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Zulfiya nationality. Name Zulfiya: character, family and professional preferences

Zulfiya translated from Arabic means “curly, with curls”, in the figurative meaning “charming”, “beautiful”, “attractive”, “pretty”. The name Zulfiya is a common female name of Persian origin in Islamic countries.

Related, identical in meaning, but different in pronunciation for the name Zulfiya are others female names, such as Zulfat, Zulfa, Zulfidzhamal, Zulfinaz, Zulfikamal, Zulfinur, Zulfira, Zulfinisa, etc. The semantic European analogue is the name Julia.

Zulfiya is inquisitive and stubborn by nature. She has a good memory, but in business she is hampered by the lack of great willpower and determination. Often a girl is annoyed by innovations. In moments of anger, Zulfiya becomes inadequate and is better off under her. hot hand don't get caught. True, Zulfiya is not vindictive, she quickly moves away. In fact, the girl is kind, although she is principled. She tries to be independent in everything and knows how to take responsibility for her actions.

Zulfiya, born in summer, is less stubborn. She is more flexible and kind. Responsive, always ready to help. “Summer” Zulfiya does not give in to difficulties. She has more tenacity than other women with this name.

Zulfiya is restless. She cannot do the same thing for a long time. At the same time, Zulfiya, especially those born in winter, strives to be a leader. She is quick-tempered and sensitive to failure. In her work, Zulfiya shows some persistence, she is calculating and smart. She is sociable and self-critical. Zulfiya understands with whom and what to talk about. Such qualities will be favorable for a career as a diplomat. In addition, Zulfiya will be able to express herself in art or sports - she has a talent for this.

“Spring” Zulfiya can be selfish, but for the sake of her loved ones she is ready to sacrifice her interests. Among the opposite sex, Zulfiya prefers strong men. She skillfully manipulates the strong half of humanity and knows her worth well.

The girl with this name is very sociable; Zulfiya is an extrovert by nature. She always has a large circle of friends. Although Zulfiya is very sociable by nature, she observes rather than takes part. She is very annoyed by the slowness and lack of punctuality of those around her. Zulfiya, especially those born in summer, is good at resolving quarrels and conflicts, but she tries to solve her own problems without the help of others.

  • Short form of the name Zulfiya. Zulya.
  • Synonyms for the name Zulfiya. Zulfat, Zulfa, Zulfidzhamal, Zulfinaz, Zulfikamal, Zulfinur, Zulfira, Zulfinisa, Zulfiniza.
  • Origin of the name Zulfiya. The name Zulfiya is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

Short form of the name Zulfiya. Zulya.
Synonyms for the name Zulfiya. Zulfat, Zulfa, Zulfidzhamal, Zulfinaz, Zulfikamal, Zulfinur, Zulfira, Zulfinisa, Zulfiniza.
Origin of the name Zulfiya. The name Zulfiya is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Zulfiya translated from Arabic means “curly, with curls”, in the figurative meaning “charming”, “beautiful”, “attractive”, “pretty”. The name Zulfiya is a common female name of Persian origin in Islamic countries.

Related, identical in meaning, but different in pronunciation for the name Zulfiya are other female names, such as Zulfat, Zulfa, Zulfidzhamal, Zulfinaz, Zulfikamal, Zulfinur, Zulfira, Zulfinisa, etc. The semantic European analogue is the name Julia.

Zulfiya is inquisitive and stubborn by nature. She has a good memory, but in business she is hampered by the lack of great willpower and determination. Often a girl is annoyed by innovations. In moments of anger, Zulfiya becomes inadequate and it is better for her not to fall under the hot hand. True, Zulfiya is not vindictive, she quickly moves away. In fact, the girl is kind, although she is principled. She tries to be independent in everything and knows how to take responsibility for her actions.

Zulfiya, born in summer, is less stubborn. She is more flexible and kind. Responsive, always ready to help. “Summer” Zulfiya does not give in to difficulties. She has more tenacity than other women with this name.

Zulfiya is restless. She cannot do the same thing for a long time. At the same time, Zulfiya, especially those born in winter, strives to be a leader. She is quick-tempered and sensitive to failure. In her work, Zulfiya shows some persistence, she is calculating and smart. She is sociable and self-critical. Zulfiya understands with whom and what to talk about. Such qualities will be favorable for a career as a diplomat. In addition, Zulfiya will be able to express herself in art or sports - she has a talent for this.

