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“Joao” - meaning of the name, origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, mascot stones. I asked Yandex...How to “solve” a school Olympiad in Russian Portuguese name Juan in Russian

In Russia now there is complete liberality for parents: register your child under any name that comes to mind. Call him Vanya if you want, or Sigismund if you want. Last year, for example, boys were born in Russia with the names Air Traffic Controller and Lettuce, and in 2011 one girl was named Medmia in honor of President Medvedev.

In Portugal, on the contrary, everything is very strict with names for children. There is a special list of names that can or cannot be given to young Portuguese. It is published on the website of the Ministry of Justice and is mandatory for all registering organizations.

It should be noted that although there are restrictions, the choice is still rich: hundreds of names fit on several dozen pages. For example, you can’t call a boy Adriane, but you can call him Adriano. There may not be an Agatha girl, but Ágata is quite appropriate. Instead of the name Alexei, the choice will fall on the pleasant Portuguese Aléxio, and instead of the pseudo-Greek Ulice, the proud and noble Ulisses will sound. By the way, according to one version, the origin of the name of the capital Lisbon is associated with the name of the cunning king of Ithaca, Ulysses-Odysseus.

Analyzing the list, it can be assumed that the undesirable ones included names of foreign origin, and the permitted ones were mainly the names of saints of the Catholic calendar, brought into full compliance with the rules of Portuguese spelling.

By the way, the restriction on the use of names only applies if both parents are Portuguese: immigrants are free to name their children as they please.

Do you want to know which names are the most popular in Portugal? If you are expecting analogues of the Russian Lettuce Salad, then you will be greatly disappointed, but if you are a supporter of beautiful classic names, this is good news for you. Among female names, the most popular in Portugal is Maria. And this is not surprising, given the religiosity of the Portuguese. The following places in descending order are occupied by Beatriz, Ana, Leonor, Mariana and Matilde.

Among male names, João is the leader. This is an analogue of the Russian name Ivan, usually read in Russian as Joao, although in fact the transcription Zhuan is more correct: the letter combination -ão has a complex pronunciation, something between “a”, “o” and “u”, pronounced through the nose, but with his mouth slightly open. To understand, try saying something between “Joao” and “Juan” - this will be the best option. I hope I confused you properly, so just believe that “Juan” is a slightly more correct Russian translation. In addition, connotations immediately arise with Don Juan, “The Stone Guest” and other examples of literature familiar from childhood.

In conclusion - a small lyrical digression in the style of Rudgyar Kipling's fairy tales, which can be called “Why do the Portuguese have such long names.”

The fact is that at birth a child is given two names, and from his parents he receives two surnames: both from the mother and from the father. The order of first and last names is standardized: first comes the first name, then the second, then the mother's last name, and then the father's last name. As a result, the newborn becomes not just Diogo, but, for example, Diogo Carlos Socrates Santos. Do you agree, it sounds? With such a name you can conquer the world, and everyone will say that you really have the right to do so.

Name Joao- this is not just a set of letters or a column on a birth certificate, but, without exaggeration, an energetic message to the future. Knowing what the name Joao means, the meaning of the name Joao, the origin of the name Joao, what nationality the name Joao has, one can most accurately characterize the character, preferences, tastes and even predetermine the fate of a person. In particular, it is not so much the meaning of the name Joao or the origin of the name Joao that has a strong impact on a person, but rather its symbolism, the patron planet, Joao’s talismans, planetary number, etc. In any case, the name Joao carries a deep emotional and psychological coloring, which in turn defines its bearer as a separate, unique personality.

So what kind of name Joao, what is the origin of the name Joao, the meaning of the name Joao? The most complete information about him - the meaning of the name Joao, whose name, lucky numbers, planet, astrological stone, origin of the name Joao, personifying the animal, zodiac and sacred number, talismans of Joao, happy Days week and time of year, lucky color - collected on the website. We tried to describe the meaning of the name Joao in as much detail as possible so that after reading this description you will not have any questions. Read and find out what kind of name is actually hidden in a seemingly simple combination of letters and sounds.

