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Adam and Eve - why do we pay for the sin of Adam and Eve? Original sin

Scripture says that at the fall of our first parents, Eve was deceived, but Adam was not deceived. “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and fell into transgression” (1 Tim. 2:14). Eve herself agreed with this, saying: “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” (Gen. 3:13).

The form of the serpent, of course, was Satan (see Rev. 12:9). He did not appear before Eve in the form of an angel, but, in all likelihood, took the form of a flying serpent, dazzling with the splendor of colors and brilliance and very wise. Using this image, he seduced Eve in three ways:

The first relates to the love of God. Apparently, Eve moved away from her husband and began to gaze intently at the forbidden tree with curiosity and admiration. She might wonder why God did not allow them to eat the fruits of it.

The snake sitting on the tree said in a questioning and ironic tone: “Did God really say: do not eat from any tree in paradise?” (Gen. 3:1). In other words: “And such a God do you serve, who finds satisfaction in denying you free access to all the beneficial and beautiful fruits in this wonderful garden?”

Sometimes we say: “Nothing can be done about the birds flying overhead, but we can prevent them from building a nest in ours; everyone has sinned in it.”(Rom. 5:12). Commenting on the above words supreme apostle, Archbishop Theophan (Bystrov) writes: “This study shows that the holy Apostle clearly distinguishes two points in the doctrine of original sin: parabasis or crime and hamartia or sin. By the first we mean the personal transgression of the will of God by our forefathers in their failure to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; under the second - the law of sinful disorder, which has entered human nature as a consequence of this crime. When we're talking about about the heredity of original sin, this does not mean parabasis or the crime of our first parents, for which they alone are responsible, but hamartia, that is, the law of sinful disorder that afflicted human nature due to the fall of our first parents, and “sinned” in 5:12 in this case we need to understand not in active voice in the sense of “they committed a sin,” and in the middle-passive sense, in the sense of verse 5:19: “they became sinners,” “they turned out to be sinners,” since human nature fell in Adam. Therefore St. John Chrysostom, the best expert on the authentic apostolic text, found in 5:12 only the thought that “as soon as he [Adam] fell, then through him those who did not eat from the forbidden tree became mortal” (On the Dogma of the Redemption).

The fall of our first parents and the inheritance of spiritual corruption by all generations gives Satan power over man. The sacrament of baptism frees one from this power. “Baptism does not take away our autocracy and self-will. But it gives us freedom from the tyranny of the devil. who cannot rule over us against our will” (St. Simeon the New Theologian). Before performing the sacrament itself, the priest reads four incantatory prayers over the person being baptized.

Since in the sacrament of baptism a person is cleansed from original sin and dies to a life of sin and is born into a new life of grace, baptism for infants has been established in the Church since ancient times. When the grace and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit(Tit. 3, 4-5).

Let us consider in detail the love spell Adam and Eve sinned - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A quick love spell on your own. Love spell to fall in love deeply

Do you want to make the guy you like fall head over heels in love with you, make this white and very quick love spell for love. A strong conspiracy read for a guy’s love will instantly tie his heart to you forever! After the love spell, the guy will always miss you and will be haunted by an obsessive desire to constantly be with you and regularly call on the phone, talking with you for hours. Make this old love spell yourself young man Or no married man very simple. When you meet, look into his eyes and without blinking, say to yourself three times text love plot– love spell :

Adam and Eve sinned, gave birth to children,

Because they loved each other.

So you will love me too.

This love spell is very fast acting and there is a high probability that the person on whom this love spell was made will begin to show signs of attention to you on the same day, indicating his feelings of love for you.

You can use magic to bring a person back after a quarrel on your own. strong conspiracy- love spell. A conspiracy that will return a person by returning feelings of love to him will not give him peace and will force him to call or come to your home. With the power of thought you can do a lot, and if you read the return plot yourself, you can pick up the phone and wait for a call from your loved one and

Love spells will tell everyone how to bewitch a wandering husband who walks at night with friends and does not hide his infidelity, drinks and lies. In the old days, a spell was read for such a man against a wandering husband, capable of tying him to his wife and children, returning love and peace to the family. Prepare dinner and read a spell for it - a love spell against your husband’s infidelity and when your loved one returns, feed him

A love spell that has the power until death; you can make a love spell using black magic only once in your life and only on someone with whom you are really ready to live your whole life until the grave. Before you begin the ritual and make this love spell, think several times about its consequences - it can never be removed by anyone. For a love spell the most

