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Central Research Testing Institute of Engineering Troops. Federal State Budgetary Institution "TsNII IV" of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Monographs of scientists of the Institute

30th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

30th Central Order of the Red Star Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
(30 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)
International name
Former name
Legal address

141110, Shchelkovo-10, Moscow region


30 The Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was created as the leading scientific organization of the Ministry of Defense for aviation and space technology. The institute was intended to conduct systematic large-scale research to substantiate the prospects for the development of aviation and space technology as the basis of the Air Force weapons system, substantiate the tactical and technical requirements for new and modernized aviation and aerospace complexes, their engines, equipment and weapons, assess the combat effectiveness of promising aviation technology.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2010 N 551 “On the reorganization of federal government institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”, and in order to improve the structure of the military-scientific complex of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 30 Central Research Institute of Defense was reorganized in the form of annexation as a structural subdivision of .

Literally a month and a half did not live to see the 50th anniversary of the 30th Central Research Institute of Moscow Region.

For its contribution to strengthening the country's defense capability, the 30th Central Research Institute of the Moscow Region was awarded the Order of the Red Star.


30 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was founded in 1961 and is based on Chkalovskaya. January 16 is considered the founding date and is celebrated as Institute Day. The organization was headed by Lieutenant General Z. A. Ioffe.

The first name is the Central Research Institute of the Air Force (TsNII VVS).

The institute was created on the basis of the Moscow Defense Computing Center (VTs-3) located in Noginsk, which received the status of one of the divisions of the Air Force Central Research Institute - the Air Force Control Systems Research Center.

Subsequently, the structure of the Central Research Institute of the Air Force included the 15th Scientific Research Institute of the Navy based in Leningrad (15th Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, previously 15th Scientific Research Institute of the Navy, Scientific Research Institute-15 of the Navy, Scientific Research Institute of Naval Aviation), which became a branch of the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Air Force on maritime topics.

Over time, the scientific research tasks solved by the 30th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have expanded significantly. At the end of the 1960s. The institute began large-scale research on program planning for the development of new and modernized aviation equipment, and since the early 1970s. - work to substantiate the main directions of development of equipment and weapons for the future and substantiate the groupings of DA, FA, VTA, AA and naval aviation of the Navy. 30 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation substantiated the concepts of creation and the main tactical and technical characteristics of all aviation complexes of the Air Force of the 3rd, 4th and 5th generations.

As of 2006, 16 doctors and 215 candidates of science worked at the institute. Over the years of the institute's existence, a large scientific school has been created, widely known in our country and abroad: 14 employees of the institute have been awarded Lenin and State Prizes; 9 employees were awarded the honorary titles “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation” and “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation”; 7 employees became laureates of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In terms of the status, scale and nature of the work performed, the significance of the results obtained, the 30th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was the generally recognized leading scientific organization of the Ministry of Defense in the field of construction of military aviation of Russia, which had a significant influence on the ongoing military-technical policy in improving the aviation of other law enforcement agencies and civilian departments of the Russian Federation.

30 Central Research Institute performed its functions in close cooperation with the Air Force Scientific and Technical Committee, the Air Force weapons service (heads Mishuk Mikhail Nikitovich, Ayupov Abrek Idrisovich), other research institutes of the Ministry of Defense (46 Central Research Institute, 4 Central Research Institute, 16 Central Research Institute, State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense named after V.P. Chkalov, 13th GNII ERAT, etc.), aviation research institutes (GosNIIAS, TsAGI, VIAM, CIAM, etc.), design bureaus (Tupolev, Mikoyan, Antonov, Yakovlev, Ilyushin, etc.), organizations of the Academy of Sciences.

The ceremonial meeting of employees and veterans of the 30th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense in January 2011, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the institute, actually drew a line under the half-century history of the organization.


Information sources often contain alternative names for the 30th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense: , 30 Central Research Institute of the Air Force, 30th Central Research Institute of Aviation and Space Technology of the Ministry of Defense, Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense for Aerospace Technology, 30 Central Research Institute (A&KT) of the Ministry of Defense, 30 Central Research Institute Ministry of Defense.

The most commonly used abbreviation is 30 TsNII or the informal one - “thirty”.

Since 2011, the 30th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has the official name: “Research Center for Aviation Equipment and Weapons of the Federal Budgetary Institution 4 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”, abbreviated as “NIC ATV FBU 4 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”.

In 2012, it is planned to transfer the “National Research Center ATV FBU 4 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” to the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force (VUNTS VVS)


The scope of the institute's scientific activities covered military-theoretical, operational-strategic, military-technical and military-economic research on current problems in the construction and use of the Air Force and the development of aviation equipment and weapons.

Published information indicates that not a single project relating to aircraft and their systems in the aviation, radio-electronic industry or other defense sectors was launched without a tactical and technical specification (TTZ) developed by the 30th Central Research Institute, as well as not a single system was not adopted by the Air Force without a positive assessment from the 30th Central Research Institute.

30 The Central Research Institute is proud not only of weapons and military equipment, which became a reality with its participation, but also records to its credit situations when the institute took a principled position, preventing the emergence of objects that were considered unpromising. For example, the institute defended its position on the issue of the inexpediency of developing an analogue to the American low-visibility fighter F-117A, saving huge amounts of money. The US is now withdrawing it from service and does not plan any replacement for it. A systematic approach to justifying the order and development of weapons and military equipment and the use of mathematical modeling were the cornerstones of the research methodology of the 30th Central Research Institute.

Heads of the institute

Notable employees

The personnel of the institute was formed mainly by graduates of the Kyiv Higher Military Aviation Engineering School, the N. E. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy and the N. E. Zhukovsky Air Force Academy. Yu. A. Gagarin.

In addition, the staff of civilian scientists was replenished by retiring officers from nearby (Monino, Star City, Chkalovskaya) organizations (VVA teachers and specialists from the State Research Institute of the Air Force and the Central Training Center).

Many famous scientists and specialists worked at the institute (the list includes the names of only those employees whose connection with the 30th Central Research Institute is confirmed in previously published open sources): Artamonov V.D., Baklitsky V.K., Burlakov P.G., Blagodarny G. M., Gladilin A. S., Glazkov A. I., Goncharov I. N., Gorchitsa G. I., Grigorov S. I., Gubarev A. A., Denisenko A. K., Kibkalo V. I. ., Knauer G. E., Kulyapin V., Lvov A. N., Matveev V. A., Melnikov Yu. P., Minakov V. I., Pankov R. A., Platunov V. S., Trushenkov V. V., Romanenko I. G., Rukosuev O. B., Semenov V. M., Skopets G. M., Trushenkov V. V., Tupikov V. A., Khrunov E. V., Tsymbal V. I. ., Chinaev P. I., Yuryev A. N.

Monographs of scientists of the Institute

  • Baklitsky V.K., Bochkarev A.M., Musyakov M.P. Methods for filtering signals in correlation-extremal navigation systems. edited by V.K. Baklitsky. - M.: Radio and communication, 1986. - 216 p.
  • Panov V.V., Gorchitsa G.I., Balyko Yu.P., Ermolin O.V., Nesterov V.A. Formation of a rational appearance of promising aviation missile systems and complexes. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2010. - 608 p. - ISBN 978-5-217-03478-9.
  • Antonov D. A., Babich R. M., Balyko Yu. P. et al. Aviation of the Russian Air Force and scientific and technological progress: Combat complexes and systems yesterday, today, tomorrow. (edited by E. A. Fedosov) - M.: Bustard, 2005. - 736 p. - ISBN 5-710-77070-1, ISBN 978-5-710-77070-2.
  • Platunov V. S. Methodology of systemic military-scientific research of aviation complexes: 30 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. - M.: Delta, 2005. - 343 p. - ISBN 5-902-37042-6.
  • Soloviev Yu. A. Satellite navigation and its applications. - M.: Eco-Trends, 2003. -. 326 pp. - ISBN 5-884-05050-X.
  • Barkovsky V.I., Skopets G.M., Stepanov V.D. Methodology for forming the technical appearance of export-oriented aviation complexes. - M: FIZMATLIT, 2008. - 244 p. ISBN 978-5-9221-0933-8.

