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Calculate normal weight. Calculate body mass index taking into account age online - BMI Calculator

Comments (14)

    according to this calculator, with a height of 190 cm, I should ideally weigh 70 kg)))))))))))))) in fact I weigh 90 kg, no belly, no sides, regular visits to the gym

    Normosthenic body type. The calculated ideal weight turned out to be 63 kg, according to Brock 65 kg, which was what he was at school. Real 76 kg, difference 11 kg. Recommended by nutritionist 72 kg. At ideal weight, the fat content will be like that of athletes, at the lower limit.

    Everything is fine. 59 kg is too much for me! It's hard to breathe. With a height of 165 and a weight of 50 kg, I feel great! And I like the calculator))

    Ardak, tell me, what kind of food helped you lose so much weight?

    Evgeniya, don’t be discouraged, there is always a way out. I had exactly the same problem. I gained weight from 58 kg to 89 kg. I did everything I did, went on different diets, drank all sorts of diet pills, the weight easily returned in double form once again when I started drinking Bilayt tablets, I felt better. it’s bad that I ended up in the hospital after lying for 10 days, I realized that everything I did was wrong, I decided that proper nutrition this is what I need in 7 months I lost 21 kg the most pleasant thing is that the weight does not come back and such nutrition has already become the norm of life and the most important thing is to eat in small portions I wish you all the best

    These diets are nonsense. When you are afraid of illness, then your appetite will moderate. I weighed 70 with a height of 164. Arthritis suddenly appeared - due to age, it turns out, but nothing foreshadowed it, I was carrying bags, an active lifestyle, etc. And in a year I lost 10 kg. Fear helped. I started eating a little in the morning - low-fat cottage cheese, and completely eliminated coffee. All the food is as usual, but there is less food. Joints should not be loaded. I need to lose another 2 kilos, but I can wait until the summer. I only drink boiled water in moderation. The intestines are fine.

    Good afternoon, I’ve always wondered if my weight is normal, height 174, weight 59

    I’m 21, half a year ago at fast 1.66 I weighed 90 kg, I lost the first 20 kg in 2.5 months, then it became more difficult. As my body adapted, I ended up losing 34 kg in half a year. Now I weigh 54 (with my height and build this is the ideal weight)
    From my own experience I will say that counting calories is complete nonsense, what matters is what you eat, how often and in what quantities. Well, of course, there’s no way without physical activity, you don’t have to go to the gym if there’s no such opportunity, just running in the evenings will be enough.
    Be sure to drink 1.5 -2 liters of water, and reduce the amount of salt you consume, preferably not eating it at all. Include bran in your diet (30 grams daily allowance).
    I won’t be original if I say something about sweets and starchy foods, since I myself have a sweet tooth; it was simply not possible for me to completely give up eating chocolate, and every other day I allowed myself to eat 2-4 pieces of chocolate, but only before 12:00. The same goes for bread; a piece of toast in the morning won’t do much harm to your figure. It is not recommended to eat fruits after 15:00. As for all the talk about shutting your mouth after 6, it’s nonsense and that’s all! Do not do this under any circumstances, since until the next morning the body will starve for as many as 13 hours (with the condition that your breakfast will be at 8 am) and subsequently whatever you eat in the morning will be directly stored in reserve. In addition, all important processes in the body occur at night, and if you haven’t eaten anything, then how should your body absorb all the vitamins and elements it needs. Kovalkov recommends that his patients eat the whites of two eggs 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    If you are on a diet, eat separately, give your body physical. load, but the weight still does not go away, you should undergo a hormone examination. It's possible that it's all about them. I had such a problem with being overweight. I ate little, exercised a lot, and the weight came off either slowly. or stood still. I took tests for hormones, it turned out that it was all about them. When the hormonal levels were leveled out, after a few months everything began to return to normal.

    Evgenia, everything is individual for each person. I was able to lose 23 kilograms in 5 months, ate small portions every 2-3 hours (even dumplings), after 18.00 I kept my mouth shut), then I introduced 2 kefir fasting days a week, in general it turned out “without suffering”, because I did not limit yourself in the products.

