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The stars promise Aquarius an interesting August. Patron Uranus will be marked by retrograde and being in the constellation Aries. This will help representatives of the constellation Aquarius reconsider their own lives and give up unnecessary things. At the end of August for will present

The most difficult month of this summer is coming. August 7th will happen moon eclipse, and 21 is sunny. You should not plan important things on these days, since special attention you should take care of your health.


In the first half of the month, Aries should focus on completing current affairs. After August 10, it is not recommended to enter into transactions or be socially active. During this period, it is better to plan a vacation and thoroughly take care of your health. Many Aries will get rid of bad habits.


Taurus people are strongly advised to control their emotions. The month will be difficult and stressful. A period of conflicts with a loved one on domestic grounds is expected. Those planning a trip should carefully monitor their diet. Risk increases in mid-August food poisoning and alcohol intoxication.


In August, Gemini will need endurance and patience. Mercury, which will begin to move in reverse side, will slow down all business processes. It is not recommended to change jobs, make large purchases or plan important events. Against this background, emotional swings are possible that will ruin the relationship with the other half.


August will be a relatively calm month for Cancers. Some financial issues will be successfully resolved, but you should refrain from concluding new contracts for now. On the days of eclipses, it is not recommended to take initiative in business and love spheres. The month is unfavorable for marriage.

a lion

The month will be rich in events. At work, Leos will be busy with routine tasks and completing old projects. But changes are coming in my personal life. August is a time of love for all representatives of this fire sign. During this period, you can openly admit your feelings without fear of being rejected.


A difficult period is coming for Virgos. The stars advise them to focus on their health. Diet and body cleansing are recommended. While on vacation, they need to be extremely careful with food and stock up on medications. It is better to avoid new acquaintances and holiday romances; they will only bring disappointment.


Libra should slow down in the business sphere. All important presentations, conferences and negotiations are recommended to be completed before August 10 or postponed to September. Mercury moving in the opposite direction does not contribute to the conclusion of a profitable transaction. It's better to spend your vacation with your family. Pay attention to your children and support your loved ones.


In August, Scorpios should not plan a vacation. This month will be a period of career breakthrough for them. Representatives of this sign can count on promotions, recognition in the form of bonuses, and income from past events. Large purchases and valuable acquisitions are possible. You should only beware of eclipses; do not make fateful decisions near these dates.


Professional success awaits active Sagittarius. This is especially true for those who are engaged pedagogical activity and creativity. In the first half of August, there is a high probability of business trips, trips to another city or country. The second half of the month will be calmer.


Capricorns are advised to rest more and accumulate energy for a more favorable period. You shouldn't expect much success at work in August. The financial situation will be stable, but it is better to refrain from large purchases. Good luck will accompany family Capricorns; a complete idyll is expected in the relationship.


Aquarius will have no time for rest in August. They will be involved in social activities, comprehend new things, study and engage in self-education. A bright, memorable romance awaits single representatives of this sign. This is the most suitable period to start a new relationship.


For Pisces, August will be rather neutral. The stars advise waiting for a more favorable moment to make important decisions. No shocks are expected at work and in the love sphere, but it is better not to expect any special successes. Spiritual practices, such as yoga, will have a positive effect on your emotional state.

Kazakhstan and Belarus will express a desire to join the federation. The state will rapidly increase its power. The alliance of the three powers will rise above other countries and eclipse America and the European Union in its capabilities. A few months later, Azerbaijan and Armenia will submit their application for membership.

Globa's horoscope for 2017 predicts little pleasant things for the USA and Western Europe. More more countries will express a desire to leave the EU, which will deal a merciless blow to its financial resources. The whole world will watch the rapid collapse of the coalition. Unemployment, banditry and debauchery will increase in Europe.

Popular unrest in Russia will grow, but the current president will be able to contain it for at least 3 years. In 2020, the influence of Russia's most revered ruler will weaken due to a progressive illness.

