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Consolidating the sound R in speech_23491. Outline of a group speech therapy session aimed at correcting sound pronunciation

Automation of the sound [r] in syllables

Lesson 1

Sound Automation[R] (tr, dr)

- Position yourself so that there is a window in front of you. Turn around so that there is a mirror to your left. Walk to the middle of the room. What's to your left? What's on the right?

Breathing exercise

Roll the pencil on the table, trying to ensure that the air stream is not intermittent, but strong and long-lasting.

Development of articulatory motor skills

Repeat previous exercises.

Development of memory and attention

Memorizing and reproducing a syllable series in combination with the movement of the hands and fingers.

Game tasks

"We're cutting down a tree." “Chopping wood.” “Making a house.”

Tra-tra-tra; dra-dra-dra;

tra-tra-tro; draw-dro-dro;

work, work, work; dru-dru-dru;

three-three-three; bang-bang-bang;

tra-tro, tru-tra; dra-dro;

tro-tra, tro-tra; Dry-dry;

tor-tra-tru; dra-dro-dru;

tra-tro-tru-tra; dra-dro-dra-dra.

"Ball game" Catch the ball if you hear the sound [r] in the word. The speech therapist says the word, then throws the ball. Determining the position of the sound [r] in words firewood, sturgeon, crayfish. Place the circle - a symbol of sound - in the corresponding window of the sound house.

Familiarization with the letter R

Lesson 2

Sound Automation[R] in reverse syllables

"Listen carefully". Sit down as many times as you hear clapping and hitting the tambourine.












What sound is missing in the word? Uzo..., abazhu..., ti..., zhi..., monte..., vee..., vete..., zefi..., moto..., act... .

Development of phonemic awareness

Tapping the rhythmic pattern of words mosquito, Arctic, port, watermelon, serviceberry.

Analysis and synthesis of syllables

- How many sounds are in a syllable? ar? What is the first sound in a syllable ar? What's the second sound? What sounds did you hear in the syllable? ur? The sound [o] “made friends” with the sound [r]. What syllable did you get?

Designation of syllables with color symbols.

Making syllables from letters

Lesson 3

Sound Automation[R] in open syllables

Development of auditory perception

Tapping the rhythm on a tambourine.

Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation

Game exercise “Musicians”. We play the drum, trumpet, double bass and trombone.

Pronouncing syllables with stress changes.

Ra-ra-ra-ra; ra-ro;

ro-ro-ro-ro; ry-ru;

ru-ru-ru-ru; ru-ry-ro;

ry-ry-ry-ry; ra-ro-ru-ry.

Development of phonemic awareness

Which syllable is missing? Ra-ra-ra-ry, ra-ra-ra-la.

“Let’s come up with names for the dolls.” AND...(ra), Ve...(ra), Ma...(ra), Le...(ra), La...(ra).

Complete the syllable. What...(ra), spur...ra), pa...(ra), co...(ra), But...(ra).

- Which syllable disappeared from the word Pinocchio?But...tino(ra).

- Which syllable disappeared from the word rainbow?...arc.

- Name the missing syllable. Wow...that(ro), in...on(ro), co...va(ro), pe...(ro), kangu...(RU), co...(ra).

Analysis and synthesis of syllables

- What is the first sound in a syllable? ra? Name the second sound. How many sounds in a syllable ra?

- The sound [r] alone is boring. Let's invite the sound [u] to it. The sound [r] “made friends” with the sound [u]. What syllable did you get?

Perform a similar task with other vowel sounds.

Reading syllables

Lesson 4

Sound Automation[R] in syllables with consonant clusters

Spatial orientation

Toys are placed in different parts rooms. Where will you go, what will you find? I’ll go straight and find the kitten. I’ll turn back and find the bear. I'll go left and find the dog. I’ll go to the right and I’ll find a fox.

Game exercise “Jugglers”. We toss the balls and pronounce the syllables.

Pra-pro; bra-bro-bru;

prue-prue; Vra-Vro;

pro-pru-pry; lie-lie;

bra-bro; wo-woo-woo-woo.


- Which syllable is extra? Vra-ra-kra.

Development of phonemic awareness

Determining the position of the sound [r] in words doctor, cook, radio operator. Designation of the place of sound on the sound line.

- Listen to the words jumper, goalkeeper. Which syllable is missing? ...gun, ...tar.

- Let's make up words. Say a syllable sconce, and I will complement it with the sound [t]. What word did you get? Say a syllable lies, and I - container What word did we make up?

Composing letters R And V from parts.

— What identical elements are there in these letters? Find letters that contain such elements.

Composing syllables from letters of the split alphabet.

Arrange the pictures on the slats: on the top - in word-names the sound is at the beginning of the word, on the middle - in the words-names in the middle; to the bottom - in the words-names at the end.

Lesson 5

Sound Automation[R] in reverse syllables

Spatial orientation

-Who is standing to your right? Who's sitting to your left? Stand in front of Misha. Stand behind Kolya. Who's behind you?

Game tasks

"Musicians". "We play the balalaika."





"Conversation between the Crocodile and the Rhinoceros." Express emotional states by intonation when pronouncing syllables.





Gru-gra-gry.(indignantly, furiously)


Development of phonemic awareness

"Ball game" Catch the ball if the word contains the sound [r].

- Let's make a word. Say a syllable kra, and I am the sound [n]. What word did you get? Say a syllable gru, and I - sha. What word did you get?

- Look at the pictures and guess the words with the missing sound. K...ysha, g...oza, g...hell. Name the missing sound.

Tasks used at the stages of sound automation [p]
in words, phrases, sentences and coherent speech

tra-tro-tru-tra; dra-dro-dra-dra

Say the words correctly

Grass, ladder, trawl, chandelier, tractor, trench, trapezoid, springboard, reed, tractor driver, trench, tram, canister, mattress, tomorrow, notebook, transport, have breakfast.

Morning, cable, metro, trail, troika, tropics, cane, cartridge, sailor, sidewalk, reed, path, albatross, trolleybus.

Peter, felt, liter, center, meter, minister, theater.

Coward, labor, pipe, pipe, cowardice, chimney sweep, parsley, coward, cheesecake, difficult.

Bonfires, asters, tents, meters, winds, leggings, cunning, tear off.

Cedars, thrush, firewood, another, airfield.

Dragon - Little Dragon - Little Dragon.

Fight, brawler, otter, drap, pancakes, hydra, square, square.

Friend, girlfriend, friendship, be friends, friendly, make friends.

Antonyms. Enemy is friend.

Bucket, core, thigh, firewood, woodcutter, firewood, bustard, thrush.

Ostrich, fear, stream, string, chandelier, construction site, page, build, builder, island, shavings, fear, country, scary, scary, wanderer, country, sharp, motley, fast, scary, slender, strange, plan.


"One word - many meanings." Pipe - musical instrument, pipe on the roof of the house, drainpipe, cocktail tube.

Let’s select “relatives” words for the words path, grass, pipe.

Grass - grass - blade of grass - grass - blade of grass.

Path - path - path - path - path.

Pipe - tube - tube - chimney sweep.

Repeat these words.

Guess the word from mixed up syllables va-tra.

Complete the sound (letter), syllable.

Friend - suddenly

crayfish - fights,

cable - sailor.

Replace the sound (letter).

Ladder - trawl,

ladder - drape,

trawl - trawl,

grass - firewood,

otter - buckets.

"Word in word." Fight ( cancer, car, gift), transport ( port, early, sport).

