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Zhilin and Kostylin are two different. Zhilin and Kostylin have different fates. Several interesting essays

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Story " Prisoner of the Caucasus"was written by L.N. Tolstoy in the 70s of the 19th century. In the Caucasus at that time there was a war between the Russians and the highlanders. The story is based on real events which happened to the writer himself and his colleagues during their service in the Caucasus. One day he and his friend miraculously escaped pursuit. Lieutenant Tolstoy had to rescue his comrades from captivity.

Thinking about the fate of the main characters, Russian officers Zhilin and Kostylin, you pay attention to their surnames. They even rhyme, but have opposite meanings. Zhilin from the word “vein” is a strong end of muscles, sinewy, elastic, and Kostylin from the word “crutch” is a stick for the lame, powerless. Their appearance is also different. “Although Zhilin was not very tall, he was brave.” “And Kostylin is an overweight, fat man.”

One day Zhilin received a letter from his mother, who asked him to come to her. The loving son immediately set off on the road. He went with the convoy for the fortress. The convoy walked slowly. Zhilin rode forward, another officer, Kostylin, drove up to him, they decided to go further alone, without a convoy. Then the Tatars attacked them. And here the officers behaved differently. Zhilin showed courage, “grabbed a saber, launched a horse straight at the Red Tatar,” but the Tatars shot a horse under Zhilin and took him prisoner. And Kostylin, who had a gun, “as soon as he saw the Tatars, ran as fast as he could towards the fortress” and left his comrade in trouble. However, betrayal did not save him.

In captivity, Zhilin and Kostylin also behave differently. When the owner Abdul-Murat told the officers that they needed to pay a ransom of 5,000 rubles, Kostylin immediately wrote a letter, then “Kostylin wrote home again, kept waiting for the money to be sent and was bored” or slept. But Zhilin agreed only for 500 rubles and sent the letter to another address, so as not to burden his sick mother, but he himself thought: “God willing, I’ll get out myself.”

During the day, Zhilin walks around the aul, “and he looks out for everything, tries out how he can escape,” “or does handicrafts, and when night comes, the aul becomes quiet, so he digs a hole in his barn for escape.

Zhilin once molded a doll from clay and gave it to Dina, the owner’s daughter, then another. “And from then on she began to steal milk for him every day.” And when Zhilin repaired the owner’s watch, “the fame spread about Zhilin that he was a master.” And everyone began to turn to him with requests, but he refused no one.

When Zhilin finished digging a hole under the barn and found out which way to run, he chose a suitable night and, together with Kostylin, ran away from the village.

They went to the mountains. Zhilin’s boots were worn out, he “took off his, threw them away, walked barefoot,” and “Kostylin still lags behind and groans.” When they met a deer in the forest, “Kostylin fell with fear, and Zhilin laughed.” Then it’s even worse - Kostylin “the man is overweight, plump, sweating; ... and his legs were skinned - he was unsalted. Zhilin began to lift him by force,” Kostylin shouted, and at that time a Tatar was passing by and heard his scream. Zhilin thinks: “It’s not good to abandon a comrade.” He put Kostylin on top of him and carried him. Soon the Tatar caught up with them with help, they returned the officers to the village and lowered them into the pit.

So, due to Kostylin’s fault, their first escape failed. Once again we see how differently officers behave under the same conditions.

Now “life has become completely bad for them.” “Kostylin became completely ill, there was aching all over his body and he kept moaning or sleeping.” And Zhilin, although he sees that things are bad, still “thinks about living freely.” When Dina brought him cherries and flatbread, he began to think about how to persuade the girl to help them. Dina Zilina took pity and brought a healthy pole to the pit. Zhilin did not want to leave Kostylin alone, but he refused to run.

This time Zhilin ran alone. He couldn't knock the block off his foot. He took the flatbread from Dina, which she brought him on the road, thanked the girl for everything, crossed himself and went to the mountains. It was hard for Zhilin to walk 8 versts in the block, but he still made it to his own.

