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The central bank controls. Who owns the Central Bank of Russia

Since its creation on July 13, 1990, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been a non-state commercial structure, accountable to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and headed by the Board of Directors and the National Banking Council. According to Article 22 of the Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”:

The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the federal budget deficit... The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to finance deficits in the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.
If the price of oil falls and the budget deficit of the Russian Federation forms, the Central Bank will not finance the lack of funds in the budget for the payment of pensions, salaries of budgetary organizations (law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Defense, health care, education, etc.), carrying out state targeted programs and other expenses . The government will have to turn to the International Monetary Fund, a private organization of American and British bankers, to obtain a loan for budgetary allocations. All funds accumulated in the accounts of the Central Bank of Russia - gold and foreign exchange reserves in the amount of 524.5 billion dollars cannot be used to stabilize the economy of the Russian Federation, according to Article 22. The Central Bank of Russia, created by B.N. Yeltsin, as a private banking organization, exists exclusively as a branch of the US Federal Reserve System, again the private banking organization of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The circle is closed, the Central Bank of Russia belongs to the Rothschild clan and is completely dependent on their decisions. Why?
Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:
Money emission is carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble is the main function of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which it carries out independently of other government bodies.
In a word, printing and the number of printed rubles is the exclusive prerogative of the Central Bank of Russia; this function of the bank, an independent commercial structure, cannot be influenced by any government authority, such as the president or prime minister of the Russian Federation. Who does the Central Bank of Russia report to? First of all, you need to understand that the number of printed rubles is directly dependent on the receipt of petrodollars into the accounts of the Central Bank. If the price of oil exceeds the level established by the Ministry of Finance, then the Central Bank of Russia will print rubles for this difference and put them into circulation, acting as a US currency exchange office. Payment for oil sold by Russia is in US dollars, the ruble exchange rate against the dollar is set by the Central Bank, and the size of this exchange rate depends on the amount of inflation, which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation adjusts through the constant strengthening of the ruble against the US dollar. It is curious that inflation in Russia over the past decade has averaged 10% per year according to official statistics, the ruble exchange rate in 2001 was on average 29.4, today it is 27.6. It turns out that in 10 years the dollar should have cost at least 58 rubles, and in terms of exchange rates the dollar has depreciated by 100 - 6.2 = 93.8%? But this is not so; the depreciation of the dollar by 6.2% over ten years is exactly in line with the expected inflationary process in the United States. This monetarist policy of the Russian government and the Central Bank gives rise to some thoughts.
Firstly, the fight against inflation by maintaining a stable ruble exchange rate has led to the uncompetitiveness of domestic producers and the virtual destruction of agriculture and industry. The Central Bank of Russia's focus on the expensive ruble led to a high refinancing rate set by the Central Bank of 8.25%. Economic experts argue that when the refinancing rate is above 5%, the industry ceases to make a profit and self-liquidates, which is what happened in Russia. Domestic banks and enterprises are forced to take out loans from the West, since lending at 15–20% per annum is pointless. Hence, the total debt of domestic entrepreneurs amounted to $533 billion in 2011, while the accounts of the Central Bank contain gold - foreign exchange reserves in the amount of $525 billion, but the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have the right to lend from these funds to a domestic entrepreneur, since these funds are invested in debt US obligations.
Secondly, the volume of ruble emission in Russia does not exceed a certain level established by the Central Bank of Russia, as the difference between the base oil price rate and the profit from the sale of oil at world prices. By multiplying this difference by the exchange rate value of the ruble against the dollar, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation obtains a certain money supply that does not take into account many macroeconomic indicators within the country. But the rules of the game are set and everyone is obliged to strictly comply with this monetarist law established by the United States for Russia. At the same time, the base rate for the price of oil, which amounts to a rather impressive amount, greater than the entire volume of ruble emission, as well as funds from the sale of other minerals and energy resources, have disappeared somewhere. This money almost completely disappears in Western banks and offshores, with the only exceptions being export duties and meager taxes.

