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Raspberry jelly for the winter is a simple recipe for delicious preserves. Simple step-by-step recipes for making raspberry jelly for the winter

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A cup of fragrant tea and a fresh bun spread with raspberry jelly - both children and adults will enjoy eating this breakfast. The dessert has an amazing taste and aroma, and thanks to gentle cooking technology it retains weight beneficial properties, for which we value garden berries so much. There are dozens of recipes - from mashed raspberries and simply crushed ones, with a gelatinous consistency and thicker, similar to jam, paired with other berries, for example, red currants.

Raspberries are a source of vitamins and an excellent preventative against winter colds.

Preparation of ingredients and rules for making jelly

The main component of raspberry jelly is, of course, the berry itself. In order for the finished product to be thick, transparent, aromatic, and retain a bright, rich color, the quality of the raw materials and the rules of its heat treatment are important. A few words about this.

What should raspberries be like?

    Ripe, but not overripe, with a small amount of unripe fruit. They contain more pectin, and therefore their gelling properties are higher.

    Without stalks, pests, rot. It is better to keep an eye on this during picking, so as not to “disturb” the fragile berries once again.

    If you don’t know the origin of the raspberries (you buy them at the market), before cooking it is better to rinse them under running water, place them in a colander, and let them drain.

Advice! No matter how large and attractive garden raspberries are, their aroma cannot be compared with their unsightly-looking forest relative. If possible, make a few jars of wild raspberry jelly to try - your family will appreciate the recipe for an unusual delicacy.

Pay attention to the rules for heat treatment of berries. Knowing them, you will not overcook the jelly, fix the desired density, raspberry taste and aroma, and extend the shelf life of the preparations.

    The duration of cooking juice with sugar should not exceed 30 minutes. Next comes destruction useful substances, the mass darkens, the taste of the product deteriorates.

    In order not to increase the cooking time, but to obtain a thick, gelatinous consistency, gelling agents (gelatin, pectin) are added.

    Pectin is also used if the amount of sugar is reduced (it acts as a thickener).

    The less the jelly is cooked, the more useful components remain in the preparation. In this case, the finished product must be pasteurized (temperature – 85–90 ⁰ C, time for liter dishes – 10 minutes).

    If pectin is not used, most recipes recommend adding citric acid. It will highlight the sweet taste of the berries and prevent the preparation from becoming sugary during storage.

Thick gelatinous mass - ideal consistency for fruit jelly

Several proven recipes

Many housewives switch to making jellies and jams because it is easier compared to jams; children prefer them. Europeans generally cannot imagine breakfast without toast with a sweet treat.

Raspberry juice jelly with pulp

Traditional raspberry jelly is prepared according to classic recipe. For 1 kg of berries take the same amount of sugar, 100–120 g of water, 2–3 g of citric acid. The step-by-step cooking process is as follows.

    The prepared raspberries are kneaded or crushed using a blender, water and sugar are added, and brought to a boil.

    Stirring and constantly skimming off the foam, cook over low heat for half an hour.

    Cool the finished mass slightly and grind through a fine sieve to separate the seeds and obtain a homogeneous structure.

    The pureed juice, boiled with sugar, is put back on the fire, citric acid dissolved in a tablespoon of water is added, and boiled for 2-3 minutes.

    Hot jelly is poured into sterile containers, sealed hermetically and cooled without turning the jars over.

Advice! The jelly is considered ready if the formation of foam noticeably decreases, it does not spread along the edges of the pan, and a drop of syrup after cooling does not spread on the glass or plate.

Raspberry puree is boiled with sugar until approximately 30–40% of the liquid volume evaporates

Raspberry jam

You can cook raspberry jelly without separating the seeds - this recipe for the winter will appeal to those who are short on time and not so scrupulous in terms of following the classic recipe. Raspberry seeds are smaller than strawberries, they do not affect the consistency too much and do not impair the taste. On the contrary, thanks to the “cake”, the confiture will turn out thicker, similar to jam. The cooking technology is the same as in the recipe described above, only without rubbing through a sieve.

Raspberry jam – seeds are not a hindrance to taste

Recipe with gelatin or pectin

Many people prefer to make raspberry jelly with gelatin. In this case, the gelatinous consistency is achieved using a thickener, in addition to gelatin, it can be pectin, agar-agar, jamfix. The cooking process is significantly shortened (up to 10–15 minutes), vitamins and biologically active compounds are better preserved, and less sugar can be added.

If gelatin is used (40–50 g per 1 kg of raspberries), it is pre-soaked in 100–150 g of cold boiled water, then heated until completely dissolved, and filtered. Pectin-based thickeners are used according to instructions.

