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Water protection strip of the river. Dimensions of the protective coastal strip. What might be the boundaries for zones of other bodies of water?

In the last decade, many private properties have been built on the banks of our water bodies in the cities and villages of the country. But at the same time, legal norms were not observed at all; by and large, no one was interested in them. But construction in such places is illegal. Moreover, coastal areas of water bodies have a special status. It’s not for nothing that these territories are protected by law; there’s probably something important and special about them... Let’s talk about this in more detail.

What is a water protection zone

First, you should understand a little terminology. A water protection zone, from a legislative point of view, is land adjacent to bodies of water: rivers, lakes, seas, streams, canals, and reservoirs.

Installed in these areas special treatment activities to prevent clogging, contamination, deterioration and depletion water resources, as well as to preserve the animal’s usual habitat and flora, biological resources. In the territory water protection zones install special protective strips.

Changes in legislation

In 2007, the new Water Code of Russia came into force. In it, in comparison with the previous document, the regime of the water protection zone was radically changed (from a legal point of view). More precisely, the size of coastal territories was greatly reduced. To understand what we're talking about, let's give an example. Until 2007, the smallest width of water protection zones for rivers (the length of the river is important) ranged from fifty to five hundred meters, for reservoirs and lakes - three hundred, five hundred meters (depending on the area of ​​the reservoir). In addition, the size of these territories was clearly determined by such parameters as the type of land adjacent to the water body.

The determination of the exact dimensions of water protection zones and coastal protective strips was carried out by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation. In certain cases they set the size of the territory from two to three thousand meters. What do we have today?

Water protection zones of water bodies: modern realities

Now the width of coastal areas is established by law itself (Water Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 65). Water protection zones and coastal protective strips for rivers longer than fifty kilometers are limited to an area of ​​no more than two hundred meters. And executive authorities this moment do not have the right to set their own standards. We clearly see that the water protection zone of the river, even the largest one, is no more than two hundred meters. And this is several times less than previous standards. This concerns rivers. What about other water areas? Here the situation is even sadder.

Water protection zones of water bodies, such as lakes and reservoirs, have decreased in size tenfold. Just think about the numbers! Ten times! For reservoirs with an area of ​​more than half a kilometer, the width of the zone is now fifty meters. But initially there were five hundred. If the water area is less than 0.5 km, then the water protection zone is not established by the New Code at all. This, apparently, should be understood as the fact that it simply does not exist? The logic in this situation is completely unclear. The sizes are large, but any body of water has its own ecosystem, which should not be invaded, otherwise it threatens to disrupt all biological processes. So is it really possible to leave even a small lake unprotected? The only exceptions were those water bodies that are important in fisheries. We see that the water protection zone has not undergone the best changes.

Serious prohibitions in the old version of the Land Code

Previously, the law determined a special regime in the water protection zone. It was an integral part of a single mechanism for a set of measures to improve the hydrobiological, sanitary, hydrochemical, and ecological state of lakes, rivers, reservoirs and seas, as well as the improvement of surrounding areas. This specialized regime consisted of prohibiting almost any activity in water protection zones.

In such places it was not allowed to set up summer cottages and vegetable gardens, arrange parking for vehicles, or fertilize the soil. And most importantly, construction in the water protection zone was prohibited without approval from the competent authorities. Reconstruction of buildings, communications, mining, land work, and arrangement of dacha cooperatives were also prohibited.

What was previously prohibited is now allowed

The new code contains only four prohibitions out of ten that previously existed:

  1. Fertilizing the soil with wastewater is not permitted.
  2. Such a territory cannot become a site for livestock burial grounds, cemeteries, or the burial of toxic, chemical and radioactive substances.
  3. Aeronautical pest control measures are not permitted.
  4. The coastal strip of the water protection zone is not a place for traffic, parking or parking of cars and other equipment. The only exceptions may be specialized areas with hard surfaces.

Protective belts are currently protected by law only from plowing of land, from the development of pastures for livestock and camps.

In other words, legislators gave the go-ahead to place dacha cooperatives, car washes, repairs, refueling cars in the coastal strip, provide areas for construction, etc. In essence, construction is allowed in the water protection zone and on the coastline. Moreover, the obligation to coordinate all types of activities with competent structures (such as Rosvodoresurs) is even excluded from the law. But the most incomprehensible thing is that since 2007 it has been allowed to privatize land in such places. That is, any environmental protection zone can become the property of private individuals. And then they can do whatever they want with it. Although earlier in Art. 28 Federal Law there was a direct ban on the privatization of these lands.

