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Human biological rhythms. Rhythms of life as a universal property of living systems

Numerous scientific experiments have proven that the change between night and day is closely related to the patterns of wakefulness and rest. Nature itself provides certain biological rhythms organisms that a person cannot independently change without harm to health and life. Natural changes in the day represent the basis of the magnetic field of the entire Earth.

Biological rhythms - meaning for life

The circadian rhythm, consisting of 24 hours, suggests that people should be awake during the day and sleep at night and restore their strength and energy reserves. Even at the dawn of eras, people took refuge in their homes at night, which carried danger and risk to life. When the sun set, he began to do household chores and get ready for bed. With the advent of electricity, we changed our attitude, because now it became possible to prolong activity and go to bed later than usual. Biological rhythms and performance are closely related, and therefore the decision to do important things at night is often ineffective. You cannot deceive nature, and a person is only able to work actively during the day.

Most of the physiological functions of our body have their own biological rhythms. That is why urine and blood production is highest during the day and lowest at night. Human biological rhythms, being in an unfavorable position between midnight and 6 a.m., determine the fact that the vast majority of deaths occur at this time.

Circadian rhythm of organs

Human biological rhythms are changes in the level of activity of vital processes that repeat with a certain periodicity. Wise Chinese have long believed that the vital energy qi flows through the various parts our body, and therefore saw considerable benefit in influencing the body at a certain time (a strictly designated rhythm). To stimulate a particular organ, they used effects in the active phase, and to reduce the qi energy in the organ - procedures during the resting period. The body's biological rhythms serve as a kind of clock that indicates daily fluctuations in the rise and fall of energy. Such observations have turned out to be extremely useful in medicine, as they help determine when at the same time a particular organ works more efficiently and when it enters the stage of relaxation (rest and recovery). As Stanislavsky said, the nature of biological rhythms constitutes the entire basis of human life.

Rhythms of the stomach, pancreas and spleen

Having completed its main work, the intestines remain in a calm state, but the stomach always requires additional energy, as it works at its highest speed in the morning. That's why having a full breakfast is so beneficial. You can eat any food in the morning, even the most high-calorie food, it will not harm the slimmest figure. It is important to provide yourself with a calm environment and have the opportunity to relax.

From 9 to 11 o'clock our pancreas and spleen are actively working, and the stomach is already resting. That is why, after 9 a.m., having too much breakfast will definitely cause you to feel burdened and drowsy. Everyone knows that the pancreas is designed to control sugar in human blood. By deciding to eat something sweet during this period, we trigger this organ, which seeks to lower blood sugar levels. This explains the fact that sweets only satisfy hunger a little, but not for long, and along with insatiability, loss of strength and fatigue come to us. It is worth noting that drinking sweet coffee in order to “snack” and gain strength is a vicious circle.

During these hours a person is most sensitive to condemnation, irony and indifference. During the period from 9 to 11, our spleen actively produces blood cells, which largely help the body renew and self-heal, and therefore the active fight against infection and viruses continues until noon. Biological rhythms in this case help to improve health.

Bladder and kidney rhythms

Designed to cleanse the entire body, the bladder is active from 15 to 17 hours of the day. In case of some problems with this organ, it is recommended to carry out treatment until 19 pm, since it is during this period that the active periods of the bladder and kidneys change.

Kidneys function best between 5 and 7 p.m. It is very useful to carry out reflexology massages at this time to cleanse and relieve them. You need to drink less in the evening, milk and cocoa are especially harmful - our kidneys cannot cope with processing these products before bed. It has been scientifically proven that the harm from ordinary warm milk before bed is much greater than the real benefit. After all, milk is food, and not a drink at all, and therefore can provoke poor sleep and unpleasant dreams.

Heart rhythms, blood circulation and accumulation of total energy

Between 11 and 13 you should not overeat, as this is harmful to the heart, which works most actively during this period. In this phase, it is important not to overload the body with overeating - it is enough to just dull the feeling of hunger a little, and complete saturation occurs in about 5 minutes. after eating. It is recommended to postpone the most intense work to a later time.

Children who were put to bed between 19 and 21 pm fall asleep well without problems. After 9 p.m., parents can argue with their kids for hours, trying to get them to bed. Children can be understood - after all, during this period they think about everything, but not about sleep. This is explained by biological rhythms laid down by nature, since active blood circulation occurs precisely in the period from 7 to 9 pm. In addition, at this time children respond well to learning and are drawn to new knowledge. The human brain works perfectly in this phase.

Between 21 and 23 hours the energy of the human body accumulates. A lack of balance in spiritual and physical terms can be expressed in the fact that we are cold and uncomfortable in a cool room, when a person feels uncomfortable and cannot fall asleep. At this time our energy is activated.

Rhythms of the gallbladder, liver

The optimal time for rest and cleansing of the liver and gallbladder is night (from about 23 to 01). Involuntary rise at these hours indicates problems with these organs. You should not eat fatty foods in the evening, but it is better to skip dinner altogether. The liver and gall bladder can function optimally in the absence of stress from the stomach. Night shift work is simply poison for people with diseases of these organs, because they cannot relax and recover.

The liver cleansing process is only possible while resting at night, somewhere between 1 am and 3 am. It is not for nothing that there is even a system for treating diseases of this organ with the help of sleep. Overloading it during this period is extremely dangerous, as is overheating during a night's rest. Drinking alcohol and smoking at night is especially harmful.

Rhythms of the lungs, large and small intestines

The most active period of the human lungs is between 3-5 am. It is this fact that explains that smokers begin to cough in the morning, thereby clearing themselves of toxic phlegm. Regularly waking up at one time or another at night (in the early morning), you can draw conclusions about problems in your body.