    Evgeniya, try it breathing exercises according to the Oxysize or Bodyflex system with static exercises, they helped me a lot, because... I don’t know how to diet at all. Appetite is reduced due to the retraction of the abdomen during exercises + the exercises themselves are not very difficult and do not require gigantic efforts, and the results are already visible after 1-2 weeks (but more in the reduction of cm than kg). I studied at home using video. Then I started running with the miCoach program from Adidas (the program guides you by tracking your speed using GPS + there are very basic levels, even for those who find it difficult after a 15-minute walk). Set a goal: for example, I signed up to participate in a free 10 km marathon from Nike and started preparing 4 months in advance. For me it seemed unattainable, but I did it. And even though I had very, very average results, I have never achieved such results + this allows you to increase your metabolism. By the way, they hold such marathons every year. I stopped drinking tea with sugar and eating less flour. To improve peristalsis, eat foods rich in dietary fiber. And one more thing - love yourself and prepare mentally for a new life, a new attitude towards food. In 1.5 years of this regime, I lost more than 12 kg (almost all that I had gained). It's not super fast, of course, but now I like the way I look and am determined to continue further, because... over time you need to increase the load. Now instead of running I want to do kung fu. Be careful. DO NOT try to achieve quick results. I wish you good luck, experiment and definitely find what suits you!

    Evgenia, I would recommend separate meals and moderate physical activity.

    You need to eat less. And all problems will pass

    She suffered a lot of stress, and eventually gained weight to 92 kg with a height of 170. I tried diets, a cleansing system, sports (irregular), massages and water treatments. The weight decreases slightly, and then returns with additional kilograms. Please advise what to do.

Calculating your ideal weight is always problematic because this moment Several methods for its determination have been approved. All of them, according to the developers, are correct, but women strive for the ideal, so methods are used that give an average value. To calculate it, you can use it online weight calculator, which is presented below.


Physical activity

Basal metabolism minimum/absence of physical. loads 3 times a week 5 times a week 5 times a week (intensively) Every day Every day intensively or twice a day Daily physical. load + physical Job

Result in

Without changing weight:

Weight loss:

Fast Weight Loss:

According to anthropologists, there are three types of human figure, which characterize the appearance and possible weight - asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

  • An asthenic person is tall and light in weight - these are standard people who eat a lot, but do not gain weight. The figure of an asthenic is angular, the bones “stick out”, which somewhat loses its attractiveness.
  • Normostenic – average height and standard weight. Their health is the best, since such people are not subject to weight gain, their figure is well-balanced and attractive.
  • Hypersthenic – height below average, and weight slightly above normal. The presented body has slight roundness, similar to that observed in men and women. If a person with a hypersthenic body loses a lot of weight, his appearance will not be attractive.

From the above provisions it follows that it is important for a person to first study his body, and only then resort to weight loss methods. Perhaps losing weight will not be necessary at all, because it is important to pay attention not to the ratio of height and weight, but to the type of figure. Mistakes will lead to forced, debilitating diets, which women who strive for the ideal, but are unable to maintain low weight with their health characteristics, like to practice.

How to determine your body type

In accordance with the above data, it is necessary to determine your body type, which will be important for both men and women.

To determine, the following measurements are required:

  • Go to the mirror and pull your stomach in.
  • Next, you need to palpate the lower ribs and evaluate their position relative to each other. This is called calculating the intercostal angle - the upper point of connection of the ribs in the middle of the human body.
  • If the angle is less than 90 degrees, then the figure is anesthenic. If closer to right angle, which means he is normosthenic. When the angle is greater than 90 degrees, we're talking about about hypersthenics - they have an expanded bone location, so they look plump even with normal indicators.

It is important for women to achieve an ideal weight, but it is clarified that it is not possible to determine it exactly. For each figure and person, the norm is determined individually; in most cases, a person does not think about his condition, but looks specifically at his appearance.

About ideal weight

Calculate normal weight- This is not a completely accurate procedure. Regardless of the results obtained, people strive to be thinner, men are slimmer and more prominent.

The ideal weight for a person corresponds to the following factors:

  • the existing weight and amount of fat in the human body is safe and does not cause health problems;
  • the optimal indicator will not limit human movements;
  • a woman or a man is satisfied with their appearance;
  • there is no comparison with other people.

