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Zhilin and Kostylin have different characters. Zhilin and Kostylin are two different characters, two different destinies. Comparative characteristics of heroes. lesson plan in literature (grade 5) on the topic. Attempting to escape from the enemy

Lesson 57. Literature 5th grade.

L.N. Tolstoy. Story - true story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”,

Zhilin and Kostylin: two characters, two destinies

Today in the lesson you will do a comparative analysis of the main characters of the story - there were L.N. Tolstoy’s “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, i.e. to make a comparative description of the main characters. This means that while working with the text you will observe

    what character qualities appear in the heroes when they find themselves in critical life situations;

    what they are guided by when performing actions;

    what their thoughts and feelings are;

    how the characters relate to others and nature;

    pay attention to the speech characteristics of the characters and their relationships. The result of your work will be the solution to the following problematic question:

Why does L.N. Tolstoy call the story about the fate of two Russian officers captured by the Tatars “Caucasian Prisoner” and not “Caucasian Prisoners?” What hero does the author mean?

    The conclusions of the comparative analysis will be recorded in the table (see below).

Let me remind you that “comparing heroes” meansestablish similarities and differences.The comparison must take place in parallel, and the two heroes must be compared on the same grounds and V similar situations This required condition comparisons.

Comparative analysis The main characters of the story were L.N. Tolstoy

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"(the name in the notebook is required!)

Comparison criteria



1. Portrait.

2. Speech. Monologue.

3. Behavior of the heroes.

4. Attitude towards others.

5. Relationships of heroes.

6. Attitude to nature

Hints for work.

1. What are the similarities between the characters?

2. What attitude did the reader have towards the characters after reading their portraits? Why?

We draw a conclusion: Portrait plays an important role in characterizing the characters. This necessary remedy to create an artistic image.

3. Is there any monologues heroes? Read it.

What character traits of the hero does the comparison in Zhilin’s monologue indicate? How does the absence of a monologue characterize Kostylin?

We conclude: Monologue like a form speech characteristics helps to better understand the character of the hero, to reveal the author’s attitude towards the heroes.

4. Let's watch behavior heroes, how Zhilin and Kostylin behave in critical life situations and compare. What critical situations in the story can be called the most important?

    Zhilin and Kostylin on the way

    Captivity of Zhilin and Kostylin;

  • Life of Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity;

    First and second escape from captivity;

Analysis of the episode "Zhilin and Kostylin on the way " Compare the behavior of the heroes.

1) What was the danger of the path?
2) What made Zhilin and Kostylin break away from the guards and go forward?
3) How did the heroes agree to behave when leaving the convoy, and how do they behave on the way, knowing what danger they expose themselves to?

: Comparing the heroes, the author emphasizes, on the one hand, __________________ in the behavior of Kostylin, who is guided by _________________, _______________, and, on the other hand, __________, ________________, ________________ Zilina, who behaves like a ______________ Russian officer.

Analysis of the episode "Captivity of Zhilin and Kostylin ». Remember how the heroes were captured by the Tatars. Draw a verbal picture in your mind or reread it.

We draw a conclusion (fill in the blanks the right words, expressions characterizing heroes; add them to the table):

Comparing heroes in critical situation, Leo Tolstoy emphasizes ____________ and _________ Zilina. He admires Zhilin, sees in him a ___________________ officer who knows how to stand up for his _____________. Kostylin commits a _______________ act - he leaves Zhilin without a gun, without providing mutual assistance, as befits a real officer.

Re-read the demand episoderansom . Why does Kostylin ask for a ransom to be sent for him, and Zhilin deliberately writes a letter so that it does not reach him?

Let's draw a general conclusion: Actions, motives for actions are a necessary means for comparative characterization of heroes; they determine the character of heroes and help to draw artistic image fully, reveal author's position.

Independent work

In which episodes is the character of the characters most clearly demonstrated?

    In captivity and in escape episodes.

