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Egg and milk casserole. Egg casserole. Egg casserole for breakfast

Egg casserole is a great idea for a hearty breakfast or afternoon snack. Children and adults will love this tasty dish, and you can serve it with bacon and green peas.

Egg casserole can be served with ketchup or homemade tomato sauce.


Salt and pepper 1 to taste Butter 30 grams Milk 450 milliliters

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Preparation time: 5 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Egg casserole recipe

This dish tastes like a traditional omelette, but it turns out more fluffy and literally melts in your mouth.

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk, add salt and pour in milk in small portions.
  2. Grease an 8 x 10 cm rectangular pan with butter and pour the egg mixture into it.
  3. Place the dough in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes.

If desired, you can put fried onions, pieces of boiled sausage or grated cheese into the “dough”.

How to make egg casserole

This time we suggest preparing a beautiful and satisfying breakfast dish in portioned baking dishes.


  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • cervelat – 50 g;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • soft cheese – 50 g;
  • green onions – 15 g;
  • dill – 15 g;
  • vegetable oil – 10 g;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

In addition, you will need 3 silicone or ceramic molds with a diameter of 15 cm.

  1. Finely chop the greens, cut the cheese into cubes and the sausage into strips.
  2. Beat 2 raw eggs with a whisk, mix them with the prepared products. Place the mixture in greased molds.
  3. Garnish each serving with a raw egg and grated cheese. Try to place the yolk in the middle and put the cheese around the edges.
  4. Bake the treat for 15 minutes in the oven at 180°C.

Before serving, the casserole can be decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs. Serve the dish with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Egg casserole in a frying pan

If you have pasta and some sausage left in the refrigerator after lunch or dinner, you can use it to prepare a delicious breakfast dish for the whole family.


  • spaghetti – 300 g;
  • milk sausages – 3 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil – 90 g;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.
  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and pour in the milk. Add salt and pepper, beat the ingredients.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes and the sausage into slices. Fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown. Place the cooked spaghetti in the pan and stir the ingredients.
  3. Pour the egg mixture over the ingredients, then cover the pan with a lid. Cook the casserole over low heat for 10 minutes.

Before serving, the dish can be sprinkled with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

Egg casserole goes well with sour cream and garlic sauce or fresh tomatoes and basil.

Omelettes and scrambled eggs with various fillings are our constant companions. This is a great option for a quick breakfast, lunch, or anything - there are no restrictions on consumption. If you like it, eat it in the morning, if you like it, eat it for dinner. But someday you want to add variety to “egg cooking”. This is where egg casserole comes to the fore, recipes for which can be found for every taste.

There is no difficulty in making egg casserole. The only thing that needs to be decided is what the dish will be prepared with. There are as many fillings for casseroles as there are for omelettes. You can use them in one or another dish without losing quality and taste.

Egg casserole: features and differences

Speaking about the difference between a casserole and an omelet, we must remember that the classically French omelet does not contain either milk or cream in its recipe. And, in fact, those omelettes that everyone has been accustomed to preparing for many years are not an omelet, but an egg casserole, only cooked in a frying pan, and not in the oven.

In the classic omelet recipe, no ingredients, including salt, are added to the beaten egg mixture. Pepper and salt the omelet after two to three minutes. But the omelette could not remain without fillings. They gradually appeared in many variations.

If the omelette is prepared with filling, it is fried separately. And the filling is not filled with beaten eggs. It is placed on top of a freshly seasoned and salted omelette. But the omelette is cooked in a frying pan. Professional chefs always have a special frying pan for this dish in their kitchen.

As for the casserole, the first and main difference from omelettes and scrambled eggs is that it is cooked in a baking dish (you can also use a frying pan) in the oven. Many casserole recipes include flour. Don’t forget to sprinkle the pan in which the dish will be prepared with breadcrumbs.

You can also prepare egg casserole in a slow cooker. But the surface will not have that unique crust that only cooking in the oven will give.