Tell me the right word.

The woodcutter chops... ( firewood). They don't drive on the paths... ( trams). They drive around the city... ( trams). Fell into a trench... ( cane). The little dragon does exercises on... ( horizontal bar). Tram and trolleybus are... ( transport). Raya and Roma are sweeping... ( yard).


Say the words correctly

Cancer, frame, crayfish, early, wound, radio, rainbow, work, shell, shell, rocket, racket.

Ant, anthill, loaf, caravan, parachute, parachutist, cuttlefish, pencil, caramel, dried apricots, chicken, macrame, buran, ram, crucian carp, garage, drum, bagels, photography.

Yura, Kira, Ira, Shura, Vera, Zhora, Tamara, hole, mountain, bark, hole, pair, curtain, spur, kennel, canister.


What sound did the evil wizard Sound Eater swallow in words... .adu-ha, ...akushka, mu...avey, ka...andash? Repeat these words.

Divide the word into syllables kennel. Say the word without a syllable Well. Kennelbark. Replace the sound [k] with the sound [n]. ( Nora.) Rearrange the syllables in the word Nora.(Early.) Replace the sound [o] with the sound [a]. ( Wound.)

"Word in word." Rainbow...(arc.) Which syllable disappeared from the word?

Rearrange the letters. Gladgift. Mountainhorns. Maraframe.

Rebus. Fish, watermelon, crab. Name the objects. Highlight the first sound in their names. Make up a word from these sounds. ( Cancer.)







What common part is there in the words? ram, steering wheel, drum?

“Developing the grammatical structure of speech.”

Tell me the end of the story.

Ash-ash-ash, Roma has it... ( pencil).

Shi-shi-shi, on the table... ( pencils).

Shom-shom-shom, Roma draws... ( pencil).

Wei-wei-wei, carries a blade of grass... ( ant).

Run-run-run, the ram butts with... ( ram).

Replace the sound (letter). Mountainit's timeNorabark.

"The letter is lost." Bu...an, ba...an, gah...already.

"Word in word." Joy ( glad, hell, dot, growth), rocket ( cancer, chum salmon), pirate ( feast, shooting gallery), drum ( bar, wound, slave), steering wheel ( ram, wound), shells ( cancer, ears), rainbow ( glad, arc).

"Learning to think."

What do crayfish, crucian carp and shell have in common?

Remember the words - names of foods with the sound [r].

Remember the words - the names of objects that move, with the sound [r].

Name the objects that answer the question “Who is this?”

.) Karabas-Barabas. Who will run away faster from Karabas-Barabas - Pinocchio or Artemon? What advice could you give to Karabas-Barabas?

“Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, the game begins.

I ask with a syllable ra I need to say the words now.”

Think of five words that begin with the syllable ra.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with a syllable ro

Say the words correctly

Horn, mouth, rye, Roma, rose, horns, company, growth, Motherland, horn, horns, robot, lesson, cow, box, peas, hero, peas, pea, cheese, rosette, ice cream, gate, crow, sparrow, road, pie, threshold, city, garden, ferry.


“Did I say the right words?” Goodbye, goodness, goodness. Say these words correctly.

"One word - many names." Horns, feather, rosette.

Bird feather, pen feather.

Horns (goat), horns (pasta).

Jam socket, electrical socket.

Replace the sound, letter. Mouthditch Rosecompanyhorns. Gatescrowcrowncow.

To the syllable By add a word horn. What new word will you get? Hornthreshold.

By the way rose“invite” the sound [g] to the first place, what new word will you get?

Complete the word Roma, to make a word - the name of the flowers. Roma...(shki).

"Developing memory."

Listen and then repeat the words. Road, gate, crow. Listen to the words again. Road, gate, crow, magpie. What new word has appeared?

"Word in word." Storm ( times, horn, gas, mountain, rose). Rhino ( nose, litter, sleep, horn, grew). Cottage cheese ( thief, horn, dialect). Pie ( horn, feast). Tracks ( horns, crusts).

Choose rhyming words.

Crown - ... ( crow), horn - ... ( threshold, pie).

Several robots.

“Find identical objects.” Find robots that differ in color and size.

Prompt the word.

Snow was falling on... ( threshold),

The cat blinded himself... ( pie).

In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,

A trickle of pie... ( leaked).

Bake your own pies

Not from snow - from flour!

P. Voronko

Repeat the words. Daisiespocketscloudberry.

Come up with words with syllables ro.

Many words with a syllable ro.

Rose, Roma, mouth, bucket,

Robot, steamship, subway.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with a syllable ry

Say the words correctly

Lynx, fish, fisherman, market, saffron milk cap, trough, holes, mountains, chickens, balls, tigers, games, spurs, beavers, lobsters, mosquitoes, trough.


"Developing memory"

Repeat the words. Mosquitoes, holes, mountains, balls, holes, curtains, tomatoes. How many words do you remember?

The Sound Eater wizard stole half a word. Say the last syllable. Sha..., go..., but..., what..., coma..., tomato..., samova..., go..., but... .

How are the words different? companyrose; roarlynx; burrowsmountains?

What are the common syllables in words? gate, crow, sparrow?

“Developing the grammatical structure of speech”

Choose “relatives” words for the word fish.

Fish - fish - fish - fish - fish - fish - fisherman - fisherman - fisherman - fish - fish - fishless - fishing - fisherman.

Which word doesn't fit? Lynx, little lynx, lynx, trot, prowl.

"Ladder of words." Read the words. Say the shortest word. Name the longest word. How many sounds are in each word?






"Word in word." Conversations ( thieves, talk, times, roses, mountains).

Rearrange the letters. Fishermanfish.

Choose your words.

Ry-ry-ry, these are words with a syllable ry:

mountains, spurs, mosquitoes,

games, tigers and balls.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with a syllable RU

Say the words correctly

Hand, sleeves, gun, stream, handle, sails, shirt, mittens, kangaroo, carousel, photo gun, chipmunk .


Do you know these words: washbasin, handle, plane?

A small hanging washbasin - a washstand.

The handle of a weapon, a hand tool - a handle.

A planer is a carpenter's planing tool.

“Developing phonemic awareness”

Complete the word. Handhand...(V) sleeve...(A).

Rearrange the letters. Kruchapen.

Add sound. Choppinga tube. Replace the sound [y] with the sound [o]. Say a new word. ( Path.)

Make up words from mixed up syllables. Gu-ru-ken, ka-bash-ru, sel-ka-ru.

Ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru,

we continue the game.

I ask with a syllable ra

I need to name the words now.

Words with syllables gar-gor, kar-kor-kir

Accordion, accordion, harpoon, slide, upper room, ermine, proud, mountain.

Map, pocket, cornice, potato, cardboard, cap, picture, caramel, carnival.

Feeder, crust.

Pickaxe, brick.

Automation of the sound [r] in syllables and sound combinations
ar-or-ur-yr; ir-er-yur-yar

Say the words correctly

Macaw, harp, cart, arch, army, artist, artilleryman, watermelon, lasso; ball, heat, steam, park, blow, cook, desk, map, cardboard, pocket, longboat, badger, zoo, stamp, curtain, harpoon, Barbos, monkey, accordion.

Jaguar, mosquito, squid, samovar, sugar, fire, fireman.

Sugar bowl, cracker, fireman, organ.

Bor, choir, cake, slide, crust, mink, pattern, yard, feed, feed, axe, Egor, fence, tomato, TV, carrot, Fedor.