Zhilin “remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostylin was bought out only a month later for five thousand. They brought me barely alive.”

The story of L.N. Tolstoy has a riddle. The writer gives him the name “Caucasian Prisoner”, and not “prisoners”, although two Russian officers are captured.

Zhilin is strong-willed, active, hard-working, kind and generous, loves children, helps everyone, even his enemies, so he endeared himself to them. He solves his problems himself. Kostylin is a completely different person. He is lazy and capable of betrayal. Therefore, Zhilin managed to escape from Tatar captivity, and Kostylin, although he was ransomed from the Tatars, it is unlikely that he will be able to escape from the captivity of his weaknesses and his selfishness.

Zhilin and Kostylin are different people, therefore their destinies are also different. I think that this is precisely the idea that the author wanted to convey to us.

- a story by Tolstoy, who introduces us to a Russian officer who was captured by the highlanders. This happens during Caucasian War. Reading the story, we get acquainted with the two main characters - officers, whose comparative characteristics We were asked to do it at home.

As we have already said, the main characters of the story are two officers of the Russian army, Zhilin and Kostylin. They have both common and distinctive human characteristics. Perhaps it should be said about them general outline, which makes the heroes similar. It's theirs general service in the Caucasus. Both of them noble origin, serve as officers, go on leave at the same time, and are captured at the same time. And then the reader sees how different people, different not only in appearance, but also in behavior. One of them is a hero, and the second is weak person, which only causes disgust. Let us dwell on the heroes of Zhilin and Kostylin in more detail.

Characteristics of Zilina

Zhilin is a person who deserves respect. No matter what, he always remains human. Although Zhilin was small in stature, he was a daredevil in everything. This is an officer whose courage and strength are immediately visible, yet he never sought to appear as a hero. Even in Hard time Zhilin is not thinking about how to save his own skin, but about how to protect his mother from the news that he was captured. Zhilin is independently trying to find a way to solve the problem. He organizes the escape, which fails the first time because of Kostylin. But this did not break the hero. Zhilin does not give up and finds salvation. This hero strong in spirit and even his enemies respect him. Zhilin is brave and decisive and it is impossible not to admire this.

Characteristics of Kostylin

But Kostylin is the complete opposite. Outwardly, he is an overweight, fat man, pitiful and insignificant. Its very description evokes hostility. And when you get to know this hero of the story further, you completely begin to despise him. Kostylin is an egoist by nature, it is important for him to save his own skin, so he immediately rushed to write to his family so that they would prepare a ransom for him. Kostylin is a vile person who does not know the concept of friendship and certainly cannot be called a hero.

Zhilin and Kostylin are the main characters of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. N. Tolstoy.

Theme of the story

During the war in the Caucasus (Russians are fighting with the mountaineers for territory), two Russian officers, Zhilin and Kostylin, go home on vacation. Along the way, the heroes are captured by the Tatars; They ask for a ransom for them. Zhilin, not wanting to ask his old mother for money, plans to escape, but due to Kostylin’s slowness the idea fails. Then the officer tries to escape again, and this time luck smiles on him - he escapes. And Kostylin is rescued from captivity by ransom only a month later.

How officers Zhilin and Kostylin behave in captivity

Kostylin is a plump and obese man. Throughout the entire time he is in captivity, all he does is sleep and count the time until the ransom. At the same time, Kostylin does not hesitate to ask the family for a huge ransom (5,000 rubles). The main thing for him is that he be rescued as quickly as possible and that he finds himself again in convenient and comfortable conditions.

Zhilin behaves exactly the opposite. He refuses to write a letter to his mother asking for a ransom, because he doesn’t want her to worry about him and give away the last thing she has. When the Tatars force Zhilin to write this letter, he writes, but the address is obviously incorrect. The officer decides for himself: either he gets out of captivity on his own, or he will have to die or remain there for the rest of his life. In order to escape, Zhilin begins to dig.

