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  Watering flowers when there is no owner. How to water the flowers when you go on vacation.

A man cannot live without rest, and plants cannot live without water. Sometimes these needs come into confrontation, because very few people would think of taking room flowers with them on vacation or refusing a long-awaited journey to ensure the care of home plants. As a rule, we water flowers during the holidays with close relatives and friends. However, this decision is not always feasible. First, once again you do not want to burden others with your worries. And, secondly, relatives and friends may simply not know how often and with what intensity they water your violet, geranium, crocus, etc. To save yourself from unnecessary experiences, we suggest to get acquainted in advance with the most reliable and effective ways of organizing automatic watering of indoor plants during your absence.

Devices for automatic watering of indoor plants

In specialized flower shops you can find several useful devices that are able to provide automatic watering of flowers during the holidays. Let us consider in more detail their features and effectiveness:

Aquaglob.This device, made in the form of a round bulb with a very narrow spout. The essence of the device is quite simple: aquaglob filled with water, turns over and sinks into the soil in a narrow part. Since the opening of the flask is extremely thin, water does not immediately pour out of it, but it seeps gradually. Depending on the size, aquaglob can provide automatic watering of flowers for a period of one to two weeks.

Blumat, which in translation means "carrot", refers to the drip automatic watering system. The design of this device includes a conical base and a plastic tube. The base is immersed in the soil, and the tube - in the tank with water. Since the system is equipped with special sensors, water enters the soil in doses. When the earth dries out, the device fills it with water, if moisture is enough, the valve on the sensor closes and moisture is not transmitted. Thus, the device “watered” the flowers as long as there was water in the tank.

Cache pot with automatic irrigation.  Cans and pots with automatic watering are equipped with a special system of storage and transfer of water, which is located at the bottom of products. When you water the flowers, the remaining moisture remains in the device, and then it is evenly distributed over the soil as it dries. Some of these pots and pots are also equipped with an indicator that allows you to set the mode and intensity of watering for several weeks ahead.

Devices for automatic watering of flowers from improvised means

Absolutely all modern systems of automatic irrigation of indoor plants are created in the likeness of long-known homemade designs. Therefore, to organize watering of flowers during the holidays is possible from improvised means.

Autowatering from the dropper.  A simple medical dropper can cope with watering flowers during your absence or vacation. To create an automatic polivalki, you need to attach the dropper tube to the water tank and adjust the flow rate of the droplets with a clip. After that, place the dropper needle on the ground near the roots of the plant, but do not deepen it into the soil, otherwise it will quickly become clogged.

Watering the flowers during the holidays - dropper

How to water the flowers when you leave home

Autowatering from a plastic bottle.  The usual plastic bottle will help to save flowers during holiday. To make a flower drinker out of it, you need to take water into the jar, put a thin net on the neck, screw the lid on and punch several small holes in the lid with a needle. After this, the drinking bowl turns upside down and sinks into the soil. Water will gradually seep through the holes and the plants will not remain without moisture. But since the intensity of the “bottle” irrigation cannot be adjusted, it is likely that the drinker will flood the plant. To avoid this trouble, use auto-bottling only for large-scale pots and moisture-loving plants.

Automatic watering from capillary mats. Unlike previous methods, autowatering with the help of capillary mats provides the soil with extremely slow, but regular moistening. This method of automatic watering is very simple: it is necessary to put a wide piece of fabric under the pot and lower its free edge into a container with water. Since the fabric tolerates moisture, the soil will be moistened through the drainage holes of the pot. As a capillary mat it is best to use a terry towel that quickly gets wet or a ready-made capillary mat.

Wicky watering.  It implies the transfer of water to plants through the wick - any rope or cord that does not rot from moisture. One edge of the wick is placed in a container with water, and the other goes deep into the soil. To ensure faster and better moistening, it is recommended to install a water tank above the level of the pot.

If, shortly before departure, you decide to transplant flowers, then stretch the wick through the drainage hole of the pot and place it on a tray with water. Thus, the root system of the plant will receive moisture without your participation.

In how to water the flowers, when you are leaving on vacation, we have already figured out a little. Now consider several important nuances that will help preserve flowers during your departure:

first, in order for plants to waste moisture more slowly, move them to a cool and dark place;

secondly, set the pots close to each other so that the most capricious specimens are in the middle;

and, thirdly, whatever the system of automatic watering you choose, on the day of departure, water the plants and sprinkle their leaves.