The casserole fillings can be anything you like. Meat products, vegetables, cracklings, chestnuts, apples, cheese, arugula. The French wouldn't be French if they didn't use oysters, mussels, crabs and scallops in egg casserole.

Egg casserole is served as a separate dish. It is not customary to serve sauces with it, but whoever wants it, why not. The casserole is served, portioned immediately after cooking, so that it does not have time to cool. It never hurts to sprinkle it with chopped herbs.

It is important that the chicken eggs are fresh, like all other ingredients - this is always the key to success.

Classic egg casserole


  • large chicken egg - 6 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • full-fat milk (preferably homemade) - 375 ml;
  • butter - 30 g (no more);
  • salt;
  • breadcrumbs.


  1. Break the chicken eggs into a bowl. Add double sifted flour. Add some salt. Whisk the contents thoroughly with a whisk or fork. You shouldn’t be too zealous; the fluffiness of the casserole will not depend on the beating time. The main thing is that the ingredients combine well. Do not let the shells fall into the bowl.
  2. Pour milk in a thin stream without interrupting the whisking process.
  3. Grease a baking dish (any one that seems more convenient) with butter. You don't need a lot of oil, otherwise the casserole won't cook as well as it should.
  4. Transfer the egg-milk mixture into the mold. The height of the poured mixture should be no more than three centimeters.
  5. Place the mold in the oven preheated to 180. Cooking time 10 minutes. The readiness of the egg casserole can be easily determined by the ruddy, golden color, light crust on the surface of the dish.
  6. Take out the mold. Carefully portion the casserole. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Egg casserole with peas and ham


  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • ham - 100 g;
  • canned green peas - 100 g;
  • large fleshy tomato - 100 g;
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • flour - 120 g;
  • mayonnaise - 60 g.


  1. Break the chicken eggs into a separate bowl. Add double sifted flour. Add mayonnaise, add salt. Beat thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Wash the tomato, process it, dry it. Cut into small cubes.
  3. Cut the ham into medium cubes.
  4. Wash the greens thoroughly and dry. Finely chop.
  5. Grate the cheese with a fine grater.
  6. Open a can of green peas and drain the liquid.
  7. Add peas, ham, tomato, cheese and herbs to a bowl with the egg-flour mixture. Stir gently until the mixture is evenly combined.
  8. Grease the pan in which the casserole will be prepared with butter. Transfer the prepared mixture into the mold.
  9. Place the pan in the oven preheated to 180 and cook for 20 minutes. During this time, no liquid should remain on the surface of the casserole. If the surface is a little liquid, you need to cover the pan with foil and cook for another five to seven minutes.
  10. Remove the finished egg casserole with fillings from the oven. Portion and serve.

Egg casserole with cottage cheese, cheese and brisket


  • large chicken eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • brisket (ham, sausage) - 100 g;
  • olives (optional) - 100 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


  1. Cut the cheese and brisket (or any meat product to taste) into small cubes.
  2. Drain liquid from olives. Cut the olives into rings. Place in bowl with cheese and brisket.
  3. Grind the cottage cheese, breaking up very large pieces. Add to remaining ingredients.
  4. Beat large chicken eggs with a whisk. If you are short on time, you can beat with a mixer. Salt and pepper. Pour the mixture into the remaining ingredients. Mix.
  5. Transfer the resulting mixture into a buttered baking dish.
  6. Accelerate the oven to 180. Place the mold with the semi-finished product in it. Cook for half an hour.
  7. Readiness is determined by a light crust and golden color on the surface.
  8. Remove the finished egg casserole from the oven. Serve while hot.
  9. You can serve a light vegetable salad with the egg casserole.

Spicy Egg Casserole


  • large chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • milk 2.5% - 250 ml;
  • flour - 60 g;
  • sweet paprika - 3 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • canned green chili pepper - 275 g;
  • sweet pepper - 150 g;
  • cheddar - 120 g;
  • cilantro - 50 g.


