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The XV International Nettle Festival will be held in Krapivna. International Nettle Festival When is the nettle festival

On this summer day we will make journey to a wonderful plant - Nettle. For most people, nettle causes persistent, unpleasant, burning and prickly associations. And here in the Tula region, in the town of Krapivna, hundreds of people annually gather for a holiday dedicated to Nettle, but not only to “get burned” themselves, but also to “treat” their dearest guests in this way...

Let's go to the capital of the Nettle Festival - Krapivna!
Krapivna is notable for the fact that it is an ancient and once significant settlement. It was a large medieval industrial and merchant city; a large number of vodkas, liqueurs and liqueurs were produced here, there were countless gardens, fields and vegetable gardens. Just at some point railway from Tula they decided to bypass Krapivna, and it turned into a quiet, secluded place in the Russian outback - a real reserve of Russian antiquity, a city-museum under open air , which is an image of a county town of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The uniqueness of Krapivna is that over the past hundred years it has not changed at all: ancient churches, merchant houses and shopping arcades have been preserved here... But once upon a time the main street of the city of Tula was the Krapivnensky tract, and now it is Lenin Avenue.
You visit the Krapivnensky Museum of Local Lore, and guides in love with their city will tell you amazing stories associated with Krapivna - once the district town of the Tula governorship. The Krapivna Museum is both historical, local history, and literary. It has many interesting and beautiful collections: peasant household items, samovars, numismatics, a magnificent collection business cards, postcards from the turn of the century and much more.
All for the Nettle Festival! The main thing is to get burned, or as they say here - “cut your hair.” After all, then the forces of the Earth will come to you, though not for the rest of your life, but at least until the next festival, on whole year. The festival is based on local people. folklore traditions, crafts and the uniqueness of the cultural landscape of the territory.
The residents of Krapivinsk themselves, as well as visitors, adults, and especially children, participate in nettle battles with such pleasure and fearlessness that even you will undoubtedly want to join this “madness.” The rules of the nettle battle are simple: you need to “cut” the enemy as much as possible, while receiving fewer burns yourself. And to make the action more comical, the fighters are blindfolded, although this also serves as protection for the face from possible burns. Of course, it will not be very easy for city residents in such competitions without preparation. Where are you, heroes? Nettle fight is one of the most highlights festival
This plant, familiar to absolutely everyone, is widely used in many areas of our lives: it heals, feeds, and clothes. It is used to prepare salads, soups, sauces, fillings for pies, as well as salted and fermented, brewed into tea and dried. Nettle decoctions and infusions “all black illness is expelled from the body, male strength is restored, internal bleeding is stopped”... The strongest sails, bags and coolies were sewn from nettle fabric in Rus'. She has been praised more than once in Russian fairy tales and literature. Great and good power nettles - after all, this is not only a medicine, but also a sure remedy for intrigues evil spirits and evil slander.

Each of us has ever tried or heard about nettle cabbage soup. A pies with nettle filling have you ever tried it? You will be able to taste such pies at this phyto-festival, and not only them. At the fair, local chefs will offer you many delicious and vitamin-rich dishes from the “hero of the holiday” - nettle. You will also find out secrets of preparing your favorite delicacies.
Local craftsmen will make unique crafts with nettle souvenirs and its derivatives, florists can create unusual flower displays with nettles, and those who want to transform themselves will be able to use the services of phyto-based aqua makeup. In souvenir shops you can purchase various designer products made of glass, leather, felt, linen, beads, and, of course, nettle fiber clothing.

The festive action will take place simultaneously at several open-air venues. IN concert program festivals are planned performances of music, dance and theater groups. Also on the streets of the town you will meet buffoons, mummers and peddlers who will amuse everyone and invite everyone to various funny competitions, organize a fire show, master classes in vocals, medieval weapons, archery, culinary fights and much more.

Tired of noisy fun and folk festivities, they can always go down to the valley of the Plava River, where the “hero of the occasion” - nettles - grows in large quantities, and get plenty of “burnt” memories.
Coming to Krapivna for the Nettle Festival means taking part in an amazing celebration of life, the main values ​​of which are creation with Nature and Beauty.