Independently analyze the behavior of the characters in these episodes of the story:

    The life of Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity (Chapter 3).

    Preparation and first escape from captivity (chapters 4-5)

    Second escape (Chapter 6).

Note which character traits of the heroes appeared, compare them. Please pay attention on the relationships of the characters, their attitude towards others and the attitude of others towards them.

Cue cards

Comparison Questions



How do Zhilin and Kostylin behave in captivity?

1.What did the hero do in captivity?

Zhilin was a master of all kinds of needlework. ... does some handicrafts, or sculpts dolls from clay, or weaves braids from twigs. Making a toy carousel. He himself is looking out for everything, trying to figure out how to escape. The fame of Zhilin has passed that he is a master: who can bring a lock on a gun or a pistol, who can fix a watch. Learns to understand Tatar language

Kostylin wrote home again, still waiting for the money to be sent, and was bored.

He sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives, or sleeps.

Preparation and first escape from captivity

2. How did the hero prepare to escape?

During the day he walks around the village or does handicrafts, and at night he digs in his barn. “It was difficult to dig because of the stones, but he rubbed the stones with a file, and he dug a hole under the wall just big enough to crawl through.” He goes up the mountain to see where the fortress is. Feeds the dog and stores provisions.

Does not take part in anything

First escape, hero's behavior

Zhilin climbed into the hole, dug wider so that Kostylin could fit through. I went barefoot. He jumps from pebble to pebble and looks at the stars. Meeting with a deer. Zhilin laughs and says: “We are afraid of him, and he is afraid of us.” He put Kostylin on top of him, it was hard for Zhilin, his legs were also bleeding and he was exhausted. ...thinks to Kostylin: “And the devil dared me to take this deck with me. Alone, I would have left long ago. No, I won’t go: it’s not right to abandon a comrade.”

They grabbed them, tied them up, put them on horses, and drove them away.

Kostylin also climbed under the wall, but caught a stone with his foot and made it rattle. On the way, Kostylin keeps falling behind and groans, asking to walk more quietly - his feet are bleeding. Meeting with a deer: “Kostylin fell out of fear” As Kostylin screams: - Oh, it hurts! He heard Kostylin’s Tatar scream and fired his gun. Kostylin says to Zhilin: - Go alone, why should you disappear because of me?

Second escape. Why did Kostylin refuse to run?

Zhilin says:

Well, Kostylin, let's go and try one last time; I'll give you a ride.

Kostylin doesn’t want to hear it.

No,” he says, “it’s obvious that I can’t get out of here.” Where will I go when I have no strength to turn around?

Well, farewell, don’t remember it badly. - Kissed Kostylin.

I walked a mile and was exhausted - my legs were aching. He takes ten steps and stops. “There’s nothing to do,” he thinks, “I’ll drag on as long as I have the strength.” And if I sit down, I won’t get up. I won’t reach the fortress, but when it dawns, I’ll lie down in the forest, out front, and go again at night.” I walked all night. He walked thirty steps - he saw: guns were shining - Cossacks, soldiers. Zhilin gathered his last strength, grabbed the block with his hand, ran to the Cossacks, but he didn’t remember himself, crossed himself and shouted: “Brothers!” Brothers! Brothers! And he remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostylin was bought out only a month later for five thousand. They brought him barely alive.

Read the conclusions by matching the material in the cue cards? Do you agree with them? Write down in your notebook a sentence that most accurately characterizes the characters, in your opinion. Put it in the table.

So, actions, motives of actions, relationships of heroes, attitude of heroes to others - these are necessary and important means for comparative characterization of heroes.

