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In the power of temptation. Kate Hardivo the power of temptation

“They will all benefit when the calendar is released.”

- Please, Nick. For me. For Zander's sake.

“To my horror, there seems to be no choice,” he stated sadly. “But promise me you won’t offer me anything like that again.”

- I promise. Forgive me, Nick. – Mandy bit her lip. “But the department really needs money.”

Lack of funds means a lack of medicines and equipment, which means fewer children will be able to get the treatment they need. And some may even die. This was what Nick feared most, given his nephew's situation.

Now he has a chance to change everything. His action will make it possible for many children to survive, and this is the same as helping Zander. And you only need to take one photo that will make people pay money. One photo without clothes.

Yes, this contradicts his views, but it’s even worse to know that your nephew is dying, and you could, but did not want to help.

“Okay,” Nick breathed. “But first I’ll talk to Leo personally.” I want to know that he correctly understood what they wanted from him. Keep in mind that if he changes his mind, I will abandon this idea. In this case, I promise to personally engage in the sale of calendars, I will force everyone at the barrister school to buy at least one. In addition, I will add some amount of my own. Twice what I earn from the sale.

He will spend time and money - a great alternative to the shame he just had to agree to.

Now it remains to be hoped that he will be able to convince the head of the bar that it will not benefit them to have a photograph of a naked barrister appear in court.

Of course, Leo did not go back on his word. Even after Nick explained the plan to him again. Two weeks later, Nick stood outside the courthouse. Leo had agreed that they would be given room number two, and Nick was very nervous that he might run into someone he knew who might ask what he was doing here if he didn’t have a meeting? Especially with such an excited expression on his face.

SJ Thompson, the photographer, sent him instructions in advance on how to dress: try to ensure that two hours before the shoot he was not wearing anything that could leave marks on his skin, such as socks, a tight collar, a watch, etc. It was unpleasant for Nick to read something that reminded him of the unpleasant procedure ahead of him, and he couldn’t even think about the subsequent reaction of his colleagues to the calendar. The only reassuring thing was that this would help Zander.

To his surprise, no one was waiting for him downstairs. He saw only a girl of about thirty or a little less in black trousers, a black silk shirt and black shoes.

His blond hair was cut very short, almost like military hair. But she doesn’t look at all like the male photographer with whom he agreed to meet.

She looked up from the book, closed it and walked decisively towards Nick.

- Nick Kennedy, I assume?

He blinked in confusion. Apparently, in front of him is a photographer's assistant.

- Thank you for coming on time. I'm Thompson, but you can call me Sammy. “She extended her hand to him.

– Are you SJ Thompson?

The question sounded stupid. Why was he so sure that the photographer was a man?

“I'm afraid so,” she smiled back.

Obviously, he is not the first to react this way to her name.

“Uh, nice to meet you,” Nick answered, feeling even more out of place, and shook the girl’s hand.

Sammy Thompson was the brightest woman he had met in a long time. The short haircut only emphasized her beautiful face. The lips seemed perfect in shape to him, he even wanted to touch them with his fingertip. And then kiss him, barely touching at first, and then dig in with all his might, and she would answer him... Nick shook his head, driving away the obsession.

My God, he's here on business. Even though it’s not quite usual for a courthouse, it’s still on point. Now is not the time for such flights of fancy.

Surprisingly, Nick felt a little better.

This had nothing to do with being a particular gender. Nick always believed that the main thing is that a person does his job well, and gender, orientation, religion do not matter. However, now the fact that Sammy was a woman seemed important. After all, he has to undress in front of her.

Apparently, his thoughts were reflected on his face, because the girl leaned towards him and said:

- It won't be as scary as you think. Also, if it helps, know that I will be looking at you as a model, not as a man. And I'm not in the habit of pestering models.

- Yes of course. Sorry. “It’s been a long time since he felt such emotions as he does now.” I would like to believe that from the outside everything looks decent and Sammy did not notice how he looked at her. - It seems we need to go to hall number two.

Current page: 1 (book has 8 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Kate Hardy
At the mercy of temptation

Falling for Mr. December

Falling for Mr. December © 2015 by Pamela Brooks

“At the mercy of temptation” © ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

© Translation and publication in Russian, ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

Chapter 1

The meaning of the words finally dawned on Sammy and she laughed.

“So you want me to take pictures of naked men for you?”

Aisha, chairwoman of the Friends of Victoria Hospital in London, lowered her eyes and stared at her latte.

- Why are you doing this?

– Clearly, let’s put it more literally. – Sam smiled even wider. – A calendar with cool guys will help raise more funds for the oncology department. Great idea! Do you already have sexy doctors in mind who will pose for me?

“There are a couple,” Marie, the vice-chairman, answered for Aisha. “We thought we could attract other people related to this department.

– For example, patients? To show what patients look like after recovery. Not bad. “It looks like she will have to be naked herself if the selection of models continues with the same success.”

“I meant the patients’ relatives,” Aisha clarified. – There are very interesting people among them: actors, musicians, a gardener, a cook...

– Maybe we should take them off in familiar conditions, at work? – Sammy suggested. - It will be great. So what, they all agree to pose naked?

“Yes,” Aisha answered not very confidently.

Her tone explained everything.

“You didn’t warn them that they would be filmed like this,” Sam nodded.

“We were going to,” Marie assured her. - Believe me, we will persuade them.

– First of all, I will need to conclude an agreement with them, only then can I work. So you need to get consent first. – Sammy opened the electronic organizer. – If we work only in the hospital, I can handle it in a day. But, if you need to go somewhere, then you must first draw up a shooting schedule agreed upon with the models. – She added a few notes. - Look, these are the most convenient days for me, besides yours, I can still do some things. Talk to people and let me know when to start filming.

“Sammy, you’re adorable.” Thanks a lot.

– This is the least I can do. If it weren’t for timely treatment in adolescence and two years ago, I would not be sitting in front of you now. In a sense, I am paying off my debts. – She smiled. - Well, I like your idea. This will really allow you to collect a good amount.

Nick crossed his arms over his chest and looked at his sister:

- Okay, Mandy, tell me.

- Tell me what? – she asked calmly.

“Amanda Kennedy, I’ve known you for thirty-five years.

- Well, you can definitely cross out one year, because you were very young.

“I agree, but by the expression on your face I can always understand what’s on your mind.” You better never sit down to play poker.

“Probably,” Mandy sighed.

Nick knew that today his sister would tell him about his nephew's cancer treatment. Despite her difficult divorce, she still believes in love and happy endings. That’s why he doesn’t give up trying to introduce him to someone, and every time he believes that this girl will probably be the only one for him. He himself stopped believing in love many years ago and long ago realized that no matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve success in your personal life and work at the same time. That's why he chose a career.

Now we will probably talk about some party where Mandy wants to go and needs an escort - him. Well, he is ready to go, but he will immediately warn that he will not meet anyone. At this stage of life, he prefers short and unburdensome relationships.

However, his sister said something that he did not expect to hear at all.

– “Friends of the Hospital” are going to release a calendar to raise more funds for the department.

He knew which department she meant. Oncological. His nephew Zander is being treated there for osteosarcoma.

“If they need a sponsor who is willing to invest money in this, you can count on me.”

Mandy reached out and shook his hand.

“Oh, Nick, I knew you would offer help before I asked.” But that’s not the point, they already have a sponsor.

- Okay, what can I do? Seal? Sale? Payment for the photographer?

- Mmmm, no, something else. By the way, the photographer will work for free.

– What then?

Mandy took a breath.

– You see, they need models.

- I? – Nick was shocked. Of course, my sister is going through a difficult period right now, she is nervous, but suggesting such a thing is simply insane. - But why me?

She looked pointedly at her brother.

– Don’t you remember that at the age of seventeen you were offered to become a model?

“I didn’t answer calls from the agency then,” Nick said indignantly.