“Spring” Zulfiya can be selfish, but for the sake of her loved ones she is ready to sacrifice her interests. Among the opposite sex, Zulfiya prefers strong men. She skillfully manipulates the strong half of humanity and knows her worth well.

The girl with this name is very sociable; Zulfiya is an extrovert by nature. She always has a large circle of friends. Although Zulfiya is very sociable by nature, she observes rather than takes part. She is very annoyed by the slowness and lack of punctuality of those around her. Zulfiya, especially those born in summer, is good at resolving quarrels and conflicts, but she tries to solve her own problems without the help of others.

Zulfiya's name day

Zulfiya does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Zulfiya

  • Zulfiya Kutdyusova (boxer, three-time world champion according to IFBA and BFWI)
  • Zulfiya Israilova ((1915 - 1996) Uzbek Soviet poetess, who published her poems under the name Zulfiya. The most famous poems of the poetess are: “Khulkar” (1947), “I sing the dawn” (1950), a collection of poems “Close to my heart” (1958 ), “Heart on the Way” (1966), “Gift of the Valley” (1966), “My Spring” (1967), “Waterfall” (1969) Some of Zulfiya’s poems were translated into Russian, for example, the poem “I Sing the Dawn”. "(1950), Russian translation of 1951. Hero of Socialist Labor (1984), laureate of the USSR State Prize. In 2004, the State Prize named after Zulfiya was established in Uzbekistan, which is awarded for achievements in the field of literature, art, science, culture and education. girls aged 14 to 22 years old annually on the eve of the International women's day March 8. To date, the number of Zulfiya Prize laureates has reached 98 people.)
  • Zulfiya Kamalova (Australian singer Tatar origin, winner of numerous world music competitions. “Singer of the Year 2001” in Australia, best performer in the genre “World music-2002”. Her album, recorded in 2007 (“3 Nights”) in Tatar, Russian and English languages, was awarded the Australian Recording Industry Association Award (Australian Grammy). Songs from this album spent 16 weeks in the top ten of the European music charts, which has never been achieved by anyone in the history of Australian music.)
  • Zulfiya Zabirova ((born 1973) Russian and Kazakh cyclist. Champion of the Games of the XXVI Olympiad in Atlanta (1996), winner (2002), silver (1997, 1998) and bronze (2003) medalist of the world championships in individual time trial (road) , multiple winner of the largest international road races (1995-2000), multiple winner and medalist of World Cups in track racing, multiple champion of Russia in road and track racing (1992-1999).)
  • Zulfiya Chinshanlo ((born 1993) Kazakh weightlifter, two-time world champion in 2009 and 2011 in the weight category up to 53 kg (inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest in the history of the championships (16 years old); surpassed the previous achievement of Ilya Ilyin, who became world champion at the age of 17). Holder of the world record in the clean and jerk - 130 kg (Paris, 2011). She is the champion of Kazakhstan in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, silver medalist of the 2010 Asian Games. Bronze medalist of the 2009 World Youth Championships in Chiang Mai ( Thailand). Silver medalist first youth Olympic Games 2010 in Singapore (category 58 kg). Honored Master of Sports of Kazakhstan. For successful performances she was awarded the Order of Kurmet.)
  • Zulfiya Gyuloglan kyzy Khanbabaeva ((born 1967) Azerbaijani pop singer, People's Artist Azerbaijan)
  • Zulfiya Abzelilova (music teacher at the boarding school in Sibaya (Bashkortostan), winner of the Grand Prix in the city competition "Teacher of the Year 2001", Grand Prix of the competition "Teacher of the Year of Bashkortostan", laureate All-Russian competition“Teacher of the Year 2002” in the nomination “Inspiration and Artistry”, “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan”, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Bashkortostan.)
  • Zulfiya Tazhurizina ((born 1932) specialist in the field of philosophy of religion, doctor philosophical sciences. The works of Tazhurizina Zulfiya provide a multidimensional analysis of freethinking in relation to religion as a sociocultural phenomenon. The main trends in the evolution and prospects of free thought and, in particular, atheism are identified; the conceptual apparatus of knowledge about freethinking is explored, the true meaning and content of the concepts denoting its real manifestations are revealed; the role of free-thinking is determined in the liberation of various forms of spiritual activity of society from religion, in the development of a culture of peaceful relations between people, in the education of civil and intellectual courage.)

Meaning: curly, with curls; pretty

The meaning of the name Zulfiya - interpretation

One of the most popular names in Muslim families. Translated from Arabic it means “beautiful”, “curly, with curls”, “pretty”, “attractive”. Among relatives given name The following can be called: Zulfa, Zulfat, Zulfidzhamal, Zulfinaz, Zulfikamal, Zulfinur, Zulfira, Zulfinisa.