About the name Joao: Meaning, origin

Meaning of the name Joao, like the origin of the name Joao (name of what nationality), deeply resonates in the character and fate of its bearer, determining talents, intelligence, material well-being, will, ability for self-realization and much more. It is very important that the meaning of the name Joao given at birth corresponds to the energetic influence of the date of birth. If the name Joao is given without taking into account the date of birth, then it can concentrate negative tension, leading to the development of internal imbalance. And, on the contrary: a correctly chosen name helps a person achieve life success. That is why it is important to know what kind of name Joao is, whose name it is, what the name Joao means and what is its historical origin.

Meaning of the name Joao:

Knowing what nationality the name Joao has (Joao is the name of what nationality) is important, because it is through the name that a person realizes himself, and any of his advantages and disadvantages inevitably affect part of his own “I”. At the same time, each nation has a certain list of names that have become traditional. Knowledge of facts such as Origin of the name Joao, whose name Joao, even before naming the child, helps influence the fate of the baby, taking into account national traditions.

Origin of the name Joao: Portuguese

Everything about you by date of birth

Numerology of the Name Joao

The most important numbers for a person are those encrypted in his name, the so-called lucky numbers. Numerologists say that numeric value The name Joao brings good luck and happiness to the wearer, helps to improve financial condition, reduce the number of failures and disappointments. You just need to take them into account when making decisions.

Name number: 5

Heart number: 6

Personality number: 8

Happiness number: 5

Lucky numbers for the name Joao: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 104, 113

Happy days of the month: 5, 14, 23

The meaning of the letters of the name Joao

Not only each of the names influences fate and character. Both the origin of the name Joao and each individual letter, its interpretation and significance have a strong influence. So, the meaning of the name Joao is such that the first letter speaks of a problem that is important for a person to solve during his life. The last letter indicates a weak point that must be protected and protected.

  • g – charisma, meaningful but hidden inner world
  • a – strength and power
  • o – emotionality, mysterious excitement

Talismans named after Joao

Man has an inextricable connection with the natural world. Our ancestors believed in this connection, and it continues to be invisibly preserved today. So, Joao's talismans help save energy, protect against troubles, and give strength at crucial moments. The totem endows its owner with specific qualities and helps to reveal previously unknown talents and energy abilities. It is no coincidence that Joao’s totems and talismans are so in demand in modern world: They make their owner stronger.

Happy season: Autumn

Happy days of the week: Tuesday

Unlucky days of the week: Monday and Friday

Lucky Color: Blue

Mascot plant: Thistle

Talisman stones named after Joao: Copper, Iron, Topaz, Magnet, Aquamarine, Ruby, Carnelian, Hematite, Garnet, Sapphire

Spirit animal: Snake

Wood: Reed

Name compatibility

Astrology of the name Joao

There is a very close connection between the ruler of the name form and the planet. Therefore, knowing the astrological influence is no less important than the origin of the name Joao, which totems and talismans it has Joao, what nationality name? Joao, etc.

The Ruling Planet for the name Joao is Mars and Pluto. This planet gives the bearer of the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits that the name Joao receives from Mars and Pluto: Perseverance, energy, zeal, efficiency

Disadvantages that the name Joao gives to Mars and Pluto: Cruelty, hatred, envy

Astrological color of name: Purple

Side of the world: West

Astrological stone: Turquoise, Danburite, Emerald

Representing animal: Stork, Raven, Cow, Fallow Deer, Fox, Peacock

Also, each letter of which it consists corresponds to one or another planet and has a direct influence on fate. name Joao (nationality Joao, whose name is not important in this case). If there are several identical letters in a name form, the influence of the corresponding planet increases as many times as this letter is repeated.

Dominant planet for Joao: Jupiter

The name Joao has special meaning according to the planet ruling the final letter. In some cases, no matter what nationality the name Joao has, What does the name Joao mean?, whose name, the final planet determines the duration and characteristics of the end of life.