Results of changes to the Water Code

We see that the new legislation is much less demanding for the protection of coastal areas and water resources. Initially, concepts such as a water protection zone, its dimensions and the dimensions of protective strips were defined by the laws of the USSR. They were based on geographical, hydrological, and soil nuances. Possible near-term changes in the coast were also taken into account. The goal was to preserve water resources from pollution and possible depletion, and to preserve the ecological balance of coastal zones, since they are habitats for animals. The river's water protection zone was established once, and the rules were in effect for several decades. They did not change until January 2007.

There were no prerequisites for simplifying the regime of water protection zones. Environmentalists note that the only goal pursued by legislators when introducing such fundamental changes was simply to provide an opportunity to legitimize the spontaneous mass development of the coastal area, which has been growing over the past ten years. However, everything that was illegally built during the period of the old law cannot be legalized since 2007. This is possible only in relation to those structures that have arisen since the entry into force of the new norms. Everything that was earlier naturally falls under earlier regulations and documents. This means it cannot be legitimized. This is how a conflict arose.

What can liberal policies lead to?

The establishment of such a soft regime for reservoirs and their coastal zones, and permission to build structures in these places will have a detrimental effect on the condition of nearby territories. The water protection zone of the reservoir is designed to protect the facility from pollution and negative changes. After all, this can lead to disruption of a very fragile ecological balance.

Which, in turn, will affect the lives of all organisms and animals living in this territory. A beautiful lake in the forest can turn into an overgrown swamp, a fast river into a dirty creek. You never know how many such examples can be given. Remember how many summer cottages were given away, how people with good intentions they tried to improve the land... Only bad luck: the construction of thousands of dachas on the shores of a huge lake led to the fact that it turned into an eerie, stinking likeness of a reservoir, in which it is no longer possible to swim. And the forest in the area has thinned out considerably due to the participation of people. And these are not the saddest examples.

Scale of the problem

The water protection zone of a lake, river or other body of water must be under the close supervision of the law. Otherwise, the problem of one polluted lake or storage facility may develop into global problem the whole region.

The larger the body of water, the more complex its ecosystem is. Unfortunately, the disturbed natural balance cannot be restored. Living organisms, fish, plants and animals will die. And it will be impossible to change anything. It's probably worth thinking about this.

Instead of an afterword

In our article we examined a pressing problem today water protection facilities and the importance of following their regime, and also discussed last changes Water Code. I would like to believe that relaxation of standards regarding the protection of water bodies and adjacent territories will not lead to catastrophic consequences, and people will treat the environment wisely and carefully. After all, a lot depends on you and me.

IN Lately near the banks of rivers, reservoirs and other bodies of water, all kinds of real estate objects are increasingly appearing, the construction of most of which does not meet basic requirements Russian legislation. That is why many Russians are interested in the question of the possibility of locating objects in coastal zones. According to the law, any of our compatriots has the right not only to acquire land plots in the water protection zone, but also to develop them at their own discretion, while observing all restrictions established by the state and without breaking the law.

What is a water protection zone?

According to Article No. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, a water protection zone is a territory that is directly adjacent to the coastline of a water body, where a special regime of activity (economic or any other) is established, as well as the use and protection of natural resources in order to prevent their malicious or accidental pollution and preservation of existing flora and fauna of these water bodies.

Where can you not start construction?

That is why, before starting construction, you should clearly understand whether this can be done in water protection zones and what the consequences may be if such real estate is built with significant violations of the law. After all, the situation may be such that it will be completely impossible to obtain a construction permit. Or even worse: you will have to demolish the newly built house.

Before we talk about construction restrictions, it is necessary to understand exactly where construction cannot begin under any circumstances. In no way should this be done at the very edge of the reservoir. The situation is such that, according to the law, any construction work at a distance of less than 20 meters from the shore is completely prohibited. Moreover, restricting the unhindered access of citizens to the coastal territory by erected fences and other barriers can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Other restrictions on construction within the boundaries of water protection zones.