Mash the raspberries, add half a glass of water, boil for 2-3 minutes, then rub through a sieve. Add sugar and thickener to the mixture and cook over low heat for 10–15 minutes. When hot, they are packaged in jars and sealed.

Proportions: 1 kg of berries, 0.7–1 kg of sugar, 100–150 g of water, 40–50 g of gelatin (pectin).

With red currant juice

Instead of gelatin and water, you can use red currant juice. For 1 kg of berries you will need 250–300 g of juice. It will add the necessary acid and act as a thickener.

Crushed raspberries with sugar and red currant juice are evaporated for 30 minutes, then wiped. Then bring to a boil and pour into sterilized jars.

Seedless raspberry jelly:

We all know about the benefits of raspberries, especially during the season. cold winter, when a cold catches up with us, and in combination with medications it will quickly put us back on our feet.

There are a number of recipes for preparing these berries with maximum preservation of all vitamins. If you want a jelly that is smooth and seedless, use pectin or gelatin.

In the first case, you need to add large quantity sugar and berry juice. The second method is for those who like a less sweet taste.

Raspberry jelly goes well with hot pancakes or pancakes; you can pour it on top cottage cheese casserole or simply spread on toast. It will be no less tasty as a filling for croissants or rolls.

A classic way to make raspberry jelly without any additives. It, of course, is not as thick as store-bought, but it does not contain unnecessary chemicals.

And here it is step-by-step instruction which must be followed to obtain a wonderful delicacy. Wash the jars thoroughly and be sure to sterilize them by placing them in the oven tray with water and setting the special function.

You can use the old method of boiling - placing a glass container over the spout of a bubbling kettle.

Grind the berries in a blender or grind through a colander. Transfer to an enamel bowl and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring systematically to avoid burning.

Set aside, let cool and strain the entire mass through cheesecloth so that not a single gram of pulp gets in and the juice is pure.

Pour the berry juice back into the bowl and add sugar in batches. The heat should be moderate so that it does not boil or jump out of the pan. Do not move far from the stove, stir so that a bitter, burnt taste does not appear.

Raspberries are a very tender berry that does not require long cooking.

It is enough to boil it for ten to fifteen minutes, set it aside, cool and put it on the burner again for five to seven minutes.

Stirring with a spoon, lift the mass up and, pouring the jelly back, look at the consistency: if it suits you, you can distribute it into jars and seal.

Keep in mind that after final cooling the mass will become even thicker.

Some housewives adhere to the tendency to preserve berries and vegetables without heat treatment, justifying this with a greater likelihood of preserving the benefits of the product. There is some truth in this, and therefore there are several recipes for preserving raspberry jelly without cooking.

We sort through the berries, remove spoiled ones and place them in a large container. Do not wash raspberries under any circumstances, otherwise they will become saturated with moisture and lose most of their benefits. Add sugar and puree the berries using a regular wooden masher.

You can use a more convenient method - beat it with a blender with a submersible attachment or twist it in a meat grinder, but vitamins are also lost when fruits come into contact with metal.

Place in sterile jars, sprinkle a one-centimeter layer of sugar on top so that the product does not spoil, thus making a plug to prevent oxygen from penetrating, and close with a plastic lid.

Place the raspberry jelly in the refrigerator.

The most important thing in this method is to store it only in a cold place and be sure to maintain the proportion of berries to sugar, otherwise there is a high risk that the jelly will ferment.

This raspberry jelly for the winter received this name due to the speed of its preparation.

Even the most inexperienced, novice housewife can prepare it for the winter. You just need to have the desire and a set of products.

Sort the raspberries from the garbage, immerse them in cold water literally for a few minutes and carefully remove with your palms or a slotted spoon. Place on a towel and let dry.

When excess moisture comes out of the berries, transfer them to a bowl and cover with a thick layer of sugar without gaps.

Leave for four to five hours. When you see that the raspberries have completely absorbed the sand and juice is coming out, place them on the stove and bring them to a boil. Boil for literally five minutes.

Wash the jars thoroughly in advance and place in a large container, fill with water and boil for ten minutes.

Spread the “Five Minute” raspberry jelly to the fullest and screw on with sterilized iron lids; plastic ones will not work.

Wrap the upside down jars in a thick blanket and leave until completely cooled.

After this, place it in the basement, pantry, or any dark, cool room.

Extraordinary delicious jam Anyone can make watermelon rinds at home if they use the recipes from this article. So don't throw watermelon rinds into the trash anymore.