In addition, while in captivity, Zhilin is engaged in various useful activities, thereby earning the attention and respect of the local Tatars.

For example, it differs in that:

  • makes clay dolls for local children;
  • repairs his Tatar owner's stopped watch;
  • repairs guns and other paraphernalia of local residents.

And even during the escape, Zhilin stands until the last, holds on with all his might, and does not abandon Kostylin, although he lets his comrade down several times and does not want to pull himself together for the sake of their common salvation.

Thanks to durability and strong-willed qualities, Zhilin still manages to escape from captivity.

Sobolev D.Yu. 1

1 Municipal budget educational institution– average comprehensive school No. 27 named after. N.S. Leskova with in-depth study in English Oryol

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I read very interesting story L. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. It tells about the war between the Russians and the highlanders.

The main characters of the work are Zhilin and Kostylin. They were Russian soldiers captured by the Tatars. During the attack of the invaders, Zhilin shouted to Kostylin to get his gun, but Kostylin rode away on horseback from his comrade. This characterizes Kostylin as a cowardly person capable of betrayal. When the soldiers were captured, Zhilin kept in touch with Tatar girl Dina, who felt sorry for him. The hero was kind to her and gave her homemade clay toys.

Zhilin tried to get to know the area better in order to escape. Kostylin was inactive in captivity: he only lay and ate. He did not even try to escape from the Tatars, did not help Zhilin develop an escape plan. Kostylin thought that they would soon be redeemed from captivity.

During the first escape, the prisoners were unable to escape because Kostylin’s scream gave them away. Because of this, Zhilin did not want to take Kostylin with him, but he considered it cruel to a person who was in trouble just like him. I believe that Zhilin did the right thing by taking Kostylin with him. In this episode, the author seems to want to say: “Betrayal is abandoning a comrade in trouble.” During the second escape, Zhilin escaped alone, but Dina helped him.

Kostylin's character was much different from Zhilin's character. Zhilin was quick-witted, intelligent, and much stronger in character than Kostylin. The name itself speaks volumes about this. Kostylin was afraid of the Tatars and wrote a letter home to be ransomed for a very large sum. He did not rely on himself at all, was lazy and did not even try to save his life. Zhilin did not despair and tried to find a way out of the difficult situation. Kostylin did nothing and waited until he was bought out.

The difference in the characters' characters influenced their destinies in such a way that Zhilin was freed much earlier than Kostylin. It follows from this that Kostylin was the opposite of Zhilin, which is what the author was trying to say. I support Zhilin, because he knew that there weren’t even five hundred rubles at home, and his mother was dying of old age, and he specifically indicated the wrong address on the letter so that it would not reach. This emphasizes Zhilin’s ability to take care of loved ones.

I really liked the story of L. Tolstoy. he teaches to be cheerful, not to lose hope, to find a way out of a difficult situation, and not to be lazy, like Kostylin.

    What is character?

    Vocabulary work: character -

    Fate 1. A confluence of life circumstances, a course of events independent of a person’s will (according to superstitious beliefs - the will of God, which predetermines everything that happens in life).
    2. Fate, share, life path

    1. Working on new material.

    1.Student message

    At what time do the events described in the story take place?

    In the middle of the 19th century there was a difficult situation in the Caucasus, bloody war. Tsar Nicholas I sent his troops to conquer the Caucasian lands. The mountain peoples who lived there showed stubborn resistance to the tsarist troops. On steep mountain roads, in forests and gorges, at river crossings, the mountaineers set up ambushes and took Russian soldiers and officers prisoner.

    At that time, L.N. Tolstoy was on military service in the Caucasian Army, participated in the hostilities of Russian troops. One day, having traveled far from his squad, he was almost captured. The writer was rescued from trouble by his companion and friend, the Chechen Sado.