Outside the boundaries of cities and villages, the width of the water protection zone of reservoirs, as well as the width of their coastal protective strip, should be established only depending on the coastline approved by law.

Within the water protection zones of reservoirs, coastal protective strips are introduced, in the place of which additional restrictions are established for various types of activities.
The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is introduced depending on their source length:

  • up to 10 km - in the amount of fifty meters;
  • from 10 to 50 km -100 m;
  • from 50 km and more -200 m.

The width of the coastal protective strip near lakes and various reservoirs, the area of ​​which is no more than 0.5 square km, will be 50 meters. It should be noted that near the seas the width of such zones must be 500 meters, which is significantly greater than that of any other natural and artificial reservoirs.

For rivers and other water bodies, the length of which is slightly less than 10 km, the water protection zone completely coincides with the coastal protective strip. In this case, the radius of this zone for the sources of rivers and streams should be set at 50 meters.

In addition, within water protection zones it is strictly prohibited:

  • use of wastewater to regulate soil fertility;
  • place cemeteries, places where waste from industrial and economic activities can be stored;
  • plowing land, placing dumps of eroded soil, and organizing pastures for animals;
  • movement and parking of vehicles, including forced ones.

Within the boundaries of water protection zones, design, construction, reconstruction, repair, operation of economic and other facilities are allowed and even permitted in the case of equipping these facilities with buildings that can ensure the protection of rivers, reservoirs, etc. from water pollution and depletion in full compliance with water and environmental laws.

Article 65 of the Water Code:

Water protection zones(WHO) – territories that are adjacent to the coastline of water bodies and where a special regime of activities is established to prevent pollution, etc. of water bodies and water depletion, as well as to preserve the habitat of aquatic biological resources.

Within the boundaries of water protection zones, coastal protective strips(PZP), in the territories of which additional restrictions are introduced.

WHO width And PZP installed:

Outside the territories of settlements – from coastline,

For the seas - from high tide lines;

If there are embankment parapets and sewerage, then the boundaries of the PZP coincide with this embankment parapet, from which the width of the WHO is measured.

WHO width is:

For rivers and streams less than 10 km from the source to the mouth, WHO = LWP = 50 m, and the radius of the WHO around the source is 50 m.

For rivers from 10 to 50 km WHO = 100 m

Longer than 50 km, WHO = 200 m

WHO lakes, reservoirs with a water area of ​​more than 0.5 km 2 = 50 m

WHO reservoirs on a watercourse = WHO width of this watercourse

WHO main or inter-farm canals = canal right-of-way.

WHO sea = 500 m

WHO is not established for swamps

PZP width is set depending on the slope of the shore of the water body:

Reverse or zero slope PZP = 30 m.

Slope from 0 to 3 degrees = 40 m.

More than 3 degrees = 50 m.

If the water body has especially valuable fishery value(places of spawning, feeding, wintering of fish and aquatic biological resources), then the surface area is 200 m, regardless of the slope.

PZP lakes within the boundaries of the swamps And watercourses= 50 m.

Within WHO boundaries prohibited:

Use of wastewater for fertilizer;

Placement of cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, places of burial of production and consumption waste, chemical, toxic and noxious substances and radioactive waste;

Use of aviation measures to combat pests and plant diseases;

Movement and parking of vehicles (except for special ones), with the exception of movement and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with hard surfaces.

For sites on WHO territory sewage treatment plants are required, including treatment facilities for stormwater drains.

Within the boundaries of the PZP prohibited:

Same restrictions as for WHO; Use of wastewater for fertilizer;

Plowing the land;

Placement of dumps of eroded soils;

Grazing of farm animals and organization for them summer camps, bath

Engineering, technical and technological activities

1. Selection of machinery and equipment, raw materials and materials, technological processes and operations with less specific impact on the aquatic environment:

a. efficient water consumption schemes (circulating systems);

b. optimal routing schemes for utility networks,

c. low-waste technologies, etc.

2. Organized disposal and treatment of industrial wastewater. When constructing a new facility, choose a separate drainage system for storm, industrial and domestic wastewater.