Zilina can be considered a real hero who does not obey circumstances and constantly strives for freedom from captivity. Zhilin’s character is characterized by strong will, courage, courage. In captivity, he takes care of Kostylin and does not reproach him for anything, although Kostylin alone is to blame for the deplorable situation of both of them. Knowing that one cannot rely on Kostylin, he invites Kostylin to escape from captivity together, because his officer’s honor does not allow him to do otherwise. In everything, Zhilin shows ingenuity and resourcefulness. Despite the harsh conditions, the hero does not become embittered, the peaceful Tatar residents are not his enemies, he helps them, fixes everything - some watches, some a pistol. Zhilin inspires sympathy even among his enemies with his courage. The Tatars call him a horseman. In the escape episode, Zhilin appears as an observant person who understands nature. Patiently endures difficulties, carries Kostylin on himself - “it’s not good to abandon a comrade in trouble.” He doesn’t harbor any grudges even when the fugitives are caught. Again he invites him to run. When Kostylin refuses, he bids him farewell in a brotherly manner. Zhilin is a real officer of the Russian army, a reliable comrade, a kind person. The author leads his readers to this conclusion. It's hard to disagree with this opinion.

Kostylin cares only about himself, about his well-being, he does not know what duty and loyalty in friendship are. He is weak-willed, irresponsible, capable of betrayal. Indifference, unwillingness to resist circumstances, humility - these are the character qualities Tolstoy endows his hero with. Tolstoy is silent about Kostylin’s attitude towards people - this is also a means of characterizing the hero. The author only succinctly describes his life in captivity: he sleeps all day, waiting for a ransom letter. When Zhilin invites Kostylin to escape from captivity, Kostylin hesitates, because he knows that he will be released anyway when his relatives send a ransom. Only fear that he might be killed under hot hand, forces Kostylin to agree to his comrade’s proposal. On the road, the hero behaves like a helpless person; he has neither military bearing nor a feeling of compassion towards Zhilin. It's not easy for both of them. He is unable to bear difficulties. Due to Kostylin's fault, the escape fails. The second time he does not escape from captivity, he hopes for a ransom. Kostylin is not a hero, he is not capable of great deeds. This is a weak person in body and spirit. It’s not for nothing that the Tatars call him “meek.”


Mini-essay on one of the topics of the student’s choice:

1. Why, when talking about the fate of two Russian officers, does Tolstoy talk about one person in the title? Who does the writer mean?

2. Do you agree with the opinion that L.N. Did Tolstoy want Kostylin to evoke in the reader not anger and contempt, but pity and compassion?

3. What do the “talking” names of the heroes say?

In literature lessons we got acquainted with the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus". The main character of this work is the Russian officer Zhilin, who was accidentally captured by the Tatars.

There is another hero in the story, also an officer of the Russian army, Kostylin. Tolstoy talks about the captivity of these people in his work. Zhilin and Kostylin are completely different in character. Their destinies are different. They also differ in appearance. Kostylin is overweight and fat. He was sweating as the convoy moved towards the fortress. And I imagine Zhilin as slender, very active.

From the very first events, Tolstoy shows how different his heroes are from each other. When they drove ahead of the convoy, Kostylin had a loaded gun. But as soon as he saw the Tatars, he immediately forgot about him. He rushed to his heels and did not think at all that Zhilin was in great danger and that he and the gun could help him in any way. Zhilin, on the contrary, when he realized that he could not escape the pursuit, decided to kill at least one Tatar with a saber.

Heroes behave differently even in captivity. Kostylin immediately writes a letter home asking for a ransom to be sent. Zhilin is bargaining. He thinks about his mother, who will not be able to find not only three thousand, but also five hundred rubles. Therefore, he writes the address on the letter incorrectly. He relies only on himself. Zhilin immediately decided to escape from captivity.

He is very active. Always making something or walking around the village. But for a reason. Zhilin is looking for a way to escape. He makes a hole in the barn. At the same time, Kostylit only sleeps or “sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives.” He does not try to do anything on his own to save himself. He just hopes for others.