The food consumed by a person is in the small intestine for about 2 hours, and in the large intestine - as much as 20. Thus, loose stools indicate problems in the first organ, and constipation indicates insufficiently active work of the second. The best period for colon cleansing is 5-7 am. To stimulate the process of defecation, you can use simple techniques: 1 glass of warm water or dried fruits in small quantities.

At about 13:00, many of us notice that sudden fatigue and quite natural laziness sets in - this is the result of weakening blood circulation and the activity of our heart. During this period, the small intestine receives most of the load, actively digesting food. Our autonomic nervous system at this moment controls the digestion process, absolutely not controlled by consciousness. This is why taking a midday rest and limiting stress at this time is so helpful to prevent blocking proper bowel activity.

Biological rhythms and performance

Having an idea about proper operation of one or another organ and the features that we discussed above, a person can clearly recognize, on the basis of his personal feelings, the discrepancy between generally accepted norms of reality. Thus, a kind of “internal clock” explains biological rhythms and their effect on the body. At the same time, the lifestyle that traditionally seems useful and normal to us does not always correspond to the norm. Circadian biological rhythms explain our slightly strange behavior during the day. That is why we now know for sure that the feeling of fatigue that occurs at 13-15 hours of the day is a natural physical phenomenon of our body. So don’t be tormented by considering yourself a notorious lazy person.

Example practical application knowledge about biological rhythms comes from scientific research conducted among workers in one factory. After the night shift, early morning, doctors took blood from employees. Despite the fact that all these people were absolutely healthy, the results of the study showed a significant violation of the norm in the indicators. The influence of biological rhythms on performance is explained by the fact that it is precisely due to the load on the night shift that they are disrupted and lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the body. When a similar analysis was carried out on the same employees who worked several shifts during the day, when people got a good night’s sleep and started work rested, the indicators were quite consistent with the norms. Thus, it has been scientifically proven that the most effective work is achieved during the periods from 8 to 10 am and from 16 to 21 pm. A decrease in activity and, accordingly, productivity is observed from 13 to 15 hours of the day. Working at night is extremely harmful to a person, moreover, after 10 pm, the dedication of any worker decreases sharply, reaching its minimum between 2 and 3 am. Such statements apply to approximately 60% of the people who took part in the experiment.

The meaning of sleep and rest

It is impossible not to take into account that there are individuals who become active only in the evening, work fruitfully until late at night, and then sleep until late. Or, conversely, “early birds” who go to bed early and work as actively as possible in the morning. Each of these groups of people is characterized by an evening or morning type of daily activity. Such features occur in 20% of the total population. Occupational medicine actively uses this knowledge by conducting special tests among potential employees before hiring them to work on the night or day shift.

In the field of parascience (theoretical research without scientific proof) quite often, when considering the biological rhythm of a person, we take into account its division into certain types:

    Physical - repeating every 23 days.

    Emotional - in 28 days.

    Intellectual - with an interval of 33 days.

In each of these rhythm types there are positive and negative phases. So, when the negative periods of all three coincide at the same time, we are talking about the so-called critical days.

Many scientific experiments have been carried out in an attempt to change circadian rhythms to the detriment of their structure and duration. The main result of such experiments was the identification of the concept of “fractional days”. For example, we are talking about quiet time in hospitals, sanatoriums, kindergartens and rest homes. In hot countries, the population also often tries to split the day, adding up their periods of active pastime and rest, sleep into several parts: work in the coolest time (early morning and evening), and sleep in the heat. A striking example of such an adaptation is the afternoon siesta in a number of countries around the world.

Fractional days have been developed over the centuries, and therefore they are as comfortable as possible for a person in certain living conditions, in contrast to the so-called experimental ones. Unlike the above-mentioned everyday days, the latter are created in order to study how the body can adapt to changes in the daily routine and how quickly this can happen. Shifting the phase of sleep and wakefulness during experiments occurs more easily when this method is applied smoothly, with minor changes. But in any case, the coherence of natural processes in the body is disrupted, and therefore the person in any case feels uncomfortable. The causes of biological rhythms are laid down by nature itself, and we cannot change them artificially, without harm to our own health and general well-being.

During experiments on restructuring the body for a 48-hour day, a natural opposition was revealed: low performance, rapid fatigue, external manifestations of fatigue on the face. Thus, without harm to his health, a person is not able to adapt to a different rhythm of the day, different from the natural one, when the day can be spent actively and at night rest, spending no less than the required minimum in sleep - 8 hours. Biological rhythms and sleep are closely related.


Without getting enough sleep, we feel bad and get tired quickly. Fatigue accumulated over several days or weeks can cause a slowdown in all rhythms of life. Biological rhythms and human performance are closely interrelated. No matter how hard scientists tried to artificially change the natural daily routine, they failed. Circadian biological rhythms have always returned, thanks to invisible hereditary genetics, to their normal regime established by nature. A striking example of such a statement is the scientific experiments of Colin Pittendray, when when fruit flies were placed in living conditions different from their natural habitat, they began to die faster. This once again proves that biological rhythms play a leading role in maintaining a full-fledged existence.

The biorhythms of internal human organs consistently adapt to a certain time zone, thanks to which the body can work without failures. By listening carefully to your essence, you can achieve great success V various types work. If a person’s biorhythms are disrupted, for example, after arriving in a foreign country with a different climate and time zone, then the body will need to adapt. It can last approximately three days.

Classification of biorhythms

According to modern research, biological rhythms in people change depending on age. For example, newborns have a short biorhythmic cycle. The active phase passes into the relaxation phase and vice versa literally after 2-4 hours. In addition, it is very difficult to recognize the chronotype in a preschool child, according to which he is a “night owl” or a “lark”. Biologically, the rhythms lengthen gradually as the child grows older. Around puberty they become diurnal.

