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Joy to all who mourn with pennies of meaning. How and when you can visit the temple. Generally accepted iconographic tradition and its features

The icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was miraculously found; miracles through prayers before it never cease to amaze. Each Mother of God list contains evidence of help to grieving prayer books.

The history of the glorification of the miraculous face

The glorification of the holy image took place in Moscow in the Transfiguration Church in 1688. Here, in the northern limit, the icon is currently kept.

The miracle thanks to which the icon became famous lies in the miraculous healing of Euphemia, the seriously ill sister of the Moscow Patriarch. The widow was dying; her illness was quickly leading her to death. But the woman cried out to the Queen of Heaven day and night, imploring Her for healing.

A variant combining the details of the iconography of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and “Protection”

One day Euphemia heard an unfamiliar female voice, asking why she does not resort to prayer before the Healer of all. The sufferer plucked up courage and asked who the Healer was and where to find her. The great voice replied that in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord the image of the Mother of God “Joy of all who mourn” is kept. It rests on the iconostasis on the left side (usually female parishioners stand on the left during services).

Important articles about the Orthodox faith:

Euphemia was instructed to call a clergyman from this church to her, so that he would take the miraculous Face with him and perform a prayer service with the blessing of water before the icon. After the prayer service, the woman was promised healing from her illness. The voice also told the sufferer not to forget to thank the Savior for his help and His great deeds, glorify His Name and confess Him.

The excited woman learned from her relatives that the said image actually rested in the Transfiguration Church. She begged the priest to bring the Holy Face to her house and serve a prayer service for water, and after it was performed, Euphemia was granted the long-awaited health.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

Icon with pennies

In the summer of 1888, on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, a wooden chapel in which the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was located was struck by lightning. After the fire was extinguished, people discovered that absolutely everything in the room had burned down, except the icon.

The face of the Virgin Mary remained intact and unharmed, it only darkened a little from the soot, and soon became lighter and renewed.

Next to the image, before the building caught fire, there was a special mug in which donations from parishioners were collected. During the fire, it broke into small fragments, the money scattered on the floor, but 12 copper pennies stuck tightly to the icon.

Later, a temple was built on the site of the burnt chapel, and the famous image with pennies is still there today.

Help from Heaven

The amount of evidence of the manifestation of grace from Heaven is a clear manifestation of the care and guardianship of the Queen of Heaven over the prayer books. It sometimes helps in the most difficult, seemingly irreparable situations, and cures incurable diseases.

The Mother of God calls on all Christian believers to cry out to Heaven for Her holy intercession for their relatives and friends. She herself wants to help us, sinful people, to heal and console, to give help. It is not for nothing that at all times warriors took the Holy Face with them on campaigns, and merchants placed it on their trading benches and prayed for help in trade matters.

The Mother of God helps in any everyday issues:

  • relieves mental suffering;
  • helps restore peace in the family;
  • provides assistance with intrigues at work and attacks from superiors.
Advice! Before the Face “with coins” those in need pray to the Queen of Heaven for a gift financial well-being.

Monastery of the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” Stavropol region. Shpakovsky district. With. Tatar

How to pray to the Queen of Heaven

Before her ascension into Heaven, the Most Pure Virgin Mary was an ordinary earthly man, experienced troubles, problems and infirmities, just like ordinary people. She was destined to survive terrible advice! When praying, a person does not always immediately receive what he asks for, but one cannot stop praying. Ask in faith, continually doing good. It happens that what you want is granted after a few months or a few years. The result of prayer will always be granted through faith, kindness and sincerity.

The miraculous discovery of the Holy Face showed the special mercy of the Mother of God to Russia, and many healings testify to the sympathy of the Virgin Mary for human sorrows into which we, people, plunge ourselves. To knock on the gates of the Kingdom of God must always be done with passionate prayerful zeal.

Watch the video about the icon of the Mother of God

Icon of all who mourn the Joy of the Mother of God: photo, meaning, what it helps with

The Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy: how it helps, the history of the appearance of the Holy Image, how to pray correctly, in which churches you can see the Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy

Icon of all who mourn Joy with pennies photo

The holy image of the Mother of God cannot be compared with other images, since it is considered especially close to the heart of an Orthodox believer.

Throughout life, any person encounters various troubles, suffers from various diseases, endures poverty, poverty, sadness, grief and adversity. Only in the Icon of the Mother of God can one find joy.

