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Participant in the show “The Voice” Arseny Borodin: “After breaking up with my girlfriend, I didn’t cry into my pillow and didn’t write lyrical songs. Arseny Borodin: I'm done with my personal life! Are Ivleva and Borodin dating or not?
Nastya Ivleeva is an Instagram star, blogger, and host of the TV program “Heads and Tails Reboot” on the “Friday!” channel.

She won the love of a multimillion-dollar Instagram audience thanks to bright style, a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at oneself.

Childhood and youth

Nastya was born on March 8, 1991 in Leningrad. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations. For some time the girl worked as a manicurist, and at the age of 21 she got a job as a hostess in a nightclub.

At first, the girl really liked the job - it was easy money and an opportunity to make connections among influential people. But soon Ivleeva began to realize that she had no prospects in this area.

In 2015, Nastya decided to start life with clean slate and moved to Moscow. The girl did not have time to look for work - she had to pay for housing, so Ivleeva immediately got a job as a hostess in a restaurant. Over time, Nastya realized that she wanted to become a TV presenter. Two months after the move, the girl entered the Ostankino television school.

After some time, Ivleeva was offered a job with a high salary at a car dealership: the girl began to draw up documents for cars. Nastya admitted that this work was not easy for her. “I hate the 9 am to 6 pm schedule, for me it’s death. But I understood that in order to achieve my goals, I needed to be patient,” Ivleeva recalled. Nastya worked at the car dealership for six months until she finished studying at Ostankino.


Nastya’s friends advised her to start her own blog - it would be easier to get a job on television. Then Ivleeva shot her first humorous short video, in which she sits in a cafe and drinks from a large glass from two straws at once. Instagram users noticed the cheerful and beautiful girl and began to subscribe to her profile. A couple of weeks after this, Ivleeva quit her job at the car dealership.

Ivleeva’s account quickly gained popularity. Over 4 years, the number of Anastasia’s subscribers has grown to 3.5 million people. Creating mini-videos and short videos - vines - became Ivleeva’s main activity, and soon the girl began making videos with other famous bloggers: Eldar Dzharakhov, Ida Galich, Margarita Dirge and others.

Soon Nastya began to be offered filming in advertising: so the girl appeared in the Beeline video. Anastasia also starred for the men's magazine MAXIM. Later, Ivleeva said that she was offered to take photographs for MAXIM even before she became a famous blogger. Then the girl lived in St. Petersburg and one day posted her photographs on an actor selection site - that’s where publishers found Nastya. However, at that time the girl refused to shoot, so as not to spoil her future career.

In the fall of 2016, Ivleeva, blogger Eldar Dzhakharov and the host of the famous YouTube show “This is Good” Stas Davydov became hosts new program“Everything is possible” on the TV channel “Yu”. The hosts of the show selected 10 bloggers who moved into the “blog house” and began to actively win a new audience. The main prize of the show following the competition was awarded to Pasha Anshukov, known under the nickname SuperPasha.

Nastya Ivleeva: parachute jump

In the spring of 2017, Ivleeva became the new host of the famous show “Heads and Tails. Reboot” on the “Friday!” TV channel, replacing Regina Todorenko. Ukrainian DJ and showman Anton Ptushkin became Anastasia’s colleague.

Anastasia continued to travel around different cities and countries of the world as part of the program “Heads and Tails. Reboot". In September 2017, travel shows were shown in which the presenters explored Venice, Rome and Madrid.

At the end of September 2017, Ivleeva, together with Ida Galich, led the red carpet at the 5th Music Box 2017 music awards ceremony. A funny thing happened at the event: singer Kristina Orbakaite came to the award in the same dress as Nastya Ivleeva. However, the girls turned this awkward situation into a joke.

Personal life of Nastya Ivleeva

In 2015, Nastya Ivleeva began dating Arseny Borodin, a singer and musician, lead singer of the Chelsea group, and a graduate of the sixth Star Factory.