  1. At the very beginning, turn on and accelerate the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Process bell peppers and chili peppers, rinse. Remove internal partitions and stalks. Cut into small cubes.
  3. Rinse the cilantro thoroughly. Dry and finely chop.
  4. Grate the Cheddar cheese with a coarse grater.
  5. In a separate large bowl, combine chicken eggs, milk, flour, paprika, salt, and pepper. Whisk the ingredients thoroughly until they are evenly distributed throughout the mixture. You can use a mixer for this purpose.
  6. Pour both types of peppers, cheddar, and half the amount of cilantro into the mixture and mix again.
  7. Transfer the prepared mixture into a baking dish. Place the mold in the preheated oven. Cook for 35 minutes until golden brown on the surface.
  8. Remove the casserole from the oven. Cool for 10 minutes. Portion.
  9. Serve, sprinkled with remaining cilantro.

Choose egg casserole recipes to suit your taste and enjoy an easy and healthy dish!

Family dinner - quick: how to cook casserole with minced meat or bacon

Recipes: Asparagus Sausage Casserole and Potato Cakes

Recipes for casseroles in the oven: with apples and apricots
...For those whose children eat cottage cheese casserole for breakfast, today's recipes will help diversify the menu. If such dishes are not held in high esteem by them, fruits will help: who would refuse sweet apricots (peaches, pineapples) from compote? And the oatmeal casserole with apples actually looks like a pie!
Curd casserole with apricots You will need: Butter - 50 g Sugar - 100 g Yolks - 3 pcs.

Plastic bag...
...butter 2 tbsp. spoons milk 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup semolina 2 tbsp. spoons egg 1/2 pcs.

cottage cheese 80 g breadcrumbs 2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons For apple sauce: apples 2 pcs.

sugar 100 g ground cinnamon salt Grate or cut the carrots into strips, place in boiling water and cook until almost done. Then pour in hot milk and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
Add semolina in a thin stream, stir, add butter, salt and cook until tender. Refrigerate.

Add an egg and grated cottage cheese to the prepared mass, mix and form cutlets or balls, 2 pieces each. per serving. Bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in oil until...

Fish casserole - with potatoes or pasta?

How to cook a casserole: recipes for Jewish cuisine
...Prepare the filling. In the first case, top the dough with bacon, sun-dried tomatoes and cheddar cheese. In the second, mix cream cheese with garlic and dill and spread the resulting mixture onto the dough in an even layer.

Roll the dough into a roll and divide the resulting “sausage” into 8 parts. Place future buns on a baking sheet, cut side down. Brush them with milk and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds.

Bake the buns for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Place the buns in a cool place for at least 10 minutes before serving....

Less time in the kitchen, more for yourself: quick recipes...

To be honest, I don’t like to cook. It's a pity for time - it's better to read a good book. But for a child, tasty and healthy dishes are necessary, and adult family members are unlikely to refuse them. What should I do? I found a simple solution for myself. Literally simple. I searched the Internet for the simplest recipes for healthy children's dishes, and even if they seemed complicated to me, I tried to simplify them further, preferably to such an extent that the whole process from start to finish took no more than half an hour, or better yet a quarter...

If the zucchini skin is thick, cut it off.

Cut the onion and sweet pepper, peeled from seeds and stems, into rings, and tomatoes into slices.

Place layers on the bottom of a deep frying pan: zucchini, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers. Season each layer with salt and pepper to taste.

Chicken soufflé. for 0.5 kg of minced chicken 1 or 2 eggs, finely chopped onion, sometimes chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper - mix everything, or if you’re not too lazy, beat it with a mixer. I transfer it into molds, sprinkle a little grated low-fat cheese on top, and bake in the oven until golden brown, about 40 minutes at about 175 C.


Ginger-mint freshness

Ginger root 3-4 cm,
mint leaves,
cinnamon stick,
juice of half a lemon.

