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A2 ova oven for baking waffle cups. A2-OVA - Repair and Modernization, Automatic machine for baking waffle cups. Automatic machines for baking waffle cups

The "AUTOMAT A2-OVA" waffle oven or automatic waffle cup production line operates on gas or electricity. To bake waffle cups, a tunnel baking mold is used, assembled from welded frames covered with heat-insulating panels. this section catalog you can see the spare parts offered by our company for the A2-OVA waffle oven: bolts, forks, bushings, variators, gas burners, combs, plate mounting arcs, locking rings for the roller, sprockets, brackets, metering pumps, punches, variator chains, washers, bevel gears, etc."

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Automatic machine A2-OVA, waffle cup

AT A2-OVA. OVERHAUL REPAIRS AND MODERNIZATION The need to repair machines and other equipment sooner or later faces every manager. This is a question that never loses its validity

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The need to repair machines and other equipment sooner or later faces every manager. This is a question that never loses its relevance, because in order for equipment to work efficiently and at the proper level, it must remain in perfect working condition. Automatic machines for baking wafer cups A2-OVA, manufactured in our country in the 70-80s, the design of which has not yet undergone significant improvements, are still in use today in various ice cream factories and cold storage plants. Currently, these machines require restoration and modernization because Replacing domestic equipment with equipment manufactured in other countries turns out to be a very expensive project, which not every enterprise can implement. The main goal overhaul and modernization of A2-OVA machines is the replacement of morally and physically outdated electrical equipment and the installation of modern electronics and electrical automation, improving the design of the existing model and equipping the machines with new mechanisms and components developed by the LLC. The resource of a restored machine is identical to the resource of a new one, and thanks to our deep knowledge of the operating features of various components and subsystems of this device and the use of proprietary “know how”, we are able to increase the uninterrupted operation time of A2-OVA machines, which can significantly increase the productivity and reliability of equipment, reduce operational costs, increase the turnaround time, increase productivity and quality of products. All of the above is an alternative to purchasing new equipment. The technology for restoring the automatic machine for baking wafer cups A2-OVA consists of complex interconnected stages, each of which requires highly qualified personnel and unique devices. This recovery technology has been industrially tested at existing enterprises: Unilever Rus LLC, Tula, Iceberg OJSC, Gudermes, Vizavi LLC, Novosibirsk, Saratov-Kholod Plus LLC, Saratov, Pskov Cold Storage Plant OJSC Pskov, TPKU "Minsk Cold Storage Plant No. 2", Minsk, CJSC "Poligon", Baku, IP Omarov S., Baku. The time it takes to put a restored machine into production at the Customer’s enterprise depends on the degree of wear and condition of the device and can be significantly reduced by replacing the LLC’s own machine with the Customer’s copy.

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Technical productivity, pcs./h - up to 5500 Weight of cups, g, - up to 6-8 Number of conveyor molds, pcs. - 30 Consumption natural gas, nm3/h (with a calorific value of 35.6 x 10 6 j/m3) - 15 Gas pressure, Pa - 2450-4900 Conveyor electric motor power, kW - 2.2 Fan electric motor power, kW - 1.1 Temperature in the baking chamber, ?С, no more than - 250 Overall dimensions, mm, no more Length - 7142, width without stacker - 1405, with stacker - 3400 height - 2025 Weight, kg, no more - 5500

At the very beginning of this year, our editorial office had an interesting conversation dedicated to some issues in the production of waffle cups for ice cream. It was attended by B.A. Ivanov – CEO and chief editor of the Publishing House "Refrigeration", A.G. Klady - chief specialist of the Association "Ice cream and frozen products of Russia", E.L. Zolotarev is the General Director of the Research and Production Company NESTA.

B.A. - Alexander Georgievich, I and your colleagues know your credo: “At a low cost in a short time, help enterprises constantly update and expand the range of ice cream, both in form and content.” How does this, for example, apply to ice cream in waffles?

A.G. - After a sharp decline in production in 1991-1992. and as a result of a failed conversion program, incl. for the ice cream industry, in 1993, during a business trip to Saratov, I was lucky enough to see semi-automatic devices with electric heating, models PVS and MUVS, developed at NPK NESTA for baking bulk wafer products. I was especially struck by the quality of manufacturing of the most complex unit of these installations - a multi-place matrix containing 77 shaped nests - molds for wafer cups of this configuration, which by that time were not produced by our industry. The first thing that came to my mind was to give a “second wind” to the morally and physically outdated M6-OLV lines and A2-OVA machines by replacing molds in order to expand the range of produced wafer molds, reduce the degree of import dependence, and I proposed to establish the production of replacement molds molds for A2-OVA for products in the shape of a torch, cone, etc. And within three months, their production was mastered at NPC NESTA, and the first set of replacement molds was installed at one of the refrigeration plants.