The young people first met in 2011 in a St. Petersburg club, where Nastya worked at that moment. When Ivleeva moved to Moscow, relations between friends moved to a new level, and, in the end, Nastya and Arseny began to meet and live together.

Arseny often appeared in Anastasia’s films and often acts as a cameraman, and Ivleeva starred in the scandalous and frank video for the song “Native” by Borodin. It was Arseny who advised Nastya to go to study at the Ostankino school and then start blogging.

Arseny Bordin and Nastya Ivleeva – Rodnaya

But in October 2017, it became known that such a beautiful couple did not escape a sad fate and broke up. Nastya began dating singer Oleg Miami - apparently, feelings began while working together on Oleg’s video “If you are with me.”

But soon Oleg began to be noticed more often in the company of Olga Seryabkina, on the basis of which fans of Nastya Ivleeva concluded that nothing connects them with Miami anymore. Then rumors spread that Nastya and her co-host on “Reboot” Anton Ptushkin had more than a working relationship.

In the summer of 2018, information appeared that Nastya was dating rapper Eldzhey (real name: Alexey Uzenyuk, born 1994).

In September 2019, the couple secretly got married. Nastya took the surname of her beloved.

Darling musical style Nastya is rock: the girl loves the group “Nautilus Pompilius”, “The King and the Jester”, and also respects creativity

Let's remember the previous relationships of young stars. Yesterday Eljay and Nastya blew up the Internet with their photos together. The couple immediately gained hundreds of fans who believed they were perfect for each other.

Eldzhey and Nastya Ivleeva
​Photo: Instagram

One of the most discussed news of this week is the confirmation of rumors about the romance of 27-year-old Nastya Ivleeva and 23-year-old Eldzhey. The lovers publicly demonstrated their feelings for each other. The stars posted a photo together, and in the comments made it clear that they were connected by more than just friendship. Months ago

Eldzhey and Nastya Drozdova
​Photo: Instagram

A few months ago, LJ's fans suggested that he had broken up with the girl he had been dating for so long. It is unknown what caused the separation of Alexey and Nastya. It’s just that at some point the young people unfollowed each other on Instagram. Although just recently they posted a bright photo from a vacation, and then the rapper posted an image of himself with a pink-haired girl, whom his fans recognized as Drozdova.

Eljay's fans believe that the pink-haired girl is his ex-lover Nastya
Photo: Instagram

Some believe that the relationship between Nastya and Eljay could have been influenced by the popularity that had fallen on both of them. Users of social networks created public pages dedicated to the couple, and also got creative with fan fiction and thematic collages. Therefore, the news of the couple’s separation came as a real blow to them. Despite the fact that Nastya and Eljay separated, they are in no hurry to delete joint photos. Due to this, someone else believes in their reunion.

Nastya Ivleeva

Nastya had another high-profile affair with musician Arseny Borodin. The future lovers met back in 2011 in hometown bloggers in St. Petersburg. Then she worked as a hostess in a nightclub. Arseny came there to perform together with his colleagues. Borodin immediately liked the sociable girl. He saw acting talent in Nastya.

Subsequently, Ivleeva moved to Moscow. Arseny helped her with employment. At first, the girl continued to work as a hostess, and then realized that she wanted to become a TV presenter. Borodin helped his friend in everything and insisted that she get an education. As a result, Nastya entered the Ostankino school.

“Yes, after she moved it so happened that we began to spend everything together free time, we started a relationship... - Borodin said in an interview. “One evening she said: “That’s it, I can’t do this anymore, I’m very tired at work. Need to come up with something". And then we started talking about blogging. We consulted and decided that with a ready-made audience, it would be easier for Nastya to get a job on TV.”

After Nastya moved to Moscow, Arseny helped her with her work
​Photo: Instagram

After Nastya became famous, Arseny began to be jealous of her persistent fans. The girl was often written to in social networks with an offer to meet. Borodin didn’t like it, although he had to endure it. Nastya became the artist’s muse and even played a role in his video “Native”.

