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The dawn shone in the east and was golden. I - Small Academic Dictionary. We rested and went back to work. And she's not entirely simple

Finally it began to get light. The one that broke out was on east dawn immediately it became cloudy again. Now everything was visible: the path, bushes, stones, the shore of the bay, someone’s boat overturned upside down. A Chinese man was sleeping under her. I woke him up and asked him to take us to the destroyer. Lights were still burning here and there on the ships. The watch commander met me at the gangway. I apologized for disturbing him, then went to my cabin, undressed and went to bed.

The picture I saw was extremely beautiful. On east was burning dawn. Illuminated by the rays of the rising sun, the sea lay motionless, like molten metal. A light fog rose from the river. Frightened by my steps, a flock of ducks noisily took off from the water and, screaming, flew somewhere to the side, beyond the swamp.

Zarya beamed at east, and the golden rows of clouds seemed to be waiting for the sun, like courtiers waiting for the sovereign; the clear sky, morning freshness, dew, breeze and birdsong filled Lisa's heart with infantile gaiety; afraid of some familiar meeting, she seemed not to walk, but to fly.

“I see,” he said, “I see: a maiden, the favorite of heaven, emerges from the darkness; her head is bowed, her eyes are downcast, her hair falls carelessly over her open shoulders; the blush of modesty, playing on her cheeks, argues with the blush dawn morning, illuminated East.

Finally it began to get light. The air was filled with unclear twilight shadows, the stars began to fade, as if they were going somewhere deep into the sky. A little more time - and blood red dawn appeared on east. The wind began to quickly subside, and the frost began to intensify. Then Dersu and Kitenbu went to the bushes. From the tracks they established that nine wild boars had passed us and that the tiger was large and old. He walked around the bivouac for a long time and then only attacked the dogs when the fire had completely died out.

She loved on the balcony
Warn dawn sunrise,
When on a pale sky
The round dance of the stars disappears,
And quietly the edge of the earth brightens,
And, the harbinger of the morning, the wind blows,
And the day gradually rises.
In winter, when the night shadow
Has half the world's share,
And share in idle silence,
Under the foggy moon,
East the lazy one rests
Awakened at the usual hour
She got up by candlelight.

Now a plain stretched out in front of us, covered with dry brown-yellow grass and covered with snow. The wind walked through it, ruffled the dry blades of grass. Behind the misty mountains in the west, the evening dawn, and from the side east The cold dark night was already approaching. White, red and green lights came on at the station.

When they returned to the bedroom, a thin streak of red dawn was teething on east and, gilding the lightly dressed apple trees, she looked through the green sticks of the garden trellis into Katerina Lvovna’s room.

After the passing of the age of magnatery, they began the age of engineering, and, it must be admitted, they began it with glory. Zarya, which had the glory of engineering, rose in Warsaw and Novogeorgievsk and from there it shone further, against nature, from the west to East, through Kyiv, even to Baku and Lankaran, for now even there the name of the Russian engineer is glorified.

When he got up early in the morning on the first day and went out to dawn from the booth and first saw the dark domes and crosses of the Novodevichy Convent, saw the frosty dew on the dusty grass, saw the hills of the Sparrow Hills and the wooded bank meandering over the river and hiding in the purple distance, when I felt the touch of fresh air and heard the sounds of jackdaws flying from Moscow across the field and when then suddenly there was a burst of light from east and the edge of the sun solemnly floated out from behind the clouds, and the domes, and the crosses, and the dew, and the distance, and the river, everything began to sparkle in a joyful light - Pierre felt a new, untested feeling of joy and strength of life.

I saw mountain ranges
Bizarre as dreams
When at one o'clock in the morning dawn
They smoked like altars,
Their heights in the blue sky,
And cloud after cloud,
Leaving his secret overnight stay,
TO east directed the run -
It's like a white caravan
Migratory birds from distant countries!

Hundreds of fresh bloody bodies of people, 2 hours ago full of various, high and small hopes and desires, with numb members, lay on the dewy flowering valley separating the bastion from the trench, and on the flat floor of the Chapel of the Dead in Sevastopol; hundreds of people with curses and prayers on parched lips crawled, tossed and groaned, some between the corpses in the flowering valley, others on stretchers, on cots and on the bloody floor of the dressing station; and all the same as in the previous days, the lightning lit up over Sapun Mountain, the twinkling stars turned pale, a white fog pulled in from the noisy dark sea, the scarlet dawn on east, long crimson clouds scattered across the light azure horizon, and still, just as in the previous days, promising joy, love and happiness to the whole revived world, a powerful, beautiful luminary floated out.