International activity

In the early 90s, the institute's employees, as part of Air Force delegations, participated in the organization of a number of international exhibitions. Gorchitsa G.I., Bazlev A.M., Bochkarev A.M. took an active part in organizing these events.

Aviation exhibition in Germany (ILA Berlin Air Show), 1991

Russian-American seminar on the analysis of the actions of the US Air Force in the Gulf War (1990-1991). Moscow, October 12, 1992. From the American side, employees of the Rand Corporation took part in the seminar. The delegation was led by Ambassador Robert Blackwell. The Russian side was represented by employees of the 30th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense and the Military Engineering Academy named after. prof. Zhukovsky. The keynote address on “Achieving Air Superiority in Operation Desert Storm” was given by Benjamin Lambeth.

Australian International Airshow, October 1992. Avalon, pc. Victoria, Australia. The Russian delegation presented the An-124, Mi-17 and Ka-32 helicopters.

International Aviation Symposium in the UK (International Conference Air Power), February 11-12, 1993 London, UK. The head of the 30th Central Research Institute, V. E. Aleksandrov, made a report on the topic “Prospects for the development of a fighter for gaining air supremacy”

International Airshow in Canada Abbotsford-93 (Abbotsford International Airshow), August 1993. Russia was represented by the group “Russian Knights” on Su-27 aircraft and Il 76 aircraft.

Due to the closed subject matter of the institute, there is very little information about the participation of the 30th Central Research Institute in specific developments. Below are examples of the participation of 30 Central Research Institutes in various projects, reflected in previously published open sources.

Participation in the preparation of the first manned space flights

Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force for Space (from 1960 to 1971), Colonel General of Aviation N.P. Kamanin, recorded in his diaries many of the most important events in the preparation of the first manned space flights. The 30th Central Research Institute is repeatedly mentioned in these diaries. Note: the institute is mentioned either by name (TsNII-30) or by the name of the head (Ioffe, Molotkov).

We discussed our comments on the Soyuz for about four hours. Generals Mishuk, Ioffe, Babiychuk, Goreglyad, Kholodkov, colonels Yazdovsky, Karpov, Terentyev, Momzyakov and others were present - more than 20 people in total.

We will receive data on the position of the ships from powerful direction finders, transmit them to TsNII-30, and in 15 minutes we will know the coordinates of the ships.

Yesterday, General Ioffe (head of Central Research Institute-30 - Ed.) reported to me that one of these days he will have a docking simulator ready. Next week I will need to go to Noginsk to look at this simulator and at the same time try to speed up the improvement of other simulators.

Lieutenant General Ioffe came in and reported that by December 25, his institute would have a fully completed docking simulator. Judging by his report and the reports of a group of engineers from the Center (Vankov’s team), the simulator will be good. It will be possible not only to train crews, but also to conduct some research in the interests of OKB-1 to develop the Soyuz project.

I spent the whole day yesterday with a group of cosmonauts and engineers at Central Research Institute-30 in Noginsk, where we got acquainted with the simulator for docking spacecraft in orbit. The simulator is almost completely ready, and we saw it in action... In addition to the docking simulator, General Ioffe showed us several new aviation simulators and electronic computers, including an on-board computer for the spacecraft. It weighs only 40 kilograms, but can maintain full control over the operation of the ship’s equipment and solve space navigation problems. I am convinced that TsNII-30, TsPK and the State Research Institute of the Air Force can make any space simulator better than any other organization, and, most importantly, they can make it quickly.

Held a meeting to draw up a long-term plan for manned space flights for the next 3-5 years. Generals present were: Ioffe, Volynkin, Arbuzov, Kuznetsov, Kholodkov, Gazenko, Babiychuk and others.

On Saturday, representatives of all ministries and departments involved in the development of search tools gathered at Central Research Institute-30. Ioffe, Matveev and other comrades quite energetically set about developing a scientifically based system for detecting and searching for spaceships, the only pity is that this work begins three years later than the period on which the Air Force once insisted.

Yesterday we held the second meeting of the State Commission on L-1. … At the meeting, reports were heard on the activities necessary to support the flights of lunar spacecraft…. 2. Report of Colonel Sibiryakov and Captain 1st Rank Dmitriev on the search service. TsNII-30 (Ioffe), together with a dozen military and civilian organizations, carried out extensive research work to substantiate the maritime, aviation, radio communications and other means necessary for the search service.

Molotkov [at that time the first deputy head of the State Research Institute of the Air Force] is a smart general, he is still relatively young (he is a little over 40), and his candidacy [for the post of head of the Central Industrial Committee] is perhaps one of the most suitable.

Held a meeting of the heads of Air Force institutes (Ioffe, Volynkin, Pushko, Kuznetsov) to substantiate the requirements for crew members of lunar spacecraft (LOK, LK) intended for an expedition to the Moon. Ioffe, Volynkin and Pushko made many useful suggestions.

Two days ago, at the expert commission on the L-1 spacecraft, I made a report on the conclusions from the study of its descent module, landing system and SAS. Smirnov reported on life support, Ioffe reported on the possibilities of searching and detecting the ship after landing, and Gagarin reported on the progress of crew training for the L-1 and the development of simulators. In general, the ship is still “raw” and has a lot of shortcomings.

In recent days, G. A. Tyulin and the Chief Designer of the Lunar Researchers, Georgy Nikolaevich Babakin, called me several times - both asked to connect TsNII-30 (Ioffe) to Babakin’s new work related to the return of an automatic device weighing 40-50 kilograms from the Moon to Earth.

I spoke on the phone with Mishin and Tyulin about the need to revise some of the initial data on the L-3 ship - the landing site, the maximum permissible detection time, as well as the presence of self-identification means on the ship. Such initial data were issued to us (the Air Force) in 1966, and on the basis of them, TsNII-30 carried out the Ellipse research work, according to the recommendations of which the Air Force and Navy should create a search service for spaceships on land and in the Indian Ocean with a total cost of about 800 million rubles.

However, the long chain of our failures in manned flights over the past three or four years has prevented and is still preventing us from urgently raising the issue of restructuring the existing structure of space units and Air Force units. We still act with our fingers spread wide, there is a lot of irresponsibility and little unity of purpose, and often there is no well-thought-out perspective. In the near future it is necessary:

1. Introduce the position of Deputy Commander-in-Chief for Space. 2. Unite the space units of the central apparatus (search service, General Frolov’s unit, the Sun service, the assistant commander-in-chief’s office, space medicine, etc.), subordinating them to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief for space.

3. Create space departments at TsNII-30, GNIKI and the Institute of Aerospace Medicine.

Spiral (aerospace system)

From 1964 to 1979, the USSR developed the Spiral aerospace system (VKS) project, which for the first time used the horizontal launch of an orbital aircraft (OS) from a booster aircraft.