In turn, Ivleeva said that before Borodin she did not have such a close relationship. Nastya had to start cooking for her boyfriend and also cleaning his apartment.

“The format of the relationship was different: we met, went to the movies and went our separate ways. And now I understand that I’m not visiting Arseny, this is my home. I’m trying to develop myself, learning to cook - recently, for example, I baked a pie. And even if it burns this time, it will work out next time. I try to take care of Arseny, even despite my wild schedule,” the blogger confessed.

Nastya Ivleeva and Arseny Borodin
​Photo: Instagram

Arseny and Nastya preferred not to make far-reaching plans, although fans of the couple believed that an engagement was just around the corner. However, in July 2017, the stars put an end to their long-term romance.

“We separated peacefully and amicably, without scandals, betrayals or drama,” admitted Borodin. -We just decided so. People are adults - and apparently there is no excess of emotions about this. Of course, this is unpleasant, because we spent two and a half years together. But it happens. People disperse, feelings cool down and pass.”

November 30, 2017

A graduate of “Star Factory” and lead singer of “Chelsea” is trying to reach new heights in a popular television project.

Who doesn't remember this handsome guy from the Chelsea group? Now, however, he is unrecognizable - a brutal 28-year-old rocker with stubble and a leather jacket is trying to win the show “The Voice”. The artist told TV Program about why he went to the competition, how hard it was to break up with his girlfriend, and what is happening now with the Chelsea group.

- Arseny, you were a prize-winner of the “New Wave”, won the show “”. You write rock music and perform with your own band. Why do you need the show “The Voice”?

- The reason is clear. Popularity is an ephemeral concept for me personally. The main indicator of an artist’s fulfillment is the concert schedule. If there are a lot of concerts, everything is fine. This is why I came to Golos. I want not only to perform with Chelsea, but also to give as many solo concerts as possible.

-Have you seen another “manufacturer”? Everyone said he was the undisputed favorite. But, alas, . Doesn't this prospect scare you?

- No way. Anyone can win. But that doesn't guarantee successful career. What matters is life after the project, not during it. This whole fairy tale is beautiful, but it will end soon. You have to be realistic, approach everything soberly and build a career. The “Voice” project is not a production center with which a contract is signed. “The Voice” will not write music, pay for videos and release hits. The reality is that not everyone becomes a touring artist after a project. But I strive for this.

— Another “Factory” graduate, Yuri Titov, became a living legend of “The Voice” - for six years he went to auditions, performed, and no one turned to him. Why are some people able to shoot while others are not?

- Hard to tell. I assumed that the blind auditions should have a strong repertoire that would create a wow factor. I went with the Sam Brown song Stop, not the most popular song today, but I was sure that someone would turn around at the chorus. And so it happened - three turned around. Apparently, you need to be as pragmatic as possible: singer, manager, musician. Not only to feel the audience, but also to understand how and what influences mentors.

This is what the Chelsea group looked like at the peak of their form (Arseniy is second from the right). Photo: Mila STRIZH

— Those who remember you only from your participation in the Chelsea group are probably surprised by the image of the rocker. Why did you change your image and genre so dramatically?

“I’ve been playing music since I was six years old and have always been a versatile artist and flexible vocalist. There was a contract with the Chelsea group after Factory. This is a production project. I preferred to gain experience as part of a group. Now I understand how it works Russian show business, and making music that I love. I show it in “The Voice” and with my group.

— Do you remember the times of Chelsea’s popularity with nostalgia?

- Certainly. The brightest feelings. A huge number of concerts. Tours all over the world - USA, China, Europe. This is a boy band that has a certain format of work. Chelsea have hits. We were small, but now it’s time to grow up and take everything into our own hands, to move on our own.

— Surely people who meet you on the street come up to take a selfie. How do they contact you? Are you most often recognized as a member of Chelsea, the winner of the Main Stage, or the vocalist of the Voice project?