But here on east began to flare up dawn, and the comet disappeared. The night shadows in the forest disappeared; The grayish-blue light of the morning spread across the entire earth. And suddenly bright rays of the sun burst out from under the horizon and illuminated the entire sea at once.

Meanwhile, a thunderous, quiet rain fell, the air became clean and fresh, the sky cleared, and east the gray dusk begins to turn silver, preparing the place dawn the day like the saints of our father Methodius of Pesnosha, a day to which, as we can remember, Deacon Achilles attached such special and, one might say, great significance that he even ordered the meek archpriest to write down this day for everlasting memory.

But here on east a pink stripe appeared - I was studying dawn. The stars quickly began to fade; the magical picture of the night disappeared, and the unclear light of morning spread through the darkened gray-blue air. The red coals of the fire dimmed and became covered with ash; the firebrands were smoking, it seemed as if the fire was going inside them.

Dawn was beginning... Hills covered with forest began to emerge from the darkness, Devil's Rock and bushes bending over the river. Everything foreshadowed cloudy weather... But suddenly east, behind the mountains, a crimson dawn, turning the gloomy sky purple. In this golden-pink glow, every bush and every twig on the tree became clearly visible. I looked enchanted at the bright play of the rays of the rising sun.

  1. - A union that has an Indo-European nature and apparently goes back to the Indo-European ei (in Greek ei - “if”). Krylov's etymological dictionary
  2. - and I conjunction 1. Used when connecting homogeneous members of a sentence and whole sentences that represent homogeneous messages. || Used when listing homogeneous members of a sentence or subordinate clauses. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  3. - (union). Obsesslav. It is believed to have arisen from a form of local. p. indicate pronoun e - *ei (> u as a result of the process of monophthongization of the diphthong), now preserved in the forms of kosv. pronoun cases 3rd year he, it, she (cf. his, him, her, them, them, etc.), see also, he. Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  4. - I is the tenth letter of the Russian alphabet. A modified Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic letter N (“like”), going back to the letter η of the Greek uncial. The digital value of the Cyrillic N is 8, the Glagolitic one is 20. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  5. - And (Chinese, literally - duty/justice, due justice, as well as duty, sense of duty, fairness, integrity, honesty, correctness, principle, meaning, meaning) is one of the fundamental categories of Chinese philosophy... New Philosophical Encyclopedia
  6. - I is the tenth letter of ancient Russian. alphabet, cslav. name - izhe (see izhe), ik. Numeric value = 8. Along with this, to indicate sound, there was an (eleventh) letter ï with a numerical value. = 10. Finally, there was a special ancient Russian, Tslav. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  7. - 1. I1, union. 1. Single or repeated, connects homogeneous members of a sentence, as well as parts of a complex sentence. Theory and practice. The Russian soldier is both brave and resilient. Hopes arose, and he became cheerful again. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  8. - I. And unism. 1. g. and Wed The tenth letter of the Russian alphabet, denoting the vowel sound [i]. Uppercase I. Lowercase I. // Usage to denote the ninth member of a series of homogeneous objects. Corps and. Item i. 2. m. The vowel sound [i], denoted by this letter. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  9. - I is the tenth letter of the Russian alphabet; goes back to the Cyrillic letter “izhe” (the transverse stroke of which changed direction) - which, in addition to the sound, also had a digital value of 8; in the pre-revolutionary Russian alphabet it is called “and octal”. Large encyclopedic dictionary
  10. - And I, i Name of the letter. First the gentlemen cadets came, then we came and, like a flock of sheep, hid one behind the other; then we all lined up and became straighter than the letter i. 19. March 1775. Smolyanka A.P. Levshina - Ek. II. // RV 1896 11 332. | trans. Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language
  11. - spelling i1, uncl., p. (letter name) and2, conjunction and particle Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  12. - (< кириллич. I "иже") 10-я буква русского алфавита (поперечная черта позднее изменила направление на современное); в Российской империи эту букву называли "И восьмеричное"; 2) "И десятеричное" – то же, что ижица. Dictionary of linguistic terms Zherebilo
  13. - 1. (or Dun-i - eastern I) - whale. the name of the tribes that lived in ancient times in Eastern China. According to legend, And from time immemorial they inhabited b. Part of China. Subsequently, the Yin and then the Zhou pushed the Yi to the east. Soviet historical encyclopedia
  14. - AND Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  15. - And, unasked, cf. the name of the letter “i”, the name of the corresponding sound ·etc. ·meaning; · cf. a1 And octal - see octal. And decimal - see decimal. And briefly - see th. II. And (without stress), union. 1. connecting. used Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Verification work

on the topic “Complex sentence. Punctuation marks in the BSC.