In this case, it doesn’t matter what a person’s indicators are, but it is recommended to calculate the ideal weight for your height. In this way, there is a certain relationship between appearance and health. It is recommended to calculate and track normal weight (stick to it as much as possible) so as not to risk your health. The presented values ​​are given to people to correct their diet and prevent the development of pathologies, mainly developing against the background of excess weight.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

Yes, ideal weight is a relative and purely individual concept. When calculating it, many factors are taken into account: body mass index (BMI), constitutional type, amount of fat in the body, metabolic characteristics, etc. And yes, hypersthenics have a normal body weight that is always higher than asthenics.

Back in Soviet times, the ideal weight formula was quite simple. 100 was subtracted from height, and the resulting number supposedly showed how many kilograms a person should weigh. Naturally, such calculations were inaccurate, brought little benefit and had practically nothing to do with reality. However, even today many people measure “normal” weight by body mass index. I don't approve of this approach.

Moreover, I do not recommend determining your “ideal weight” on your own or with the help of friends and family. After all, you yourself cannot calculate exact figure. And you won’t give yourself recommendations for losing weight. So if you plan to lose weight, contact a nutritionist. This article does not indicate all the factors that a specialist takes into account when planning a weight loss program. In fact, there are many more of them. And be prepared for the fact that you may need to undergo a number of tests.

How to determine the presence of excess fat in the body

There are several ways to determine the presence of excess fat. Its presence in the body provokes the development of cholesterol plaques, atherosclerosis and joint pathologies due to excessive pressure. In most cases, the legs are affected, but you can also encounter more serious problems - osteochondrosis and spinal hernias.

Using scales

The standard and common formula for calculating ideal indicators is to calculate the amount of 110 from your height. Calculating indicators is easy if you have a scale at home. You should weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach and after going to the toilet.

Folds on the stomach

Define a large number of fat in the body, leading to obesity and deterioration of the body's functioning, can be seen in the fold on the abdomen. For men, the approved norm is 1-2 cm, for women – 2-4 cm. All indicators above 5 cm indicate the presence of obesity. This method will not make it possible to calculate how many kilograms you need to lose to achieve an ideal figure, but it may indicate the presence of health problems.

Body mass index

There is a way to calculate the norm using body mass index. To do this, you need to use the formula: weight/height in meters2.

Here is the following definition:

  • if the body mass index is less than 18.5, then the person is deficient;
  • up to 24 is normal;
  • up to 29 – excess;
  • over 30 indicates obesity.

The resulting value must be compared with the indicators in the table.

Using a calculator

To simplify calculations, we offer an ideal weight calculator based on height and age.

Fat calculating scales

Body mass index indicators only provide mathematical values. It is noteworthy that the existing spread entails significant differences in the amount of fat in the human body and in appearance. You can simplify your work and use only scales equipped with the function of calculating the amount of fat in a person. To do this, a weak electrical impulse is passed through the body, which easily passes through water and muscles. Difficult passage through fat leads to the calculation of indicators.

How to determine real indicators

Often, men and women begin to lose weight at high levels, expecting to achieve significant results.

In order not to overestimate your capabilities, it is recommended to use the following formula to calculate your possible achievement:

  • 45 kg + 1 kg for each cm of height, which is over 150 cm + 0.5 kg for each year over 25 years, but not more than 7 kg.
  • Next you need to add 4-7 kg to the obtained value.
  • Add another 4-7 kg if he currently weighs 90 kg.
  • If a person currently weighs more than 100 kg, add a few more kilograms.

As an example, we can take a woman weighing 82 kg, height 165 cm and age 31 years. For her, normal indicators will be calculated as: 45+15+3+7 = 70 kg. The value can be reduced to 67 - the amount will be obtained if you add 4 kg.

It turns out that a woman should weigh from 67 to 70 kg. Otherwise, she will not be able to maintain the achieved weight (for example, if she loses weight up to 55 kg), and health problems will also arise.

Important! When losing weight or calculating indicators, it is recommended to pay attention not to your own ambitions, but to the need to improve your health.

Weight and health have a close relationship, which should be monitored throughout time. You need to weigh yourself constantly - every 2 days or once a week, while monitoring your diet. To maintain the achieved ideal shape, it will be enough to carry out weekly fasting days. They will help get rid of excess fluid in the body, which helps break down fat cells.

