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Ural mountains. Mount Narodnaya in the Urals: photo, height

    The Ural Mountains are located on the continent of EURASIA and the mountain range of these mountains stretches across the entire country of Russia (more than 2,000 km long) from South to North.

    Previously, it was believed that Siberia began in the East of the country, immediately beyond the Ural Mountains, but later Siberia moved further to the East.

    Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent, between the East European Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. These mountains stretch from north to south across Russia and Kazakhstan for 2.5 thousand kilometers.

    The Ural Mountains are relatively low. The highest peak is Mount Narodnaya height 1895 m.

    The conventional border between Europe and Asia runs along the Ural Mountains (along their eastern slope).

    I think any resident of Russia must know for sure that the Ural Mountains are in Russia, even if he lives very far from them - on Far East, Siberia or Kaliningrad. These are the longest mountains in our country, and probably one of the most ancient. The Ural Mountains lie on the Eurasian continent, and it is along these mountains that the famous border between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia - passes. In many places Ural mountains There are even special signs, standing on which a person finds himself with one foot in Asia and the other in Europe. Most famous city, which lies in two parts of the world at once - Magnitogorsk in the Southern Urals.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and the border between Europe and Asia runs along their eastern slopes.

    And the continent itself is called Eurasia, the largest continent on the planet. The mountains stretch from north to south in a strip from 40 to 150 and more than 2000 kilometers long. A continuation of the Ural Mountains in the south are the Mugodzhary Mountains in Kazakhstan. The Ural Mountains are one of the oldest mountain systems in the world. They are a real treasure trove of minerals, from various minerals to coal, oil and gas. To save unique natural features Several nature reserves have been established here.

    The Ural Mountains stretch approximately 1,500 miles from north to south from the Arctic Ocean to central Russia.

    The Urals are mostly located in Russia, although South part reaches Northern Kazakhstan. Located on the continent of Eurasia. and is considered a kind of border between Europe and Asia.

    These mountains are the longest on our territory, so it is logical that they are located in Eurasia, they are located in the northwestern part of Russia. These mountains have a fairly large width; it ranges from one hundred to two hundred kilometers, and if we talk about the length along the meridian, it is 2600 km. The most big point These mountains are Narodnaya, and their height is 1875 m. Thus, they are not very high mountains.

    The Ural Mountains are located on a continent called Eurasia. Moreover, it is the Ural Mountains that are the border between Europe and Asia. It is clear that the border is quite arbitrary, but generally accepted and clearly visible.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent and divide the continent into European and Asian parts (Russian territory). Their length is more than 2000 km, and their width is from 40 to 150 km. The highest part of the Ural Mountains mountain-mountain Narodnaya, reaching a height of 1895 meters.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent in the northern and central parts of the continent.

    The Ural Mountains border the Kara Sea, the Mugodzhary Mountains, the Eastern and Western-Northern Plains.

    The mountains have a greater extent from north to south; the mountains are classified as medium.

    Usually during lessons they call you to the board on which there is a map and ask you to point out the mountains. Pay attention to the half of the map away from Moscow to the east and point out the brown stripe that looks a bit like a vertical line

In ancient sources, the Ural Mountains were called Riphean or Hyperborean. Russian pioneers called them “Stone”. The toponym "Ural" was most likely taken from Bashkir language and means "stone belt". This name was introduced into use by geographer and historian Vasily Tatishchev.

How did the Urals come into being?

The Ural Mountains stretch in a narrow strip for more than 2000 km from the Kara Sea to the Aral Sea steppes. It is assumed that they arose about 600 million years ago. Some scientists believe that several hundred million years ago, Europe and Asia broke away from the ancient continents, and, gradually drawing closer, collided with each other. Their edges in the places of collision were crushed, some part of the earth's crust was squeezed out, something, on the contrary, went inside, cracks and folds formed. Enormous pressure led to delamination and melting of rocks. The structures squeezed onto the surface formed a chain of the Ural Mountains - a seam that connected Europe and Asia.

Shifts and fractures of the earth's crust have occurred here more than once. For several tens of millions of years, the Ural Mountains were subjected to the destructive effects of all natural elements. Their peaks smoothed out, rounded, and became lower. Gradually the mountains acquired modern look.