Years later

Since childhood, little Zulechka has been growing up very restless, hectic, and nimble. Parents have to spend a lot of effort to call their daughter to order, to calm her down, at least for a while.

Zulfiya – sociable, open child, in any new company he quickly acquires like-minded people. When surrounded by her, she does not take over leadership positions; the girl is an active participant in all endeavors. It is difficult for her to concentrate on one thing, which creates difficulties in the learning process in primary school.

From childhood, a girl knows how to take responsibility for her actions and decisions and strives to be independent in everything. Zulfiya knows exactly who to talk to and what to talk about, and where to remain silent. These qualities help her quickly grow up in the eyes of her peers.

As Zulfiya grows up, she develops a very valuable quality – the ability to listen to people. It’s easy and pleasant for those around her to talk with her; the girl chooses wisely interesting topics. As a teenager, she remains just as active and restless.

She can’t stand slow people and tries not to allow such people into her social circle. She is successful in her studies, largely due to her excellent memory and natural intelligence.

The owner of this eastern name– a classic extrovert, it’s difficult for her to keep her emotions inside. She is sociable, selfless in friendship, and often manipulates in relationships with the opposite sex. She is distinguished by a hot-tempered, complex character; you should not fall under the hot hand. During a conflict, he does not choose expressions.

How much strong character possesses Zulya, it becomes clear after she comes of age. Her desire to be independent comes to the fore. A woman sets serious goals for herself and does everything necessary to achieve them.

The owner of this beautiful name remains an excellent conversationalist, knows how to position himself in a team, and often communicates with his superiors on equal terms. Zulfiya is an intelligent and well-read woman who has every chance of achieving success and authority.

By nature, Zulfiya is smart, quick-witted, and very stubborn. Going towards the goal, she is able to overcome serious obstacles. Only one thing can interfere - the lack of great willpower. However, the latter can be successfully developed if only there is a desire.

Character of Zulfiya

Zulfiya is very smart and resourceful, and uses these qualities exclusively for the good. She has excellent memory and good sociability, which, coupled with politeness and tact, allows her to easily get along with different people.

It should be noted high level her responsibility. In this sense, the lady tries not to let down the people to whom she made any promises. Zulfiya is a caring person who will always readily come to the aid of other people.

Zulfiya's serious drawback is her impulsiveness and lack of restraint. It is extremely difficult for a woman to control herself when she is irritated by a person with his words or behavior, which in one way or another hurt or traumatize her.

It is impossible not to note the lack of determination and the notorious laziness, which always interfere with normal performance. Because of this, problems with colleagues are possible. Plus, Zulfiya often does not adequately perceive any criticism addressed to her.

The fate of Zulfiya

In numerology, the name Zulfiya corresponds to the number 9. This number gives a woman two opposing qualities - romance and impulsiveness. In love, “nines” rarely experience disappointment; they enjoy the favor of the opposite sex, but they themselves are frivolous and fickle.

The totem plant is grapes. It determines Zulfiya’s need for care and attention. It is important for a woman with such a totem to feel in demand in the family, at work, and among friends. The totem bird is a seagull. Shamans considered her a harbinger of misfortune. People born with such a talisman are fussy, restless, unable to hide their emotions and maintain conflict situation composure. Another one of them distinguishing feature– love of food, which can transform into gluttony.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Zulfiya is incapable of earning big money; in the family she calmly entrusts this mission to her husband. Can become a good secretary, diplomat, psychologist and teacher.

In the business sphere, her natural laziness and lack of restraint in her statements will prevent her from achieving success. Therefore, it is better for a woman to refrain from starting her own business in the commercial field.

Marriage and family

It is rare that Zulya gets married at a young age. She chooses her spouse long and carefully. She's going down the aisle with a man she can control. She will easily entrust her husband with the task of ensuring the material well-being of the family, but she always leaves the main decisions to herself.

Zulfiya is an excellent housewife who happily arranges her home and receives guests. After having children, he can quit his job. She takes her mother’s status very seriously and combines strictness and boundless love in raising her child.

Sex and love

Zulfiya understands very early what men like. In love, she does not need to achieve the chosen one, she does not know the torment of unrequited sympathy. The owner of the name is flighty, she easily breaks off relationships if her partner is no longer happy with something. She prefers older men who have achieved some success in life.