3. Collection and separate treatment of wastewater contaminated with petroleum products.

4. Automation of control over the efficiency of local treatment facilities;

5. Prevention of filtration from sewer networks (operation, repair).

6. Measures to prevent storm water pollution (territory cleaning).

7. Special measures for construction (construction site equipment, cleaning and wheel washing stations).

8. Reduction of unorganized wastewater;

9. Limiting the amount of wastewater contaminated with petroleum products discharged into storm drain systems.

10. Equipping with means of monitoring the efficiency of installations and equipment for environmental purposes (grease traps, VOCs).

11. Measures for the removal and temporary storage of soil and plant soil with separate storage of the fertile soil layer and potentially fertile rocks;

12. Carrying out vertical planning and landscaping of the territory of engineering facilities, improvement of adjacent territories.

13. Special for the construction phase (PIC).

Wheel washing. SNiP 12-01-2004. Organization of construction, clause 5.1

At the request of the local self-government body, the construction site can be equipped... points for cleaning or washing vehicle wheels at exits, and on linear objects - in places indicated by local self-government bodies.

If it is necessary to temporarily use certain areas not included in the construction site for construction needs that do not pose a danger to the population and environment, the regime of use, protection (if necessary) and cleaning of these territories is determined by an agreement with the owners of these territories (for public territories - with local self-government bodies).

P. 5.5. The contractor ensures the safety of the work for the environment, while:

Provides cleaning of the construction site and the adjacent five-meter area; garbage and snow must be removed to the places and times established by the local government;

Not allowed release of water from the construction site without protection against erosion surfaces;

At drilling works takes measures to preventing overflow groundwater;

Performs neutralization And organization industrial and domestic wastewater...

VOC. MU Water disposal populated areas, sanitary protection of water bodies. Organization of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of wastewater disinfection

3.2. The most dangerous in terms of epidemics include the following types of wastewater:

Domestic wastewater;

Municipal mixed (industrial and domestic) wastewater;

Wastewater from infectious diseases hospitals;

Wastewater from livestock and poultry farming facilities and enterprises for processing livestock products, wastewater from wool washers, biofactories, meat processing plants, etc.;

Surface storm drains;

Mine and quarry wastewater;

Drainage waters.

3.5. In accordance with sanitary rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution, wastewater hazardous in epidemic terms, must be disinfected.

The need for disinfection of wastewater of these categories is justified by the conditions of their disposal and use in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological authorities in the territories.

Wastewater is subject to mandatory disinfection when discharged into water bodies recreational And sports purpose, during their industrial reuse, etc.

COASTAL PROTECTIVE BAND - a coastal territory of a specified width from the water's edge of a water body, which is part of the water protection zone.[...]

In coastal protective strips of water protection zones, it is allowed to locate recreational facilities, water supply facilities, fishing and hunting facilities, as well as water intake, port and hydraulic structures, subject to a water use license.[...]

Within the coastal protective strips, in addition to the restrictions established for water protection zones, the following are prohibited: plowing of land; application of fertilizers; storage of dumps of eroded soils; grazing and organizing summer camps for livestock (except for the use of traditional watering places), arranging bathing baths; installation of seasonal stationary tent camps, placement of summer cottages and garden plots and allocation of plots for individual construction; movement of automobiles and tractors, other than automobiles special meaning.[ ...]

In forests of water protection zones and coastal protective strips, final felling is prohibited. It is permitted to carry out intermediate cuttings and other forestry activities that ensure the protection of water bodies.[...]

Within water protection zones, coastal protective strips are distinguished, which are directly adjacent to water bodies. Within their limits, in addition to the restrictions in force in water protection zones, it is prohibited to plow land, use fertilizers, store dumps of eroded soils, install seasonal tent camps, place summer cottages and garden plots, allocate plots for individual construction, lay out driveways and roads, and vehicle traffic. , tractors and mechanisms.[...]

Within water protection zones, coastal protective strips are established, in the territories of which additional restrictions on environmental management are introduced.[...]

Within water protection zones, coastal protective strips are established where excavation of land, cutting and uprooting of forests, placement of livestock farms and camps, as well as other activities are prohibited. The procedure for establishing the size and boundaries of water protection zones, their coastal protective strips, as well as the regime for their use are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In order to protect water bodies, it is also envisaged to establish other zones: sanitary protection, environmental emergency and environmental disaster on water bodies. The latter include those where, as a result of economic activity or natural processes, changes occur that threaten human health, flora and fauna, and the state of the natural environment.[...]