Biological rhythms can be divided into three main groups:

  1. High frequency rhythms, lasting no more than 30 minutes. These include breathing rate, heart rate, intestinal motility, brain biocurrents and the speed of biochemical reactions.
  2. Medium-frequency rhythms, the duration of which can range from 30 minutes to 6-7 days, include wakefulness and sleep, actions and inactions, daily metabolism, changes in body temperature and pressure, changes in blood composition, and the frequency of cell divisions.
  3. Low frequency rhythms are characterized by weekly, seasonal and lunar periods. The main biological processes included in this periodicity include changes in cycles in the reproductive system and endocrine activity.

Rhythms are also known whose period is fixed (90 minutes). This includes, for example, cycles of emotional fluctuations, sleep, and increased attention. Depending on the alternation of activity and rest of human systems and organs, daily, monthly and seasonal biological rhythms are distinguished. With their help, the restoration of the physiological potential of the body is ensured. It is noteworthy that the rhythmic cycle is reflected at the genetic level and is inherited.

Sometimes it happens that a person’s poor health has nothing to do with jet lag or illness. It's all about negative energy, which can be directed consciously or unconsciously by other people. It is very difficult to get rid of this negativity - damage or the evil eye - on your own. In this case, you will need the help of a healer who will help you quickly and effectively get rid of the scourge.

Calculation of biorhythms

Today on the Internet there is a large number of free special programs with which you can easily determine biorhythms by date of birth. This information makes it possible to find out on which days a person’s activity will be increased, and what time is better to devote to rest and not plan important things. In our Center, which is led by a famous psychic, you can get detailed information about biorhythms, as well as learn how to determine them yourself.

Programs that set biorhythms by date are convenient because they absolutely do not require an understanding of the methodology for calculating biorhythms. You just need to enter the necessary data and literally immediately get the result, which is usually accompanied by valuable comments. It is worth paying attention to the fact that human biological rhythms largely depend on weather conditions: on sunny days, mood and activity increase significantly. This may explain why in regions with long winters people are more likely to suffer from prolonged depression and apathy.

Biorhythm compatibility

When comparing biorhythms, you can understand why communication with some people brings great pleasure, while with others, on the contrary, it is very difficult to find mutual language. Compatibility in biological rhythms plays a very important role in matters of the heart and relationships between spouses. If the compatibility rate exceeds 75-80%, then this is excellent. With such values, the partners get along well with each other and their relationship can be called harmonious. Moreover, the higher this indicator, the greater the chances of becoming perfect couple, because in this case people enjoy comprehensive communication.

You can also calculate biorhythms of compatibility when contacting people with whom you have to communicate, for example, on duty or in other life situations: selection of a personal secretary, employees for a company, personal consultant or family doctor. Establishing biorhythms of compatibility is a simple method to determine the possibility of mutual understanding between people in the event of their upcoming collaboration. A good option can be considered when the biorhythm of one of the partners decreases, while the second person during this period feels its rise. In this situation, thanks to different energy workers people can avoid quarrels and misunderstandings.

The dependence of human life on biorhythms

The quality of life of each person largely depends on biological rhythms. Such a concept as the daily chronotype represents the daily activity that is inherent in an individual person. Throughout the day, the peak of physical and mental activity for each of us occurs at a certain time. According to this, people can be divided into three types:

  1. “larks” (those who fall asleep at 21.00-22.00 and wake up early in the morning);
  2. “pigeons” (they go to bed after 23.00 and wake up with an alarm clock at about 8.00);
  3. “night owls” (stay up until late at night and can sleep through the first half of the next day).

The chronotype determines how quickly a person can adapt to certain situations or conditions, as well as some indicators of his health. For example, the biological rhythms of “owls” are considered the most flexible - they are the easiest to change their mode of life. However, if we talk about their cardiovascular systems, they are the most vulnerable. More useful information Read about this and other topics on our website.

It is a known fact that in those enterprises where employees work in accordance with individual schedules, which are drawn up taking into account personal chronotypes, productivity and labor efficiency increase significantly. After all, when biorhythms are normalized, they are not scary physical exercise. But in the case when the biological rhythm is disturbed, hard work can lead not only to many functional disorders of the body, but also to serious illnesses.

Rhythmic changes in physiological functions inherent in living organisms. Rhythmic activity is inherent in any complex system consisting of many interacting elements. The latter also have rhythm, while the processes of all elements that make up the system are coordinated with each other in time - a certain rhythm of alternation of processes and a change (increase or decrease) in the intensity of each of them arises.

As a result, a certain synchronization of various processes in the system is created. In its turn, this system interacts with a higher order system, which also has its own biorhythm.

There are several groups rhythmic processes in organism:

  • high-frequency rhythms with a period from fractions of seconds to 30 minutes (electrical phenomena in the body, breathing, pulse, etc.);
  • medium frequency rhythm with a period from 30 minutes to 6 days (changes in metabolic processes, biologically active substances in the blood and other processes associated with the change in activity and rest, sleep and wakefulness);
  • low-frequency rhythms with a period of fluctuation from 6 days to 1 year (ovarian-menstrual cycle, weekly, lunar, annual rhythm of hormone excretion, etc.).

IN balneology seasonal or circadian ones are important - circadian rhythms(from Lat. cirka - about and dies - day). They must be taken into account when sending patients and vacationers to resorts in contrasting climatic regions, and when prescribing medical procedures.

To adapt to new environmental conditions when moving, changes are required biorhythms, development of chronophysiological adaptation. These issues are dealt with by the biorhythmology of movement - a science that objectively studies and quantitatively evaluates the mechanisms of the biological time structure, including the rhythmic manifestations of life, the reaction of biorhythms to changes geographical location organism (Matyukhin V.A., 2000).