During his escape, Kostylin let down both himself and his comrade. He didn't think about being careful. When his legs began to hurt, Kostylin screamed, although he knew that a Tatar had recently passed by them, and with his scream he could attract his attention. And so it happened. And Zhilin again thinks not only about himself but also about his comrade. He does not escape from captivity alone, but calls Kostylin with him. When Kostylin can no longer walk from the pain in his legs, Zhilin carries him on himself, because “it’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

Despite any difficulties, Zhilin still escapes from captivity. He knows that he has no one to rely on. Therefore, he must save himself. He is a strong character person. He succeeds in everything. And Kostylin is weak-willed. He relies on others. Therefore, he almost dies in captivity. They ransomed him alive. This is how different characters influence the fate of each of the heroes.

Description of the presentation Zhilin and Kostylin - two different characters, two on the slides

1. Why is the story called “Prisoner of the Caucasus”? “Caucasian captive” Chapter I 2. Who was called the “Caucasian captive” in the story? 3. Name the reason that forced Zhilin to set off on his journey. 4. What was the danger of the path?

“Prisoner of the Caucasus” Chapter I 5. What made Zhilin and Kostylin break away from the guards and go forward?

“Caucasian Prisoner” Chapter I 6. How did the heroes agree to behave when leaving the convoy, and how did they behave when they met the mountaineers?

“Prisoner of the Caucasus” Chapter I 7. Tell us about how Zhilin and Kostylin were captured.

8. How was the fate of Zhilin and then Kostylin in captivity determined? “Prisoner of the Caucasus” Chapter I I 9. What makes Zhilin bargain and give the wrong address?

1. How did Zhilin and Kostylin live in captivity? How was their life different during the month of captivity in the enemy’s camp? 2. With whose help do we get acquainted with the life of a mountain village? 3. How do the Tatars treat Zhilin and Kostylin in the first days of captivity and why? 4. Are the mountaineers right when they call Zhilin “dzhigit” and Kostylin “meek”? Explain the reason for this difference. 5. Why did local residents from nearby villages begin to come to Zhilin? “Prisoner of the Caucasus” Chapter III

comparison table Quality Zhilin Kostylin 1. The meaning of the surname Veins are blood vessels, tendons. A crutch is a stick with a crossbar placed under the arm, which serves as a support for lame people or those with sore legs when walking. Wiry - dry, muscular, with protruding veins 2. Appearance “And although Zhilin was not very tall, he was brave.” “And Kostylin is an overweight, fat man, all red, and the sweat just pours from him.”

Comparative table Quality Zhilin Kostylin 3. Place of residence of the heroes Mountain Tatar village, barn 4. What did the prisoners eat? A flatbread made from millet flour or raw dough and water; milk, cheese cakes, piece of lamb Only a cake made from millet flour or raw dough and water

Comparative table Quality Zhilin Kostylin “Zhilin wrote a letter, but on the letter he wrote it wrong, so that it wouldn’t get through. He himself thinks: “I’ll leave.” “Kostylin wrote home again, still waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. He sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives; or asleep” 5. What did the officers do? “And he’s looking out for everything, trying to find out how he can escape. He walks around the village, whistling, or sits and does some handicrafts and sculpts dolls out of clay, or weaves braids from twigs. And Zhilin was a master of all kinds of needlework.”

Zhilin Kostylin We draw a conclusion We characterize Zhilin and Kostylin. Comparison table Active person. In difficult situations he does not lose his fortitude. He makes every effort to get out of the village and escape. All his actions and deeds are subordinated to one goal - liberation. Passive, lazy, inactive, bored, waiting for money to be sent; does not know how to adapt to the situation.

How did Zhilin live for a month? What trick did the hero come up with to climb the mountain? What prevented him from escaping that evening? Why did Zhilin invite Kostylin to run away with him? Explain the reason for Kostylin’s hesitation before escaping? “Prisoner of the Caucasus” Chapter I V

“Zhilin is preparing to escape” Drawing up a story plan based on Materials III and IV chapters 1. Acquaintance with the life of the Tatar village. 2. Work on the tunnel. 3. Finding the road. 4. The escape route is only to the North. 5. Sudden return of the Tatars. 6. Escape.