He considered this opportunity, which offered a chance to earn money for university, but after a couple of weeks their parents split up and life turned into chaos. Nick forgot about the modeling agency and immersed himself in his studies. Only books and textbooks helped him not to think about his parents’ divorce; it was thanks to them that he was able to survive everything. And later work became his salvation during his own divorce.

- I'm serious, Nick. You will help? They need people who are involved in the oncology department.

As Zander's uncle, he suited them.

– And they also need people with interesting professions.

– What is interesting about being a barrister?

- But of course! You look amazing in your wig and gown.

Nick looked at his sister with all his eyes.

- Mandy, I'm an ordinary person.

- Nothing like this! Firstly, you are my little brother, which already makes you special, and secondly, you are the youngest to be awarded the title of "Queen's Counsel".

Nick winced:

“They don’t care about this.”

Only those involved in jurisprudence can understand the significance of his title. Perhaps they are also fans of a certain type of crime series.

“And you can also help raise money for the department, which is extremely important.”

This argument was the most powerful, and both understood it. How can he refuse? After all, he has the opportunity to help other children who find themselves in the same situation as Zander. An inner voice suggested that perhaps in this way he would be able to force fate to have mercy, give the boy a break and maintain a state of remission. For this Nick was ready to do anything.

- Do you agree? – Mandy asked carefully.

Nick closed his eyes for a few seconds and nodded.

- Fine.

My sister beamed.

- Great. Thank you. I'll give them your phone number and email address. You know, I’ll do it right now, if you don’t mind, they’re waiting for an answer from me.

- Of course. “And yet Mandy is hiding something.” – What else did you want to tell me?

She blinked several times.

- In what sense?

“You’re not telling me something.”

Mandy shrugged and began typing a message.

- Please don't waste your time. Spit it out. “He took a glass of water and leaned back in his chair.

- OK. “The sister straightened up and looked straight into his eyes. - Since you ask... You have to take pictures without clothes.

- What? – Nick almost choked on water.

Naked? Maybe he misunderstood? After all, his sister could not offer him this.

“Nothing unnecessary will be visible,” she hastened to add.

“So I heard right,” Nick nodded.

- First you will be in a judge's robe. And a wig.

He shook his head:

“I can’t agree to this, Mandy.” The head of the bar association won't let me.

- I already allowed it.

What? Leo agreed? But how?

“I spoke to your assistant this morning.” He also thinks the idea is great.

Now it’s clear what those smiles with which he was greeted this morning mean. The news must have spread around everyone in ten seconds, and everyone is happy about such gossip. The fact that Nick himself had no idea what was happening made it even more fun.

“What exactly did Gary tell you?” – Nick asked, lowering his voice, thinking about what he would do to his assistant.

“He arranged a meeting for me with the head of the board, I explained everything to Leo, and he said that he thought the idea was great and promised to get permission to organize filming in court. And he added that he himself would cover all the costs of filming in the building.

“Oh my God,” Nick muttered. After all, the refusal of the authorities was the only way to avoid having to agree. He covered his face with his hands. - Please tell me this is a stupid joke. I beg you to let me have this nightmare. Soon I will wake up and it will all be over. Better - right now.

– Nick, I already wrote to them that you agreed.

Why is Mandy so calm?

“But that was before I learned that I had to film without clothes.” Mandy, this is a terrible idea. Understand, I am a senior barrister, I respect the court. How can I show up naked - or nearly naked - and agree to have this photo printed on a calendar? And it doesn’t matter what noble goals you pursue.

“But Leo said there wouldn’t be any problems.” Nick, I beg you, we need you so much... By the way, you are not the only model who holds an important position. There will be one doctor from the clinic there.

- But it is necessary for his work.

– There is also an actor and musician on the list. And a cook.

“They will all benefit when the calendar is released.”

- Please, Nick. For me. For Zander's sake.

“To my horror, there seems to be no choice,” he stated sadly. “But promise me you won’t offer me anything like that again.”

- I promise. Forgive me, Nick. – Mandy bit her lip. “But the department really needs money.”

Lack of funds means a lack of medicines and equipment, which means fewer children will be able to get the treatment they need. And some may even die. This was what Nick feared most, given his nephew's situation.

Now he has a chance to change everything. His action will make it possible for many children to survive, and this is the same as helping Zander. And you only need to take one photo that will make people pay money. One photo without clothes.

Yes, this contradicts his views, but it’s even worse to know that your nephew is dying, and you could, but did not want to help.

“Okay,” Nick breathed. “But first I’ll talk to Leo personally.” I want to know that he correctly understood what they wanted from him. Keep in mind that if he changes his mind, I will abandon this idea. In this case, I promise to personally engage in the sale of calendars, I will force everyone at the barrister school to buy at least one. In addition, I will add some amount of my own. Twice what I earn from the sale.

He will spend time and money - a great alternative to the shame he just had to agree to.

Now it remains to be hoped that he will be able to convince the head of the bar that it will not benefit them to have a photograph of a naked barrister appear in court.

Chapter 2

Of course, Leo did not go back on his word. Even after Nick explained the plan to him again. Two weeks later, Nick stood outside the courthouse. Leo had agreed that they would be given room number two, and Nick was very nervous that he might run into someone he knew who might ask what he was doing here if he didn’t have a meeting? Especially with such an excited expression on his face.

SJ Thompson, the photographer, sent him instructions in advance on how to dress: try to ensure that two hours before the shoot he was not wearing anything that could leave marks on his skin, such as socks, a tight collar, a watch, etc. It was unpleasant for Nick to read something that reminded him of the unpleasant procedure ahead of him, and he couldn’t even think about the subsequent reaction of his colleagues to the calendar. The only reassuring thing was that this would help Zander.

To his surprise, no one was waiting for him downstairs. He saw only a girl of about thirty or a little less in black trousers, a black silk shirt and black shoes.

His blond hair was cut very short, almost like military hair. But she doesn’t look at all like the male photographer with whom he agreed to meet.

She looked up from the book, closed it and walked decisively towards Nick.

- Nick Kennedy, I assume?

He blinked in confusion. Apparently, in front of him is a photographer's assistant.

- Thank you for coming on time. I'm Thompson, but you can call me Sammy. “She extended her hand to him.

– Are you SJ Thompson?

The question sounded stupid. Why was he so sure that the photographer was a man?

“I'm afraid so,” she smiled back.

Obviously, he is not the first to react this way to her name.

“Uh, nice to meet you,” Nick answered, feeling even more out of place, and shook the girl’s hand.

Sammy Thompson was the brightest woman he had met in a long time. The short haircut only emphasized her beautiful face. The lips seemed perfect in shape to him, he even wanted to touch them with his fingertip. And then kiss him, barely touching at first, and then dig in with all his might, and she would answer him... Nick shook his head, driving away the obsession.

My God, he's here on business. Even though it’s not quite usual for a courthouse, it’s still on point. Now is not the time for such flights of fancy.

Surprisingly, Nick felt a little better.

This had nothing to do with being a particular gender. Nick always believed that the main thing is that a person does his job well, and gender, orientation, religion do not matter. However, now the fact that Sammy was a woman seemed important. After all, he has to undress in front of her.

Apparently, his thoughts were reflected on his face, because the girl leaned towards him and said:

- It won't be as scary as you think. Also, if it helps, know that I will be looking at you as a model, not as a man. And I'm not in the habit of pestering models.

- Yes of course. Sorry. “It’s been a long time since he felt such emotions as he does now.” I would like to believe that from the outside everything looks decent and Sammy did not notice how he looked at her. - It seems we need to go to hall number two.

– All my things are already there, although I haven’t installed the equipment yet. First we’ll decide where to shoot, then I’ll arrange everything, it won’t take much time. And now the contract and everything connected with it.

Nick tensed.