The ideal figure is not so easy to achieve. Only through daily efforts, spending a lot of effort and time. But before you resort to drastic measures, go to the mirror and look at yourself. Try to evaluate yourself objectively, with love. For clarity, you can take a centimeter to take measurements of your body. Even if you don’t see those ideal parameters of 90-60-90, there is no need to be upset. You can always correct the situation, however, sometimes it does not need to be corrected at all. In addition, there is an online weight calculator.


Physical activity

Basal metabolism minimum/absence of physical. loads 3 times a week 5 times a week 5 times a week (intensively) Every day Every day intensively or twice a day Daily physical. load + physical Job

Result in

Without changing weight:

Weight loss:

Fast Weight Loss:

Anthropologists distinguish three main types of body construction, in addition to intermediate and transitional options.

  • Normostenics have standard proportions and average height, which correspond to other parameters.
  • Hypersthenic. He is of average height or short, wide bones, relatively short arms and legs, as well as wide rib cage, and normal body weight.
  • An asthenic person has a narrow chest, tall stature, and long legs. His body visually seems to be directed upward.

It is formed by the lower costal arches. To determine the angle, you need to stand in front of a mirror, pull in your stomach and, conversely, stick out your chest. This way the intercostal angle will be best visible. You can even ask someone to measure with a protractor.

So, an angle of 90 degrees will indicate that this is a normosthenic figure; if it is less than 90 degrees, an acute angle is asthenic, an obtuse angle, more than 90 is hypersthenic.

Important! If you have a hypersthenic body type, then losing weight is undesirable, because it is fraught with bad consequences.

In particular, thinness is unlikely to make a hypersthenic person more beautiful. Such a figure already has a certain squareness, so it is better to gain a little weight so that parts of the body acquire a certain roundness. Unfortunately, many strive for certain numbers on the scale, completely forgetting that the ideal weight is different for everyone.

How to determine your ideal weight

Each person can determine their ideal weight independently.

To do this, you need to answer a few questions for yourself:

  • Does your weight cause health problems, including potential risks?
  • Does your weight limit you in the desires and needs that arise in everyday life?
  • Are you happy with your body the way it is now?
  • Does your body make you feel complex or embarrassed?
  • Do you compare yourself to other people?

If you answer yes to these questions, then there are still problems. If all the answers are “no,” then you need to stop thinking about losing weight. But there are other options for determining excess weight. These are various formulas that can determine the weight range in which a person may develop health problems, as well as the weight to which a certain person needs to strive in order to eliminate these problems and risks altogether.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

This article raises very important issues of determining normal body weight. But it happens that, according to many calculators, the range of body weight is considered quite acceptable, but a person feels uncomfortable in this range, and his best health occurs somewhere on the border of this norm. In order to improve the “fall” into the range of normal values, questionnaires are indeed used, despite its subjectivity. One of the most important questions is the question: “Are you currently happy with your body?” and “Is there an inferiority complex?” This is followed by a list of questions about physical health, for example, whether shortness of breath is possible when climbing to the third floor, and so on.

Together with the quantitative values ​​obtained from the formulas, these questions provide a more accurate determination of the acceptable range and should always be used. In addition, you should remember: than large quantity kilograms need to be lost, the slower this process should go. Everyone knows that at the very beginning of the journey, a person who wants to lose weight is significantly inspired by the rapidity of weight loss, especially in the first days, when it comes to eliminating excess fluid and excess glycogen.

How to determine excess weight?

In addition to tests, there are various formulas and calculators that can accurately determine what weight you are: underweight, ideal, overweight. There is an ideal weight calculator based on height and age.

Determine line weight using scales

Perhaps the method is one of the simplest. True, not the most accurate. The formula works like this: you need to subtract 110 from your height in centimeters. The resulting number is the ideal weight for you. But this does not mean at all that all your other kilograms are extra.

What kind of fold is there on the stomach?

Another simple one, little known, but enough exact way- This is to measure the fold on the stomach. So, for women the permissible norm is 2-4 centimeters, for men it is even less – 1-2 centimeters.

Please note: If the fold on the stomach is 5 centimeters, according to experts, then we are talking about obesity.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to determine where the extra pounds are and how much you need to lose. This is just a hint and a bell: it’s time to stop eating everything and you need to look hard towards the gym.

Determining body index

Determining excess weight by body mass index is perhaps one of the most accurate ways.