In addition, to reduce evaporation, place drainage, moss or hydrogel around flower pots. If a plant is very capricious and demanding to care, cover it with a plastic cap with holes for air, thus creating the most favorable microclimate.

So that automatic watering of flowers during the holidays turned out to be truly effective and safe, experiment with it in advance. Choose the optimal irrigation rate and the way of water supply, and then your vegetable pets will thank you with health and beauty.

Consider options for watering plants during the holidays and find the best. Plants need watering all year round, while watering flowers during the holidays often causes many of us to have difficulty or fear.

The closer the summer, the more often the question arises. how to water the flowers during the holidays so that they look beautiful to our return.

Therefore, each grower tries to ensure sufficient watering of indoor plants and flowers during the holidays in different ways and methods. We will tell you about the different methods of irrigation and give useful recommendations.

Watering indoor plants on vacation: preparation

An important point in the provision of indoor plants and flowers moisture will be preparing them for the absence of the usual watering.

The preparatory work significantly increases the resistance of the plant to the future "drought."

Depending on the types of plants  and flowers, they can do without standard watering from 7 to 15-20 days.

In the absence of watering for more than 20 days, it is best to use an automatic watering system. We will tell about it later in the article.

  1. The last feeding  houseplants and flowers spend no later than 14-16 days before departure. After feeding, plants need more water to absorb minerals.
  2. 2-3 days before departure  cut from the home plants all the buds and flowers, as well as the maximum leaves (several large or more small, but in moderation, without a big loss for decoration).
      The more green mass, the faster the plant evaporates moisture. During pruning, once again check all plants and flowers for diseases and pests (first inspection 7-8 days before).
  3. Move the plants  and flowers deep into the room to reduce the air temperature and the degree of illumination near them, and as a consequence, reduce the rate of evaporation of water. Put the pots of plants as close together as possible. Thus, a zone of high humidity in the room will be created.
  4. Before leaving  water the plants a little more than usual so that the soil mix is ​​well soaked with water. Some types of plants are best watered by immersion. After watering, it would be good to impose pots around the moss.

Holiday watering: affordable and efficient

After abundant watering, the plants are placed in a large container (basin, baby bath), pour water (2-3 cm) at the bottom and pour wet clay (8-12 cm) at the bottom and sides of flower pots.

Pallets from pots must be removed. Therefore, pots must not touch  with water, otherwise the roots may freeze, they must be placed on a layer of expanded clay above the water.

A possible disadvantage of this method can only be that if at least one plant is already affected by a pest, they can easily go to the others.

This method is particularly suitable for plants in clay and ceramic pots.

POWER this way  It is possible to add a top layer of soil mixture with a layer of moss, this is especially important for plants in plastic pots. Clay and ceramic pots can still be placed inside the plastic, and the space between them can be filled with moist expanded clay or moss.

This method allows most plants (depending on the season, type, condition, size and phase of plant development) to last from 6-7 to 14-20 days without watering.

For maximum effect  This method is recommended to supplement wick or drip irrigation (plastic bottle).

Drip irrigation for indoor plants: folk ways!

If you do not have the opportunity to apply the previous method, you can use the following options for drip irrigation for houseplants and flowers.

Editorial believes that the data system drip irrigation better to use  as a supplement during the holidays, but in some cases they can and even need to be applied on a permanent basis.

The effectiveness of the methods of drip irrigation can vary significantly, and in order to achieve the maximum effect, the system needs to be checked for quite a long time.

1. WARMING WATERING.  To do this, take the wick (cord of fabric), one end is placed inside the pot in circles to the bottom (before transplanting the plant), and the other into the vessel (pot) with water.

A pot with a plant is placed on top of a vessel with water, the wick absorbs water and moisture rises up to the bottom of the pot. This method is well suited for watering violets (Saintpaulia) including on an ongoing basis.

To not replant  plants before release: the cord is placed on top of the pot and sprinkled on top of the soil mixture, and the other end in a vessel with water (bucket, basin), which is placed above the pot with the plant.

EXAMPLE:  pot on the floor, and a bucket on the stool. Depending on the size and type of plant, the number of wicks can vary from one to 5-7.

In the shops you can find wick systems for watering in finished form.

2. PLASTIC BOTTLE.  Well-known drip irrigation for indoor plants to many gardeners with a large number of its variations.

The most common variant of the system: a hole is made on the bottle cap and on the bottom with a hot nail, the bottle is fixed bottom up above the pot.