Seasonal rhythms determined by the climate of the region. The range of annual fluctuations in illumination depends on the geographic latitude of the area, as well as on a number of other geographical factors associated with the occurrence of formative processes (atmospheric circulation, etc.). Moving from north to south or from south to north, a person finds himself in new environmental conditions that differ from the previous ones in the nature of illumination and climatic and weather characteristics. The most noticeable disruption of various processes is when moving from south to north in winter or summer, i.e. during polar night or polar day conditions. The timing of the seasons in different geographical latitudes does not coincide: when spring is already coming in the south, snowstorms are still raging in the north; When a person enters a different season, the seasonal rhythm of metabolic processes and physiological functions established during development is disrupted. For example, in winter, the sympathetic-adrenal system is stimulated, pulmonary ventilation and basal metabolism increase, its character changes in the form of increased lipid metabolism, etc. summer time changes are often of the opposite nature (Voronin N. M., 1986; Gavrilov N. N., Chkotua M. E., 1999).

Circadian rhythms determined by the change of day and night, i.e., the nature of illumination. They change when moving from north to south or from south to north (especially in winter and summer), and from west to east or from east to west. In the latter case, rapid movement (flight) always causes a more different reaction than in the first, from north to south.

In every biorhythm distinguish: period - the time during which a changing quantity completes a full cycle - the number of periods per unit of time; amplitude - the difference between the largest and smallest values ​​of a changing quantity (span); phase - the position of a certain point of the curve in relation to the time axis (acrophase - the time of appearance of the highest value of the indicator). When biorhythms are disrupted, all of these indicators change.

When a person's circadian rhythm is rearranged, pathological conditions may develop - desynchronosis. They arise as a result of a significant disruption of biorhythm caused by a mismatch between the physiological rhythms of the body and external time sensors.

Clinically desynchronosis manifested by fatigue, weakness, decreased performance, disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, digestive tract activity, etc. With significant violations of the daily pattern, a neurasthenic syndrome may develop.

Expression of changes biorhythms, the speed of their adaptation to new conditions depends on a number of factors. All other things being equal, when flying from West to East, when biorhythms should, as it were, “catch up” with local time, the adaptation period is longer than when flying from East to West, when human biorhythms seem to “get ahead of events” and should “wait” when they “should be expected”, when local time will “catch up” with them (G. S. Katinas, N. I. Moiseeva, 1999).

In this case, the place of permanent residence of a person and the nature of the established biorhythm are important. In these cases, upon returning to normal conditions biorhythms rebuild faster than when moving to new conditions, regardless of the direction of movement. Thus, for residents of Siberia, when flying to Crimea, a new daily pattern is established slowly and has a “loose” character, and after the flight back it is quickly destroyed and the previous rhythm is restored. An important role is played by the distance a person moves and the speed of movement. According to a number of authors, when crossing 2-3 time zones desynchronosis do not develop (Evuikhevich A.V., 1997), others noted the development desynchronosis with a shift of 2 hours (Stepanova S.I., 1995). Fast movement has a more pronounced effect on biorhythms than slow movement.

Changing biorhythms is a strong, stressful load not only for patients whose adaptive mechanisms are usually weakened, but also for healthy ones. In this regard, it is necessary to take measures to accelerate chronophysiological adaptation, taking into account the individual characteristics of human biorhythms.

Based on the position of maximum activity, rhythms are distinguished from morning ones (“ larks") and evening (" owls") temporary organization.

"Owls" Somewhat easier than “larks”, they adapt to the delay of the time sensor when flying west), since in this case the day lengthens and activity is required during the period corresponding to the evening hours according to local time.

"Larks" somewhat easier than “owls”, they adapt to the advance of the time sensor (flight to the east). In this case, the psychophysiological characteristics of a person are of no small importance. Persons with a predominance of parasympathetic autonomic tone nervous system those with stable rhythms adapt worse than people with a predominance of the tone of the sympathetic part, older people are heavier than young people (Matyukhin V.A., 2001).

Chronophysiological adaptation can be accelerated. Yes, for more falling asleep quickly Warm baths, calming exercises and self-hypnosis, sleeping pills that do not cause aftereffects and do not disrupt the sleep structure (eunoctine, quiadon) are recommended. To maintain vigor, walks and physical activity are recommended. Moderate physical activity helps normalize and synchronize circadian rhythms, while hypokinesia leads to their flattening and shift to later hours.

Various recommended adaptogens(ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root, etc.). For flights across 2-4 time zones, morning and afternoon hours are recommended; across 6-8 time zones - evening time..

Throughout the entire period of chronophysiological adaptation, strict medical supervision is necessary.

Consider biological rhythms necessary during the treatment period. Chronopharmacology as a branch of chronopathology and pharmacology, it studies the effect of medicinal substances depending on time and use, as well as on the temporal (rhythmic) structure of the body under the influence of corresponding influences. It is also appropriate here to talk about chronotherapy, i.e. about the use of therapeutic measures that provides the greatest healing effect thanks to taking into account biorhythms.

Medical rehabilitation. / Ed. V. M. Bogolyubova. Book I
- M.: Binom, 2010. Chapter 4. Natural physical factors used for rehabilitation. - 4.1. Climatic factors. - Physiological mechanisms of climate influence on the body. - WITH.

Time: 2 hours.

Learning objective: understand the significance of the body’s biorhythms as a background for the development of adaptive reactions.

1. Chronophysiology- the science of the time dependence of physiological processes. An integral part of chronobiology is the study of biological rhythms.

