes, whose lives were strictly regulated by laws and sacred regulations.


The life activity of a traditional society is based on subsistence (agriculture) farming with the use of extensive technologies, as well as primitive crafts. This social structure is typical for the period of antiquity and the Middle Ages. It is believed that any that existed during the period from the primitive community until the beginning of the industrial revolution belongs to the traditional species.

During this period, hand tools were used. Their improvement and modernization occurred at an extremely slow, almost imperceptible pace of natural evolution. The economic system was based on the use of natural resources, it was dominated by mining, trade, and construction. People led a mostly sedentary lifestyle.

Social system traditional society - estate-corporate. It is characterized by stability, preserved for centuries. There are several different classes that do not change over time, maintaining an unchanged and static nature of life. In many traditional societies, commodity relations are either not characteristic at all, or are so poorly developed that they are focused only on meeting the needs of small representatives of the social elite.

A traditional society has the following characteristics. It is characterized by the total dominance of religion in the spiritual sphere. Human life is considered the implementation of God's providence. The most important quality of a member of such a society is the spirit of collectivism, a sense of belonging to his family and class, as well as a close connection with the land where he was born. Individualism was not typical for people during this period. Spiritual life was more significant for them than material wealth.

The rules of coexistence with neighbors, life in, and attitude towards were determined by established traditions. A person has already acquired his status. The social structure was interpreted only from the point of view of religion, and therefore the role of the government in society was explained to the people as a divine purpose. The head of state enjoyed unquestioned authority and played a vital role in the life of society.

Traditional society is demographically characterized by high birth rates, high mortality rates and fairly low life expectancy. Examples of this type today are the way of life of many countries in North-East and North Africa (Algeria, Ethiopia), and Southeast Asia (in particular, Vietnam). In Russia, a society of this type existed until the middle of the 19th century. Despite this, by the beginning of the new century she was one of the most influential and large countries world, enjoyed the status of a great power.

The main spiritual values ​​that distinguish a traditional society are the culture and customs of their ancestors. Cultural life was predominantly focused on the past: respect for one’s ancestors, admiration for the works and monuments of previous eras. Culture is characterized by homogeneity (homogeneity), orientation towards its own traditions and a fairly categorical rejection of the cultures of other peoples.

According to many researchers, traditional society is characterized by a lack of choice in spiritual and cultural terms. The worldview and stable traditions that dominate in such a society provide a person with a ready-made and clear system of spiritual guidelines and values. And therefore the world It seems understandable to a person and does not raise unnecessary questions.

In the worldview of humanity. At this stage of development, society is heterogeneous; rich and poor, highly educated and those without primary education, believers and atheists are forced to coexist in it. Modern society needs individuals who are socially adapted, morally stable and have a desire for self-improvement. It is these qualities that are formed in early age in family. Traditional society best meets the criteria for nurturing acceptable qualities in a person.

The concept of traditional society

Traditional society is predominantly rural, agrarian and pre-industrial association large groups of people. In the leading sociological typology “tradition - modernity” it is the main opposite of industrial. According to the traditional type, societies developed in ancient and medieval era. On modern stage examples of such societies are clearly preserved in Africa and Asia.

Signs of a traditional society

The distinctive features of traditional society are manifested in all spheres of life: spiritual, political, economic, economic.

The community is the basic social unit. It is a closed association of people united according to tribal or local principles. In the “man-land” relationship, it is the community that acts as a mediator. Its typology is different: feudal, peasant, urban. The type of community determines a person’s position in it.

A characteristic feature of traditional society is agricultural cooperation, which consists of clan (kinship) ties. Relations are based on collective labor activity, the use of land, and systematic redistribution of land. Such a society is always characterized by weak dynamics.

Traditional society is, first of all, a closed association of people, which is self-sufficient and does not allow external influence. Traditions and laws determine it political life. In turn, society and the state suppress the individual.

Features of the economic structure

Traditional society is characterized by the predominance of extensive technologies and the use of hand tools, the dominance of corporate, communal, and state forms of ownership, while private property still remains inviolable. The standard of living of most of the population is low. In work and production, a person is forced to adapt to external factors Thus, society and the characteristics of the organization of labor activity depend on natural conditions.

