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Notifications. Romanov's House or "Romanovka Residential House of the Romanovs"

The house at number 7 on Tverskoy Boulevard is known as the Romanov House or Romanovka, a house of furnished rooms where students lived.

IN early XIX V. The corner estate belonged to the Golitsyns. Main house The estate stood in the depths of the courtyard, on either side of it were two wings, with their ends facing the boulevard. The authorship of the main house is attributed to . However, in a fire in 1812, the house burned down and was restored in the Empire style.

The Golitsyns were the richest family Tsarist Russia. In 1826, Prince Vasily Dmitrievich Golitsyn lived in the estate. After the death of the prince in 1827, the estate passed to his son Mikhail. M.V. Golitsyn became famous for installing lights on Tverskoy Boulevard at his own expense.

At both ends of the boulevard, there were scales installed, multi-colored alcohol-based lanterns, and also two metal round shields on the poles, from which the light from the lanterns was reflected throughout the boulevard. The prince also hired an orchestra of musicians who played various plays on the boulevard.

In the second half of the 19th century. The estate is owned by Princess Maria Dmitrievna Ukhtomskaya. And only in late XIX V. she goes over to Romanov.

In the 1880s, the three-story wings were connected to each other and built on, forming a four-story building stretching along Tverskoy Boulevard, which received the name Romanovka after the owner. Romanovka housed cheap furnished rooms in which students of the Conservatory and the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture lived.

Composer V.S. Kalinnikov rented an apartment here, and N.A. visited him. Rimsky-Korsakov, F.I. Chaliapin.

The first rehearsals of operas for the Mamontov Theater are taking place in Romanovka in a calm, friendly atmosphere.

In 1893, the owner annexed the neighboring property and set up a hall there for rehearsals and concerts. The Romanovskaya Hall is still the stage of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. This is where it was born Art Theater Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Before he had his own building, the troupe used the Romanov Hall for rehearsals.

In Romanovka, V. V. Mayakovsky reads his first poems with his friends at the Moscow School of Painting. Among the listeners are Velimir Khlebnikov, David Burliuk, Alexey Kruchenykh. Here “it’s like in the Latin Quarter. Only warmer. Much warmer,” the poet later recalled.

The house witnessed two revolutions. In 1905, a barricade was erected next to the house. In 1917, from the semicircular bay window of the house, Red Army soldiers fired machine guns at the cadets holding the square.

Now a restaurant is open in Romanovka, but if you go into its gateway, you can still see the house of the Golitsyn princes.


In Volgograd, the results of the annual city competition for best content and operation of apartment buildings and improvement of local areas. 39 applicants in five nominations were submitted to the commission for consideration.

The winner of the review competition in the category “Best apartment house on the territory of Volgograd after construction in 1999” became the residential complex “Romanov”, built by the company “Sinara-Development” in the Dzerzhinsky district at the address st. Angarskaya, 100a.

Photo: press service of the company "Sinara-Development"

The 23-storey building was designed by the developer taking into account all the requirements for luxury housing. The new building has its own gas boiler room, transformer substation and video surveillance system. The facade of the complex, made in European style, emphasizes his respectability. Stained glass glazing of the front door using “stop-sol” technology protects the room from overheating in hot weather. For the convenience of residents, on the ground floor there is a stroller room, a hygiene room and a paw wash for pets. There is also a relaxation area with sofas and tables in the hall. There are storage rooms on each floor for storing small items. The Romanov residential complex was put into operation in December 2018. New residents have already managed to evaluate all the solutions put in place by the developer during the construction of the house for a comfortable stay.

Photo: press service of the company "Sinara-Development"

Currently, Sinara-Development is constructing the second stage of the Romanov club house at the address: st. Angarskaya, 69, which will surpass the first complex in its technological, engineering, planning and finishing solutions. For example, in the yard there are walking areas with landscaped landscaping, bicycle paths, a sports and educational playground for children, gazebos for relaxation with a cozy barbecue area. The complex has unique 3-room apartments with a master bedroom for parents, which families with children will definitely appreciate. The master area includes a bedroom with a dressing room and a separate bathroom.