After installation you need measure how much liquid was taken from the bottle in 24, 72 and 144 (6 days) and 288 (12 days) hours and how wet the substrate was. Depending on the result, change the size of the hole on the cap and / or the volume of the bottle.

The drip irrigation system is simple and cheap, so it is easy to experiment and implement with it, including in the garden.

Vacuum irrigation systems for houseplants:

1. CAPILLARY MAT.  This special coating of hygroscopic material is placed in any convenient level place, and under it lay a garden film. The edge of the capillary mat or the incised strip is moistened with water and dipped into a container with liquid.

For use at home do not buy  capillary geotextiles, it is produced from recycled materials.

CAPILLARY MAT PRICE. about 3 euros per linear meter of a roll with a width of 100 cm. For example, Vivapol (Germany) with a protective coating Aquafol and a moisture capacity of three liters per m2. The width of the rolls is different: 100, 125, 150 or 200 cm, the color is black or white.

2. THE PALLET FOR WATERING FROM CAPILLARY MATS.  This device of autowatering consists of three parts: a capillary carpet, external and internal pallet.

The inner pan is covered with a capillary carpet, on top of which is placed a pot with a plant. The inner pan is put into the outer, into which water is poured. The carpet absorbs water and transfers it to the plant.

Such constructions are produced by many firms (Garland (England) and others), which assure that the plant will live autonomously for up to two weeks.

PRICEGARLAND:  Amazon price 7-8 euros per pallet with dimensions (55 cm - length, 31 cm - width, 3 cm - height) and a capacity of 1.8 liters of water from environmentally friendly materials.

3. DEVICES BY TYPE AQUA GLOBES.  Aqua globes are widely used (watering tubes, glass watering sphere, etc.): a glass flask with a ceramic cone. The design is placed in the soil mixture, where it is due to the capillary-porous structure evenly moisturizes the substrate.

PRICEAQUA GLOBES. on Amazon 10-12 dollars for 2 pieces, in the CIS in stores you can find at a price of about three dollars per piece.

If there is no need for a beautiful appearance, the device from a plastic bottle will not be much worse to water, but for free.

CERAMIC CONES can be sold separately without a water tank (for example, Blumat Tube Automatic Plant Waterer), and moisture is supplied to them through a thin hose from a water tank. The lower part of the cone is made of special clay, which analyzes the moisture of the soil and gives up moisture after sufficient drying.

By changing the height of the pot with the plant, in relation to the container with water, you can adjust the amount of incoming moisture.

BLUMAT SET PRICE:  on Amazon 12-15 euros. Separately, the cone of an unknown manufacturer in the CIS can be purchased for about $ 1.5 per piece.

4. SMART POTS.  Smart pot systems are becoming increasingly popular, for example, from the site smartpots.com_. This device is easy to plant and care: you only need to add water once every 20-25 days.

In Europe and the USA, many people use smart pots everywhere in the garden, growing garden crops (tomatoes, cucumbers) and strawberries.

CLEAN POT PRICE:  on average, from $ 13 to $ 35 per pot, depending on its size and volume. On aliexpress a large variety of options and at different prices.

5. HYDROGEL.  This element is a special polymer that absorbs a large amount of moisture (two grams can absorb up to 200-500 ml according to different data) and slowly, then gives it to plants. Hydrogel is mainly found in the form of granules or spheres, colorless or colored.

Ideally,  so that the plant has already been planted in a soil mixture with a hydrogel (two grams are recommended for about 800-1000 grams of substrate), and before leaving you just watered it abundantly and that's it.

Now there are granules of hydrogel with complex fertilizer, which, in addition to moisture, supply the plant with nutrients.

According to the manufacturers, on average such granules last for 3-4 years.

OTHERWISE:  Before releasing the hydrogel, soak for 7-8 hours in water, and then pour the granules on top of the soil mixture and cover with moss. If the root system is not surface type, then you can prikopat hydrogel 2-3 cm in depth.

HYDROGEL PRICE:  on aliexpress: 7 pieces of color - from one dollar, 125 pieces of smaller color, about 3 dollars, 100 pieces of medium transparent - about 7-8 dollars, 500 pieces of small multi-colored - 10 dollars. There is also a weight: 500 grams - $ 20.

There are many options and they can change so that you need to follow.

Automatic watering system of plants:

The system of automatic watering for indoor plants and flowers has several advantages. The system allows you to provide potted plants and flowers for a very long time.