    While working on War and Peace, Tolstoy became acquainted with the Memoirs of a Caucasian Officer, published in the Russian Messenger magazine, the author of which was Colonel of the Cuirassier Regiment F.F. Tornau. The author reports under what circumstances he was captured by the mountaineers, how the girl who fell in love with him, Aslan Koz, tried to help him, why his first escape attempt was unsuccessful and how he managed to free himself from captivity. Tolstoy not only became acquainted with Tornau’s memoirs, but also used them for his story “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” which was published in 1852.

    Let's turn to the story. Today you will work in groups. Each group has its own tasks. 3-5 minutes are allotted for discussion.

    2. Work in groups

    Group 1. Why are the surnames Zhilin and Kostylin “speaking”? What meaning does the writer put into their surnames? Find in the text details characterizing the appearance of Zhilin and Kostylin. Explain the meaning of the words: deck and daring and describe the characters.

    Group 2 List the reasons why Zhilin and Kostylin were captured. Could the situation have been resolved differently? Under what conditions? Describe the behavior of the heroes during the chase and capture.

    Group 3 Life in captivity. How do Zhilin and Kostylin behave when a ransom is demanded from them? What do the prisoners do? How do the locals feel about them? What qualities of Zhilin can you note?

    Museum of Forgotten Things: who forgot these things? (clay jug, pads, watches, clay dolls, envelope, cake, feather, inkwell)

    4 group

    1 prisoner escape. Compare the behavior of the heroes. Find verbs that characterize everyone's behavior. Why did Kostylin turn out to be not Zhilin’s assistant during the escape, but a burden? What does burden mean? Draw a conclusion: what qualities can be noted in this episode?

    5 group

    Compare the second escape with the first. Who helps Zhilin? Why do you think Zhilin manages to escape?

    They work in groups.

    (1 group). Zhilin from “vein” - a strong end of muscles, sinewy, two-core - strong, elastic

    Kostylin from “crutch” - a stick for the lame, powerless, Kostylin seems to be on crutches, on supports

    Kostylin is a heavyset, fat man... Although Zhilin was not very tall, he was brave.

    The deck is about a fat, clumsy man.

    Daring - complete daring.

    Kostylin chickened out and left Zhilin alone, only Kostylin had a gun, Zhilin alone could not do anything with the Tatars, especially without a gun, and the Tatars also killed Zhilin’s horse. She fell and crushed his leg. The situation might have been resolved differently if Kostylin had not galloped away. Kostylin rolled as hard as he could. Zhilin - I won’t give in alive, I’m ready to fight

    Equally difficult. But Kostylin’s captivity frightened him and broke him. He immediately wrote a letter, asked for money, waited for an answer, and was bored.

    Zhilin behaved differently. Doesn't lose heart. He knew that he would not receive any money, he had no one to rely on, he only had a sick mother. Zhilin Kostylin

    walks around the village sleeps

    looks bored

    asking for information, counting days

    doing handicrafts waiting for a response to a letter

    These verbs are the antithesis of the heroes' actions. They help to understand the character of the characters. Zhilin says: “I’ll get out myself,” and Kostylin is waiting for help. (Zhilin showed courage and determination during a dispute about the amount of the ransom; - Zhilin is a master: he makes dolls, a water wheel; he once acted as a doctor. (Quotations) he strives all the time find out the way, and at night he digs a hole in the barn. And Kostylin weakly awaits the decision of his fate.)

    Zhilin's action verbs: climbed, got out, scratched, rose, noticed, took off, threw, walked, jumped, looked around...

    Kostylin's action verbs: hooked, thundered, began to lag behind, cut, dressed, grunts, lags behind, groans.

    A burden is something that interferes, burdens, or is superfluous.

    1st escape: two people, Kostylin is in the way, no helpers, got lost;

    Escape 2: Zhilin is alone, no one bothers him, there was an assistant, Dina.

    He fights to the end, does not lose faith in himself, does not give up.