Thus, the President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation have part of the funds from the sale of oil, and at a fixed low ruble-dollar exchange rate, export duties and taxes. This is all! The remaining funds evaporated in an “unknown” direction. It is also funny that the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation, in the amount of 26 billion dollars, is in the accounts of the private Central Bank of Russia, and there are also funds from the National Welfare Fund in the amount of 90.9 billion dollars, placed at 6.25% per annum. This is simply a mockery of the Russian people, because even the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 8.25% per annum. It turns out that 2% is a fee to the Board of Directors and the National Banking Council for conducting a banking operation? Apparently, it turns out that S.M. Ignatiev, as Chairman of the Board of Directors, and A.L. Kudrin, as Chairman of the NBS, divided the amount of 2.34 billion dollars, and have been doing this annually since 2008.
Another incomprehensible case with the missing funds of the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation, which were at the disposal of the Central Bank of Russia. In 2008, there were 130 billion dollars in the accounts of the Central Bank of Russia of the Reserve Fund; in 2010, only 26 billion remained; in a year and a half, 104 billion dollars were spent. At the same time, gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of Russia increased over the same period from 453.5 to 524.5 billion dollars, that is, by 71 billion dollars. Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin, it is quite possible that $33 billion was spent on increasing the capitalization of banks and social sphere, but how did it happen that 71 billion was not used to restore the economy, but migrated to the accounts of the private commercial Central Bank of Russia and became inaccessible to the government of the Russian Federation?
The greatest level of corruption and financial crimes is not in the government or among officials, but in a private commercial bank called the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
The history of this monstrous crime, under the code “Operation Central Bank of Russia,” began back in 1989, when B.N. Yeltsin visited the United States, where he “accidentally” met with George W. Bush, Sr., visited R. Reagan in the hospital and attended a meeting at the Rockefeller Club in Manhattan. Then this traitor and “agent of influence” of Western intelligence services received not only the green light for his criminal activities, but also the transfer of all Russian finances to US control. Already at the beginning of the next 1990, the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Russia) was created, the charter of which was written off from the US Federal Reserve and at the same time B.N. Yeltsin and M.S. Gorbachev began creating the Bank of Public Finance and Lending national programs", which was financed by Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild, a branch of the Rothschild bank in Switzerland.
The KGB of the USSR opposed this treacherous course of affairs, organizing an unsuccessful attempt on the life of B.N. Yeltsin in Spain, when at an altitude of 3500 m all the electrical equipment and hydraulic systems of the six-seater aircraft failed. After a hard landing with the landing gear retracted, B.N. Yeltsin had a crushed vertebra, and almost complete paralysis occurred. Spanish doctors did the impossible - they put B.N. Yeltsin on his feet. The second attempt on B.N. Yeltsin occurred six months later in Moscow, when a VAZ-2102 crashed into the door of a GAZ-3102, delivering a precise blow to the passenger door. The bent stand hit B.N. Yeltsin hard on the head, but he saved himself again. The August 1991 putsch played into the hands of B.N. Yeltsin’s American masters; the “quiet” Zionist coup was completed in the country and the Central Bank of the USSR became the Central Bank of Russia. The Rothschilds gained access to printing money - rubles, gold - foreign exchange reserves and all economic objects of Russia.
Meyer-Amschel Rothschild wrote:
“Give me control over the issue of money in the state, and I don’t care who writes its laws.
This formula continues to work in Russia. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not a joint-stock bank; the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is appointed by the State Duma; the National Banking Council, headed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.L. Kudrin, includes several deputies of the State Duma, government officials and the presidential administration. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not responsible for the debts of the state, just as the state is not responsible for the debts of the Central Bank. So what is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, who runs it, and therefore Russia? A.L. Kudrin, V.V. Putin, D.A. Medvedev or maybe S.M. Ignatiev? No, this is excluded, since the Central Bank of Russia was created by B.N. Yeltsin not for himself, not for his future successors - V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev, but for his overseas customers - the owners of the world banking system - the clan Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan and Schiff. Since 1990, this octopus has been pumping out all the economic juice from Russia, leaving our rulers - “agents of influence” - 2% of the amount of treacherously stolen wealth of the Russian people. At the same time, the leverage over our ruling elite is contained not only in their foreign accounts, but also in the US ownership of our printing press, our Central Bank.
Let us remember the recent past - the beginning of the 90s, when in the country, through the efforts of E.T. Gaidar and his American advisers, the money supply was artificially reduced, which made it impossible for industrial enterprises to operate, which were eventually forced to switch to barter servicing of manufactured products, and prices increased monthly. In such conditions, the collapse of industry and agriculture was ensured, as a result of which millions of our fellow citizens found themselves on the streets, forced to seek salvation in trade. As a result, Western banks bought industrial and mining facilities for next to nothing, and made our people poor. The 1998 default revived industry and agriculture, but ruined trade. Domestic producers began to push out imported goods from our market, and Russian entrepreneurship revived. But from now on, one question arises - why, with a stable exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar, a saturation of goods and services, as well as a low money supply, does monthly inflation occur in the country? There is only one answer - the same process is taking place that took place in the early 90s of the last century - the increase in the capital of foreign banks and the impoverishment of our people.
What will happen to our financial system if ruble emissions tied to petrodollars decrease significantly as a result of a fall in oil prices? Either the Central Bank, on the orders of its American owners, will reduce the number of rubles, forcing the Russian government to cut social programs, close many wholesale and retail, stop paying pensions and benefits. Or devalue the ruble, which is most likely, withdraw currency from exchange offices and accelerate inflation to astronomical proportions. The policy pursued by the Central Bank over the past 12 years was aimed precisely at such a scenario, otherwise there is simply nothing to explain the manic persistence in maintaining a fixed ruble exchange rate. However, Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation speaks of the Central Bank maintaining the stability of the ruble, but if such stability is the only direction of activity of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, then this can be regarded as a betrayal of the interests of Russia in favor of the International Monetary Fund - a private “shop” of private banks, a club for economic interests banking clan Rothschild. All activities of the Central Bank of Russia are aimed at maintaining the US dollar and the purchasing power of American households.
When the American financial pyramid bursts at the seams, then the seams will begin to be patched up by America's world vassals. Since the beginning of 2011, the Arab revolutions have been a good confirmation of this process, especially the civil war in Libya. Global instability brings income to Rothschild and Russia is next in these global games. A financial crisis in our country can begin at any time, because all the mechanisms for this are in the hands of the world behind the scenes, and our ruling elite is just a tool for carrying out the devil’s plan. There is no point in guessing who will be the next president in Russia, since the mechanism of financial disaster in our country has already been launched and at any moment a real catastrophe can break out, which will certainly acquire nationalistic overtones and street clashes. In fairness, it must be said that this version of events was developed and implemented by American political strategists; our rulers do not play any role here, they are simple executors.
Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States, wrote:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of dollars, first through inflation and then through deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around such a Central Bank will rob people of their property until their children wake up homeless in the land that their fathers conquered.
The Russian people and Russia, through the betrayal of B.N. Yeltsin and M.S. Gorbachev, found themselves in the economic bondage of the financial cabal of the Rothschilds, who not only print rubles and implement credit and monetary policy in Russia through the Central Bank and corrupt politicians. But they also predict devastation and economic collapse for us, in order to divide Russia into parts through cunning machinations and clashes of the human masses on nationalist grounds, destroying and enslaving the Great Country and the Great People. But we, the Russian people, must unite together and, in the face of the coming danger, clearly understand and realize the emanating danger. If we are together, if we understand the mechanisms of the treacherous plan to divide Russia, then we will become a mortal danger to all traitors and enemies of Russia and the Russian people.

I have already written that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, according to Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is a body of state power. Additional confirmation of this can be found in Article 1 of the Federal Law on the Central Bank. Although the wording of both documents is quite “murky”, this is precisely the status of the Central Bank.

As is known, the combination within one organization of the functions of a government body and functions related to the implementation of economic, financial and commercial activities, creates a situation that is commonly called a “conflict of interest.” Simply put, fertile ground for corruption and abuse arises, and the efficiency of the government body in performing its functions and tasks is reduced.

And signs of such a “bifurcation” or “conflict of interests” in the activities of the Bank of Russia are visible. Especially considering that, in addition to issuing money (money issue), it carries out a large number of other functions. The Bank of Russia, as you know, is an institution that in our country performs the functions of banking supervision. And in this capacity he must be an unbiased and incorruptible overseer overseeing all commercial banks in the country.

Article 8 of the Law on the Central Bank seems to prevent a possible conflict of interests in the field of banking supervision: “The Bank of Russia does not have the right to participate in the capital of credit organizations, unless otherwise established by federal laws”. The same article states: “The Bank of Russia does not have the right to participate in capital or be a member of other commercial or non-profit organizations if they do not support the activities of the Bank of Russia, its institutions, organizations and employees, except in cases established by federal laws”.

