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Business plan for investors - effective business plans

Business plan for investors - effective business plans

A business plan for investors is a marketing document. Therefore, it must be visually appealing and easy to read. This is achieved with ...

How exciting to organize a lesson on drawing on the topic "Mushrooms" in the older group of DOU

How exciting to organize a lesson on drawing on the topic

ACTIVITY: Theme: "Mushrooms hiding in the grass." Program content: Preliminary work: Reading poems and guessing ...

Spring Feeder Equipment

Spring Feeder Equipment

Feeding on the feeder in the spring, especially early, is considered one of the most difficult types of fishing. Large rivers have already freed themselves from the shackles of ice, but the temperature ...

The benefits and harm of lizards in the country

The benefits and harm of lizards in the country

Many lizards do not like for an unattractive appearance. They lead a secretive lifestyle and practically do not annoy the owners of country houses ....

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