This is a very powerful love spell for love that is done independently on cemetery land and requires a trip to the cemetery during the day. The effect of a love spell made in a cemetery is permanent and, as a rule, it is impossible to retract a love spell made on the graveyard. If these conditions for a love spell ritual suit you, you need to take a church candle with you and

So that the husband cannot sleep with anyone other than his wife, you need to do a light ritual from a walking man and read a spell on the husband’s underpants. After that magical ritual your hubby will stop looking at other women, much less walking to the left. Take a hair from the gelding's mane and put it into your husband's underpants along with an elastic band, while reading the words

It’s quite easy to do the most powerful love spell ritual for love on your own and read a spell - a spell that will forever bewitch your loved one. To carry out a love spell, you just need to prepare a little and be absolutely sure that everything will work out for you the first time and after a love spell you will definitely get strong love from the bewitched

I receive letters asking how I can make a love spell without a photo at home, and whether there is a love spell that needs to be read during the day. There is such a love spell and anyone can perform it without preparation and magic items for witchcraft. Next, love spells will tell everyone how you can quickly bewitch the one you love by saying magic words for love and

To read a love spell using blood from your finger, you need to use wine, which, after reading the love spell, the man you want to bewitch with your blood should drink. It is best to perform a love spell ritual with blood at home, as it is easier to prick your finger and drip a drop from your finger. Prepare the needle in another room in advance; it is better to leave the wine there too. The best wine for this

You only need to read a love spell for baptism on January 19, it is on this day that you can strongly bewitch your loved one. A love spell made for baptism is a white love spell that does not harm either the one who will read it, or the person whom you will bewitch. According to ancient tradition, a love spell for baptism is usually read on the icon and on

On Christmas Eve it is customary to read the most powerful love spell that is in white love magic. An effective love spell made on Christmas Eve is a powerful ritual that can quickly and forever bewitch a loved one. No one will ever be able to remove this love spell that will bind your souls in heaven until death and not one of you will be able to change your

A good strong love spell that you need to read in Maundy Thursday can quickly bewitch a loved one. As a result of a love spell read on Maundy Thursday, the beloved guy, man, or woman on whom the love spell was read will fall deeply and forever in love with you. But before you read the love spell, keep in mind that a love spell made on Maundy Thursday cannot be removed and

Popular love spell rituals on a photo of a loved one without consequences

The first photographs, which appeared about two centuries ago, immediately attracted the attention of specialists in the occult sciences. And the first experiments of magicians and sorcerers turned out to be very successful. Subsequently, it was proven that photography absorbs the energy of the person depicted on it, and, therefore, with the help of magic it can be controlled.

A love spell based on photography and its consequences are of interest to many today. And this is explained by the fact that you really want to get your loved one quickly, with practically no effort. But, nevertheless, one should be wary of the consequences that magic may entail.

Professional magicians claim that a photograph in a love spell ritual can be replaced with a portrait, since it, like a photo, is energetically connected with a person. It is believed that a portrait is even better in the sense that it took the artist more time to create it, and, therefore, the connection between the drawn image is stronger and more stable.

Strong rituals

The photograph for a magical ritual must be chosen correctly.

Please note:

  • The photo must be recent, taken no more than a year ago;
  • In the photo there is a person being directed towards magical influence, must be depicted alone;
  • The eyes must be clearly visible in the photograph.

Attention! You cannot crop the photo using scissors, otherwise the ritual will not be effective.

Ritual using a candle

The sequence of actions when performing a love spell is as follows:

  • Seclude yourself in a separate room.
  • Light a church candle.
  • Take a photo of your chosen one in your hands.
  • Looking into the eyes of the image in the picture, read the following plot:

For people with strong natural energy

Another powerful love spell with minimal consequences is performed over three consecutive evenings. It requires strong energy.

The ritual consists of the following actions:

  • A photograph of your loved one should be placed on the table between a pair of lit church candles;
  • Then you need to concentrate as much as possible and look carefully at the picture, visualizing the image of your loved one, and thinking only about him;
  • After this, the following spell should be repeated twelve times:

Easy love spell for a guy

If you just want to attract the attention of a guy, then you can do this with the help of a light love spell. This will allow you not to harm either the guy or yourself. If after some time you realize that the guy is not right for you, then you can break up, and the person you abandoned will not suffer long time, since the energy binding after a slight love spell disappears in a short time. But, nevertheless, it is quite enough to start a serious relationship.