Every year automatic watering of plants gaining increasing popularity. The devices are produced by many well-known companies ( Brigadier werkzeuge  (Switzerland), Weninger  (Austria), Gardena  (Germany), Hozelock  (Great Britain), Uniflex  (Italy)).

Automatic irrigation systems differ in  the type of power (solar, electricity, battery), the number of plants watered (from one to several dozen), the method of water intake (water supply, capacity with water), the method of water supply (pump or gravity flow), irrigation settings in the timer.

Price depends on system configuration and manufacturer.

Automatic drip irrigation for indoor plants do it yourself:

Automatic watering for indoor plants is quite simple and easy to do yourself from improvised means. Drip irrigation for flowers made from the medical system for droppers, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The system has a built-in regulator which allows you to customize  the frequency of dripping liquid up to a second.

As with wick irrigation, a container of water (bucket, basin) is placed above the plant, one at the end into the pot, and the other into the container. After installing the automatic irrigation system (dropper), we begin to adjust the dripping frequency.

After a couple of hours and every morning for several days check system performance  drip irrigation. If everything is in order, then you can safely go on vacation and enjoy all the pleasures of relaxation!

We hope that now for you watering flowers during the holidays will no longer be a problem, as you already know how to water indoor plants and flowers in case of a long absence. Drip and automatic watering of indoor plants with the help of various systems will do good service and preserve the beauty of flowers.

Houseplants living in the cramped space of the pot, sooner or later need to be transplanted. Follow the rules! ...

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The plants in the house are good on all sides. They enrich the air with moisture and oxygen, some of the green pets are able to bind harmful compounds into the atmosphere. In the end, they are just beautiful. But without timely watering our pets can die or get sick. Therefore, to ensure watering flowers during the holidays - the normal desire of each grower.

It is good if you have parents who live nearby, grandmothers, or simply good friends who are responsible enough to be entrusted with the care of vegetation at the time of departure. In this case, you only need to explain to them how to water the pets, hand over the keys to the apartment and quietly go on holiday.

And if there are no such kind people, you will have to organize the process yourself. That, in principle, is not so difficult. Our savvy and generous people invented a lot of ways. Some of them are simple to the genius, others are more complicated, but the majority quite reliably provide the required.

Homemade systems

The simplest device is wick irrigation. Wicks need to be made from a fabric that absorbs water well. One end of the wick is buried in the soil, the other is placed in a container of water, standing slightly above the ground in a pot. As the clod of earth dries, water will flow into the pot through the wick. If you frequently go out, place the end of the wick in the bottom of the pot when you are transplanting it, passing it through the holes on the bottom.

  • fill the bottle with water to the top;
  • pierce a small hole in the lid and close the bottle;
  • place the bottle neck down in a plant pot, slightly deepening it in the soil.

As it dries, water will gradually flow out of the bottle, wetting the ground. You can make another very tiny hole in the bottom of the bottle, if you need to increase the rate of irrigation.

3 easy ways to video

You can use ordinary medical droppers for moistening the soil in pots. One end is placed in a bottle of water, the other is stuck into the soil at the edge of the pot. If you are absent for a short time, you can use the clip attached to the dropper to regulate the intensity of moisture. But with your long absence, the tube can be deformed up to the complete cessation of moisture entering the pot. In this case, it is better to regulate in another way, for example, to use a needle of a smaller diameter. Another option: put the end of the tube on a porous spray, designed for aeration of aquariums.

Marsh plants can be provided with comfortable conditions by simply placing the pot in a basin of water. This method is great, for example for tsiperus - the plant will also thank you for it. But if you leave less moisture-loving flowers like this, then their root system may suffer, starting to rot.

Smart devices for automatic watering of flowers from shop

In flower shops you can buy reliable and convenient systems that allow you to organize comfortable conditions for your flowers during your departure. It should be noted that all of them are rather expensive, but they are highly reliable in operation.

This system consists of a narrow ceramic cone and a silicone tube. The cone is stuck in the soil, filled with water, closed, and the end of the tube is lowered into a vessel with water. Through the porous walls of the cone, moisture is gradually absorbed into the soil. As the water in the cone decreases, a new batch enters the tube from the water tank. Everything is simple and reliable. The cones come in two sizes, for small and medium-sized pots - 11 cm in length, for large ones - 20 cm. Sold individually or in sets. The cost is about 300 rubles / piece.

