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The Bremen Town Musicians. Where is the monument to the Bremen Town Musicians located? Fairy-tale characters in different countries of the world The Bremen Town Musicians in which country was it written?

Monument Bremen musicians in Bremen (Bremen, Germany) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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There are probably no tourists who have visited Bremen and not taken photos near the monument to the Bremen musicians. The bronze sculpture standing on the Market Square is, without exaggeration, a symbol of the modern city. The monument to the Bremen musicians is a kind of pyramid of standing friend on another character from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of the same name. To be more precise, a dog is standing on a donkey, a cat is on it, and a rooster is climbing the highest. There is never a deserted place near these fairy-tale heroes. Quite the opposite: there are so many people who want to photograph themselves against the backdrop of wandering musicians that a decent queue often forms here.

There is a long-standing legend associated with the monument to the Bremen Town Musicians in Bremen. So, being next to the sculpture, every tourist can make a wish, and in order for it to come true, you need to take hold of both legs of the donkey and lightly rub them.

From the history of the monument to the Bremen Town Musicians in Bremen, it is known that it was erected on the Market Square in 1951, and its author was one of the most outstanding German sculptors of the 20th century, Gerhard Marx. By the way, the sculpture is adjacent to another famous landmark of Bremen - the medieval Town Hall. This is partly why there are always a lot of tourists near the monument to the Bremen musicians.

By the way, there is a long-standing legend associated with the monument to the Bremen musicians in Bremen. So, being next to the sculpture, everyone can make a wish, and in order for it to come true, you need to do the following. Grab both of the donkey's legs and rub them lightly. Judging by the donkey's polished limbs, many tourists have taken advantage of this tradition.

And don’t forget: you need to grab both legs fairy tale character, otherwise your wish will not come true; in addition, you risk hearing the well-established phrase in Bremen in such cases that one “donkey” greets another. This is the humor of the locals, you definitely shouldn’t be offended by it.

The monument to the Bremen Town Musicians in Bremen can be reached by buses No. 24 and 25, as well as by trams with routes No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Let us remind you that the monument to the Bremen Town Musicians stands next to the two-story Town Hall building, designed in the Renaissance style . Address: Am Markt 21.

Hello, friends! Do you think the Bremen Town Musicians come from Bremen? But no. Now I will explain everything.

* In general, this article should have been written a long time ago; nevertheless, it talks about one of the symbols of the famous German city, and, as always, I’m still trying to figure it out =) There are a lot of photos at the end.

Do you remember the fairy tale? I had forgotten it, so today, before I sat down to write the article, I re-read it. No, I won’t retell it all in detail, I’ll just remind you of the essence. And this must be done in order to understand who the Bremen Town Musicians (German: Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten) are, in general, why they were scared of Bremen, and why they are depicted everywhere exactly like this: as a pyramid (a donkey, a dog on it, a cat on it, and a rooster on top ).


The main characters of this fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm are wandering musicians (who weren’t even musicians, in principle). All of them had to leave their home due to conflicts with their owners. The donkey became too old and could no longer help at the mill, so the owner decided to get rid of him (so as not to feed him in vain). The same fate threatened the dog - they were going to shoot him. The owner planned to drown the old cat, but they wanted to roast the rooster (or bake... maybe boil it) for the holiday.

It is clear that the animals and the rooster fundamentally disagreed with this fate and ran away from the house. They met on the road. The idea of ​​going to Bremen and becoming street musicians there was given to everyone by the donkey, the rest only supported it. This was the beginning of the legendary quartet.

Since the route to Bremen was not close, our friends did not reach there in one day. We needed a place to spend the night. And in the forest they came across a hut of robbers. An ideal place to spend the night. But there was one “but” - in fact, the owners were in the hut.

Our savvy musicians figured out this problem once or twice - they simply scared the robbers with their, um... “music”. The show was great! A dog climbed onto the back of a donkey, a cat climbed on top of the dog, and a rooster crowned the whole pyramid. And then they, the whole quartet, burst out loud: the donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat screamed like a cat, and the rooster crowed.

The poor robbers did not even understand what had happened. In the twilight they couldn’t really see anything, and judging by the sounds, some kind of demon was actually going to attack them. In short, they ran ahead of their own scream from this hut.

Well, our “musicians” occupied the reclaimed home. And, moreover, they loved it there so much that they did not want to leave this place. And they never went to Bremen, but stayed to live in the forest, in a robber’s hut.

But, despite the fact that these guys were not in the city, they still became one of its symbols.

Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians in Bremen

Most famous monument The Bremen Town Musicians stands in Bremen (amazing, right? =)) on the Market Square, near the eastern wall of the town hall. And there are a lot of tourists there. In general, probably everyone who has visited Bremen considers it their duty to bring back a photo from there with this sculpture in the background. That's why people line up to take pictures there.