To carry out a light influence, you need to take a photo of the guy you like and retire to a separate room, in which you should turn off the artificial lighting and light a candle. Any possible irritants, such as pets, should be removed from the room, and all household communications equipment should be turned off.

You need to pick up a photo of your loved one and visualize his image, that is, you should imagine him in reality next to you. If you succeed, then an energetic connection will arise between you and your loved one. At this point, you can say mentally or out loud that you would like to build a relationship with him in the future.

You need to end your reasoning with the words:

The result of such a light ritual may be a telephone call or a meeting with the chosen one in the coming days on his initiative. If this does not happen, then after a few days the ritual can be repeated.

Possible consequences of a love spell

Thus, it is very easy to perform a strong love spell from a photograph, and its consequences for the performer can be minimal if all the rules are followed. But in any case, after the ritual, a certain emptiness will come in the soul of the performer, so you need to arrange for yourself after performing magical ritual a day of complete rest.

A love spell based on a photograph can be dangerous if it is aimed at destroying the connection between two loving people. As a rule, black magic rituals are used for this, involving the use of menstrual blood or visiting a cemetery. White magic rituals are aimed at awakening feelings and, in most cases, help a person pay attention to you, so they do not carry strong negativity.

For the victim

For the victim of a love spell, the consequences can be minimal only if the person you are trying to bewitch is free and sympathizes with you. But even in this case, the victim of a love spell may experience the following symptoms at first.


  • Rapid fatigue and malaise, even if the person is in good health.
  • Depressed mood;
  • Irritability and sometimes aggressiveness towards loved ones.

In most cases, the victim may experience such minimal effects for no more than a couple of days. If this period drags on and the above-mentioned manifestations worsen, it means that serious mistakes were made during the ceremony or some external unforeseen circumstances arose.

In this case, care must be taken to remove the love spell, otherwise it can lead to irreversible changes in human health. In addition, if your chosen one turns out to be a person with naturally strong energy, then on a subconscious level he can resist external influences. And this can provoke mental disorders, suicidal thoughts and the development of addictions.

At home, love spells should be performed only when you are confident in your abilities. The stronger the love spell, the more dangerous they are. In order for a love spell based on a photo to have minimal consequences, you must follow the rules of the rituals. It is very important to carry out love spell rituals using photos on the new moon, in this case the feelings of the bewitched man will increase along with the increase in the night luminary.

To exclude any unforeseen accidents associated with the need for maximum concentration, love spell rituals with photos are recommended to be performed at night. Any extraneous sounds can not only reduce the effectiveness of the impact, but also change the energy message, which will cause unpredictable consequences. A positive attitude and good mood helps to carry out a love spell with minimal consequences.

Love spell

Conspiracy for the love and attention of men

Their manners are bad

All the dresses are short,

I came in, peacock,

I gathered all the men.

Wherever I go, they follow me.

And my beloved (name) is above all!”

A conspiracy to make peace with a guy

Spell to make a guy love you (works quickly)

Plot for quick marriage

Bring a broom home. On the way, think about how great your new folding broom is and how great it will be for you to sweep the house, putting things in order.

When the new moon comes, you need to sweep up all the litter in the yard (or in the entrance) with this broom, and all the dust needs to be collected in a yellow dustpan. It can be plastic or wood painted yellow.

While you are taking revenge, say:

The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the more suitors you will have. When you have collected all the rubbish, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in the far corner and keep it there until the new moon.

Be sure to read the “Our Father” nine times over it. Expect suitors soon, they will appear, and you will choose from them.

And as soon as possible, take the rubbish away from the house and bury it in a hole so that no one can see.

A conspiracy to find out whether this man is destined for you or not

There is a big oak tree

On it hangs a little chest, zloty.

There is a book hidden in the chest,

In it my destiny is both written and read.

My heart, calm down.

Tell me, servant of God (your name),

Am I destined to live forever?

with the servant of God (name).

Quickly pour the water out of the basin.

At home, ask the first person you meet something neutral.

It doesn’t matter what your question is about, the main thing is that the person you meet can answer this question either “yes” or “no”.

If he answers affirmatively, this is your person by fate, but if he answers negatively, it is better to forget about him.