Arrival in Moscow late in the evening, depending on the transport situation.

Travel time: ≈ 4 hours.

Simferopol highway ≈ 230 km.

Duration of the excursion: ≈16 hours. Excursion program:
- travel information,
- visit Museum of Local Lore in Krapivna,
- festive program as part of the Nettle Festival.

Cost: adult/child - 1,530 rub./person.

Meeting at 07:15. Departure at 07:30 Art. metro station "Varshavskaya".

The price includes: transport services (tour class buses), travel information, entrance tickets to museums, participation in the Nettle Festival, services of an accompanying guide.

01.06.2018 11:48:00

On June 2, 2018, in the village of Krapivna it will be held for the sixteenth time International festival Nettles. At the beginning of summer, when the burning plant is just gaining its healing powers, we traditionally gather guests for a holiday in its honor.

By ancient beliefs In order to get health, prosperity, love and luck for the whole year, just at this time of year you need to “burn yourself” with nettles. Is it possible to find a more successful place than the one whose coat of arms depicts “six nettle branches placed by a star after the name of this city”?

In the historical center of the ancient county town, which has hardly changed in one and a half hundred years, craftsmen, artists, and musicians from all over the country will gather to recharge themselves with the power of nature for the whole year and transfer this energy to the guests of the holiday. The main goal of the festival is the revival of ancient trades and crafts, so each of its sites is associated either with the symbol of Krapivna, or with folk art and the history of this place. Throughout the day the festival will feature ethno and jazz music.

Festival program:

Excursions and exhibitions at the Krapivensky Museum. 9:00 – 20:00

Visitors will be able to get acquainted with the history of Krapivna as a fortress and a county town and will see the exhibition of competitive works “Nettle History”.

"Museum Street" 12:00 – 22:00

One of the streets of Krapivna will become an open-air museum, where guests will get acquainted with the history of the city and the holiday.

Nettle fights. 12:00 – 19:00

Armed with nettles, the competition participants will determine which of them is the hardiest. You can try your hand at both doubles and team competitions. There is only one restriction: you cannot hit the face with nettles.

Fair and master classes. 12:00 – 20:00

Once upon a time, Krapivensk fairs were famous throughout Russia; traders from the most remote provinces sought to attend them. Reviving the memory of these distant times, on central square Krapivna will host a crafts fair where you can purchase products self made, numerous souvenirs from different regions of Russia, paintings by Tula and Krapiven artists, and also take part in unique master classes.

– Making nettle thread (12:00 – 19:00). Based on the experience of craftsmen from different regions of Russia, a unique technology for creating nettle thread has been restored, which our guests can learn. Among the participants in the master class will be Ekaterina and Maxim Zernov, the authors of the “Traditional Tula Weaving” project.

– Master class on drawing: nettle still life and nettle portrait (12:00 – 19:00). Under the guidance of teachers and students of the Tula Design Department state university everyone can create a nettle still life or portrait. Those who are not ready to try their hand at drawing will be able to order their own cartoon “portrait in the nettles”. An exhibition and sale of paintings by Tula and Krapivna artists “Krapivna – a city of artists” will also be organized.

Food zone: food with nettles. 12:00 – 20:00

Festival guests will be able to refresh themselves and appreciate the taste of the main symbol of the holiday in the food zone, where dishes and drinks with nettles will be prepared according to recipes from cuisines of different nations.

Site of historical reconstruction "District Assembly". 12:00 – 18:00

In this photo zone, our guests will be able to travel back a century and a half, to late XIX century - the heyday of the county town.

Cossack site of historical reconstruction. 12:00 – 18:00

Farm Cossack Society of Shchekinsky District and Central Cossack army will present real Cossack fun: lessons in wielding a saber and cutting vines under a hat. Those who wish will be able to take a photo in the Cossack Prava. The ensemble “Naughty Busts” will create a special atmosphere on this site.