The Most Holy One will certainly come to the aid of those who turn to them, hear the cries of their petition, give strength and instill hope, support in difficult situations, and deliver the suffering and mourning from the tears. In this article you can study how powerful an image is, how it can help a person asking, how a prayer service is read before Vladimir icon Our Lady, where the face of the Shrine is located and more.

History of the icon

Image Holy Virgin appeared by a coincidence of amazing circumstances, and from that moment on, the miraculous nature of the face has never ceased to amaze Orthodox believers.

Each version of the image was accompanied by its own testimony, often more than one.

What is asked of the image?

This image is notable for the fact that the Most Holy One will certainly hear every mourner., in particular those in whose fate there have been changes for the worse and life has set difficult tasks for them.

The icon is an image of the Mother of God with bread and a scroll in her hands. The Heavenly Queen is depicted in the central part of the Icon, while believers are concentrated around her, in whose faces one can see only sorrow and despair. In the upper part, above the name of the Most Holy One, the grace bestowed by angels on people is visible.

The Icon was first noticed in the second half of the 17th century in the Moscow Transfiguration Church in Rus'.
But the history of the appearance of this Icon in this church is still unknown.

The miraculous nature of the Virgin's face was first noticed in the 17th century, namely in 1688. This date is significant because the Most Holy One saved Euphemia’s life. In a dream, the sister of the Moscow Patriarch, who was dying, named Joachim, saw the Mother of God, who pointed to her image and told her what to do correctly so that the disease would recede.

After this incident, when Euphemia could hardly move independently, she went to the church with a request to move the Icons to her house in order to address the Heavenly One with a prayer service.

The terminally ill woman was not refused and the image was brought. After the service, Euphemia was healed and her health was strong and strong.

How does the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow help?

It is no secret that reading a prayer service in front of the Holy Image contributes to:

Giving blessings to those who need it;

Bringing consolation in sorrows, in difficulties on the path of life;

Cure from physical or bodily illnesses;

Preservation of those who are engaged in trade and are on business trips;

Resolve difficulties at work or in family matters.

The meaning of the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow

What Orthodox people Holy image - special mercy. The Shrine proves its incommensurable significance with healings that testify to the great experience of the Heavenly Virgin towards human sorrow, into which people plunge themselves, whether they want it or not.

It is important that in the entire history of numerous recoveries of patients, the main question remains for Euphemia, why didn’t she turn to the Intercessor earlier, asking for protection from adversity. As they say, just knock on the door and it will open.

  • This saying can be applied everywhere, since the prayer service of the Mother of God is the very knock on the door to the Kingdom of the Lord, which will respond only to the sincerity and purity of the soul of the person asking. *


Among the miracles created by the Icon, an event that occurred in the 19th century is highlighted. In the village of Karaulovo, in the entryway of one of the houses, a list of this Image was discovered. A little later, a certain Karaulov G.G., who was diagnosed with an eye disease, lost his sight. At that time, suffering from blindness, Karaulov was arguing over the division of the inheritance with his brother Sergei. One day, Karaulov had a dream in which an elder who appeared to him said that he should reconcile with Sergei and go to church service and pray in front of the Holy Face. But the old man did not indicate in which temple the Image was kept.

A long search led the man to find the miraculous Icon, defend the service in the temple and give his share of the inheritance to his brother. Everything that the old man told him in a dream was fulfilled and the grace of the Lord granted him the opportunity to see again.

Another known case occurred in 1766 in the village of Soshnikov in the Vologda province. In her dream, a seriously ill peasant woman saw the image of the Mother of God, supposedly located in the basement of the Epiphany Church. After awakening, the peasant woman was healed and healthy.

Temple and Church of the Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy

Miraculous Mother of God can be found in the list of many temples and churches built and named in honor of the Holy Face, revered by the Orthodox.

Here are a few of them:

The shrine of the Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be found in the Moscow Church on Bolshaya Ordynka;

In the Serpukhov Monastery near Moscow, a copy of the face is kept;

In the Moscow Diocese in St. Petersburg there is also an Icon of Our Lady of All Who Sorrow, Joy of All Who Sorrow;

You can come to the Divine Image for help at the Holy Trinity Zelenetsky Monastery;

There is a miraculous image of the Sorrowful Joy in the St. Petersburg Chapel of the Mother of God and in the Church of the Most Holy One in the village of Volodarsky.