    Conclusion: Why is the story called “Prisoner of the Caucasus”? The heroes find themselves in the same situation, but the outcome is different, because... Much depends on the person himself, on his choice. You can't lose faith, you have to fight to the end.

    What important issues does Tolstoy raise in the story? (bravery and perseverance in difficult situations, loyalty to friendship and camaraderie, Tolstoy glorifies strong in spirit people, talks about friendship that can bring together people of all nationalities, Tolstoy speaks out against national enmity)

    Distribution work: distribute the qualities belonging to different heroes, for 2 groups

  • Nobility
  • Kindness
  • Generosity
  • Friendliness
  • Respect
  • Mastery
  • Attentiveness
  • Forgiveness
  • compassion
  • Selfishness
  • dependency (The desire to rely in everything not on one’s own strengths, but on the help of others, in general to live at the expense of others.
  • indifference
  • indifference
  1. Lesson summary.
  2. Reflection - compiling a syncwine.

Make up a syncwine about Zilina, because... It is this hero who is the bearer of such character qualities that help him fight and win.

Brave, kind (resourceful, persistent)

Works, looks out, prepares (fights, doesn’t give up, helps)

Water doesn’t flow under a lying stone (you can’t lose heart)

Well done (hero)

Lesson grades

D/s: creative task: choose for an interview with the main character or a letter addressed to the main character.

If there is time left at the end of the lesson, then before the syncwine, play a fragment of the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (01.09.20) - 1.5 min (And from the lips of the hero we hear the word “fate.” Zhilin, who was planning to leave these places forever, remains in the Caucasus. Having learned truly from the inside the life of the mountaineers, the hero with all his soul becomes a “prisoner” of the beautiful Caucasus.)

Tolstoy was very fond of his story “K.p.” and considered him one of the best. With this story, the writer shows that a person’s life depends on his character, on the choice that each of us makes himself.

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“Zhilin and Kostylin are two different characters, two different destinies”

Zhilin and Kostylin are two different characters, two different destinies.

It is not the one who is lost who is in trouble, but the one who is lost in spirit who is lost.


  • Character - a set of personality properties and qualities that determine a person’s behavior and lifestyle.
  • Fate - 1. A confluence of life circumstances, a course of events independent of a person’s will (according to superstitious beliefs - the will of God, which predetermines everything that happens in life). 2. Fate, share, life path

  • Appearance of the heroes.

Group 2 How did Zhilin and Kostylin behave during the Tatar attack?


  • trying to leave

from the chase

  • hopes for

friend's help

  • “I won’t give in alive!”
  • until the last

fights the Tatars


  • doesn’t think of helping Zhilin
  • doesn't even try to scare off the Tatars
  • runs away cowardly

Group 4 First escape.



  • He knows the way and leads his comrade.
  • Constantly complains of pain, fatigue, and cannot go further.
  • Helps Kostylin
  • Zilina also gives herself away (cries out loudly in pain)
  • “Abandoning a comrade is not good”

Group 5 Second escape


  • constantly thinks about living freely
  • persuades Dina to help him
  • I walked all night in the stocks, I was exhausted, but I didn’t allow myself to rest
  • did not wait for help when the Tatars noticed him, he ran towards the Cossacks


  • refuses to escape
  • can't get over my pain
  • Stops fighting:

“It’s obvious that I can’t get out of here now.”

Why did the fates of the heroes turn out so differently?

  • Man (according to L.N. Tolstoy)

he is responsible for his own destiny

  • Nobility
  • Selfishness
  • Indifference
  • Friendliness
  • Respect
  • Mastery
  • Forgiveness
  • Dependency (the desire to rely in everything not on one’s own strengths, but on the help of others, in general to live at the expense of others.
  • Generosity
  • Kindness
  • Attentiveness



  • Line 1 – noun (topic)
  • Line 2 – 2 adjectives
  • Line 3 – 3 verbs
  • Line 4 – thought on the topic
  • Line 5 – 1 noun – synonym for the first line.


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