The bronze monument was erected in 1951. Its author is the Berlin sculptor Gerhard Marx. Based on this sculpture, two more were created. One was staged in Riga in 1990, the second in Zulpich (Germany). And they are completely different. The only thing they have in common is that they represent a composition in which the fairy tale characters are arranged canonically (on top of each other).

Legends and myths

Any popular sculpture is surrounded by some legends of its own. So it is here. It is believed that the Town Musicians of Bremen can grant wishes. To do this, you just need to rub the donkey’s nose or grab its front paws and rub it lightly (the photo shows how tourists carefully polished these places =)).

* Just remember - you need to hold on to both legs, not just one! Otherwise, the wish will not come true. And also, they might say about you: “look, one donkey is greeting another.” This is local humor, don’t be offended by it =)

Also, the sewer manholes on the city’s Market Square “sing” with the voices of the Bremen Town Musicians. Only to do this you need to throw a coin there. And if earlier there were few coins in the sewer, now there are more than enough people who want to hear the “singing” of the quartet, so city services have to “withdraw the proceeds” several times a day.

Bremen Town Musicians as a symbol of Bremen

Friends, the heroes of this famous German quartet can be found everywhere in Bremen. Well, really, everywhere! On magnets, postcards, books, badges, billboards, in shop windows, on clothes, on residential buildings and even on dishes. In short, you can find this symbol in the most unexpected places. In our house, for example, books with the Bremen Town Musicians are reproduced =)

They are depicted in different ways: somewhere more canonical, somewhere less, somewhere ironic, and somewhere completely... abstract (but, nevertheless, recognizable). I have put together a rather large gallery for you where everything is shown. I’ll display it at the end of the article so that it doesn’t get in the way.

And also, I noticed a slight relationship between the Bremen musicians and the Tula mother-in-law. Both one and the other can sometimes be seen in an unexpected way, for example, in a New Year's cap or raincoat. Cute, and that's it =)

Well, on this positive note, I will say goodbye to you. All the best! Read fairy tales, travel more and smile! See you.

"The Bremen Town Musicians" - fairy tale story writers of the Brothers Grimm. The 1969 Soviet musical cartoon, created using the drawing technique and composed by Gennady Gladkov, also has the same name. The main characters of the fairy tale “The Bremen Town Musicians” - Donkey, Cat, Dog, Rooster - are domestic animals who left their farms because of their uselessness and cruel treatment by their owners, who are heading towards the city of Bremen to earn money there with musical performances, but so they don’t get there.

In the Soviet animated film “The Town Musicians of Bremen,” there are slightly more main characters. Traveling with the four described above is Troubadour - an elegant and slender blond, the lead singer of this traveling ensemble, who, during an unsuccessful performance near the royal castle, falls in love with the Princess. The list of heroes of The Bremen Town Musicians also includes robbers led by the Atamansha. These characters are the antagonists of the main characters. The cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen” today can be called one of the most popular animated films in the post-Soviet countries.

The plot of the tale

The heroes of “The Bremen Town Musicians” one day come across a house in which robbers are resting after yet another robbery. Friends decide to scare the bandits with noise. The idea works - the robbers, hearing strange and frightening sounds coming from outside the window, leave their home in fear. A little later, the bandits decide to send their scout there. The messenger sneaks into the house at night. A few moments later, he flies out of there like an arrow - scratched, bitten and scared out of his mind.

This is what the unfortunate hero of The Bremen Town Musicians told his comrades - the poor fellow who did not fully understand what really happened to him that night in the house:

  1. First, the Witch scratched his face (in fact, as the reader knows, this was done by the Cat, who was the first to attack the newcomer).
  2. Then the Troll grabbed him by the leg (the bandit scout was bitten by the Dog).
  3. Soon after this, the giant dealt him a terrible blow (the donkey kicked the robber).
  4. Later, a certain mysterious creature, emitting terrible sounds, drove him out of the threshold of his home (as we understand, the Rooster was crowing and flapping his wings).

Having heard this terrible story, the frightened bandits decided to leave their refuge and never return there again. Thus, the heroes of “The Bremen Town Musicians” - Donkey, Rooster, Cat and Dog - took possession of all the riches looted and hidden in this dwelling by the robbers.

One day, traveling performers perform in front of the royal castle. The Princess is present at the performance. Main character cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen" falls in love with her at first sight, and the young lady of royal blood reciprocates his feelings. However, the king kicks out the musicians after they perform one of their numbers unsuccessfully, so the minstrel is temporarily deprived of the opportunity to see his beloved.

In the next key scene, the heroes discover the bandits' house. Having overheard the robbers' conversation, the friends learn that the Atamansha and her three assistants want to rob the royal motorcade. A little later, the friends drive the bandits out of the hut, and they themselves change into their clothes and then kidnap the King, who is tied to a tree and left in the forest near the bandits' hut.