But it is in this area that we see a blatant “conflict of interest.” It turns out that the Bank of Russia is the parent company that owns the subsidiary bank. I think readers can guess: we are talking about the Savings Bank. An exception is made for it in Article 8 of the Law on the Central Bank:“Part one of this article does not apply to the participation of the Bank of Russia in the capital of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as Sberbank). The reduction or alienation of the Bank of Russia's share in the authorized capital of Sberbank, which does not lead to a reduction in the specified share of participation to a level of less than 50 percent plus one voting share, is carried out by the Bank of Russia in agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation. The reduction or alienation of the Bank of Russia’s share in the authorized capital of Sberbank, leading to a reduction in the specified share of participation to a level of less than 50 percent plus one voting share, is carried out on the basis of federal law.”

I have never seen a clear explanation of why an exception was made for the Savings Bank, what higher considerations dictated the participation of the Bank of Russia in the capital of this commercial bank.

At the moment, the Bank of Russia is the main shareholder in Sberbank, owning 50 percent of the capital + one share. Out of habit, many people call the Savings Bank state bank. It depends on how you look. After all, it is a “daughter” of the Bank of Russia, and, therefore, many provisions of the Law on the Central Bank apply to the “daughter”. For example, Article 2 says: “The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia is not responsible for the obligations of the state”. Some naively think that the Russian state “if something happens” (if Sberbank falters) will save Savings Bank clients. Probably, this line of thinking was inspired by memories of the Soviet “Savings Banks”, which were part of the system of the USSR Ministry of Finance. And the current Savings Bank has nothing to do with the state. If necessary, people from the government will remember Article 2 of the Law on the Central Bank and say: save yourself (or let “mother” save you).

But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that the Bank of Russia, as a banking supervisory body, cannot but have special favor towards its “daughter”. I remember in May 2010 a scandal broke out. The then Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Sergey Golubev at a meeting with students in St. Petersburg in the spring of that year, he made two completely unexpected statements.

First: “The Savings Bank commits a lot of violations, and we [the Central Bank] cannot do anything.” Second: “It’s time to leave the Savings Bank. The Chairman of the Central Bank is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sberbank. This is a conflict of interest. Supervision over such a bank becomes inadequate.”

After returning to Moscow, Mr. Golubev, as a lover of truth, was given a thrashing on Neglinka (the address of the central office of the Bank of Russia). And the Central Bank immediately issued a press release, which explained how well the supervision of the Savings Bank was organized. But in their circle, Russian bankers say that there is no supervision over Sber.

In the summer of this year 2017, one significant event took place in the life of the Central Bank. He decided to reorganize the Otkritie commercial bank. And for the first time he applied a new rehabilitation scheme. If previously assistance to sinking banks was provided in the form of loans from the Bank of Russia or through the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), then in the case of Otkritie, financial injections were made in the form of participation in the capital of the specified bank. At the end of August, the Central Bank decided that it would enter the capital of Otkritie Bank with a share of 75%, and the previous owners would retain a share of 25%. And after Otkritie will be followed by BIN-Bank (for now, the Central Bank’s share in the capital of this commercial bank has not yet been determined). And there, you see, others will appear.

At the beginning of this year, changes were made to the Law on the Central Bank, according to which a special investment fund was established for the financial rehabilitation of insolvent banks. The Fund is not a legal entity, and its property is separate from the rest of the Bank of Russia’s property. The fund is managed by a special management company. The Fund makes injections into the capital of Otkritie. But the creation of the fund did not make the conflict of interest disappear. One can expect that Otkritie Bank, like Sberbank, will be the same “Jupiter” about which the Latin proverb says: “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.” There will not be very many such “Jupiters”. But they will all be “immortal gods.” And the rest of the banks will have to be in the role of “mortal bulls”. Or “scapegoats” identified for slaughter.

The question arises: was it possible to build relations between the Central Bank and commercial banks somehow differently in Russia? Of course you can. You don’t have to look far for examples. Let's look at the Chinese experience. There is the People's Bank of China (PBOC), which is the central bank. Its main task is to provide the Chinese economy with money. According to the law on the NBK, it is entrusted with the functions of issuing money, organizing money circulation, developing and implementing, together with the Ministry of Finance and other ministries and government organizations, state monetary policy.

The NBK is not involved in issuing or revoking banking licenses or banking supervision. For this purpose there is a special body called China Banking Regulatory Commission(English) China Banking Regulatory Commission - CBRC). It, like the NBK, is part of the executive branch of government and reports to the State Council. The NBK, of course, also looks after the banks, but in tandem with banking supervision it is a “stay-at-home”, and the CBRC is a “root”.

By the way, there are many other countries where the functions of banking supervision are assigned not to the central bank, but to special organizations (banking regulators). Among such countries are Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Norway. There are countries in which banking supervision is carried out jointly by central banks and specially authorized regulators. These are Switzerland, France, Germany, USA. There are, of course, countries where banking supervision is carried out only by the central bank. These are, for example, Australia, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal.

But I personally don't know any large country, where, like Russia, the central bank is simultaneously engaged in issuing loans to commercial banks, participates in the capital of commercial banks, and at the same time exercises a monopoly on the functions of banking supervision. It is difficult to imagine a more “nutritious basis” for corruption and abuse. But for some, even this combination was not enough. Since 2013, the Bank of Russia has functioned as a financial mega-regulator, spreading its tentacles throughout the economy. There are very few such octopus central banks involved in regulating everything (financial markets, insurance companies, auditing firms, etc.) in the world. These are mainly central banks in the post-Soviet space (Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Estonia and some others). But even there, central banks do not participate in the capital of commercial banks.

The model of the banking and financial system that has developed to date in Russia gives rise to monstrous “distortions of incentives” (as they usually write in textbooks on market economics). To put it simply, it gives rise to monstrous corruption. And it’s not about individual leaders (the same Nabiullina or any other person in the place of the chairman of the Bank of Russia). None of them are able to effectively deal with the “costs” of functioning of this model. There is an urgent need to abandon this vicious model. What to offer in return? — Yes, at least the Chinese model, which is extremely simple, understandable and eliminates “conflicts of interest.”

In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to Article 3 of the federal law on the Central Bank of Russia. It states that making a profit is not the purpose of the Bank of Russia. Article 11 talks about how the profit of the Bank of Russia is determined, and Article 26 determines the procedure for using profits.

At the time the law was adopted, this article looked like this:"After approval of the annual financial statements Bank of Russia Board of Directors The Bank of Russia transfers to the federal budget 50 percent of the profit actually received by it at the end of the year, remaining after paying taxes and fees in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The remaining profit of the Bank of Russia is directed by the Board of Directors to reserves and funds for various purposes.”

Later, the law was amended to stipulate that 75% of profits should be transferred to the budget. Finally, in 2016, a law was adopted that established the transfer of 90 percent of the Bank of Russia’s profits to the state treasury.