Day of veneration of the icon and holiday

The day of the miraculous Icon is celebrated on November 6th. On this day the memory of the healed E.P. is honored. Dad, who held a prayer service at the face of the Mother of God and was healed.

How to pray and the text of the prayer in Russian

Before saying a prayer in front of the Shrine, you need to turn to Heavenly Powers with a request to forgive all sins. It is worth noting that one should not ask for Heavenly protection, blaming the Almighty for one’s misfortunes.

No matter how your life turns out, everything that happens is the will of the Lord, and no matter how difficult it is, it is worth thinking: “Perhaps there is a sin for which you have not repented?”

Prayer to the Face of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Joy

  • “The hope of the unreliable, the strength of the helpless, the refuge of the overwhelmed, the protection of the flocked, the intercession of the offended, the bread lover who delights the hungry, the nectar of heavenly rest for the thirsty, the Mother of the Most Blessed Lord, the Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin! I resort to You alone, wholeheartedly bowing my knees to Your protection, Lady. Do not despise crying and tears, the joy of those who cry! My unworthiness and the repentance of my sins still terrify me, but this whole-bearing image assures me, on it Your grace and power, like an inexhaustible sea, I see: the blind who have received their sight, the lame galloping, wandering as if under the shadow of Your charity, those who have been motherly reposed and in all respects abounding; looking at other images of mercy, running, blind with spiritual eyes and lame emotional feelings. Oh, Unstoppable Light! Enlighten and correct me, weigh all my sorrows, weigh all misfortunes, do not despise my prayer, O Beneficial One! Do not disdain me, a sinner, do not despise me, a bad one; to all, as best you can, will, oh my good hope, my hope from my mother’s nipple. Those who have been devoted to you from the womb of my Mother, those who have been abandoned, do not leave me, do not depart from me, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen"*

“My queen is the greatest blessing, my hope, the Mother of God, the friend of the gray ones, and the strange intercessor, the joy of the grieving, the patroness of the offended! Solve my misfortune, resolve my sorrow; help me as if I were weak, feed me as if I were a stranger. Weigh my offense, resolve it as you wish; if there is no other help, are You, neither the intercessor of others, nor the good comforter, only You, O Mother of God, how may you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen"

May the Lord protect you!

Queen of heaven and earth,
Comfort for those who mourn,
Heed the prayer of sinners:
In You lies hope and salvation.

We are mired in the evil of passions,
We wander in the darkness of vice,
But... our Motherland... Oh, to her
Bow down the all-seeing eye.

Holy Rus' is your bright home
Almost dies
To You, Intercessor, we call:
No one else knows about us.

Oh, don't leave Your children,
Hope for the Sorrowful,
Don't turn away your eyes
From our sorrow and suffering.

One of the poems rewritten
royal passion-bearers in Tobolsk

There is no doubt that the very name of this image, “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” was the reason for its widest distribution on Russian soil. In addition to the first Moscow icon, there were at least two and a half dozen miraculous and locally revered copies of this icon: in the first throne itself and in its environs, on the banks of the Neva and in Abkhazia, in Siberian Tobolsk and Kiev, in Vologda and in Nizhny Novgorod, in other cities, villages and monasteries. The meaning hidden in the name of the icon is especially close and understandable to the soul of the Russian person - hope in the Most Pure One, who invariably hastens to console, alleviate the sorrow and suffering of people, to give “clothing to the naked, healing to the sick”...

The Mother of God is written on this icon in full height, usually with a scepter in her right hand and with the Child on her shoulder, but sometimes without Him, with outstretched arms, as in the famous “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies), surrounded by distressed Christians falling to Her and Angels sent to assuage their sorrows, pointing to the Ever-Virgin - the source of inexhaustible and all-conquering joy. The attire of the Most Pure One varies on the lists: She appears either in glory, with a crown on her head and in the queen’s vestments, or in the usual cloak and white robe for Her earthly days.