Around 1964, a group of scientists and specialists from the Central Research Institute-30 of the Air Force developed the concept of creating a fundamentally new aerospace complex, which most rationally integrated the ideas of an airplane, a rocket plane and a space object and would satisfy the above requirements. In mid-1965, the Minister of Aviation Industry P.V. Dementyev instructed the A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau to develop a project for this system, called “Spiral”. G. E. Lozino-Lozinsky was appointed chief designer of the system. From the Air Force, the management of the work was carried out by S. G. Frolov, military-technical support was entrusted to the head of Central Research Institute-30 - Z. A. Ioffe, as well as his deputy for science V. I. Semenov and the heads of departments - V. A. Matveev and O. B. Rukosuev - the main ideologists of the VKS concept.

Buran (spaceship)

3rd generation fighters

By the mid-60s, specialists from TsNII-30, which was in charge of general issues of Air Force aircraft, developed new requirements for a multi-purpose front-line aircraft ([Su-17])

4th generation fighters

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense instructed the Central Research Institute-30 AKT of the Air Force, the central organization that performed the functions of the customer of aircraft, to formulate the requirements for the aircraft, which was supposed to replace the MiG-21, MiG-23, Su-9, Su-11 and Su-15 fighters in the Air Force and Air Defense . The topic received the code PFI - “promising front-line fighter.”

The requirements for such a machine - a promising front-line fighter (PFI) - were first formed at the 30th Central Research Institute of Aerospace Technology of the Ministry of Defense.

In 1971, industry and customer institutes - the Research Institute of Automatic Systems of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (NIIAS MAP, now the State Research Institute of Aviation Systems - GosNIIAS) and the Central Research Institute-30 of the Ministry of Defense (TsNII-30 MO) - began research on the formation of a concept for building a fighter aircraft fleet ( IA) as part of the country's Air Force in the 80s.

In 1973, studies were generally completed to substantiate the composition of the promising fleet of aircraft. now in relation to specific Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft. and updated Air Force technical specifications for PFI and LFI were released.

The preliminary design of the Su-27K was considered in September-October 1984 by the customer's commission... The requirements for the Su-27K developed at the TsNII-30 branch provided for its use not only to provide air defense, but also to combat enemy surface ships.

- [Aviation and time. - 2004. - N3]

Upgrading weapons systems will allow the MiG-31 heavy fighter to hit hypersonic aircraft. The head of the Federal State Institution “30th Central Research Institute of the Air Force”, Colonel Yuri Balyko, told reporters today.

Electronic warfare

As part of the Central Research Institute of the Air Force (headed by its head, Doctor of Military Sciences, Lieutenant General of Aviation A.P. Molotkov), such work was carried out in the 60-80s by departments under the leadership of Colonels M.P. Popov, Yu.P. Melnikov, G. Gorchitsa. I. and A. N. Lvov as part of the Directorate headed by Colonel P. G. Burlakov.

Aviation weapons

X-25 air-to-ground guided missile.

After the successful implementation of the laser system as part of the Su-17M-2, Su-17M-3, MiG-27 aircraft and Kh-25 missiles, the work “Scientific and practical solution to the problem of using laser radiation for precise guidance of aircraft weapons” was published in 1976 awarded the Lenin Prize. A group of authors consisting of E. A. Fedosov (GosNIIAS), V. G. Korenkov (OKB KMZ), D. M. Khorol, A. A. Kazamarov (CDB "Geophysics"), R. A. Pankov (30 Central Research Institute of Moscow Region ) were awarded the title of Lenin Prize laureates.


  1. Website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. “30 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 45 years.” Message from the Air Force Press Service dated January 18, 2006 from the original source February 1, 2007
  2. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2010 N 551 “On the reorganization of federal government institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” (http://bazazakonov.ru/doc/index.php?ID=2206728; http://base.consultant .ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=EXP;n=488230)
  3. Directory-calendar 2011. ARMS-TASS Agency from the original source January 16, 2012
  4. The official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet for posting information about placing orders. Federal State Institution "30 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia." from the original source January 16, 2012
  5. Skopets G.M. A systematic approach to the ordering and development of weapons and military equipment has been given the go-ahead // Aviapanorama. −2010. - No. 2. from the original source January 16, 2012
  6. Ioffe Zelik Aronovich. Electronic version of the Russian Jewish Encyclopedia.
  7. Eremeev L.G., Knauer G.E. Head of the first Air Force computer center. To the 100th anniversary of Z. A. Ioffe // Military History Journal. - 2003. - No. 10. - P. 53.

A. Ermolin- Good afternoon to everyone who is listening to us, the “Military Council” program is on air, hosted by Anatoly Ermolin in the studio. I would like to say right away that our program is being recorded today, which does not diminish its significance. Our guest today is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research and testing institute of engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense, good afternoon Ivan Semenovich.

I. Vorobiev- Good afternoon, greetings everyone.

A. Ermolin- Ivan Semenovich, well, it’s not the first time we’ve been here, and your colleagues were there too. How do you assess, over the last year perhaps, what is fundamentally happening in your troops? So I hear officers say that you have seen powerful growth here, the number of brigades, battalions, and regiments is increasing. Tell us more about what is happening.

I. Vorobiev- Well, over the last 2 years, with the arrival of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich, they turned their face to the engineering troops, he forced everyone to turn to them as a type of combat support. And therefore development... With his arrival, the engineering troops received new development not only in their structural, staff systems, but also in the development of our engineering equipment. Already this year we are creating a new formation of engineering troops, they will join the armed forces of the Russian Federation, this is planned for next year as well. Well, the main thing, as they say, is that we must radically replace engineering weapons in the shortest possible time. And the tasks that were recently set by the Minister of Defense are that 70% of equipment should switch to the latest types of weapons. This task was also set by the head of the engineering troops, Lieutenant General Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky, and also by our research and testing institute of the engineering troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on which we are now fruitfully working.

A. Ermolin- And there was a period when you were removed from combat command, right? And they attached it to the rear, right?

I. Vorobiev- You even know that. Well, we will not evaluate the previous leadership, but there was a stage in our scientific institution when we were subordinate to another scientific institution, the independent structure of which was subordinate to the military commander of the engineering troops - it was absent. And therefore there were additional problems in design, in research, in the development of engineering troops in creating new models. And this work, let’s say so, did not stop, it continued anyway, this material was accumulated, the material was developed, we studied. While it was a time of such oblivion, we still built it up, this material. And now, on October 1 of this year, the Central Research Testing Institute of the Engineering Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was formed, which is directly subordinate to the Chief of the Engineering Troops, Lieutenant General Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky.

A. Ermolin- Well, that is, it is not at all necessary to enlarge everything, enlarge it, so that everything is as efficient as possible. I know, in what sense? Unexpected (inaudible) I want to transfer, just civil life, to what is now happening in Moscow with educational institutions. By the way, I also think that when there are unique structures, merging them with some larger ones... That is, this is not always effective. But this is me, as they say, abusing it on my own, right? Ivan Semenovich, tell me a few words about yourself, how did your military career develop?

I. Vorobiev- Well, my military career developed, let’s say so, for the first time with the engineering troops. Let’s put it this way: I encountered the monsters of the engineering troops in 1988, while participating in the liquidation of the consequences at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. When I saw...