At this time, on the contrary, Russians will unite and try to lead the country out of the crisis. The economic isolation of the country will contribute to the development of its own production and peasantry. There will be no need to purchase and import fruits, sweets, cheeses, and sausages.

In the first half of next year, the world and Russia, in particular, will experience many upheavals. The main one will be the threat of World War III. A Muslim country (presumably Iran) will show aggression; its weapons will be directed against Turkey. Russia will play a key role in resolving the conflict; its wise ruler will become an arbitrator in a difficult conflict. With the power of his authority and peremptory arguments, he will be able to turn the situation around and avert the threat.

Pavel Globa is confident that in 2017 the Russian ruble will stop falling. And by the beginning of 2018 it will take one of the leading positions in the global market. This is hello to lower inflation. Products will become more accessible, salaries will be more valuable, Russians will again be able to travel, buy real estate and cars.

In 2017, a new religious movement will emerge in the central part of Russia, which will grow at a rapid pace. In less than a couple of years, religion will absorb Christianity and even Islam, claiming to be a single world religion. It will be at the origins of creating a new generation of society and a new culture.

Natural disasters will cause a lot of destruction - floods, tsunamis, earthquakes will leave millions of families around the world homeless. The astrologer predicts many car accidents and plane crashes. IN summer time Siberia will struggle with a series of fires.

Despite all the negative aspects, there will also be revolutionary discoveries - scientists will develop a cure for cancer, giving tens of thousands of people around the world hope for a long and happy life.

Tamara Globa made a prediction for 2017

2017 is a time of hope. The world has been undergoing a period of global restructuring for several years now, and this will actively manifest itself in the events of the coming year. Changes are already underway - after the election of a new US President. America's political system will be completely different. And with this change will come throughout the world.

In general, the events of global world restructuring began back in 2010, and those who read my annual forecasts know about this. This process will last until the early 2020s. What people call a crisis is actually a global restructuring. Established systems and countries will have a hard time. But for Russia, in many ways, this period is even more strengthening and stable than for other countries. Our life is basically Lately was shaky. Over the past 100 years, we have been no stranger to sitting on a perch.

Now world politics will develop towards unification. The search for partners and a new level of cooperation will begin. 2017 is the time of diplomats and politicians, the creation of new laws and world order. The role of the UN and NATO will be completely rethought. It's coming very interesting period!

— Will the changes be for the better?

- For our country - yes. Because there is a trend towards peace. This is a gradual return of relations with Ukraine and other countries. But on completely different conditions - beneficial for us. This is a very important time for Russia.

Of course, there will be moments of crisis. I don't promise it will be easy for everyone. The beginning of 2017 is expected to be quite problematic. This is the time when everyone will rattle their sabers, so to speak. At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, the financial system will show that it does not justify itself in modern conditions. People who are now slowly working on innovations in the financial sector can make great progress in the coming years, and new millionaires will appear.

The most important thing is to be able to do your job and constantly improve at it. I talk about this all the time. People ask: “How to continue to live? How will we get used to these new conditions, a different financial system, changes in politics?” “Yes, it’s very simple! - I say. “You will go through them like a knife through butter.” After all, even now we constantly experience upheavals - and that’s okay, we live and work. They took away foreign cheese and sweets - okay, let’s eat our own, it’s even good for development Agriculture. Or let's switch to a bun. If they take away the bun, we’ll move on to plants of something else. In life, something changes all the time, and a person gets used to almost everything. If these are not extreme circumstances - like war, then there is no horror in change. The main thing is that there is family, children, work, development and the meaning of life.

“You need to invest in real estate or your own business”

— The symbol of next year is the Rooster. What will he bring?

- What is the beauty of the Rooster? The fact that he is the herald of the dawn. Remember the fairy tale about the “golden cockerel”? When everything was calm, he said to the king: “Crow, reign, lying on your side.” And when some kind of military action took place, he warned the ruler about it, because he sat high and saw everything clearly. This is how the symbol of next year warns people about changes, about new events.