This system allows dosed irrigation for plants that need different amounts of water. For this purpose, dispensers of different colors are used. The procedure takes place once a day, the system is powered by electricity. One device allows irrigation of several pots. Depending on the configuration costs from 6.5 thousand rubles and above. Manufacturers give a guarantee of reliable operation of the device for 2 years.

The system is completely autonomous. In the tank is placed 25 liters of water. You can serve several pots - up to 20, for 10-40 days. Battery operated, does not need to be connected to a water or electricity source. It is about 6 thousand rubles.

Rain Smart

The system of Russian production, designed for dosed automatic watering of several pots of flowers. The volume of water is dosed over a wide range - from 50 ml to 3.5 liters at a time. You can adjust the frequency. The system is designed for 1-8 or 1-16 pots. Powered by electricity. On sale there are different sets of delivery, differing in the volume of the vessel for water, the number of plants. It costs from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles.

Pots with an interesting feature

There are special pots, but flowers should be placed in them when transplanting, and a few months before your departure. Such pots consist of several parts:

  • the upper part is intended for the soil in which the plant is planted;
  • middle part - separating, mesh;
  • the bottom one is a water tank.

Flowers are planted in the upper pot, and at first you just water them as usual. After a few months, its roots sprout down through the mesh bottom. Now you can just pour water into the lower tank, and the flower will absorb its long roots.

Something similar Russian home craftsmen do themselves, using pots of different diameters.

Cute devices for irrigating the land during the absence of the owners can be bought in flower shops. They look like multi-colored round cones. The tank is filled with water, a long spout is stuck into the ground. Water flows as the soil dries. The disadvantage is the small capacity, so these balls are good only if you leave only for a few days.

Most correctly, if you transfer the flowers to automatic watering a week before departure, without leaving everything for the last few hours. During this time you will be able to adjust the intensity, calculate the amount of water that will be needed in your absence.

It is better to remove all pots from windowsills to a less lit place. Remove flowers and buds, excess leaves and shoots.

This will help reduce the evaporation of moisture. Before leaving, water your plants well. Cacti and other succulents can do without moisture for quite a long time.

Are you going to leave home for holidays, for the May holidays, for the New Year or just to visit another city? Excellent prospects for changing the situation are always accompanied by two problems: what to do with the cat (cat, dog, birds and other animals) and whom to ask to water the potted plants and plants.

If you intend to ask neighbors, relatives or loved ones to water your flowers during holidays and vacations, consider whether it is convenient to restrict other people's leisure and free time to your concerns.

Watering indoor plants

All types of indoor plants and flowers should be watered at least once a week. without watering can dry out, because the roots of plants can not reach the groundwater in the deep layers of the soil. Plants grow and develop at the expense of water and sunlight, which are involved in the process of photosynthesis, allowing plants and flowers to grow and develop.

Only cacti and certain types of desert flora are plants that do not require watering. During the existence of the plant, desert and semi-desert zones have learned to evaporate less moisture, even at high temperatures and bright sunshine, so these plants do not need to be watered very often.

If it happened that the plant dried up all the leaves, but the roots remained alive, then the pot should be put in partial shade and gradually water the rhizome so that it comes alive again.

What water is suitable for watering potted plants and plants?

Water for watering plants can be taken directly from the faucet. Tap water is hard, so before watering the water should stand for several hours at room temperature. Heavy metals tap water, indistinguishable to human vision, are collected at the bottom, so after the water has stood, never pour water from the tank completely - always leave a few centimeters of precipitated water at the bottom.

Lower one end into a container with water (to the bottom), and secure the other inside the ground in each pot. As long as there is water in the tank, cotton strips, according to the laws of physics (using the force of surface tension), will help keep the potted earth wet.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to select several tanks (for three colors, 1 liter of water per week will suffice), as well as the danger of drying out the soil in case of a long absence (after the water runs out).

3) 3. Flasks for flowers are very popular, and you can buy them or make your own hands from a suitable bottle, can, or medical dropper.

3.1. Pour water into the bottle, put a rubber cap on the neck from a normal pipette. Make a small water hole in the cap.

Insert a bottle of water in the ground upside down - the bottle will be upside-down with a neck in the ground. The resistance of the soil will not allow water to flow out immediately, and your indoor plants and flowers in pots will be supplied with the required amount of water during departure. If it is difficult to find a rubber nozzle from a pipette, then you can make small holes directly in the cap of the bottle so that the water can gradually flow through them.