Board, borscht, locomotive, yard, fence, pie, cottage cheese, shutter, tubercle, tubercle, motor, hood, janitor, fly agaric, tomato, architect, sculptor, doctor, window, box, feeder, basket.

Drill, cord, blizzard, lemur, lampshade, horizontal bar, talker, plasterer, colander, Murka, Murzik, jacket, fruit, laces.

Shooting range, kefir, figs, marshmallows, tug, uniform, irga, Ira, apartment, commander, screen.

Yurt, sickle, coat of arms, peach, willow, guipure, musher.

Ruff, beaver, carpet, fire, grater, actor, driver, tent, five, boxer, sturgeon; fan, wind, willow, clover, evening, boat, coat of arms, envelope, gloves, crater, number, miner, poker, chamois, blueberry.


“Developing the grammatical structure of speech” Do you know these words: cheesecake, whey, russula?

Words - "relatives".

Hole, hole, hole, holes.

Say it kindly. Piepie, cottage cheesecottage cheese. What will we treat our guests to? ( Pies, cottage cheese, cottage cheese.)

“Developing phonemic awareness”

Change the words. Worldfeastshooting gallery

Replace the sound. Mikebrand, pugfruit drink

Complete the word.

I'll say a syllable pi, and you are the word horn. What new word did you get? ( Pie)Your...(horn.)Barleopardbadger. Cheesecheese. Cordlaces.

Match the words to patterns of three, four and five sounds.

"The letter is lost."

Ma...ka, go...ka, but...ka, ko...ka.

"Words-rhymes." How are rhyming words similar?

Motor - traffic light, carpet - fire, horn - pie, fly agaric - tomato, cheese - world, map - desk, fence - axe, Egor - motor.

Let's write poems with words yard, Egor, fence, axe.

Egor walked through... ( yard),

He sees - broken... ( fence).

I took Yegor... ( axe).

Fixed it quickly... ( fence).

Repeat a couple of words. Courtmole. Cakeport. Brandframe.

"Word in word."

Zoo ( steam, park, carp), hatchet ( axe, cat, whale, port, current. type).

Automation of the sound [r] in words with syllables
kra-cro-cru-kry, gra-gro-gro-gra

Say the words correctly

Crane, crab, edge, nettle, paint, paint, beautiful, crater, starch, edge, rudd, red, caviar, spark, crane operator.

Mole, crocuses, merganser, crumbs, pattern, dill.

Circle, grain, steep, mug, circle, grain, buckthorn, spinning, lace, large, cool.

Rat, roof, porch, wing, lid, jar, gooseberry.

Hail, rook, decanter, pomegranate, border, border guard, photographer, photography, grapes, grape.

Thunderstorm, threat, formidable, threaten, thunder, grotto, roar, loudspeaker.

Breast, cargo, pear, breast, loader, load, truck, sadness, rudeness.


“Developing phonemic awareness”

Repeat the words. Gruzdbunchnail. What words have the sound [r]?

Change the word by rearranging or replacing sounds (letters).

The court is a mole, the grotto is bargaining, the rooks are doctors, the nails are grapes.

Complete the sound (letter). Rosethunderstorm, gladhail, mouthmole, chestmilk mushroom

Let's make up new words. What words can be made from the letters of the word? nettle? (Willow, park, carp, steam, crayfish, Kira, var, feast, Vika, Ira)

Change the letter.

Rook is a doctor.

Thunder is a grotto.

Mole is a grotto.

Words with syllables bra-bro-bru-bra, great-pro-pro-pr-pra

Brother, breaststroke, bracelet, take.

Eyebrows, brooch, brooch, throw, throw, ford, sandwich.

Brus, lingonberries.

Cheese, splash, splash.

True, correct, truthful.

Sheet, cork, transparent, jump, jumper.

Phonemic analysis and synthesis

Determine the location of the sound in the named objects and place a circle under their image.

Name the words in which the sound [r] is heard at the beginning of the word. Name the words in which the sound [r] is heard in the middle of the word. Name the words in which the sound [r] is heard at the end of the word.

Automation of sound [р] in phrases

Red ball, scarf, fly agaric, pomegranate.

Pink collar, dahlia.

Burgundy sweater, jumper.

Orange circle, fence.

Red rose, aster.

Orange jacket, persimmon.

Pink fish, shirt.

Red feather.

Orange bucket.


Pied Thrush.

Black raven, rook.

Agile, nimble sparrow.

Pink feather.

Red tomatoes.

Orange shorts.

Pink dahlias, scarves, gloves.


Find a couple of words.

Early... ( morning).

Early... ( it's time).

Early... ( breakfast).

Red... ( ball, scarf).

Dahlias... ( red, pink, orange).

“Find the differences” Two girls in jackets and gloves with dahlias and asters. One holds flowers in right hand, the other is on the left.

If you were an artist, what would you draw with red paint?

Red... (pattern, ship, helicopter, trolleybus, crane, ball, scarf, tomato, fly agaric, pencil, felt-tip pen).

One of the most common reasons for which people turn to a speech therapist is that a child cannot pronounce the sound “R”. Parents worry that their baby will always “burr”, but this is not the case. If you purposefully correct sound pronunciation, you can get a beautiful sound. Violations can be different - this is sound omission, distortion or replacement. In order to begin correctional work, you need to know the reasons for the violation of sound pronunciation. Let's look at how to make the sound "R" in the article.

Causes of impaired pronunciation of "R"

  1. Short hyoid frenulum. This problem can be solved in 2 ways: trim the frenulum (the operation is performed by a surgeon) and select the ones that help stretch it.
  2. Violation of tongue tone. This is the most common reason. The articulation of the sound "R" is quite complex, and the tongue must be well prepared in order to pronounce this sound.
  3. Weak exhale. When pronouncing “R”, the tongue vibrates (after all, it is as a result of vibration that a “growl” is obtained), and this becomes possible if the child exhales strongly.

Articulation exercises

Before making the sound “R”, it is necessary to prepare the articulatory apparatus special exercises, which are aimed at improving the tone of the tongue and developing the correct structure for a given sound. Here are examples of exercises:

  • “Spatula” - a wide tongue lies on the lower lip. Aimed at normalizing the tone of the tongue.
  • “Needle” - pull the narrow tongue down, as if trying to reach the chin. This exercise is also necessary to improve the tone of the tongue.
  • “Cycle” - raise the tip and lateral edges of the tongue upward so that it looks like a “cup”. This is a basic exercise for developing the upper elevation of the tongue.
  • “Mushroom” - the front part of the tongue “sticks” to the palate, at this time you need to raise and lower the lower jaw. This is an exercise to stretch the hyoid frenulum.
  • “Drummers” - pronounce the sound “D” repeatedly, gradually speeding up the pronunciation. The main thing is that the sound is clear.

These are the most basic exercises for sound production.

Setting the sound "R"

This is done in several ways. Don't think that the production will happen quickly. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child and on how well his articulatory apparatus is prepared.

  1. From the "Drummers" exercise. This method is also called “Start the engine”. The exercise of the same name is taken as a basis here. Have to take cotton swab and, when the child says “ddd,” move the tip of the tongue from side to side. It should turn out to be “DR”, then automation should begin with this combination.
  2. From the exercise "Mushroom". Here the child independently, without mechanical assistance, tries to pronounce “R”. The adult asks him to blow forcefully on the tip of his tongue to make a sound.

There are many ways to produce sound. But these two methods are the most common, one might even say, classic.