On the one hand, the Rooster is a very powerful traditionalist. He loves to preserve foundations and traditions. Values ​​clannishness and alliances: friendly, marriage, social. It provides a foundation that will take quite a long time to develop.

On the other hand, the Rooster warns and crows about the future. He wants change, craves, agitates and fights for it. The Rooster is in the vanguard, but at the same time he wants to preserve what is dear to him.

This sign is also desperately fighting for its own. Have you seen how roosters fight over hens? They lose feathers, but fight to the last drop of blood.

— Are any natural disasters expected?

— Earthquakes and further shifts in the layers of the Earth are possible. Those who live in mountainous areas need to be careful. This may especially affect the regions Far East and the mountainous South. Water related problems are also likely. This winter, in January, I would be careful about going to some oceanic countries, like Thailand, the Middle East, the southern hemisphere. As for Russia, there will be a lot of water and precipitation this year. Winter is expected to be cold, snowy and icy. The same picture will emerge in Europe. This is due to general planetary trends.
In the second half of summer, the dollar exchange rate may fall, but it is better to make loans in rubles

- What to do to an ordinary person in such situation?

- Live. If you have a house outside the city, buy a shovel to shovel snow. Plan for traffic jams and leave early. In the city, don’t be afraid to defend your rights to service, you’re paying money for it!

— How will people feel who have their own small business?

— You need to be ready to rebuild. In general, 2017-2018 is the heyday of small and medium-sized businesses. There will be changes. You'll see! You must be ready to keep up with the times and adapt to changing circumstances. For example, you ran an expensive restaurant, so now is the time to buy a cheap canteen. All people want to eat - both poor and rich. Everyone gets married, buys shoes and clothes, wants to receive information, study, relax, raise children, live in modern, comfortable houses, and not in painted boxes with cardboard walls... And a competent businessman will now adapt to different buyers.

— All people are usually worried: what will happen to the currency? Where to invest money?

— Now you need to invest in real estate or your own business. If you are an employee, it makes sense to think about the future. Your impressions of an employer can be very misleading. If your manager does not adapt to current trends and sits exactly in place, then soon his business will certainly collapse. If this is the case at your service, it makes sense to look for parallel work.

As for exchange rates, there will certainly be jumps and fluctuations. This situation is no longer fatal, but even familiar. In the second half of summer, the dollar exchange rate may fall, and there will be some financial relief. In the summer you can have time to grab some real estate. Then the next restructuring will begin. I do not recommend taking loans in foreign currency. If you make a loan, then only in rubles.

"Trump's victory is not an accident"

— What else awaits us in world politics?

— Europe will finally give up the subsidies and benefits that are currently paid to unemployed immigrants - there simply won’t be any extra money for it. The European Union will continue to collapse - this trend began already in 2015, while the original alliances will remain and new ones will appear. Countries will continue to strive for self-determination. Although some, on the contrary, will think about uniting with their neighbors - for example, there is already an attempt in Cyprus to make friends between the Turkish and Greek sides. In general, there will be some relief in Europe for a while. Supplies of goods to Russia will begin again. Revolutions await the European world, starting from mid-2018; the year will be difficult.

— Will sanctions against Russia be lifted?

Not all, of course. But little by little the ice will break.

— Is this all connected with the arrival of Trump?

“His arrival is a symbol of the times. You see, Trump's victory in the election is not an accident. This is the tendency - the desire for change. Trump is some kind of completely new figure. Very interesting in every sense. At one time, Gorbachev's arrival also symbolized changes throughout the world.

— There is a feeling that Russian politicians are betting on friendship with Trump. This is true?

Yes, there is the possibility of a completely new relationship, but there will be three crises in a year. Complications and misunderstandings are possible at the beginning of the year, at the end of spring, and then at the end of 2017. This will be related to issues of politics and trade. Astrologically speaking, Vladimir Putin and Donald Tramm are not quite on the same page. But they will agree.