Territorial standards include sanitary protection zones of industrial facilities (individual enterprises or groups, industrial units), water protection zones (including coastal protective strips), sanitary protection zones for surface and underground water intakes, sanitary protection districts. [...]

It is as a result of the establishment of water protection zones and coastal protective strips and a special regime for economic and other activities within their boundaries that the protection and restoration of surface water bodies and the improvement of their hydrological regime are ensured. [...]

Maintain in in good condition water protection zones, coastal protective strips and water protection signs are assigned to water users. At the same time, land owners, landowners and land users on whose lands there are water protection zones and coastal protective strips are required to comply with the established regime for the use of these zones and strips. Thus, water protection zones and coastal protective strips can be considered rather as restrictions on land rights established in accordance with Art. 56 Land Code Russian Federation.[ ...]

Additionally, to protect water bodies, coastal protective strips are installed, which are part of water protection zones, the territory of which is directly adjacent to water bodies. They should be occupied by forest-shrub vegetation or tinned. The minimum width of strips is set depending on topographic conditions and types of land adjacent to the water body. For water bodies of the highest fishery category, coastal protective strips must be at least 100 m. [...]

The procedure for establishing the size and boundaries of water protection zones and their coastal protective strips, as well as the regime for their use, are established by the government of the Russian Federation.[...]

The regulations establish the minimum width of water protection zones and coastal protective strips for various water bodies: for rivers, oxbow lakes and lakes - from the average long-term water line to summer period; for reservoirs - from the water's edge at normal retaining level; for seas - from the maximum tide level; for swamps - from their border (zero depth of the peat deposit). The minimum width of water protection zones is established for river sections extending from their source: up to 10 km - 50 m, from 10 to 50 km - 100 m, from 50 to 100 km - 200 m, from 100 to 200 km - 300 m, from 200 to 500 km - 400 m, from 500 km and more - 500 m.[...]

A special legal regime is established for certain types of 3. c. f., which include water protection zones and coastal protective strips.[...]

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 1996 “On approval of the Regulations on water protection zones of water bodies and their coastal protective strips” // SZ RF, 1996, No. 49, art. 5567.[...]

Isolation of such 3. h. provides for a law on the use and protection of natural resources, environmental legislation. Protective ecological zones include water protection zones of water bodies with coastal protective strips allocated within their boundaries, protective zones (districts) created to protect natural complexes of specially protected natural areas from anthropogenic influences, protective areas to ensure the life cycles of animals.[...]

The standards and regime of water protection zones are determined by the Water Code of the Russian Federation (Article 111) and the Regulations on water protection zones of water bodies and their coastal protective strips, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 1996. A water protection zone is the territory adjacent to the water areas of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs and other surface water bodies, where a special regime of economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation and depletion of water bodies, as well as to preserve the habitat of flora and fauna. The water protection zone is created as an integral part of environmental measures, as well as measures to improve the hydrological regime and technical condition, and improve water bodies and their coastal areas. Within water protection zones, coastal protective strips are established, in the territories of which additional restrictions on environmental management are introduced.[...]

The task of executive authorities is to bring to the attention of interested organizations and citizens decisions (decisions) on the boundaries of water protection zones and coastal strips of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and their water protection regime. State control over compliance with the procedure for establishing the size and boundaries, as well as the regime of economic and other activities within water protection zones and coastal protective strips, is entrusted to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, basin and others territorial bodies management of the use and protection of the water fund of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, specially authorized government bodies in the field of environmental protection, state bodies for managing the use and protection of land and specially authorized forestry management bodies within the limits of their powers.[...]

Sometimes in the legal literature water protection zones are considered as OOGTR. However, from a formal point of view, this position does not seem entirely correct. Neither the Water Code nor the Regulations on water protection zones of water bodies and their coastal protective strips define water protection zones in general as specially protected natural areas. At the same time, the Water Code of the Russian Federation contains a provision according to which water protection zones of water bodies that are sources of drinking water supply or spawning grounds for valuable fish species are declared specially protected areas in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Part 6 of Article 111). As follows from the meaning of Art. 2 of the Law on Protected Natural Areas, subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to classify water protection zones as specially protected natural areas, which is already being done in some regions (for example, in the Amur region)”10 or the city of Moscow. The Land Code classifies areas occupied by water protection zones and coastal protective strips as environmental lands (see section 2.1).[...]