Automation of the sound "R" in syllables

After the sound has been delivered, you need to immediately move on to automating the “R” sound. Consolidation is based on the principle “from simple to complex.” Work always begins with syllables. The selection of speech material depends on the method of production used. If from the sound “D”, then automation begins with the following syllables:


If the sound appeared thanks to the second method, then the following types of combinations should be taken:

  • RA, RO, RU, RY.
  • AR, OR, UR, IR.

When one group of syllables is automated (the child will not make mistakes in pronunciation), you should move on to words.

Consolidation in words

The next stage in automation is practicing the sound in words. Words containing a practiced syllable are always selected, otherwise the child may make a mistake. Another important nuance for verbal selection is its accessibility for the child, i.e. he must understand what this word means. Otherwise, you will think more not about the sound, but about finding the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Below are examples of words that are recommended to be taken at the initial stage.

Many people make the following mistake: only nouns are practiced, and adjectives and verbs are forgotten. They also need to be included in the automation process, because not all children can freely form them from nouns.

Words starting with "RA"

  • FRAME;
  • JOB;
  • STORY;
  • SHELL;

Types of jobs

In addition to repetitions of words, other types of work are used to automate the sound in words, which have a positive effect not only on pronunciation, but also contribute to the development of phonemic hearing and synthesis. For example:

  • come up with your own words for a certain syllable;
  • make a word from letters (this is for children of older preschool age);
  • determine where the sound is in a word: at the beginning, middle or end.

After several words have been practiced, you should move on to consolidating them in phrases. Be careful: many people skip this step because they don’t consider it necessary. In fact, it serves as a smooth transition from pronouncing individual words to sentences.

Automation of the sound “R” in words and sentences should take place simultaneously - you do not need to work with only one syllable and one words. If you work according to this principle, the automation process will be delayed. A lesson on automating the sound “R” should include practicing:

  • new syllable;
  • another syllable in words, phrases and sentences.

Fixing sounds in sentences

In general, the stage of automating the sound “R” in words and sentences is one of the most extensive, because the choice of speech material is expanding. And you need to be very careful: after all, after the sentences comes the most difficult stage for the child and parents - the introduction of sound into the child’s coherent speech. Therefore, it is very important that the automation of the sound “R” in words and sentences be carried out efficiently. At the very beginning of working with sentences, you should try to include worked words into your work as much as possible. It is necessary that the sentence be filled with the sound “R”, for example:

Raya was happy about the rainbow.

Raya had roses growing.

Rose has a fish in her hands.

Gradually, sentences lengthen and the number of words with the sound “R” decreases, because in ordinary speech, people do not use such rich sentences.

Then you can complicate the task: ask the child to independently compose sentences from the selected words. This helps not only in correcting sound pronunciation, but also contributes to the development of grammatical structure and the formation of coherent speech.

A good exercise is to write a sentence based on the pictures or a short story. The pictures should be understandable to the child and contain practiced words. This exercise is aimed not just at automating the sound in a sentence, but also at the formation of coherent speech.

Sound differentiation

This stage of work is optional, but it is necessary in cases where a child confuses the sounds “R” and “L” in his speech. When pronouncing, their tongue is in the same position, so they can confuse them. This also often happens when there was no “R” in the nursery, and he replaced it with a simpler “L”.

As always, the work begins with syllables. Take syllables with alternation:

  • RA-LA-RA;
  • LA-LA-RA;
  • RA-RA-LA.

When combinations of syllables are pronounced correctly, words are taken that contain both “R” and “L”, for example: crocodile, marmalade, coral. It’s good to take tongue twisters and pure twisters after syllables, which at the very beginning need to be pronounced slowly, gradually speeding up the pace, but so that the pronunciation of all sounds remains clear. Until the alternation “R” - “L” has been worked out, it is not recommended to include words in sentences that contain the sound “L”.

Not all parents are ready to independently produce and automate the sound “R” in words and sentences. For many adults, this work seems very difficult. In this case, the services of a speech therapist will be useful. Now it is difficult to get to classes with a speech therapist who works in kindergarten. Many parents find the speech therapy center very helpful.

The speech therapist will conduct a diagnosis and determine the level speech development child and determine the reason for the violation of sound pronunciation. Based on the information received, a correctional work plan is drawn up, which takes into account the child’s individual capabilities. Parents also need to work with him at home, especially during automation, because this is the time when the child develops self-control over speech.

How long can the sound "R" be automated? The sound “R” is considered one of the most difficult sounds to articulate, requiring great effort (for a baby). Therefore, no specialist will give an exact answer to this question. It all depends on how closely the parents monitor the child’s speech and how correctly the speech material is selected. It also plays a big role when it was started correctional work: the sooner, the faster automation will take place.

Not everyone has the opportunity to use the services of a speech therapist. For some parents they are simply unaffordable. It is not always possible to visit a speech therapy center. The types of work briefly described above will help parents independently automate the correct “R” sound in their child. The main thing is to be patient, the baby really needs your support during this period. Then he will have correct sound pronunciation and beautiful speech!

Ra- stressed syllable, beginning of a word
Slave, cancer, radio, joy, rainbow, frame, rally, wound, frame, shell, satchel.

Work, plain, rocket, area, worker, shell, racket, comb, plant, scout, radio operator, robber, bungler, parting, spring, parents, horn, birth.

Mountain, hole, bark, heat, hole, yesterday, midges, kids, ram, garage, parade, giraffe, crucian carp, pirate, mirage, chimes, steering wheel, operation, scratch, collect.

Headlight, measure, sulfur, faith, quarrel, curtain, sphere, spur, opera, panther, riffraff, cave, loon, kikimora, satire, plywood, guitar, cholera, camera, chimera, amphora, office, cigar, potion, karate, drum, ant, caramel, guard, pyramid, hurricane, caravan, cockroach, sundress, toddler, parachute, pencil, quarantine, karabas-barabas.

Ro- stressed syllable, beginning of a word
Mouth, swarm, moat, role, rye, growth, diamond, timidity, rose, robot, rumble, company, horns, grove, search, rod, roller, luxury, mole, homeland, smooth, pink.

Ro- stressed syllable, middle of a word
Feather, bureau, magpie, crow, cow, road, crown, gate, cigarette, currant, ice cream, embryo, lesson, pie, hero, marmot, frost, baron, syrup, people, vegetable garden, ferry, rhinoceros, turnover, vice versa, turn, funnel, box, crown, cake, somersault, thief, dexterity, lacing, varnishing, dosage, soda, internship, business trip, disguise, planning, tattoo, staging.

Ry- stressed syllable, beginning of a word
Lynx, fish, market, saffron milk cap, knight, snout, pothole, dig, rummage.

Ry- unstressed syllable, beginning of a word.
Fisherman, trotter, dash, sob, rumble, growl.

Ry- stressed syllable, middle of a word
Abscess, gust, trough, stalk, mosquitoes.

Ry- unstressed syllable, middle of a word
Couples, mountains, holes, charms, patterns, fees, spurs, elections, manners, memoirs, feather.

RU- stressed syllable, beginning of a word
Steering wheel, ruble, hands, pen, rumba, channel, manuscript.

RU- unstressed syllable, beginning of a word
Fleece, ore, line, ruby, sleeve, gun, mermaid, roll, stream, roll, ruins, routine, mine, shirt, plane, blush, mermaid, handle, mitten, washstand, needlework, leader, chop, lead.

RU- stressed syllable, middle of a word
Kangaroo, old woman, weapon, notch, corn, appearance.