A. Ermolin- How old were you then?

I. Vorobiev- I was 24 years old.

A. Ermolin- That is, an elder?

I. Vorobiev- Senior lieutenant, yes. I was given a high honor, and I took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

A. Ermolin- Admitted to the reactor.

I. Vorobiev- Yes, I was allowed to the reactor, we stood in a ten-kilometer zone, our road engineering battalion was stationed. We carried out tasks for the redisposal of radioactive waste, and for the first time I encountered a scientific group that was from the 15th former Central Research Institute of Engineering Troops, which previously existed. It seemed to me that this was simply unattainable... Those people who, deep down, were very great people at that time. And now, after almost 30 years, I headed this institute, and the head of the troops somehow gave me a boost. Therefore, I will try to justify this trust. And that story, those... So the work with the former heads of the institute, we don’t stop it, communication, I listen to them. Well, let’s say this, later my life developed more... I served in the army, in the southern military district, the North Caucasus, in the southern military district. A participant in combat operations, in principle, practice - it exists, we know what our soldier wants, we know how he needs to be protected, we have seen it all, we have put it through our own hands. Now, as the task has been set by the chief of troops, to translate all this into science, to translate it into new means, into the development of new means of engineering weapons.

A. Ermolin- Was it scary in Chernobyl? So what was it, scary or interesting? Is that terribly interesting? What emotions does the young starlet have there...

I. Vorobiev- The main thing... Well, they instructed: the main thing is not to go off the road anywhere, not to go into any forbidden areas, not to lift anything that is not necessary. Because it's all radioactive. Well, I think my state of health still allows me to head the institute, there are no health problems, but that’s all...

A. Ermolin- Did you catch radiation?

I. Vorobiev- Yes, of course. In small quantities it is probably useful, we all gradually... And in Moscow they catch it, this radiation. So I think...

A. Ermolin- Everything is useful for us. (Inaudible) everything is useful.

I. Vorobiev- Yes, that’s why I don’t see anything wrong with it.

A. Ermolin- Well, you can really protect... This is, after all, such a unique experience of military personnel in the conditions of a nuclear threat there, or a radiation one. That's what... A competent officer, relying on standard protective equipment, can really make sure that all people survive or receive a minimum dose of radiation.

I. Vorobiev- Well, firstly, according to the requirements for the development of engineering weapons, which partly concerns... Either it’s technology, or it’s some kind of protective equipment, all of them are developed taking into account protection from the effects of radiochemical and biological radiation. Currently, one of the divisions of our institute is working on modern technologies in the use of personal protective equipment. This is if we previously relied more on reinforced concrete structures that were part of the ratification structures, but now these are modern composites, which are lightweight, and among other things, their property allows us to give more protection to personnel, hide them, ensure the survivability of these structures. Well, including, even... I will continue this topic so that we will somehow (inaudible) our listeners that we will apply them using the method (inaudible). And we assemble the structure that we need for exactly that terrain, and we can protect the personnel as much as possible.

A. Ermolin- So I keep pestering your colleagues with one low American thing called “Good Soldiers.” That’s right there... Well, I just recommend reading it, because it’s about how the Americans fought in Iraq. There, with just one... Large military unit, the journalist was constantly there. And he simply describes the real experience, how the soldiers feel, how they died there, what is being done. It’s just very similar to what we felt in Afghanistan. The same tactics, they sit on the armor in the same way, they also tuck their legs so that at least one leg remains on their own (inaudible). That’s why I remember this - because it was there that I read about these Legos, about these prefabricated structures, when the engineering service came, chick-chick, and actually built it there... Well, not from adobe bricks, which at one time in We did Afghans, right? But you do everything quickly, there is a tower, there are drones, there is a control zone. That is, this is a very effective technology. That is, we already have this too. Or is this still being developed?

I. Vorobiev- It's in development. And this already means what you say about drones, and control of the adjacent territory, what we must carry out, and how to place it all. The commanders of the troops have been assigned a task, it will be carried out, and in the month of May...

A. Ermolin- Drones (inaudible).

I. Vorobiev- Yes, the drones (inaudible) that worked with us... At the open (inaudible) we had guys working at competitions, joint interaction was organized, they worked very fruitfully. But the commanders of the troops were given the task that in May, at a meeting of the leadership of the engineering troops, we must report to our commanders, to our superiors on the activities completed. Therefore, these modern samples of modern weapons will already be presented there, this is a line of our engineering equipment that will be... In 2 years, which has already been completed, created. The enterprises will present all this so that we can report and show it specifically, not on paper, not on mock-ups, but we will present this equipment to our subordinate officers in real life.

A. Ermolin- Do you study world experience? You have analysts who find out not on Ekho Moskvy, let’s say.

I. Vorobiev- Well, you can’t live without it. You know, whoever has the information owns the world, that’s why we do this all the time, that’s where everything starts for us. These are the initial data for the design and creation of any type of equipment; we take this from the experience of foreign countries. Where, how it was used, it was practical action in dual-purpose combat operations. There are different principles of approach for each sample. Therefore, we study them, and before continuing this work, we choose the direction that we... In general, we look, study both the model that we must create, and the counteraction to this model, how, what is this happening in foreign We are also studying armies so that he can counteract.

A. Ermolin- I would like to remind you that today we are working on the record, and our guest today is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research and testing institute of engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Ivan Semenovich, we focused on foreign experience, how you study it and apply it in your developments. And at the same time, do not forget Russian history. After all, a military engineer in Russian history, and in the history of the armed forces, has always been the first elite. And that's how... What do you draw from there, right? And what traditions are you trying to preserve?

I. Vorobiev- Well, first of all, I want to remind our listeners that the engineering troops are the oldest troops of our armed forces. In January next year we will already celebrate the 313th anniversary of the formation of the engineering troops. Our Research and Testing Institute of Engineering Troops is one of the oldest scientific institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Just recently, on October 6, we celebrated the 95th anniversary of our institute. That's why we never left history and never left. Because if anyone forgets history, he has no future. This is the first principle that is preserved in the engineering troops. We are constantly given... We work with our veterans. These are the people who started... Let's put it this way, who started science on some models, on mock-ups, and have now smoothly transitioned into program testing schemes. We always work with them, always interact. They make up the largest percentage in our institute, our respected people, veterans. Who gave not 30 years, but 50, 60 years. There are even veterans who served in the engineering forces. And the invaluable experience that they have from the time there (inaudible) of the training ground, combat operations in Afghanistan, counter-terrorism operations, they... This still only benefits the development of engineering troops. Therefore, honor and praise to them, many thanks to them, and we are always ready to work with them.

A. Ermolin- What period in the history of the engineering troops can be called such a breakthrough in the development of tactics for the use of new technical means.

I. Vorobiev- Well, first of all, we must not forget that the period of breakthrough was still the development of engineering troops, (inaudible) engineering weapons, which are even currently in use. These were developments from the 70s. It seems like 50 years have passed, but they are relevant now. And we are now trying, in the second decade of the 21st century, to make a new stage of a breakthrough because, first of all, the development of engineering weapons must be based on new technologies, on new requirements for engineering weapons, and as the task was again set by the chief of troops, in Each product should have its own flavor, so that we do not stop at modernizing just a sample. And it must be developed new, according to new requirements, according to new trends that we have for engineering weapons.

A. Ermolin- Are you satisfied with the engineering culture that those officers who come to you represent? Well, as an illustration, I can give you an example... I recently re-read the memoirs of Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin, who was a prince and studied in the page corps. He described in great detail his years as a page, including the great importance attached to fortification work. And he writes how they are cadets, although in the status of pages, right? That is, like them. How much time and effort they spent on calculations, on the construction of fortifications, and how it was a shame for them to destroy it all later. Because they built it all for real. Now, as you can see... Well, actually, I won’t repeat myself. Are you satisfied with the engineers who come to you today?

