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What to take with you by bus to the sea. Comfortable travel. What to take with you on a bus tour in Europe

A traveler's must-have, or what things you should take with you on board the bus to easily survive the move.

Documents and money. This is the most important thing you have on any trip. Your passport and insurance must always be with you. You can even put them in a separate small bag. The money should be divided into several parts and distributed among different bags. Just don’t put them in a suitcase, which you then check in as luggage. If you have an international card, still take cash with you. It is also advisable to have photocopies of all documents.

What does the concept of documents include?

  • passport with visa,
  • medical insurance,
  • bus tickets (plane, train),
  • driver's license + car documents and insurance (if you are driving your own car),
  • printouts of hotel, hostel, apartment reservations.

Pillow. In a sitting position, it is not so easy to find a comfortable sleeping position, which significantly overloads the neck. But the cervical spine should rest during sleep. If you don’t give him a break, then after a long bus ride or after an overnight transfer you will no longer have time for excursions. To avoid overloading your suitcase, buy an inflatable pillow.

Plaid. “Do you need to take a blanket even in summer?” – a friend asked me, getting ready for a tour of Europe. Yes, even in summer. Buses are often air conditioned. Moreover, if you can still do something with individual air conditioners, then with common system ventilation is unlikely. I most often take with me a thin sports towel from Decathlon - it is large, but curls into a small convenient “bun”.

Warm sweater. And the best thing is a bike with a hood. It should be taken for the same reason why the blanket appeared on this list. Don't underestimate the air conditioning of modern buses and the cold windows of budget cabs.

Food. Eating on the road is a separate issue. Have you already prepared sandwiches and chicken in foil? Why did you do this?

  • It is best to take light foods with you that will not cause digestion problems. Fruits or vegetables with thick skins (bananas, apples, pears, cucumbers), as well as mixtures of nuts and dried fruits, are excellent for this.
  • Bread should be replaced with bran bread or crackers.
  • Boiled eggs can only be taken on the road with their shells intact, and they must be hard-boiled.
  • Boiled potatoes will be stored longer if you boil them in their skins (foods boiled in water automatically become perishable).
  • Cheese or cold cuts should be vacuum-packed and eaten immediately after opening. Keep in mind that often meat and dairy products cannot be transported across borders, so they will have to be “liquidated” in their home territory (or not taken with them at all).
  • It is more convenient to transport juices and other drinks in single-use packages or small bottles. But this is not fundamental.
  • Try not to take too much “dry” food: cookies, crackers, chips.
  • Instant porridge and mashed potatoes are a convenient meal on the road, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them either.

Wet wipes
. How else are you going to wash your hands on the road?

Power bank (or external battery). Today, many buses already have sockets. In many, but not all. If the road ahead is long, it’s worth having a portable power supply on hand to recharge your gadgets on time and always be in touch. You never know.

Replacement socks. Imagine, you trampled foreign paving stones all day with your favorite sneakers, and then finally got on the bus, sat comfortably in a chair and took off your shoes. Have pity on your neighbors! A pair of replacement socks is unlikely to take up much space in your backpack.

  • A little more about clothing: it’s better to wear comfortable sweatpants on the bus rather than skinny jeans or dresses.

Travel set. Transfer toothpaste, a toothbrush and a small towel from your suitcase to your carry-on luggage. In Europe, gas stations and “mushroom” stops often have civilian toilets where you can brush your teeth and wash.

  • A complete travel kit also includes shampoo and shower gel. You can leave them in your suitcase, but in order not to carry liters of sewing and soap products, I advise you to pour them into small jars. Save a lot of space and lighten your luggage.

First aid kit. Do not leave a first aid kit in a suitcase that you are going to check in as luggage. When you get a headache on the road, a stomach ache, or get motion sick on a mountain serpentine road, you will understand why this advice is correct.

What should be included in a first aid kit (the drugs that I most often take with me are indicated in brackets; your list may be different).

  • Painkillers (No-shpa, Spazmalgon),
  • antipyretics (Paracetamol, Coldrex, Theraflu),
  • powders that relieve cold symptoms (ORVIcold)
  • lozenges or sprays for sore throat (Septolete, Ingalipt)
  • motion sickness remedies (Avia-More),
  • remedy for indigestion (Mezim),
  • pills for food poisoning(Activated carbon),
  • anti-diarrhea medications (Smecta),
  • antiallergic drugs (Diazolin, Loratadine),
  • cream for sun protection or burns (Panthenol),
  • individual medications for chronic diseases,
  • patch.