RU- unstressed syllable, middle of a word
Papyrus, carousel, errand, help out.

Ar-yar- stressed syllable
Steam, ball, var, heat, gift, kar-kar, blow, lobster, bazaar, tan, goods, mosquito, fire, jaguar, nightmare, boulevard, squid, potter, samovar, commissar, antique dealer, turpentine, fireman, seminar, desk, backgammon, barracks, party, bartender, velvet, asparagus, manganese, senior, firecracker, attic.
Yar, bright.
Painter, schoolboy, carpenter, gusler, case, eyepiece, hero of the day, capillary, copy.
Arch, brand, tea leaves, shack, savage, cook, kayak, coffee maker, pig farm, nurse, shepherd dog, welding.

Ar-yar- unstressed syllable
Cook, sugar, author, dollar, aviator, excavator, commentator.
Cart, watermelon, armyak, horde, army, crossbow, harpist, organism, ornament, argument, archeology.
Badger, watchdog, greyhound, pocket, cardboard, cap, cornice, corsage, cakes, picture, basket, potato, carbonade, accordion, ermine, dahlia, humpback, partisan, briefcase, tailor, marine, blink, morpheme, Narzan, Spartan, fortune, outpost, anesthesia, leapfrog.

Or-er- stressed syllable
Litter, pestilence, forest, choir, thief, chlorine, nonsense, yard, collection, pattern, fence, cathedral, hillock, motor, set, axe, hillock, emphasis, blockage, enthusiasm, major, watch, shame, major, minor, junior, major, dancer, shutter, slope, fly agaric, tomato, commander, traffic light, semaphore, cupronickel, matador.
Order, organ, body, kite, piston, morphine.
Mink, spanking, slide, crust, frill, cleaning, assembly, saying, clause, excuse, subcortex, desk, castor oil, shag.
Beaver, poser, liqueur, carpet, driver, tent, sapper, usher, polisher, fitter, watchman, bonfire, boxer, understudy, prompter, juggler, elevator operator, volunteer, musketeer, stuntman, dreamer, alarmist, pull, hard.
Grater, five, four, seven, six, eight, gallery, tunic.

Ur-yur- stressed syllable
Drill, tour, cord, openwork, lemur, lampshade, helter-skelter, pun, pompadour, bedokur, skewer, plasterer.
Mazurka, jacket, sandpaper, beaker, plaster.
Yurt, nimble.
Velor, allure, guipure, manicure, pedicure.

Ur-yur- unstressed syllable
Tambour, contour, tour, blizzard, dope, turbine.

Ir-yr- stressed syllable
Fat, feast, peace, ether, figs, marshmallows, kefir, idol, cashier, fakir, passenger, jeweler, souvenir, guard, rowdy, sapphire, banker, uniform, elixir, tugboat.
Carbon paper, washable.
Hole, cap.

Er-er- stressed syllable
Square, wine glass, officer, pioneer, gentleman, land surveyor, hypocrite, polymer, stopwatch, eye meter, dresser, engineer, millionaire, policeman, shareholder, pensioner, aviary.
Willow, top, vershok, seal, golden eagle, canned food, rod, first.
Measure, door, bookcase, snuff box, pensioner.
Mayor, sir, peer.

Er-er- unstressed syllable
Wind, boat, coachman, leader, number, hacker, sharpie, buffer, evening, number, poker, sweater, speaker, joker, Mauser, bumper, boiler, timer, mixer, pager, eclair, master, geyser, tanker, bunker, cadet, centner, chancellor, fan, conveyor, goalkeeper, felt-tip pen, computer.
Attic, power, parchment, verdict, sergeant, insolence, hold, angry, poker, allergy, twilight.

Tra-tro-tru-tra- stressed syllable
Trap, tract, waste, tragic, meal, baiting, route, tram, contract, contrast, intermission, stained glass.
Three, throne, thrombus, cane, troll, trail, troika, trinity, touch, metro, sailor, cartridge.
Coward, labor, difficult, drone, troupe, pipes, pipe, panties, cowardice, toiler, cheesecake.

Grass, tragedy, spender, trapation, springboard, trench, trombone, reflection, morning, double bass, breakfast, canister, cunning.

Dra-dro-dru-dra- stressed syllable, beginning and middle of a word
Fight, fight, tattered, scrub, drama, veil, melancholy, run away, wounded.
Firewood, fraction, trembling, yeast, dart, thrush, tremble, hip, bucket, syndrome, squadron, hippodrome, cosmodrome.
Friend, friendship, girlfriend.
Jerking, snoring, tearing.

Dra-dru-dru- unstressed syllable, beginning and middle of a word
Dragon, dragee, brawler, dragoon, clunker, pellet, firewood, bustard, woodcutter, trembling, jewel, dramatization, tremble, tease, hydra, otter, powder, bowels, zest, bowels, buckets, pulpit, squadron, tundra, salamander, scolopendra, Andromeda, hydromassage, imitate, tear out, vigor, wisdom, generosity.
Friends, squad, other.
Cedars, frames.

Tr-dr.- at the end of a word
Meter, liter, center, felt, filter, monster, spectrum, theater, sturgeon, inspection, pediatrician, alabaster, amphitheater, minister, master, music stand, subtitle, semester, diameter, centimeter, speedometer, scepter.
Frame, spacesuit, cider, top hat, cedar, vigorous.

Kra-cro-cru-cra- stressed syllable
Crab, faucet, collapse, edge, theft, paint, stolen.
Blood, mole, cross, crown, crumb, crumb, crocus, cut, rabbit, roofing, edge.
Circle, mug, lace, large.
Rat, roof, lid, lid.

Kra-cru-kra- unstressed syllable
Nettle, speck, redness, starch, local history, crab catcher, beauty, bed, crocodile, sneakers, district, circle, surroundings, okroshka, treasure, caviar, wet.
Croup, cruise, circle, croupier, twist, crash, cool, circle, circle. Porch, gooseberry, shelter.

Gra-gro-groo-gra- stressed syllable
Grad, rook, edge, count, gram, grand, gravel, degree, thermometer, diploma, schedule, grace, proofs, game, reward.
Thunder, grotto, grog, penny, bunch, roar, loud, threat, pogrom, snowdrift.
Load, sadness, chest, breast, soil, pear, group, pile
Grymza, stub.

Gra-gro-gra- unstressed syllable
Decanter, robbery, grenade, granite, graphite, robber, citizen, gramophone, border, thunderstorm, rumble, bulk. Rude, truck.
Rodent, blacks, hillocks.

Hra-hro-hru-hry- stressed and unstressed syllables
Snoring, temple, storage, keeper, chromate.
Chrome, terry.
Crunch, fragile, crystal, lens.

Great- stressed syllable
Ashes, right, washerwoman, great-grandfather, practice, holiday, righteous man.
Prok, away, prose, millet, sample, wire, against, plug, simple, armhole, copy, request, machinations, sermon, farewell, glimpse, sheet, durable, trial, try, lived, opposite.
Rod, pond, elastic, dam.
Jump, agility, pimple, jump, agility.

Great- unstressed syllable
Mileage, simpleton, rental, rightness, cold, products, problem, hole, provisions, province, seller, conductor, truant, ruler, trainee, product, clearing, board, awakening, justice, see off, nasty, compromising evidence.
Spring, poor fellow.
Jumper, jump.