Spell for a guy's love

Chamomile happiness

Rip it off odd number flowers (optimally five pieces), tear off all the petals from them and put them in a bag made of natural fabric - linen or cotton. Then shake it and read the following plot nine times:

How to attract love


After this, tie a piece of paper with the name with a red woolen thread and always carry it with you. Within a maximum of a month, love will be reborn even in the most difficult cases.

Rite of love

You need to take a white thread three cubits long on the seventeenth day of any month at five o’clock in the evening (the length is measured from the tips of your fingers to the bend of your elbow) and slowly wind it around forefinger, read the following plot seventeen times in a row:

Love spell at home: who did it, reviews of how their lives turned out

Unrequited love pushes people to the most desperate actions. A love spell is one of these. After all, this is also a question of self-esteem: if a lover feels powerless to do anything on his own in order to keep the object of his adoration nearby, he decides to turn to either home magic or the help of sorcerers.

Many people don’t even think about the consequences. Interference with human energy is fraught with violations energy protection which, in turn, cause harm physical body, attract illnesses and troubles to the victim. This breaks his will, causes discomfort and weakens the state of mind.

The rollback after the end of the ritual is also characterized by extremely unpleasant properties: in addition to suffering, the bewitcher will experience complete indifference or even hatred; a piece of the energy-information field, damaged by the ritual no less, also makes both the defense of the soul and the physical state vulnerable. About the fact that love spells doesn't promise anything good Many people write and say.

Who did it, reviews

“I cast a love spell on a guy who was getting married to his girlfriend. It worked, so much so that I’m not happy. He says that he can’t live without me, but his friend is about to have a baby, so he married her. He lives in two houses, I want to date someone else, but my lover doesn’t let anyone near me, he’s jealous. The love spell cannot be removed…” – Irina, 23 years old.

« My husband drinks. I treated it, coded it, but it doesn’t help. And the grandmother, who said something before the wedding, gave water to both of them to drink, so that they could live soul to soul and not want anyone else. We turned out to be so different that together we just we can't stay. And being away from each other we start to get sick. I have a lover, he has alcohol, God did not give children. We don’t live, we suffer,” – Inga, 30 years old.

“When I realized that my beloved was serious she was going to leave me, went to see my grandmother, a neighbor, and complained about his fate. She told me what to do and how to do it. I bought flowers, candles, wine, and threw the spoken ring into a beautiful glass. So he proposed and Marishka immediately put the ring on her finger. The neighbor came to the wedding, whispered something over the wine, over our treat. We live in perfect harmony, and there are children, and the house is full!” - Max, 34 years old.

“They cast me for over a year with holy water, reprimanded, they even gave a different name at baptism in order to remove the love spell of an experienced adult woman. Received Baptism, lived in a monastery, met a nice girl. I’m afraid to take her to my parents, I don’t tell her what happened. I still feel uneasy that such obscurantism can happen these days,” Sergei, 20 years old.

A love spell that will definitely work

Many people write about how, around 15 years ago, we made some kind of simple love spell on the guys we liked. It all seemed like a joke, but it doesn't turn out very funny. A lot of love spells they call them white, they say that they do no harm, they will definitely work, but either they are not very strong, or they are only called upon to draw the guy’s attention to their person.

Where is the magic here? and where the suggestion is is difficult to understand. And for those who decide to use love spells, we can advise one thing - there is no need to tightly screw a person, especially using black magic. It is rarely possible to build your happiness on the misfortune of another person, and it is very easy to derail your life.

Concentration: main condition– do this on ordinary days when there is no church holidays. If you really like a guy or a girl, but can’t attract attention, you need to choose a place where no one will disturb you, it’s better if it’s your bed in the bedroom, sit on the edge at sunset and imagine this person very clearly.

Holding it before your gaze, you need to mentally say: “As with the permission of the Lord, Adam and Eve loved each other, on Earth alone to live They decided that the slave (name) and the slave (name) should love each other and not live without each other. No one can remove the love spell, no one can subdue the passion.”

The next day you need to repeat it in the same place at the same time, read for 1 week. And the result will become noticeable after 10 days, the object will definitely pay attention to the lover. All that remains is to keep him close for the rest of your life.