Lake Baikal has the status of an object World Heritage and is included in the UNESCO list. This object is one of the largest on the list and includes the water area of ​​the lake (with Olkhon Island and other islands) and its natural environment within the boundaries of the first catchment. The coastal protective strip of the lake includes little-changed mountain-taiga landscapes of the Barguzinsky, Primorsky, Khamar-Da-ban ridges, etc. and the Selenga delta. More remote, but ecologically significant areas of Lake Baikal are designated as various kinds of specially protected natural areas and objects.[...]

When developing the Concept of the System of Protected Natural Areas in Russia, its developers proceeded from a broad understanding of protected natural areas3. Protected natural areas (PNA) - natural areas allocated for the purpose of nature conservation, for which a special regime of environmental management and protection has been established (specially protected natural areas, forests of various protection categories, specially protected forest areas, water protection zones and coastal protective strips, sanitary protection zones sources of drinking water supply, protective areas allocated for the protection of fauna, natural landscapes within the boundaries of historical and cultural museum-reserves, reserved territories, lands of anti-erosion, pasture-protective and field-protective plantings, other lands performing environmental functions and classified as lands environmental purposes, etc.). In this interpretation, specially protected natural areas are an element of more common system protected natural areas.[...]

In order to maintain water bodies in a condition that meets environmental requirements, ensure the protection and rational use of water resources when carrying out economic and other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Water Code of the Russian Federation (dated November 16, 1995 No. 167-FZ) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the approved Regulations on water protection zones of water bodies and their coastal strips" dated November 23, 1996 No. 1404 provides for the establishment of water protection zones and coastal protective strips. Practical work in this direction is carried out by the basin departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, which prepare Lists of water bodies in the region indicating their sizes. The lists are approved by order of the governor.[...]

To maintain water bodies in a condition that meets environmental requirements, eliminates pollution, clogging and depletion of surface water and preserves the habitat of animals and plants, water protection zones are organized. They are territories adjacent to the waters of rivers, reservoirs and other surface water bodies; they are subject to a special regime for the use and protection of natural resources, as well as the implementation of other activities. Within the specified zones, coastal protective strips are established, where it is not allowed to plow the land, cut down forests, place farms, etc.[...]

Particular attention should be paid to the special justification for the purpose of the water protection pond in Cheboksary, the creation of artificial watercourses and reservoirs as protected objects, settling ponds for wastewater, etc. Due to the fact that the natural waters of Cheboksary are characterized by high degree pollution, their rehabilitation is necessary. This is a complex of impacts on natural waters and other components of the ecosystem in order to restore the latter’s lost properties and qualities (Orlov, Chernogaeva, 1999). Inside the Cheboksary Water Protection Zone, a coastal protective strip with the most stringent regime should be allocated, although this measure will cause a negative attitude from the owners of summer cottages and garages located in the valleys of small rivers. This should not scare us, since it is the river valleys that provide the city with its ecological framework. Water protection in Cheboksary must be observed not only for open natural channels, but also for canals, watercourses in pipes, collectors, embankments, etc. Therefore, when arranging embankments, drainages and filters should be installed at their base to ensure a hydraulic connection of groundwater and surface waters. In addition, such a connection always arises when trying to fill up streams and ravines, channel diversion, etc. In this case, under-channel flows and other groundwater are formed, which should also be taken into account when arranging the water intake. It is obvious that it is inadmissible to discharge untreated storm and melt water into the city’s hydrographic network, from where it then flows into the Cheboksary reservoir.[...]

Mole alloy, despite its simplicity, has disadvantages. Significant losses of wood are associated with the release of logs onto the banks and especially with their sinking. Deciduous trees sink and get wet most quickly: birch, aspen, maple, etc. Mole alloy affects the natural state of rivers and causes great damage fisheries. Sunken wood and bark litter the riverbed, and when they decompose, oxygen is absorbed and harmful substances are released that poison the water. Floating logs often injure fish going to spawn, destroy spawning grounds and banks, which contributes to siltation of the riverbed. To facilitate the management of timber rafting, the coastal protective strip of bushes is usually cut down, which leads to intense erosion of the banks, contributes to siltation of riverbeds and water pollution by surface runoff. [...]