– Firstly, I want to inform you that you will have insurance in case of bodily injuries, for example, to your face, however, this does not mean that they will certainly occur. Secondly, you must sign the contract. It is standard, there is nothing special about it, but I still insist that you read each point in detail and ask questions as necessary. – The eyes of an amazing sea green color sparkled. – Although in your case it may be unnecessary. It is unlikely that any wording will be incomprehensible to you.

“I hope so,” Nick nodded. He felt hot around Sammy Thompson. Why does he react this way?

- Shall we go? - She gestured to the door, on which she hung a sign: “Do not enter.” “I assume you had to work in one of these rooms.”

- Fine. Then you will feel comfortable.

How can he be comfortable considering what he has to do?

– Usually, I am in this room in clothes.

She nodded towards the suitcase in his hand.

“I assume this is what you usually wear?”

Nick nodded.

“I brought everything because I don’t know what could be useful.”

- Fine. Get it.

He took turns laying out some of the contents of the suitcase on the table.

Sammy looked at her things: shirt, trousers, tailcoat.

– Isn’t there a regular men’s suit under the robe? – she asked in surprise.

“That was before I received the silk robe and the title of Queen's Counsel.

“That means you're a senior barrister, right?”

- Yes. That's why I wear a tailcoat.

Nick brought out the mania.

– And this, as I understand it, is your silk robe.

- Can? – She extended her hand.

- For what? – Nick frowned.

“I need to see how it reflects the light.” I promise to be very careful. One of my friends is a designer of wedding dresses, I took a lot of photographs for her, so I know how to handle the fabric so as not to spoil it.

- Yes, sure.

He accidentally touched her hand and an electric current ran through her veins. My God, what is happening? He had never reacted this way to the presence of a woman in his life. Moreover, a complete stranger.

Maybe it's because he hasn't been in a relationship for a long time? The body reacts quite naturally, especially since Sammy is amazingly beautiful. We need to pull ourselves together, they are here on business, now is not the place or time for such emotions.

Sam looked at the fabric from different angles and nodded with satisfaction.

- Clear. Will you have a lace collar or am I confusing something?

- This is a formal attire. I usually wear a turtleneck collar that attaches to the shirt and a white scarf. “He took it out of the suitcase and handed it to Sammy.

- It looks like a double tie.

– It symbolizes two languages. This was determined back in the sixteenth century. One language is to defend the rights of the rich for a fee, in order to reward oneself for long studies, the second is to defend the poor for free.

- I like it. So you protect the poor?

– Usually I am on the side of the prosecution, but an English barrister can also choose the side of the defense. I act in the interests of the client, and it doesn’t matter to me whether he is rich or poor.

Sammy liked this attitude. Considering Nick Kennedy's position, she expected a somewhat arrogant type, but she liked the man. He had smart brown eyes. He was nervous, but determined. He was unsettled by the news that the photographer was a woman, but he probably made a promise to someone that he could not afford to break.

Sammy understood why the committee had asked him to pose for the calendar. This man is very photogenic and has an outstanding appearance. He could be the model for a better perfume or aftershave ad. It doesn’t often happen that a person with such appearance also has intelligence. This combination involuntarily attracts.

Still, don’t forget that she’s at work. Now it is necessary to do everything to make the person comfortable. And she herself told him that she was not in the habit of flirting with models.

Perhaps for the first time she had the desire to do this.

He had to remain professional and not remember the shiver that ran through his body the moment he shook her hand. A question involuntarily arose in her head: what sensations would she experience if his lips touched her skin?

After all, she knows nothing about this man. He doesn't have a wedding ring, but that doesn't mean anything. Such a handsome guy was probably picked up many years ago.

-You have a very short haircut. Did you serve in the army or is this to make it more comfortable to wear a wig?

– Yes, this way the wig causes less inconvenience. By the way, here he is. – Nick took it out of the suitcase. Even rows of pale gray curls and two small tails hanging neatly at the back.

“A wig is traditionally associated with a lawyer,” Sammy noted. “You will definitely need to wear it and a robe.” Maybe I'll take some pictures without the robe.

– What else can I wear? – Nick asked with hope in his voice.

– I’m afraid you definitely won’t be able to wear trousers, a shirt or a tailcoat. Despite the fact that they are beautifully sewn.

Nick winced.

– Put on, for example, a collar or this jabot.

She saw from the expression on his face that his first desire was to correct her mistake, for it was not a frill, but he restrained himself. Nick is clearly trying to demonstrate that he is determined to work without complaints or reproaches. Perhaps her desire to make fun of him is not the most correct tactic of behavior.

“Thank you,” Nick nodded.

Sammy smiled.

“I told you, you’re just a model for me.”

She needs to get him to relax. Judging by how willingly he talked about the items of the lawyer's suit, it was best to talk to him about work now.

– Tell us about the court hearing so that it will be easier for me to understand where to film you.

She already knew very well where she would film it, since she usually studied the interior in advance and figured out where, what and how best to do it.

– Right in front of us is the judge’s pulpit.

- Here he is banging with a hammer, right?

Nick laughed.

– It looks like you’ve watched a lot of TV series. English judges do not have gavels.

She knew, but he shouldn't guess about it. It looks like her plan is working. The only problem is that he laughs so sexy that now it’s difficult for her to concentrate on work and not think about his visual attractiveness.

No, Sam wasn't planning a new romance right now. The work was taking up too much time, and besides, she still needed time to recover from her relationship with yet another Mr. Wrong. As a rule, the men who came across her life either ran away without looking back, having learned about her past, or decided that they should behave like a knight and tried to protect her from everything bad, creating a dense cocoon around her in which she could not breathe. And no one saw her as just a woman.

Perhaps they are right, and she can no longer be called a real woman, we should not blame only them.

After Bryn broke her heart, Sammy decided it was safer to devote herself to work, family and friends.

A few months ago, she worked as a photographer at a wedding, and at some point she felt sad - two more of her friends fell in love with each other and decided to build a nest. Of course, she was happy for both of them, but she felt lonely. She even felt sorry for herself. After all, even if she meets her man, no one can guarantee that this story will have a happy ending. Not if he wants to have children. She won't be able to give them to him.

Sammy shook off her sad thoughts. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. She has a wonderful life, a loving family, friends who are willing to share her joys and sorrows, and a job that she truly loves. To want more would be impudence on her part.

– So, here is the court secretary, here is the bailiff, and here is the person who makes an audio recording of the process or takes shorthand. “He walked along the rows. - And here is the barristers' bench. However, we stand when we turn to the court. The defense barrister sits closer to the jury, while the prosecution barrister sits next to the witness box. Solicitors sit behind the barristers, where the defendants sit. Further on there are benches for the public and the press.

“I think it makes sense to film you in the place you usually occupy during the process,” Sammy decided. This is exactly what she planned. – Could you go there?

- Dressed? – Nick asked uncertainly.

“Yes,” she smiled. - Now yes. If you don't mind, could you put on your robe - I'll check the lights.

Nick nodded and did as she asked. As he stood by the bench, she noticed that he was nervous again.

- Listen, your photograph will not appear on the front pages of newspapers with an offensive headline. The idea behind creating a calendar is to take artistic photographs of beautiful people. If you think that the bench does not protect you enough, you can take, for example, papers. Do you usually have some documents with you, folders with a pink ribbon?

– Client records. The defense has a pink ribbon, the prosecution has a white one.

Sam sighed:

– Please stand still for a few seconds.

Nick obeyed and she was able to quickly take a few pictures. She walked up to Nick and showed them:

- Do you see? The end result will look different, but the overall composition will be the same. Do you understand that your human dignity will not be harmed?

- Sorry. – Nick lowered his eyes. – I understand that I’m funny, but this is very far from what I do every day.

“That’s how all the models for this calendar behaved,” Sammy grinned. - Except for the actor. He felt quite comfortable. I'm guessing he's had to do something similar before. In the name of art, of course.