I. Vorobiev- The quality of training in our Tyumen Higher Engineering and Command School is very high. And our graduates - they are always in demand in the troops, this is the first thing. Our graduates of the Academy of the Military Institute of Engineering Troops, as part of the combined arms academy, are also in great demand among the troops. Well, if we continue this topic, then if we focus on the soldier, then from this academic year engineering training has become the main subject of training. Therefore, if any department is negligent in engineering training classes, it can get higher than the grade that it will receive in engineering training, it will never get it again. Therefore, the attitude of all commanders became more serious towards engineering training. Because everyone understands perfectly well that if you don’t know engineering, as Peter I says, you won’t be promoted in rank. Therefore, everyone is very… Now there has been a big change in engineering training in the troops, and the readiness of the personnel and officers has increased significantly. Well, if you don’t go that far, the last competition “Our Open Water”, which was held among the pontoon-ferry units of the engineering troops in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, showed the highest class of officers. Personnel of units, performing engineering support tasks, in particular those related to overcoming and crossing water obstacles.

A. Ermolin- I suggest we talk about this in more detail. If possible, a few words about what your institute is like. We have already talked about troops, about human capital too, right? Let's shift the focus to exactly what you do every day.

I. Vorobiev- Our institute consists of four main departments, research departments, which have their own areas of activity, scientific activities, including our leading department - which is engaged in the development of engineered ammunition. Creates them, creates ways to overcome these ammunition, search, reconnaissance. (Inaudible) there is a department that is engaged in the development of our engineering equipment, in particular those related to earthmoving machines and landing craft. (Inaudible) management, which counters technical means of reconnaissance and the creation of camouflage means. The Fourth Directorate is engaged in training our entire scientific work in management. (Inaudible) the activities of four departments, it covers the entire spectrum of our engineering equipment, our tasks that we have as a type of combat support. We cover them in full. The development and direction of development of the funds were determined by the chief of troops, and a common understanding of our future activities was developed, among other things. First of all... Well, if we take it from the management of those involved in engineering ammunition, this is, first of all, not a violation of the Geneva Convention, the creation of ammunition must be carried out in strict accordance with overcoming (inaudible) obstacles, this is the creation of search tools that can provide search in any situation, in any environment, and any means, explosive objects in any conditions. Well, as for the creation of engineering equipment, there are very progressive developments. We hope that in the month of May, as I told you, we will show these funds. This means they are promising, they differ significantly from the weapons that we currently have in service. Because there are new approaches to them. Well, our work continues on means of counteracting camouflage. First of all, so that no one could detect us anywhere. Well, that's it briefly.

A. Ermolin- Do you have, say, a division that works in advanced research mode. Now we have such a powerful direction created in the structure of the military-industrial commission, and in general, the Americans have had it for 100 years (inaudible), which there invented the well-known Internet at one time, in fact. And there are specially trained people there, including science fiction writers, who are paid money to simply fantasize and set tasks for today that seem absolutely unrealistic, and then several decades pass, and suddenly you look, it all starts to work. Here you have such a think tank that would think about things that don’t exist yet.

I. Vorobiev- You know, here in the engineering troops we have such a term (inaudible). There should be some kind of action everywhere. Therefore, I will not disclose it, we also have it.

A. Ermolin- It’s already nice. I want to remind our listeners that our guest is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research and testing institute of engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense, we are going on a break.

A. Ermolin- We continue the meeting of the “Military Council”. I would like to remind you that today we are working on the record, and our guest today is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research and testing institute of engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Actually, it’s no secret that there was a period when the older generation was not in demand, the middle level was not actually involved in anyone, and now such a hole has formed. That is, as many fellow specialists claim, yes? That great minds are already at retirement age, and young guys with drive are just ready to get involved in the action, but there is such a central link, the most important hard workers, who already know the specifics, and who have not yet lost their energy. Do you feel this problem yourself?

I. Vorobiev- So the whole backbone, in particular of our institute, there is a backbone in the institute. In all of these categories, as you said, there is a backbone. Young people who already have academic degrees that they have defended... These are young, promising guys who are candidates of technical sciences. The middle level, as you say, who pull this burden, who can work with young people and the older generation, let’s say so, our heads of department management. The officers who came have experience in both military service and scientific activity. Our departments are headed by doctors of sciences, headed by people... For science, the age is 40-45 years old, these are still young guys for science.

A. Ermolin- Well, in general, yes.

I. Vorobiev- Yes. And those officers of the engineering troops who completed their service, who completed their service, they also pass on their experience within the walls of our institute. Yes, I want there to be more young people, and first of all, we are now developing this youth policy, how to attract young specialists to the institute. We got acquainted with the experience of our Baumanka, how it all happens there. And I was very pleased when, for example, the employees of Baumanka were young, 23-24 year old guys, it turns out they don’t work for money, they work...

A. Ermolin- Not just for money.

I. Vorobiev- Not just for money, yes. They don't get a lot of money. I will say that by Moscow standards they do not receive a lot of money. But they work for the idea, they work for the interest, they like it, and this is important (inaudible), I wanted to hear this, and in principle, we will also direct our youth policy towards this in order to attract young people to our side, and within the walls of our institute. Including (inaudible) without interest. Now the issue of creating a scientific company of engineering troops is being considered. This is the task set by the Minister of Defense...

A. Ermolin- Where do you want to do it? In Tyumen?

I. Vorobiev- No, we are here (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- (Inaudible).

I. Vorobiev- We will be somewhere, yes, here we will tie it to our institute, to our potential, yes. Therefore, the second, maybe we will consider the issue in universities, maybe the issue will be resolved, after all, this is mentally, as they say, in our places, and there will be budget places from our institute, that upon graduation from the university, the graduate will be obliged to come to us, and within three work for years for the benefit of the institute. And then he will be free to choose his profession, either to continue cooperation with us, or to leave. Well, that’s an option, we are these...

A. Ermolin- (Inaudible) find a perspective. That is, it has not yet been worked out.

I. Vorobiev- Not worked out, yes, but we have already started it...

A. Ermolin- There are a lot of interesting things there...

I. Vorobiev- Yes, we started working on this idea.

A. Ermolin- That is, 3 years... He comes to you after a civil institute already certified as...

I. Vorobiev- Specialist, yes. And he’s already working in his position. We have those positions that the head of the laboratory can take, and work for the benefit. Moreover, even in those practices that are industrial practices, and scientific practices that are at the institute, he will take them within the walls of the institute.

A. Ermolin- And he can be certified for officer positions, or he (inaudible).

I. Vorobiev- If he has a military department, this question... He will come to us as civilians, if he suits us, we can call him up in the future, and he can go to an officer position with a promotion, and with further prospects for growth as an officer , as a specialist in the engineering forces.

A. Ermolin- Do you trust young people with ambitious developments? Why am I asking? Because young scientists work not only for money. Young scientists work first... Actually, the theory is precisely that of intellectual workers, the creative class, as they say now, right? They assume that they must be entrusted with some very cool tasks, which really, no matter what, was very interesting for them. In Belarus, by the way, the guys also tell us that this is who develops automotive technology. That is, everyone there... The average age is 25-26 years old, that’s what they are.

I. Vorobiev- Yes, and I want to build it. This is the priority of young people at the institute, we have now stirred them up a little, ideas have already begun, thoughts have begun to flow. Monthly meetings with young people are already planned, as they say, as part of my daily routine and work with young people, because somewhere in my soul I don’t consider myself old either. What we implemented, someone once laughed at us, but now it turns out to be a promising direction of development. This is how I educate my youth, so that they understand that they should see a like-minded person in me, see the person who will support them. I'm ready to work with them. Two officers wanted to resign and had already refused to be transferred to the reserve. Therefore, we will continue our work; we have seen a new direction for our activities.