  • Attraction: any night Read the dryer 3 times while lying on the bed and stroking the pillow and the empty space next to you: “Just as my mother loved me, had mercy, pampered me, dressed me up, caressed me, so (name) and I don’t have to worry about living, be near me all the time, so that no one did not separate, to be each other’s last food, last water, from this day until the end of time.” The love spell begins to work immediately.
  • For love's melancholy: a love spell will make a person toil and look for a meeting. Usually used when feelings weaken, the family is about to break up. At night, stand at your spouse’s feet with a lit candle and quietly read: “He who is loved by the heart, more life dear, so that you don’t walk away from me, don’t forget me, don’t offend me, only dream of being here, please me, forget others who separate us, only miss me and never cheat on me.” Then you need to lie next to her in bed and not say a word until dawn. Just don't scare your spouse, standing in your night clothes with a candle, and even at your feet, make sure that you are sleeping soundly, otherwise, together with a love spell, you will get a pre-heart attack and long-term care in the hospital.
  • At full moon : love spells are strong at this time because everyone dark forces unite at this time. You need to go outside and look at the Moon and say: “At night it shone, gave me strength, dispersed obstacles, helped. Mani the beloved with fire, drive to me with earthly melancholy, so that he hurries, not seeing anyone, so that he loves, without hearing anyone, lives for me alone, loses peace.” This love spell is very strong, it cannot be easily removed, so the feelings must be really strong, for life.
  • To the growing: a strong love spell can be cast on a growing luminary. It will only work if mutual feelings are possible, so there will be no harm. On the growing moon, you need to take two church candles and a mirror, place them so that you can see your own and their reflection, imagine a person and light a candle. Take the second one through a rag and light it from the first one. The conspiracy itself is as follows: “Just as the moon is destined to grow above the earth, so is my dear one to love me, no one will change the order, fate itself will lead me, the moon will go into a dream, it will bring me, I will dream about it, I see it everywhere, come, I’m waiting, with love I'm burning." The first candle should be allowed to burn out to the end, and the second should be blown out after the spell and placed under the pillow along with a rag. In the morning, without speaking to anyone, you need to take the unburned candle to the temple, light it for the Mother of God, mentally repent, ask for forgiveness, read prayers to the intercessor. The result will not be long in coming.
  • In bed: If you live in a civil marriage, but the relationship is shaky, at the moment of having sex you need to catch your partner’s gaze and, looking into his eyes, mentally say: “My gaze. Love me. But not I you! This will protect against betrayal and will bind the partner very strongly, but specifically to bed relationships.

You should be careful when using linings with your personal belongings or hair, pieces of nails or skin, the lapel of which, if discovered, is fraught with strong kickback, even damage.

On distance

You can cast a love spell at a distance, if the person is far away, has gone on a long business trip or is away for good.

On the 3rd day of any month take dried flowers, soil taken from the grave, a cup, bowl or plate (opaque), seeds of plants that you especially like, holy water.

You need to concentrate on the image of your loved one as if he were nearby, then pour exactly half of the soil into the cup, put flowers and say: “The dead has fallen into the ground, overgrown with decay, just as the flowers died, so the beloved (name) dies without me, happiness doesn’t know, doesn’t know.”

Then fill it completely with soil, put the seeds and pour over the prepared consecrated liquid with the words: “The new is reborn on the old, life is born, so let love for me flare up.”

You need to place the cup on your windowsill; if sprouts appear, great, water them and take care of them like you would a loved one. If they haven’t sprouted, it doesn’t matter; after a month, pour them into a deserted place. The love spell will take effect in a maximum of 35 days.

You can use a photo of your loved one, lighting a candle in front of it and mentally calling to yourself for 7 nights in a row.

She will not allow him to let go of thoughts about a woman, she will tie him tightly. A conspiracy that must be pronounced before a man leaves the house: “I conjure with my life and mine, just as this blood was in me, so you strive for me.”

The ritual won't work if there is no chance of being together or the woman’s feelings are insincere, angry.

For the love of a man

Tired of loneliness or despair, women decide to perform rituals that can bewitch a man. What lengths they go to when they lose faith in their abilities!

  • Touch the drink with your finger in the menstrual blood and dry it on yourself.
  • Whispering on the salt that is used to salt food, they feed it to themselves.
  • Shoelaces and underwear speak.
  • “They sew it to themselves,” using a charmed thread to make invisible seams.
  • They send SMS with neutral content, which are sent with an energy charge, fixed by something said in the dark before this spell: “Beloved, the palace of love is waiting for you, the doors are open, the maiden (name) is calling.”