Mask for sleep. This item is optional - for those who cannot sleep without a mask and at home. On the road, she is unlikely to save the situation. I usually don't take it.

  • Bus life hack: Sometimes bus seats not only recline, but also move further apart, resulting in more space between adjacent seats.

Notepad and pen. You just can't always rely on technology.

I'm like Monica from Friends - I love lists. Especially when it comes to travel. I have a universal list of what I need to take with me, which helps me out every time. I simply make a photocopy of the list and then cross off all the items on it as I move things into the suitcase. This helps you get ready quickly and not forget anything.

If you are too lazy to make lists or don’t know what you might need on the road, I can recommend several services that will take on the work of making lists.

www.v-dorogu.com – creates a list of necessary things based on where you are going, what you are driving, for what purpose and where you will be staying.

www.spisokvdorogu.ru – offers a universal travel list that can be adjusted. You can select ready-made lists depending on what holiday option you prefer or what country you are going to.

www.lifehacker.ru/special/travel-checklist – checklist from Lifehacker.

They are very popular among tourists. Inquisitive tourists want to maximize the sights they can see and minimize the inconvenience of a multi-day bus journey.

So what to take (or vice versa, leave at home) to make your vacation as comfortable as possible?
1. Buy yourself a small one inflatable pillow and sleep mask(a special bandage that does not allow light to pass through). These two things will help you sleep on the bus while traveling at any time of the day.
2. A lot wet wipes, which will help not only maintain hygiene, but also refresh at any time.
3. Take a small blanket or an old warm jacket, which can be used to wrap your feet.
4. Take lots of bottled water. It may be needed not only on the bus, but also in hotels.
5. Take snacks. Both on the way to the first destination, and something that will not deteriorate during the week of the excursion tour. For example, dry goods, bread and fast food.

6. Take it with you boiler or thermal mug. The first one weighs a little, but can really come in handy. It is not necessary to take a glass mug or jar with you. On the road you can simply buy something at glass jar. And throw it away before returning home. Well, there’s no need to talk about the advantages of a thermal mug.

7. Wear a light jacket that you can wear with something warmer(a zipped sweater would be a great option). On the bus you can unbutton or take off a warmer jacket (and, if necessary, easily put it back on).

8. Wear the most comfortable shoes!
9. Take it on the bus a pair of clean warm socks. You can give your feet a rest at any time by taking off your shoes and putting on warm socks. This will make you feel comfortable and comfortable.
10. Take it on the go change of clothes and underwear for every day. Even taking into account the fact that you will spend the night in hotel rooms, washed items do not always have time to dry overnight. And in clean clothes it is comfortable not only for you, but also for those around you.
11. Be sure to take personal care products. You should take antiperspirant, hand cream, a comb and hygienic lipstick (if you are a girl) on board the bus so that you can use everything at any time.
12. Don't forget about pills for pain in the head, stomach and joints. In general, it's best to stock up on painkillers just in case. Take some fastening tablets on the road too. The attendants will not be able to stop the bus at any request.
13. If you have it, take it MP3 or DVD player(maybe magazines that are easy to get rid of after reading). Pieces of paper, a couple of pens and cards.
14. Take a small, a comfortable handbag, in which you can fit everything you might need on the road.
15. Place a backpack, small suitcase or sports bag in the luggage compartment of the bus. Often hotels where tour groups stay do not have elevators. And you can get a room on the 4th floor. It is much easier to carry something in your hands up the stairs than to lift a huge suitcase up each step. The most convenient option is a backpack and bag. You will take the first one out of the luggage compartment, put it on (the weight seems less on your back), and you can pick up your handbag from the bus interior. Even a sports bag that you can put on your shoulder will be much more convenient than a suitcase. And don’t worry that all the things won’t fit. Believe me, sightseeing tour You should take only what you need. And something that does not (or minimally) wrinkle. You won't always have easy access to an iron. And don’t take a backpack as hand luggage; there are museums that won’t allow you to enter with it. But for the luggage department, this is an ideal option.

P.S. Don't wear skinny jeans on the bus. As a rule, they do not stretch well, which will cause discomfort. It will be difficult for you to bend your legs.

In order to sightseeing tour of Europe turned into the tour of your dreams, in addition to all kinds of advice, just listen to yourself. Then what you need will also go on a journey. And take everything easier. You are yourself chose a bus tour, but not beach holiday. Therefore, you shouldn’t complain later about the fact that you had to spend a lot of time on the bus.