Traditional society is a confrontation between nature and man.

The economic structure becomes completely dependent on natural and climatic factors. The basis of such an economy is cattle breeding and agriculture, the results collective work distributed taking into account the position of each member in the social hierarchy. In addition to agriculture, people in traditional society engage in primitive crafts.

Social relations and hierarchy

The values ​​of a traditional society lie in honoring the older generation, old people, observing the customs of the family, unwritten and written norms and accepted rules of behavior. Conflicts that arise in teams are resolved with the intervention and participation of the elder (leader).

In a traditional society, the social structure implies class privileges and a rigid hierarchy. At the same time, social mobility is practically absent. For example, in India, transitions from one caste to another with an increase in status are strictly prohibited. The main social units of society were the community and the family. First of all, a person was part of a collective that was part of a traditional society. Signs indicating inappropriate behavior of each individual were discussed and regulated by a system of norms and principles. The concept of individuality and following the interests of an individual are absent in such a structure.

Social relations in traditional society are built on subordination. Everyone is included in it and feels part of the whole. The birth of a person, the creation of a family, and death occur in one place and surrounded by people. Labor activity and way of life are built, passed on from generation to generation. Leaving the community is always difficult and difficult, sometimes even tragic.

Traditional society is an association based on common features a collective of people in which individuality is not a value, the ideal scenario of fate is fulfillment social roles. Here it is forbidden not to live up to the role, otherwise the person becomes an outcast.

Social status influences the position of the individual, the degree of closeness to the community leader, priest, and chief. The influence of the head of the clan (elder) is unquestionable, even if individual qualities are called into question.

Political structure

The main wealth of a traditional society is power, which was valued higher than law or right. The army and the church play a leading role. The form of government in the state in the era of traditional societies was predominantly monarchy. In most countries, representative bodies of government did not have independent political significance.

Since the greatest value is power, it does not need justification, but passes to the next leader by inheritance, its source is God's will. Power in a traditional society is despotic and concentrated in the hands of one person.

The spiritual sphere of traditional society

Traditions are the spiritual basis of society. Sacred and religious-mythical ideas have dominance both in the individual and in public consciousness. Religion has a significant influence on the spiritual sphere of traditional society; the culture is homogeneous. Oral method exchange of information prevails over writing. Spreading rumors is part of the social norm. The number of people with education is, as a rule, always small.

Customs and traditions also determine the spiritual life of people in a community that is characterized by deep religiosity. Religious tenets are also reflected in culture.

Hierarchy of values

The set of cultural values, revered unconditionally, also characterizes traditional society. The signs of a value-oriented society can be general or class-specific. Culture is determined by the mentality of society. Values ​​have a strict hierarchy. The highest, without a doubt, is God. The desire for God shapes and determines the motives of human behavior. He is the ideal embodiment of good behavior, supreme justice and the source of virtue. Another value can be called asceticism, which implies the renunciation of earthly goods in the name of acquiring heavenly ones.

Loyalty is the next principle of behavior expressed in serving God.

In a traditional society, second-order values ​​are also distinguished, for example, idleness - refusal of physical labor in general or only on certain days.

It should be noted that they all have a sacred character. Class values ​​can be idleness, militancy, honor, personal independence, which was acceptable for representatives of the noble strata of traditional society.

The relationship between modern and traditional societies

Traditional and modern society are closely interconnected. It was as a result of the evolution of the first type of society that humanity entered the innovative path of development. Modern society is characterized by a fairly rapid change in technology and continuous modernization. Cultural reality is also subject to change, which leads to new life paths for subsequent generations. Modern society is characterized by a transition from state form ownership to private, as well as disregard for individual interests. Some features of traditional society are also inherent in modern society. But, from the point of view of Eurocentrism, it is backward due to its closeness to external relations and innovation, the primitive, long-term nature of changes.