The rhythm of biological processes is an integral property of living matter. Living organisms live for many millions of years under conditions of rhythmic changes in the geophysical parameters of the environment. Biorhythms are an evolutionarily fixed form of adaptation that determines the survival of organisms by adapting them to rhythmically changing environmental conditions. The fixation of these biorhythms ensured the anticipatory nature of changes in functions, i.e. functions begin to change even before corresponding changes occur in the environment. The advanced nature of changes in functions has a deep adaptive meaning and significance, preventing the tension of restructuring the body's functions under the influence of factors already acting on it.

2. Biological rhythm (biorhythm) is called a regular self-sustaining and to a certain extent autonomous alternation in time of various biological processes, phenomena, and states of the body.

Classification of biological rhythms.

According to the classification of chronobiologist F. Halberg, rhythmic processes in the body are divided into three groups. The first includes high frequency rhythms with a period of up to 1/2 hour. Medium frequency rhythms have a period from 1/2 hour to 6 days. The third group consists of rhythms with a period from 6 days to 1 year (weekly, lunar, seasonal, annual rhythms).

ABOUT circadian biorhythms divided into circadian, or circadian (circa - about, dies - day, lat). Example: alternation of sleep and wakefulness, daily changes in body temperature, performance, urination, blood pressure, etc.

Chronotype- this is a specific organization of the work of the whole organism during the day. Experts involved in occupational physiology believe that maximum performance(and, accordingly, activity) exists in two time periods: from 10 to 12 and from 16 to 18 hours, at 14 hours there is a decline in performance, and there is also a decline in the evening. Minimum performance at 2 – 4 am. However, a large group of people (50%) have increased performance in the morning (“larks”) or in the evening and night (“night owls”). It is believed that there are more “larks” among workers and office workers, and “night owls” among representatives of creative professions. However, there is an opinion that “larks” and “owls” are formed as a result of many years, preferably morning or evening vigil.

The body's resistance is highest in the morning. The sensitivity of teeth to painful stimuli is highest in the evening hours (maximum at 18 o'clock).

Rhythms with a period of less than a day- infradian (infra - less, lat., i.e. the cycle is repeated less than once a day). Example: phases of normal sleep, periodic activity of the digestive tract, rhythms of breathing and cardiac activity, etc.

Rhythms with a period of more than a day- ultradian (ultra - over, lat., i.e. frequency more than once a day). Example: the menstrual cycle in women, hibernation in some animals, etc.

According to the classification of Smirnov V.M., all biorhythms are classified by source of origin: physiological, geophysical and geosocial biorhythms.

Physiological rhythms- continuous cyclic activity of all organs, systems, individual cells of the body, ensuring the performance of their functions and occurring regardless of social and geophysical factors.

    Physiological biorhythms were formed in the process of evolution as a result of an increase in the functional load on individual cells, organs, and systems.

    The importance of physiological rhythms lies in ensuring the optimal functioning of cells, organs and systems of the body. The disappearance of physiological biorhythms means the cessation of life. The ability to change the frequency of physiological rhythms ensures rapid adaptation of the body to various living conditions.

Geosocial biorhythms are formed under the influence of social and geophysical factors.

    The significance of geosocial biorhythms lies in the body’s adaptation to the work and rest regime. The occurrence of self-oscillations in living systems with periods close to the cycles of work and rest indicates the high adaptive capabilities of the organism.

Geophysical biorhythms- these are cyclic changes in the activity of cells, organs, systems and the body as a whole, as well as resistance, migration and reproduction, caused by geophysical factors. Geophysical biorhythms are cyclic fluctuations in physiological biorhythms caused by changes in environmental factors.

    Geophysical biorhythms were formed under the influence of natural factors; they are largely associated with the seasons and phases of the moon.

    The significance of geophysical biorhythms is that they ensure the body’s adaptation to cyclical changes in nature.

Table 1. Characteristics of human biorhythms

Types of biorhythms



Species specificity



Constant at rest, quickly (seconds-minutes) change with changes in the intensity of the body's work




Very stable, can change slowly over several generations when the environment changes. Some (menstrual cycle) do not change at all

Characteristic of certain biorhythms (for example, the menstrual cycle)


"Fusion" of innate and acquired rhythms with a predominance of the latter

Stable, but can change slowly with changes in work and rest schedules, place of residence

Not typical

Table 2. Classification of human biorhythms

Name of biorhythms

Biorhythm frequency

Basic physiological rhythms

Electroencephalogram cycles: alpha rhythm

Cycles of cardiac activity

60 – 80 /min

Breathing cycles

Digestive system cycles:

    basal electrical rhythms

    peristaltic waves of the stomach

    hungry periodic stomach contractions

Geosocial biorhythms

Circadian (circadian):

ultradian (level of performance, hormonal changes, etc.)

0.5 – 0.7 /day

circadian (level of performance, intensity of metabolism and activity of internal organs, etc.)

0.8 – 1.2 /day

infradian (for example, the release of certain hormones in the urine)

1 / (28 hours – 4 days)

Periweekly (circaseptal), for example, level of performance

1 / (7±3 days)

Geophysical biorhythms

Perimenstrual (circatrigyntaneous), e.g. menstrual cycle)

1 / (30±5 days)

Circannual (circannual):

ultraannular (airway resistance in women)

1/ (several months)

circannular (airway resistance in men, B-lymphocyte content in humans, metabolism)

1/(about a year)

Changes in human performance occur in accordance with three cycles:

1.physical rhythm (duration - 23 days); 2. emotional rhythm (duration - 28 days).

In its positive period, people tend to good mood and very communicative. 3. intellectual rhythm (duration - 33 days).