- Always different. These are such chaotic times—the age of the Internet. In 2006, we didn't have iPhones. Therefore they will know completely different people- for example, subscribers to the blog on Instagram that we ran with (the artist met with the presenter of “Heads and Tails”, but broke up this summer - Author). Or those who remember “Star Factory”. Or Chelsea fans. Some people know my modern tracks and don’t even know that I sang in Chelsea. Someone is watching “The Voice” and heard me for the first time.

The artist broke up with the beautiful Nastya Ivleeva in the summer. And he immediately switched to the show “The Voice”. Photo: instagram.com

— I remember “Star Factory” and your joint performance with Dima Bilan: 2006, at that time the fresh hit Never Let You Go, you sing together on the same stage. Now it’s 2017, in “The Voice” you are on Dima’s team. Aren't you afraid that you will be accused of conspiracy?

- This is absurd. Dima and I were not best friends. They knew each other on a hi-hi level. Therefore, talking about collusion or bribery is simply stupid. In the 11 years since “Factory,” my style, image, and genre of music in which I work have radically changed. He simply would not have been able to recognize me by my voice. This is impossible. I, like everyone else, was worried that no one would turn around. After all, experience has nothing to do with it. There is a show where you need to perform here and now. When I went on stage, I took a risk - if they didn’t take me, it would be a blow to my reputation, pride, and so on. So I was glad when they turned to me.

— You won the “Main Stage” and went quite far in “The Voice”. Have television broadcasts affected your demand? Are you getting invited to performances more often?

- No. In general, concert activity in Russia is a mysterious phenomenon. You can be on TV from morning to evening, but not have large number concerts. I think it works very differently: either there is a hit song or there is not. I'm working on this right now. I write both music and poetry. We are working on two singles - both in Russian and English languages, we will slowly release them. A lot of work. Filming in “The Voice”, performances with “Chelsea” (we give up to 10 concerts a month, although we haven’t released anything new for a long time), rehearsals with our own group.

— Personal life cannot but be reflected in creativity. How difficult was it for you to part with Nastya Ivleeva?

“We broke up back in July, just when I sent in my application for “The Voice.” By the way, Nastya supported me in this and was happy. They parted ways peacefully and amicably, without scandals, betrayals or drama. We just decided that way. People are adults - and apparently there is no excess of emotions about this. Of course, this is unpleasant, because we spent two and a half years together. But it happens. People disperse, feelings cool down and pass. And if so, then it’s better to leave on time. I didn't cry into my pillow or record an album lyrical songs. The “Voice” project immediately grabbed me, I concentrated on it, so the transition was smooth.

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Even if you don’t like wines and don’t hang out on YouTube, you still know who Nastya Ivleeva is. Now she not only films funny vines with vino, but hosts “Eagle and Tails” and “Muz-TV Award”.

Like an ordinary girl from Leningrad region, who dreamed of becoming a masseuse, managed to get on TV and on all phone screens in the country, we tell you below.

  1. Nastya Ivleeva before popularity

    Nastya was born on March 8, 1991 in the Leningrad region. Before her popularity, Nastya worked as a manicurist and dreamed of learning how to do massage. Then the girl moved to St. Petersburg and worked for 5 years as a hostess at the Lak club.

    In 2015, Ivleeva moved to Moscow and got a job as a manager at a car dealership.

  2. Nastya Ivleeva and Arseny Borodin

    While still in St. Petersburg, Nastya began dating the lead singer of the Chelsea group, Arseny Borodin. It was he who advised her to start making funny videos.

    In 2016, Nastya starred in Arseny’s video “Native,” but the couple soon broke up.

  3. Nastya Ivleeva Instagram

    Nastya has two pages: on this she posts her vines and photos from filming, and the photos are more personal.

    And here is one of Nastya’s vines:

  4. Nastya Ivleeva "Heads and Tails"

    A year ago, Nastya became the host of the show “Heads and Tails” with Ukrainian DJ and showman Anton Ptushkin. The guys have already filmed season 3.