There are plenty of hypotheses explaining the formation of the Ural Mountains, but the theory of the seam connecting Europe and Asia allows us to more or less intelligibly link together the most contradictory facts:
- presence almost on the surface of rocks and sediments that can only form deep in the bowels of the Earth under conditions of enormous temperatures and pressures;
- the presence of siliceous plates clearly of oceanic origin;
- sandy river sediments;
- boulder ridges brought by the glacier, etc.
The following is clear: The Earth as a cosmic body has existed for about 4.5 billion years. Rocks that are at least 3 billion years old have been found in the Urals, and none of the modern scientists denies that the process of decompression of cosmic matter is still underway in the universe.

Climate and resources of the Urals

The climate of the Urals can be defined as mountainous. The Ural ridge serves as a dividing border. To the west of it the climate is milder and there is more rainfall. To the east - continental, drier, with a predominance of low winter temperatures.

Scientists divide the Urals into several geographical zones: Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle, Southern. The highest, undeveloped and inaccessible mountains are located in the Subpolar and Southern Urals. The Middle Urals are the most populated and developed, and the mountains there are the lowest.

48 types of minerals have been found in the Urals - copper pyrites, skarn-magnetite, titanomagnetite, nickel oxide, chromite ores, deposits of bauxite and asbestos, coal, oil and gas deposits. Deposits of gold, platinum, precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones were also found.

In the Urals there are about 5,000 rivers flowing into the Caspian, Barents and Kara seas. The rivers of the Urals are extremely heterogeneous. Their features and hydrological regime are determined by differences in terrain and climate. There are few rivers in the Polar Region, but they are full of water. The rapids and fast rivers of the Subpolar and Northern Urals, originating on the western slopes of the mountains, flow into the Barents Sea. Small and rocky mountain rivers, originating on the eastern slopes of the ridge, flow into the Kara Sea. The rivers of the Middle Urals are numerous and full of water. The length of the rivers of the Southern Urals is small - about 100 km. The largest of them are Uy, Miass, Ural, Uvelka, Ufa, Ay, Gumbeyka. The length of each of them reaches 200 km.

The largest river in the Ural region, the Kama, which is the largest tributary of the Volga, originates in the Middle Urals. Its length is 1805 km. The general slope of the Kama from source to mouth is 247 m.

There are about 3327 lakes in the Urals. The deepest is Big Pike Lake.

Russian pioneers came to the Urals together with Ermak’s squad. But, according to scientists, the mountainous country has been inhabited since the time ice age, i.e. more than 10 thousand years ago. Archaeologists have discovered a huge number of ancient settlements here. Now on the territory of the Urals there are the Komi Republic, the Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs. The indigenous inhabitants of the Urals are the Nenets, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Komi, Komi-Permyaks and Tatars. Presumably, the Bashkirs appeared here in the 10th century, the Udmurts in the 5th century, the Komi and Komi-Permyaks in the 10th–12th centuries.

The Ural Mountains are a unique natural object for Russia. Why? This will become clear to anyone who thinks about this question. First of all, because they are the only mountain range crossing Russia from south to north, while serving as the border between two parts of the world, as well as large parts of our country - Asian and European.

Features of the relief of the Urals

Any geologist will agree that their structure is complex. They include breeds of different ages and type. The mountains can trace the history of many eras of the Earth. There are not only deep faults here, but also sections of oceanic crust. The base of the Ural Range is a stone belt, a natural border separating Europe and Asia, the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions.
But the Ural Mountains cannot be called high. There are mostly low and medium peaks here. The highest point is Mount Narodnaya, located in the Subpolar Urals. Its height reaches 1895 meters. But Mount Yamantau, the second highest point in the Urals, is located at the southern end of the ridge.

The profile of the mountains resembles a depression. The highest peaks are located in the north and south, while in the middle part their height rarely reaches 400-500 meters. Therefore, when crossing the Middle Urals, only an attentive tourist or traveler will notice the mountains.
The beginning of the formation of the Ural Mountains coincides with Altai. But further fate turned out differently. Altai often experienced strong tectonic shifts. As a result, Belukha - the highest point in Altai - has a height of more than 4.5 kilometers. On the other hand, the Urals are much safer for life - earthquakes, especially strong ones, occur here much less frequently.