a non-industrial, predominantly rural society, which appears static and antithetical to modern, changing industrial society. The concept has been widely used in the social sciences, but in the last few decades has become considered highly controversial and shunned by many social scientists. See Agrarian civilization

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


pre-industrial society, primitive society) is a concept that focuses in its content a set of ideas about the pre-industrial stage of human development, characteristic of traditional sociology and cultural studies. Unified theory T.O. does not exist. Ideas about T.O. are based, rather, on its understanding as an asymmetrical modern society sociocultural model than on generalization real facts life of peoples not engaged in industrial production. Characteristic of the economy T.O. the dominance of subsistence farming is considered. In this case, commodity relations are either absent altogether or are focused on meeting the needs of a small layer of the social elite. The basic principle of the organization of social relations is the rigid hierarchical stratification of society, as a rule, manifested in the division into endogamous castes. At the same time, the main form of organization of social relations for the vast majority of the population is a relatively closed, isolated community. The latter circumstance dictates the dominance of collectivist social ideas, focused on strict adherence to traditional norms of behavior and excluding individual freedom, as well as an understanding of its value. Together with caste division, this feature almost completely eliminates the possibility social mobility. Political power is monopolized within a separate group (caste, clan, family) and exists primarily in authoritarian forms. Characteristic feature THAT. it is considered either the complete absence of writing, or its existence in the form of a privilege of certain groups (officials, priests). At the same time, writing quite often develops in a language other than spoken language the vast majority of the population (Latin in medieval Europe, Arabic - in the Middle East, Chinese writing - in Far East). Therefore, intergenerational transmission of culture is carried out in verbal, folklore form, and the main institution of socialization is the family and community. The consequence of this was extreme variability in the culture of the same ethnic group, manifested in local and dialect differences. Unlike traditional sociology, modern socio-cultural anthropology does not operate with the concept of T.O. From her point of view, this concept does not reflect real story pre-industrial stage of human development, but characterizes only it final stage. Thus, sociocultural differences between peoples who are at the stage of development of an “appropriating” economy (hunting and gathering) and those who have gone through the stage of the “Neolithic revolution” can be no less or even more significant than between “pre-industrial” and “industrial” societies . It is characteristic that in modern theory nation (E. Gelner, B. Anderson, K. Deutsch) to characterize the pre-industrial stage of development, terminology that is more adequate than the concept of “TO” is used - “agrarian”, “agrarian-literate society”, etc.

The development of society is a step-by-step process, representing an upward movement from the simplest economy to a more efficient, advanced one.

In the 20th century, famous political scientists and sociologists put forward a theory according to which society overcomes three stages of its development: agricultural, industrial and post-industrial. Let us dwell in more detail on the agrarian society.

Agrarian society by types, features, characteristics, characteristics

An agrarian, traditional or pre-industrial society is based on the traditional values ​​of humanity. This type of society main goal sees the preservation of the traditional way of life, does not accept any changes and does not strive for development.

An agrarian society is characterized by a traditional economy, which is characterized by redistribution, and the manifestation of market relations and exchange is strictly suppressed. In a traditional society, there is a priority of attention of the state and the ruling elite over the individual’s own interests. All politics is based on an authoritarian type of power.

A person's status in society is determined by his birth. The whole society is divided into classes, movement between which is impossible. The class hierarchy is again based on the traditional way of life.

An agrarian society is characterized by high mortality and birth rates. And at the same time low life expectancy. Very strong family ties.

The pre-industrial type of society persisted for a long time in many Eastern countries.

Economic features of agrarian civilization and culture

The basis of traditional society is agriculture, the main components of which are farming, cattle breeding or fishing in coastal areas.

The priority of a certain type of economy depends on climatic conditions and the geographical location of the place of settlement.

Agrarian society itself is completely dependent on nature and its conditions, while man does not make changes to these forces, without in any way trying to tame them.

For a long time, subsistence farming predominated in pre-industrial society.

Industry is either absent or insignificant. Craft labor is poorly developed. All work is aimed at satisfying basic human needs; society does not even try to strive for more. Extra hours of work are recognized by society as punishment.