We draw a conclusion Look how brightly and strongly the character of one person can manifest itself and the character of another cannot manifest itself at all in the same circumstances.

We conclude that one person is helped by patience, endurance, cunning, courage, the desire to be free, and belief in one’s rightness; the other does not show any effort or action to free himself from captivity at the cost of his own efforts, although he also wants to return to his homeland.

    What is character?

    Vocabulary work: character -

    Fate 1. A confluence of life circumstances, a course of events independent of a person’s will (according to superstitious beliefs - the will of God, which predetermines everything that happens in life).
    2. Fate, share, life path

    1. Working on new material.

    1.Student message

    At what time do the events described in the story take place?

    In the middle of the 19th century there was a difficult situation in the Caucasus, bloody war. Tsar Nicholas I sent his troops to conquer the Caucasian lands. The mountain peoples who lived there showed stubborn resistance to the tsarist troops. On steep mountain roads, in forests and gorges, at river crossings, the mountaineers set up ambushes and took Russian soldiers and officers prisoner.

    At that time, L.N. Tolstoy was on military service in the Caucasian Army, participated in the hostilities of Russian troops. One day, having traveled far from his squad, he was almost captured. The writer was rescued from trouble by his companion and friend, the Chechen Sado.

    While working on War and Peace, Tolstoy became acquainted with the Memoirs of a Caucasian Officer, published in the Russian Messenger magazine, the author of which was Colonel of the Cuirassier Regiment F.F. Tornau. The author reports under what circumstances he was captured by the mountaineers, how the girl who fell in love with him, Aslan Koz, tried to help him, why his first escape attempt was unsuccessful and how he managed to free himself from captivity. Tolstoy not only became acquainted with Tornau’s memoirs, but also used them for his story “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” which was published in 1852.

    Let's turn to the story. Today you will work in groups. Each group has its own tasks. 3-5 minutes are allotted for discussion.

    2. Work in groups

    Group 1. Why are the surnames Zhilin and Kostylin “speaking”? What meaning does the writer put into their surnames? Find in the text details characterizing the appearance of Zhilin and Kostylin. Explain the meaning of the words: deck and daring and describe the characters.

    Group 2 List the reasons why Zhilin and Kostylin were captured. Could the situation have been resolved differently? Under what conditions? Describe the behavior of the heroes during the chase and capture.

    Group 3 Life in captivity. How do Zhilin and Kostylin behave when a ransom is demanded from them? What do the prisoners do? How do the locals feel about them? What qualities of Zhilin can you note?

    Museum of Forgotten Things: who forgot these things? (clay jug, pads, watches, clay dolls, envelope, cake, feather, inkwell)

    4 group

    1 prisoner escape. Compare the behavior of the heroes. Find verbs that characterize everyone's behavior. Why did Kostylin turn out to be not Zhilin’s assistant during the escape, but a burden? What does burden mean? Draw a conclusion: what qualities can be noted in this episode?

    5 group

    Compare the second escape with the first. Who helps Zhilin? Why do you think Zhilin manages to escape?

    They work in groups.

    (1 group). Zhilin from “vein” - a strong end of muscles, sinewy, two-core - strong, elastic

    Kostylin from “crutch” - a stick for the lame, powerless, Kostylin seems to be on crutches, on supports

    Kostylin is a heavyset, fat man... Although Zhilin was not very tall, he was brave.

    The deck is about a fat, clumsy man.

    Daring - complete daring.

    Kostylin chickened out and left Zhilin alone, only Kostylin had a gun, Zhilin alone could not do anything with the Tatars, especially without a gun, and the Tatars also killed Zhilin’s horse. She fell and crushed his leg. The situation might have been resolved differently if Kostylin had not galloped away. Kostylin rolled as hard as he could. Zhilin - I won’t give in alive, I’m ready to fight

    Equally difficult. But Kostylin’s captivity frightened him and broke him. He immediately wrote a letter, asked for money, waited for an answer, and was bored.