Sights of the Ural Mountains

Mount Manaraga (Bear's Paw) is not on the list of the highest. But, of course, it is the most beautiful. Its top is a series of steep peaks, which is why from a distance the mountain really looks like the raised paw of a bear.

The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya, the peak of which is located at an altitude of 1985 meters.

In general, it is quite difficult to list all the attractions that the Urals can boast of. Although it will be useful to list a few of the most interesting ones:

  • Mount Konzhakovsky stone;
  • Seven Brothers rocks;
  • national parks Zyuratkul and Taganay;
  • Denezhkin Stone Nature Reserve;
  • Olenyi Ruchi Natural Park,
  • Chusovaya River;
    Chistop and Kolpaki mountains.

And this is just a small part most beautiful places located in the Urals.

Rivers and lakes of the Ural Mountains

The Urals also boasts many beautiful rivers with crystal clean water and fast currents, dangerous rapids and picturesque rifts. It is no coincidence that many routes are laid here, both for family holidays and for sports rafting.

On the banks of the rivers there are many beautiful stones and rocks, and the endless Taiga will not leave any nature lover indifferent.

These rivers have seen a lot and keep many secrets to this day.

The rivers of the Ural Mountains belong to the basins of three seas: the Caspian, Kara and Barents. The total number of rivers flowing here exceeds 5 thousand! There are about a thousand of them in the Sverdlovsk region alone, and more than two thousand in the Perm region. The approximate annual flow of these rivers exceeds 600 thousand cubic kilometers.

Unfortunately, today many of these rivers suffer from waste discharged by industrial production. Because of this, the relevance of river water treatment and conservation is becoming increasingly important.

But there are few lakes here, and their sizes are small. The largest lake is Argazi (belongs to the Miass River basin). Its area is just over 100 square kilometers.

The Ural is a unique mountain system, one of the most ancient and picturesque in the world. They are old, very old, dating back to the Devonian period (about 40 million years ago). This massif is like a complex mosaic in which hundreds of types of rocks are mixed. From the time of Soviet Union More than 50 types of minerals and hundreds of minerals, precious and semi-precious stones were mined here.

But ancient mountains are rarely high. Years wear away their tops, grind rocks, and build up a layer of soil. Therefore, the highest point of the Ural Mountains cannot compete with the Alpine and Tibetan peaks. But still, for the sake of interest, we will compile this list.

The Ural Mountains stretch almost across the entire border of Eurasia, separating two parts of the world from each other. The Ural belt is more than 2,500 kilometers long, and it is conventionally divided into 5 zones:

  1. Southern Urals.
  2. Middle Urals.
  3. Northern Urals.
  4. Subpolar Urals.
  5. Polar Urals.

Some researchers believe that Mugodzhary on the southern side and Pai-Khoi on the northern side should also be added to the system, but still, officially these five zones are considered the Ural Mountains. And each of them has its own highest point.

In fact, this mountain can hardly be called high: only 1640 meters in height. However, all other peaks of the Southern Urals do not even reach this value. It is worth noting that 1640 meters is the height of Big Yamantau. The second peak, Maly Yamantau, is even lower - only 1510 meters.

It is a low, gently sloping mountain, covered with a thick layer of soil, enough for a real forest to grow on it. But the top of the mountain is covered with snow and ice suitable for skiers.

Yamantau is an amazingly beautiful and picturesque mountain that attracts thousands of tourists from all over Russia and even other countries. To travel along it, basic training and equipment is enough. True, the pleasure is spoiled by the fact that local residents have long considered Yamantau a bad mountain, which is even reflected in its name. Adding fuel to the fire of doubt are rumors that Vladimir Putin’s secret bunker was built here. Nobody knows how true they are, but before going here, it’s better to think carefully: “Is it worth it?” Moreover, this is not the only large mountain of the Southern Urals that deserves your attention.

A mountain with such a dissonant name - highest point Middle Urals. True, the numbers are not too impressive: 1119 meters. Previously, we talked about the peaks of the Alps and Tibet, high, sharp, rocky, covered with glaciers. Oslyanka is completely different from them: low, gently sloping, softly rounded... From a distance. Up close, it turns out that the slopes are quite steep, and there are places where the rocky base comes to the surface. Most of the mountain is covered with meadows and forests; in the cold season it is densely covered with snow.