Mode: Ginger in thin strips, put mint and a cinnamon stick in a thermos and pour boiling water over it, add lemon juice.
I don’t even add sugar and it’s so delicious. In addition, it is very useful and improves metabolism. Enjoy your tea, by the way, it’s also delicious cold.

1 boiled egg,
1 large crab stick or 2 small ones,
half a can of tuna in its juice.

Finely chop the egg and crab stick into cubes, mash the tuna with a fork. Salt and pepper to taste. Season with Dukan mayonnaise.

Cottage cheese casserole (like in kindergarten).

You will need: -500 gr. cottage cheese (I always take wet cottage cheese, the percentage of fat content does not matter to me) -100 gr. sugar -100 gr. semolina -50 gr. milk -50 gr. butter (butter should be soft.) -2 eggs. - Vanillin packet Preparation: Place cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, softened butter, milk, vanillin in a cup, beat well with a mixer and slowly add semolina. Stir so that there are no lumps. Place the finished mixture in a baking dish. Leave for 40 minutes for...

like cupcakes - ALL recipes from the Dukan forum - thanks to the girls.

So, OLINA or WESTERN: girl_smile: Liquid cottage cheese casserole! 4 eggs, 6 tbsp. sakharzama, 4 tbsp. corn starch 6 tbsp milk powder, 700 g soft cottage cheese 1 tsp baking powder. I separate the yolks from the whites. I beat the whites separately until foamy. And I beat the yolks with sugar until white. I add cottage cheese, starch, milk powder, baking powder. I mix everything until smooth. Add the whipped whites and mix gently. I put the dough in a mold with baking paper and in the oven at 200°C for 30 minutes...

I will collect information on Dukan.

All sorts of different ones, for yourself and for your husband. Yes, I want to lose more weight!!! and it doesn’t matter to me who thinks what (or maybe my brain is swollen from eating sushi for two days; I used to eat such a portion at one time, but here I could barely eat it three times). I feel like a fat ball. Folds hang over all the pants (((So, I’ll begin.... my dear. Recipes for cheesecakes (stolen from Katya:)) salad (crab, stick + egg + cottage cheese + kefir) Cheesecakes Low-fat cottage cheese - 300g, egg - 1 pc. , bran – 2 tablespoons, sugar substitute – 4 tablets.

Early in the morning, the children, as they agreed, said that they wanted a casserole like in kindergarten. How is this casserole prepared, just like in kindergarten? Even though it was early Sunday morning, I had to call my friend, who works as a cook in a kindergarten. It turned out that making a casserole like in kindergarten is quite simple! The ingredients are taken as follows: for one egg, 50 milliliters of milk, salt to taste.

I will prepare a casserole like in a kindergarten from 10 eggs, since at home we have a real kindergarten, and the point of this kindergarten casserole being delicious is that the layer is quite thick. Make a casserole like in kindergarten, up to 10 centimeters thick.

What you need to prepare a casserole like in kindergarten:


500 milliliters of milk;

Salt - to taste;

Butter for greasing the baking dish.

How to cook a casserole like in kindergarten:


Beat the eggs into a mixing bowl and pour in the milk.

Take a whisk or fork and stir the eggs with milk until smooth, while mixing, add salt and taste. The most important thing is that all the salt dissolves.

I will cook the casserole like in kindergarten in a slow cooker. You can cook it in the oven, or in a slow cooker, whichever is more convenient for you. To prepare a casserole in the oven, it is better to use a glass baking dish so that you can see the readiness of the dish. If a casserole is cooked in the oven, like in kindergarten, it turns out to have a very beautiful golden brown top; in a slow cooker, on the contrary, the top turns out white and the bottom is crispy. That is why my casserole will lie upside down on the plate. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour in the egg-milk mixture.

If you are preparing the casserole in the oven, preheat it to 180 degrees and place the pan with the omelette. Approximate cooking time is an hour, it all depends on the thickness of the casserole. In a multicooker, the omelet is cooked in the “Baking” mode for an hour. It will rise and be very lush, but then it will fall.