But will it be love? Even if the feelings are sincere, if the love spell was forgotten or was more of a joke, a test of strength, not a single woman will fully believe that happy life with a man was possible without spells. This can destroy an alliance of any strength. And those who have made a serious love spell will have to fear the consequences that may affect their children and grandchildren all their lives.

Love spell rules:

  • complete concentration and positivity, faith that what you want will come true, it cannot be otherwise;
  • pure thoughts - without malice, a clean body, preferably washed with holy water;
  • if sheets, rags, tablecloths are used, then they must be new, unless otherwise provided, only purchased ones;
  • objects for the ritual are also new - knives, bowls, candlesticks, matches;
  • there should be nothing “closed” left on the body: you need to remove all jewelry, bracelets, rings, earrings, chains;
  • loosen your hair and comb it well so that there are no tangles;
  • read words without hesitation;

And the most important thing: Before you start, think again about whether you need to bewitch a guy or a man, take it upon yourself, if everything can work out without a love spell, but no - there are a lot of other men. And the impact is always a reason to doubt true feelings, a reason to doubt again and again how strong the love spell is. Magic corrodes the soul, especially for those who do not know how to work with it.

Please tell me a love spell

This spell is said during the dance, three times to oneself, while looking into the eyes of your loved one.

After arrival new month, the girl says, simultaneously spinning on her right leg:

When you hear the cuckoo, say these words:

These words will help you make your boyfriend fall in love with you:

at 00.00 you light a candle and turn off the light. So:

on the island of Buyan there is a tree upside down,

under the roots is a board, under the board is my melancholy,

you devils, take this melancholy and give it to the servant of God (name)

This question has two parts. First part: “Did God know that Satan would rise and Adam and Eve would sin?” The answer lies in the Bible's teaching about the knowledge of God. We know from Holy Scripture that God is omniscient, He knows everything. Job 37:16; Psalm 139:2–4; 146:5; Proverbs 5:21; Isaiah 46:9–10 and 1 John 3:19–20 leave no doubt that God's knowledge is infinite and He knows everything that has happened in the past, is happening now, and will happen in the future.

Looking at some of superlatives in these verses - “His knowledge is perfect”, “You see all my thoughts from afar”, “he knows everything”, it becomes obvious that God not only knows more than we do - His knowledge is immensely great. He knows everything in totality. Isaiah 46:10 says that He not only knows everything, but He is also in control of everything. How else could He make known to us what will happen in the future and declare that His plans will come to pass? So God knew Adam and Eve were going to sin? Did He know that Lucifer would rebel against Him and become Satan? Yes, definitely! Were they beyond His control at any time? Absolutely not. If God's knowledge is not perfect, then there is a flaw in His nature. And any flaw in the nature of God means that He cannot be God, for God’s very essence requires the perfection of all His qualities. So the answer to the first question, by definition, must be “yes.”

Let's move on to the second part of the question: “Why did God create Satan and Adam and Eve, knowing in advance that they would sin?” This question is a little more difficult because we are asking a “why” question that the Bible generally does not answer fully. Despite this, we can gain limited understanding if we look at some Bible verses. To begin with, we have already seen that God is omniscient and nothing can happen outside of His knowledge. So if God knew that Satan would rise and fall from heaven, and that Adam and Eve would sin, but created them anyway, that must mean that the fall of mankind was part of God's sovereign plan all along. Any other answer doesn't make sense given what we said above.

We must be careful here to note that Adam and Eve's fall into sin does not mean that God is the author of sin or that He tempted Adam and Eve to sin (James 1:13). The Fall served the purposes of God's overall plan for creation and humanity. Again, this is the only possible answer, since in any other case the fall of humanity would never have happened.

If we consider what some theologians call the "meta-narrative" (or overarching storyline) of Scripture, we see that bible stories can be roughly divided into three main sections: 1) heaven (Genesis 1–2); 2) paradise lost (Genesis 3–Revelation 20) and 3) paradise restored (Revelation 21–22). So far, most of the story has been devoted to the transition from paradise lost to paradise restored. A cross is placed at the center of this storyline. The cross was planned from the beginning (Acts 2:23). It was foreseen and foreordained that Christ should go to the cross and give His soul as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28) - chosen by Divine foreknowledge and predestined to be His people (Ephesians 1:4-5).