In the category “Best courtyard in Volgograd” of the competition, second place was awarded to the residential area “ New World"(2nd stage, at Malinovsky St., 8a and 10a), where Sinara-Development is carrying out complex development. A small park has been created in the area, walking paths have been installed, and benches have been installed. There are playgrounds for children, as well as the city's largest sandbox. In winter, there is a skating rink here, which is a point of attraction and family leisure not only for residents of the “New World”, but also for citizens from houses nearby the microdistrict. For sports lovers, there are sports grounds with a work-out area and bicycle paths. In the 4th quarter of 2019, one of the sections of the 4th stage of the New World residential area will be put into operation, the second - a year later in the 3rd quarter of 2020.

Photo: press service of the company "Sinara-Development"

Even at the design stage, the company thinks through hundreds of little things that will affect the mood and comfortable living of future new residents. We want residents to be proud of their home and get real joy from living in new apartment. To do this, we study European construction experience, use modern technologies, we implement advanced design solutions,” noted CEO"Sinara-Development" Timur Ufimtsev.

You can become a new resident of the Romanov club house or a resident of the New World district by taking advantage of one of the promotions from the Sinara-Development company.

Sales office staff will help you choose profitable terms to purchase an apartment. Phone: 8 (8442) 499–355.

LLC "Specialized developer "Sinara-Development"". Project declarations on the website our.dom.rf

This an old house in the very center of Moscow is almost constantly included in various real estate ratings. So, today it can successfully be called not only one of the most expensive houses in the capital, but also the most liquid in terms of rent: it is extremely difficult to rent an apartment here. It's about about house number 3 on Romanov Lane. This is one of the few residential buildings located in close proximity to the Kremlin. The nearest entrance to the “citadel of power” is only about 400 meters away!

This old house in the very center of Moscow is almost constantly included in various real estate ratings. So, today it can successfully be called not only one of the most expensive houses in the capital, but also the most liquid in terms of rent: it is extremely difficult here.

It's about. This is one of the few residential buildings located in close proximity to the Kremlin. The nearest entrance to the “citadel of power” is only about 400 meters away! True, today this fact rather serves as a criterion for assessing prestige. And once upon a time, in Soviet time When the top officials of the state lived here (for example, Mikhail Frunze and even Khrushchev himself), proximity to the Kremlin was probably a pure official necessity.

Romanov Lane has always been a difficult place. Now it bears its original name, in honor of the owner of the chambers, boyar Nikita Romanov (unlike Peter Romanov Street, which also exists in Moscow, in the Kozhukhovo district, but that one is named in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union). Over its history, the current Romanov Lane has changed several names, almost each of which has traces of nobility and aristocracy: Nikitsky, Khitrov, Razumovsky, Sheremetyevsky.

Accordingly, before the revolution, the owner here was Count Sheremetyev, which after 1917 turned out to be unacceptable, and from 1920 to 1992, Romanov Lane was called Granovsky Street - in honor of a historian close to Herzen and Ogarev, the harbingers of the revolution.

So the series of renamings of this small lane (only 320 meters long) reflects a whole layer of events in the history of Moscow and the country as a whole.

Legacy of the past

House No. 3 itself was built on this site in 1985-98, and before that time there was another building there. However, it is also residential. It was demolished, and the construction of a new house was undertaken by the architect Alexander Meisner, who developed several projects for Count Sheremetyev. Meisner is considered one of the founders of the Art Nouveau style in Moscow architecture.

Five-story building No. 3 is quite remarkable both for its facades and apartment layouts. It's gorgeous here front entrance(it’s a pity, now there is a security guard’s booth who opens the barrier for cars entering with passes). A cast-iron fountain has been preserved in the courtyard - by the way, it operates in summer time! In the entrances you can still see “signs of the era” - wrought iron railings and worn stair steps with characteristic “bumps” - previously special heavy steel rods were placed on them, which held the carpet on the steps. Of course, there are no carpets now...

Interestingly, getting into the territory of this house is not such a difficult task. In any case, several years ago I, the author of the article, had the opportunity to regularly visit the yard. One could sit quietly on a bench, listening to the conversations of governesses talking with children on walks, either in English or in French... Obviously, access to the territory is easier because the offices of various companies are located in the basements of the house, so not only residents are allowed through the fence. Of course, there is constant video surveillance in the courtyard and entrances.

In former times this was not the case, and back doors helped to hide from prying eyes. They are still preserved in apartments! They say that back doors were actively used during the harsh Stalinist times. Back then, the NKVD officers came at night, without warning, and even the top officials of the state did not have “immunity” from these visits (just remember the story of the “House on the Embankment”). However, at the same time, it’s hard to believe that the people from Lubyanka knew nothing about the “secret passages”... But beautiful legend, which can be told to guests.