A person inherits a profession and occupation from his parents. The lower classes are overly devoted to the higher ones, hence the system of government power such as the monarchy.

All values ​​and culture as a whole are dominated by traditions.

Traditional agrarian society

As already mentioned, an agrarian society is based on simple crafts and agriculture. The time frame for the existence of a given society is Ancient world and the Middle Ages.

At that time, the economy was based on the use of natural resources without any changes to the latter. Hence the low development of tools, which are very long time remain tame.

The economic sphere of society is dominated by:

  • construction;

  • extractive industries;

  • natural economy.

There is trade, but it is insignificantly developed, and the development of the market is not encouraged by the authorities.

Traditions give a person an already established system of values, the main role in which is played by religion and the undeniable authority of the head of state. Culture is based on traditional reverence for one's own history.

The process of transformation of traditional agrarian civilization

An agricultural society is quite resistant to any changes, since its basis is traditions and an established way of life.

The transformations are so slow that they are invisible to an individual person. Transformations are much easier for states that are not fully traditional.

As a rule, this is a society with developed market relations - Greek policies, trading cities of England and Holland, Ancient Rome.

The impetus for the irreversible transformation of agrarian civilization was the industrial revolution of the 18th century.

Any transformations in such a society are very painful for a person, especially if religion was the foundation for a traditional society. A person loses guidelines and values. At this time, the authoritarian regime is strengthening. All changes in society are completed by the demographic transition, in which psychology younger generation is changing.

Industrial and post-industrial agrarian society

Industrial society is characterized by a sharp leap in the development of industry. A sharp increase in economic growth rates. This society is characterized by the “optimism of modernizers” - an unshakable confidence in science, with the help of which it is possible to solve any problems that arise, including social ones.

In this society, there is a purely consumerist attitude towards nature - maximum development of available resources, pollution of nature. Industrial society lives one day at a time, striving to satisfy social and everyday needs to the full here and now.

Post-industrial society is just beginning its development path.

In a post-industrial society, the first place comes to:

  • high tech;
  • information;
  • knowledge.

Industry is giving way to the service sector. Knowledge and information have become the main commodity in the market. Science is no longer recognized as omnipotent.

Humanity is finally starting to realize everything Negative consequences, which befell nature after the development of industry. Social values ​​are changing. Environmental conservation and nature protection come to the fore.

The main factor and sphere of production of an agricultural society

The main factor of production for an agrarian society is land. That is why an agrarian society practically excludes mobility, since it is completely dependent on the place of residence.

The main sphere of production is agriculture. All production is based on the procurement of raw materials and food. All members of society, first of all, strive to satisfy everyday needs. The basis of the economy is family farming. Such a sphere may not always be able to satisfy all human needs, but certainly most of them.

Agrarian state and agrarian fund

The Agrarian Fund is a state apparatus that provides the country with adequate food. Its main task is to support the development of agricultural business in the country. The fund is responsible for the import and export of agricultural goods and distributes products within the country.

Human civilization needs high-quality food products, which can only be provided by developed agriculture. It is important to take into account that agriculture has never been a highly profitable industry. Entrepreneurs abandon this type of business as soon as they encounter difficulties and lose profits.

In this case, the state’s agricultural policy helps agricultural production by highlighting necessary funds to compensate for possible losses.

IN developed countries The rural way of life and family farming are becoming increasingly popular.

Agrarian modernization

Agrarian modernization is based on increasing the rate of development of agricultural production and sets itself the following tasks:

  • creation of a new model of economic growth in agriculture;

  • creation of favorable economic trends for agricultural business;

  • improving rural infrastructure;

  • attracting the younger generation to the village to live and work;

  • assistance in solving problems with land;

  • environmental protection.

The main assistant of the state in modernization is private business. Therefore, the state is obliged to meet the needs of agricultural business and help its development in every possible way.

Modernization will bring agricultural and agricultural production to the proper level in the country, improve the quality of food, create additional jobs in the countryside and increase the standard of living of the population of the entire country as a whole.

You can learn more about the modernization of the agricultural sector of the economy at the annual Agroprodmash exhibition.

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