As the ancient church chronicle tells, in the summer of 7196 from the creation of the world (1648 from the Nativity of Christ), the widow Evfimiya Akinfieva, tormented by a huge non-healing ulcer in her side, Native sister Patriarch Joachim, despairing of receiving healing from the doctors, called out to the Most Pure One and suddenly heard a voice: “Euphemia, why in your grief do you not resort to the common Healer of all?” - “Where can I find such a Healer?” — the patient asked humbly. And then a voice commanded to turn to the priest of “the temple of the magnificent Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ and the Reverend Father Varlaam of Khutyn, the Novgorod miracle worker,” which is on Bolshaya Ordynka in Moscow, so that he would take there “on the left side in the meal, where usually women become”, the image of the Most Pure One and a prayer service was served before it with the blessing of water. Having immediately completed all this, Euphemia received healing. This is how the first miracle happened from the “icon of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, which is also called Joy to all who mourn", and the temple itself received and still retains the name of the Sorrowful (although its main altar was consecrated in the name of the Transfiguration). The temple on Bolshaya Ordynka is also famous for the fact that the “All-Night Vigil” by S. V. Rachmaninov (on the Saturday closest to the day of his death, March 28) and “Liturgy” by P. I. Tchaikovsky (the day of his death fell on the 25th) are performed here annually. October according to the old style - the day following the celebration of the miraculous day). Every Saturday a prayer service is held here at the miraculous last years who revealed a new grace-filled gift of healing for those suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. Each age has its own sorrows - only the joy of healing given by the Intercessor does not pass away.

In addition to the church on Bolshaya Ordynka, there are now four more parish churches in the Mother See in the name of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (at the 3rd Meshchanskaya at the Staro-Catherine Hospital, at the Kalitnikovskoye cemetery (with a locally revered list), at Zatsepa (better known by the chapel like the temple of Frol and Laurus) and at psychiatric hospital at Kanatchikova Dacha); The altar of the hospital church of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery has the same dedication. Previously, in Moscow there were also Skorbyashchensky convent on Novoslobodskaya Street and almost a dozen Sorrow Churches, including at several hospitals, shelters and the Matrosskaya Tishina prison.

Unlike Muscovites, the Orthodox cities on the Neva were sure that the first-revealed image of the miraculous woman was transported to the new capital in 1711 by the sister of Peter I, Princess Natalia Alekseevna, and eventually ended up in the Sorrowful Church on Shpalernaya Street. The end of the smallpox epidemic that raged during the time of Catherine II was attributed to the miracle of this image.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, church historians found it difficult to answer which of the icons - on Bolshaya Ordynka in Moscow or on Shpalernaya in St. Petersburg - was the first image. But judging by the fact that the St. Petersburg icon is painted on a cypress board on a primed canvas, it is younger than the Moscow one.

However, over time, St. Petersburg also found its icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in a special version of it - the so-called “Virgin Mother of Pennies.” In ancient times, Kurakin merchants living in the suburban village of Klochki (now this is the area of ​​the Glass Factory, long ago included within the boundaries of St. Petersburg) found an image of the Virgin Mary washed up to the shore by the waves of the Neva; several generations later, their heirs donated the family shrine to the chapel at the Glass Factory.

On July 23, 1888, a terrible thunderstorm broke out over the banks of the Neva. A lightning strike burned out the inner walls of the chapel along with all the icons and scattered coins from the begging cup. Only one icon survived, and later inscriptions fell from the face of the Most Pure One, and twelve copper coins from the mug were driven into the board of the icon with superhuman force. Since then, the new miraculous one has received the popular name “Our Lady (with pennies).” The next day, streams of pilgrims flowed to the chapel, miraculous healings began and did not stop. In 1898, a new temple was consecrated here, and the miraculous remained in the chapel and was transferred to the temple only for the duration of services. It is this place that is mentioned in the lines of A. A. Akhmatova “The steamboat goes to the Sorrowful...” - this is how pilgrims usually got here. IN Soviet time The temple was destroyed, the chapel has been preserved to this day by the Providence of God, and the miraculous image itself (with pennies) is located nearby, in the Trinity Church “Kulich and Easter”.

On the St. Petersburg version, the Most Pure One is depicted with outstretched arms, with her face tilted to the left, Her lower garments are crimson, Her upper garments are dark blue, Her head is clothed in a white veil, without a royal crown. Above in the clouds is the blessing Savior, around are Angels, the suffering, green branches and the indispensable twelve coins.