    Zhilin behaved differently. Doesn't lose heart. He knew that he would not receive any money, he had no one to rely on, he only had a sick mother. Zhilin Kostylin

    walks around the village sleeps

    looks bored

    asking for information, counting days

    doing handicrafts waiting for a response to a letter

    These verbs are the antithesis of the heroes' actions. They help to understand the character of the characters. Zhilin says: “I’ll get out myself,” and Kostylin is waiting for help. (Zhilin showed courage and determination during a dispute about the amount of the ransom; - Zhilin is a master: he makes dolls, a water wheel; he once acted as a doctor. (Quotations) he strives all the time find out the way, and at night he digs a hole in the barn. And Kostylin weakly awaits the decision of his fate.)

    Zhilin's action verbs: climbed, got out, scratched, rose, noticed, took off, threw, walked, jumped, looked around...

    Kostylin's action verbs: hooked, thundered, began to lag behind, cut, dressed, grunts, lags behind, groans.

    A burden is something that interferes, burdens, or is superfluous.

    1st escape: two people, Kostylin is in the way, no helpers, got lost;

    Escape 2: Zhilin is alone, no one bothers him, there was an assistant, Dina.

    He fights to the end, does not lose faith in himself, does not give up.

    Conclusion: Why is the story called “Prisoner of the Caucasus”? The heroes find themselves in the same situation, but the outcome is different, because... Much depends on the person himself, on his choice. You can't lose faith, you have to fight to the end.

    What important issues does Tolstoy raise in the story? (bravery and perseverance in difficult situations, loyalty to friendship and camaraderie, Tolstoy glorifies strong in spirit people, talks about friendship that can bring together people of all nationalities, Tolstoy speaks out against national enmity)

    Distribution work: distribute the qualities belonging to different heroes into 2 groups

  • Nobility
  • Kindness
  • Generosity
  • Friendliness
  • Respect
  • Mastery
  • Attentiveness
  • Forgiveness
  • compassion
  • Selfishness
  • dependency (The desire to rely in everything not on one’s own strengths, but on the help of others, in general to live at the expense of others.
  • indifference
  • indifference
  1. Lesson summary.
  2. Reflection - compiling a syncwine.

Make up a syncwine about Zilina, because... It is this hero who is the bearer of such character qualities that help him fight and win.

Brave, kind (resourceful, persistent)

Works, looks out, prepares (fights, doesn’t give up, helps)

Water doesn’t flow under a lying stone (you can’t lose heart)

Well done (hero)

Lesson grades

D/s: creative task: choose for an interview with the main character or a letter addressed to the main character.

If there is time left at the end of the lesson, then before the syncwine, play a fragment of the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (01.09.20) - 1.5 min (And from the lips of the hero we hear the word “fate.” Zhilin, who was planning to leave these places forever, remains in the Caucasus. Having learned truly from the inside the life of the mountaineers, the hero with all his soul becomes a “prisoner” of the beautiful Caucasus.)

Tolstoy was very fond of his story “K.p.” and considered him one of the best. With this story, the writer shows that a person’s life depends on his character, on the choice that each of us makes himself.

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“Zhilin and Kostylin are two different characters, two different destinies”

Zhilin and Kostylin-two different characters, two different destinies.

It is not the one who is lost who is in trouble, but the one who is lost in spirit who is lost.


  • Character - a set of personality properties and qualities that determine a person’s behavior and lifestyle.
  • Fate - 1. A confluence of life circumstances, a course of events independent of a person’s will (according to superstitious beliefs - the will of God, which predetermines everything that happens in life). 2. Fate, share, life path

  • Appearance of the heroes.

Group 2 How did Zhilin and Kostylin behave during the Tatar attack?


  • trying to leave

from the chase

  • hopes for

friend's help

  • “I won’t give in alive!”
  • until the last

fights the Tatars


  • doesn’t think of helping Zhilin
  • doesn't even try to scare off the Tatars
  • runs away cowardly

Group 4 First escape.