A. Ermolin― Ivan Semenovich, here you are coming up with... You’re not just trying, but you’re coming up with new modern directions for increasing the attractiveness of your service. In particular, you have already mentioned open water, as a kind of combination of such a professional competition and a show. What is this? Is this a fashion, or is this a serious strategy?

I. Vorobiev- I still think this is a strategy. And let’s say this, again, 2 years ago the Minister of Defense gave impetus to this development of competition, competitiveness. In the 13th year I had to do tank biathlon from the engineering troops. I learned a lot from this, and this year, when I was reassigned to a position, I was involved in our... Competition of tonnage-ferrying units “Open Water”. And I believe that it is here that in these competitions of any types of troops that participate, that is, such extreme conditions are created when equipment is simply used to its maximum capabilities. And this gives a very big leap to the development of science in the first place. Because those means that have been used for, say, 20-30 years, it seemed to us that they had simply already been brought to the point of automation, but here these competitions, for example, in ferrying means, revealed some problems. Because these conditions were created when we did not just fulfill the standards, as we are used to doing all the time, but here there was competitiveness on the verge... Everyone walked on the razor’s edge, without violating safety requirements, and at the same time, that technology was used to the maximum. Some new schemes were introduced, new ways of using our technology.

A. Ermolin- What was the idea, by the way? Here's how... What was the task of the units, what did they compete in?

I. Vorobiev- Units... So it was played out, let's say so... Our most basic task of the engineering troops, the type of combat support, is to ensure the crossing of the water barrier.

A. Ermolin- Was it in Murom?

I. Vorobiev- Yes, it was in the city of Murom, Vladimir region, in a limited area where the original, opposite bank was prepared. Three teams competed simultaneously in limited areas (inaudible) up to 100 meters, where they showed their skills. And skill was demonstrated not only by crossing on high-speed boats. Single ferries, platoon ferries, and a company ferry, which is capable of transporting large-sized heavy equipment, were also assembled. And the end of the competition was the construction of a floating bridge across the Oka River, 350 meters long. This is the building of this bridge over which all the equipment passed. Also, in order to show our spectators all the capabilities of engineering equipment, before the start of these competitions, our unique samples were shown, these are ferry-bridge crossing vehicles and crossing facilities. Motorized rifle units and artillery units were also shown and participated with us, providing... Aviation helped us a lot. Well, we are grateful to the administration of the city of Murom, which provided us with great assistance in holding our competitions. And I consider the main indicators to be those 15 thousand people who came to see and cheer for the engineering troops, and at the deployed recruitment point that was deployed at this site, we, 8 people of the engineering troops, signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense. Well, as a continuation of the Murom land, we will have a core of engineering troops created there, including a large panton-ferry unit.

A. Ermolin- Our guest is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research and testing institute of engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Do you somehow interact with colleagues from, say, Russian Technologies? And I just remembered that just last Monday we had a representative of the Compass Design Bureau, and he talked about new technologies, about new ideas for building mobile ports. It’s also like a kind of Lego system, prefabricated metal, environmentally friendly.

I. Vorobiev- Well, I’ll say this in general phrases. Our institute cooperates with about 150 scientific and industrial institutions.

A. Ermolin- Russian Technologies, right?

I. Vorobiev- Yes. In general, our cooperation goes on in all directions, so we don’t have anyone... We always take whoever has the best, who offers what. Many people help us proactively develop something, or propose something proactively, let’s put it that way. Everyone used to get used to it: give us money, and we will give you something for this money. Now there is a completely different approach, including with Russian Technologies. They proactively offer us their developments that we can implement. And if they do not suit us, if they fulfill all our requirements, we accept them further into the serial stream.

A. Ermolin- What other strategic directions do you see in the troop support system? So we remembered Chernobyl, and I remembered something in this regard while still a cadet, so they showed us this equipment, which is designed to operate in conditions of a nuclear strike, contamination of a radioactive area, and they always seemed to me like some kind of spaceships , which should almost be walking on Mars. Are they preserved? You can exploit them, and what’s new in this direction. There are such smart, very well protected machines, or the bet is simply cranes, bulldozers, graders. That is, everything that does not excite the imagination of a young man, let’s say.

I. Vorobiev- No, well, first of all, we should not give up cranes, bulldozers and excavators. Because without them there’s nowhere... Neither the troops will move, nor will they accomplish anything. And in terms of prospects, what you said continues. We have never stopped it; the development of robotic systems continues in the first place. Because they - the first developments began back in the 70-80s. Let’s even say this, our potential opponents didn’t have them, but our developments were already controllable... There were radio-controlled equipment, these were samples. The only thing is that now the transition is more focused on completing tasks in order to save the lives of personnel. These are primarily means of demining. As for engineering support, means are being developed... These are fire extinguishing means, remote control. And in the future, other samples will be developed to perform other engineering support tasks. First of all, they are aimed at moving our soldier as far as possible from possible danger in order to ensure his life, and at the same time we could complete all assigned tasks.

A. Ermolin- Are you involved in intellectual property protection? How is it set up for you... This is one of the most key problems in general, well, let’s say, in neokras related to the specifics of our country. I remember at the Institute of Steel and Alloys they told a story that, say, a doctor of science received the Stalin Prize for the invention of a lithium battery in 1957. Actually, the lost profit is gigantic, right? Because the whole world now cannot... Given the proliferation of mobile phones, all kinds of tablets, and so on, it simply cannot do without them. It turns out that we lost money that we could have earned on intellectual property. Here you are... What are you doing in the country, and how much do you insure your risks in the international arena? Or is it impossible to insure them?

I. Vorobiev- Well, we are currently ensuring the safety of our intellectual property on our own. Maybe we are up to the level of insurance...

A. Ermolin- Preservation or commercialization?

I. Vorobiev- Well, before commercialization, maybe we’ll come to this a little later. It can’t be, but we’ll come, and these tasks are also set by the boss. But at present, what is being developed within the walls of the institute, I am called upon to preserve it, this intellectual property, for now within our walls. And what will be decided and submitted for commercialization will be a separate decision so that, as they say... These developments go somewhere further. Therefore, now the main task is to preserve our potential, the intellectual property that has been created today for the development of our engineering weapons in the first place.

A. Ermolin- Well, by the way, there is something to learn from those same Americans. When they have a very clear ranking of all the neo-bloods there. They don’t show space to anyone, they don’t show the army to anyone, then it starts to look like something that can be given away for our own people, and only at the fourth stage, maybe 10 years after the first real samples were put into operation, there foreign commercial partners can receive it .

I. Vorobiev- I think that our special services... The first thing is that they told me the category, the first category of our service, I don’t know... Therefore...

A. Ermolin- Well, after all, among the immediate tasks as the head of such a promising, interesting institute, what do you see as the most important thing in your work?

I. Vorobiev- Firstly, you need to increase your scientific potential, not lower it, this is the first thing. We will have to, as I said, work hard to supply the institute with new personnel, new directions. Thoughts are what will be connected with the arrival of new people into the institute. This is a thorough study of the material that is available on the creation of engineering weapons as our potential enemy, foreign partners, and the development of new promising engineering weapons. This is our prerogative, we must fulfill the task set by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to provide our troops with new models, modern models of engineering equipment, and a new perspective. Well, I’ll keep a little quiet about them for now, I won’t reveal them completely. May this then be much more interesting for all our listeners.