The wording of Article 26 of the law predisposes the Bank of Russia to the fact that making a profit may still be the de facto goal of the Central Bank’s activities. Contrary to the declaration of Article 3 that profit is not such a purpose. Whatever the percentage of profit that legally remains at the disposal of the Bank of Russia, in absolute terms it will depend on the total volume of profit. The greater the profit, the greater, in particular, the bonuses that are paid to the managers and employees of the Bank of Russia from the fund formed from profits.

In the wild 90s, as I was told former employees Central Bank, bonuses were the main part of the remuneration paid to Bank of Russia employees. The bonus component for managers was especially large senior management. By the way, issues of remuneration of employees (including bonuses) are decided by the Bank of Russia itself (decisions of the board of directors); the Ministry of Finance of Russia has no right to interfere in this area of ​​activity of the Central Bank. It seems that recently the proportion between wages and bonuses at the Bank of Russia has been shifting more and more in favor wages. But the motive for maximizing profits by the Central Bank is latently present. It is unacceptable.

How can I fix the situation? Again, let's look at foreign experience. For example, to US legislation regulating the functioning of the Federal Reserve System (US Central Bank). The US Federal Reserve annually earns profits amounting to many tens of billions of dollars. How is it used? — Profit is used to form the annual operating budget of the Federal Reserve System; the bulk of this budget goes to pay employees at all levels (with the law defining pay levels for different categories). In addition, dividends are paid from profits to Fed shareholders (these are banks that receive fixed dividends of 6% regardless of Fed profits). The rest is transferred to the federal budget. Let me give you an example of the distribution of Fed profits for 2010. Its total volume amounted to $81.69 billion. Of this amount, $1.58 billion was paid as dividends to shareholders, and $0.88 billion went to the revenue side of the Fed operating budget. Payments to the US Treasury amounted to $79.27 billion .dollars

On any banknote printed by the Central Bank there is no inscription about what it is backed by. One gets the impression that the ruble is a piece of paper, thanks to which, in some incomprehensible way, you can buy something.

But, you must admit, this doesn’t happen. What is it really like? But in fact, the number of dollars the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can buy from the Fed, the number of rubles it can print. Therefore, if suddenly tomorrow the dollar goes into a steep dive and falls, flattening on the ground, the ruble will fall for some time before it.

At the very beginning of the 90s, when the political system was changing in Russia, we became very close friends with the United States. The Americans gave us the most precious thing they had. No, not the dollar, but democracy. True, not the kind we would like, and the one that would suit us, namely our own - American. At least two “bonuses” were attached to this democracy - a constitution copied from the US Constitution and slightly edited, and a draft Central Bank - an ugly copy of the Fed. In the second case, “our good friends” were guided by the principle, the authorship of which is erroneously attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Let me manage the money of the country, and I do not care who makes the laws there.”

This phrase very accurately characterizes the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Readers could see that this is so by reading the first part of the investigation.

The fact that the US Federal Reserve stood at the origins of the Bank of Russia is evidenced not only by our “strong friendship” in the early 90s, but by the very fact of the independence of this institution from the state. This is a purely American invention. For Russia, this is difficult to imagine. Created back in Imperial Russia The State Bank smoothly migrated to Soviet Russia, receiving its name - the State Bank of the USSR. Russia is characterized by centralization of management, when the state concentrates in its hands not only the army, but also the printing press. However, the point is not even that the Central Bank must necessarily obey the state. In many developed countries of the world, the central bank is not state-owned. Much more important is what policy the central bank pursues in a particular state and who it serves.

Here, for example, is how the US Federal Reserve operates today. In 1913, a group of bankers obtained the exclusive right to print dollars from the US government. I achieved it, I must say, with great difficulty. This happened under US President Woodrow Wilson. Probably as a sign of deep gratitude to this statesman, the Federal Reserve issued a bill worth $100,000. It is interesting that a banknote of this denomination was issued in 1934-1935, never appeared in free circulation and was used exclusively for internal payments between Federal Reserve banks.

As in modern Russia, in the United States dollars are printed not by the state, but by the Federal Reserve. After printing dollars, the Fed lends them to the US government. Not just like that. The government deposits collateral with the Fed in the form of low-interest, but reliable, Treasury bills. The Fed, in turn, is trading them left and right. Corporate stocks and bonds are also in circulation. As of June 2008, the value of US securities in foreign hands was $10.3 trillion, in US government bonds ($3.6 trillion), corporate stocks ($3 trillion) and bonds ($2.8 trillion).

The Fed and the US government act like two “communicating vessels.” By issuing dollars to the government, the Fed increases its profits, and the government increases its debts, including foreign ones.

Today this debt has already reached an astronomical amount and continues to grow. The government is unable to pay off such a huge debt right away, so it only pays off the interest, but to do this, it again borrows from the Fed. True, there is also convenience: you can repay the debt in the same currency in which it was taken out.

Those American presidents who managed to understand the destructiveness of such a system and tried to change it paid dearly for it. John Kennedy - with his life, Richard Nixon - with the presidency. Since then, not a single American president has dared to encroach on the Fed’s right to “print green paper.”

Once upon a time, the US dollar was backed by gold, but bankers from the Federal Reserve were able to “overcome” this annoying obstacle by achieving the abolition of the gold standard. Since then, the “green bastard” is, in fact, ordinary cut paper, the cost of each bill is a few cents.

The abandonment of gold backing allowed the “masters of money” to print dollars in any quantity.

Of course, having received this right, the Fed, through international financial institutions (for example, the IMF) and the central banks of other countries, are actively distributing “cut paper” throughout the world. For this paper, the whole world sells to the United States the most valuable thing it has: resources, goods, brains, etc.

Central banks in other countries, created in the image and likeness of the Fed, try to behave like their masters. But there are some nuances.

Our central bank, as we know, is endowed with the exclusive right to print rubles, but unlike the Fed, it does not issue them to the Russian government even at interest. In order for these rubles to enter our economy, it is necessary to sell some goods on the world market. Of course, this product can only be sold for dollars. These dollars end up on the world currency exchange. This is where the Bank of Russia buys them. But even after this, he is in no hurry to channel them into the national economy. He diligently puts them into the so-called gold and foreign exchange reserves (GFR) and only prints rubles according to the amount of these reserves. For example, they sold goods for 100 dollars, and if the exchange rate was 50 rubles per dollar, they printed 5,000 rubles.