“Of course,” Nick nodded. His face still remained worried.

– But you also act in court, isn’t this akin to acting?

– To some extent, perhaps. But like I said, I'm fully clothed at this time.

– Yes, your work is special. I have no doubt that your loved ones are proud of you.

– I hope my sister and nephew.

– He is being treated in the department, right?

Nick nodded:

– Now Zander’s disease is in remission.

Suddenly Sam understood why he had done this. He hoped that fate would show mercy to his nephew if he took part in a charity project. Her own sister begged for the same thing, Jenny cut her hair with Sam. Every two years.

She wondered why Zander's father didn't show any desire to pose for the calendar, but decided that the family chose Nick because he was more photogenic.

She shouldn't care anyway, she's here to get the job done.

- Great, we can start. There are no windows in the room, no one will enter the door without warning, so you can calmly undress, and I will prepare everything.

Nick had no desire to undress. None.

But he gave his word and could not break it.

– What should I wear? – he asked.

- A wig, a collar and these ribbons. Let's take a few pictures without the robe, and then with it on. Have you ignored my recommendations so that clothing marks do not remain on your body?

- Great. Let's get started.

Nick was extremely embarrassed. In addition, it was unusual for him to be in a collar without a shirt. He put on his robe and headed towards the bench. The silky fabric hugged the body soothingly.

“You can sit down,” Sammy said. - And take the papers.

It's good that he accidentally took the folder with him.

-You don't wear glasses?

- It's a pity. I should have taken a few with me to choose from.

– Why do I need glasses? – Nick frowned.

– They make a person look smarter and more serious.

He didn’t understand whether she was laughing at him or not, but he decided to look her straight in the eyes and saw the cunning.

- Very funny.

- Yes, my lord. Or should I say: your honor?

Nick's eyes widened.

- So I turn to the judge. They say to me: my learned friend.

A mischievous smile appeared on her face, making Sam Thompson irresistible.

This is completely inappropriate.

Nick tried to distract himself. There's no ring on the finger, but that doesn't mean anything. He's not in the mood for an affair; his divorce from Naomi three years ago completely discouraged him from this desire. All women are essentially alike. Just because he finds Sam attractive doesn't change anything. He will never allow himself to be drawn into something that brings so much suffering.

Nick pushed the stupid thoughts out of his head and concentrated on Sam's instructions. He stood up, sat down, turned around as she ordered.

- Fine. Now take off the robe, let's take a few more shots.

- Are you sure?

- Quite. What a modest person you are, though. If you behave well and give me the opportunity to finish everything quickly, I will treat you to dinner.

Nick blinked.

- Dinner? For what?

– Because before you I had two sessions with other models and I didn’t have time to have lunch, now I’m dying of hunger. I apologize in advance for the rumbling in my stomach. Over dinner, you and I can look at the pictures, and you can tell us which ones you approve of. However, if your girlfriend or wife is waiting for you, you can call her and invite her to join us. I have nothing against.

Nick shrugged.

– I don’t have a girlfriend. And there is no wife. “For some reason, this all looks like an invitation to a date.” -Will your friend mind?

- Will not be. Because that's my job. Besides, I don't have one.

This means that she is currently single. Free...

No and no. He won't date anyone. There will be nothing serious in his life anymore.

“The faster we finish, the faster we can eat.” And the less likely it is that you will see me angry and grumpy. Get to work, my learned friend, take off your robe. And consider yourself lucky.

- Are you lucky? Why?

– You will be Mr. December in our calendar, I could suggest you wear a Santa hat. Or make you take a sprig of mistletoe in your hand. Or,” Sam raised her hand, “she would ask her to take a certain pose.”

Yes, perhaps I was really lucky. We need to quickly turn off our fantasy. Now that he is naked, his body's reaction can become obvious and put him in a terrible situation.

“I understand you,” he responded dryly and sat down on the bench.

Sam looked him over and thought that Nick Kennedy had a very impressive appearance. Broad shoulders, well-developed muscles, six-pack abs, just enough chest hair to look sexy and not look like a gorilla. Looks like Mr. December will be the best one on the calendar. They would probably be able to profitably sell a calendar with only his image.

He noticed that he had neither a wife nor a girlfriend, and Sam could not understand why such an attractive man was lonely. Maybe he is too passionate about work and women can’t stand it? Or does it have some serious shortcomings?

- What? – Nick asked, seeing that Sam was not taking his eyes off him.

- Nothing. “She turned away and took the camera, embarrassed by her behavior. She said that she treats people only as models, but Nicholas Kennedy is too good not to notice his beauty. He is five or six years older than thirty-year-old Sam and is at the best age for career development.

Sam made a few more comments. To her delight, he visibly relaxed, allowing her to take some side and rear shots. Oh, even his back was beautiful. His body was reminiscent of the statues of Greek gods. She would gladly take several pictures of him completely naked, which, of course, he would never agree to.

- Great. That's all. You can get dressed. I'll put all the photos on my laptop and we can go to dinner.

“Are you sure I’m dressed appropriately for a restaurant today?”

Sammy laughed.

“I was planning to go to Dorchester or Claridge’s, so there won’t be any problems.”

Sam inserted the memory card into the computer and began assembling the equipment.

-Can I turn around? – she asked, still standing with her back to him.

- Of course, please.

He stood in front of her not in the striped T-shirt he had come in, but in a shirt - without a collar - and trousers.

Her heart jumped. In a formal suit, worn with some casualness, he looked incredibly sexy and could well take first place in the ranking of the sexiest men in the world. She barely restrained herself from taking out the camera again.

- Is that normal? – Nick asked.

No. Not normal at all. She felt childishly excited around him, and there was nothing good about that.

You need to call on your whole sense of humor to help.

- Certainly. I'm lucky. I go to dinner with a scantily clad man. Are you really such a fastidious person that you can't wear a T-shirt to dinner?

- It's not a matter of scrupulousness. It's just more comfortable for me.

“Now you're going to look really weird at a place that serves hamburgers.”

- Not scary. Hamburgers are great.

Does he really think she will believe it? Such a man would only look good in a Michelin star restaurant with a glass of expensive wine in his hand.

Kate Hardy

At the mercy of temptation


Falling for Mr. December

Falling for Mr. December © 2015 by Pamela Brooks

“At the mercy of temptation” © ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

© Translation and publication in Russian, ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

The meaning of the words finally dawned on Sammy and she laughed.

“So you want me to take pictures of naked men for you?”

Aisha, chairwoman of the Friends of Victoria Hospital in London, lowered her eyes and stared at her latte.

- Why are you doing this?

– Clearly, let’s put it more literally. – Sam smiled even wider. – A calendar with cool guys will help raise more funds for the oncology department. Great idea! Do you already have sexy doctors in mind who will pose for me?

“There are a couple,” Marie, the vice-chairman, answered for Aisha. “We thought we could attract other people related to this department.

– For example, patients? To show what patients look like after recovery. Not bad. “It looks like she will have to be naked herself if the selection of models continues with the same success.”

“I meant the patients’ relatives,” Aisha clarified. – There are very interesting people among them: actors, musicians, a gardener, a cook...

– Maybe we should take them off in familiar conditions, at work? – Sammy suggested. - It will be great. So what, they all agree to pose naked?

“Yes,” Aisha answered not very confidently.

Her tone explained everything.

“You didn’t warn them that they would be filmed like this,” Sam nodded.

“We were going to,” Marie assured her. - Believe me, we will persuade them.

– First of all, I will need to conclude an agreement with them, only then can I work. So you need to get consent first. – Sammy opened the electronic organizer. – If we work only in the hospital, I can handle it in a day. But, if you need to go somewhere, then you must first draw up a shooting schedule agreed upon with the models. – She added a few notes. - Look, these are the most convenient days for me, besides yours, I can still do some things. Talk to people and let me know when to start filming.