Last planet named: Jupiter

Planetary number and meaning of the name Joao

Readers of the site will probably be interested to know what kind of name Joao is from the point of view of planetary numbers. The meaning of the name Joao, the origin of the name Joao indicates the planetary number 10. This name is ruled by Pluto.

Pluto, as the key planet of the name, sets the task of conquering all fears, learning to overcome any extreme situations and managing collective energies, leading other people.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Joao

The origin of the name João is determined by the Zodiac number 8, which corresponds to the zodiac sign Scorpio.

The key sign of Scorpio creates a field of risk and attraction of extreme situations. In the worst case, these names create a field of destruction around a person, into which the surrounding people can also fall. At best, they provide life-saving protection in extreme situations, help to overcome your fears and become different, to be reborn. All names associated with the sign of Scorpio are magical.

The sacred number that determines the meaning of the name Joao is 5, which corresponds to the zodiac sign Leo

Leos create a field of celebration, theater and games. They place a person in the center of attention of others and require brightness, visibility, the disclosure of talents and creative realization.

The editors of the site tried to collect the most full information, which describes the origin of the name Joao, whose name is what does the name Joao mean, what nationality is Joao, Joao's talismans... Use this information correctly and you will definitely feel all the energy hidden in him.

The period of municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren has begun in Moscow. Soon it will be the turn of the Russian language Olympiad. The editors of our site received a letter in which the tasks of the previous one are analyzed, school stage this Olympics.

They are composed of specialists working at the Moscow Center for Pedagogical Excellence (CPM). From the quality of school assignments, the very mass stage The attitude of students to the Olympiad and the composition of participants at the municipal stage also depend.

Judging by the analysis of the tasks, without search engines - or pre-known answers - the Olympiad could not be solved. However, there are plenty of errors and inaccuracies in the compilers’ answers...

"Specify Russian name, which is etymologically related to a foreign name. Specify the name - common ancestor and expand its internal form in the source language.

In Portuguese it’s Joao, and in Russian...

In Spanish Iago, and in Russian...

In Hungarian it’s Gyorgy, and in Russian...

In Danish Nils, and in Russian..."

This is a school stage task All-Russian Olympiad in Russian, which Moscow eleventh-graders received this September. According to the author, schoolchildren had to write the following: what Joao- it is Russian Ivan, and that both names go back to the Hebrew Yohanan, So what Yohanan means in Hebrew ‘God has mercy’. A Iago- This Yakov, Hebrew Jacob, which supposedly means ‘holding the heel’. And the tenth graders are the same Jacob should have been recognized in Portuguese Zhaimi, A Ivana- in Irish Schone.

How can one, without knowing in advance, understand that Zhaimi- This Yakov(and not, say, Eremey - looks like it too), huh Sean- This Ivan(and, for example, not And she)? Apparently not.

What happens: do you need to know these correspondences?

And to whom: ordinary tenth and eleventh graders who are just starting to climb the Olympiad ladder? What does a scrap of Portuguese historical phonetics and a scrap of Irish have to do with the Russian language? The answer in the spirit that these are elements of general linguistics is not accepted: in general linguistics there are many topics and subjects that are much more interesting than sound transitions when borrowing personal names. But googling such answers is as easy as shelling pears.

What about Hebrew names? and their etymologies? And it would be good if they were given correctly in the answers. “Yohanan”, that is, probably yôḥānān- this is already a shortened form of this name, and the original looked like yəhôḥānān. But the option, say, “Yehohanan” is not in the criteria... And the interpretation of the name Jacob as “holding the heel” is a folk etymology (see at least Hebräisches und Aramäiches Handwörterbuch über das alte Testament Wilhelm Gesenius, vol. 2, p. 447). It appears to actually be related to the proto-Semitic root 'QB 'to defend'. Yes, it is given in the book of Genesis - but has linguistics really not taken a single step forward since the book of Genesis? A normal schoolchild, of course, is not supposed to know such things, but what if his name is Vanya or Yasha and he himself was interested in the etymology of his name? So, if he accidentally knows the correct answer, then he will not win the Olympiad.