By the way, the Central Bank sets the dollar exchange rate independently, but not in the interests of its country, but in the interests of the “owners of the money.” This “interest” is not difficult to understand. Whether these “masters” want to bring down the economy of any country, eliminate a leader, change the policy of any state, they don’t have to go far: for this there are obedient and faithful central banks in all countries dependent on the dollar.

Once upon a time, the former chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ignatiev, was invited to the Federation Council and they began to ask him basic questions. If you want to laugh at how the main banker of the Motherland answered these questions, watch the video at this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iP6YP5na3s . Perhaps this is why, no matter how the State Duma deputies called for Elvira Nabiullina to come to Okhotny Ryad, she never came.

He was never able to answer the question why, while tirelessly fighting inflation, the Central Bank cannot ensure economic growth?

And we will return to the secrets. The Central Bank considers the fight against inflation to be its main task. He will fight it to the last stone that remains after the Russian economy. The fight against inflation, at first glance, seems like a noble cause. Why, ordinary citizens will say, the ruble should not depreciate. And only a few know that the Central Bank is fighting inflation solely to ensure that there are no more rubles in the country than dollars. All! This fight against inflation does not pursue any other goals.

Especially hardened “liberals” believe that printing rubles will certainly lead to inflation, therefore, they say, we cannot increase the ruble supply. But they learned this truth exclusively from economics comics. It’s one thing to print rubles and throw them on the market, another thing to give them to production in the form of a loan, exclusively for production purposes and under the control of a bank.

The entire producing economy of Russia is groaning because there are no rubles in the Motherland. Why aren't there any? Because they are connected by a dollar and there cannot be more of them than dollars. Who benefits from this? This is beneficial to the owners of the money. They are not interested in the country developing. By tying the national currency to the dollar, they will already get everything they want: resources, inventions, brains, and even governments.

In such conditions, this particular form of organization of the Central Bank is ideal for the owners of money, because the bank is not controlled and accountable to the government of the Russian Federation, but it is controlled and accountable to the owners of money.

There will be no coup or revolution in Russia as long as there is this system while the dollar rules the roost. But it is inevitable if the national government decides to refuse the services of the “green bastard”.

The first time the Fed disrupted national economies and national currencies was as a result of World War I. In countries that were defeated (Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, Russia), national currencies collapsed. The fall of empires sank the golden Russian ruble, the gold imperial mark of Germany, the hard shilling of Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman lira. National monetary systems were destroyed. Remember the hyperinflation that could be observed in both Germany and Russia at the very beginning of the 20s.

As a result of the First World War, two reserve world currencies appeared on the scene - the dollar and english pound. But already in 1944 the Bretton Woods Agreement was concluded, when only the dollar appeared on the scene.

There was a cold war between the USSR and the USA, but it was not a war of ideologies, it was a war of money. Unfortunately, the ruble lost this war. In the early 90s, the “green bastard” finally broke through our borders and, through the reform of the Central Bank, subjugated the economy former USSR, turning it into the economy of the colony.

Let us repeat: the status that allows the Central Bank of the Russian Federation not to be responsible to the state is beneficial exclusively to the owners of the money.

One of the greats joked, saying that every country has “its own Vatican.” The Central Bank is such a state within a state. And the point is not that he necessarily needs to be made dependent or subordinate to the government. It needs to be reformatted so that it stops serving the owners of money and starts serving its people.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation: who established it and when?

They say that the registration statements say 1990, butfounder of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation which did not exist then .

I don’t even know whether this question should be addressed to economists, or to lawyers (or to the Prosecutor General?)

from the Central Bank website:

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) was established on July 13, 1990 on the basis of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. Accountable to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, it was originally called the State Bank of the RSFSR.

On December 2, 1990, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted the Law on the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia), according to which the Bank of Russia was a legal entity, the main bank of the RSFSR and was accountable to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. The law defined the functions of the bank in the field of organizing monetary circulation, monetary credit regulation, foreign economic activity and regulation of the activities of joint-stock and cooperative banks.

In June 1991, the Charter of the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia, reporting to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR) was approved.

In November 1991, in connection with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the abolition of union structures, the Supreme Court of the RSFSR declared the Central Bank of the RSFSR to be the only body on the territory of the RSFSR for state monetary and currency regulation of the republic's economy. It was entrusted with the functions of the State Bank of the USSR in issuing and determining the exchange rate of the ruble. The Central Bank of the RSFSR was instructed to take into its full economic jurisdiction and management the material and technical base and other resources of the State Bank of the USSR, the network of its institutions, enterprises and organizations, before January 1, 1992.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) was established on July 13, 1990 on the basis of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR.

Founded by WHO?

There was the USSR, the Constitution of the USSR was in force, and the laws certainly prohibited the republican branch of the State Bank from renaming itself, adopting its own rules - changing subordination from the State Bank of the Union to the Supreme Council of one republic.

Fantastic scam. This crime has no statute of limitations, and the legal successor of the USSR must investigate. The Republican Council took over and robbed the Union State Bank and removed its regional branch from subordination.

State treason, of which there were many then

herehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC_JjUfSPvw photographs are shown from two statements (received in different regions) - both from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, 1990

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) was established on July 13, 1990 as a result of the transformation of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. Was accountable to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

is also silent - Who established it during the USSR and transferred it to the subordination of the Republic?

Original name: State Bank of the RSFSR.

On December 2, 1990, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted the Law on the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia), according to which the Bank of Russia became a legal entity, the main bank of the RSFSR and was accountable to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

so from July to December 90, who was the founder?

Based on the results of the media analysis:

1. There is a Central Bank entity(Article 1 of the current Federal Law of July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ (as amended on July 19, 2009) On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)"

2. The Central Bank has no organizational and legal form at all! (from a legal point of view - this phenomenon there is “legal nonsense”, because According to legal theory, every legal entity must have its own organizational and legal form - but not in the case of the Central Bank! I repeat, not a single regulatory legal act specifies its organizational and legal form, which from the point of view of law should be qualified as a deliberate “legal gap” made by the legislator)

3. “Making a profit is not the purpose of the Bank of Russia” (Article 3 of the Federal Law) - this provision hints that the Central Bank has the characteristics of a non-profit organization, which, for example, includes funds, non-profit partnerships or institutions.

4. The Bank of Russia “carries out its functions independently of other federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.” (Article 1 of the Federal Law). This is the cornerstone of all legislation on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation!