Please note: But we will receive greater recognition from BMI (body mass index), according to which you need to divide your weight by your height in meters squared.

For example, this is how it is done. BMI=74kg: (1.64*1.64)=27. This means you are overweight. And it is defined this way: a reading of less than 15 indicates acute underweight. From 15 to 18.5 – weight deficit. If in the end the indicator is 18.5 to 24, it means that the weight is normal. Overweight is indicated by numbers from 25 to 29. 30-40 is already obese. Well, a figure greater than 40 indicates severe obesity.

Online calculator

An online calculator determines your ideal weight. You need to divide your weight by your height and divide by five.

Fat percentage

Unfortunately, all of the above methods do not indicate exactly how much fat is in the body. Body type is important. Because kilograms are distributed differently throughout the body. You need to understand how much muscle there is in the body, and how much fat, as well as what percentage of body fat is in the total body weight. Men should have 12-18% body fat, women 18-25. IN modern world There are devices that can determine your body fat percentage. This is done through bioelectrical analysis, during which a safe electricity. Passing through fat, water, muscles, the current determines the digital ratio.

This technology makes it possible to more accurately work with your weight and understand your body, to accurately determine not only your weight, but also how much excess fat is in your body.

Realistically achievable weight

A person who is losing weight sometimes sets unrealistic goals for himself. This is especially true for those who are thinner with residual weight. It is important to understand to what point a person can reach and how many kilograms to lose.

Important! It is calculated as follows: initially you need to determine the weight if you had a normal metabolism: (45 kg) + (1 kg for each centimeter of height above 150 centimeters) + (half a kilogram every year over the age of 25, but not more than 7 kg) .

After this, you need to make a correction for a slow metabolism, that is, add from 4.5 to 7 kilograms, another 4 to 7 kilograms (if the initial weight is about 90). Let's give an example of a lady who is 50 years old, weighs 90 kilograms and is 158 centimeters tall. 45+1 (158-150) +7 + 7 +7 = 74. Of course, you can go lower than this weight, in which case you can earn a lot of sores from above.

Does weight affect health?

The number on the scale is just a number. The main thing is not this at all, but how a person feels. But when thinking about losing weight, first of all, determine why you want to lose weight? To improve your health, to be liked by others, to fit into beautiful things, to restore your body toned and vigorous, to improve your physical shape? There is a direct connection between a person’s weight and his health. Therefore, when losing weight, think about this. Your body will thank you many years later. It’s terrible that doctors have long proven that excess weight can cause not only serious illnesses, but even death. But this may not concern you personally, because statistics show that people who are overweight or underweight are less susceptible to various diseases.

Do I need to lose weight? Before making such a decision, calculate your ideal weight, the value of which depends, among other things, on age, gender, body type, level of physical activity, profession, water balance, etc.

Before you start losing excess body weight, you need to answer yourself one simple but very important question: “Do I need to lose weight at all?” Often, excessive pursuit of an ideal figure ends in health problems and mental breakdowns. Remember that the ideal weight is the one at which you feel most comfortable. If you wake up in the morning and feel healthy and happy, if you look at your own reflection in the mirror and you like it, if you are happy, efficient, positive, self-confident - then is there any point in changing anything? For what? To live up to the standards that the media imposes on us?

If you are serious about the problem of normalizing weight and the associated improvement in health, then you should approach this task wisely, having first obtained the necessary knowledge.

So, the body mass index (BMI), invented by the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet, is recognized throughout the world as the simplest and most adequate indicator for quickly assessing body weight. BMI is recommended by WHO as the main criterion for assessing nutritional status, especially when conducting large-scale screenings.

Body mass index (BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the correspondence of body weight to a person’s height:

BMI (kg/m2) = Body weight (kg) / Body height (m2)

But, like all simple and accessible methods, calculating BMI has its drawbacks. It should be taken into account that excessive or insufficient muscle development may affect the accuracy of BMI determination.

How to correctly evaluate the result, taking into account age, gender and physical condition? Below are answers to the 4 most common questions about ideal weight.

4 most common questions about ideal weight

1. Does the ideal weight depend on age?

Yes, it depends. Over the years, the intensity of metabolic processes in the body naturally decreases (by 0.5% per year). Therefore, it is obvious: in order to maintain your ideal weight with age, you must either annually reduce the caloric content of your daily diet, or increase physical activity. Failure to comply with this simple rule will lead to excess weight, and subsequently to obesity.