Turn the casserole over like in kindergarten onto a flat dish if you prepared the casserole in a slow cooker. If it was cooked in the oven, carefully cut it into pieces right in the pan and remove them with a spatula.

We serve the dish with the casserole to the table as in kindergarten and arrange it on portioned plates. Bon appetit. I hope my recipe will be useful.

Casserole like in kindergarten recipe with photo from Olga Mazaeva.


This is a great post for those whose children ask for “food like in kindergarten” or who are nostalgic for the school-kindergarten menu). Collected from various sites and forums. So,

Recipes from kindergarten

It happens that a child loves casseroles and lush garden omelettes, and sometimes the adults themselves are nostalgic for the student canteen. Although for some these casseroles are remembered as an endless nightmare. But if you are an occasional fan of garden (or “canteen”) dishes, you can cook them for breakfast or dinner. A necessary clarification: table omelettes are made not from fresh eggs, but from melange - whole egg powder. Hence the color and splendor. It is quite difficult to do this at home from whole fresh eggs. The eggs should not be beaten, but only mixed carefully with a fork, so as not to get any air in there.

Omelette (all products are indicated per serving per child!)

Egg – 48 g, milk – 50 ml, butter – 2 g, flour – 3 g.

The eggs are mixed, flour is added, the mixture is stirred in milk, salt is added to taste. The baking tray is greased with butter and a layer of the future omelette 2.5-3 cm high is laid out on it. Bake for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

Omelette "stolovskiy"

1 egg or 40 g melange, 15 g milk or water, 0.5 g salt, 3 g butter or margarine.

Mix eggs with milk, add salt. Do not beat! - just mix. Pour the future omelette into a heat-resistant form, greased, so large that the layer is 2.5-3 cm high (this is the secret of its thickness). Bake in the oven (that is, in the oven), preheated to 180-200C for 8-10 minutes. To prevent the crust on top from burning, cover the whole thing with foil after 3-4 minutes.

Curd casserole according to GOST

Cottage cheese - 135g, semolina or wheat flour - 10g-12g, sugar - 15g, eggs - 4g, margarine - 5g, crackers - 5g, sour cream - 5g, mass of the finished casserole - 150g, sour cream - 30g.

The pureed cottage cheese is mixed with flour or pre-brewed in water (10 ml per serving) and chilled semolina, eggs, sugar and salt. The prepared mass is spread in a 3-4 cm layer onto a mold greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The surface of the mass is leveled and greased with sour cream, baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes. until a golden brown crust forms on the surface. When leaving, cut the casserole into square or rectangular pieces and top with sour cream.

P.S. Please note that the eggs in the recipe are in grams. So for 1kg 350g of cottage cheese you only need 1 egg.

Curd-semolina casserole

250g. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, beat 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina, 0.5 cups of milk.

Mix semolina with milk and let stand for 10 minutes so that the cereal swells. Beat eggs with sugar: Beat the whites with sugar, first at low mixer speed, then at maximum. Add them to all ingredients last, stirring gently with a spoon. And of course, you need to take a form that corresponds to the quantity of products. If you are 100g. If you spread the cottage cheese on a baking sheet, of course, nothing will happen. Add cottage cheese, salt and swollen semolina. Mix everything and pour into a mold greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or semolina (so that it does not stick). Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes, do not open the oven, otherwise the casserole will sink. Alternatively, milk can be replaced with sour cream - they say that then the casserole will definitely not fall off.

Carrot rice casserole

1.5 dl. rice for porridge, 0.5 l. water, 250 ml. milk, 0.5 kg. carrots, 2 eggs, 0.5 tsp salt, 1-3 tsp. sugar, butter

Boil the rice in water until tender. Then add milk, grated carrots, eggs, sugar to the rice. Place the resulting mass in a mold and place butter flakes on top. Bake at 175 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

Curd and vermicelli casserole

1 tbsp. fine noodles, 2 packs of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. sugar, 4 eggs, raisins, vanilla sugar - to taste.