And here are ways to cook rhubarb compote.

Raspberry jelly is ready for use one and a half to two months after preservation; during this period it will thicken sufficiently and be imbued with a rich aromatic smell and taste.

You should not use spoiled berries; it is better to immediately process them into compote, otherwise there will be a possibility of fermentation and mold growth on the surface of the jar.

If you follow all the technologies and sterilize the container, then the jelly from these berries can be stored in the basement for more than one or two years.

Look carefully at the raspberries while picking. It may contain bugs with unpleasant smell, which will spoil the aroma and taste of the dish.

We hope you enjoy our recipes. Good luck with your preparations, dear hostesses!

Fragrant raspberries! Thanks to its taste, it allows you to express culinary fantasy, whose flight is unlimited. Marinades and sauces are prepared from this berry, desserts are made and added to main dishes. Today we want to offer you a recipe for raspberry jelly, with several variations. This winter preparation will allow you to enjoy the taste and benefits of these fruits for a long time.

Good raspberry harvest? This is a great opportunity to make aromatic jelly!


The most popular berry for jelly is raspberry. In addition to its wonderful aroma, it has many useful qualities, the presence of which it owes to its composition. These fruits will increase immunity and help the body cope with colds, eliminate sore throat, cough and lower body temperature during fever.

There are quite a few recipes for raspberry jelly. All of them are easy to prepare and will not require much time or labor from the housewife. When preparing such a dessert, it is not at all necessary to use gelatin - the mass will reach the required consistency due to pectin and juice. Although it is worth noting that when using a gelling agent, cooking will take less time. And in order to finally understand in what embodiment it turns out best treat, you need to prepare both one and the other.

Without gelatin

First of all, we will look at a recipe for raspberry jelly for the winter without gelatin. This delicacy will be a continuation of fragrant homemade preparations. As a rule, for jam you need to choose only the most good berry. For jelly, you can use the same rejected material.

On a note! Of course, rotten fruits will not work. In this case, the use of crushed berries is allowed!

Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • water – 200-220 ml;
  • citric acid – 2 g.

Cooking process.

  1. Place the washed berries in a saucepan and mash them using a wooden pestle.
  2. Add water and mix.
  3. Place the container on the stove, turn on the heat and bring the berry mass to a boil.
  4. Reduce the noise, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  5. After the specified time has passed, turn off the gas supply and let the mixture cool at room temperature.
  6. Now you need to get rid of the seeds. To do this, grind the cooled mass through a fine sieve.
  7. Return our jelly base to the pan, add sugar and bring everything to a boil again, stirring continuously.
  8. Boil the mixture for 40 minutes, constantly removing the noise with a wooden spatula.
  9. Before turning off the gas supply, add citric acid and mix everything.
  10. Pour the prepared jelly into prepared clean jars, close the lids and send for storage.

With gelatin

Raspberry jelly with gelatin retains all the deliciousness of fresh berries. This thickener will make the dessert thicker. In addition, the use of this substance can significantly reduce the time of heat treatment of berries, and this increases the benefits of the finished product.

Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 300-330 ml;
  • gelatin – 5 g;
  • citric acid – 5 g.
Cooking process.
  1. First you need to soak the gelatin in water. Its temperature should be about 20-25°C - you can always find the proportions on the package. Set the gelatin aside for a few minutes to allow it to swell.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan, add water and sugar.
  3. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and remove the noise with a wooden spoon.
  4. Reduce the gas supply to the minimum mark and cook the jelly for 25-30 minutes.
  5. Remove the mass from the heat, add citric acid, swollen gelatin and mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Pour the dessert into sterile jars, close the lids and leave for a day at room temperature.
  7. On the second day, the preservation can be transferred to the cellar.
  1. Store raspberry jelly in small containers, as it dries out quickly after opening the jar.
  2. The stickiness of the jelly will be maintained for a long time only if you do not shake or stir it.
  3. To prevent sugaring and fermentation in the jar, scoop up the delicacy with a dry, clean spoon.

Please your loved ones with incredibly tasty and very healthy raspberry jelly. This aromatic delicacy is sure to be high on your list of homemade recipes. Have fun cooking and be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

We all know about the benefits of raspberries, especially during the cold winter, when a cold catches up with us, and in combination with medications, it will quickly put us back on our feet.

There are a number of recipes for preparing these berries with maximum preservation of all vitamins. If you want a jelly that is smooth and seedless, use pectin or gelatin.

In the first case, you need to add more sugar and berry juice. The second method is for those who like a less sweet taste.