Administrative liability for water offences. Perhaps, during the administrative reform, this part of Russian legislation (except for the introduction of general environmental offenses) has undergone the greatest changes. The legislator decided not only to significantly expand the list of elements of water offenses, but also used the means of legal technology to the maximum extent when formulating the characteristics of the subject and the objective side, trying to specify them. Thus, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses contains Part 1 of Art. 7.2 compositions for destruction or damage to observation regime wells for groundwater, observation regime sites on water bodies, water management or water protection information signs, signs defining the boundaries of coastal protective strips and water protection zones of a water body; in Art. 7.6 - elements of unauthorized occupation of a water body or part thereof and use of them without permission (license) or without an agreement or in violation of the terms of the permission (license), agreement; in Art. 7.7 - composition of damage to hydraulic, water management, water protection structures, devices or installations; in Art. 7.8 - composition of unauthorized occupation land plot coastal protective strip, water protection zone of a water body or zone (district) of sanitary protection of sources of drinking and domestic water supply; in Art. 7.10 - elements of unauthorized assignment of the right to use a water body and unauthorized exchange of a water body; in Art. 8.12 - elements of violation of the order of withdrawal land plots, the procedure for providing forests for use in water protection zones and coastal strips of water bodies, violation of the regime of their use; in Art.[...]

In 1999-2000 When checking the implementation of water legislation (in connection with pollution of the water area with insufficiently treated and contaminated wastewater), more than 5.6 thousand violations were identified, for the commission of which various types 2,360 persons were brought to legal liability as a result of 1,912 submissions made by prosecutors, and 42 illegal legal acts were protested. Prosecutor's inspections established that in the area of ​​the Ivankovo ​​reservoir - the main source of drinking water supply in Moscow, from which 6 million cubic meters are supplied per day. m of water for the capital, no more than 20% of treatment facilities actually operate, while more than 100 million cubic meters are received annually from the territories of enterprises and 27 settlements. m of wastewater, half of which is not treated to the standard level. Employees of the prosecutor's office achieved the repair of treatment facilities at 12 enterprises, the commissioning of treatment facilities with a capacity of 2000 cubic meters. m at the Zavidovskaya poultry farm, the removal of 14 objects from the banks of the reservoir, including 4 livestock complexes, about 40 objects, at the request of the prosecutor's office, passed the state environmental assessment, more than 200 violations were suppressed, in particular, unauthorized construction in a 15-meter coastal protective strip, unauthorized construction of berths and boathouses, etc., unauthorized construction of more than 30 cottages, the village of Zeleny Bor with 300 houses, was suspended, nine claims were filed in court for the demolition of unauthorized buildings, of which five have already been satisfied.

Everyone knows that man and his economic activities negatively affect natural environment. And the load on it increases from year to year. This fully applies to water resources. And although 1/3 of the earth's surface is occupied by water, it is impossible to avoid its pollution. Our country is no exception, and close attention is paid to the protection of water resources. But it is not yet possible to solve this problem fully.

Coastal areas subject to protection

A water protection zone is a zone that includes the area around any water bodies. Here are created special conditions for Within its boundaries there is a protective coastal strip with a more strict protection regime, with additional restrictions on environmental management.

The purpose of such measures is to prevent pollution and clogging of water resources. In addition, the lake may silt up and the river may become shallow. The aquatic environment is a habitat for many living organisms, including rare and endangered ones listed in the Red Book. Therefore, security measures are necessary.

The water protection zone and the coastal protective strip are located between the coastline, which is the boundary of the water body. It is calculated as follows:

  • for the sea - according to the water level, and if it changes, then according to the low tide level,
  • for a pond or reservoir - according to the retaining water level,
  • for streams - according to the water level during the period when they are not covered with ice,
  • for swamps - from their beginning along the border of peat deposits.

The special regime at the border of water protection zones is regulated by Art. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation.


The basis for the design are regulatory documents that are approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and are consistent with those authorities that are responsible for

Customers for the design are territorial authorities from the Ministry of Water Resources of the Russian Federation. And in the case of reservoirs given for individual use - water users. They must maintain the territory of the coastal protective strip in proper condition. As a rule, tree and shrub vegetation should grow at the border.