Bus tours are the most economical type of tourism, but at the same time you can see incomparably more than when traveling by other means of transport. In order for you to have a good time while traveling, we have created this reminder in which we give you useful tips and recommendations.

Bus tours have their own specifics: it is impossible to determine the exact time of arrival at a hotel, boarding house or recreation center, due to the fact that during the trip there are stops for bus inspection, “green parking” for tourists, as well as events that cannot be foreseen or prevented - these are “traffic jams and breakdowns”, that is, the arrival time is always indicated approximately. Weather conditions and road conditions play a big role in bus tours. That's why tourist agency advises you to be patient, not to worry, and, of course, take it with you on the road interesting book, a good magazine or your favorite video cassette. If possible, be sure to take your mobile phone with you.

During the journey, the bus makes technical stops every 4-5 hours, the duration of which is regulated by international rules, no more than 15-30 minutes. Tourists who are late for the bus departure catch up with the group independently and at their own expense.


IMPORTANT: If you are over 70 years old or overweight (clothing size greater than 56), tall (above 195cm), then you should be prepared for some inconvenience when traveling on a bus. We also do not recommend taking children under 5 years old on the trip!


Your luggage must include a small pillow, a blanket and comfortable shoes. It is better to divide your luggage into several bags-1. with things, with products needed on the bus, 2- with things that you will need only at the resting place. The best products to take are: dry soups, vegetables, fruits, sliced ​​bread, cheese and meat products in vacuum packaging; tea and coffee, packaged in bags, refined sugar. You must have utensils (cup, spoon) with you. When traveling, it is very convenient to have alcohol wipes and a personal first aid kit with you.


1 Document proving your identity (passport);

2. Medical insurance policy for each tourist;

3. Child's birth certificate.


Almost every city has crime-prone areas that you simply don’t need to visit, or be careful and personal safety. They steal from tourists in crowded places (at train stations, beaches and while sightseeing). To avoid losing your cash, we recommend: do not keep all your cash together, break the available amount into several parts and store it in different places. Do not carry money in open pockets or wallets in plastic bags; do not leave valuables and money in a visible place while on vacation, on a bus, in a restaurant, and do not change currency on the street. You must always have your passport with you.


It's sad, but it's a fact. The worst thing is if it happened outside the city or in another city. First of all, don't panic. Secondly, you will have to get to your vacation spot on your own. Thirdly, over long distances it is better not to use taxi services, as this service will be very expensive. Fourthly, the most reasonable way out of their current situation is to take a train or a regular bus to their vacation spot.


1. We ask you not to smoke or drink alcohol on the bus, and to handle the equipment with care.

2. Place garbage in individual bags and throw it away in parking lots.

3. Avoid walking around the bus while driving.

4. Unfortunately, toilets on buses have a limited capacity (about 20 liters), so they are intended for emergency situations, since on high-speed roads it is not always possible to stop immediately. Please use the restrooms in the parking lots.

5. The shelves above the seats are intended only for outerwear, pillows, blankets and toiletries.

6. You can use boiling water only at certain times (2 times a day). Since the capacity for boiling water is limited, usually 5 liters. We recommend taking a thermos with you and periodically refilling it in cafes and hotels, but you should note that excessive fluid consumption leads to swelling of the limbs.

8. After 10 pm, please keep quiet on the bus.

9. The Carrier is not responsible for things left on the bus after the end of the flight.

10. The following are not allowed for transportation as hand luggage: explosive and explosive substances, as well as cargo that pollutes and damages the bus and its equipment.

If a bus flight is delayed along the route due to the fault of a tourist, the fine is 600 rubles for each overdue hour.


1. The territory must be kept quiet, clean, and not leave behind food waste, bottles and cans.

2. If you use additional services provided at the vacation spot, do not forget to pay for these services.

3. Do not use excessive force when using the room equipment - you will bear the costs of compensating for possible damage.

4.If you paid for meals in the canteen, do not forget to come and eat at the appointed time yourself.

6. The administration (of vacation spots) is not responsible for the loss of valuables, money and documents left in the room. The search for forgotten or lost items is carried out independently and at your own expense.


1. Fulfill all conditions of the regime and routine.

2. Release rooms in a timely manner.

On the day of departure, vacationers vacate their rooms at 9-00 or 10-00 in the morning (depending on the place of vacation, check with the agency!!!), things are checked into a storage room before the bus arrives. Waiting for the bus takes place on site.