Go ahead.

“Using your knowledge in the field of etymology, as well as in the field foreign languages, explain the spelling of the highlighted letters in the words listed below (for example: Glasses - eyes; falsetto - falsehood(Italian falsetto, from falso- false)). Explain the choice of the test word."

The words given are: “brochure, thorough, quadrille, frog.”

And here is the answer:

« brochure - brooch(both words go back to French brocher- “prick”, “fasten”);

thorough - finish(both words are in the same etymological nest with the word end);

quadrille - frame, squadron (quadrille goes back to Latin quadrum- square (quadrille - dance in the square), and quadrum- to Latin quadro- four). Frame - (initially) a quadrangular frame, squadron - a quadrangular combat formation.

frog - thigh(both words are in the same etymological nest with kick).

To complete this task you need to know French.

Otherwise matching brochures And brooches will lie outside the boundaries of science: this is schizophrenia, worthy of Academician Fomenko - the ability to see in any pair of words similarities in sound and meaning, sufficient to declare them related. Remember how he had it: Tyurks are the same as TaTaRs, as FR-anks: TR-TR-FR... On what grounds should a schoolchild tie frog, thigh And kick? And see in quadrille something area or quadrangular is again much easier for those who know that it is in French quadrille...By the way, four in Latin is not quadro, A quattuor; form quadro- appears only in complex words - like element four- in Russian four-story. And why is it not indicated that the word thorough- also a borrowing, this time from the Polish language? If the solver has a minimal diachronic sense, he should recognize this (the vast majority of Russian stems with an outcome on - aln- borrowed) and abandon the idea of ​​looking for related words in the Russian language. Eleventh graders had to make the same wonderful comparisons: livery And vers libre(or libero); castanets And chestnut

How to do it?

Very simple: you just need to turn on the phone under your desk and look for Vasmer’s etymological dictionary on Google.

And this applies not only to this stage: why are there so many tasks on etymology at almost all Russian language Olympiads? Etymologists- in a sense, a “piecemeal product”, in order to become an etymologist, you need to master many complex methods and techniques - and just knowledge about historical grammar different languages. The vast majority of theoretical linguists do not have to work in the field of etymology.

Why do schoolchildren, starting from the very first stages of the Olympiad, so persistently develop an etymological pseudo-sense?

Next, eleventh graders are asked to determine the meaning of the word sir in the following sentences. 3) The sir like him is at his head. 4)How can the deacon say: With the fear of God and with faith, approach, then they would come to the royal doors and receive communion before the royal doors, and put their hands on their fingers in a cross shape, and would not touch the sovereign. In (3) the correct answer is ‘handkerchief’. How does this follow from the proposal? Or is the student required to know closely the text of the Gospel of John, from which this fragment is taken? How internal form words sir indicates that this is a scarf, and not a helmet, not a crown, or anything else? But the most interesting thing is yet to come. How in (4) sir turns out to be not a scarf, not a piece of fabric, but... a bowl? During the communion of believers in Orthodox tradition clergymen hold a handkerchief in front of the chalice so that particles of the Gifts do not fall to the floor - why is it not this very handkerchief?

Like a cup the word sir this fragment was interpreted by I. I. Sreznevsky in “Materials for a dictionary of the Old Russian language.” The third volume of Sreznevsky’s “Materials...” was published in 1912; and in the 28th issue of the “Dictionary of the Old Russian Language of the XI-XVII centuries” (published almost a century later) the word sir the meaning 'chalice' is missing, and example (4) receives a much more logical interpretation: 'sacred plate'. But what does the Russian Language Olympiad have to do with all this: this is not a circle of fans of Izmail Sreznevsky?