The celebration of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” takes place on October 24 according to the old style (some of the copies from it also have their own special days celebrations). And within the current borders of Russia, and within its historical borders, and throughout the world, wherever the foot of a Russian person has set foot, the words of chants in honor of this holy icon have sounded, are sounded and will continue to be heard until the end of this world.

Stichera, tone 2,
sung at a prayer service instead of a troparion

To all the sorrowing Joy and the offended Intercessor, and the hungry Nourisher, the strange Consolation, the overwhelmed Refuge, the sick Visitation, the weak Protection and Intercessor, the Rod of old age, the Mother of the Most Pure God, Thou art the Most Pure, we strive, we pray, to be saved by Thy servant.


O Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady Theotokos! Look with Your merciful eye on us, standing before Your holy icon and praying to You with tenderness: raise us from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. There are no imams of other help, no imams of other hope, except for You, the Lady. You weigh all our weaknesses and sins, we run to You and cry out: do not abandon us with Your heavenly help, but appear to us ever and with Your ineffable mercy and bounty, save and have mercy on us who are perishing. Grant us correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and illnesses, from sudden death, hell and eternal torment. You, Queen and Lady, are the quick Helper and Intercessor of all who flow to You and the strong Refuge of repentant sinners. Grant us, O Most Blessed and All-Immaculate Virgin, the Christian end of our life to be peaceful and shameless, and grant us, through Your intercession, to dwell in the heavenly abodes, where the unceasing voice of those celebrating with joy glorifies Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

There is no doubt that the very name of this image, “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” was the reason for its wide distribution on Russian soil. In addition to the first Moscow icon, there were at least two and a half dozen miraculous and locally revered copies of this icon:

in the capital itself and in its environs, on the banks of the Neva and in Abkhazia, in Siberian Tobolsk and Kiev, in Vologda and Nizhny Novgorod, in other cities and monasteries. The meaning hidden in the name of the icon is especially close and understandable to the soul of the Russian person - hope in the Most Pure One, who invariably hastens to console, alleviate the sorrow and suffering of people, to give “clothing to the naked, healing to the sick”...

“Joy to all those who mourn, and to the offended to the Intercessor, to those hungry for the Nourisher, to the strange Consolation, to the overwhelmed Refuge, to the sick Visitation.” - is sung in the stichera to the Most Holy Theotokos. These words are often placed on the icon as inscriptions above a group of people suffering from illnesses or everyday sorrows, who prayerfully fall to the Mother of God, standing at full height on a dais, surrounded by angels and people, sometimes with the Divine Child in her arms. This type of icon appeared in Rus' immediately after the adoption of Christianity. Another great-grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, the prince-monk Nikola Svyatosha, having established a hospital for the poor at the holy gates of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, placed in the hospital church the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” famous for its miracles.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is not associated with the great historical events, battles, wars, blessings on the kingdom. Perhaps, of all the images of the Mother of God, this icon is the most “homely”, and the Mother of God appears only as “the intercessor of the poor, the consolation of the sad, the nurse of the hungry, the cloth of the naked, the healing of the sick.”

The icon became famous for working miracles in 1688. The sister of Patriarch Joachim Euphemia, who lived in Moscow, suffered from an incurable disease, and one morning during prayer she heard a voice: “Euphemia! Go to the Temple of the Transfiguration of My Son; there is an image called “Joy to All Who Sorrow.” Let the priest serve a prayer service with the blessing of water, and you will receive healing from your illness. Having received it, preach to everyone the mercy revealed for the sake of that icon, so that the source of grace-filled healings will not be hidden to all who require it.” Euphemia fulfilled the command of the Most Holy Theotokos: she learned that in Moscow, on Ordynka, there really is a Church of the Transfiguration; A prayer service was served, and the sick woman was healed. Currently, this miraculous image is in the Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

Grand Duchess Natalia Alekseevna, sister of Peter the Great, was very reverent of the Sorrowful Icon and, having made a copy of it, in 1711, with the transfer of the royal residence from Moscow to St. Petersburg, she transported the copy to the new capital and placed it in the palace church. During the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, a temple was erected in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” at the address: st. Shpalernaya, 35-a. The icon was very richly decorated by Princess Natalia, Empress Catherine II, Countess Golovkina, Count Sheremetev and others.