3. You will compensate for damage in case of loss or damage to the property of a recreation center or hotel (resort) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Maintain public order and not create inconvenience to vacationers, guests and staff of the vacation spot.

5. Without permission from the administration, do not rearrange the furniture in the rooms.

6.Do not use electric boilers or electric stoves and follow fire safety rules.

7. Do not remove cutlery and dishes from the dining room (only with the permission of the kitchen staff!!!)

8. Do not bring animals and birds with you.

If you have decided on this, dare I say it, adventure and are ready to endure a variety of hardships for the sake of a few days or hours in Paris, Brussels, Prague, etc., then read this article - I will try to help you make your trip more comfortable .

And if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, be sure to check before leaving so as not to find out about your unexpected debt right at the border.

Night travel

The most unpleasant thing about bus tours is, of course, night travel.. To make your ride more comfortable, immediately when purchasing a tour, ask for seats in the middle of the cabin, somewhere near the second door of the bus (it’s not a fact that you will get them, of course, but it’s definitely worth a try). Sitting at the very beginning of the cabin is not very comfortable, since the driver, in order not to fall asleep, can listen to music all night, talk with the person accompanying the group, etc. At the very end of the cabin, the seats don’t recline at all; you’ll have to sit upright all night. And besides, the further you are from the driver, the more motion sickness you can get.

By the way! It doesn’t hurt to inquire about the route - if there are a lot of mountain roads ahead, and you feel seasick, perhaps you should still change transport - you’re going to relax, not suffer.

A very convenient thing is slippers, and if you plan to take them exclusively for the bus, take fabric ones, without elastic soles (your own). They take up very little space, weigh nothing and are very comfortable to use.

Take it with you plaid– it’s much more comfortable to sleep this way, and it also protects from the cold.

Special eye mask against light and a pillow under the neck– is not suitable for everyone, so I recommend checking these things for “usefulness” specifically for you and only then, perhaps, taking them with you.

Good companion on bus trips - this is a strategically important point in packing. How much easier it is to survive an overnight move by periodically resting on your neighbor’s lap!

Be sure to take it with you washroom accessories in the salon– soap, towel, toothbrush. As a rule, after traveling at night, a busy day with excursions awaits you - in order to somehow forget about sleep and remember at least something from these excursions - wash yourself properly in the morning whenever possible.


The next important and complicated aspect of bus travel is food. As a rule, there is not much time left for it. Of course, what to take with you on the bus depends on personal preferences, but I’ll still give you a couple of tips.

A bus tour is often a real stress for the stomach. To make it easier for him, take with you for the first 48 hours (if it’s hot, then for 24 hours) drinking yoghurts, cottage cheese, kefir - in general, dairy. Put it in your bag piece of raw smoked sausage– this sausage can be stored without refrigeration for a very long time and will definitely help you in times of hunger. Of course, out of boredom on the road you will want to “chew something.” Try not to overuse chips - you still have to live with your stomach for the rest of your life. Stock up bread, nuts(nuts are generally an irreplaceable thing on any trip - they restore energy well and help the stomach hold out until the next meal), fruits. In stores along the route, be sure to buy more fruits, sandwiches, salads, etc. with you.

Highly not recommended take on the bus everything that was popular on trains in the USSR - boiled chicken, eggs and other products that emit a strong smell. I confidently include watermelons among the undesirable foods on a bus trip - because then you won’t know where to go)).

And God forbid you eat almost nothing but chips, Rolltons and Coca-Cola on a bus tour! Such a diet plus a constant sitting position - stomach problems are guaranteed.

Another very important point– on autobahns in Europe, the group’s accompanying person may not give you tea due to compliance with safety rules. Moreover, this often only applies to buses from Russian-speaking countries - some European flights, on the contrary, offer free tea/coffee in these conditions. In any case, if you are a true tea or coffee lover, nothing prevents you from taking with you thermos, a little tea leaves and take care of filling it while you are at the hotel. By the way, in this case, no one has yet canceled the good old boiler.


And it can be terribly boring on the bus, even though beautiful landscapes outside the window. Take care of entertainment too - It's better to have several options. In addition to the player and tablet, you can take it with you interesting magazine, a book (just don’t take one that’s too serious), a collection of crossword puzzles, some handicraft (for example, crocheting), some board game, which does not require much space.