Popular science platform “Nettle Microworld”. 12:00 – 19:00

To the most curious guests of the festival, teachers from Tula pedagogical university them. L.N. Tolstoy will tell you why nettle stings, what happens to its leaves when we touch them, how to get natural dyes from nettles and much, much more.

Music scene. Starts at 12:00

Throughout the day, ethno and jazz music will be played on stage.

12:00 – Adelina Moiseeva is a quarter-finalist of the “Voice” project, laureate of the “Young People Sing Jazz” competition.

13:00 – Vasily Senichev – Tula musician, lyricist and vocalist of the group “Happiness is Inside”, participant in the project “ Main stage 2" and the festival "Wild Mint".

14:30 – Mila Kirievskaya and the group “Letopis” - Moscow musicians will present their own legendary songs in which the past and present are intertwined.

16:00 – “La Verdun” – a Tula group performing traditional Scottish and Irish melodies and European medieval music

17:30 – Inna Bondar and the group “Balkanitsa” will present a musical journey through the Balkans, including music from Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Moldova.

19:30 – art group “Meidelekh” - participants in the “Main Stage” show, performing hits of the 50-60-70s, as well as modern songs.

For reference:

The first Nettle Festival was held in 2003 on the initiative of Vladimir Tolstoy, then director of the estate museum " Yasnaya Polyana" Among the main objectives of the festival is the preservation Russian culture and involving the general public in the revival of Krapivna, the former district center associated with the life and work of Leo Tolstoy.

What will you associate with the name of the village of Krapivna in the Tula region? Of course, with nettles! And you won’t be alone - here, “in the most nettle-filled place in Russia,” a nettle festival has been held once a year in the summer for 16 years. Yesterday I had a chance to visit it.

Nettle is over 600 years old. And this is only her known age, from the moment she was mentioned in Dmitry Donskoy’s will. Once upon a time it was a city, but not an ordinary one - many events and personalities in Russian history are connected with Krapivna. Battles of the Time of Troubles, peasant uprisings, the residence of False Dmitry I and the assault by the “Tushinsky thief” - everyone remembers these places.
Now Krapivna has long been demoted in status - it has become a village from a city. However, the place has not lost its special atmosphere, which forces you not to pass by it on the road, but still turn off.
I’ll show you the village separately, and today we’ll take a walk at the festival.

1. From early morning, Krapivna was preparing for the festival. Excursions, master classes, a concert, a large fair with souvenirs and handicrafts and, of course, various dishes were prepared for the guests.

2. It was especially interesting to meet different foods from nettles. We bought pies with “simply nettles”

4. More pies. For every taste)

5. Birch kvass with nettles. A liter cost 170 rubles, 0.5 liters - 100. Sour, reminded me of the taste of mushroom in a jar, also from childhood. Who remembers this one?

6. How do you like the size? Now just over 1000 people live in Krapivna. So the whole village can be fed at once)

7. The highlight of the festival is nettle fights

8. Anyone can participate. The rules are simple - fight with nettle brooms, but do not hit in the face. Whoever fights more actively and holds out longer without breaking or losing the “weapon” wins

9. Competitions take place in a special ring, along the perimeter of which there are spectators and fans. Not only men, but also women and even girls took part.

10. By the way, the music was okay. “Trynts-drynts”, which hits the brain and makes you run away, I haven’t heard

After the trip, I decided to google a little information about the singer Adelina Moiseeva, who performed (she is in the photo), and found this video. On “The Voice” in 2016, she performed the song “You Are So Beautiful” by Joe Cocker. Singing since age 3

11. And the people had fun and danced

12. This grandfather actually did everything and everyone that day! It was clear that he knows how and loves to dance

13. Thanks to him for decorating the festival)

14. Various people came to the holiday: D

15. For guests, one of the streets of Krapivna became a museum for the day

16. Master class on weaving and yarning nettle thread. Remember Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans"? There Eliza saved her brothers, who were turned into swans, and wove nettle shirts for them.
I hope that the theme of this tale will be presented in more detail at the next nettle festivals in Krapivna. It would be cool to organize a masquerade procession through the streets of the village or a performance

17. In the 19th century, Krapivna was a district town of the Tula governorship

18. Drawings on Museum Street

21. And again returning to food)
It turns out that you can make many dishes and drinks from nettles! Beer, juices, teas, cocktails and even smoothies)

22. I also hope that this will still please all of us at the nettle holidays of the future

23. Yes, I want to come to them, return to Krapivna and say hello to everyone from this place)

For the opportunity to attend the holiday and discover a new place for myself, I thank the Factory of unique excursions “Russian Traveler”.