B.A. - Evgeniy Leonidovich, what can you say about the current state of your production in terms of manufacturing replacement molds, when you have competitors in the equipment market in this area.

E.L. - Competition, of course, forces us to constantly improve production and improve the quality of products. The sets of molds for A2-OVA and Franz Haas automatic machines produced by NPK NESTA are made of special rolling (not casting) cast iron. To manufacture molds, NPK NESTA uses a Toshiba-Seico machining center, which ensures high accuracy and identical geometric dimensions of the shaped matrix nests, because During the processing process there is no “human factor” inherent in universal equipment. This allows you to significantly reduce the amount of waste (burr) associated with any process using the pressing method. The use of cutting tools from leading tool companies such as “Conical”, “Harvey tool”, etc. and modern software allows NPK “NESTA” to produce molds with high degree cleanliness of the forming surfaces of the shaped sockets and with a pattern on its outer surface, including a logo, satisfying almost any wishes of the Customer. Observing the quality of finished products from different manufacturers, it seems that the above has not yet been implemented by our competitors.

A.G. - Evgeniy Leonidovich, although the A2-OVA automatic machines, the prototype of which was the STA-24 automatic machine from Franz Haas, made a revolution in the production of wafer cups in the USSR in the mid-70s, nevertheless, their quality in execution is like that of Kievprodmash ”, and “Shostka”, leaves much to be desired due to high percentage flash, which remains a big headache for manufacturers today. How else, besides the quality of mold manufacturing, does NPC NESTA help correct this situation?

E.L. – It was not the workers and engineers of the Ukrainian enterprises you mentioned who made the “revolution”, but the mechanics and adjusters of the Russian cold storage plants where these machines are used are making the “counter-revolution”, constantly eliminating defects in them. Moreover, over the years, the quality of these “revolutionary” products not only does not improve, but, on the contrary, deteriorates.

B.A. – What is the reason for such aggressiveness?
E.L. – The percentage of scrap waste actually depends not only on the quality of mold manufacturing, but also on a number of reasons. These include the quality of workmanship and the correct adjustment of the mechanisms of the movable carts, the presence on the machine and the correct placement of an accelerated evaporation device, the quality of operation and resolution of the dough supply pump, the quality of the dough and even the method of mixing it. Not long ago, one of our customers for molds expressed to us his dissatisfaction with the result of their work due to the quantitative content of flash. The adjusters of NPK NESTA, trying to understand the reasons for this claim (by the way, the first in 10 years), found out that the Customer, trying to revive a used A2-OVA assault rifle, also installed new ones on it, manufactured at the Shostka plant Zvezda-Ltd ", movable carts. The poor workmanship of the latter not only surprised us, but simply shocked us. For example, the misalignment in the holes through which the axis of the lever moving the punch passes (see figure) was comparable to half the diameter of this axis (ø=16 mm). The distortion of the frame of the trolley along which the mold section moves, permissible within hundredths of a mm, on some specimens reached 1.5-2 cm. I'm not even talking about adjustments to the matrix locking mechanism, setting the “dead point”, etc.
Pay attention to the quality of the metal that the Zvezda-Ltd plant uses today: it must have been in the plant’s landfill since the 70s. So we can talk about the Ukrainian “revolution” in the field of glass making if we look at it through the orange glasses on the nose of the Yanukovychs (please note that the author’s opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the editors – editor’s note).
B.A. – In this case, it was possible to file a claim regarding failure to fulfill the terms of the supply contract.

E.L. – Of course, but in this case the Customer would have suffered irreparable losses due to equipment downtime. Ice cream is a seasonal product. The customer even approached us with a request to conduct these negotiations on his behalf. After a 40-minute conversation with the management engineering staff, the director of the Zvezda-Ltd plant, when I asked how it was possible to sell products of such quality, replied: “But we sell cheap.”

A.G. – Yes, but this “cheapness” for ice cream factories becomes very expensive when half of the products are rejected, when delivery plans are disrupted due to downtime during repairs.