A. Ermolin- Do you have your own testing base?

I. Vorobiev- Yes, we have a testing base. First of all, our unique pool for studying the properties of landing craft. We have a very good laboratory for testing electrical equipment; we have a refrigeration chamber that ensures testing of products at temperatures down to -50 degrees. We have what is called our pipe, (inaudible) pipe for the impact of the shock wave. And there are sites for testing floating equipment, there are test sites for testing mine-explosive barriers, where we constantly carry out these tests. Therefore, our institute is currently being optimized, including we will soon submit these proposals to the chief of troops in order to optimize the creation of a laboratory and experimental base for our institute, which must meet modern conditions, modern requirements, the creation of a laboratory building for a new proposal We'll take it out. And to optimize the work of our research departments and management in general.

A. Ermolin- I really want to ask many more questions, but unfortunately time is very fleeting. I want to remind our listeners that today our guest was Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research and testing institute of engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Ivan Semenovich, thank you very much, come to us again, we will always be glad.

I. Vorobiev- Always ready for cooperation.

A. Ermolin- Thank you.

I. Vorobiev- Thank you very much.

On July 18, the 33rd Central Research Testing Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation turns 80 years old. Research carried out in this scientific center has always been and is important for ensuring the country's defense capability, equipping troops and naval forces with modern weapons and means of radiation, chemical and biological protection. On the eve of the anniversary, our interlocutor was the head of the institute, Colonel Sergei KUKHOTKIN.

- Sergey Vladimirovich, what caused the creation of the institute?
- First of all, the nature of the First World War, on the fields of which weapons of mass destruction - chemical weapons - were first used. The total losses of the warring parties from their defeat amounted to about a million people. Both these weapons and the means of protection against them were given great attention in all countries after the war. The USSR was no exception. Back in the early 1920s, in the depths of the country, in little-known Shikhany, Saratov region, a so-called aerochemical station was created, to which the name “Tomka” was assigned. The Germans actively participated in the creation of this station, because defeated Germany was prohibited from conducting relevant research on its territory. Tomka was abolished in 1933. All its buildings, vehicles and equipment were inherited by the Central Military Chemical Test Site, which was formed next door.
In the same twenties of the last century, it became clear that just a test site was not enough, a research institution of a high scientific level was needed. And it was created in Moscow in 1928, receiving the name Osoaviakhim Institute of Chemical Defense. Now, decades later, it is impossible not to note: the institute was created with the combined funds of Osoaviakhim, the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, the Central Union, the Agricultural Bank and the Industrial Bank, so to speak, by contribution. Everyone, including those outside the Red Army, realized: if we do not develop weapons that meet the capabilities of the century and reliable means of anti-chemical protection, then the country will not feel safe.

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After graduating from the Tambov Higher Military School of Chemical Defense, Sergei Kukhotkin commanded a platoon and company. Then, having successfully graduated from the Military Academy of Chemical Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, was appointed to the 33rd Central Research Institute, where he passed through all positions from junior researcher to head of the institute. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. He was awarded the Order of Honor, “For Military Merit”, and the Medal “For Military Merit”.

- How did the institute end up in Shikhany?
- In the capital, on Bogorodsky-Kollezhsky Val Street, not far from Preobrazhenskaya Square, the institute was located until 1961. That year, a decision was made to transfer it to Shikhany and merge with the Central Military Chemical Test Site. Now in Moscow, in its place is the Institute of Pure Chemical Reagents of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- The relocation of some educational institutions and research institutions from the capital is typical today. How did the move affect your institute?
- The move was painful. Only a fifth of employees agreed to leave Moscow. Among those who went to Shikhany, there was not a single doctor of science.
But time convinced us: the relocation of the institute to where the test site had been operating for many years was justified. In essence, a new research institution was created in the new location. The scientific potential of the institute was soon restored. As well as cooperative ties in the field of research with the Military Academy of Chemical Defense, other structures of the military department and the military-industrial complex, and specialized metropolitan universities. They took on new forms.
A material and technical base corresponding to the level of research was also created.
In this regard, on the eve of the anniversary, we gratefully remember the head of the institute at that time, Major General V.T. Zolotarya. Initiative and active, he did a lot to restore what was inevitably lost during relocation. And a serious scientific school in a new place was formed thanks to N.S. Antonov, L.A. Degtyarev, A.D. Kuntsevich, R.F. Razuvanov, N.I. Alimov. They were both skilled organizers and luminaries in the field of military chemistry. And not only military.
- But let's go back to the basics. During the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis did not dare to use sending substances. What did the institute do during wartime?
- When analyzing the reasons that did not allow the Wehrmacht to use the large reserves of chemical weapons that it possessed, I would also mention that very “Tomka”. The Germans knew well what the Soviet Union had, saw the attention paid to chemical defense in the Red Army and among the civilian population, and understood that they would not gain strategic advantages by using toxic substances. Of course, they had other, equally compelling reasons to abandon chemical attacks.
The institute, which was located in Tashkent from 1941 to 1943, was engaged in the same thing: searching for reliable methods of protection against chemical weapons. And in parallel with the creation of new incendiary mixtures and compositions, means of their use - jet flamethrowers. A flamethrower for the T-34 and KV tanks, a backpack flamethrower for infantry, a high-explosive flamethrower, anti-tank incendiary bottles and corresponding aviation ampoules - all this was created and tested by the institute. It has been documented that more than 3,200 enemy tanks and assault guns were destroyed by flamethrower weapons during the Great Patriotic War.
The search did not stop in the field of chemical weapons - aircraft pouring devices, chemical shells and bombs, gas launchers. Let me remind you that the multiple launch rocket system, the famous Katyusha, was originally developed for military chemistry. Shells for it in chemical equipment were tested in Shikhany.
Few people know that in 1942, there, in Shikhany, under the auspices of the institute, tests were carried out of the so-called chemical tank, capable of creating clouds of toxic substances over the battlefield. Just in case, the institute also developed an armor-piercing projectile in chemical ammunition, capable of guaranteed incapacitation of a tank crew.
During the Great Patriotic War, a military chemical reconnaissance device with indicator tubes for all known chemical agents, a mortar for throwing smoke bombs, and effective equipment for aerosol, that is, smoke camouflage of crossings and industrial facilities, were created... It’s impossible to list everything. Yes, and there is no need for that. It is important to emphasize once again: the enemy did not dare to use chemical weapons, because the response would have been, as they now say, adequate.
- Sergei Vladimirovich, did the institute solve only defense problems?
- Of course no. That is why he was awarded both the Military Order of the Red Banner and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
The range of research has never been limited to military topics. Suffice it to recall Major General Engineer Ivan Lyudvigovich Knunyants, head of the institute in the post-war years, academician. The whole world remembers him as the founder of a serious scientific school of organofluorines. He set the pace in the development of industrial methods for the synthesis of new monomers, heat-resistant polymers, and a number of drugs. His achievements in science were awarded the Lenin Prize and three State Prizes.
One can also cite the names of other employees of the institute who left a deep mark on fundamental and applied sciences and influenced production technologies with their discoveries. Three heads of the institute I.P. Knunyants, L.A. Degtyarev and A.D. Kuntsevich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
- What is the institute doing now?
- He is the head of the Ministry of Defense on problems of radiation, chemical and biological protection. The concept of “protection” most fully and succinctly defines our purpose and calling in the new century.
We conduct research and testing in the interests of all branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the military, starting with technical means of radiation, chemical and military non-specific biological reconnaissance, operation and repair of relevant weapons and equipment, and ending with military standardization and metrological support. The range of our tasks in recent years has not decreased, but expanded; the number of development and comprehensive research work commissioned by the government and the military department has increased. Today we are increasingly engaged in what was previously the prerogative of only industry and academic science. Every year we carry out about 100 - 120 research projects. Over the past five years, we have received 60 patents for inventions and utility models. At international exhibitions, the institute's developments were awarded 5 gold, 7 silver medals and 2 special prizes.
Based on the results of 2007, the 33rd Central Research Testing Institute, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, was declared the best scientific organization of the military department. We are proud of this, but it also requires a lot.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to especially note the work of our best employees: professors Vladislav Fedorov, Eduard Shatalov, doctors of chemical sciences Alexander Sorokin, Viktor Karpov, candidate of chemical sciences, Colonel Igor Ivashev. They worthily continue and develop the work of an outstanding galaxy of Russian military chemists of the past.
- Are you satisfied with your research base?
- I believe that more than 100 doctors and candidates of science we have everything necessary for fruitful work: 40 laboratories and laboratory complexes allow the dynamics of research to invade almost all subsections of chemistry, support them with searches in the field of theoretical and experimental physics, applied mathematics, materials science, biochemistry, physiology, metrology, computer science. And not only them. The field testing base also satisfies us. With a guaranteed degree of safety and reliability, we can conduct unique natural experiments with all toxic elements and potent toxic substances within the framework of what is permitted by the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Use of Chemical Weapons and Their Destruction. There is no such base anywhere else in Russia.
- The institute, Sergei Vladimirovich, is located in a picturesque place...
- This is true. For many, the expression “chemical site” apparently causes a shudder. But neither we nor our predecessors have destroyed this amazing natural habitat for 80 years. On the contrary, thanks to its polygon status, it has remained pristine.
Shikhany is a clean, well-groomed town, where residents have all the conditions to work, raise and educate children, and improve professionally. One of the attractions of Shikhan is the museum-estate of Count V.V. Orlova-Denisova. We cherish the Count's Park with a cascade of ponds in which swans and wild ducks swim...
The past organically merges with the present. This year the Eternal Flame monument was reconstructed. The steles bear the names of all the Shikhans who fell in defense of the Fatherland.
In recent years, the tasks of the institute with an 80-year history have been transformed, acquiring a new direction and content, but the dedication to duty and tireless scientific research in the name of the country's security remain unchanged for its employees.