    Also this year, the girl became the presenter of the “MUZ-TV Award” together with Ksenia Sobchak, Dmitry Nagiyev and Maxim Galkin.

  5. Nastya Ivleeva and Eldzhey

    A couple of months ago it became known that Nastya Ivleeva was dating rapper Eldzhey. The couple does not advertise their relationship, but sometimes shares photos together on social networks.

    The musician dedicated the song “360” to his beloved.

  6. Nastya Ivleeva Show Agent

    Nastya recently launched her own on YouTube own show Agent Show. At the same time, a very similar show by Regina Todorenko was released on the Friday TV channel. Both girls chat with the stars and hold funny competitions.

    Nastya herself claims that the plagiarism happened completely by accident, and she did not know about her colleague’s show.

  7. Nastya Ivleeva at Dudya's

    Nastya gave an interview to Dudu and became the second girl in Yura’s program after Ksenia Sobchak. Look, there's a lot about sex with Eljay (well, if you're interested)

Arseny Borodin is known to fans of the Chelsea group and the Star Factory competition. The name of the popular musician is also associated with song competitions “ Main stage" And " New wave" Now the artist is hosting solo career and breaks the Internet with provocative videos.

Arseny Borodin was born on December 13, 1988 in the city of Barnaul Altai Territory. Arseny's father, a well-known musician, arranger and composer in Barnaul, developed in his son from childhood musical abilities. Yuri Gennadievich, according to Arseny, instilled in him a love of good music, often played recordings of classical western rock.

In addition to music, the young talent mastered choreography and acting. From the age of six, Arseny studied at the Accent song theater and at the same time studied at the Segment Lyceum. Arseny Borodin took to the stage early. The young musician was often asked to perform at a party or in a nightclub. The guy participated in various music competitions. Received the title “Mr. Hit 2005” in his hometown.


In 2006, an 11th grade student at the Lyceum, Arseny Borodin, decided to take part in the television project “Star Factory-6,” headed by the producer. More than a thousand applicants competed in vocals, choreography, and stagecraft. Arseniy became one of 17 participants who passed the qualifying round.

According to the terms of the Star Factory competition, the contestants moved into the Star House. The young people lived together for several weeks, rehearsed, and attended choreography and plastic arts classes. At the end of each competition week, television broadcast a reporting concert, after which three participants were eliminated from the music competition. Arseny passed all the tests and reached the final of “Star Factory-6”. According to the results of SMS voting, the young musician took second place.

Chelsea Group

At “Star Factory-6” a new pop-rock group “Chelsea” was formed, produced by Viktor Drobysh. The team included members of “Factory”, Alexey Korzin and Arseny Borodin. The group with its original lineup performed at the second reporting concert of the Star Factory-6 competition. The song “Alien Bride”, sung then, became the first hit new group. She remained at the top of the Russian radio charts for more than 20 weeks. The next song of the Chelsea group, “The Most Favorite,” became a real hit and won the Golden Gramophone.

In total, the Chelsea group released 3 albums: Chelsea (2006), Age Point (2009), I Love (2016). The last album was created without the participation of Arseny Borodin. The Chelsea group's videos have long been extremely popular among viewers of music channels and Internet users. The group toured all over Russia with concerts and visited many countries around the world. In 2011, Chelsea, along with other finalists of the “Star Factory” different years took part in the competition “Star Factory. Return" and took second place.


Arseniy signed a contract with Drobysh until 2013. After graduation, the musician began a solo career. Master new musical trends and find yours creative path the artist went to Finland. Acquaintance with producer Tony Kimpimaki played an important role in Borodin’s solo career. The result of the union was the rock song “Deadman's Kiss,” which collected almost 800 thousand views on YouTube.

The song was not successful among TV viewers from Russia. With the song “If I”, Arseny Borodin won the audience award at the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala.