- Well, okay, we've sorted out the politics. What should ordinary women expect?

— There will be a “female” year, the year of the Sun, because Venus is making a loop again. For the first six months, Venus will be in Pisces and Aries, which promotes the development of hobbies and feelings, helping active and gentle women. Much attention will be paid to love, family ties, relationships, everyday life, as well as increasing the level of intellectual development. In fashion, we will see the return of the classics, interest in reputable, high-quality brands. And the autumn trends will be associated with the 1970-1980s - emphasized sexuality and fatal images. In general, a very bright period awaits us - the triumph of individuality, traditionalism and rebellion at the same time. And this applies to all areas - both politics and personal aspirations.

The coming 2017 will generously distribute chances and advances to people. They need to be accepted without thinking too much, so as not to miss the opportunity. Remember that not all, but many changes over several years will still lead to the better. Those who manage to step over the pit of world restructuring will see the dawn and the onset of a new day.

Taking only the best from the coming month will help you astrological forecast. In August, absolutely every person will be able to compensate for the efforts expended with happiness, abundance and good luck.

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa will lift the veil of secrecy over what awaits us in the coming month. Thanks to the horoscope, you will be able to understand in which area of ​​life you need to direct your internal energy to achieve good luck and prosperity. It will be possible to normalize personal life and get closer to your own destiny.


The coming month will be marked by the presence of your patron Mars in the constellation Leo, which will have a positive effect on your mood and vital activity. This position of the stars will give you an inexhaustible source of energy, a thirst for activity and courage.

Problems may be related to financial situation. Negative Impact your opponent Mercury will remain until the 12th. However, this will not prevent you from expressing yourself in your career. Connecting with like-minded people will give you confidence.

Aspects from Mars, the Moon and Jupiter on August 20 and 21 will help Aries feel harmony and unity with the world. The necessary support will be provided in matters. Luck will smile in work and romantic relationships.


In August typical Taurus will be susceptible to vulnerability and resentment. Subtle experiences and sudden sentimentality will intensify due to the decline in lunar activity at the beginning of the month. In the middle of the month, the negative aspects of the planets will encourage cautious and practical actions.

At the end of the month, your chances of realizing your potential will increase. However, you should avoid emotional and unpleasant people, otherwise your inner peace will be irreparably disturbed. The stars advise you to show yourself outside the box and try to realize your hidden talents.


To achieve success, Gemini representatives will have to try hard. The first ten days of the month will be successful for resolving financial issues due to the strengthened position of your patron planet, Mercury. Be careful with money: you can be deceived by criminals.

The second half of the month is marked by a positive relationship between Mercury and Venus, awakening tender and reverent feelings. It is possible that Gemini may sense more serious intentions towards their chosen one.


The coming month may bring problems for Cancers: uncomfortable conditions are expected for carrying out important tasks. At the beginning of August, your patron will enter into aspects with hostile planets, which will increase internal tension. Astrologers advise avoiding conflicts, even if you are the instigator.

More positive conditions will come after August 8th. The moon in the constellation Pisces is a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. Try to schedule the most important plans and exciting events around the 9th and 10th.

It will not be possible to avoid a breakdown on the eve of the Full Moon. August 21 is an energetically dangerous period. You will benefit from the confidence and brightness favored by the constellation Leo during this period.

a lion

In August, representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be lucky. Luck will not leave you. The energy patron Sun will be in your Sign until August 21, which favors bright and harmonious manifestations. Leos can successfully take an active position in public life, take steps towards well-being and think through grandiose plans.

The Moon will visit your Sign on August 20 and 21, which will allow you to lose yourself in creative activity. At this time, you can follow the dictates of your heart.


Representatives of the Virgo sign will have a great month. The patron Mercury will not leave your Sign throughout the entire period, with the exception of August 31, which means only one thing - the positive energy of the planet will manifest itself in the most favorable way for you. Representatives of this Sign will feel harmony and will have the opportunity to independently manage life.