It’s funny that the legislator nowhere directly calls the Central Bank a federal government body, which is a phenomenal fact! We can only guess from the context that most likely the Central Bank is a federal government body, since the legislator used the expression “from others.” All lawyers know that all government power is divided into executive, legislative and judicial. If someone is called a federal government body, this means that he ANYWAY falls under one of the above three branches of government. But as we see from the law, the Central Bank is independent of all government bodies at any level! That is, it is neither administratively nor functionally subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation (as the highest body of executive power in the Russian Federation), nor to the Federal Assembly (as the highest body of legislative power in the Russian Federation, nor to the Supreme, Arbitration or Constitutional Court (as the highest bodies of judicial power in the Russian Federation) or even to the President of the Russian Federation (as the head of state) - the Central Bank is de jure independent from all these federal government bodies!

Then if the Central Bank is a federal government body, then what branch of government does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation belong to?

Paradoxically, based on the literal interpretation of the law, the correct answer would be: the Central Bank does not belong to any of the known branches of state power, in fact, forming an independent branch of state power - financial power, which de jure does not exist in jurisprudence either in theory or in practice.


According to Part 1 of Art. 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, state power in the Russian Federation is exercised by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly (the Federation Council and the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, the courts of the Russian Federation. The list of these bodies, i.e. bodies exercising state power in Russia, is exhaustive!

This provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation gives reason to believe that if the Bank of Russia is not one of the bodies exercising state power in Russia, then it is not a body of state power.

However, every lawyer in this case is obliged to use the method of not literal interpretation of the law, but the method of systematic interpretation of the law, i.e. interpret this norm in conjunction with other norms of the Constitution related in meaning to this issue. Using this method, we get the following.

In paragraph "g" art. 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the establishment of the legal foundations of the single market is assigned to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation; financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue, fundamentals of pricing policy; federal economic services, including federal banks.

Due to the fact that the issue of money under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation (that is, the state in accordance with Part 1 of Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, we can conclude:

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a government body that performs one of the exclusive federal functions.

No one established the modern Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It arose as a result of a chain of succession as a result of reorganizations in the form of transformations or simply renaming of predecessor banks! On Wikipedia there is a phrase: “The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) was established on July 13, 1990.” - this is mistake. In fact, paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated July 13, 1990 reads verbatim as follows:

"2. The Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR will be transformed into the State Bank of the RSFSR, reporting to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR."

As you and I can see, the resolution does not talk about any institution. It only talks about the next legal succession.

So the father of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation was the Central Bank of the RSFSR (father which in turn arose from the State Bank of the RSFSR (grandfather which in turn arose from the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR (great-grandfather which in turn arose from the State Bank of the USSR (great-great-grandfather which in turn turn arose from the State Bank of the RSFSR (the great-great-great-grandfather of which FINALLY WAS REALLY ESTABLISHED by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR in October 1921, which, as is known, at that time combined the functions of the executive and legislative body of state power, therefore, in the person of its body On October 13, 1921, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the Regulations on the State Bank of the RSFSR by a separate decree

The answer to the question When it is written in the registration statements, on the official website of the Central Bank and on Wikipedia is the same - 07/13/1990, so the answer has been received.

But who made the decision under Gorbachev in the USSR to transfer the Republican Bank of the RSFSR as part of the State Bank of the USSR to a new format and removed it from subordination to the State Bank, subordinating it to the regional authorities --- all documents are silent.

That is, there is no indication of the authority that created a new bank on the basis of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR, already accountable to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and named “State Bank of the RSFSR”.

(At the same time, the Central Bank is a legal entity (Article 1 of the current Federal Law of July 10, 2002 and N 86-FZ (as amended on July 19, 2009) On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

According to media materials:


Now attention! Who is the founder of the Bank of Russia?

Neither the great Gugul nor the mighty Yandex know the answer to this question. The legislation of the Russian Federation on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is extremely confusing and contradictory. These contradictions did not arise yesterday, but no one is going to eliminate them. Probably because this status of the Central Bank suits its owner quite well.

The owner of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is unknown, but his power is limitless.

In other words, all this:



N. R. Chebykina

Review of Russian Central Bank authoritative powers is represented in the article. Analysis and definition of its legal status as public authority are given.

With the adoption of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, one of the key problems of banking law was not resolved - the uncertainty of the legal status of the Bank of Russia. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts that regulate the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do not allow it to be unambiguously defined legal status. There is also no consensus in the scientific literature on this issue. Exploring this issue, he writes: “No one disputes that the Bank of Russia exercises power, but from the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” it is unclear in what capacity it acts: as a government body or in some other capacity ".1

adheres to the point of view that the Bank of Russia has a dual legal nature. It is simultaneously a government body with special competence and a legal entity carrying out economic activities. By concluding civil transactions with commercial banks in order to realize his economic interests, he, first of all, thereby has a corresponding targeted impact on the development of the system of credit organizations and determines credit policy in the state.2

believes that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a government body of special competence, endowed with broad powers to manage the country’s banking system and the sphere of monetary relations.3

S. Glazyev and A. Diyansky believe that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is an emission center, a body of state administration and control over the activities of other credit institutions, which is endowed with virtually unlimited rights to issue regulations relating to the regulation of the financial and banking sector, mandatory for execution throughout the territory Russian Federation, all its subjects.4

As is known, the possession of authority, that is, the legally enshrined ability to exercise state power, make legally significant decisions on behalf of the state and ensure their implementation, is the most important feature of a state body. An analysis of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” makes it possible to talk about the presence of the following powers at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: issuing powers, powers to adopt regulations, powers in the field of management of the banking system and control powers.

Within the framework of issuing powers, the Bank of Russia acts as a special public legal institution that has the exclusive right to issue money and organize money circulation (Clause 1 of Article 75 of the CRF). Clause "g" of Art. 71 of the Constitution determines that the issue of money is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the Constitution limits the possibility of uncontrolled emission, which can be carried out, for example, by the Government in order to cover its expenses, and also establishes a ban for the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to interfere in the issue of money.

Regulatory powers consist in the fact that the Bank of Russia, on issues within its competence, issues in the form of directives, regulations and instructions mandatory for federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, all legal and physical persons For credit institutions and banking groups, the Bank of Russia establishes mandatory rules for conducting banking operations, accounting and reporting, organizing internal control, drawing up and submitting accounting and statistical reporting, as well as other information provided for by federal laws.

The regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are clearly interpreted as subordinate legislation, since they must be issued in accordance with the execution and application of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” and other federal laws and cannot contradict them.

The powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the management of the banking system imply registration and licensing of credit organizations. These are very important powers, since, in this way, the Bank of Russia allows credit institutions to enter the banking services market. In order to ensure the stability of credit institutions, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can establish mandatory standards for them (the minimum amount of authorized capital for created credit institutions, the maximum amount of property (non-monetary) contributions to the authorized capital of a credit institution, liquidity standards of a credit institution, required reserve ratios, etc.).