  • He knows the way and leads his comrade.
  • Constantly complains of pain, fatigue, and cannot go further.
  • Helps Kostylin
  • Zilina also gives herself away (cries out loudly in pain)
  • “Abandoning a friend is not good”

Group 5 Second escape


  • constantly thinks about living freely
  • persuades Dina to help him
  • I walked all night in the stocks, I was exhausted, but I didn’t allow myself to rest
  • did not wait for help when the Tatars noticed him, he ran towards the Cossacks


  • refuses to escape
  • can't get over my pain
  • Stops fighting:

“It’s obvious that I can’t get out of here now.”

Why did the fates of the heroes turn out so differently?

  • Man (according to L.N. Tolstoy)

he is responsible for his own destiny

  • Nobility
  • Selfishness
  • Indifference
  • Friendliness
  • Respect
  • Mastery
  • Forgiveness
  • Dependency (the desire to rely in everything not on one’s own strengths, but on the help of others, in general to live at the expense of others.
  • Generosity
  • Kindness
  • Attentiveness



  • Line 1 – noun (topic)
  • Line 2 – 2 adjectives
  • Line 3 – 3 verbs
  • Line 4 – thought on the topic
  • Line 5 – 1 noun – synonym for the first line.

Zhilin and Kostylin: different destinies
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a famous Russian writer. I read his story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Tolstoy knew a lot about the Caucasus, because he himself served in the Caucasus. IN " Caucasian prisoner"Tolstoy talks about two Russian officers - Zhilin and Kostylin. They were both captured. The author contrasts them. Zhilin is brave, kind and smart. He thinks about others first, then about himself. When the Tatars caught him and forced him to write a letter, he bargained for a long time. He knew that his old mother had nowhere to get money. And when I started signing, I wrote the wrong address so that the letter would not arrive. He thought: “I’ll either run away or disappear.” He immediately managed to conquer
respect from the Tatars because he began to bargain for his life. As a result, his owner agreed to a ransom of five hundred rubles. Kostylin was an overweight man. First he abandoned Zhilin. And then he immediately wrote a ransom letter for five thousand rubles. Zhilin relies only on himself. In captivity, he constantly thinks about escape. He can't sit idle. He begins to repair various
things. Zhilin made dolls for the owner’s daughter Dina and repaired Abdul-Murat’s watch. Zhilin helps everyone, even the Tatars, although they were his enemies. He sincerely became attached to Dina, and she then helped him escape. Kostylin is a cowardly person. He doesn't keep his word as an officer. When Zhilin and Kostylin decided to ride ahead of the convoy, Kostylin had a gun. But he was afraid of the Tatars and abandoned his comrade. But that didn't save him. He was also captured. Kostylin - weak person. He waits for help from his mother and constantly writes letters to her asking for ransom. Kostylin does not know how to survive. In Tatar captivity, he did nothing, did not communicate with the Tatars. He was just waiting for a ransom to be given for him. When Zhilin decided to flee for the first time, he took Kostylin with him. But Kostylin was weak. At first it was difficult for him to walk in boots. When he took them off, it became even harder for him to walk. They were caught because of Kostylin. He couldn't stand the pain. When Zhilin saw the Tatars, he decided to hide. Zhilin threw his comrade in misfortune onto his back, and he screamed. The Tatars heard the scream and caught them. Zhilin at that moment acted like an honest person. He forgave Crutches for abandoning him and helped him. The second time Zhilin ran alone. He knew that he could not hope for ransom. Kostylin remained in the hole. Both Zhilin and Kostylin were saved. But the first received freedom only thanks to himself, and the second - thanks to his relatives. In life we ​​can meet both heroes. But I like Zhilin more, who will never leave a person in trouble.



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Man and nature in lyrics Landscape lyrics by Tyutchev

*** Human tears, oh human tears, You flow early and late. . . Flow unknown, flow invisible, Inexhaustible, innumerable, -...

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