These rhythms are “started” at the moment of birth and then persist with amazing constancy throughout life. The first half of the period of each rhythm is characterized by an increase, the second - by a decrease in physical, emotional and intellectual activity. The day of transition from the positive half of the cycle to the negative or vice versa is called critical, or zero. It is on this day that accidents happen to people more often.

3 . Biorhythm parameters :

Period(T) - the duration of one cycle, that is, the length of the time interval before the first repetition. Expressed in units of time.

Frequency- the number of cycles completed per unit of time is the frequency of the process.

Mezor(M) - level of the average value of the indicators of the process being studied (average value of the useful signal). Allows you to judge the average daily value of the indicator, as it allows you to ignore random deviations.

Amplitude(A) - the greatest deviation of the signal from the mesor (in both directions from the average). Characterizes the power of the rhythm.

Rhythm phase(Φ, φ,∅) - any part of the cycle, an instantaneous state, the moment of the cycle when a specific signal value is recorded. In this case, the cycle duration is usually taken as 360 ° C, or 2π radians.

Acrophase- the point of time in the period that corresponds to the maximum of the sinusoid, - when the maximum value of the parameter under study is noted. It is of great importance for pharmacological correction.

Bathyphase- point in time in the period when the minimum value of the studied parameter is noted.

Available big number various factors ensuring the formation of biological rhythms.

The main ones are the following:

    photoperiod (change of light and darkness), affecting motor activity;

    cyclic fluctuations of the geomagnetic field;

    cyclical diets;

    cyclical changes in environmental temperature (day-night, winter-summer) due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, as well as around the Sun;

    cyclical phases of the moon;

    cyclical changes (albeit minor) in the Earth's gravitational force.

Social factors play a particularly important role in the formation of human biorhythms; These are mainly cyclical regimes of work, rest, and social activities. However, the main (primary) factor in the formation of human biorhythms is geophysical factor (photoperiodism)- alternation of light and dark times of the day, which predetermines the motor and creative activity of a person as part of the day-night cycle.

Gravity plays an important role in the formation of biorhythms and life itself. Life developed on Earth under the influence of gravity. The most convincing example of the reaction of plant organisms to gravity is the geotropism of plants - the growth of roots downward and stems upward under the influence of gravity. This is why plant life is disrupted in space: roots grow in different directions rather than into the ground.

B iological clock - these are structures and mechanisms of biological rhythms, formed and consolidated under the influence of geophysical and social factors.

Hypotheses about clock localization:

The biological clock is localized in the pineal gland. P The production of melatonin closely correlates with changes in lighting (day-night) and sex hormones. In the dark, the production of melatonin in the pineal gland increases, and in the light - serotonin.

The biological clock is localized in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus.

The role of the clock is performed cell membranes(membrane theory).

The cortex plays the role of a clock big brain. In animals with the cerebral cortex removed, the sleep-wake cycle is disrupted.

Widespread chronon hypothesis. According to the chronon hypothesis, the cellular clock is the protein synthesis cycle, which lasts about 24 hours.

There is a “large” biological clock that counts the duration of life. They state the total changes in the homeostasis of the body from the moment of its birth to death. The “large” biological clock “runs” unevenly. Many factors influence them, speeding them up (risk factors) or slowing them down, shortening or lengthening their lives.

The rhythm-setting stimulus can also be external. " Moon month“turned out to be evolutionarily fixed in the rhythm of physiological processes (menstrual cycle), since the Moon influences a number of terrestrial phenomena, which in turn affect living organisms, and they adaptively change their functions. Physical synchronizers also include fluctuations in air temperature and humidity, barometric pressure, and the strength of the Earth's electric and magnetic fields, which also change in connection with solar activity, which also has periodicity. A. L. Chizhevsky rightly associated the “echo of solar storms” - a number of human diseases - with solar activity.

IN natural conditions the rhythm of a person's physiological activity is synchronized with his social activity, usually high during the day and low at night. When a person moves across time zones (especially quickly on an airplane through several time zones), it is observed desynchronization of functions. This manifests itself in fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, mental and physical depression; Digestive disorders and changes in blood pressure are sometimes observed. These sensations and functional disorders arise as a result of desynchronization of the circadian fixed rhythms of physiological processes with the changed time of daylight hours (astronomical) and social activity in a person’s new place of residence.

A common type of desynchronization of biological and social rhythms of activity is work in the evening and night shifts in enterprises with round-the-clock operation. When moving from one shift to another, desynchronization of biorhythms occurs, and they are not fully restored by the next working week, since on average it takes about 2 weeks to adjust a person’s biorhythms. Workers with intense work (for example, air traffic controllers, airline pilots, night transport drivers) and variable work shifts often experience temporary disadaptation - desynchronosis. These people often have various types of stress-related pathologies - peptic ulcers, hypertension, neuroses. This is the price for disrupting circadian biorhythms.

Desynchronosis is a disorder of circadian biorhythms.

1. mismatch (several days);

2. gradual formation of new biorhythms (7 – 10 days);

3. full recovery (h/w 14 days.)

Questions for self-study

    The concept of chronophysiology.

    Human biorhythms, their classification.

    Characteristics of the main parameters of biorhythms.

    Factors that determine biorhythms.

    Control of internal oscillatory processes in the body

    The concept of desynchronosis.


      Make a table of the rhythmic processes of the body according to the following scheme:

      Draw a biorhythm curve and indicate its phases.

      Draw a graph of the daily rhythm of human performance.

Independent work in class

Table 7.2

Action program

Guidelines for action

1. Make graphs of physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms

Build graphs of physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms.

To do this, fill out the table “Indicators of the physical, emotional and intellectual cycles.”

Analyze the resulting graphs of physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms using tables 34, 35, 36. Draw a conclusion.