From August 12, Mercury will go retrograde, which will require a more scrupulous attitude towards money and work. Astrologers advise analyzing past mistakes and looking for profitable terms. Several aspects of the planets on August 22 and 23 will give Virgos pleasant emotions and the opportunity to establish the necessary connections.


The first half of the month is favorable for Libra. Venus, which rules your Sign, will be marked by being in the constellation Cancer, which will bring to your love relationship tenderness and warmth. According to your horoscope, you should avoid unpleasant communication. Hurt feelings during this period will disrupt inner harmony.

The second half of the month will have explosive energy, which will encourage conflict situations and disagreements. There is no need to be afraid: a good opportunity will arise to defend your own views. The most successful aspect of the coming month is the sextile of Mercury and Venus on August 10, which will bring good opportunities.


The stars promise a calm month for Scorpios, but it cannot be called boring: unpleasant clashes and an open struggle for success are expected. At the beginning of August, the Moon will visit your Sign, which will cause a series of conflict situations. It is possible that you will be able to break other people’s principles and achieve your own.

In the middle of the month, Scorpios may be angered by someone's actions, especially imposed life position. Astrologers recommend keeping yourself in control and working on controlling your emotions.

At the end of August, representatives of this Sign will experience a period of relaxation and new opportunities. The positive influence of the stars, especially the antagonist Moon in a weak position, will attract you unusual people and opportunities to expand the usual horizons of life.


Fate and the stars will provide you with excellent opportunities in August. At the beginning of the month, luck will smile on you, everything will work out. However, violent emotions can discredit you in the eyes of others, so keep your feelings under control.

Show yourself with the best side will succeed on August 11, when the relationship between the Sun and Jupiter will have a beneficial effect on your Sign. The middle and end of the month will be associated with supporting and defending your own or others' rights. Be consistent and free in your actions, relying on your intuition.


An eventful month awaits representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Astrologers recommend not to waste your resources and direct energy only in the right direction. Scandal and intrigue should be avoided. Excessive gullibility will be punished.

At the beginning of the month, a weakened Moon in your Sign will give you the opportunity to feel a surge of strength and confidence. Luck will find people who are able to concentrate and make responsible decisions. The aspect of the Sun and Saturn, which will occur on the 14th, will give you social activity.

The end of the month is marked by successful opportunities. Trust yourself and follow your dreams. However, excessive activity can backfire, causing stress and lowering the overall tone of the body.


The stars promise Aquarius an interesting August. Patron Uranus will be marked by retrograde and being in the constellation Aries. This will help representatives of the constellation Aquarius reconsider own life and discard unnecessary things. However, astrologers advise not to act rashly and not to commit actions whose consequences you cannot change.

The brightest aspect according to the horoscope awaits you on August 21. The trine of your energy patrons Uranus and the Sun will help you realize your potential and attract good luck for quite a long time. It is worth taking advantage of the opportunities the Universe provides you. Courage and energy at the end of August will allow you to get what you want.


August promises to be calm and harmonious for representatives of the Sign of Pisces. Throughout the month, you should remain faithful to your own principles and do what you love. However, we should not forget about those actions that bring not only satisfaction, but also material benefit.

The most favorable period is indicated for Pisces: on August 10 and 11, the patron Moon will be strengthened by being in your Sign, which will give peace of mind and harmonious development of events.

In the middle and at the end of the month, it is advisable for Pisces to establish useful connections and make profitable acquaintances. It is not recommended to trust the rumors and advice of strangers. Be prepared to engage in aggressive debate to defend your own principles and desires.

An astrological forecast from Pavel Globa takes into account the bright aspects of the planets and shows the most favorable cosmic conditions for doing business. To ensure that luck does not leave you even in moments of negative influence of celestial objects, you should use additional methods to attract it.