You can also attach the tubules to a large, for example, five-liter bottle, which must be placed above the plants. The tubules in the bottle can be fixed, if necessary, using ordinary electrical tape.

3.2. Take a medical dropper and hang over each flower pot separately. You will need as many droppers as there are flower pots in your home, as well as additionally think of a system for fixing droppers over each of the flower pots separately.

3.3. Take a three-liter jar, cotton towel and plastic tray. Lay the towel on the tray, pour water into the jar and close the neck of the jar with the towel tray in such a way that the side with the towel touches the neck of the jar (see example 3 in the figure).

Press the tray tightly to the neck of the can and turn the can with the can upside down. Gradually, a cotton towel soaked with water from a can. On the towel, put the pots of flowers without the bottom plates so that the hole at the bottom of the pot is on the towel. The edges of the tray will not allow water from the towel to drain to the floor, and the roots of the plants through the hole will be able to get moisture in the required amount. This method is not suitable for plants growing in pots (for example, watering orchids).

A simple and inexpensive way is complicated by the process of fixing the bottle and cans with water in an inverted position, the need for a large number of droppers, as well as the limited amount of water in the bottle, canister flask or dropper, which may not be enough for the entire time of departure.

4) 4. The effect of a closed system of the water cycle can be created using a transparent plastic bag: close the open ground in a pot with a bag (you can put a few pebbles on top for a more tight fixation of the bag), and put a larger bag on top.

Polyethylene will slow down the evaporation of water, and evaporated moisture in the form of droplets will settle on the walls of the package and re-serve as a source of moisture for plants. The package must be transparent so that sunlight can penetrate to the plants and maintain its strength. This method is suitable for leaving for several days (not more than a week), and only for small plants (because it is rare to find large plastic bags).

5) 5. Aquagrunt is a transparent or colored hydrogel soft balls, which consist of collagen. Collagen in contact with water absorbs it and keeps it inside.

Aqua-hydrogel is used for bouquets of cut flowers: colorful balls look very nice in a transparent vase, turning an ordinary bouquet of flowers into the main decoration of the interior. Aquagrunt can be spread on the surface of the earth in a pot, moisture is enough for a week away. After drying, the balls of akvagrunta-hydrogel can be reused to put them in water.

Her Majesty's gardeners are hoping that their advice will help you preserve the beauty and health of plants and flowers in pots!

If you are going on vacation, and enjoy the upcoming pleasant days, then your indoor flowers are hardly as happy as you are, for they will face hardships and sufferings from thirst! Therefore, take care of their well-being in advance.

Of course, you can ask to look after the plants of relatives or neighbors. But what if you do not have any? Then we will resort to system of autowatering! Ways to keep the plants set.

But first you should prepare the flowers for your departure:

1.   Remove the flowers from the window sill or close the curtains tightly. The less light, the slower the life processes go on in plants, which means that they will need less moisture.

2.   Water the soil well to soak it in water. The pot can be wrapped in a damp newspaper, and on top also in cellophane. This will reduce moisture loss.

3.   Small plants should be covered with plastic or glass caps, bottles, but so that they let air in from the bottom. Evaporating water will condense on the walls and flow back into the ground.

4.   5-7 days before departure, carefully check whether the plants are not affected by pests and diseases. Remove from the plant all dried and disease-damaged shoots and leaves, as well as large buds and flowers. Treat diseased plants with appropriate preparations.

5.   Better to cut too large leaves.

6.   Plants should be placed in a lighted place, but not in the sun.

7.   Close both the doors and the windows so that there are no drafts in the room where the plants will remain.

8.   2-3 weeks before departure, stop all types of supplements.

9.   If you leave the plants in a pan with water, put flower pots on a raised stone or on wooden stands to keep their roots from freezing.

10.   Flowers in ceramic pots tolerate “separation” better than those that inhabit plastic containers.

The simplest and banal ways to keep soil moisture.

  • For plants in clay pots.  If you keep potted plants in clay pots, then you can wrap each pot with moss — and the moss and the plant are richly moisturized. If there is no moss nearby, place the earthen pot in a larger container. At the bottom it is necessary to fill the expanded clay, and the gap between the walls of the container filled with the same expanded clay. This will maintain a more or less constant soil moisture. The top layer of earth in a pot or container can also be sprinkled with expanded clay, it will prevent drying.
  • This method is effective if the plants are left for 7-10 days.