Zulfiya is a wonderful lover; in bed she knows how to please and surprise her chosen one. There is always a man next to her; the status of a single woman is difficult for her.


In childhood Zulfiya - fat baby. The reason for this lies in the selfless love for sweets. The owner of the name will have to fight with this hobby throughout her life, otherwise obesity cannot be ruled out.

Her health is good, vitality and energy will remain for many years. Special attention deserves nervous system, excessive impulsiveness should be corrected with adequate sleep and rest.

Interests and hobbies

As an adult, he may start playing sports, but this will not develop into a passion. Physical exercise for her it will only be a way to keep in good shape.

The Islamic world loves, appreciates, and actively uses sonorous, melodic, full deep meaning female names. One of them is Zulfiya. Nature generously endows the bearers of this name with opportunities and talents. Having compiled psychological picture and having learned the meaning of the name Zulfiya, you can try to find out how much a woman can use her talents in life.

The meaning of the name Zulfiya and its origin

The name Zulfiya is popular in Muslim families. To understand the nature of such demand, you need to look at what the name Zulfiya means. And it came into culture from Persia (modern Iran). Arabic is considered the language of Islam, so it is important for religious families to name girls after Arabic culture.

The meaning of the name Zulfiya is a girl with curls. Other meanings are attractive, beautiful, magnificent, charming. This melodious name pleases the ear. It is assumed that its owner is smart and beautiful. they like to call their daughters by this name, wishing them a better fate.

A short version of the name is Zulya. It is believed that there are no other forms of the name. But there are identical in meaning and similar in pronunciation - Zulfa, Zulfat, Zulfira, Zulfinur, Zulfinaz and others.

Declension by case

Zulfiya is a noun that is declined according to cases in the same way as other nouns of the first declension of the feminine gender:

Nominative case – Zulfiya

Genitive case – Zulfiya

Dative case – Zulfie

Accusative case – Zulfiya

Instrumental case – Zulfiyoy, Zulfiyoyu

Prepositional case – Zulfie

Character and fate of a woman

The character and psychological portrait of a woman changes with age. When calling a girl this name, parents should know how it can affect the fate of its owner.


IN early childhood Zulya is very inquisitive, which makes her parents very happy. The baby is actively exploring the world and showing her creative inclinations. The girl can sing well and also show interest in dancing. You can safely give it to clubs with these directions.

Zulya may have difficulty communicating with other children due to an increased sense of superiority. This girl cannot be called cheerful, but she is restless. Parents should pay attention to the fact that the baby may be interested in different things, getting carried away with all sorts of activities without completing the task.

Zulya is a smart, smart girl. But problems at school may be due to the fact that some subjects seem boring and uninteresting to her.


The character of a young lady may seem perfect until the moment someone decides to criticize her. The girl categorically does not admit her shortcomings and mistakes.

Zulya is conservative, and everything new irritates her. She is characterized by such traits as curiosity, stubbornness, and good memory. To achieve her goals, she lacks determination and willpower.

Zula enjoys communicating with older people, among whom she is actively looking for a mentor. If a girl shows her friendly feelings towards someone, then we can say with confidence that this is forever. She can be very demanding, while remaining a true, loyal friend. But Zulya will never forgive betrayal.

Mature age

Strong female character Zuli manifests itself in the fact that she strives to prove her independence and is ready to work selflessly, striving for her goal.

In a team, a woman will always be the center of attention. She subtly senses the mood and interests of her interlocutor. There is always something to talk about with this woman, because she is not only well-read, but well versed in various aspects of life. Active Zulya does not tolerate slowness in her subordinates.

She approaches marriage very responsibly, not trying to marry the first person she meets. Zulya is always a good housewife and mother who will surround her husband and children with care. She puts a lot of effort into her relationships with the opposite sex, although from the outside it seems that her family happiness is developing successfully simply by the dictates of fate.

Famous women

The versatility of the personality with the name Zulfiya and her talents can be judged by looking at history. There are many women in history, as well as our contemporaries, who have glorified their names:

  • Kutdyusova Zulfiya – three-time world boxing champion
  • Israilova Zulfiya - a famous Uzbek poetess in the USSR
  • Kamalova Zulfiya - Australian singer of Tatar origin
  • Tazhurizina Zulfiya – Doctor of Philosophy, expert in the field of philosophy of religion

Among the bearers of this name there are many other talented women who have shown their outstanding abilities in different areas, be it sports, show business, science, philosophy, etc. Changes in impressions, the ability to communicate easily and achieve one’s goals contribute to the use of Zulya’s talents in life.



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