Bra-bro-bru-bra- stressed syllable
Brother, marriage, breaststroke, bravo, gallant, meeting.
Eyebrow, brooch, ford, armor, bronchi, broccoli, catchy, wandering, rabble, madman.
Beam, harness.
Splash, splash, cheese, splash.

Bra-bru-bra- unstressed syllable
Bracelet, bravado, reins, Brazilian, marriage, scold, throw, image, zebra, cobra, kindness, mop, algebra, imagination.

Bar, lingonberry, hoop, get engaged.

Tailcoat, franc, dandy, phrase, freight.
Transom, fragment, French.
Fruit, fructose.

Doctor, enemy, liar, ravine.
Hostility, rotation, hostility.
Separately, scattered, seemingly ingrown, in a grove, in a role, in retail.
Liar, hand, cut, in hand, in stream, in sleeve, in shirt.
Laurels, Moors.

Sra-sra-sra-sra Zra-zry
Immediately, with joy.
Fight, from work, on a grand scale.
Deadline, urgently, with rum, with a roar, with a rose.
Log house, cut down, with a gun, with sleeves.
Pupils, age.
Explosion, out loud.

Fear, ostrich, guard, guard, country, scary, sister, highway, foreigner.
Pages, line, builder, structure, plan, compassion, island, quickly.
Build, construction, line, strict, tour, mood, prison, disaster.
Shavings, chicken out, string, stream, with difficulty, with a coward, instrument.
Bonfires, sisters, semesters, canisters, motley, sharp, fast.

Hello, healthy, health, health, long live, congratulations.

Gloom, gloomy, obscurantist, twilight, domra, mymra.
Temper, moralizing, capricious, to please.



Fight, tattered, fight.

Dragee, brawler, firewood, tremble.

Buckets, otter, powder, squadron.

Cheerfulness, wisdom.

Jerky, jerk.

Frames, cedars, generous.

Drovni, thrush, throttle.

Friend, friendship, friendly, befriend, other.

Dra-dra-dra, the rain is pouring like buckets.

Draw, draw, draw - we have a beautiful bucket.

Draw-draw-draw, the sailor carries a bucket.

Drum-dru-dru, the drone climbs up the bucket.

Drap-drill-dram, the gnomes are cunning and wise



Grass, injury, ladder, track.

Grass, tram, trench, path, reeds, trolleybus.

Fast, breakfast, guard, country, page, sharp, motley, fine, nimble.

Touch, throne, path, tropics, cable, cane.

Subway, construction site, cartridge.

Pipe, labor, difficult.

Trumpet, work.

Cheesecake, parsley, pestle, shavings, string, stream.

Tra, tra, tra - we walked until the morning.

Tra, tra, tra - we sat by the fire.

Three, three, three - our boys are fast.

Three, three, three - fires are lit.


The path is not visible in the grass. You can quickly get to the center by metro. The winds are blowing. The sailor raises the ladder. We need work. Trofim is chopping wood. The bucket is on the grass. The friends went to the theater. The otter has valuable fur. Blackbirds build nests. My friend's name is Petrusha. Friends help each other. Tomorrow my friend and I are going to the theater. Trofim goes to the construction site. Peter saw an ostrich and an otter. There is only one page left in the notebook. Trofim and Peter have been friends for a long time. The three of us quickly finished planing the boards.


Ar-ur-ir Ir-or-ar er-ur-ir Ir-or-ur

Or-ir-ur Ur-ir-or or-er-ar Ur-or-er

Raya goes to the market ar-ar-ar, ar-ar-ar.

Fyodor sweeps the yard, or-or-or, or-or-or.

There are a lot of chickens at the trough, ur-ur-ur, ur-ur-ur.

Iraida drinks kefir ir-ir-ir, ir-ir-ir.

Smooth red tomato or-or-or-, or-or-or.

The farmer's name is Zakhar, ar-ar-ar, ar-ar-ar.

The master cuts the cord, ur-ur-ur, ur-ur-ur.


ar- var, dar, heat, steam, ball, carp, park, March, bazaar, tan, mosquito, Makar samovar, fire, army, barge, velvet, map, brand desk, apron.
op- boron, litter, choir, borscht, yard, feed, walrus, port, grade, cake, slide, order, crust, vigilant, mink, form, mountain, brake, window, motor, tomato, fence, fly agaric, axe.
ur- - drill, cord, urn, burka, drill, jacket, sandpaper, duty officer, Murka, chock.

yr- cheese, Taimyr, hole, snort, perforated.
yar - bright, brighter, milkmaid

er- ruff, beaver, actor, carpet, boxer, fitter, driver, miner, fire, grater, five, pull, lake, black.
legal- yurt, nimble.

er- top, coat of arms, sickle, willow, true, measure, farm, wool, Herman, first, golden eagle, thermos, peach, zealous, pioneer, officer.
ir- peace, feast, shooting range, kefir, uniform, commander, passenger, tag, screen, peaceful.


Pronounce (read) words in sample: a - r - buz, ve-te - r -, o-gu - r - -tsy.
ar- cart, watermelon, artist, cook, sugar, Barbos, badger, pocket,
cardboard, accordion, potato, monkey, partisan
ur- blizzard, cucumbers, laces.
ir- pickaxe, brick.

er- fan, wind, evening, boat, master, feature, on horseback, top, worm, attic, blackened, return, hold, twirl, endure, gloves.

Fedr sweeps the yard. Egor is cleaning the carpet. Herman's mother is a doctor. Murka follows the mouse, and the mouse goes into the hole. In winter there is a slide in the park. Pour sugar into kefir. Fedor puts on a jacket. The room has a bright lampshade. The grainy snow darkens in March. Bright butterflies flutter at the edge of the forest.

Egor, Egor, show your yard!

And there is my yard, the blue fence.

Ar-ar-ar - the samovar is standing.
Ar-ar-ar - my ball flew away.
Or-or-or - Vova carries an axe.
Or-or-or - red tomato.
Ur-ur-ur - the puppy is chasing chickens.
Ur-ur-ur - we have a short cord.

Yr-yr-yr - we eat cheese.
Er-er-er - wind, evening, officer.
Ir-ir-ir - we drink kefir.
Er-er-er - Uncle Fedya is an officer.
Yor-yor-yor - there is a carpet on the wall.
Arches-arches-arches - Raya collects stamps.
Orka-orka-orka - there is a steep slide in the yard



Fedor gets up with the first roosters. Dresses quickly. Need to go to a construction site. There is tea in the thermos. But Fedor doesn’t drink it in the morning. He takes out kefir and pours in sugar. In the morning, kefir is refreshing. He puts on his jacket and goes out into the yard. Gets on a motorcycle. He starts the engine and drives to the construction site. The work morning begins. Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.


ra-ro-ru ro-ry-ru ru-ry-ra

ra-ru-ro ry-ro-ra ru-ra-ry

Add the appropriate number of identical syllables to rhyme

The adult speaks. The child says

There is a flat mountain in the park, ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra.

In the morning we go by metro, ro-ro-ro, ro-ro-ro.

We paint the kennel, ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru.

Mosquitoes are circling in the park, ry-ry-ry, ry-ry-ry.

There is a ram at the gate, run-run-run, run-run-run.

Kira, decorate the pie, rock rock rock, rock rock rock.

We go to the lake with a bucket, rum-rum-rum, rum-rum-rum.

There are peas in the garden. Roh-roh-roh, roh-roh-roh.