I option


a) In the pine thickets, birch trees covered with gold leaf trembled from the cold. (K. Paustovsky.)

b) I convinced myself that this autumn was the first and last in my life. (K. Paustovsky.)

c) The trees began to turn yellow from below; I saw red aspens at the bottom and still green at the tops. (K. Paustovsky.)

d) The dawn shone in the east and the golden rows of clouds seemed to be waiting for the sun.

2. Indicate the BSC.

a) I conveyed your order to him and he fulfilled it with great pleasure. (A. Chekhov.)

b) So I sat down by the fence and began to listen. (M. Lermontov.)

c) The origins of filial feelings for the fatherland lie where we are born and live. (V. Peskov.)

d) Either the cosmonauts seemed special to him, or Alexey began to see them as the same fighter pilots. (A. Semenikhin.)

e) Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten. (I. Bunin.)


a) My friend spoke little but very interestingly.

b) My friend spoke little, but I listened to him with great interest.

c) In the mowing, mosquitoes and midges are circling.

d) In the mowing, midges are circling, mosquitoes are ringing and stinging.

e) A ray of sun flashed in the east and revived nature.


a) Dadon fell from the chariot, gasped once, and he died.

b) It was hot, the children asked for something to drink.

c) Another second and his hand pulled the fishing rod towards himself. (A. Perventsev.)

d) A river flows like a cold wave through the fields, meandering like a brilliant stream, and a gazebo dressed with lush foliage, leaning over its azure depth, is reflected by the smooth surface of the river. (S. Nadson.)


a) Occasionally a weakened sail will flap or a wave will splash under the stern. (K. Paustovsky.)

b) The scow moved with strong jerks, turning first to the right and then to the left. (V. Kataev.)

c) Either the doctors made a mistake or the wound healed on its own. (Yu. Trifonov.)

d) After the thunderstorm, everything sparkled and sparkled and breathed easily. (G. Fedoseev.)

6. Match the beginning of this complex sentence with the end. Explain in writing the placement of the dash.

a) Another stroke of the oar - and...

b) We run into the room - and...

c) An eagle throws a stone from a height - and...


A) [ ], And [ ].

b) [ , And ].

V) [ And ] - And .


Option II

1. Indicate the type of complex sentences (no punctuation marks).

a) The sun set and night followed day without interval. (M. Lermontov.)

b) The art historian’s story helped us understand how deeply a historical era was recreated in the painting of a talented artist.

c) The tree is felled where it is bent. (Proverb.)

d) I know in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. (A. Pushkin.)

2. Indicate the BSC.

a) A dry leaf falls at night, the wind gets angry and knocks on the window. (A. Fet.)

b) N.G. Chernyshevsky, for example, noted that “Griboyedov should share with Pushkin the glory of transforming literature.”

c) Suddenly the crowd spread out in both directions and Stepan Paramonovich, a young merchant and daring fighter, comes out. (M. Lermontov.)

d) A little to the side of the house, a miserable cherry garden with a fence was dark, and sleeping sunflowers stood with their heavy heads bowed under the windows. (A. Chekhov.)

e) Chelkash, always cheerful and caustic, was obviously not in a good mood today and answered questions abruptly and sharply. (M. Gorky.)

3. Indicate simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members.

a) The first hunting failure upset me but did not destroy my hunting passion. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

b) Again the inspiration of my lifeless soul appeared and turned the melancholy and ruin of passions into a song. (M. Lermontov.)

c) His soul has come to terms with storms and anxieties and, thrown ashore, he is bored and languishing. (M. Lermontov.)

d) My friend, do not cry before separation and do not disturb your young heart with premature torment. (M. Lermontov.)

e) Dusk was approaching and we had to hurry. (V. Arsenyev.)

4. Indicate the BSC where you would place the dash.

a) One jump and the lion is already on the back of the buffalo. (A. Kuprin.)

b) It’s boring and sad and there’s no one to give a hand in a moment of spiritual adversity. (M. Lermontov.)

c) Baikal rustles through the sparse foliage in the fog and draws moisture into the autumn window. (A. Zhuravlev.)

d) He said and Petersburg arose from a wild swamp. (A. Pushkin.)

5. Indicate the BSC with a common minor member of the sentence.

a) At night, dead bodies and stars dotted the sky. (I. Bunin.)

b) On the lower floor under the balcony, a violin began to play and two gentle female voices began to sing. (A. Chekhov.)

c) Since dawn, the cuckoo across the river has been calling loudly in the distance, and the young birch forest smells of mushrooms and leaves. (I. Bunin.)

d) The grass is still full of transparent tears and thunder rumbles in the distance.