E.L. – Alexander Georgievich, in your books and articles, even naming names, you speak with great delight about the craftsmen working at refrigeration plants, who, showing creative initiative, based on purchased rubbish and only outwardly similar to machines for baking waffle cups, create practically new ones products. These people certainly deserve deep respect. But it seems to us that, having purchased equipment for the production of ice cream, cold storage plants should not, in addition, buy high-precision lathes and milling machines in order to ensure the operation of the main means of production. Everyone must do their job.

B.A. – The situation in the equipment market is becoming similar to the recent one in the field of ice cream production, when unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to earn more, began to add little-known vegetable fats to ice cream and the term “unfair competition” appeared. This entailed the development and implementation of GOST for ice cream. It seems that in the field of equipment production it is necessary to set a higher legislative bar for the quality of manufactured products.

E.L. – That’s why we made an attempt to test our products by submitting to the “100 best products Russia" we produce replacement molds and movable carts for the A2-OVA machine gun, having received a Diploma of this prestigious competition, not limited to positive reviews from our Customers. We are certainly proud of this, since the issue of awarding this Diploma is decided not by officials, but by the metrological services of Russia, which, before making such a decision, check not only the chemical content of the metal we use, but also the entire technological production cycle, including the measuring instrument.

B.A. - Evgeniy Leonidovich, in addition to the NESTA products presented in this issue, what else is in your luggage?

E.L. – The above-mentioned installations for baking wafer cups of the PVS and MUVS models, differing in productivity, as well as PVL installations for baking sheet wafer products, a “flow pack” packaging machine for packing ice cream in wafer cups with all possible options, wiping machines for processing wafer waste, volumetric ice cream dispensers for OLV lines. These and other products will be discussed in the next issues of your publication.

B.A. – Evgeniy Leonidovich, finishing our January conversation, the materials of which were published in the previous issue of the magazine and devoted to gas equipment for baking waffle cups, we agreed to continue it in this issue, focusing on installations with electric heating, but your advertisement shows a Wiping machine. What does this type of equipment have to do with the production of wafer products?

E.L. – Let me start my answer with an old joke: Armenian radio is asked the question: “What is business in Russian?” Armenian radio replies: “Steal a box of vodka, sell it, and drink the proceeds.” I'll back up the joke concrete example essentially. Shortly after the release of the January issue of your magazine, where problems with A2-OVA machine guns were discussed, Ivan Mikhailovich Katanov, the chief engineer of the Orlovsky Cheese Factory OJSC, called me and said that since 1986, this plant has been operating two A2-OVA machine guns. When the plant saw the incredible amount of waste generated by this production, the witty founders organized subsidiary farm- a pig farm, where high-calorie waste containing such components as premium flour, butter, sugar was transported by truck, fed to pigs, made a profit, and the proceeds were invested in baking waffle cups. And then the wonderful Ivan Mikhailovich Katanov noted that this production cycle is profitable!!! Should I talk further or move on to producing waffles without the participation of pigs?

B.A. – And yet I would like to return to the intended topic of our conversation. The first copies of semi-automatic devices PVS-1 and MUVS-4 were developed at NPC NEST and offered to consumers back in 1990. However, today on our market there are quite a lot of foreign, domestic and almost domestic (from CIS countries) enterprises that offer similar products: “Franz Haas”, Austria - models E-50 and E-100, “Gabrielli”, Italy - models G -180 and G-800, FSUE “Ural Electrochemical. plant" - Rosatom enterprise - IR-HVAC installation, "Tekhnopribor", Belarus - VB-7 and VB-8 installations, "Tronka-Agrotech" Ukraine - model UVL-150, TPK "Melaida", Khimki - UVVI installation, JSC "Ross", Ukraine - installation AVVS-8.5/380-21, " White Night", G. Nizhny Novgorod– UVL model. I would like to know about comparative price, operational and technical specifications, advantages and disadvantages of these products.

E.L. – It is quite difficult to conduct such a comparative analysis in a short interview.

A.G. - If we approach the comparison of different models of installations from the consumer’s point of view, then, in our opinion, it is necessary to compare those models that have the same performance, because the buyer, other things being equal, after the price, is primarily interested in the amount of the final product that he can get from this equipment. Therefore, I would conditionally divide the listed models into two groups: Group I (productivity 1600-2000 pcs./hour) – installations E-100, G-800, UVVI and PVS-1 and group II (productivity 500-600 pcs./hour ) – installations E-50, G-180, AVVS-8.5/380-21, UVL, IR-OVK and MUVS-4.