Boil vermicelli in salted water and drain. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar and eggs (leave 2 yolks for greasing), add raisins, vanilla sugar, vermicelli. Grease the mold with oil, lay out the prepared mixture, brush the top with yolks and bake at 180 degrees until golden brown. (recipe address: )

Stuffed cutlets

beef – 200 g,
onion 1 head,
egg – 1 pc.,
rice – 1 tbsp. spoon,
crackers - 1 tbsp. l.,
vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons,
sour cream,
Boil the rice until tender, peel the onion, chop and fry in 1 tablespoon of oil. Hard boil the egg, peel and chop. Mix rice, onion, egg and salt. Pass the meat through a meat grinder and add salt. Make a flatbread, add the filling, pinch the edges, roll in breadcrumbs and fry over low heat. When serving, pour sour cream over it.

Kindergarten meatballs (http://www.koolinar.ru/recipe/view/67746)


Mixed minced meat 500 gr.
Potatoes 2 pcs.
Onion 1 PC.
Garlic 1-2 cloves
Egg 1 pc.
Salt pepper
Vegetable oil

For the sauce

Flour 1 tbsp.
Tomato paste 1.5 tbsp.
Water (for sauce) 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

Peel the vegetables and grate them on a fine grater.
Add vegetables, egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat, mix. Beat the minced meat on the table and with wet hands form meatballs of your favorite size.
Dip the meatballs in flour and fry on both sides until crust forms.
For the sauce: dilute flour in water until lumps dissolve, add tomato paste and stir. Salt and pepper the sauce.
Pour the sauce into the pan with the meatballs and bring to a boil.
Simmer the meatballs, covered, in the sauce for 10-15 minutes and serve with rice, pasta or mashed potatoes.

Kindergarten food, Lazy cabbage rolls with boiled meat (style and spelling respected)
Simply super-duper delicious
Recipe No. 92
From the reference book: MFSSEBN
Beef (boneless)
White cabbage
Rice groats
Sunflower oil
Tomato paste
Sour cream
Meat broth
Iodized salt (whistling smiley)
Cooking method:
The prepared meat is boiled, cooled, passed through a meat grinder twice (thousand-type, the meat has no teeth). The rice grains are sorted and cooked until half cooked (pralna, hungry children will eat it anyway) The meat is combined with boiled rice, salt is added and mixed .The white cabbage is cut into small strips (it’s good to not put it through a meat grinder at least twice), put it in boiling water and cook until half cooked (oh, I say, they’ll sweep it up), transfer it to a colander and let the broth drain (and why does cabbage broth help with a hangover? ?) Prepared cabbage is combined with meat and rice, mixed, broth, butter, tomato paste are added and simmered for 30-40 minutes. At the end of simmering, sour cream is added and brought to a boil.
The cabbage is small, the minced meat is juicy, the taste and smell are characteristic of stewed meat and cabbage (ATAS)

Cottage cheese casserole, REALLY like in kindergarten! Checked! (http://koolinar.ru/recipe/view/43934)
· 500 gr. cottage cheese;
· 100 gr. Sahara;
· 100 gr. semolina;
· 50 gr. milk;
· 50 gr. butter;
· 2 eggs.
1. Rub the cottage cheese (if it is natural) through a sieve. Place in a cup.
2. Place in cottage cheese (in the given order): sugar, eggs, softened butter, semolina, milk. Whisk after each added ingredient.
3. Place in a baking dish. If it is not silicone, then it must be greased with oil and sprinkled with semolina. Bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees until golden brown. Determine readiness with a wooden toothpick.