6. Match the beginning of this complex sentence with the end. Explain in writing the placement of the dash.

a) There was a rustling sound - and...

b) A clear hit with the ball - and...

c) The twig crunched - and...

7. Make up and write down sentences based on these diagrams.

a) That [ ], That [ ].

b) [ ], And [ ].

V) [ ], And [ ].

8. Copy the sentences by inserting missing punctuation marks and spelling marks.

It was already ten o'clock and the full moon was shining over the garden. In the Shumins' house, the service that the grandmother had ordered had just ended and now Nadya went out into the garden for a minute and saw how the table was being set in the hall and how the grandmother was fussing in her silk dress. Father Andrei was talking about something with Nadya’s mother Nina Ivanovna and now the mother, in the dark lighting, became... young.

It was quietly cool in the garden and dark shadows lay on the ground. You could hear somewhere far away, it must be outside the city, the lions were crowing. I breathed deeply and wanted to think that not here, but somewhere under the sky, above the trees far away, far beyond the city in the fields and forests, the saint now unfurled. This life is mysterious..and so on..red. (A. Chekhov.)

Keys to option I:

1. a) - simple, b) - SPP, c) - BSP, d) - SSP;

2. a), d), e);

3. a), d), e);

4. a), c);

5. a), d).

8. Key to the text:

It was already ten o'clock, and the full moon was shining over the garden. In the Shumins' house, the service that the grandmother had ordered had just ended, and now Nadya - she went out into the garden for a minute - could see how the table was being set in the hall, how the grandmother was fussing in her silk dress. Father Andrei was talking about something with Nadya’s mother, Nina Ivanovna, and now the mother seemed young in the evening light.

The garden was quiet, cool, and dark shadows lay on the ground. I could hear frogs somewhere far away, probably outside the city. I breathed deeply, and I wanted to think that not here, but somewhere under the sky, above the trees, far outside the city, in the fields and forests, my own spring life, mysterious and beautiful, was now unfolding.

Keys to option II:

1.a) - SSP, b), c) - SPP, d) - BSP;

2. c), d);

3. a), b), d);

4. a), d);

5. a), b).

Two passages are given. Identify authors and works.

The girl hurriedly walked to the sea, often looking back, although she knew that so early on the holiday no one would go to the sacred grove.
Heat was already wafting from the white cliffs of the barren rocky mountains. At first the road ran through a plain covered with thorns, and Tessa walked carefully so as not to tear the hem of her best tunic made of thin, translucent material brought from overseas. Further on, the area swelled into a hill, completely covered with blood-red flowers. In the bright sun, the hill glowed as if filled with dark flame. There were no thorns here, and the girl, picking up the folds of her chiton high, ran.
Quickly passing lonely trees, Tessa found herself in a grove. The slender trunks of the pines shone with a waxy lilac sheen, the spreading tops rustled in the wind, and the branches, covered with soft, palm-length needles, turned the bright sunlight into golden dust.
The smell of heated resin and pine needles mixed with the fresh breath of the sea and spread throughout the grove.
The girl walked more slowly, unconsciously submitting to the solemn peace of the grove.
To the right, among the trunks, a gray rock strewn with pine needles rose in front of her.
A pillar of sunlight fell into the clearing, and the pine trees around seemed cast from red copper. The rumbling roar of the sea could be heard more clearly here - invisible, it reminded of itself with low measured chords.
Pandion ran out from behind the rock towards Tessa and drew the girl towards him, then slightly pushed her away and looked at her vigilantly, as if trying to absorb her entire appearance.

The dawn shone in the east, and the golden rows of clouds seemed to be waiting for the sun, like courtiers waiting for a sovereign; the clear sky, morning freshness, dew, breeze and birdsong filled Lisa's heart with infantile gaiety; afraid of some familiar meeting, she seemed not to walk, but to fly. Approaching the grove standing on the border of her father's property, Lisa walked more quietly. Here she was supposed to wait for Alexei. Her heart was beating strongly, without knowing why; but the fear that accompanies our young pranks is also their main charm. Lisa entered the darkness of the grove. A dull, rolling noise greeted the girl. Her gaiety died down. Little by little she indulged in sweet reverie. She thought... but is it possible to accurately determine what a seventeen-year-old young lady is thinking about, alone, in a grove, at six o’clock on a spring morning? So, she walked, lost in thought, along the road, shaded on both sides by tall trees, when suddenly a beautiful pointer dog barked at her. Lisa got scared and screamed. At the same time, a voice was heard: “Tout beau, Sbogar, ici...” - and the young hunter



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