Table “Indicators of physical, emotional and intellectual cycles”





A - according to the table. 30 find the remainder when dividing the number of years lived by the period of the corresponding cycle. The number of years lived is determined as follows: the year of birth is subtracted from the current year and another one is subtracted.

B – according to table 31, determine the number leap years. We are talking about whole years, where the year of birth and this year are not taken into account.

B – using table 32, determine the remainder of dividing the number of whole months lived in the year of birth; if it is a leap year and February is lived in its entirety, then add 1.

D – using table 33, find the remainder of dividing the number of whole months lived in the current year.

D – add 1 if the current year is a leap year and the month of February has passed.

E – write down the number of days lived in a given month.

Then divide the sum of each cycle by the length of the period of the same cycle. So, divide the amount received in the physical cycle by 23, in the emotional cycle - by 28, in the intellectual cycle - by 33. Then add one to the resulting balance and get the day of the cycle.

Build a graph based on your results.

today's date

2. Definition



Determine your chronotype using the proposed test. For each test question, choose one answer option.

1. Is it difficult for you to get up early in the morning: a) yes, almost always; b) sometimes; c) extremely rare?

2. If you had the opportunity to choose what time you would go to bed: a) after 1 am; b) from 23:30 to 1:00; c) from 22 hours to 23 hours 30 minutes; d) until 22 o'clock?

3 . What kind of breakfast do you prefer during the first hour after waking up: a) hearty; 6) less dense; c) you can limit yourself to a boiled egg or a sandwich; d) is a cup of tea or coffee enough?

4. If you remember your last disagreements at work and at home, then mainly at what time they occurred: a) in the first half of the day; 6) in the afternoon?

5. What could you give up more easily: a) morning tea or coffee; b) from evening tea?

6. How easily are your eating habits disrupted during vacations or vacations: a) very easily; b) quite easy; c) difficult; d) remain unchanged?

7 . If you have important things to do early in the morning, how much earlier do you go to bed compared to your usual routine: a) more than 2 hours; 6) for 1-2 hours; c) less than 1 hour; d) as usual?

8. How accurately can you estimate a period of time equal to a minute: a) less than a minute; b) more than a minute?

Table 1

Answer options

table 2

Test control

    The main factor in the formation of biorhythms

1) social;

2) geophysical (photoperiodism);

3) physiological.

    Biorhythms are basic

1) physiological;

2) geosocial;

3) geophysical

    Physiological biorhythms

1) a fusion of congenital and acquired biorhythms;

2) genetically programmed, have species specificity;

3) cyclical changes in the activity of cells, organs and systems due to geophysical factors.

    Geophysical factors include

1) regime of work, rest, social activities;

2) gravity, magnetic field of the earth, photoperiodism.

    Geosocial biorhythms

1) genetically programmed;

2) have species specificity;

3) can change during ontogenesis.

    According to the chronohypothesis, the cellular clock is

1) pineal gland and suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus;

2) cerebral cortex;

3) protein synthesis cycle.

    The pineal gland produces melatonin in large quantities.

3) in the evening.

    Choose the correct sequence of stages of desynchronosis

1) restructuring, stabilization, mismatch;

2) stabilization, mismatch, restructuring;

3) mismatch, restructuring; stabilization.

    A new circadian biorhythm is developed in humans

1) after 24 hours;

2) after 6 months;

3) after 3 – 4 weeks.

    The body's resistance is highest...

1) in the morning;

2) in the evening hours;


1 -2; 2 – 1; 3 – 2; 4 – 2; 5 – 3; 6 – 3; 7 – 2; 8 – 3; 9 – 3; 10 – 1.


    The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which inhibits the action of gonadotropic hormones. Light inhibits melatonin synthesis. Is it possible on this basis to assert that the pineal gland takes part in the regulation of the annual rhythms of mammalian fertility?

    During the summer holidays, students flew from Vladivostok to Moscow. With a sharp change in time zones, the body's functioning was disrupted: appetite worsened, performance decreased, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night was observed, blood pressure dropped slightly (≈ 115/60 mmHg). What is this condition called? What advice would you give to students?

    Why do you think some people easily get up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, while others have difficulty?

    Why do you think India and China include the lunar cycle in the civil calendar?


    The more light (long day), the higher the activity of gonadotropic hormones, and, consequently, sex hormones that regulate sexual behavior. Therefore, breeding periods occur in spring and summer.

    This condition is called desynchronosis. It occurs when normal rhythms fail, which has a detrimental effect on a person’s well-being. To quickly adapt to changing conditions, you need to stick to your usual daily routine.

    The reason is that the biological clock that determines the cycles of sleep and wakefulness differs from person to person. different people. Research shows that early risers have shorter body clock cycles than night owls. This means that early risers sleep just when their sleep cycle is at its peak, so they wake up alert and refreshed. Night owls are usually forced to wake up at the peak of their sleep cycle, at which time their melatonin levels are elevated, and they feel drowsy and tired.

    One of the most important biorhythms is menstruation. The monthly biorhythm refers to the lunar cycle, the duration of which is 29.5 days. The lunar cycle has a huge impact on all processes occurring on our planet: sea ebbs and flows, breeding periods in animals, the intensity of oxygen absorption by plants, etc. The change in the phases of the Moon is felt especially clearly by people experiencing health problems. For example, on new moon days, when the gravitational effect of the Moon on the Earth’s shell is especially strong, the number of relapses of diseases of the cardiovascular system increases, brain activity decreases, and the number of mental disorders increases.

Questions for self-control

    What is the chronon hypothesis?

    What is acrophase, bathyphase, mesor, period, frequency, amplitude of biorhythm?