So. I was looking for a recipe for cottage cheese casserole, just something that would be “like in kindergarten.” And of course I found it. What do we not have here? I read the basis of the recipe and went down to the comments to see what people thought. And then lenchik0862 writes that she works in a kindergarten and they prepare a casserole like this: 500 gr. cottage cheese... my hand automatically reached for the handle. She quickly scribbled down the ingredients and ran to the kitchen. I made it for one serving. I couldn’t tear myself away from the casserole and ate THREE pieces. Then I suffered from overeating all evening. But the soul was content. I thanked lenchik0862 in a personal message (but unfortunately there was no response).
Yesterday was Friday, relatives from the village arrived (like all previous Fridays over the past 15 years), they brought natural milk, cream and cottage cheese. Milk for children is sacred. Cream for my husband. And the cottage cheese is for me. Definitely a CASSERLE. And I made a DOUBLE portion today. The elder sister came with her family. We had dinner. Ten minutes later there was only one piece left of the dessert (that is, the casserole), which I covered with my chest so I could take a photo. The children, three in number, unanimously said that the TASTE IS THE SAME as in kindergarten. You can trust them, they still remember. I couldn’t keep silent about this amazing taste.
And cook for five minutes. Mix all ingredients. The butter should be soft. Leave for 40 minutes for the semolina to swell. Bake in the oven at 180-200 C until golden brown. All. DELICIOUS.

Kindergarten food, Potato casserole with meat (style and spelling respected)
Hmm, children's lips are not stupid. It's really delicious.
Recipe No. 95
From the reference book: MFSSEBN
Beef (cutlet meat)
Bulb onions
Dietary chicken egg
Sterilized milk3.2% fat content
Sunflower oil
Iodized salt (you know what smiley)
Cooking method:
Rinse the meat, remove tendons, cook, cool, cut into pieces and mince together with onions twice. Knead well. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cook until tender. Drain the water, dry the potatoes and grate while hot. Add a raw egg, milk and mix well into the mashed potatoes (cooled to 50 degrees) (KEEP THE THERMOREMER WITH YOURSELF). Place 1/2 of the mashed potato mass on a greased baking sheet. Place the minced meat on it, cover with the remaining mashed potatoes on top, grease with butter and bake in a heat-resistant oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 220-280 degrees. With a layer of no more than 4-5 cm.
Requirements: The surface is smooth, without cracks. The taste and smell are characteristic of potatoes. with a TASTE of meat

Kindergarten food, cauliflower, boiled, baked in sauce with crackers (style and spelling respected)
Recipe No. 17
From the reference book: MFSSEBN
Frozen cauliflower
Iodized salt
Iodized salt (again)
Cooking method:
Boil cauliflower (frozen - not defrosted) in salted water. Drain through a colander, let the water drain. Place on a baking sheet greased with butter. To prepare the rusk sauce, bring the milk to a boil, add butter, ground toasted crackers, and seasoned salt. iodized. The sauce is poured over the cabbage and baked in the oven at a temperature of 170-200 until golden brown.

Cupcake from childhood
Many people remember delicious cupcakes in school canteens. At our school they were wonderful, I loved them very, very much... Nowadays they don’t sell them (at least here), but I found a recipe and baked cupcakes using it - so what? the taste is from childhood, simply nostalgic! And, most surprisingly, my son, who hardly eats baked goods, really likes these muffins.

I will write the recipe right away with my changes:
Sugar 220 g
salt quarter teaspoon
Softened butter 260 g
Flour 440 g
Soda 0.5 teaspoon
Vanilla sugar 1 sachet
Milk 120 ml
Egg 2 pieces
Raisins + dried cherries ~250 g (soaked in cognac) only raisins can be used
I don’t use margarine, because... its quality is now very low (mommy said - I believe her - she is a technologist for this product)
Easy to prepare:
beat the butter with sugar, salt, vanilla, added eggs, milk, stirred with a mixer, added flour and soda (the dough turns out to be quite thick and heavy), and at the end - stirred the raisins with cherries (and cognac) again and into the molds
bake for about half an hour (depending on the oven), T180-170 degrees, check readiness with a splinter

Cabbage cutlets

Peeled, washed white cabbage is chopped.
Place in a pan, add water or milk, salt, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until done.
Gradually (with continuous stirring) pour semolina into the finished cabbage, mix well and simmer for another 5-10 minutes. It is advisable to add 1-2 raw eggs.
Cut the cutlets from the cabbage mass thus obtained, roll them in breadcrumbs, and fry them on both sides in a heated frying pan with fat.
The cutlets are served with milk, egg or sour cream sauce.
Quantity and composition of products

For 1 kg of cabbage - 0.5 cups of milk, 4 tablespoons of semolina, 2-3 tablespoons of crackers, 1-2 tablespoons of fat.