By carefully reading the Scriptures and taking into account what has been said above, we come to the following conclusions:

1. The rise of Satan and the fall of mankind were foreseen and ordained by God.2. Those who were to become God's people—the elect—were foreseen and predestined by God.3. The crucifixion of Christ as an atonement for the people of God was foreseen and ordained by God.

Thus, we are faced with the following questions: Why did God create humanity, knowing about its fall? Why create humanity knowing that only a few will be “saved”? Why deliberately send Jesus to die for people who also deliberately fell into sin? From a human point of view this makes no sense. If story line moves from paradise to paradise lost to paradise restored, then why not just go straight to paradise restored and avoid the whole paradise lost cycle in between?

The only conclusion we can come to from the above statements is this: God's purpose is to create a world in which His glory can be fully revealed. Glorifying God is the main purpose of creation. In fact, this is the main objective everything that He does. The universe was created to see the glory of God (Psalm 18:1), and the wrath of God is directed toward those who fail to glorify Him (Romans 1:23). Our sin robs us of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), but in the new heavens and new earth the glory of God will shine upon them (Revelation 21:23). The glory of God is revealed when His attributes are perfectly demonstrated, and part of this is the story of redemption.

This is best demonstrated in Romans 9:19–24. Wrath and mercy reflect the riches of God's glory, and neither can be obtained without the fall of mankind. Thus, all these actions - the fall, election, redemption, purification - serve to glorify God. When man fell into sin, God's mercy was immediately demonstrated in that He did not kill them on the spot. God's patience and forbearance were also demonstrated as humanity fell deeper into sin before the flood. God's justice and wrath were demonstrated in His judgments during the flood, and His mercy and grace in saving Noah and his family. God's wrath and justice will be demonstrated in the future when He finally defeats Satan (Revelation 20:7–10).

The ultimate demonstration of God's glory took place on the cross, where His wrath, justice, and mercy met. The righteous judgment of all sin took place on the cross, and God's grace was demonstrated in that His wrath for sin was poured out on His Son, Jesus, and not on us. God's love and grace demonstrated in those He saved (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8–9). Ultimately, God will be glorified when His chosen people worship Him for eternity with the angels, and the wicked will glorify God when His justice and righteousness are finally vindicated by the eternal punishment of all unrepentant sinners (Philippians 2:11). None of this could have happened without the rise of Satan and the fall of Adam and Eve.

The classic objection to this position is that God's foreknowledge and the predestination of man's fall are detrimental to his freedom. In other words, if God created humanity with full knowledge of the coming Fall, how can man be responsible for his sins? The best answer to this question can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith (WFC), Chapter III:

“God before the ages, according to His purpose in highest degree wise and holy will has established the order of what will happen. At the same time, God is not the author of sin, there is no violence over the will of creation, freedom or the probability of secondary causes are not eliminated, but, on the contrary, are established” (WFC, III.1, translated by Evgeniy Kashirsky, RCM).

Essentially, it says that God predetermines future events in such a way as not to violate our freedom and the action of secondary causes (for example, the laws of nature). Theologians call this “coherence.” The sovereign will of God flows parallel to our free choice in such a way that our free choice always results in fulfillment God's will(by “free choice” we mean that our choice is not forced by external factors).

Summarize. God knew that Satan would rise and Adam and Eve would sin in the Garden of Eden. With this knowledge, God nevertheless created Lucifer, Adam and Eve, because by creating them and allowing them to fall, He was carrying out His sovereign plan for the manifestation of His glory in its fullness. Even though the fall was predetermined, our freedom to make decisions is not impaired because our free choice is the means by which God's will is carried out.

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Eve With Adam lived in a huge beautiful garden, created especially for them by the Gracious God. Everything was wonderful in this garden. There were also lawns and hills, which were covered with beautiful flowers and the best plants on earth; Cold streams and bright springs flowed through the meadows. There were many bushes with very sweet berries and many fruit trees. Birds with colorful feathers flew from tree to tree, from branch to branch and built their nests there. From early morning until late at night, their beautiful songs were heard. Paradise was the name of the first Garden. Adam And Eve loved this place. They could work only as much as was enough for them so as not to die of boredom. They quenched their hunger with fruits and their thirst with water from a spring. In all of paradise, two particularly remarkable trees stood out. Beautiful fruits grew on one of them, and this tree was called the tree of life. If ordinary people ate from this tree, they would always be healthy, young and immortal. Fruit from the second tree, which was called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God strictly forbade people from trying. He warned Adam that if they suddenly disobey and try this tree, they will certainly die. Adam retold about it Eve.