After solo success in music, Arseny Borodin was going to start a solo career in rock style. But tragedy befell Arseny’s family. The musician's brother died. Arseny was heartbroken. In addition, the brother was supposed to become a drummer in the singer’s new project, so the musician would not even be able to lose himself in his work.

For a while, Arseny Borodin left the country and ended up in Germany. Here Arseny passed the casting for the German project “The Voice”. The problem of the next stages was ignorance of the language. The artist was required to learn German before the next tour in order to be able to perform. This demand made Arseny think about how much he needed it. As a result, the musician decided to return back to Russia.

In 2015, Arseny participated in the Russia 1 channel “Main Stage” competition. Despite the jury's ambiguous attitude towards the participation of an established artist in the competition, Borodin's performance was highly appreciated by the audience.

In the final of the competition he performed superbly together with popular singer. The duet performed the song “Choose a Miracle” from the singer’s repertoire. Arseny Borodin won first place in the Main Stage competition. The victory was announced by the chairman of the jury, singer.

Personal life

The biography and personal life of the popular young performer arouse keen interest among fans. First love story Arseny got involved in the “Star Factory-6” project with a contestant. Since the report from the project was conducted online, viewers could worry about the feelings of the young participants to their heart’s content. The couple broke up after three years of romantic relationship. Julia is married and has two children. Doesn't communicate with Arseny.

The next girl whose name is associated with Arseny Borodin is Maria Anokhina. The model, TV presenter, and socialite showed off in photos on social networks with the young performer. Maria is a frequent guest on the pages of glossy magazines, in advertising and music videos. Relations with Borodin did not last long. Maria Anokhina became the wife of radio host Maxim Orlov. In 2016, the couple had a girl.

IN this moment The musician's heart is not free. Arseny is dating a blogger. The couple lives in the artist’s Moscow apartment and, according to Arseny, is not thinking about marriage yet. The young people met in a St. Petersburg nightclub where Nastya worked. After moving to Moscow, the girl graduated from the Ostankino television school. For the sake of an invitation to television, the girl gathered an audience on social networks. Nastya Ivleva’s video reports are watched by 2.7 million subscribers in “ Instagram" Recently, a girl was invited to host the television program “Heads or Tails. Reboot".

From the musician himself, who leads " Instagram» under the nickname IT"S ONLY ROCK"N"ROLL orme, 50 thousand subscribers.

Arseny Borodin now

In 2017, the “Star Factory” celebrated its 11th anniversary, which launched the stellar career of singer Arseny Borodin. Since 2013, Arseny Borodin has been leading a solo career. The scandalous video “Native”, in which the artist starred in an explicit video with his girlfriend Nastya Ivleva, caused a lot of negative reviews from the public. But the artist himself calls for viewing the video with humor.

Arseny says that he found himself in rock music. He created new musical compositions. The songs “Music”, “Houdini”, “If I” were highly appreciated by listeners. There was no trace left of the sweet-voiced blond from the Star Factory.

In September 2017, the musician released the solo single “Baby,” which is available for purchase on iTunes.

Also in September 2017, the musician appeared as a participant in the popular music show “The Voice”. At the blind auditions, Arseny sang “Stop!” Brandon Stone performed the song "Attention". In 2017, this composition was released as a single from the musician’s second album “Voicenotes”. Charlie Puth himself performed this song live for the first time on the American show “The Voice.” During the performance, the jury, with the exception of Alexander Gradsky, danced. But after the musicians’ performance, Gradsky gave the singers two thumbs up.

Arseny won the fight, but Brandon Stone was saved by other jury members, and the musician went over to Leonid Agutin. Having received the floor, Brandon Stone noted that the choice of the song belonged to his competitor, but still thanked his opponent and mentor for the preparation.

Today fans are waiting for Arseny Borodin to perform at the Knockouts stages. It is not yet known exactly who Arseny will perform against and with what song. But the musician’s previous performances on the project showed that the singer has a good chance of making it to the quarterfinals, as well as a completely viable bid to win the season.



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