Raspberry jelly goes well with hot pancakes or pancakes; you can pour it on top of a cottage cheese casserole or simply spread it on toast. It will be no less tasty as a filling for croissants or rolls.

Traditional recipe for the winter

A classic way to make raspberry jelly without any additives. It, of course, is not as thick as store-bought, but it does not contain unnecessary chemicals.


  • Raspberries – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

And here are the step-by-step instructions that must be followed to obtain a wonderful delicacy. Wash the jars thoroughly and be sure to sterilize them by placing them in the oven tray with water and setting the special function.

You can use the old method of boiling - placing a glass container over the spout of a bubbling kettle.

Grind the berries in a blender or grind through a colander. Transfer to an enamel bowl and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring systematically to avoid burning.

Set aside, let cool and strain the entire mass through cheesecloth so that not a single gram of pulp gets in and the juice is pure.

Pour the berry juice back into the bowl and add sugar in batches. The heat should be moderate so that it does not boil or jump out of the pan. Do not move far from the stove, stir so that a bitter, burnt taste does not appear.

Raspberries are a very tender berry that does not require long cooking.

It is enough to boil it for ten to fifteen minutes, set it aside, cool and put it on the burner again for five to seven minutes.

Stirring with a spoon, lift the mass up and, pouring the jelly back, look at the consistency: if it suits you, you can distribute it into jars and seal.

Keep in mind that after final cooling the mass will become even thicker.

How to make raspberry jelly for the winter without cooking

Some housewives adhere to the tendency to preserve berries and vegetables without heat treatment, justifying this with a greater likelihood of preserving the benefits of the product. There is some truth in this, and therefore there are several recipes for preserving raspberry jelly without cooking.


  • Raspberries – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 2 kg.

We sort through the berries, remove spoiled ones and place them in a large container. Do not wash raspberries under any circumstances, otherwise they will become saturated with moisture and lose most of their benefits. Add sugar and puree the berries using a regular wooden masher.

You can use a more convenient method - beat it with a blender with a submersible attachment or twist it in a meat grinder, but vitamins are also lost when fruits come into contact with metal.

Place in sterile jars, sprinkle a one-centimeter layer of sugar on top so that the product does not spoil, thus making a plug to prevent oxygen from penetrating, and close with a plastic lid.

Place the raspberry jelly in the refrigerator.

The most important thing in this method is to store it only in a cold place and be sure to maintain the proportion of berries to sugar, otherwise there is a high risk that the jelly will ferment.

“Five Minute” - convenient, fast and simple

This raspberry jelly for the winter received this name due to the speed of its preparation.

Even the most inexperienced, novice housewife can prepare it for the winter. You just need to have the desire and a set of products.


  • Raspberries – 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

Sort out the raspberries from the debris, immerse them in cold water for just a few minutes and carefully remove them with your palms or a slotted spoon. Place on a towel and let dry.

When excess moisture comes out of the berries, transfer them to a bowl and cover with a thick layer of sugar without gaps.

Leave for four to five hours. When you see that the raspberries have completely absorbed the sand and juice is coming out, place them on the stove and bring them to a boil. Boil for literally five minutes.

Wash the jars thoroughly in advance and place in a large container, fill with water and boil for ten minutes.

Spread the “Five Minute” raspberry jelly to the fullest and screw on with sterilized iron lids; plastic ones will not work.

Wrap the upside down jars in a thick blanket and leave until completely cooled.

After this, place it in the basement, pantry, or any dark, cool room.

We also suggest that you find out that there is nothing complicated in canning technology. See for yourself!

Any person can make unusually tasty jam from watermelon rinds at home if you use the recipes from So don’t throw watermelon rinds into the trash anymore.

And there are ways to cook rhubarb compote.

Notes from experienced housewives

Raspberry jelly is ready for use one and a half to two months after preservation; during this period it will thicken sufficiently and be imbued with a rich aromatic smell and taste.

You should not use spoiled berries; it is better to immediately process them into compote, otherwise there will be a possibility of fermentation and mold growth on the surface of the jar.

Before boiling, you can grind the workpiece through a sieve. This will significantly speed up and facilitate the process of preparing raspberry jelly for the winter, since straining the pulp through cheesecloth is a rather labor-intensive task.

If you follow all the technologies and sterilize the container, then the jelly from these berries can be stored in the basement for more than one or two years.

Look carefully at the raspberries while picking. It may contain bugs with an unpleasant odor that will spoil the aroma and taste of the dish.

We hope you enjoy our recipes. Good luck with your preparations, dear hostesses!



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