“Sammy, you’re adorable.” Thanks a lot.

– This is the least I can do. If it weren’t for timely treatment in adolescence and two years ago, I would not be sitting in front of you now. In a sense, I am paying off my debts. – She smiled. - Well, I like your idea. This will really allow you to collect a good amount.

Nick crossed his arms over his chest and looked at his sister:

- Okay, Mandy, tell me.

- Tell me what? – she asked calmly.

“Amanda Kennedy, I’ve known you for thirty-five years.

- Well, you can definitely cross out one year, because you were very young.

“I agree, but by the expression on your face I can always understand what’s on your mind.” You better never sit down to play poker.

“Probably,” Mandy sighed.

Nick knew that today his sister would tell him about his nephew's cancer treatment. Despite her difficult divorce, she still believes in love and happy endings. That’s why he doesn’t give up trying to introduce him to someone, and every time he believes that this girl will probably be the only one for him. He himself stopped believing in love many years ago and long ago realized that no matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve success in your personal life and work at the same time. That's why he chose a career.

Now we will probably talk about some party where Mandy wants to go and needs an escort - him. Well, he is ready to go, but he will immediately warn that he will not meet anyone. At this stage of life, he prefers short and unburdensome relationships.

However, his sister said something that he did not expect to hear at all.

– “Friends of the Hospital” are going to release a calendar to raise more funds for the department.

He knew which department she meant. Oncological. His nephew Zander is being treated there for osteosarcoma.

“If they need a sponsor who is willing to invest money in this, you can count on me.”

Mandy reached out and shook his hand.

“Oh, Nick, I knew you would offer help before I asked.” But that’s not the point, they already have a sponsor.

- Okay, what can I do? Seal? Sale? Payment for the photographer?

- Mmmm, no, something else. By the way, the photographer will work for free.

– What then?

Mandy took a breath.

– You see, they need models.

- I? – Nick was shocked. Of course, my sister is going through a difficult period right now, she is nervous, but suggesting such a thing is simply insane. - But why me?

She looked pointedly at her brother.

– Don’t you remember that at the age of seventeen you were offered to become a model?

“I didn’t answer calls from the agency then,” Nick said indignantly.

He considered this opportunity, which offered a chance to earn money for university, but after a couple of weeks their parents split up and life turned into chaos. Nick forgot about the modeling agency and immersed himself in his studies. Only books and textbooks helped him not to think about his parents’ divorce; it was thanks to them that he was able to survive everything. And later work became his salvation during his own divorce.

- I'm serious, Nick. You will help? They need people who are involved in the oncology department.

As Zander's uncle, he suited them.

– And they also need people with interesting professions.

– What is interesting about being a barrister?

- But of course! You look amazing in your wig and gown.

Nick looked at his sister with all his eyes.

- Mandy, I'm an ordinary person.

- Nothing like this! Firstly, you are my little brother, which already makes you special, and secondly, you are the youngest to be awarded the title of "Queen's Counsel".

Nick winced:

“They don’t care about this.”

Only those involved in jurisprudence can understand the significance of his title. Perhaps they are also fans of a certain type of crime series.

“And you can also help raise money for the department, which is extremely important.”

This argument was the most powerful, and both understood it. How can he refuse? After all, he has the opportunity to help other children who find themselves in the same situation as Zander. An inner voice suggested that perhaps in this way he would be able to force fate to have mercy, give the boy a break and maintain a state of remission. For this Nick was ready to do anything.

- Do you agree? – Mandy asked carefully.

Nick closed his eyes for a few seconds and nodded.

- Fine.

Falling for Mr. December

Falling for Mr. December © 2015 by Pamela Brooks

“At the mercy of temptation” © ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

© Translation and publication in Russian, ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

Chapter 1

The meaning of the words finally dawned on Sammy and she laughed.

“So you want me to take pictures of naked men for you?”

Aisha, chairwoman of the Friends of Victoria Hospital in London, lowered her eyes and stared at her latte.

- Why are you doing this?

– Clearly, let’s put it more literally. – Sam smiled even wider. – A calendar with cool guys will help raise more funds for the oncology department. Great idea! Do you already have sexy doctors in mind who will pose for me?

“There are a couple,” Marie, the vice-chairman, answered for Aisha. “We thought we could attract other people related to this department.

– For example, patients? To show what patients look like after recovery. Not bad. “It looks like she will have to be naked herself if the selection of models continues with the same success.”

“I meant the patients’ relatives,” Aisha clarified. – There are very interesting people among them: actors, musicians, a gardener, a cook...

– Maybe we should take them off in familiar conditions, at work? – Sammy suggested. - It will be great. So what, they all agree to pose naked?

“Yes,” Aisha answered not very confidently.

Her tone explained everything.

“You didn’t warn them that they would be filmed like this,” Sam nodded.

“We were going to,” Marie assured her. - Believe me, we will persuade them.

– First of all, I will need to conclude an agreement with them, only then can I work. So you need to get consent first. – Sammy opened the electronic organizer. – If we work only in the hospital, I can handle it in a day. But, if you need to go somewhere, then you must first draw up a shooting schedule agreed upon with the models. – She added a few notes. - Look, these are the most convenient days for me, besides yours, I can still do some things. Talk to people and let me know when to start filming.

“Sammy, you’re adorable.” Thanks a lot.

– This is the least I can do. If it weren’t for timely treatment in adolescence and two years ago, I would not be sitting in front of you now. In a sense, I am paying off my debts. – She smiled. - Well, I like your idea. This will really allow you to collect a good amount.

Nick crossed his arms over his chest and looked at his sister:

- Okay, Mandy, tell me.

- Tell me what? – she asked calmly.

“Amanda Kennedy, I’ve known you for thirty-five years.

- Well, you can definitely cross out one year, because you were very young.

“I agree, but by the expression on your face I can always understand what’s on your mind.” You better never sit down to play poker.

“Probably,” Mandy sighed.

Nick knew that today his sister would tell him about his nephew's cancer treatment. Despite her difficult divorce, she still believes in love and happy endings. That’s why he doesn’t give up trying to introduce him to someone, and every time he believes that this girl will probably be the only one for him. He himself stopped believing in love many years ago and long ago realized that no matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve success in your personal life and work at the same time. That's why he chose a career.

Now we will probably talk about some party where Mandy wants to go and needs an escort - him. Well, he is ready to go, but he will immediately warn that he will not meet anyone. At this stage of life, he prefers short and unburdensome relationships.

However, his sister said something that he did not expect to hear at all.

– “Friends of the Hospital” are going to release a calendar to raise more funds for the department.

He knew which department she meant. Oncological. His nephew Zander is being treated there for osteosarcoma.

“If they need a sponsor who is willing to invest money in this, you can count on me.”

Mandy reached out and shook his hand.

“Oh, Nick, I knew you would offer help before I asked.” But that’s not the point, they already have a sponsor.

- Okay, what can I do? Seal? Sale? Payment for the photographer?

- Mmmm, no, something else. By the way, the photographer will work for free.

– What then?

Mandy took a breath.

– You see, they need models.

- I? – Nick was shocked. Of course, my sister is going through a difficult period right now, she is nervous, but suggesting such a thing is simply insane. - But why me?

She looked pointedly at her brother.

– Don’t you remember that at the age of seventeen you were offered to become a model?

“I didn’t answer calls from the agency then,” Nick said indignantly.

He considered this opportunity, which offered a chance to earn money for university, but after a couple of weeks their parents split up and life turned into chaos. Nick forgot about the modeling agency and immersed himself in his studies. Only books and textbooks helped him not to think about his parents’ divorce; it was thanks to them that he was able to survive everything. And later work became his salvation during his own divorce.

- I'm serious, Nick. You will help? They need people who are involved in the oncology department.

As Zander's uncle, he suited them.

– And they also need people with interesting professions.