E.L. - I’ll start with the most difficult one - with the Franz Haas company, which has centuries of experience in the field of wafer production. This company owns four factories: the main one in Austria and factories in Brazil, Hong Kong, and the USA and holds 80% of the world market for sales of these machines. The advantages of NPC NESTA equipment were appreciated by the representative of the Franz Haas company, Mr. S.E. Lysenkov, who carefully observed year after year at the international exhibitions “Ice Cream and the Refrigeration Industry,” where our stands were located opposite each other, the improvement of PVS-1 installations. Having realized that technically the PVS-1 was not inferior, and at a price several times less than the E-100, starting in 1997, he stopped not only bringing his company’s semi-automatic devices to exhibitions, but also telling potential buyers the prices for them, sending who inquired at the stand of NPK NESTA, about which he informed us, and today buyers are calling us on the recommendation of S.E. Lysenkova. This also applies to the Italian model G-800.

B.A. – You only touched on the costs of purchasing installations. But for the equipment consumer, operating costs associated with the replacement of wear parts, electricity costs, and the reliability of installations, which guarantees their uninterrupted operation, are no less important.

E.L. - Boris Aleksandrovich, regarding the questions, it is felt that you want to expand the circle of readers of your magazine by helping equipment buyers make optimal choice. However, as my sales experience shows, our buyer is only interested in the initial costs - the cost of equipment upon purchase. The first and essentially the last question I hear from a buyer is how much does your equipment cost? …. and, not being interested in any more questions, then the reaction follows - this is very expensive. Further, they begin to quote prices from other manufacturers, without at all comparing quality, reliability, operating costs, etc. For example, one of the buyers negotiated with me for two years about purchasing PVA, each time postponing it with reference to high price. And yet, having bought PVA, he explained to me that over these two years he purchased five installations from the Ross company, each of which worked for no more than 4 months, having spent much more than the cost of PVA on Ukrainian-made installations by the time of purchasing PVA , but had no equipment. Famous saying“The miser pays twice,” when applied to high-tech productive forces, the payment increases by orders of magnitude. Purchasing equipment that is inferior in technology and quality is not a lost profit, but a form of waste.

A.G. – Maybe you are allergic to Ukrainian-made products, from the Zaporozhets car to installations for baking waffle cups?

E.L. - No, absolutely not. This applies to both Belarusian and Russian installations. If a private owner buys such equipment, he commits a short-sighted act, for which he himself pays, and if such a decision is made at a state or semi-state enterprise, this is an absolute crime against property, against the property of others. The PVS and MUVS installations use a heating system patented by our company, as a result of which the specific power required to bake one waffle cup is 1.5 times less than that of any other installation, including foreign ones. I can confidently say that in terms of reliability, all domestic and quasi-domestic models offered on the market are significantly inferior to ours. Each copy of the installations we sell, before being sent to the consumer, undergoes acceptance tests by an independent testing laboratory accredited by the State Standard of Russia, whose employees come to us with instruments and conduct tests on site, and based on their results, a certified test report is issued for this instance of the installation, included included in the set of accompanying documents, along with the Certificate and Hygienic Certificate.

B.A. – From your explanations it follows that the costs of PVS-1 and MUVS-4 are higher compared to prices from other manufacturers. Therefore, the question of the payback period for the installations of NPC NEST is of no small importance.

E.L. “We don’t understand at all how, for example, the Ross company sells its installations at a price for which we are not even able to buy the required amount of metal to manufacture one installation, not to mention wages, the purchase of components, microcontrollers and other expenses. And yet, a simple calculation of payback can be made based on the fact that PVS-1 is able to produce 1,000,000 - 1,200,000 cups per month. With the cost of each, taking into account raw materials, wages, electricity (excluding the cost of renting premises) 10-12 kopecks and the selling price of 24-28 kopecks, the monthly net profit will be about 120,000 rubles. Those. payback period less than 0.5 year. Nesta products are expensive, but cheaper than foreign analogues, not because they are assembled from trash, but because they are aimed at the domestic post-Soviet market without import markups using domestic scientific achievements. And we are proud of it.

B.A. – And yet, how do you explain your rather harsh position on this issue?

E.L. – I was fundamentally against public discussion of everything we talked about. But, in the tradition of communication between a journalist and a specialist, I think that you “promoted” me. To speak or not to speak about such things is a personal matter, but to tell the truth is already a public matter. In our time "Truth is God" free man"(Maxim Gorky, "At the Bottom").



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