  • Remember Marshak’s funny story about a lady who checked in “a sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase, a painting, a basket, a cardboard box and a small dog” as luggage? So, it’s not about you. Because even the most powerful cargo-lifting autoliners cannot accommodate so much property in the luggage compartment. Take only the essentials on your trip, and take only the most necessary with you into the cabin. Otherwise, this cargo will interfere with both you and your neighbors throughout the trip. And creating problems and inconveniences for others is the most contraindicated action in achieving maximum pleasure from moving from point A to point B.

    Therefore, our first advice is to divide all the things you take with you into two parts. Those things that you will need upon arrival at your final destination, put them in your suitcases and check them in the luggage compartment, and those that you will definitely need on the bus will make up the contents of your compact but roomy hand luggage bag, which you will take with you into the bus interior. It is advisable that in terms of dimensions it can fit on the overhead luggage rack above your seat, since putting it on your lap, placing it under your feet or under the seat will somehow reduce the rather limited space for the movement of your own body and limbs.

  • Be sure to take a small horseshoe-shaped pillow with you to the salon - you can use an inflatable one, but even more comfortable for sleeping and relaxing is a special sheepskin “collar” that secures your neck well and supports your head, and does not cause irritation or provoke sweating. Such a “gadget” takes up virtually no space in your luggage, but due to haste and forgetfulness, it is often forgotten at home, so we consider reminding you of its usefulness first of all.

    It’s also a good idea to have a blanket on hand when traveling, especially if you’re traveling at night. As a rule, the temperature on buses is maintained at a fairly comfortable temperature, but in winter it is uncomfortable to sleep in outerwear - it is better to replace a fur coat, jacket or coat with a light, cozy blanket, and in the summer a blanket will protect well from cold “air conditioning” or drafts.

    To ensure that your sleep or half-asleep on the bus is as calm and complete as possible, do not forget to take with you earplugs and a light-protective blindfold.

  • We are unlikely to be mistaken in noting that the biggest inconvenience for passengers when traveling on a bus is their own feet. There is nowhere to particularly stretch (stretch) them, there is no way to stretch them - as a result, they swell easily; In winter, even in a well-heated cabin, they freeze, and in summer, they sweat.

    Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all passengers take care of the comfort of their feet in advance, and be sure to take several pairs of socks into the cabin, so that they can take off their shoes and give their feet a rest, and, if necessary (and for men, this need is always relevant!) - to save yourself and your neighbors from specific odor after wearing shoes for many hours.

    In this regard, it would not be amiss to have new shoes with you - and not model ones, with 10-centimeter heels, and not even sneakers, but with flat soles, worn-in, tested and comfortable. These are, of course, soft slippers! They won’t take up much space, but they will certainly create a comfortable environment (provided they are chosen according to the season).

    By the way, experts also advise women to wear compressor stockings or tights on the road, which protect their legs well from possible swelling. But, most of all, they consider it useful to change the position of the body as often as possible, and even better - to do mini-gymnastics on the bus: simply raise your toes and heels alternately, clench and unclench your fists, alternately contract all the muscles of the body, which greatly promotes blood circulation and protects muscles from swelling.

  • According to international rules, the bus makes technical stops along the way every 3-4 hours, their duration is from 20 to 45 minutes. If you are not lazy, but be sure to get off the bus and make the most of even the short but very valuable time for warming up, these stops along the way will significantly improve your physical well-being and brighten up the monotony of the trip. Stretch your joints, walk around the “neighborhoods” (but don’t go far, watch the time and don’t be late for your flight departure!), take photos against the backdrop of local attractions, jump, even dance to the music of the station cafe - all this will do you good and good !

    And in order not to get bored during the trip, take advantage of modern means of brightening up your leisure time. This can be a laptop, an electronic tablet, an MP3 or DVD player, or a smartphone, which will allow you to listen to pleasant music, watch an exciting movie, read an interesting book, or just keep yourself busy various games– from Tetris to quest. It’s just important not to forget to take spare batteries/battery pack and headphones with you so as not to bother your seatmates or interfere with their rest.

    Another very important warning or advice: this is a reminder that for valuable things (including money and documents), it is advisable to provide a separate small bag or backpack for valuables (including money and documents) even before boarding the bus, which is easy to keep in sight at all times (and during sleep - on your knees), and at stops along the route - take it with you. This way you will reliably insure yourself against big troubles that are possible in any country and in any city.

Have a nice trip!



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