– What is interesting about being a barrister?

- But of course! You look amazing in your wig and gown.

Nick looked at his sister with all his eyes.

- Mandy, I'm an ordinary person.

- Nothing like this! Firstly, you are my little brother, which already makes you special, and secondly, you are the youngest to be awarded the title of "Queen's Counsel".

Nick winced:

“They don’t care about this.”

Only those involved in jurisprudence can understand the significance of his title. Perhaps they are also fans of a certain type of crime series.

“And you can also help raise money for the department, which is extremely important.”

This argument was the most powerful, and both understood it. How can he refuse? After all, he has the opportunity to help other children who find themselves in the same situation as Zander. An inner voice suggested that perhaps in this way he would be able to force fate to have mercy, give the boy a break and maintain a state of remission. For this Nick was ready to do anything.

- Do you agree? – Mandy asked carefully.

Nick closed his eyes for a few seconds and nodded.

- Fine.

My sister beamed.

- Great. Thank you. I'll give them your phone number and email address. You know, I’ll do it right now, if you don’t mind, they’re waiting for an answer from me.

- Of course. “And yet Mandy is hiding something.” – What else did you want to tell me?

She blinked several times.

- In what sense?

“You’re not telling me something.”

Mandy shrugged and began typing a message.

- Please don't waste your time. Spit it out. “He took a glass of water and leaned back in his chair.

- OK. “The sister straightened up and looked straight into his eyes. - Since you ask... You have to take pictures without clothes.

- What? – Nick almost choked on water.

Naked? Maybe he misunderstood? After all, his sister could not offer him this.

“Nothing unnecessary will be visible,” she hastened to add.

“So I heard right,” Nick nodded.

- First you will be in a judge's robe. And a wig.

He shook his head:

“I can’t agree to this, Mandy.” The head of the bar association won't let me.

- I already allowed it.

What? Leo agreed? But how?

“I spoke to your assistant this morning.” He also thinks the idea is great.

Now it’s clear what those smiles with which he was greeted this morning mean. The news must have spread around everyone in ten seconds, and everyone is happy about such gossip. The fact that Nick himself had no idea what was happening made it even more fun.

“What exactly did Gary tell you?” – Nick asked, lowering his voice, thinking about what he would do to his assistant.

“He arranged a meeting for me with the head of the board, I explained everything to Leo, and he said that he thought the idea was great and promised to get permission to organize filming in court. And he added that he himself would cover all the costs of filming in the building.

“Oh my God,” Nick muttered. After all, the refusal of the authorities was the only way to avoid having to agree. He covered his face with his hands. - Please tell me this is a stupid joke. I beg you to let me have this nightmare. Soon I will wake up and it will all be over. Better - right now.

– Nick, I already wrote to them that you agreed.

Why is Mandy so calm?

“But that was before I learned that I had to film without clothes.” Mandy, this is a terrible idea. Understand, I am a senior barrister, I respect the court. How can I show up naked - or nearly naked - and agree to have this photo printed on a calendar? And it doesn’t matter what noble goals you pursue.

“But Leo said there wouldn’t be any problems.” Nick, I beg you, we need you so much... By the way, you are not the only model who holds an important position. There will be one doctor from the clinic there.

- But it is necessary for his work.

– There is also an actor and musician on the list. And a cook.

“They will all benefit when the calendar is released.”

- Please, Nick. For me. For Zander's sake.

“To my horror, there seems to be no choice,” he stated sadly. “But promise me you won’t offer me anything like that again.”

- I promise. Forgive me, Nick. – Mandy bit her lip. “But the department really needs money.”

Lack of funds means a lack of medicines and equipment, which means fewer children will be able to get the treatment they need. And some may even die. This was what Nick feared most, given his nephew's situation.

Now he has a chance to change everything. His action will make it possible for many children to survive, and this is the same as helping Zander. And you only need to take one photo that will make people pay money. One photo without clothes.

Yes, this contradicts his views, but it’s even worse to know that your nephew is dying, and you could, but did not want to help.

“Okay,” Nick breathed. “But first I’ll talk to Leo personally.” I want to know that he correctly understood what they wanted from him. Keep in mind that if he changes his mind, I will abandon this idea. In this case, I promise to personally engage in the sale of calendars, I will force everyone at the barrister school to buy at least one. In addition, I will add some amount of my own. Twice what I earn from the sale.

He will spend time and money - a great alternative to the shame he just had to agree to.

Now it remains to be hoped that he will be able to convince the head of the bar that it will not benefit them to have a photograph of a naked barrister appear in court.

Chapter 2

Of course, Leo did not go back on his word. Even after Nick explained the plan to him again. Two weeks later, Nick stood outside the courthouse. Leo had agreed that they would be given room number two, and Nick was very nervous that he might run into someone he knew who might ask what he was doing here if he didn’t have a meeting? Especially with such an excited expression on his face.

SJ Thompson, the photographer, sent him instructions in advance on how to dress: try to ensure that two hours before the shoot he was not wearing anything that could leave marks on his skin, such as socks, a tight collar, a watch, etc. It was unpleasant for Nick to read something that reminded him of the unpleasant procedure ahead of him, and he couldn’t even think about the subsequent reaction of his colleagues to the calendar. The only reassuring thing was that this would help Zander.

To his surprise, no one was waiting for him downstairs. He saw only a girl of about thirty or a little less in black trousers, a black silk shirt and black shoes.

His blond hair was cut very short, almost like military hair. But she doesn’t look at all like the male photographer with whom he agreed to meet.

She looked up from the book, closed it and walked decisively towards Nick.

- Nick Kennedy, I assume?

He blinked in confusion. Apparently, in front of him is a photographer's assistant.

- Thank you for coming on time. I'm Thompson, but you can call me Sammy. “She extended her hand to him.

– Are you SJ Thompson?

The question sounded stupid. Why was he so sure that the photographer was a man?

“I'm afraid so,” she smiled back.

Obviously, he is not the first to react this way to her name.

“Uh, nice to meet you,” Nick answered, feeling even more out of place, and shook the girl’s hand.

Sammy Thompson was the brightest woman he had met in a long time. The short haircut only emphasized her beautiful face. The lips seemed perfect in shape to him, he even wanted to touch them with his fingertip. And then kiss him, barely touching at first, and then dig in with all his might, and she would answer him... Nick shook his head, driving away the obsession.

My God, he's here on business. Even though it’s not quite usual for a courthouse, it’s still on point. Now is not the time for such flights of fancy.

Surprisingly, Nick felt a little better.

This had nothing to do with being a particular gender. Nick always believed that the main thing is that a person does his job well, and gender, orientation, religion do not matter. However, now the fact that Sammy was a woman seemed important. After all, he has to undress in front of her.

Apparently, his thoughts were reflected on his face, because the girl leaned towards him and said:

- It won't be as scary as you think. Also, if it helps, know that I will be looking at you as a model, not as a man. And I'm not in the habit of pestering models.

- Yes of course. Sorry. “It’s been a long time since he felt such emotions as he does now.” I would like to believe that from the outside everything looks decent and Sammy did not notice how he looked at her. - It seems we need to go to hall number two.

– All my things are already there, although I haven’t installed the equipment yet. First we’ll decide where to shoot, then I’ll arrange everything, it won’t take much time. And now the contract and everything connected with it.

Nick tensed.

– Firstly, I want to inform you that you will have insurance in case of bodily injuries, for example, to your face, however, this does not mean that they will certainly occur. Secondly, you must sign the contract. It is standard, there is nothing special about it, but I still insist that you read each point in detail and ask questions as necessary. – The eyes of an amazing sea green color sparkled. – Although in your case it may be unnecessary. It is unlikely that any wording will be incomprehensible to you.

“I hope so,” Nick nodded. He felt hot around Sammy Thompson. Why does he react this way?

