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Analysis of the monkey fable. The fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” (Krylov I.A.) is an instructive story for schoolchildren. Winged expressions from the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses”

In her old age, the monkey began to see poorly, but she heard from people that this could be easily corrected with the help of glasses. She got herself glasses, but didn't know how to use them correctly. She put them on the crown and tail, sniffed and licked them. But this didn’t make me see any better. Then the Monkey decided that people were all lying and broke all the glasses on a stone.

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The monkey's eyes became weak in old age;
And she heard from people,
That this evil is not yet so big hands:
All you have to do is get glasses.
She got herself half a dozen glasses;
He turns his glasses this way and that:
Either he will press them to the crown, or he will string them on his tail,
Sometimes he sniffs them, sometimes he licks them;
The glasses don't work at all.
“Ugh, the abyss! - she says, - and that fool,
Who listens to all human lies:
They only lied to me about the Glasses;
But there’s no use for hair in them.”
The monkey is here out of frustration and sadness
Oh stone, there were so many of them,
That only the splashes sparkled.

Unfortunately, this is what happens to people:
No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its price,
The ignoramus tends to make everything worse about her;
And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable,
So he still drives her.

Moral of the story Monkey and glasses

The monkey in the fable plays the role of an ignoramus, and the glasses represent knowledge. But you need to be able to apply the knowledge correctly, then it will be useful. The fable satirizes shortsightedness and ignorance. The author notes that “the ignorant of knowledge” are especially dangerous for society, who with their influence can harm advancement in science.

Published by: Mishka 16.01.2019 12:00 22.07.2019

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Other fables by Krylov

  • The Rooster and the Grain of Pearl - Krylov's fable

    The rooster was rummaging through the dung heap and found a grain of pearl. And I immediately decided that this was a very empty thing, it was not clear why people valued him so much. It would be better if it were barley grain: it is more filling and it...

The monkey's eyes became weak in old age;
And she heard from people,
That this evil is not yet so big hands:
All you have to do is get glasses.
She got herself half a dozen glasses;
He turns his glasses this way and that:
Either he will press them to the crown, or he will string them on his tail,
Sometimes he sniffs them, sometimes he licks them;
The glasses don't work at all.

“Ugh, the abyss! - she says, - and that fool,
Who listens to all human lies:
Everyone about the Glasses only lied to me;
But they are of no use for hair.”
The monkey is here out of frustration and sadness
Oh stone, there were so many of them,
That only the splashes sparkled.
Unfortunately, this is what happens to people:

No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its price,
The ignoramus tends to make everything worse about her;
And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable,
So he still drives her.

Some words and expressions that were in use when Krylov was writing fables are little used today. Here's an explanation:

Dozen - 12, respectivelyhalf a dozen - 6;

“She got herself half a dozen points.”

Crown - the upper part of the head, the crown;

String - put on a string or wire in a row;

No use - no use, pointless;

An ignoramus is an uneducated, ignorant person;

If it’s going for worse, it’s going for bad;

More knowledgeable - to know - in a bourgeois - noble society: the upper layer of the privileged class;

An ignoramus is a rude, ill-mannered person.

Listen to the fableMonkey and glasses

Krylov's fable Monkey and glasses It is significant primarily because the main idea in it is expressed not only in morality, the main irony is in the text. An attentive reader will easily understand that the Monkey plays the role of an ignoramus, and the glasses are directly associated with science. People-Monkeys, who know nothing about science, are far-sighted and as keen as glasses, often with their ignorance they only make everyone around them laugh. Ignorance, especially of high-ranking officials, affects everyone around them. The irony is that they cannot hide their simplicity and narrow-mindedness.

By the way, what is a fable?
The fable is:

A short work written in verse or prose, in which the vices and shortcomings of people are ridiculed - cunning, lies, flattery, greed, stupidity, etc. In fables, the characters are usually animals, in which we easily recognize people. The fable begins or ends with a moral - a conclusion, a lesson, where the meaning of the fable is explained.

In 1812, Krylov created the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses.” Since the name of the animal is written with a capital letter, we can assume that in fact it is not about a monkey, but about a person. Krylov’s fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” tells the story of a monkey who developed vision problems with age. She shared her misfortune with those around her. Kind people told her that glasses could help her see the world more clearly and better. Unfortunately, they forgot to explain exactly how to use them.