What should those schoolchildren do who are unfamiliar with how communion is technically organized? But they, apparently, would not have coped with task (3): they do not cram the Evangelist John by heart. Apparently, one of the main competencies that this Olympiad develops is piety.

There are many tasks that require precise knowledge from the solver - and most often they are related to the history of the Russian language.

Eighth graders are asked to complete the following task:

“Give a lexical and grammatical comment to the underlined words.

1) In the eyes of praise, but in front of the blasphemy.

2) He does it out of spite: he points a finger, sticks a word.

Response model and criteria. Word with my eyes (with my eyes)) is the etymological prepositional case (1 point) of the dual number (1 point) of the word eye(1 point). Modern - firsthand(1 point). Total 4 points.

Everything is wonderful here. Firstly, the idea that eighth-graders should recognize the Old Russian prepositional case of the dual number - what kind of thirteen-year-old titans and geniuses of historical grammar this Olympiad is designed for! Here, university teachers of this discipline should breathe a sigh of relief: how much work it usually takes to get second-year philology students to memorize the paradigm of the dual number - but it turns out that Moscow philological youth, brought up at the Olympiads, which are compiled by the City Subject Methodology Commission, recognize this form on the fly already in the eighth grade ! It will be easy to teach historical grammar in five years... Secondly, in (1) it is required to provide a commentary on the expression (by) in absentia; Is this also a prepositional case? what is it behind-, an excuse? A beautiful prepositional case, preceded by two prepositions. And what is this modern, which is the word with your own eyes? Which mysterious word neuter gender omitted here? How should a schoolchild guess that this is what is expected of him? modern? And finally: why does a lexico-grammatical comment actually turn into an etymological one? - after all, in theory, such a comment should include lexical meaning and grammatical properties of the word, and not those properties that were once upon a time, but those properties that are observed in the word we are interested in on a synchronous section (that is, in these specific sayings).

However, even the titans of paleo-Slavic studies suffer from failure.

The insidious compilers from the City Subject Methodology Commission prepared a trap for them in the 11th grade assignments. There is an excerpt from the “Suzdal Chronicle according to the Laurentian List”: The merchant is glad that he made the purchase, and the helmsmen in the quiet of the bailiff. It is required, among other things, to determine the part of speech of the word helmsmen. As usual, the answer contains more than is required in the question: “ Helmsmen By morphological characteristics is an adjective (like worker)(1 point), and in terms of syntactic use - by nouns (as worker)(1 point).” It turns out that a completely correct answer “noun” is not given a full point. But that's not the whole problem.

The fact is that in the Old Church Slavonic language and in the ancient Slavic monuments, which were guided by the Old Church Slavonic norm, helmsmen - not an adjective. Etymologically, as the authors of the Olympiad like to say, it belongs to that narrow circle of masculine names with the ending - And, which belonged to the declension of *- a(that is, in addition to the words wife, servant, slave, which now belong to the 1st declension). Krimchiѭ kill, For example . This is where our joyful titans will spill out everything they know about these words! And they will turn out to be wrong: for all this knowledge, the compilers have prepared for them a fat zero. In the “Suzdal Chronicle according to the Laurentian List” the word helmsmen according to morphological characteristics it is an adjective!

How did you find out? And like this.

And lastly (although it’s hard to stop). In the tenth grade, one of the syntax assignments is devoted to inversion in quantitative constructions with the meaning of approximateness. It is based on the fact that, according to the authors, the phrase three fishermen impossible to turn into three fishermen: They put an asterisk in front of it, a sign of grammatical inappropriateness. (This differs, the authors tell us, from three persons ~ three people, person-de the noun is more abstract, but fisherman- more specific). Well, let the reader judge for himself how bad the following sentence sounds in Russian: When we walked past the pond in the morning, half the village was probably fishing on it, but now there are three fishermen there, no more.