It is perfect for hiking and hiking routes in the warm season, but in winter it is a haven for skiers and snowboarders. In summer, you can supplement your tourist routes with river rafting.

By the way, this mountain has nothing to do with donkeys. The origin of its name is not known for certain. Most likely, it is based on the word “donkey, touchstone,” that is, a stone on which knives are sharpened. The second version is “oslyad” – a log. There is a third one, which claims that the name of the mountain is connected with the nearby Oslyanka River, but here the connection may be the opposite.

It is always extremely interesting to understand where the names of geographical objects come from, because there are whole stories behind them. Sometimes the connection can be traced immediately, but often you have to figure it out. But in the case of Mount Telposis, it is not immediately clear where it came from and what it means. The truth lies quite deep. Its original name was Tel-Poz-Iz, which in the Komi language means “mountain of the nest of the winds.”

According to legend, the local god of the winds lives on this mountain, so it’s better not to go there again. True, this does not at all prevent tourists from all over Russia from climbing Telposis in pursuit of beautiful scenery And thrills. Its height is 1617 meters. Enough to become the first in the Northern Urals.

This peak is the highest point not only in the Subpolar part of the Urals, but also in the entire mountain range. Of course, in the same Alps, a peak of 1895 meters would never be on such a list, but for the Ural Mountains this is more than enough.

It officially received its name in 1927 during the exploration of this part of the Urals. The subtlety is that the geologist Aleshkov did not specify in his notes where exactly the emphasis should be placed: NARODNAYA or Narodnaya. Both versions are found in the literature. The second looks quite logical, because at that time many objects received similar names. The first one also has the right to life, because the Naroda River flows next to it. And this word from the Komi language has nothing to do with the people.

The first peak of the northernmost, Polar part of the Urals is Payer. This rock formation stands out sharply against the surrounding landscape. There are several more peaks nearby - Western and Eastern Payer, 1330 and 1217 meters, respectively.

The total length of the Ural belt is more than 2,500 kilometers. Just imagine: 2500 kilometers of picturesque mountains, which have everything: rocks, glaciers, snowfields, caves, forests, meadows, rivers... These are incredibly picturesque and rich mountains, you can spend your whole life here and not see even a small part of their wonders. But that doesn't mean it's not worth trying.

The highest mountain in the Urals, Narodnaya, is the brightest gem in the natural crown of Russia. This peak now attracts thousands of travelers from Russia and Europe.

In addition to Narodnaya, there are several more majestic peaks in the Ural mountain system, each of which has unique features given by Mother Nature.

The following lines tell in detail about the geography of the Urals and its peaks that are worth climbing, a description and photo are given, the history of their discovery and name is told, the features of hiking routes and the equipment that is necessary to conquer the peaks.

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Geography of the Ural Mountains

The East European and West Siberian plains are notable for the fact that it is between them that the Ural mountain system is located. It crosses Russia from north to south at approximately 60 east longitude.

Geographers distinguish 5 zones of the Ural system:

  1. Polar Urals– occupies the north of the mountain system. Administratively divided between the Komi Republic and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is characterized by low passes and deep valleys that transversely dissect the ridges.

    The Polar Urals is a mountainous region in the north of Eurasia, on the territory of Russia, the northernmost part. The northern border of the region is considered to be Mount Konstantinov Stone, and the region is separated from the Subpolar Urals by the Khulga River

  2. Subpolar Urals– perhaps the highest part of the system. On the south side there is Mount Telposis, on the north side there is the Lyapin River. Glaciers are common in this area. Part of the zone's territory is included in national park"Yugyd Va".

    The Subpolar Urals is a mountain system in Russia, stretching from the sources of the Lyapin (Khulga) River in the north (65º 40' N) to Mount Telposis ("Nest of the Winds", height about 1617 m) in the south (64º N) .

  3. Northern Urals- a zone bounded by Mount Telposis in the north and Kosvinsky stone in the south. The Ural ridge in the zone is divided into several parallel ridges. The total width of the system in the region is 50-60 km.