The Russian Engineering Troops are one of the most diverse and technically equipped troops. The engineering weapons system includes over 600 items of various types and kits. In 2017 More than 750 units were delivered to the troops. engineering technology.

On January 18, 2018, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Central Research Testing Institute of Engineering Troops” of the Russian Ministry of Defense (Nakhabino village, Moscow region) held an organizational meeting of the Council of Chief Designers for systems and means of engineering support for the weapons system of the ground component of general purpose forces. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense and 56 chief designers of industrial enterprises in all areas of engineering support.

Chief of the Engineering Troops of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Yu.M. Stavitsky especially noted that havingXiathe level of preparedness and equipment is the main guarantee of preserving the lives of military personnel. He emphasized the need to create a new collegial body - the Council of Chief Designers.

Yu.M. Stavitsky introduced to those present the Chief Designer for Systems and Engineering Support of the Weapon System of the Land Component of General Purpose Forces, General Director of JSC NIII, I.M. Smirnova.

In his speech, I.M. Smirnov focused on the specifics of the activities of the Chief Designer, general problematic issues of development, revealing the composition, structure and main areas of activity of the Council of Chief Designers.

In turn, the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Engineering Troops presented basic requirements for the appearance of engineering weapons in the near future, which means that the Council of Chief Designers has something to work on.

The meeting participants watched a documentary about the Russian engineering troops and laid wreaths at the monument to “Internationalist Soldiers, Combatants and Participants of the Great Patriotic War,” opened in 2017. on the territory of the institute.


15 Central Research Testing Institute named after. D. M. Karbysheva of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Nakhabino. Before this, the institution was called the “Research Engineering Institute of the Ground Forces (NIII SV)”, currently – NIITs SIV FGKU “3rd Central Research Institute” of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Search and applied scientific research, testing in the field of creating engineering weapons, technologies and means of recycling engineering ammunition; marketing of dual-use technical means and technologies (extraction, purification and desalination of water, autonomous energy supply, humanitarian demining, dismantling of emergency buildings, etc.) testing of samples of machinery and industrial equipment for the effects of air shock waves and gas explosions in air, soil and water ; modeling of emergency situations.

At the Nakhabinsky training ground in the 30s, D.M. conducted research and testing of new engineering tools and weapons. Karbyshev - professor, doctor of military sciences, Hero of the Soviet Union. Karbyshev played an outstanding role in the development of the theory of Soviet military engineering art. The activities of the test site and then the institute were closely connected with the work of D. M. Karbyshev.
Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops D.M. Karbyshev, remaining faithful to the military oath and the Motherland to the end, died heroically in February 1945 in a fascist death camp.
In 1951, the name of the hero-scientist was given to the institute. In the park on the street there are 11 sappers D.M. A monument was erected to Karbyshev.
Before the Great Patriotic War, next to the institute there was the Higher Officers' Engineering School. It was located “on a hill” in a three-story building. In 1948, the school organized one-year courses for retraining young front-line officers. In 1952-1953, the school was transformed into the Central Advanced Courses for Officers of the Engineering Troops. In 1960, the rank of the courses was downgraded - they became academic courses for advanced training of command personnel at the Military Engineering Academy. V.V. Kuibysheva. They were moved to the territory and premises previously occupied by the Separate Camouflage Battalion. Now a Training Center is located on this territory.
Subsequently, the territory “on the hill” began to be under the jurisdiction of the institute and received the name - the second territory. Since 1961, the institute began to be located in two territories.
Until now, the main building of the Institute named after D.M. Karbysheva, located on the first territory, with an adjacent park area and ponds, is the main architectural attraction of the village of Nakhabino. It was built in 1941.
From October to December 1941, the main building and other brick buildings were mined using radio-controlled landmines. An employee of the institute, a resident of Nakhabino, Vyacheslav Dmitrievich Bobylev, took part in its mining and demining.
Research testing center for research and prospects for the development of engineering weapons FBU "3rd Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense"
1919 - October 6, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the Military Engineering Training Ground was established
1926 - Scientific and testing engineering and technical testing ground
1934 - Research Institute of Engineering Technology of the Red Army
1941 - Research Military Engineering Institute of the Red Army
1942 - Military engineering experimental training ground of the Engineering Committee of the Red Army
1943 - Scientific Testing Engineering Institute of the Red Army
1944 - Research Engineering Institute of the Red Army
1951 - April 6, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the institute was named after D.M. Karbyshev, Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops, Hero of the Soviet Union
1960 - Central Research and Testing Engineering Institute named after. D.M. Karbysheva
1965 - 15 Central Research and Testing Engineering Institute named after D.M. Karbysheva
1966 - July 15, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the successful completion of tasks for the development, creation and mastering of military equipment
1990 -15 Central Research Testing Institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Ministry of Defense named after D.M. Karbysheva
2004 - Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) “15 Central Research Institute named after. D.M. Karbyshev of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"
2007 - Federal State Institution (FGU) “15 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia”
2010 - Research and testing center for research and prospects for the development of engineering weapons, Federal State Institution (FGU) “3rd Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense”
2011 - Research and testing center for research and prospects for the development of engineering weapons of the Federal Budgetary Institution (FBU) “3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia”



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