Retreat. From the history

Speaking of legends. Perhaps one of the most remarkable historical figures who lived in this house is Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev himself. True, it was not possible to find out how long he lived there, but the fact itself takes place. This is what Natalya Leonova, a historian, Moscow expert, and organizer of “Come and See” tours of the capital, said: “I can say for sure that Khrushchev lived in this house. The whole question is how long. This was the Fifth House of Soviets, and everyone who came to party congresses was accommodated in such houses. So, for example, the first thing we find in his memoirs is: “During the XV Congress, we also settled in Karetny Row, in the Third House of Soviets.” There Nikita Sergeevich first met his wife Kukharchuk, who lived in a 4-room apartment in the House on the Embankment (Serafimovicha, 2). And about the apartment on Granovsky Street, as Romanov was called then, is in the memories of Nikita Sergeevich himself, his wife and son-in-law Alexei Adzhubey! The son of the Secretary General Nikita later recalled this apartment.”

It’s a pity, it is not known for certain who now lives in that same apartment and whether it is possible to buy it if necessary. But if you ask the agents, they will say that the fact of Khrushchev’s residence on the value of this property is unlikely to have a significant impact. Many of the realtors remember how long and unsuccessfully they tried to raise the price.

Always on top

The area of ​​apartments here reaches 260 square meters, and the smallest apartment (of those that are for sale today) has an area of ​​75 “squares”. Ceiling height - 3.6 meters! Some apartments have fireplaces (of course, not decorative, but working ones).

Some apartments maintain a tribute to tradition: they have classic interiors - stucco, columns (however, sometimes it is difficult to understand - “the same” or reconstructed). In some apartments, the new owners gave preference to the high-tech style - there is black and white parquet flooring, and ultra-modern household appliances, in general, not a hint of the classics. By the way, there are also two-level apartments!

As mentioned above, the house on Romanov Lane is a regular participant in various types of ratings. For example, according to Forbes magazine, this house occupied 45th place in the list of the most expensive real estate with an average price of 1 sq. m. meters 25,203 dollars (according to the fall of 2010, today - from 17 thousand dollars). The first place was then occupied by a new building at 11 Pozharsky Lane (the notorious “Golden Mile”).

And according to the latest data from Penny Lane Realty (January 2012), this house competes with elite new buildings in the capital. The house is loved by expats. By the way, not long ago I was able to talk with a top manager of a large international insurance company, who admitted that he would never want to move from this house and he really likes it there (the company pays his rent). Indeed, the concentration of foreign residents in this house is extremely high - it is enough, as already mentioned, to go into the yard and listen to the conversations of polyglot nannies talking to children in foreign languages. But, of course, among the residents there are also descendants of those famous people whose names everyone can see on memorial plaques nailed to the facade (it seems there are at least a dozen such plaques).

Supply and demand

Despite the limited supply, we managed to find something in the databases. If you exclude obvious duplicates, then there are approximately 10 apartments for sale. There are no “one-room apartments” there; they offer from 2 to 6 rooms, ranging from 75 to 262.8 square meters. meters. The price range is impressive: from 34.5 to 180 million rubles. The latter includes two parking spaces in the courtyard area (although it is not entirely clear where - the parking situation there is tense), the apartment has two separate entrances, three bathrooms, and a fireplace.

The “cheapest” offer is a two-level apartment, but small in area: the second floor is only 15 sq. m. meters, on the first floor there are two rooms, but the apartment has 3 dressing rooms and two bathrooms. The renovation is modern, without classics.

There are much fewer offers for rent. So, an advertisement was found for renting a 4-room apartment for 299 thousand rubles per month. The apartment has a “working” fireplace, the renovation is done in a classic style.

In neighboring houses the rates are not lower. These houses also have their own history, so there is no thought about saving (after all, we remember - the Kremlin is 300 meters from here!). The range of rental rates, for example, in building No. 5 is from 100,000 to 755 thousand rubles per month. For renting a seven-room apartment with a classic renovation, a jacuzzi, five bedrooms and a balcony, it is proposed to pay 600 thousand rubles monthly.

Columnist GdeEtoDom.RU Yulia Zyablikova



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