At the end of the St. Petersburg period of our history, another icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies) became famous in the city on the Neva. In 1888, during a thunderstorm, the icon stood in a small chapel near a glass factory. It was donated here by the merchant Matveev, who traded at the factory. They say that the icon was washed up by the waves on the shore of the Neva and was accepted by a merchant. It was a copy of an icon brought from Moscow by Prince. Natalia, a simple letter. During a thunderstorm, lightning struck the chapel, burning the interior walls and most of the icons. She touched the icon of “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” which was hanging on a cord in the corner, and it, which until now had a face darkened by time and soot, was renewed, brightened and descended to the ground without any damage, only the cord was burned. Not far from her lay a broken begging mug. The money was scattered on the floor, and twelve pennies turned out to be very tightly clinging to the icon.

By the evening of the same day, the news of the miraculous preservation of the image spread throughout the capital, and the next day, from early morning until late evening, people surrounded the chapel in great numbers, marveling at the extraordinary sign of God’s mercy. At noon, a clergyman was invited from the Boris and Gleb Church, at the Kalashnikov pier, who, with the permission of Metropolitan Isidore, began to perform prayer services. Every day more and more pilgrims arrived. From St. Petersburg, rumors about the holy icon spread throughout Russia. Pilgrims began to arrive from different directions. And the mercy of God soon glorified the image of the Mother of God with wondrous miracles.

In 1890, on October 6, all those praying in the chapel witnessed the amazing healing of the 14-year-old boy Nikolai Grachev from seizures and relaxation of his hands. Doctors declared his long-term illness incurable. One day the patient’s room was brightly illuminated with the radiance of an unearthly light, and the youth saw the Most Pure Virgin, Nicholas the Wonderworker and another saint in a white hood. The Mother of God ordered the boy to go to the chapel and said that only after that he would be healed. The youth fulfilled the command. Arriving at the chapel, the patient venerated the image, and the epileptic illness left him - his hands received strength and from that time on, the patient became completely healthy.

Vera Belonogina suffered from chest diseases, tumors and throat lesions for six years. Doctors declared that she had incurable consumption, and she had lost her voice forever. Vera ordered a prayer service from the miraculous icon several times, but no healing occurred. According to the woman, she did not particularly believe in the possibility of healing. One day, in a dream, an old man who looked like St. Nicholas appeared to her and ordered her to go to the chapel and serve a prayer service. When they sang in the temple, “Imams have no other help...”, the patient suddenly felt an internal change and became healthy. Her voice returned. This happened on February 17, 1891.

Many other miraculous healings occurred from the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies). They still happen now, and every believer can resort to a miraculous image. They pray in general for painful conditions: psychosomatic, genetic diseases. The celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (with pennies) takes place on July 23/August 5.

The image of the Most Holy Theotokos on this icon is beautiful and pure. The Most Pure Virgin is depicted on the icon in full height with outstretched arms. Her face is slightly inclined to the left. The outer clothing of the Mother of God is dark blue, and the lower one is dark red. Her head is decorated with a golden halo and clothed in a white veil. Above Her in the clouds sits the Savior, holding St. The Gospel, and the right one blessing. Before Her are poor people suffering from various ailments and everyday sorrows. Angels are depicted near people, pointing them to the Mother of God. But the main difference between this image and others is the coins attached to the icon. They are also depicted on copies of the miraculous icon. Green branches are depicted behind the Mother of God. This icon is now on the analogue in the chapel of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers in Kazan cathedral Chita.

A miraculous icon comes to a person according to his faith, and if he knows this, then prayers and icons console, heal and lead to higher rates of spiritual growth.

God is wonderful, therefore, by praying to our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and the Holy Saints of God, faithful Christians can receive help with bodily illnesses, mental ailments and everyday needs.

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Among the miraculous images of the Queen of Heaven, the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is especially close to the heart of an Orthodox person. This is not surprising, because many throughout their lives go through hardships and difficulties, sorrows and sorrows, illnesses and infirmities. The very name of this icon contains consolation. We turn to the Mother of God, who rushes to the call for help, supporting us in trials, wiping away the tears of those who cry and giving hope.