    Northern Urals, part of the Urals from the Shchuger River in the north to Mount Oslyanka in the south. Length is about 550 km. Height up to 1617 m (Telposis). Characterized by flattened peaks and dissected relief. On the slopes there are taiga forests, above there are mountain tundras and rocky areas

  4. Central or Middle Urals– the lowest part of the mountain system. There are 6 ridges along it. Their total width, including the foothills, reaches 90 km. The river valleys in the Middle Urals are quite wide. On the eastern slopes of the zone there are karst landforms: funnels, basins, wells.

    The Middle Urals is the lowest part of the Ural Mountains, limited by the latitudes of Konzhakovsky Kamen in the north and Mount Yurma in the south

  5. Southern Urals– the widest (250 km) and southern zone of the Ural Mountains. The Southern Urals are bounded by Mount Yurma and the Mugodzhary ridge. Administratively located on the territory Russian Federation And . It is characterized by the dismemberment of ridges by deep depressions and valleys.

    The Southern Ural is the southern and widest part of the Ural Mountains, stretching from the Ufa River (near the village of Nizhny Ufaley) to the Ural River. From the west and east, the Southern Urals are limited by the East European and West Siberian Plains


Yamantau is the highest place in the Southern Urals (1640 m). There are 2 peaks near the mountain: Big Yamantau and Small Yamantau. The peak has been known to settlers from Russia since the 17th century. It was first described by P.I. Rychkov in 1762 in his book “Topography of Orenburg”. Climbing the mountain takes place along its western or northern slopes, through the villages of Revet or Sosnovka.

View of Yamantau from the southern slope of Mount Kuyantau

To see Yamantau you first need to take a train from Ufa, Nizhnevartovsk, Adler or Moscow to Beloretsk. From there you need to take a bus or intercity taxi to the villages of Tatly or Kuzyelga, which are located at the foot of the mountain.

Note: To climb Yamantau, you do not need to use climbing equipment. But it won’t hurt to take alpenstocks, put on helmets, trekking boots, knee pads and elbow pads.


Telposis is a massif that consists of two peaks (h = 1617 m), located on the border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals. This mountain is called differently. The main name, translated from the Komi language, means “mountain of the nest of the winds.” There is also the Nenets “Ne-Hekhe” which is translated as “mountain woman”. Last name According to legend, it was given due to the fact that on one of the peaks a woman was turned into an idol after contradicting her husband.

Telposis (1617 m) is the highest peak of the Northern Urals. It is located near the conventional border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals on the left bank of the Shchugor River. The Telposisa area is known for the prevalence of bad weather

According to some historians, Semyon Kurbsky discovered the mountain. But research into the natural site began only at the end of the last century, when a gas pipeline was laid near it. Popular routes for tourists include visiting the Yuzhny glacier, Lake Telpos and rafting on the Shchugor River.

The foothills of Telposis are not inhabited. The nearest village, Kyrta, is 75 km away from it. The best way to get to the mountain is to first reach Syktyvkar and from there fly to Vuktyl. From the last mentioned city you can order a car to take you to the foot of the mountain or at least to Kyrta.

Good to know: Telposis is an easy peak to conquer. In summer, it is climbed by groups of unprepared tourists, “armed” with alpenstocks. Only for winter hiking on the mountain you need special equipment in the form of snowshoes.


Oslyanka is the highest peak of the Middle Urals (1119 m). Its name translated from Old Russian means “river sharpening stone” or “log”. The mountain has been known since the 17th century. Comprehensive studies of the summit were carried out in 1940 by the Ural Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At the same time, rock crystal was discovered on Oslyanka.

The Oslyanka ridge is located in the east of the Kizelovsky district of the Perm region, to the west of the main watershed ridge of the Urals. Oslyanka is a 16 km long mountain range stretching from north to south.

The routes offered by tourist organizations pass through the villages of Uspenka and Bolshaya Oslyanka. They include dinners, gatherings around the fire and a visit to the bathhouse.

The nearest city to the mountain is Kizel, located 50 km from it. You can get to it by bus or train via. There are no roads leading from this city to the foot of the mountain. To get as close to the top as possible, you need to arrange a pick-up in advance with SUV drivers from Kizel.

Do you know that: Climbing Oslyanka does not require any climbing equipment.


