Family matters

The essence and basic principles of flow organization of construction production

The essence and basic principles of flow organization of construction production

The organization of construction production involves the following areas of scientific and production activity: organization...

Angelic ranks heavenly hierarchy 9 ranks of angels

Angelic ranks heavenly hierarchy 9 ranks of angels

On the Orthodox Cross of the first Old Believers Christians, if you look closely, in fact, not one, but two crosses are depicted. (photo...

Your patron planet of the year of birth

Your patron planet of the year of birthThis is the key of the soul and destiny, it is a genuine, unchanging reflection of our “I”. We are often called differently in different situations (at home, at work, friends, loved ones, etc.), and it turns out that in such cases you will have another planet as your patron.

The best conspiracies for a quick marriage from leading healers and sorcerers. A conspiracy to get married, read before bed.

The best conspiracies for a quick marriage from leading healers and sorcerers. A conspiracy to get married, read before bed.When there are a few days left until the New Year, the family spends all their free time preparing for the holiday. First we do some general cleaning, then we decorate the Christmas tree, glue snowflakes on the windows, and buy gifts for our loved ones. After that, we cook a lot of delicious food

Dangerous and harmful production factors and measures to protect against them

Dangerous and harmful production factors and measures to protect against themMain harmful and dangerous production factors Introduction A person in the course of his work activity can be affected by hazardous (causing injuries) and harmful (causing diseases) production factors. Dangerous and harmful production

How to make your own love amulet

How to make your own love amuletIn this article you will learn: A magical object, which according to superstition is considered to bring marriage and eliminate loneliness, is a talisman of love. You can make it yourself or purchase it ready-made. The meaning of love amulets in a person’s life L

(Chapter from the “Law of God” by Archpriest Seraphim Slobodsky)

(Chapter fromEntering the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ said to His disciples: “Sit here while I pray!” He himself, taking Peter, James and John with him, entered the depths of the garden; and began to grieve and yearn. Then he says to them: “My soul is grieved unto death; remain here.”


How to do beautiful evening makeup - photos and step-by-step instructions

How to do beautiful evening makeup - photos and step-by-step instructions

Every woman wants to be special and beautiful, especially when it comes to some important event or holiday. This is why it is very important...

What will the different zodiac signs be like in old age?

What will the different zodiac signs be like in old age?

Having different characters, zodiac signs age differently. Some zodiac signs easily put up with the signs of age, becoming sweet and...

Bags under the eyes - causes and methods of elimination If a water bag has formed under the eye

Bags under the eyes - causes and methods of elimination If a water bag has formed under the eye

Bags under the eyes: causes, symptoms and treatment in women over 50 Bags under the eyes cause a lot of inconvenience to any woman. The skin in this area...

Types of fabrics, their properties

Types of fabrics, their properties

The main types of animal tissues: ■ epithelial (integumentary); ■ connecting; ■ muscular; ■ nervous. Epithelial tissue Epithelial tissue...

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