2. Does the ideal weight depend on body type?

Yes, it depends. Before you start calculating your ideal weight, you need to determine your body type.

There are 3 body types:

  • asthenic,
  • normosthenic,
  • hypersthenic.

The Solovyov index allows you to determine your body type by wrist circumference (in centimeters).

Asthenic (thin bone). Wrist circumference in women is less than 16 cm, in men less than 18 cm.

People with an asthenic body type are thin, do not tend to be overweight due to an accelerated metabolism, and have narrow hips and chest. As a rule, they are no lower than average in height, with elongated limbs and a “swan” neck. They may suffer from a lack of strength and endurance, and have complexes due to excessive thinness (and this problem is much more difficult to solve than excess weight).

Normosthenic. Wrist girth for women is 15-17 cm, for men 18-20 cm.

Those who are lucky enough to have a normosthenic type are proportionally built, usually of average height.

Hypersthenic. The wrist circumference for women is more than 17 cm, for men it is more than 20 cm.

Women with a hypersthenic physique can safely make excuses that they have wide bones. Their bones are really heavy, such ladies have broad shoulders, a massive chest and long legs. They can safely choose professions where they need physical strength and endurance. This is the kind of person who will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.

3. Does the ideal weight depend on gender?

Yes, it depends.

Calculation of ideal weight using the Lorentz formula(taking into account gender and height).

Ideal weight for men = (height – 100) – (height – 152) x 0.2.

Ideal weight for women = (height – 100) – (height – 152) x 0.4.

Consider height in centimeters, weight in kilograms.


For a man 160 cm tall, the ideal weight is calculated as follows:

(160 – 100) – (160 – 152) x 0.2 = 60 – 8 x 0.2 = 60 – 1.6 = 58.4 kg

For a woman 160 cm tall, the ideal weight is calculated as follows:

(160 – 100) – (160 – 152) x 0.4 = 60 – 8 x 0.4 = 60 – 3.2 = 56.8 kg

As you can see, with the same height, ideal body weight differs depending on gender.

4. What formulas for calculating ideal weight are the most accurate?

The most accurate formulas are those that take into account gender, age, body type (at least height) or special tables developed by hygienists.

Broca's method, named after a French physician in the late 19th century, is the most popular method for quickly assessing weight.

Broca's formula for people with normal physique:
weight (ideal) = height – 100 (with height less than 165 cm);

weight (ideal) = height – 105 (with a height of 166 – 175 cm);

weight (ideal) = height – 110 (with height above 175 cm).
If you have an asthenic body type, then the result obtained is reduced by 10%; if you have a hypersthenic body type, increase it by 10%.


With a height of 170 cm, the ideal weight for normosthenics will be: 170 – 105 = 65 kg

For asthenics: 58.5 kg (-10%).

For hypersthenics: 71.5 kg (+10%).

P.S. Now you can calm down: not everyone is given by nature to have model parameters, do not demand the impossible from yourself. Everyone has their own ideal weight.

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Ecology of life. There are different formulas for determining the optimal ratio of weight and height. But they are all very, very conditional, since they do not take into account many factors...

There are different formulas for determining the optimal ratio of weight and height. But all of them are very, very conditional, since they do not take into account many factors: age, gender and physiological characteristics of a person. Therefore, excess fat must be assessed not only by the conditional ratios presented in this table, but also by appearance, thickness of the skin and a number of other factors. With the same height and weight, one person may look plump, while another may look completely normal.

The objective parameter of an ideal body is the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue. For men, the norm is 9 - 15% fat of total body weight, and for women - from 12 to 20%.

Quetelet index

Knowing the Body Mass Index (BMI), you can judge whether you are obese or underweight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old. Results may be false for pregnant and breastfeeding women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18 years of age). Among the many different methods for calculating ideal weight, the most popular method is the height-weight indicator, body mass index - Quetelet index.