I already have considerable travel experience, I have read many books, articles and websites about wonderful places, where I want to go, but imagine my surprise when, having learned about these talented guys who were truly in love with traveling around Russia, I began to get acquainted with their travel program. Unusual festivals, not the most popular, but no less wonderful noble nests, not spoiled by the visits of tourists to the city. Balls and performances in estates, interactive programs, master classes, tastings!

Yes, all this is the feature of “Factory”. Here tourists will be offered non-standard routes. No trips and crammed guides that have been washed away for years! If there is a fairly well-known object in the program, everything will be done here to bring to you a new look at the seemingly familiar and old.

Multi-day tours include accommodation in country complexes and cottages in environmentally friendly places. You can go to the bathhouse and breathe fresh air, take a break from the metropolis. The relaxation of tourists not only with a cultural program, but also with soul and body, is also given great attention here.

You can make friends, ask questions, find out the schedule of tours on the page at

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Every year in the small town of Krapivna, in the Tula region, an unusual and cheerful holiday takes place at the beginning of summer - the Nettle Festival.

This event attracts the attention of guests with different corners our country. Thousands of people come to the holiday, knowing first-hand the healing properties of nettle, which is quite unfairly popular among the people as nothing more than a weed.

Nettle Festival - Tula Region - 2019

So, Nettle Festival 2019 this year will take place according to tradition at the beginning of summer, namely June 1, 2019 in Krapivna, a town in the Tula region.

We invite you to the most unusual and most interesting nettle event of the year #Nettle Festival

It will be interesting.

About the Festival

Once a year, a small but very beautiful town called Krapivna becomes noisy and bustling. The reason for this is a very interesting and cheerful holiday - the Nettle Festival, which is held here in early June, when this healing herb is especially useful and full of juices.

Nettle gave its name and special charm to this cozy city, which has a rich history.

Local residents say that the nettles that grow here are special. Thanks to this herb, you can recharge your health and natural forces for the whole year. And it is not for nothing that this stinging herb is so praised, because in fact, nettle has healing properties, it is full of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for a person after a long and cold winter.

Undoubtedly, this herb evokes unpleasant memories for some. Almost every one of us has been burned by nettles.

For some, on the contrary, the smell of nettles evokes pleasant memories from childhood. Remember how often in the spring our grandmothers in the villages treated us to delicious and aromatic nettle cabbage soup. It was simply impossible to get away from such a delicacy by the ears.

But, nevertheless, hundreds and even thousands of guests gather for the holiday. They are all united by one thing - love for this fiery grass. Why? - you ask. We will try to tell you.


The festival program is always interesting and filled with exciting events.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that the place here is truly magical. Here the scenery is amazingly beautiful views: green meadows and open spaces surrounded by the fresh greenery of forests.

The organizers of the festival every time try to surprise their guests with unusual entertainment and amusements.

The hallmark of the holiday is nettle fights, in which only the bravest and bravest take part. The guests whip each other with nettles until someone gives up. But, it is worth warning: if you have health contraindications or allergies, you should not take part in this fun. It is better to remain a spectator at the festival. You will have a lot interesting activities in addition to nettle fights.

The Nettle Festival is, above all, great music. Here you will hear wonderful jazz and ethno style.

It is especially worth noting the efforts of housewives who try to surprise with nettle dishes, the variety of which here can only be marveled at.

The fair is represented by an impressive number of masters and artisans who present their creations. Here you can buy interesting souvenirs for your loved ones.

The most curious will be able to take part in master classes.


We invite you to see for yourself how the nettle festival takes place in the Tula region. Enjoy watching!