Pancakes like at school. Recipe?
Remember, at school they gave 2 pancakes for lunch and jam was splashed on them. These are quite big and plump. The taste is neither sweet nor salty. It was my favorite dish at school, and many people didn’t eat it either. GIVE THE RECIPE.
A colleague gave me the recipe, she swears that these are exactly these pancakes))
1. Grind 1 tablespoon of sugar with 50 g of fresh yeast.
2. Beat 4 eggs with 0.5 cups of sugar and a pinch of salt
3. Mix the egg mixture with yeast
4. Add 0.5 liters of lukewarm water to the mixture
5. Add enough flour to make a dough like thick sour cream
6. Leave for 1.5 hours so that the dough rises
Fry in vegetable oil. Tell me later if they are like that or not :))
Recipe from the canteen:
30 gr. yeast, a pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, grind everything, add 2 cups. lukewarm water and flour until the consistency of thick sour cream. Let it rise. Press a wet knife along the walls three times, do not stir.
Spread with a wet spoon, wet the spoon after each pancake.
Bake over medium heat with a drop of vegetable oil.

Pancakes according to GOST
Pancake batter
Flour 481 gr
eggs 0.6 pcs. 23 g
milk or water 481 g
sugar 17 gr
salt 9 g
yeast 14 gr
The dough is prepared in the same way as for pancakes, but with a thicker consistency.
Mom, how can we translate this recipe into human proportions?
Human proportions:
Flour - 4 cups, liquid - 0.5 l., 1 small egg (in principle, it won’t do much harm), sugar - 1 tbsp. l., a pinch of soda, 0.5 packets of dry yeast.
Take whey or milk and dilute it with water in half.

I was looking for the same thing a couple of years ago
recipe for “stretchy” school pancakes.
I don’t know if it’s this, but it looks very similar, yeast-free
Heat 0.5 l of kefir (do not boil) add 0.5 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. sugar, salt, flour -
the dough is like thick sour cream... Then you know how)

Rassolnik with sour cream
potatoes – 1 pc.,
pickled cucumber – 1 pc.,
carrots – 1 pc.,
onion – 1 head,
rice – 1 tbsp. l.,
butter – 1 tbsp. l.,
tomato paste – 2 tsp,
sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.,
egg (yolk) – 1 pc.,
Pour hot water over the rice and cook for 10 minutes. Finely chopped and sauteed onions and carrots with tomatoes, as well as diced potatoes, add to the rice and cook until tender. Before the end of cooking, add chopped cucumbers. When serving, add sour cream whipped with yolk.

Kindergarten food, Boiled turkey soufflé (style and spelling respected)
Really tasty too
Recipe No. 16
From the reference book: MFSSEBN (they have no idea what this is, I manually copy the technical map)
Turkey (fillet) - VRUTchicken meat always
Wheat flour
Iodized salt (ah)
Cooking method:
Place the prepared turkey fillet in hot water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook over low heat until tender. Pass the boiled turkey pulp through a meat grinder with a fine wire rack twice, then gradually add milk sauce, melted butter, and salt into the minced meat. Beat the mixture. , add the yolks (the eggs are pre-processed according to the instructions of SanPin At the last moment, fold in the whipped whites from bottom to top. Place the mixture in a saucepan in a layer of 3 cm and steam it. Requirements: The consistency of the soufflé is homogeneous, loose, tender Color-gray .Taste and smell are characteristic of the set of products
That's it, girls.



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