Payer is the highest point of the Polar Urals (h = 1499 m). Payer was discovered and mapped in 1847 by an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society.

Payer, the highest peak of the Polar Urals. It is composed of quartzites, shales and igneous rocks. There are snowfields

Interesting fact: According to the leader of the campaign, Ernst Hoffmann, the name of the mountain in the Nenets language means “Lord of the Mountains.”

Several streams flow near the mountain and flow into amazingly beautiful lakes. Most tourist groups lay routes past these reservoirs, since the flat areas near them are excellent for parking.

You can only get to Payer by all-terrain vehicle from the village of Eletsky in the Komi Republic. Local residents willingly take tourists to the mountain for a small fee. Trains from Labytnanga, Vorkuta and Moscow run to the railway station in Yeletskoye.

It is better to climb Payer in the last month of summer. On a hike you need to take safety systems, climbing ropes, jumars and other items necessary to overcome small (up to 6 meters) vertical climbs.

Folk - history of discovery and description

Narodnaya is the highest peak of the Urals (1895 m). It does not stand out from the rest of the Ural peaks. It is distinguished by the presence of bowl-shaped depressions with small lakes, glaciers and snowfields.

Coordinates of the highest point of the Urals 65°02′ N, 60°07′ E.

Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the entire Ural range. There are winter roads and glaciers on the mountain. On the north-eastern slope there is the “Blue Lake”, a high-mountain reservoir, the purest water basin at an altitude of a kilometer above sea level. From the northeast and southwest the climb will be especially difficult, here a large number of rock formations and overhangs

Narodnaya was discovered in 1846 by A. Reguli, examined in 1927 by geologist Aleshkov. The peak got its name from it. On Reguli's maps the peak was listed under the name Poen-Urr.

It is important to know: Ascents to the mountain are carried out along its northern, gentle slope. They pass through the Kar-Kar pass with an overnight stay near a mountain lake. Before going, you need to register with the administration. national park"Yugyd-Va". An application for climbing must be submitted no less than 10 days before arriving at the foot of Narodnaya.

How to get there

To get to Narodnaya, you need to get to the Inta-1 station on trains that go to Vorkuta or Labytnanga. Afterwards, you need to get to the Zhelannaya quartz mining base by car.

General view of the base. The Zhelannaya base was created for mining. Mine workers live here. Quartz is mined. At the base you can rent a room for 500 rubles per person per day

From this point you should walk 15-18 km to the mountain along the Balabanyu River.

What equipment to take

For hiking, you do not need to rent climbing equipment, but it is advisable to wear trekking boots, elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet.

Equipment for a novice climber: carabiners with coupling - 5 pieces, harness, lanyard, belay device, 2 prusiks, rope climbing device - jumar, backpack for 60-80 liters, sleeping bag, karimat, mountain boots, crampons, ice ax, helmet , telescopic sticks, headlamp.

If you have no tourist experience, you should take a guide.

Minerals of the Ural Mountains

The Urals are an inexhaustible storehouse of natural resources. 48 types of minerals are developed and mined there. Of these, the most important for Russian industry are copper pyrite and skarn-magnetite ores, bauxite, potassium salts, gas, oil, and coal. Also, the Ural subsoil is rich in minerals. More than 200 types of natural precious and semi-precious stones have been discovered in the mountains, which are used in various industries and in the decoration of various buildings.

The Ural Mountains amaze with the richness of their mineral resources. "The country's underground storage room." The main wealth of the Urals is ores

Take note: The bowls of the Hermitage and the altar of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood were made from jasper and malachite mined in the Urals.


Each zone of the Urals has unique and beautiful mountains. Most of them can be climbed without special training. Travel companies, clubs and centers regularly conduct group trips to the Ural peaks.

The Ural High Mountain Club invites you to take part in summer-autumn training camps for climbers in the DUGOBA gorge

Some companies organize trips on bicycles, ATVs, and horses. Hiking expeditions are delivered to the foot of the mountains in off-road vehicles.

Participation in climbing any of the Ural peaks is the best opportunity to get acquainted with the largest mountain system in Russia. Small Ural stones brought from a trip will be excellent gifts for friends and family.

Watch a video in which climbers and geologists talk about the most high mountain in the Urals - Narodnaya:



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