Gracious intercessor

According to custom, the Mother of God is depicted according to the words of the prayer addressed to her. “Helper of the offended, hopeless hope, intercessor of the poor, consolation of the sad, nurse of the hungry, clothing of the naked, healing of the sick, salvation of sinners, help and intercession of Christians for all,” - this is what we call the image embodied in the icons “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

The Mother of God is shown here surrounded by distressed people - naked, sick, hungry, as well as angels performing good deeds on her behalf. The Intercessor herself is depicted on the icon in full height, in royal attire and with a crown on her head. Above her in the clouds sits the Savior, who holds the Gospel in his left hand and blesses with his right. Various iconographic types of the image are known.

The Moscow icon of the Church of All on Bolshaya Ordynka depicts the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus, angels hovering above them. A special feature of this icon is the image of a number of saints led by Sergius of Radonezh, on the ribbons there are texts with prayer names of grace-filled help from the Mother of God. There are many lists (copies) of the miraculous image, where the Most Pure Virgin is depicted without the Child. The icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies is especially widely known.

According to legend, the first miracle from this icon occurred in 1688: thanks to a prayer service at the image of the Mother of God in the Church of the Transfiguration on Ordynka, the servant of God Euphemia, the sister of the Moscow Patriarch Joachim, was cured of a serious illness. Miraculous healing occurred on November 6, and in memory of this, a celebration was established in honor of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” and the temple received the name of the miraculous image. He soon became famous throughout the capital under the name “Skorbyashchensky”. Since then, as church books testify, many sick and mourning people, prayerfully turning to the Mother of God, began to receive healing and deliverance from troubles: the blind received their sight, the dumb were able to speak, and the deaf were able to hear, childless women gave birth to healthy babies, the afflicted were freed from adversity .

The icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was loved not only by ordinary believers, but also by members of crowned families. In 1711, when the royal residence moved to St. Petersburg, the sister of Peter I Grand Duchess Natalia Alekseevna took with her a copy of the Sorrowful Icon, which became one of the main shrines of the new capital.

Later, on the instructions of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who also deeply revered the icon of the “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” a temple was erected in St. Petersburg in honor of the wondrous image. Subsequently, the Sorrowful Icon of the Mother of God was generously and richly decorated by Empress Catherine II, Countess Golovkina, Count Sheremetev and other noble persons. Now this miraculous image is in the Trinity Church of St. Petersburg, which is popularly called “Kulich and Easter”.

Miracle with pennies

In the summer of 1888, in the city on the Neva, a miraculous copy of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies became famous. This happened after a fire caused by a lightning strike in the chapel of the village of Klochki near the Glass Factory on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. After the fire was extinguished, they were amazed to discover that the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” not only did not burn, but the face of the Mother of God, darkened by time and soot, brightened and was renewed. A donation mug standing nearby was shattered, money scattered on the floor, and 12 copper coins were stuck to the image in different places.

The news of the transfiguration of the icon spread throughout the capital, and crowds of people flocked to the miraculous image with pennies. Soon appeared new type icons “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, on which pennies began to be written with paint. Another celebration was also established in honor of this image - August 5, the day of his miraculous transfiguration.

The icon of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies became the source of countless miracles; many incurable patients received healing. Thus, in 1890, parishioners of the chapel witnessed the amazing recovery of the youth Nikolai Grachev, who suffered from epileptic seizures.

One night the patient saw in front of him Holy Mother of God with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and heard a voice: “Go to the chapel where the coins fell, and you will receive healing, but don’t tell anyone anything in advance.” Arriving at the chapel the next morning, the patient venerated the image, and the epileptic illness left him forever.

In the same amazing way, Vera Belonogina, the 26-year-old wife of a clerk from the Thornton cloth factory, was soon healed. The unfortunate woman lost her voice due to throat consumption, against which the doctors were powerless. The woman could only rely on prayers and God’s help. Once in a dream, Vera clearly heard a mysterious voice commanding her to go to the chapel. After serving a prayer service to the holy icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” she returned home and loudly said to her husband: “I am completely healthy!”

On the site of the burnt chapel, a temple was built in honor of the famous icon. After the revolution, the Church of Sorrows was blown up, but miraculous icon preserved in the family of parishioners. During the Great Patriotic War The holy image was placed in the Holy Trinity Church. A great many people, praying in front of this icon, received consolation from the Mother of God in the inhuman trials and sorrows that befell the Leningraders during the terrible years of the siege.

After the Sorrow Chapel was revived in St. Petersburg, which became the metochion of the Holy Trinity Zelenetsky monastery, the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies returned to its historical place.



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