RA-RA-RA- hole, bagels, pyramid, kids, mountain, cockroach

RA-RA-RA- cancer, frame, work, radio, wound, rocket

RO-RO-RO- mouth, ditch, robot, Motherland, rose

RO-RO-RO - frost, cottage cheese, crow

RU-RU-RU- steering wheel, Rus', hands, sleeve

RU-RU-RU - sail, corn, cord

RY-RY-RY - fish, fisherman, market, lynx

RY-RY-RY - trough, feather, brown

Space, height, size, conversation, apartment, outlook, check, nimble, porcelain, ice hole, orchestra, dig, airfield, woodcutter, disassemble, rip apart, tractor, sidewalk, soon
cooking, tongue twister, transport, program, mouthpiece.


Rosy roll. Shirt sleeve.

Scar on the hand. Russian frontier.

Light brown mermaid. Mittens on hands.

Locker for robes. Romanian ruins.

Roma is fishing. The workers were digging a ditch.


The wind inflates the sail. Zakhar feeds the chickens. Murka stole the cheese. Varvara is cleaning the carpet. Mink has black skin. The officer wears a uniform. The monkey has a tomato in the feeder. We go to the market to buy peaches and watermelons. The cook puts sugar in the cake batter. The wind howls in the attic. Bright butterflies flutter at the edge of the forest. The driver starts the engine and the car moves off.

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.
Ra-ra-ra - Raa likes the heat.
Ra-ra-ra - It's time for Katya to sleep

ra-ra-ra - the fox has a hole
Ra-ra-ra - the mouse has a hole.

Ro-ro-ro - in the city metro.
Ro-ro-ro - Roma has a new bucket.
Ro-ro-ro - Rose has an old feather.
Ru-ru-ru - the hare peeled off the bark.
Ru-ru-ru - the goat gnaws the bark.
Ru-ru-ru - I'll pick some berries.
Ry-ry-ry - Roma sees fish.
Ry-ry-ry - axes clattered.
Ry-ry-ry - Zhora jumps from the mountain.
Ry-ry-ry - the boys have balls.
Ry-ry-ry - they didn’t notice the heat.

Wow, wow, wow - we don't have a carpet at home.

Sconce, sconce, sconce - let's wish everyone well.

Gra, gra, gra - we have a new game.

Kra, kra, kra - very tasty caviar.



















Pronounce words with emphasis on the syllable:

Drama, dratva, shingles, drape, tear, fight, square, fraction, yeast, firewood, bucket, hip, core, grown up, friendship, friend, girlfriend, suddenly, befriends.

Pronounce words without stress on the syllable:

Dragon, dragoon, buckets, squadron, otter, powder, firewood, tremble, blackbirds, wisdom, vigor, be friends, squad, cedars, cadres, cheerful.

Ladder, track, grass, grass, trawl, baiting, notebook, sailor, mattress, cable, troika, trail, cable, path, touch, metro, citro, cartridge, difficult, pipe, coward, parsley, cheesecake, sturgeon, separation.

Tram, grass, trench, springboard, trolleybus, trail, morning, trick, trophy, trumpet, trumpeter, cowards, bran, look, theaters, winds, leggings, meters, tear off.

Words with a combination of consonants in a syllable:

Ostrich, countries, guards, breakfast, quick, page, line, construction, planing, three of us, quickly, shavings, strings, jets, motley, sharp, asters, ministers, bonfires.

Words with reverse syllables:

Theater, meter, sturgeon, Peter, pediatrician, center, liter, filter, show, cinema.


AR – OR – UR UR – YR – ER IR – ER – OR


Words with syllable stress:

Mosquito, goods, bazaar, fire, heat, heat, gift, steam, blow, samovar, park, carp, brand, desk, velvet, barge.

Yard, fence, Egor, axe, forest, litter, sport, walrus, cake, order, slide, crust, shape, mink, motor, tomato.

Cord, drill, jackets, burka, sandpaper, Murka, lampshade, cheese, hole, snort.

Bright, milkmaid, ruff, carpet, boxer, actor, miner, driver, fire, grater, five, pull, black.

Yurta, Yura, nimble, top, willow, coat of arms, sickle, true, farm, wool, first, faithful, bad, thermos, peach, officer, feast, uniform, shooting range, peace, kefir, passenger, commander, peaceful, screen, wash.

Words without syllable stress:

Artist, lasso, aroma, Arbat, cart, watermelon, cook, sugar, pocket, cardboard, accordion, potato.

Hurricane, lesson, Ural, harvest, lace, cucumber, blizzard, snowstorm.

Pickaxe, brick, boat, evening, wind, fan, worm, return, ink, gloves, endure, twirl, attic, frock coat.

Ar - ar - ar - a mosquito flies. Arch - arch - I have a brand.

Or - or - or - I have an axe. Orka - orka - a steep hill.

Ur - ur - ur - don't chase the chickens. Irka - Irka - I have a hole.

Ir - ir - ir - we are for peace. Urka - urka - cat Murka.


RA – RO – RU RU – RA – RY

RO – RA – RY RY – RO – RU

RY – RU – RA RO – RU – RY

Cancer, one, Raya, wound, radio, I rejoice, joy, shell, heat, hole, hole, mountain, snowstorm, garage, giraffe, parade, Roma, rose, grove, Motherland, genus, horns, pink, smooth, frost, people, ferry, crow, cow, short, line, box, pie, hero, lesson, mountain, handle, felling, fair-haired, hands, Russian, taking, tool, Marusya, hole, hole, heat, corn, saffron milk cap, market, fish, loose, dig, lynx, balls, gifts, trough, axes, mosquitoes, yards.

Vera, Lara, Yura, Ira, work, rocket, couple, measure, headlight, story, ant, drum, comb, pencil, hand, sleeve, stream, chop, plane, mitten, manual, blush, sail, holes, chickens, couples, holes, fences, fires, actors, boxers, miners, samovars, fishermen, drivers.

Brother, take, bravo, marriage, granite, border, letter, rook, decanter, edge, tap, paint, crabs, nettle, beauty, beauty, truth, laundress, rules, right, to the right, France, figure, snore, keeps, eyebrows, brooch, throw, beam, lingonberry, feta cheese, splashes, grown, like, bunch, thunderstorms, roar, loud, milk mushrooms, pear, rough, chest, gnaw, rodent, crumbs, mole, blood, cross, mug, circle, cereal, steep, around, large, rat, roof, Crimea, lid, close, wire, plug, sheet, simple, pond, twig, spring, urgently, deadline, cut down, fruit.


Ra - ra - ra - high mountain. Ry - ry - ry - mosquitoes are flying.

Ro - ro - ro - new bucket. Ru - ru - ru - we start the game.

Hoodie. Hard work. Fast rocket. Lace pattern. Mischievous sparrow. Brick garage. Sea fish. Smooth road. Native nature. Russian cheese. Woodshed. Expensive gift. Ship's gangway. Big waste. Royal throne. Early morning. North wind. Fruit cider. Gun cartridge. Sharp axe. A colorful shirt. Ruby bracelet. Red garnet. Older brother. Smooth device. Elastic spring. Open transom. Northern border. Beautiful decanter. Black rook. Thunder rumbles. Urgent cargo. Cowardly rabbit. Sharp turn. Wingspan. Drumroll. True friend. old friendship. Round core.

Conjugate: I feed the rabbits. I work as a cook. I'm jumping from a springboard. I collected a bucket of saffron milk caps. I chop wood with a sharp axe.

About example: I work as a cook. We work as cooks.

You work as a cook. You work as cooks.

He (she) works as a cook. They work as cooks.