    How do geosocial biorhythms differ from geophysical ones?

    What is the difference between physiological and geosocial biorhythms?

    What is a biological clock and where is it located?

    At what time of day is the body's resistance highest?



    Normal physiology. Textbook. / Ed. V.M. Smirnova. – M.: Academy, 2010

    Normal physiology. Textbook. / Ed. A.V., Zavyalova. V.M. Smirnova.- M.: “Medpress-inform”, 2009

    Guide to practical training in normal physiology / Ed. CM. Budylina, V.M. Smirnova. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2005


    Normal physiology. Textbook. / Edited by V.N. Yakovleva. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006

    Normal physiology. Textbook. / Ed. R.S. Orlova, A.D. N Orlova. M. Publishing group "GEOTAR-Media", 2005

    Situational tasks in normal physiology; edited by L.D. Markina. - Vladivostok: Medicine Far East, 2005

    Human physiology. Textbook./ Ed. V.M. Pokrovsky, G.F. Briefly.- M.: Medicine, 2003

    Guide to practical classes in physiology / Ed. K.V. Sudakova M.: Medicine, 2002

    Human physiology. Textbook./ Ed. ON THE. Agadzhanyan, V.I. Tsirkina.-SP.: SOTIS, 2002

    Human physiology. Textbook./ Ed. V.M. Smirnova. M.: Medicine, 2002

Biological rhythm is an oscillatory process leading to the reproduction of a biological phenomenon or state of a biological system at approximately equal intervals of time.

We consider it quite natural and are not at all surprised when, for example, we feel sleepy in the evening and go to bed, essentially obeying our biological clock. Even more understandable and less demanding special explanations It seems to us that a feeling of fatigue appears with the onset of darkness, which, in fact, causes drowsiness. But if a person spends several weeks doing nothing, in a dimly lit room where no sounds penetrate, then even then he will fall asleep and wake up approximately every 24 hours, as if measuring day by day.

In the life of plants and animals, in addition to sleep, there are many manifestations of other rhythms: more than 2400 years ago, Hippocrates wrote about the ups and downs inherent in the physical state of people, almost 300 years ago (1729), the French mathematician and astronomer Jean Jacques de Meran discovered 24-hour periodic activity in plants, later Christopher Gufelyand (1797), considering fluctuations in body temperature in healthy and sick patients, suggested that the body has an “internal clock”, the course of which is determined by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. He was the first to draw attention to the universality of rhythmic processes in biological objects and emphasized that our life obviously repeats itself in certain rhythms, and every day represents a small summary of our life.

The progressive development of the doctrine of biological rhythms led to the emergence of a new interdisciplinary fundamental science - chronobiology, which studies the patterns of the life processes of an organism over time. The study of biological rhythms has become an integral part of chronobiology. However, to date, despite the introduction of chronobiology methods into other areas of study of living systems and the formation of new directions in biomedical science (chronomedicine, chronopharmacology, chronopathology, etc.), scientists have not developed a unified vocabulary for the new science, in As a result, manifestations of chronobiological phenomena are often named differently, and terms that have already been established are used in a different sense or attempts are made to revise more or less established terms. As we explore the subject, we will examine these contradictions.

The concepts of chronobiology and biorhythmology are close, but not identical. According to the most universal definition adopted by the International Society for the Study of Biological Rhythms, chronobiology- a science that objectively studies, on a quantitative basis, the mechanisms of biological time structure, including the rhythmic manifestations of life at all levels of organization of a living system. Indeed, although the study of the periodicity of life phenomena forms the basis of chronobiological approaches, it is not always taken into account that fluctuations are combined with slower changes that are not necessarily periodic.

Biorhythmology- a science that studies the conditions for the occurrence, nature, patterns and significance of biological rhythms. Biorhythm represents fluctuations of any biological process (state), occurring at approximately equal intervals of time, when the process (state) returns to its original cycle. The repeatability of a state (for example, cell division) in a rhythm is relative. In fact, each repetition cycle differs in content from the previous one, but is reproduced according to the same patterns.

The concepts of “cycle” and “rhythm” are close; their use is determined by semantic nuances, which depends on the context. By cyclicity they often mean only the repeatability of events; when using the term “rhythm”, they usually mean that, in addition to the period, its other parameters are also known.

The intensity of the process throughout the cycle changes according to complex and different laws for different processes, so that the curves reflecting it (waveform) have a complex configuration, for example, the configuration of an electrocardiogram, the description of which requires the use of theories of limit cycles and relaxation oscillations.

The simplest curve describing cycles (rhythms) is a sine wave, characterized by certain parameters used to describe the biological rhythm.

Classification of biorhythms

A manifestation and characteristic that allows one to judge a person’s temporal organization is his chronotype. Most often, this term is understood as the circadian dynamics of indicators characterizing general state body. A person's chronotype is individual, because... caused, on the one hand, by genetic mechanisms, and on the other, by the interaction of the organism with the environment.

Most often, a person’s chronotype is determined by the level of performance - the active phase of the biological rhythm “sleep-wake”. Differences in this rhythm made it possible to classify people into “morning” groups (“larks”), “evening” groups (“owls”) and “arrhythmic” groups (“pigeons”). “Owls” fall asleep late and wake up late; their maximum daily biorhythms of activity and rest are shifted to later hours, unlike “larks” who wake up early and fall asleep early. For pigeons, their peak activity occurs approximately in the middle of the day. Throughout life temporary organization a person’s personality can change: with age, shift towards the “lark” This happens due to changes in the rate of secretion of hormones (in particular, the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the normal rhythmic flow of biological processes in the body). This is where the elderly tend to get up early and go to bed early, while the young tend to stay up late and sleep longer in the morning.



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