Adam and Eve Still, they tried apples from the forbidden tree and thus violated their father’s prohibition. They did it by experienced people the devil. He was very jealous that God He loves this creation of his very much, man, that it is so easy and relaxed for a person to live in paradise.

Consequently, he decided to bring people out of the world. Secretly he made his way into the Garden of Eden, took the form of a snake and climbed the tree from which the apples God forbade tearing. And he began to wait until Adam With Eva will not come closer to tempt them and persuade them to violate God's commandment. And then one day the wife Adam she approached the tree, stopped near it and began to admire the wonderful fruits. And the longer she looked at them, the more she wanted to at least lick these apples once. Suddenly a voice was heard from the tree, she looked up and saw a handsome man there. snake. He asked Eve:

Isn't it God forbade you to eat the fruits of all these trees?

No, she answered him. Eve, -The Lord allowed us to pick and eat fruits from absolutely all trees, except perhaps this one. If we try an apple from it, we will definitely die.

For this she Serpent answered:

You shouldn't believe this. God knows everything, and knows that by eating the fruits from this tree you will become the same as himself. After this, you will know what is bad and what is good, but He really doesn’t want this. That is why he forbade you to eat these apples.

Eva listened to the beautiful Snake and continued to look at the fruits. They attracted her more and more. “Is it really true,” she thought to herself, “that these fruits will make us as smart as God. After all, there is nothing wrong with this if we Adam Let's become a little smarter. I will pick one fruit, there are many of them here, God won't notice anything." Eve reached out and took the forbidden fruit from the tree, and the first sin was committed. She divided it in half, ate one half herself, and gave the other half to her husband. Adam. Adam I also did not resist and ate this apple. But only after eating it, they immediately remembered what he had told them. God. They realized that they were sinners. They noticed that they were standing naked, and they began to be ashamed of their nakedness and could not look into each other's eyes.

At that moment, heaven was filled with the voice of God. He saw perfectly well what they had done Adam With Eva. Hearing his voice, instead of running towards him, as they had done before, they became frightened and hid under a tree, confident that God won't find them there. But the Lord asked in a stern voice:

-Adam, where are you?

Then he answered Adam to God:

Dear Lord, I am afraid and ashamed. I'm naked and that's why I hid.

Then God answered:

-Adam, I saw everything you did.

- God, - began to make excuses Adam, - I am not to blame for you. Eve, the wife you created for me brought me this apple and I ate it.

Then God asked her:

Why did you do this?

“Merciful Lord,” his wife answered him. Adam, - it's not my fault, that's all Serpent, he deceived me and told me to eat the fruit and I ate it.

God said to the devil that "the Savior will be born of a woman, and he will overcome Devil and will no longer allow him to deceive people, and people will receive a paradise on earth, even better than in heaven.” Serpent, who until that time was the most beautiful and intelligent creature, as punishment now must crawl on his belly on the ground and eat the ground. Eve God said this:

You will suffer many illnesses when you give birth, and because you seduced your husband, he will be your master and you must obey him.

Adam God said the following:

Since you disobeyed me, your punishment will be that you will work hard, so that sweat will flow from your forehead. You will sow rye or wheat, and instead of bread, useless grass or thorns will grow there. You will work all your life, and then you will die, and they will bury you in a grave, in which you will turn into the earth from which you came into this world.

From this moment Adam With Eva could no longer remain in heaven. God drove them out of there to the field, where, in order not to die of hunger, they were forced to work day and night. Adam And Eve Not far from paradise they built themselves a hut and often wept, saying to each other:

Oh, if only we could resist and not succumb to the serpent’s persuasion! If we had not eaten from that forbidden tree, we would still be living in a wonderful paradise. How wrong it is to disobey God!

So, Adam With Eva they repented of their sin, but there was no way back for them; An angel with a huge fiery sword was placed in front of the entrance and did not let people in.

Seeing how his children repent, God did not reject them forever. He consoled them by promising that one day he would send His Son to save all people - and he fulfilled this promise soon.

Life went on and people had to look for ways to survive; they learned how to cook borscht, tame animals and much, much more.



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