The monkey took out a few points, but correctly

I was never able to use them. She tries to string them on her tail, presses them tightly to the crown of her head, tastes them, smells them. Of course, all these actions did not lead to her seeing better. Then the monkey comes to the conclusion that people lied to him, but in fact they are of no use. The annoyed Monkey breaks his glasses so that splashes from the glass scatter in all directions.

As is customary in fables, the instructive conclusion (moral) is contained at the very end of the work. Even when the proposed thing is very useful, without knowing what exactly it is, the ignoramus will come to the decision that there is no use in it. If you don’t understand

If a person occupies a high position in science, he will engage in the persecution of those novelties that he was unable to understand. Similar events have sometimes happened in history. Suffice it to recall the persecution of geneticists in the USSR.

Officials were unable to understand this science and categorically decided that it was false. This is just an example of how more ignorant people ended up on the throne. The fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” tells about such people. Krylov in his works clearly ridicules human stupidity.

Like any work of this genre, this fable is very ironic. It immediately becomes clear that we are talking about ignoramuses who do not understand science. The work ridicules certain vices and shortcomings that a person has. Krylov’s fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” suggests that the author is not laughing at this particular monkey, but at all the ignorant people who do not want to understand the obvious.

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The Monkey and the Glasses is a fable by Krylov that ridicules the ignorant. Written in 1812, but does not lose its sharpness and slyness to this day.

Fable Monkey and glasses read

The monkey's eyes became weak in old age;
And she heard from people,
That this evil is not yet so big hands:
All you have to do is get glasses.
She got herself half a dozen glasses;
He turns his glasses this way and that:
Either he will press them to the crown, or he will string them on his tail,
Sometimes he sniffs them, sometimes he licks them;
The glasses don't work at all.
“Oh, the abyss!” she says, “and that fool,
Who listens to all human lies:
They only lied to me about the Glasses;
But there’s no use for hair in them.”
The monkey is here out of frustration and sadness
Oh stone, there were so many of them,
That only the splashes sparkled.

And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable,
So he still drives her.

Moral of the story Monkey and glasses

Unfortunately, this is what happens to people:
No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its price,
The ignoramus tends to make everything worse about her;
And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable,
So he still drives her.

Fable Monkey and glasses - analysis

Krylov's fable The Monkey and the Glasses is remarkable primarily because the main idea in it is expressed not only in morality, the main irony is in the text. An attentive reader will easily understand that the Monkey plays the role of an ignoramus, and the glasses are directly associated with science. People-Monkeys, who know nothing about science, are far-sighted and as keen as glasses, often with their ignorance they only make everyone around them laugh. Ignorance, especially of high-ranking officials, affects everyone around them. The irony is that they cannot hide their simplicity and narrow-mindedness.

The fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” by Krylov will tell about the stupid Monkey, who broke good glasses because of his own ignorance.

Read the text of the fable:

The monkey's eyes became weak in old age;

And she heard from people,

That this evil is not yet so big hands:

All you have to do is get glasses.

She got herself half a dozen glasses;

He turns his glasses this way and that:

Either he will press them to the crown, or he will string them on his tail,

Sometimes he sniffs them, sometimes he licks them;

The glasses don't work at all.

“Oh, the abyss!” she says, “and that fool,

Who listens to all human lies:

They only lied to me about the Glasses;

But there’s no use for hair in them.”

The monkey is here out of frustration and sadness

Oh stone, there were so many of them,

That only the splashes sparkled.

Unfortunately, this is what happens to people:

No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its price,

The ignoramus tends to make everything worse about her;

And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable,

So he still drives her.

Moral of the fable Monkey and glasses:

The moral of the story is that often ignorant people, without bothering to inquire about the value of an item, begin to speak badly about it. This happens in real life too. For example, people who do not value scientific and technological progress tend to speak about the achievements of mankind in a negative way, forgetting that it is thanks to science that a person is freed from exhausting physical labor, numerous diseases, etc. If a person does not know how to use any thing is not a reason to speak badly about it, the fabulist teaches.



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