Formula: body weight in kg divided by height in meters squared B/(P*P)

For example: height 170 cm, weight 65 kg. So 65: (1.7 * 1.7) = 22.5

The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Body mass index


Risk of comorbidities

Less than 18.5


Low (increased risk of other diseases)

18.5 – 24.9

Normal body weight


25.0 – 29.9

Excess body weight (pre-obesity)


30.0 – 34.9

Obesity I degree


35.0 – 39.9

Obesity II degree

Very tall

40.0 or more

Obesity III degree

Extremely high

The Quetelet index shows quite well the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how fat is distributed, in other words, it does not provide a visual or aesthetic picture. But you can test your body for perfection using one more formula.

The distribution of fat throughout the body is determined by the ratio: waist volume (at the level of the navel) divided by the volume of the buttocks.

  • Norm for men: 0.85
  • For women: 0.65 - 0.85.

Does age affect height-weight ratio?

The answer is clear. Yes, of course it does. It has been proven that the weight of men and women should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. The kilograms that some people consider “extra” may not actually be so. Can be used to determine optimal weight formula depending on age.

P is height in this case, and B is age in years. Body weight = 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20) : 4


in cm

























































































































































































































































Broca's formula: identifying height-age-weight relationships

One of the most popular methods for calculating ideal weight is Brock's formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.

Broca's formula for people under 40 years old is "height (in cm) minus 110", after 40 years - "height (in cm) minus 100".

At the same time, people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type must subtract 10% from the result, and people with a hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type must add 10% to the result.

How to determine your body type?

Body types are usually divided into THREE types:

  • normosthenic,
  • hypersthenic,
  • asthenic.

In order to find out what your body type is, just measure the circumference of the thinnest place on your wrist with a centimeter. The resulting circumference in centimeters will be the necessary indicator (Soloviev index).

Solovyov index

Body type

Typical for this body type

for men

for women

18-20 cm

15-17 cm

normosthenic (normal)

the physique is distinguished by the proportionality of the main dimensions and their correct ratio

more than 20 cm

more than 17 cm

hypersthenic (wide-boned)

In people with a hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type, the transverse dimensions of the body are much larger than in normosthenics and especially asthenics. Their bones are thick and heavy, their shoulders, chest and hips are wide, and their legs are short.

less than 18 cm

less than 15 cm

asthenic (thin-boned)

In people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type, longitudinal dimensions prevail over transverse ones: long limbs, thin bones, long, thin neck, muscles are poorly developed.

Nagler's formula for height and weight ratio

There is a Nagler formula that allows you to calculate the ideal ratio of weight and height. For 152.4 cm of height there should be 45 kilograms of weight. For every inch (that is, 2.45 cm) over 152.4 cm there should be another 900 grams, plus another 10% of the resulting weight.

John McCallum's formula for girth ratio

One of the best formulas, created by expert methodologist John McCallum. McCallum's formula is based on measuring the circumference of the wrist.

1. 6.5 wrist circumference is equal to chest circumference.

2. 85% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.

3. To get your waist circumference, you need to take 70% of your chest circumference.

4. 53% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.

5. For the neck circumference you need to take 37% of the chest circumference.

6. Bicep circumference is about 36% of chest circumference.

7. The girth for the lower leg is slightly less than 34%.

8. The circumference of the forearm should be equal to 29% of the circumference of the chest.

But not everyone’s physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios; the numbers have an average, statistical average value.

A few more options for height and weight ratios

  • The physique is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm less than the hip circumference, and the hip circumference is approximately equal to the chest circumference.
  • The waist circumference should be equal to “height in centimeters - 100”. That is, a woman with a height of 172 cm will be proportionally built if her waist circumference is 72 cm, her hip and waist circumference is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears a clothing size of 48.
  • If the hip circumference is less than the chest circumference, and the waist circumference is 20 cm less than the hip circumference, then this figure is called an “apple”. If the chest circumference is less than the hip circumference, and the waist circumference is 30 cm or more less than the hip circumference, this is a pear-shaped figure.
  • For women and girls of average height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation turned out to be fair. Their waist circumference in centimeters is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss results in a decrease in waist size of one centimeter.

As you can see, there are many ways to calculate the optimal ratio of your height and body weight, depending on a variety of factors. But no matter how you make the calculations, the main thing is that your weight is COMFORTABLE for you. So that you feel easily and freely in your own body, love yourself and enjoy life to the fullest! - without falling into depression because during the calculations you (what if!) discovered an “excess” or “lack” of kilograms. published

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