The regulations established by the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are ensured, first of all, by measures of persuasion and encouragement, while at the same time being protected from violations by the possibility of using the coercive force of the state. This demonstrates the control powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The Bank of Russia is the body for banking regulation and banking supervision over the activities of credit institutions. To carry out the functions of banking regulation and banking supervision, the Bank of Russia has the right to request and receive from credit institutions the necessary information about their activities, conduct inspections of credit institutions (their branches), send them binding orders to eliminate violations identified in their activities and apply those provided for by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” sanctions against violators.

In addition to the presence of authority, in the theory of state and law, a number of other characteristics of a public authority are distinguished. One of these features is economic and organizational isolation and independence.5 The Central Bank of the Russian Federation also has this feature. Thus, the authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property, however, in accordance with the purposes and in the manner established by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, the Bank of Russia exercises powers to own, use and dispose of the property of the Bank of Russia, including gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia. The seizure and encumbrance of the specified property with obligations without the consent of the Bank of Russia is not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law. The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia is not liable for the obligations of the state, unless they have assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation carries out its expenses at the expense of its own income received as a result of banking operations and transactions. However, making a profit is not the purpose of the Bank of Russia. These provisions demonstrate the economic independence of the Bank of Russia.

Organizational isolation consists in the fact that the Bank of Russia carries out the functions and powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” independently of other federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies. The Bank of Russia is a legal entity and has a seal with the image State emblem Russian Federation and with its own name.

Each state body, in accordance with its competence, performs its inherent functions. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is independent and independent in fulfilling its main function - protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble. The Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” expands the list of functions of the Central Bank. In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law, the Bank of Russia performs the functions of developing and implementing a unified monetary policy in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation; is the lender of last resort for credit institutions, organizes a system for their refinancing; establishes the rules for making payments in the Russian Federation; establishes the rules for conducting banking operations; exercises supervision over the activities of credit institutions and banking groups, etc.

To carry out their functions, state bodies have the necessary material resources, which include numerous organizations, enterprises, institutions, although they carry out current government work, but are not state bodies. The Bank of Russia is a single centralized system with a vertical management structure, which includes the central office, territorial institutions, cash settlement centers, computer centers, field institutions, educational establishments and other organizations, including security units and the Russian Collection Association, the presence of which is necessary for the implementation of the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The idea of ​​a government body would be incomplete without indicating that its physical embodiment is the people who make up this body (civil servants). A federal civil servant is a citizen who carries out professional work in a position in the federal public service and receives salary (remuneration, allowance) from the federal budget (Clause 1, Article 10 of the Federal Law “On the Civil Service System of the Russian Federation”)6. Employees of the Bank of Russia are not listed as civil servants either in the Federal Law “On the Central Bank (Bank of Russia)” or in the Register of Public Positions of Federal Civil Servants.7 To date, only in the Consolidated List of Public Positions of the Russian Federation8 the position of Chairman of the Bank of Russia is mentioned as a public position RF. However, clause 4 of Article 10 of the Federal Law “On the Civil Service System of the Russian Federation” establishes that the legal status (status) of a federal civil servant, including restrictions, obligations, rules of official conduct, responsibility, as well as the procedure for resolving conflicts of interest and official disputes is established by the relevant federal law on the type of public service. Federal Law “On the Central Bank (Bank of Russia)” in Art. Articles 88-92 establish that, firstly, the conditions of hiring, dismissal, remuneration, official duties and rights, and the system of disciplinary sanctions are determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with federal laws. Secondly, the Board of Directors creates a pension fund for additional pension provision for Bank of Russia employees, and also organizes life insurance and medical insurance for Bank of Russia employees. Thirdly, the Federal Law establishes a number of service restrictions for Bank of Russia employees holding positions, the list of which is approved by the Board of Directors. Thus, employees of the Bank of Russia have a special legal status that is in many ways similar to the status of civil servants.

The considered features in their totality and organic relationship reveal the concept of a public authority. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has these characteristics. This allows us to talk about the Bank of Russia as a government body.

A number of authors (,)9 conclude that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a government body based on an analysis of Art. 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Scientists write that Art. 75 of the Constitution says that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation carries out its main function - protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble - independently of other government bodies. The key word in this legal provision is the word “others” . The Constitution of the Russian Federation directly states here that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is one of the existing bodies of state power and carries out its main function independently of other bodies. If this article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation did not contain the word “others” and the norm would be as follows: “regardless of state authorities” , then this would open the possibility of concluding that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not a government body.

Thus, The Bank of Russia should be considered a government body vested with special competence (the exclusive right to issue money and organize money circulation), managing the banking and monetary systems and having independence from other government bodies.

If the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a government body, then it seems necessary to also consider the issue of whether the Central Bank of the Russian Federation belongs to one of the existing branches of government. Unfortunately, the Constitution says nothing on this matter.

The point of view that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is one of the executive authorities has a right to exist. Supporters of this position say that the Bank of Russia exercises essentially executive power in the banking sector. Regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are of a subordinate nature, like acts of executive authorities. In this light, the position of the person who writes is interesting: “With regard to the legal status of the Bank of Russia, the opinions of experts are divided. Some call it a government body, which, in our opinion, is incorrect. With the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, the term “government body” lost its legal meaning. This term was used until 1993. But at that time, a distinction was made between “public authorities” and “public administration bodies”. Now it is not used in legislation for the reason that the organization of government is based on the principle of separation of powers. Therefore, the only object of discussion may be the question of whether the Bank of Russia is an executive body? But he is not one, since he is not part of the executive branch. In the new Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” this became obvious. Take, for example, what is in Art. 19 of the Law states that members of the Board of Directors cannot be civil servants, as well as members of the Government of the Russian Federation.”10

Attributing the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to another branch of government would be even more incorrect, and this is so obvious that it does not need proof.

Thus, some researchers (for example) come to the conclusion that there is another branch of government - monetary power . 11 The authors write: “...the separation of the Central Bank as an independent, fourth branch of government is an objectively urgent need, a natural and inevitable path for the development of the state as a public legal phenomenon. ...The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a federal body of state power, is not part of the system of federal bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power and carries out its functions independently of them.”12 But then, on the same basis, we can talk about the existence of a separate branch of government of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation - the electoral power or even the branch of power of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation - the control power, which, of course, does not fit into the existing Russian constitutional law. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 10 states that: “State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial.” This gives us reason to say that there are only three branches of government. There is no indication in the Constitution that there may be other branches of government. We also find confirmation of this conclusion in paragraph “d” of Art. 71, which speaks only about the legislative, executive and judicial powers. All this makes any assumptions about the existence of a monetary or any other fourth branch of government impossible.