... In 2011, professor of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University V.I. Belikov wrote a letter with devastating and very caustic criticism of the tasks of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad: he found in it a huge number of incorrect formulations. I must say that the tasks of 2017 are still better than the tasks of 2011: it was absolutely sad to look at those. But the trend continues: there is still a lot of etymology, there are still many tasks that cannot be solved without knowing the answer in advance. Still, the initial stages of the Russian Language Olympiad in Moscow are aimed, firstly, at brilliant thirteen-year-old language historians, and secondly, at moderately confident users of Yandex and Google.

Valentina Liskina, Candidate of Philological Sciences

In modern practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, however, they also wipe the lips of communicants; this differs from the instructions given in (4) - but immediately after this the communicants kiss the cup. So, on this basis, it is not possible to cut off the wrong option - as a result, the communicants touch both the scarf and the cup.

Portuguese (Português, Língua Portuguesa) is a Romance language closely related to Galician and Spanish, and the official language of 250 million people in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, East Timur, Macau, Cape Verde and Sao Tome /Principe, as well as for several international organizations, including Mercosur, the Organization of Ibero-American States, the Union of South American Nations, the Organization of American States, the African Union and the European Union. Portuguese is a very international and evolving language, and even if you know just a few words, it will make a significant difference.


Part 1


    Learn to say hello. Perhaps the best place to start learning Portuguese is with greetings. Learn them and you'll be able to say hello and goodbye to native Portuguese speakers! Below are the most common examples:

  1. Learn greetings associated with the time of day. Like other languages, you can say hello in Portuguese different ways, including mentioning the time of day at which the meeting took place:

    • Good morning: Bom dia ( Boh-n dih-ah or Boh-n djih-ah in Brazilian) - literally translates as "good afternoon," but is most often used in the morning.
    • Good afternoon: Boa tarde ( Boh-ah tahr-jia) - used in the afternoon, before dusk.
    • Good evening/good night: Boa noite ( Boh-ah no-ee-tay) - used from sunset to dawn.
  2. Learn to ask how things are going. After greeting in Portuguese, it wouldn’t hurt to ask how your interlocutor is doing. The following phrases can be used for this purpose:

    • How are you?: Como está? ( Coh-moh esh-tah? or Coh-moh es-tah? in the Brazilian version)
    • How are you?: Como vai? (“Coh-moh vye?” - present)
    • How are you? (Brazilian version only): E aí? ( E-aye(pronounced as one syllable)) - n.v.
  3. Learn to answer this question yourself. If you asked a person about something, then there is every chance that you will be asked the same thing. How to answer? That's how:

    • Good / very good: Bem / muito bem ( Baing / moo-ee-toh baing)
    • Bad / very bad: Mal / muito mal ( Mao / moo-ee-toh mao)
    • More or less / so-so: Mais ou menos ( Ma-eece oh meh-nos)
    • Mee sham-oh)
    • Nice to meet you: Prazer em conhecê-lo/a ( Prazh-air eh con-yo-see-lo/la)
    • Please note that conhecê-lo/a can have different endings, namely o or a. Everything is simple here: you communicate with a man - o, With a woman - a. In this article you will come across examples of this more than once.

    Part 2

    Basics of dialogue
    1. Learn to talk about language. You are just starting to learn Portuguese, so communication will not be so easy for you. Don't worry, everyone goes through this. To explain the situation, use the following phrases:

      • I don't speak Portuguese - Não falo Português - ( Nah-oom fah-looh poor-too-gess)
      • I speak English: Falo Inglês ( Fah-looh inn-glesh)
      • Do you speak English?: Fala inglês? ( Fah-lah inn-gless) - formal version (hereinafter f.v.)
      • Do you speak English?: Você fala inglês? ( Voh-say fah-lah inn-gless) - present
      • I don't understand: Não percebo ( Nah-oo pehr-say-boo)
      • Could you repeat?: Pode repetir? ( Poh-day reh-peh-teer)
    2. Learn politeness formulas. Learning to be polite in Portuguese is very important for anyone learning the language - you don't want to come across as rude, even if accidentally?! In order not to make a bad impression, do not forget to use the following phrases in your speech in a timely manner:

      • Please: Por favor ( Pooh-r fah-voh-r)
      • Thanks: Obrigado/a ( Oh-bree-gah-dooh/dah) - the masculine form should be used by men, and the feminine form, respectively, by women.
      • Please: De nada ( Dee nah-dah) - present
      • Please: Não tem de quê ( Nah-oomm tah-eehm the queh) - f.v.
      • Sorry: Desculpe ( Desh-cool-pah)
    3. Learn to ask other people questions (and answer.) This skill will serve you well and, quite possibly, may even bring you new friends! To support a simple dialogue, use these phrases:

      • What is your name?: Como o/a senhor/a se chama? ( coh-moh sen-your/-ah se shahm-ah) - f.v. Please note that in the masculine gender the word senhor does not have an "o" ending.
      • What's your name?: Qual é o seu nome? ( Coh eh-oh seh-oh no-mee) - present
      • My name is...: Me chamo [your name] ( Mee sham-oh)
      • Where are you from?: De onde o/a senhor/a é? ( Djee own-djah oh/ah sen-your/ah eh)
      • Where are you from?: De onde você é? ( Djee own-djah voh-say eh) - present
      • I'm from...: Eu sou de [your city] ( Ee-oh so-oo djee)
      • What's going on/what's the matter?: O que aconteceu? ( Oo key ah-cone-teh-see-oo)
    4. Learn to ask for help. Alas, sometimes our plans go down the drain, and we need to ask for help. And if you find that you need to ask for help in Portuguese, then the following phrases will serve you well:

      • What time is it?: Que horas são? ( Queh o-rah-sh sah-oomm)
      • I'm lost: Estou perdido ( Esh-toe per-dee-doo / Es-toe per-djee-doo(in Brazilian version))
      • Please, could you help me?: Pode ajudar-me, por favor? ( Po-deh azhu-dar-meh, por-fah-vor?)
      • Help!: Socorro! ( Soh-coh-hoh!) - this is the phrase to use when you are in danger

    Part 3

    Working on vocabulary
    1. Learn to ask general questions. Questions are an important part of everyday communication because they give us the opportunity to learn more about the world. Learn the words below so you can always ask a question:

      • Who?: Quem? ( Cang?)
      • What?: O que? ( Ooh kee?)
      • When?: Quando? ( Quan-doo?)
      • Where?: Onde? ( Own-djee?)
      • Which?: Qual? ( Quah-ooh?)
      • Why?: Porquê? ( Poohr-queh)
      • Because: Porque ( Poohr-queh)
      • How much?: Quanto? ( Kwan-toh)
      • How much does it cost?: Quanto custa? ( Kwan-toh coos-tah?)
    2. Learn the words used to describe relationships between people. They will be useful to you:

      • Father: Pai ( pa-ee)
      • Mother: Mãe ( ma-ee) - f.v.
      • Mom: Mamae ( muh-ma-ee) - present
      • Man: Homem ( O-men)
      • Woman: Mulher ( Mooh-lyehr)
      • Friend: Amigo/a ( Ah-mee-goh/gah)
      • Girl (with whom the person is in a relationship): Namorada ( Nah-mooh-rah-dah)
      • Boyfriend (with whom the person is in a relationship): Namorado ( Nah-mooh-rah-dooh)
    3. Learn phrases used to address people. In Portuguese it is common practice to address those who are older than you or in a higher position. social status, using special phrases. Of course, informal communication lacks this, but you should still remember this: Until you are asked to do so, do not address people simply by their first and last name.