- Shall we go? - She gestured to the door, on which she hung a sign: “Do not enter.” “I assume you had to work in one of these rooms.”

- Fine. Then you will feel comfortable.

How can he be comfortable considering what he has to do?

– Usually, I am in this room in clothes.

She nodded towards the suitcase in his hand.

“I assume this is what you usually wear?”

Nick nodded.

“I brought everything because I don’t know what could be useful.”

- Fine. Get it.

He took turns laying out some of the contents of the suitcase on the table.

Sammy looked at her things: shirt, trousers, tailcoat.

– Isn’t there a regular men’s suit under the robe? – she asked in surprise.

“That was before I received the silk robe and the title of Queen's Counsel.

“That means you're a senior barrister, right?”

- Yes. That's why I wear a tailcoat.

Nick brought out the mania.

– And this, as I understand it, is your silk robe.

- Can? – She extended her hand.

- For what? – Nick frowned.

“I need to see how it reflects the light.” I promise to be very careful. One of my friends is a designer of wedding dresses, I took a lot of photographs for her, so I know how to handle the fabric so as not to spoil it.

- Yes, sure.

He accidentally touched her hand and an electric current ran through her veins. My God, what is happening? He had never reacted this way to the presence of a woman in his life. Moreover, a complete stranger.

Maybe it's because he hasn't been in a relationship for a long time? The body reacts quite naturally, especially since Sammy is amazingly beautiful. We need to pull ourselves together, they are here on business, now is not the place or time for such emotions.

Sam looked at the fabric from different angles and nodded with satisfaction.

- Clear. Will you have a lace collar or am I confusing something?

- This is a formal attire. I usually wear a turtleneck collar that attaches to the shirt and a white scarf. “He took it out of the suitcase and handed it to Sammy.

- It looks like a double tie.

– It symbolizes two languages. This was determined back in the sixteenth century. One language is to defend the rights of the rich for a fee, in order to reward oneself for long studies, the second is to defend the poor for free.

- I like it. So you protect the poor?

– Usually I am on the side of the prosecution, but an English barrister can also choose the side of the defense. I act in the interests of the client, and it doesn’t matter to me whether he is rich or poor.

Sammy liked this attitude. Considering Nick Kennedy's position, she expected a somewhat arrogant type, but she liked the man. He had smart brown eyes. He was nervous, but determined. He was unsettled by the news that the photographer was a woman, but he probably made a promise to someone that he could not afford to break.

Sammy understood why the committee had asked him to pose for the calendar. This man is very photogenic and has an outstanding appearance. He could be the model for a better perfume or aftershave ad. It doesn’t often happen that a person with such appearance also has intelligence. This combination involuntarily attracts.

Still, don’t forget that she’s at work. Now it is necessary to do everything to make the person comfortable. And she herself told him that she was not in the habit of flirting with models.

Perhaps for the first time she had the desire to do this.

He had to remain professional and not remember the shiver that ran through his body the moment he shook her hand. A question involuntarily arose in her head: what sensations would she experience if his lips touched her skin?

After all, she knows nothing about this man. He doesn't have a wedding ring, but that doesn't mean anything. Such a handsome guy was probably picked up many years ago.

-You have a very short haircut. Did you serve in the army or is this to make it more comfortable to wear a wig?

– Yes, this way the wig causes less inconvenience. By the way, here he is. – Nick took it out of the suitcase. Even rows of pale gray curls and two small tails hanging neatly at the back.

“A wig is traditionally associated with a lawyer,” Sammy noted. “You will definitely need to wear it and a robe.” Maybe I'll take some pictures without the robe.

– What else can I wear? – Nick asked with hope in his voice.

– I’m afraid you definitely won’t be able to wear trousers, a shirt or a tailcoat. Despite the fact that they are beautifully sewn.

Nick winced.

– Put on, for example, a collar or this jabot.

She saw from the expression on his face that his first desire was to correct her mistake, for it was not a frill, but he restrained himself. Nick is clearly trying to demonstrate that he is determined to work without complaints or reproaches. Perhaps her desire to make fun of him is not the most correct tactic of behavior.

“Thank you,” Nick nodded.

Sammy smiled.

“I told you, you’re just a model for me.”

She needs to get him to relax. Judging by how willingly he talked about the items of the lawyer's suit, it was best to talk to him about work now.

– Tell us about the court hearing so that it will be easier for me to understand where to film you.

She already knew very well where she would film it, since she usually studied the interior in advance and figured out where, what and how best to do it.

– Right in front of us is the judge’s pulpit.

- Here he is banging with a hammer, right?

Nick laughed.

– It looks like you’ve watched a lot of TV series. English judges do not have gavels.

She knew, but he shouldn't guess about it. It looks like her plan is working. The only problem is that he laughs so sexy that now it’s difficult for her to concentrate on work and not think about his visual attractiveness.

No, Sam wasn't planning a new romance right now. The work was taking up too much time, and besides, she still needed time to recover from her relationship with yet another Mr. Wrong. As a rule, the men who came across her life either ran away without looking back, having learned about her past, or decided that they should behave like a knight and tried to protect her from everything bad, creating a dense cocoon around her in which she could not breathe. And no one saw her as just a woman.

Perhaps they are right, and she can no longer be called a real woman, we should not blame only them.

After Bryn broke her heart, Sammy decided it was safer to devote herself to work, family and friends.

A few months ago, she worked as a photographer at a wedding, and at some point she felt sad - two more of her friends fell in love with each other and decided to build a nest. Of course, she was happy for both of them, but she felt lonely. She even felt sorry for herself. After all, even if she meets her man, no one can guarantee that this story will have a happy ending. Not if he wants to have children. She won't be able to give them to him.

Sammy shook off her sad thoughts. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. She has a wonderful life, a loving family, friends who are willing to share her joys and sorrows, and a job that she truly loves. To want more would be impudence on her part.

– So, here is the court secretary, here is the bailiff, and here is the person who makes an audio recording of the process or takes shorthand. “He walked along the rows. - And here is the barristers' bench. However, we stand when we turn to the court. The defense barrister sits closer to the jury, while the prosecution barrister sits next to the witness box. Solicitors sit behind the barristers, where the defendants sit. Further on there are benches for the public and the press.

“I think it makes sense to film you in the place you usually occupy during the process,” Sammy decided. This is exactly what she planned. – Could you go there?

- Dressed? – Nick asked uncertainly.

“Yes,” she smiled. - Now yes. If you don't mind, could you put on your robe - I'll check the lights.

Nick nodded and did as she asked. As he stood by the bench, she noticed that he was nervous again.

- Listen, your photograph will not appear on the front pages of newspapers with an offensive headline. The idea behind creating a calendar is to take artistic photographs of beautiful people. If you think that the bench does not protect you enough, you can take, for example, papers. Do you usually have some documents with you, folders with a pink ribbon?

– Client records. The defense has a pink ribbon, the prosecution has a white one.

Sam sighed:

– Please stand still for a few seconds.

Nick obeyed and she was able to quickly take a few pictures. She walked up to Nick and showed them:

- Do you see? The end result will look different, but the overall composition will be the same. Do you understand that your human dignity will not be harmed?

- Sorry. – Nick lowered his eyes. – I understand that I’m funny, but this is very far from what I do every day.

“That’s how all the models for this calendar behaved,” Sammy grinned. - Except for the actor. He felt quite comfortable. I'm guessing he's had to do something similar before. In the name of art, of course.

“Of course,” Nick nodded. His face still remained worried.

– But you also act in court, isn’t this akin to acting?

– To some extent, perhaps. But like I said, I'm fully clothed at this time.

– Yes, your work is special. I have no doubt that your loved ones are proud of you.

– I hope my sister and nephew.

– He is being treated in the department, right?

Nick nodded:

– Now Zander’s disease is in remission.