On June 2, 2018, the International Nettle Festival (0+) will be held for the sixteenth time in the village of Krapivna. At the beginning of summer, when the burning plant is just gaining its healing powers, the Shchekinsky district traditionally gathers guests for a holiday in its honor.

How reports press service of the Shchekino administration, in the historical center of the ancient county town, which has hardly changed in one and a half hundred years, craftsmen, artists, musicians from all over the country will gather to recharge themselves with the power of nature for the whole year and transfer this energy to the guests of the holiday. The main goal of the festival is the revival of ancient trades and crafts, so each of its sites is associated either with the symbol of Krapivna, or with folk art and the history of this place. Throughout the day the festival will feature ethno and jazz music.

Festival program:

Excursions and exhibitions at the Krapivensky Museum. 9:00 – 20:00

Visitors will be able to get acquainted with the history of Krapivna as a fortress and a county town and will see the exhibition of competitive works “Nettle History”.

"Museum Street" 12:00 – 22:00

One of the streets of Krapivna will become an open-air museum, where guests will get acquainted with the history of the city and the holiday.

Nettle fights. 12:00 – 19:00

Armed with nettles, the competition participants will determine which of them is the hardiest. You can try your hand at both doubles and team competitions. There is only one restriction: you cannot hit the face with nettles.

Fair and master classes. 12:00 – 20:00

Once upon a time, Krapivensk fairs were famous throughout Russia; traders from the most remote provinces sought to attend them. Reviving the memory of these distant times, a crafts fair will be located on the central square of Krapivna, where you can purchase handmade products, numerous souvenirs from different regions of Russia, paintings by Tula and Krapivna artists, as well as take part in unique master classes.

– Making nettle thread (12:00 – 19:00). Based on the experience of craftsmen from different regions of Russia, a unique technology for creating nettle thread has been restored, which our guests can learn. Among the participants in the master class will be Ekaterina and Maxim Zernov, the authors of the “Traditional Tula Weaving” project.

– Master class on drawing: nettle still life and nettle portrait (12:00 – 19:00). Under the guidance of teachers and students of the Department of Design of Tula State University, everyone will be able to create a nettle still life or portrait. Those who are not ready to try their hand at drawing will be able to order their own cartoon “portrait in the nettles”. An exhibition and sale of paintings by Tula and Krapivna artists “Krapivna – a city of artists” will also be organized.

Food zone: food with nettles. 12:00 – 20:00

Festival guests will be able to refresh themselves and appreciate the taste of the main symbol of the holiday in the food zone, where dishes and drinks with nettles will be prepared according to recipes from cuisines of different nations.

Site of historical reconstruction "District Assembly". 12:00 – 18:00

In this photo zone, our guests will be able to travel back a century and a half, to the end of the 19th century - the heyday of the county town.

Cossack site of historical reconstruction. 12:00 – 18:00

The Farm Cossack Society of the Shchekinsky District and the Central Cossack Army will present real Cossack fun: lessons in wielding a saber and cutting vines under a hat. Those who wish will be able to take a photo in the Cossack Prava. The ensemble “Naughty Busts” will create a special atmosphere on this site.

Popular science platform “Nettle Microworld”. 12:00 – 19:00

The most curious guests of the festival were teachers from the Tula Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy will tell you why nettle stings, what happens to its leaves when we touch them, how to get natural dyes from nettles and much, much more.

Music scene. Starts at 12:00

Throughout the day, ethno and jazz music will be played on stage.

12:00 – Adelina Moiseeva is a quarter-finalist of the “Voice” project, laureate of the “Young People Sing Jazz” competition.

13:00 – Vasily Senichev is a Tula musician, lyricist and vocalist of the group “Happiness Within”, participant in the “Main Stage 2” project and the “Wild Mint” festival.

14:30 – Mila Kirievskaya and the group “Letopis” - Moscow musicians will present their own legendary songs in which the past and present are intertwined.

16:00 – “La Verdun” – a Tula group performing traditional Scottish and Irish melodies and European medieval music

17:30 – Inna Bondar and the group “Balkanitsa” will present a musical journey through the Balkans, including music from Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Moldova.



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