      • Mister: Senhor ( Sen-your) - used with the pronoun "you".
      • Mistress: Senhora ( Sen-your-ah) - used with the pronoun “you” when addressing a woman.
      • Mistress: Senhorita ( Sen-your-ee-tah) - used when addressing a girl
      • Lady/madam/ma'am: Dona ( Do-nah) - formal address to women
      • Doctor: Dotour/a ( Doo-tohr/-ah
      • Professor: Professor/a ( pro-fess-or/-ah) - used when addressing people with relevant academic degrees.
    4. Learn the names of animals. This can be surprisingly useful, especially if you find yourself in the rainforests of Brazil or Angola. Here's a small list:

      • Dog: Cão ( Cah-oohm)
      • Dog (Brazil only): Cachorro ( Cah-sho-hoo)
      • Cat: Gato ( Gah-tooh)
      • Bird: Passaro ( Pah-sah-row)
      • Fish: Peixe ( Pay-shay)
      • Monkey: Macaco ( Mah-cah-coh)
      • Lizard: Lagarto ( Lah-gar-toh)
      • Beetle: Percevejo ( Pair-sair-ve-zhoh)
      • Spider: Aranha ( Ah-rah-nyah)
    5. Learn the names of body parts. Without this, you understand, there is nowhere, especially if you find yourself in a situation where you have been wounded (or you yourself have been injured), and you need to explain to the doctor what hurts. So here's what you need to know:

      • Head: Cabeça ( Cah-beh-sah)
      • Hand: Braço ( Brah-so)
      • Leg: Perna ( Pair-nah)
      • Palm: Mão ( Mah-oohm")
      • Foot: Pé ( Peh)
      • Finger - Dedo - Deh-dooh
      • Toe - Dedo (yes, the same) - you can say "Dedo do pé" ( Deh-dooh dooh peh), which literally means "toe."
      • Eyes: Olhos ( Ole-yus)
      • Mouth: Boca ( Boh-cah)
      • Nose: Nariz ( Nah-reese)
      • Ears: Orelhas ( Oh-rel-yase)
    6. Learn to describe problems with your body. Getting sick in another country is not a pleasant experience. It will be much easier and easier for you if you can at least explain to the doctor what and where it hurts:

      • It hurts me: Estou magoado ( Ees-toh mah-goo-ah-doo)
      • My [body part] is broken: Meu [body part] está quebrado ( May-oh brah-so es-tah kay-brah-doh)
      • I'm bleeding: Eu estou sangrando ( Eh-oh ees-toh san-grand-oh)
      • I feel bad: Me sinto mal ( Mee seen-toh ma-oo)
      • I feel sick: Sinto-me doente ( Seen-toh-may doo-en-tee)
      • I have a fever: Estou com febre ( Ees-toh cohn feb-ray)
      • I have a cough: Estou com tosse ( Ees-toh cohn tohs-ay)
      • I'm suffocating: Eu não posso respirar ( Eh-oh nah-oo po-so ray-spee-rar)
      • Doctor!: Medico! ( Meh-jee-coh)
Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Joao, manifestation in love

Joao, for you, marriage symbolizes the beginning of the ascetic path, and your partner must be prepared for the fact that every day he will receive the “moon from the sky.” At first glance, this is wonderful, but there is a small problem: you definitely need the same “moon” in response, since the adequacy of the reaction, gratitude and admiration are necessary for you to peace of mind. The slightest doubt that you are selflessly loved and highly valued demoralizes you, and then your carefully built well-being can collapse overnight.


Your heart is full of love and compassion for others. The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to protect everyone for whom you can do this from troubles. Even to the detriment of their own interests. To do good and not ask for rewards for it is your choice in any situation.

At first glance, this is the life of a saint. But not everyone enjoys constant care and intrusive expressions of participation. Even the closest people can get tired of everyday care. Moreover, you will suffer, because by relieving them of the need to do at least something on their own, you deprive them of the opportunity to develop, turning them into “plankton”.

This means that sooner or later you will probably hear a reproach. And your confidence that self-sacrifice can really bring the results you expected will be dealt a severe blow. Then instead of satisfaction you will get disappointment.

Therefore, the desire to nurture and protect should be limited within reasonable limits. Remember this, and your peace of mind will be preserved.



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