Suddenly Sam understood why he had done this. He hoped that fate would show mercy to his nephew if he took part in a charity project. Her own sister begged for the same thing, Jenny cut her hair with Sam. Every two years.

She wondered why Zander's father didn't show any desire to pose for the calendar, but decided that the family chose Nick because he was more photogenic.

She shouldn't care anyway, she's here to get the job done.

- Great, we can start. There are no windows in the room, no one will enter the door without warning, so you can calmly undress, and I will prepare everything.

Nick had no desire to undress. None.

But he gave his word and could not break it.

– What should I wear? – he asked.

- A wig, a collar and these ribbons. Let's take a few pictures without the robe, and then with it on. Have you ignored my recommendations so that clothing marks do not remain on your body?

- Great. Let's get started.

Nick was extremely embarrassed. In addition, it was unusual for him to be in a collar without a shirt. He put on his robe and headed towards the bench. The silky fabric hugged the body soothingly.

“You can sit down,” Sammy said. - And take the papers.

It's good that he accidentally took the folder with him.

-You don't wear glasses?

- It's a pity. I should have taken a few with me to choose from.

– Why do I need glasses? – Nick frowned.

– They make a person look smarter and more serious.

He didn’t understand whether she was laughing at him or not, but he decided to look her straight in the eyes and saw the cunning.

- Very funny.

- Yes, my lord. Or should I say: your honor?

Nick's eyes widened.

- So I turn to the judge. They say to me: my learned friend.

A mischievous smile appeared on her face, making Sam Thompson irresistible.

This is completely inappropriate.

Nick tried to distract himself. There's no ring on the finger, but that doesn't mean anything. He's not in the mood for an affair; his divorce from Naomi three years ago completely discouraged him from this desire. All women are essentially alike. Just because he finds Sam attractive doesn't change anything. He will never allow himself to be drawn into something that brings so much suffering.

Nick pushed the stupid thoughts out of his head and concentrated on Sam's instructions. He stood up, sat down, turned around as she ordered.

- Fine. Now take off the robe, let's take a few more shots.

- Are you sure?

- Quite. What a modest person you are, though. If you behave well and give me the opportunity to finish everything quickly, I will treat you to dinner.

Nick blinked.

- Dinner? For what?

– Because before you I had two sessions with other models and I didn’t have time to have lunch, now I’m dying of hunger. I apologize in advance for the rumbling in my stomach. Over dinner, you and I can look at the pictures, and you can tell us which ones you approve of. However, if your girlfriend or wife is waiting for you, you can call her and invite her to join us. I have nothing against.

Nick shrugged.

– I don’t have a girlfriend. And there is no wife. “For some reason, this all looks like an invitation to a date.” -Will your friend mind?

- Will not be. Because that's my job. Besides, I don't have one.

This means that she is currently single. Free...

No and no. He won't date anyone. There will be nothing serious in his life anymore.

“The faster we finish, the faster we can eat.” And the less likely it is that you will see me angry and grumpy. Get to work, my learned friend, take off your robe. And consider yourself lucky.

- Are you lucky? Why?

– You will be Mr. December in our calendar, I could suggest you wear a Santa hat. Or make you take a sprig of mistletoe in your hand. Or,” Sam raised her hand, “she would ask her to take a certain pose.”

Yes, perhaps I was really lucky. We need to quickly turn off our fantasy. Now that he is naked, his body's reaction can become obvious and put him in a terrible situation.

“I understand you,” he responded dryly and sat down on the bench.

Sam looked him over and thought that Nick Kennedy had a very impressive appearance. Broad shoulders, well-developed muscles, six-pack abs, just enough chest hair to look sexy and not look like a gorilla. Looks like Mr. December will be the best one on the calendar. They would probably be able to profitably sell a calendar with only his image.

He noticed that he had neither a wife nor a girlfriend, and Sam could not understand why such an attractive man was lonely. Maybe he is too passionate about work and women can’t stand it? Or does it have some serious shortcomings?

- What? – Nick asked, seeing that Sam was not taking his eyes off him.

- Nothing. “She turned away and took the camera, embarrassed by her behavior. She said that she treats people only as models, but Nicholas Kennedy is too good not to notice his beauty. He is five or six years older than thirty-year-old Sam and is at the best age for career development.

Sam made a few more comments. To her delight, he visibly relaxed, allowing her to take some side and rear shots. Oh, even his back was beautiful. His body was reminiscent of the statues of Greek gods. She would gladly take several pictures of him completely naked, which, of course, he would never agree to.

- Great. That's all. You can get dressed. I'll put all the photos on my laptop and we can go to dinner.

“Are you sure I’m dressed appropriately for a restaurant today?”

Sammy laughed.

“I was planning to go to Dorchester or Claridge’s, so there won’t be any problems.”

Sam inserted the memory card into the computer and began assembling the equipment.

-Can I turn around? – she asked, still standing with her back to him.

- Of course, please.

He stood in front of her not in the striped T-shirt he had come in, but in a shirt - without a collar - and trousers.

Her heart jumped. In a formal suit, worn with some casualness, he looked incredibly sexy and could well take first place in the ranking of the sexiest men in the world. She barely restrained herself from taking out the camera again.

- Is that normal? – Nick asked.

No. Not normal at all. She felt childishly excited around him, and there was nothing good about that.

You need to call on your whole sense of humor to help.

- Certainly. I'm lucky. I go to dinner with a scantily clad man. Are you really such a fastidious person that you can't wear a T-shirt to dinner?

- It's not a matter of scrupulousness. It's just more comfortable for me.

“Now you're going to look really weird at a place that serves hamburgers.”

- Not scary. Hamburgers are great.

Does he really think she will believe it? Such a man would only look good in a Michelin star restaurant with a glass of expensive wine in his hand.

Jan 18, 2017

At the mercy of temptation Kate Hardy

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Title: In the power of temptation

About the book "In the Power of Temptation" by Kate Hardy

Kate Hardy is a contemporary English writer. Her novel, In the Power of Temptation, tells the story of a young lawyer, Nick Kennedy, who wants to start a new life, but is afraid to completely break with his past, because he is tormented by the fear of making an unforgivable mistake again. This is a book about crazy love and all-consuming passion, about lofty dreams and noble aspirations, about omnipotent feelings and spiritual yearnings. This is a beautiful and endlessly touching story that needs to be read with your heart.

Kate Hardy's book "In the Power of Temptation" begins with the fact that our hero is forced to participate in some kind of charity photo shoot. In this case, you must pose almost naked. Nick Kennedy is not at all delighted with this prospect, but he is not able to refuse those close to him who are counting on him. Reluctantly, he arrives for the shoot, having difficulty getting used to the idea of ​​the inevitability of this event. Suddenly he notices that the photographer named SJ Thompson, who wrote his invitation letters, is not a man, as he for some reason thought, but a charming young girl. Complicating the situation is the fact that for the first time since the day Nick began to lead a lonely, almost reclusive lifestyle, he felt an irresistible attraction to a woman. Is our hero ready for a new relationship? Or will unbearable mental pain and fear of repeating the mistake of youth - these echoes of his past life still prevail over this unbridled heartfelt impulse? We are given the opportunity to read the answers to these, as well as many other questions, in the novel “In the Power of Temptation.”

In his work, the author surprisingly masterfully penetrates into the very depths of the human soul. Against the background of ordinary, routine events, the most hidden and intimate emotional experiences of the characters are described with subtle psychologism. All the heroes of the novel are very bright and charismatic personalities, each of them has their own story, dreams and aspirations. Excellent literary style and lively, entertaining dialogues create a feeling of your own presence at the scene of the action. Kate Hardy's book "In the Power of Temptation" belongs to the genre of a short love novel, which speaks of the writer's amazing ability to contain a whole life, full of joys and anxieties, fears and doubts, love and hope, in a few dozen pages.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “In the Power of Temptation” by Kate Hardy in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For aspiring writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.



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