  • Drip irrigation. A plastic bottle is taken, depending on the volume of the pot, filled with water, a small hole is made in the cork (with a gypsy hot needle), you first water the flowers and stick the bottles in them with the cork down. As the soil dries, the flower will absorb water from the bottle.Not bad from both sides to secure it with chopsticks (for example, from ice cream).
  • This dropper is valid 5-7 days. In large pots put a few bottles and the stock will last a little longer.

Watering through the "wick."These can be ropes, laces, wool threads of different diameters, twisted bandages, and so on. One end of the wick should be lowered into a container with water (for example, a basin), and the other should be placed in a pot (for reliability, it will have to be fixed, for example, with a peg). Water will flow to the flowers due to the difference in cappilar pressures.

One 10 l capacity is enough for 7 days for 6-7 plants

Moisture-loving plants  You can put on trays, deep trays or in wide pots with water so that the lower part of the pot was in the water. Pthe hatch on top is covered with moist moss or expanded clay.

Moisturize through the fabric.  Lay a film-oilcloth on the kitchen table (you can also place the pots in the bathroom if the plants are not whimsical to the light), and lay a cloth dampened with water (cloth, felt, an old baby blanket folded into several layers of cotton) on the oilcloth. Place pots with already watered plants on the fabric, the end of the fabric should be dipped in a container with water. Pots should have drainage holes, saucers are not needed.

This method is suitable for a period of 10-20 days.

Watering through the "wick" at the bottom of the pot.You will need your flower pot and another container that you can put under the pot. Make holes in the pot and pass the string as shown in the picture. Place the pot on the vessel with water so that the rope is lowered to the end in the water. Water on the rope will rise up and moisten the ground.

Dfor a pot with a diameter of 10 cm, one wick is sufficient, and for a pot with a diameter of 25-30 cm, you will need a 3-4 wick to provide sufficient water.

Today, almost on the same principle, all sorts of “soil moistening” systems work.

Let's say system Archimedes which consists of a glass flask - a water tank - and a ceramic cone, which is immersed in the ground. Water trickles through the capillary-porous ceramic walls drop by drop and constantly moisturizes the soil. In the balcony box or a large pot they will have to put a few, of course. It looks, by the way, very nice! From the aesthetic point of view, this is perhaps the most glorious option. They cost about 180 rubles for a thing.
A cone in a flower pot lasts 5-7 days

Or here - cones Blumat, except for a cone, some other portable container with water is required. The cone itself is installed in the pot, and the tip of the hose with the weighting agent is lowered into a container with water. These devices draw water "on demand" - when the soil in the pot dries up, the cone gradually gives off water to the surrounding earth. The disadvantage is that the water tank should be higher or even flush with the pots. Do not always stick to, honestly. Well, the price is not very happy - about 4 thousand for 25 cones.

Autowatering systems.  Remember that all of the above methods are designed for a maximum of three to four weeks of your absence. If you have to leave for a longer period, you cannot do without complex store irrigation systems.

The most popular thing is Gardenawhich is capable of watering, as the producer writes, up to 36 plants at the same time. For sale in OBI and in other large shopping centers. The kit includes a pump with a filter, a transformer with a timer to power the pump, supply hose, three distributors (each with 12 taps), a capillary hose, pegs, end caps and a plastic water tank, 9 liters.

Each plant can have one or several taps - it will be necessary to find out the necessary amount empirically. If, for example, 60 ml of water per day is not enough for plants in a large container (namely, it manages to drain out per minute), the amount of moisture supplied will have to be increased by installing additional capillary tubes. The hose is attached to the pump, the pump is immersed in the above tank, the system starts to work.
If the water in the tank suddenly ends, the pump will shut off automatically, and when water is poured, it will continue to function. The inconvenience - requires a socket to which the system will be connected. It costs from 3 with a tail of thousands of rubles per set

Do you know?

... that tradescantia, begonia, dracaena easily tolerate a temporary lack of moisture (up to 7 days)

... that aloe, agave, euphorbia comb well tolerate temporary “droughts” and like sunlight, so it is better to leave them in a room on a windowsill, having previously watered well.

... that palm trees and ficuses, which live on the balcony, for the period of vacation is better to bring into the room. They are also unpretentious to moisture, but in three weeks of your absence they can get sick.

   Taken from: ​​,-uezzhaya-v-otpusk!?utm_campaign=transit&utm_source=main&utm_medium=page_1&pad=1



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