Soon the kidnapped King hears someone nearby singing a song about unrequited love. The king begins to call for help, and soon, to his delight, the Troubadour appears. The minstrel rushes into the hut, where he and his friends create the noise of struggle and pogrom, after which he emerges from there as a winner and frees the King, who, in gratitude for his salvation, takes him to his daughter. After this, a celebration begins in the castle, at which there was no place for the Troubadour’s friends. The Donkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Cat leave the palace grounds at dawn in a sad mood. However, Troubadour was not going to leave his comrades and, together with his chosen one, soon joins them. The company of musicians sets off for new adventures with an expanded lineup.

Who are the characters from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians” based on?

The troubadour was initially conceived as a buffoon and had to wear a cap on his head, but the creator of the cartoon, Inessa Kovalevskaya, rejected this option appearance hero, proposed by production designer Max Zherebchevsky. One day, in one of the foreign fashion magazines, she saw a boy dressed in skinny jeans and with a haircut like the participants The group Beatles, and decided that her hero would be like him. The prototype of the Princess is the wife of one of the screenwriters of this animated project, Yuri Entin, Marina. The heroine was given a funny hairstyle with tails sticking out in different directions by the production designer's assistant Svetlana Skrebneva.

Bandits and the King

The forest bandits were copied from the heroes of Gaidai’s comedy films - the Coward, the Experienced and the Dunce, who were embodied on the screen by artists Georgy Vitsin, Evgeny Morgunov and Yuri Nikulin. The king was invented to resemble the heroes of the actor Erast Garin, who at that time often played similar characters in various fairy tales, such as “Cinderella”, “Half an Hour for Miracles”. The prototype of Atamansha is the wife of director Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, Tamara Vishneva, who at that time worked as a ballerina at the Operetta Theater. Oleg Anofriev, who voiced this heroine, tried to make his Atamansha speak in the manner of actress Faina Ranevskaya.

Who sang in The Bremen Town Musicians

Initially, it was planned that the songs of the heroes of the Bremen Town Musicians, whose photos are posted here, would be performed various artists. The Atamansha's song was proposed to Zinovy ​​Gerdt, the parts of Donkey and Dog were to be performed by Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Nikulin, the Cat was to speak in the voice of Andrei Mironov, and the King in the voice of Georgy Vitsin. However, only Oleg Anofriev arrived at the Melodiya studio on the night of the recording, who appeared there only to say that due to illness he would not be able to sing his part. As a result, almost all the songs from the cartoon were performed by Oleg Anofriev, who could not only sing the part of the Princess, and it went to vocalist Elmira Zherzdeva, a classmate of Gennady Gladkov. The donkey in this cartoon spoke in the voice of the poet Anatoly Gorokhov.


German postage stamp dedicated to the fairy tale. 1982

The main characters of the fairy tale - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, offended by their owners - go to the city of Bremen to become city musicians.

Only they could not reach Bremen in one day and decided to spend the night in the forest. The donkey and the dog went to sleep under a large tree, the cat settled on the branches, and the rooster flew to the very top of the tree - it seemed safest there.

Stopping along the way in the forest, they discover a robber's hut. The Bremen musicians climb on top of each other and perform their “music” (The donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat meowed, the rooster crowed). The robbers run away in fear.

Each of the Bremen musicians goes to bed according to his own taste and habits: the donkey lies down in the yard, on a heap of garbage, the dog - outside the door, the cat - on the hearth, and the rooster sits on the roof of the robber's hut.

Bremen Town Musicians in Khabarovsk
Donkey, Cat, Dog and Rooster Princess and Troubadour Atamansha,

If you don’t understand why the fairy tale is called “The Town Musicians of Bremen,” then read our article and find useful information.

Why is the fairy tale called "The Town Musicians of Bremen"

Why is the fairy tale called “The Town Musicians of Bremen”? The main characters were heading to the city of Bremen, which was the city of dreams that everyone was so eager to get to.

This is a tale about four musicians who embodied general image German people. "Bremen Town Musicians" - music that never made it to the much-desired city and did not become famous city performers.

Bremen - Cultural Center region in which all dreams of better life, so the animal musicians sought to get to the city. The image of animals is symbolic, which depicts the dream and desire of the people for a better bright life.

There is a legend that the basis of the fairy tale was European musicians, who were called “klezmer”. Kreizmers are European folk street musicians; performed at weddings, celebrations, and fairs. The leading instruments were violin, cymbals, double bass, trumpet, clarinet, drum, etc.

The main characters of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen”: a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, there were four of them, and the classical Klezmer Chapel consisted of 4 musicians playing the violin, clarinet, fifiole and drum with cymbals.



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