Parting, breakthrough, gap, hole, bloomers, marble, route, size, solution, outlook, orchestra, reveal, porcelain, space, conversation, airfield, check.

Fedor has a new drum. There is firewood on the grass in the yard. Friends always help each other. There is a vase on the table, beautiful asters in the vase. Children at the zoo saw an ostrich. Raya is on the farm, taking care of the cows. Mom baked delicious cheesecakes with cottage cheese. Yegor is walking through the yard. There are cucumbers and tomatoes in the garden. There is a geographical map on the wall. The fly went to the market and bought a samovar. There are notebooks on the desk. The truck brought firewood. White sheep beat drums. Vera and Roma are collecting saffron milk caps. In winter, fishermen fish in the ice hole. All peoples need peace. After the rain there is a multi-colored rainbow in the sky. Ira plays the piano well. There is a good harvest of millet this year. Red Square in Moscow is beautiful. Vera and Roma are the same age. Bulldozers and tractors pave the road. A woodcutter chops wood. Crows, magpies and rooks live in city parks. Black rooks walk along the furrow behind the tractor. Metro, tram, trolleybus are urban modes of transport. The Moscow metro is decorated with marble. Early morning dew sparkles on the grass. A spotted magpie sits on the roof. Sparrows steal grains from under the noses of chickens. With a sharp ax, Roma cut down the rotten pear tree.


Variegated asters decorate autumn garden. Roma jumps from a springboard. Rodion brought firewood on a log. Rodion is chopping wood, and Raya and Vera are carrying wood into the barn. Ira scratched her hand. Kira has a scar on her arm. A gray rabbit gnaws a red carrot. Roma, Vera and Kira are collecting saffron milk caps in the forest. Roma scored two buckets. The master was assigned an urgent job. On the road, everyone was chilled by the north wind. Ira jerked open the transom. Vera places pink asters in a porcelain vase on the piano. A shepherd drives a flock of sheep into the gate. The painting depicts a sailor with a grenade. Laura picks daisies. Valera works as a driver in a garage. Plantain grows along roads and paths. Egorka fell head over heels down the slide. What has been lived and what has been spilled cannot be turned back.

The crow missed the little crow. On someone else's side I'm glad to see my dear Voronushka. The hero who stands up for his homeland. Three trumpeters blew their trumpets. Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.


It was bitterly cold. Vera and Ira went outside. Vera attached a piece of lard to the birch branches. The branch swayed. These were sparrows, titmice, and red-breasted bullfinches. Then the red bullfinch flew off to the side. He only eats grains and seeds. Ira ran up to the tree and scattered a handful of seeds. The birds were happy. The children fed the birds all winter!


The worker is working. The fisherman is fishing. The seller sells. The watchman is watching. The photographer takes pictures. The welder welds. The narrator tells. The standardizer normalizes. The wanderer wanders.

The ram has the horns of a ram. The cow has cow horns. A crow has raven feathers. The badger has a badger hole.

Black blueberries turn black, On the mountain, on the hill,

Red lingonberry turns red, on a steep hill

The pink rose turns pink, The slender mountain ash,

The variegated immortelle is variegated. It's like in the picture.

All the hills and hills, the picture in the basket,

Hillocks and hills: Crucian carp in the picture,

What if under every hill there is a crucian carp with a baby carp

Is there a rat hole? And a pipe cleaner with a pipe cleaner.

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive, Steamer cooks steam,

Where are you taking us? The pressure cooker is cooking soon.

Good ride

And return it back!


One day the mice came out - Oh, oh, oh, oh! –

See what time it is. The peas were grumbling -

One-two-three-four Very difficult

The mice pulled the weights. Live in a pod

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing - If the door

The mice are running away. On hook.

The mice dance in circles, I gave my gift,

The cat is dozing by the stove. That is, I received joy,

Hush, mice, don’t make noise, That is, I’m happy too,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat. That is doubly joyful.

How Vaska the cat wakes up from my gift

It will break up the whole round dance. It became two

Vaska the cat woke up - From one.

The round dance broke out.

Three brothers are alike: I harnessed the rooster to the cart,

Pankrat to Marat, I'm carrying three peas.

Marat on Kondrat, I barely reached my overnight stay -

Kondrat on Pankrat. No peas for the cart!


In Kondrat's notebook Three chattering magpies

I drew a square. They chattered on the slide.

OGONEK Diggers dig a ditch

It's crunching outside the window. Soon it will be ready.

Frosty day.

Standing on the window Brought Prov to Egor

The flower is a light. There's a mountain of firewood in the yard.

Raspberry color

Petals are blooming, Petr Petrovich Prygunov

It’s as if I really arrived from Perm to Rostov.

The lights are burning.

I water it, the piglets were pink -

Its shores became bronze from the tan.

I can’t give it to anyone!

It’s so bright, there’s a fence behind the windows,

Very good, behind the fence

Very much like my mother’s Stary Bor.

Looks like a fairy tale! I'll remove the fence

So that the house stands in the forest!


Egor walked through the forest, he arrived from hot countries.

Sees: Neck like a crane.

The fly agaric has grown. He's certainly proud

Even though he’s handsome, I don’t take him if he looks down on me.

Yegor said out loud in the forest. No, the beast has a gentle disposition.

You said it right, Egor! - And his name is...

This is how Bohr answered him.Giraffe

Barabanov Kolya, Nata and Egorka

Barabanov Tolya, We bought a grater.

And the smaller Seryozha - What a grater, -

Barabanov too. Brother whispers,

There's a drumming on the door - We'll take it!

Drums Kolya, “We won’t take it,”

Nata objects and drums on the box.

Barabanov Tolya, - The grater has holes in it!

And the little one Seryozha We are around the city

Glad to try too - Let's go,

He's drumming on the jug, maybe kissing him

Like a drum. We'll find it.


Forty forty Birds of wondrous beauty

For their own, they wear their tails like a fan.

Forty shirts, Smooth patterns

They scribble without quarreling. Feathers are painted.

Forty shirts in blue, yellow and green,

Stitched on time - their tufts are like a crown.

They immediately quarreled, head on a long neck,

Forty forty. Important peacocks are walking.

Here is the gray mole, CAMEL

Here is a gray mole. It's been a week in the hot desert,

Here is a gray, gray, gray mole. He hasn’t drunk for a week and chews thorns.

He is not handsome, not ugly, the hot sand does not burn his feet.

He's just a gray, gray mole. He is proud, hunchbacked and tall.

Artyom is grating carrots.

Enemies are at the ditch in the ravine.

The pit is wet.

Mark has an outline map on his desk.

There is a mink under the hill near the mink.


He is huge, good-natured, Amazing horses.

He has big ears. Maybe a pony? No, not a pony.

The longest-nosed one in the world. “Who put it on,” I’ll ask my mother, “

Nose like a vacuum cleaner hose. Striped pajamas?

Elephant Zebra

From birth she carries a bag, She will fly to the village,

He doesn’t ask anyone to help. He sits on the barn,

Hides the kids in the bag, folds a black wing

This is mom - ... And she screams: “Karr!”

Kangaroo Crow

In Yegor's garden - In Prokhor's cellar

Turnips, radishes, tomatoes. Not peas, but gunpowder.

George - brother of Gregory, Cobra - in the terrarium,

Grigory is George’s brother. Carps are in the aquarium.

Carrots are in the garden, Theodore is in the arena.

Five - in the notebook. Theodore - bullfighter.


Wears long needles, There is a monster at the bottom of the sea



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