The most correct view seems to be that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has a special statute and is not part of any branch of government, like some federal bodies. At the same time, the legal literature does not exclude the possibility of the existence of such bodies. Thus, 13 express this possibility in relation to the prosecutor’s office, which represents a special group of government bodies that do not belong to the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government.

The fact that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is moved beyond the three branches of government is also stated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, establishing that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation carries out its main function independently of other government bodies.

All of the above allows us to conclude that at present the Central Bank of the Russian Federation should be considered a government body that is endowed with special competence (the exclusive right to issue money and organize money circulation), manages the banking and monetary systems and has independence from other bodies state power.


1. Efimova once about the legal personality of the Bank of Russia // Business and banks. 1999. No. 3. pp. 4-5.

2. Efimova right. M.: BEK. 1994.

3. Tosunyan management in the field of finance and credit in Russia. M.: Business. 1997. P. 131.

4. Glazyev S., Diyansky A. Central Bank of Russia: the price of “independence” // Ross. Economic Journal. 2001. No. 5-6. pp. 3-8.

5. Theory of State and Law: Course of Lectures / ed. , . M.: Lawyer. 2001. pp. 95-96.

6. Federal Law of 01.01.01 “On the civil service system of the Russian Federation” / Reference legal system “Consultant Plus: Prof Version”.

7. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 “On the register of public positions of federal civil servants” / Reference legal system “Consultant Plus: Version Prof.”

8. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 “On public positions of the Russian Federation” / Reference legal system “Consultant Plus: Version Prof.”

9. Maslov -legal status Bank of Russia (point of view) // Money and credit. 2001. No. 12. P. 53.; Geyvandov The Russian Federation needs a Central Bank // State and Law. 1999. No. 8. pp. 14-15.

10. Briefly of the main provisions of the Federal Law on the Central Bank // Business and Banks. 2003. No. 42. S. 1.

11. , Vikulin law of the Russian Federation. M.: Beck. 2000. P. 129.

12. , On the question of the status of the Bank of Russia // Money and Credit. 1998. No. 9. pp. 9-16.

13. , Kutafin law of Russia. M.: Lawyer. 1999. P. 310.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will look important information on registration of the Central Bank as a legal entity. This question will be of interest to many - people who have heard a lot of false information on TV or in unreliable sources, or those who are studying or simply want to find out who controls the country’s financial system.

In this article you will learn:

  • What is the Central Bank and what functions he fulfills. We will analyze in detail each task that the Central Bank faces, find out how and what it can influence the economic situation in the country
  • Who is chairman TSB RF
  • Where is registered the main bank of Russia as a legal entity

What is a central bank?

Central Bank of Russia is the main bank of the country, endowed with such powers that cannot be vested in other banks. The most important task of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, prescribed in the constitution of the state, is ensuring the stability of the national currency- ruble. The issue of securities, the issuance and revocation of licenses to state-owned banks, the setting of exchange rates, the determination of the key rate (or refinancing rate) - all this is carried out exclusively by the main bank of Russia. It is important to understand that this body does not belong to a branch of government, but exists as an independent organization.

Undoubtedly, the Central Bank is the most important component of our state.

Functions of the Central Bank

Issue of money- this is their release. Coins are minted and banknotes are issued. The Central Bank is the only bank in our state that has such an opportunity. No one else commercial Bank cannot engage in such activities. He runs all the other banks - maybe give them loans or take deposits, issue licenses and take them away. Loans are issued at a key rate; deposits can only be taken at a lower interest rate. Recently, the refinancing rate has been equalized to the key (accounting) rate. This percentage is very important in monetary policy. It can restrain price increases, regulate the stability of the national currency, support business activity, etc.

Also the central bank monitors the diligent work of other commercial banks. If a bank pursues an aggressive policy or fights unfairly, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may take away the license to carry out banking activities.Let's remember the bank Ugra, whose advertisements were so often shown on TV, ceased its activities due to the fact that the organization's license was taken away.If a large bank has large financial debts, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation may attract third-party investments or give a bank a loan to avoid bankruptcy. It is better to help than to crush. For example, largest bank The opening is in unfavorable financial condition and the Central Bank took it over reorganization

At the end of each day, the central bank publishes Exchange Rates the next day after the previous trading day. That is, we exchange currency at the rate that was yesterday. On special exchanges, exchange can be made at the current rate. To avoid speculation, the price of the dollar or euro is not set specifically. In 2014, during the crisis, it was said that fight for speculators will continue.

When the national currency weakens, prices on the domestic market begin to rise. To avoid a sharp rise in prices, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation raises key rate, thereby reducing money turnover in the country. This leads to stabilization of the situation. For example, after the crisis in December 2014, the Central Bank raised the key rate to 17%. If such a decision had not been made, the dollar could have easily broken through 100 or 150 rubles. This would cause a sharp rise in prices for all goods and an increase in poverty, so the key rate is very important.

On the website of the Central Bank you can find out inflation for the current month in relation to the same month of the previous year. The Central Bank does the same inflation target- the indicator to which they strive. For example, in 2018, prices are expected to rise by 4%. That is, goods prices have risen by about 4% over the past year. But so far, as of July 2018, compared to July 2017, the price increase was only 2.5%. It has been noted more than once that the rate of inflation has dropped sharply this year.

The Chairman of the Central Bank since 2013 is Elvira Nabiullina.

Where is the Central Bank of Russia registered as a legal entity?

Why do doubts arise about where the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is registered? After watching videos on the Internet, as well as various television programs, many are wondering about registering the main bank of Russia. For example, “they say that the Central Bank is registered in the USA.” I would like to point out right away that you should not trust such programs. More often this is only done for propaganda or created by illiterate people whose main task is to put forward their theory and become more popular. They certainly do not pursue any good goals. In part, such “experts” may be right, but the picture they paint is such that one does not agree with the other. In general, it's better to have minimal knowledge in this area, to sift out all the rubbish that is poured into us from all sides!

Many people are interested in the affiliation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. As a legal entity, the Central Bank has legal address. This is clear to everyone.The legal address of the Central Bank of Russia is in Moscow, it is important to understand that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not a government body, but only cooperates with the government. For example, are developing a program for sound monetary policy and development of the Russian financial market. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation cannot be a completely independent organization; in some cases, interaction with the government of the country is simply necessary. Besides 90% of your incomethe main bank sends it to the country's budget.



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