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Many of us keep diaries and plan our business and personal lives for the day, week, month. Why not adjust your activities, recreation, relationships and goals, taking into account the “plans” of the stars and planets? They know what events the coming month will be generous with, and in what areas of life each zodiac sign will experience ups and downs.

Pavel Globa is fluent in the language of the stars and provides us with comprehensive astrological information about the future. According to a reputable astrologer, August 2017 will favor business people. The month will be marked by successful projects and profitable contracts. He will also be happy for those who are not afraid to take risks or take bold initiative. Luck will smile on such people in any business.


For Aries, August will be very active and eventful. Good luck will accompany absolutely all representatives of the sign. Entrepreneurs and businessmen have every chance of finding their “gold mine”. Aries who choose August for relaxation and entertainment will survive the brightest emotions In my life. And Aries parents will establish close contact and find mutual language with own children.


For Taurus, August will be held under the auspices of love. Its influence will be felt in everything, thanks to which Taurus will be able to establish relationships with loved ones, children, family members or friends. Even at work there will be an aura of romance. Available love affair at work. But it’s better to start a holiday romance during this period. It has a greater chance of developing into a deep feeling.


For Gemini, August will be a month of radical change. For the most part, they are all connected to the road. Some will have to move to another city, and some will have to move to another country. And even those Geminis who have firmly settled in one place will also not be able to sit quietly there. They will have to go on business trips, run around career ladder or trample the offices of high officials, seeking the truth.


Cancers will have to do a lot of work on themselves in August. Self-improvement, acquiring new knowledge and skills will help you achieve your goal. Cancers will also need self-confidence to organize people whose help will be needed in carrying out the planned work. You will have to use all your internal reserves, so during this period you need to carefully monitor your nutrition and rest.


In August, the soul of Leo will ask for paradise, which attracts exotic islands and countries. But Pavel Globa advises postponing rest until better times. Now is the time to do important things. The stars will accompany their successful implementation during this period. It is also worth working on personal relationships - showing care and support to the family, otherwise serious disagreements will brew.


Virgos will have to push themselves in August to prevent the upcoming problems from growing. Friends, relatives, and even influential people will help solve them. However, the main burden will fall on the Virgos themselves. Don't take difficult situations to heart. They are a stepping stone to new achievements. During this period, you should keep your plans secret and take care of your health.


In August, Libra should stock up on large bags... for money. The stars promise incredible financial luck, which will fall on your head in the form of an inheritance or lottery winnings. However, luck will not smile in all areas of life. Libras should be extremely careful this month on the roads and while traveling. Accidents and accidents are possible.


August prepares for Scorpios good luck at work, a promotion, a salary increase or a profitable financial deal. Monetary success will allow you to save up for a long-cherished material dream, a trip or a gift. dear person. However, this is not the most favorable period in the family or in relationships. Scandals and even divorce are possible.


In August, Sagittarius will have to spend a lot of energy on self-education, mastering a new profession or developing creative inclinations. Activity and initiative in this direction will be adequately rewarded. However, you should not focus only on this. Vigilance will be required in finances. Theft, deception, and difficulties in receiving honestly earned money are possible.


August for Capricorns should be classified as “Top Secret”. You shouldn’t let others in on your far-reaching plans for work, income, or relationships. In general, this month it is better to keep quiet about any plans. Difficulties are brewing in love too. To avoid disappointment, you should pay more attention dear person and take an interest in his life.


Many Aquarians will have to spend August at work. This time should be used to establish or strengthen working relationships with your team or partners. You won’t be able to relax in your personal relationships either. Misunderstandings, resentments and quarrels are possible. Plans for a September vacation will help prevent conflict and smooth out rough edges. The velvet season will strengthen love.


In August, Pisces will not have to strain themselves. The stars themselves will arrange for them happiness, which will result in bright and unforgettable events. Whether it is love, passion for work or relaxation does not matter. Pisces will feel luck in all directions. The main thing is to make the most of August, because this will not always be the case.



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