Projects undergo verification and environmental assessment, and are approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Special signs indicate where the border of the coastal protective strip ends. Before the project comes into force, its dimensions and the dimensions of water protection zones are plotted on the plan diagram for the development of settlements, land use plans, and cartographic materials. The established borders and regime in these territories must be brought to the attention of the population.

Dimensions of the protective coastal strip

The width of the protective coastal strip depends on the steepness of the slope of the river or lake basin and is:

  • 30 m for zero slope,
  • 40 m for slope up to 3 degrees,
  • 50 m for a slope of 3 degrees or more.

For swamps and flowing lakes, the border is 50 m. For lakes and reservoirs where valuable fish species are found, it will be within a radius of 200 m from the coastline. In the territory of a settlement where there are storm sewer drains, its boundaries run along the parapet of the embankment. If there is none, then the border will pass along the coastline.

Prohibition on certain types of work

Since the zone of the coastal protective strip has a stricter protection regime, the list of works that should not be carried out here is quite large:

  1. The use of manure waste to fertilize the land.
  2. Disposal of agricultural and household waste, cemeteries, cattle burial grounds.
  3. Use for discharging contaminated water and garbage.
  4. Washing and repairing cars and other mechanisms, as well as their movement in this area.
  5. Use for transport placement.
  6. Construction and repair of buildings and structures without approval from authorities.
  7. Grazing and summer housing of livestock.
  8. Construction of garden and summer cottage plots, installation of tent camps.

As an exception, water protection and coastal protective strips are used to accommodate fishing and hunting farms, water supply facilities, hydraulic engineering facilities, etc. In this case, a water use license is issued, which stipulates the requirements for compliance with the rules of the water protection regime. Those persons who carry out illegal actions in these territories are responsible for their actions within the framework of the law.

Construction in a water protection zone

The protective coastal strip is not a place for development, but for the water protection zone there are exceptions to the rules. Real estate objects are still “growing” along the banks, and in geometric progression. But how do developers comply with legal requirements? And the law says that “the placement and construction of residential buildings or summer cottages with a water protection area width of less than 100 m and a slope steepness of more than 3 degrees is strictly prohibited.”

It is clear that the developer must first consult about the possibility of construction and the boundaries of the placement of protective coastal strip in the territorial department of the Water Management Department. A response from this department is necessary to obtain a construction permit.

How to avoid sewage pollution?

If the building has already been erected and is not equipped with special filtration systems, then the use of receivers made of waterproof materials is permitted. They do not allow environmental pollution.

Facilities that support the protection of clean water sources are:

  • Sewerage and centralized stormwater drainage channels.
  • Structures into which contaminated water is discharged (to specially equipped ones. This can be rain and melt water.
  • Local (local) treatment facilities built in accordance with the standards of the Water Code.

Places for collecting consumer and industrial waste, systems for discharging wastewater into receivers are made of special durable materials. If residential buildings or any other buildings are not provided with these structures, the protective coastal strip will suffer. In this case, fines will be imposed on the company.

Penalties for violation of the water protection regime

Fines for improper use of protected areas:

  • for citizens - from 3 to 4.5 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 8 to 12 thousand rubles;
  • for organizations - from 200 to 400 thousand rubles.

If violations are found in the private housing development sector, then the fine is issued to the citizen, and his costs will be small. If a violation is detected, it must be eliminated within the allotted time frame. If this does not happen, then the building is demolished, including forcibly.

For violations in the protective zone where drinking sources are located, the fine will be different:

  • citizens will contribute 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • officials - 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • enterprises and organizations - 300-500 thousand rubles.

Scale of the problem

The coastal protective strip of a water body must be operated within the framework of the law.

After all, one polluted lake or reservoir can become a serious problem for an area or region, since everything in nature is interconnected. The larger the body of water, the more complex its ecosystem. If the natural balance is disturbed, it can no longer be restored. The extinction of living organisms will begin, and it will be too late to change or do anything. Serious disturbances to the environment of water bodies can be avoided with a competent approach, compliance with the law, and careful attention to the natural environment.

And if we talk about the scale of the problem, then this is not a question of all humanity, but a reasonable attitude towards the nature of each individual person. If a person treats with understanding the riches that planet Earth has given him, then future generations will be able to see clean, transparent rivers. Scoop up water with your palm and... try to quench your thirst with water that is impossible to drink.



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