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Character traits in a resume example. We indicate the necessary business qualities in the resume

Questions asked during an interview are aimed at giving the employer or recruiter the most complete answer on three main points:

  • ability to perform this work;
  • desire to do such work;
  • compliance with the company’s corporate culture.

Personal qualities are one of the main questions when meeting a candidate.

This information will help the employer or recruiter get an initial impression of the applicant not only as a specialist, but as a person.

Often questions asked with subtext are needed precisely to obtain information about the personal qualities of the candidate.

The employer undoubtedly wants to know whether your negative character traits will interfere with the performance of functional duties and communication in the team.

Which ones are worth mentioning and which ones are not?

Very often you can hear the question from candidates: what are the positive and negative qualities name at the interview?

Employers are interested in employees with character traits such as:

  • determination;
  • organization;
  • initiative;
  • diligence;
  • creativity;
  • goodwill;
  • determination.

Tell us about them if you really have them. Give examples.

Often during an interview you are asked to name three negative qualities and three positive qualities. Think about this point in advance.

There is no need to say that you are professional, adequate, loyal, smart, charming. Other people can notice and name such qualities when talking about you, but not you yourself.

Never mention negative characteristics such as laziness, disorganization, short temper and the like.

In general, 3 negative qualities in an interview are, first of all, self-doubt, fear of the interlocutor and insincerity.

Do I need to repeat what is written on my resume?

The interview is conducted to get to know you personally and to check whether what is stated in your resume is true. Therefore, it is likely that the employer will ask you a question that has already been covered in your resume.

In addition, the employer may simply not read the resume thoroughly. When answering the question, tell everything in your own words. Depart from the templates, but be precise, but also do not allow any discrepancies in facts from the document.

It is unacceptable to answer a question with: “It says so on my resume.”

How to talk about positive and negative qualities

No need to be modest!

In case you think that you do not have any outstanding qualities, just tell them what you have.

For example: the ability to concentrate - you focus your attention on a specific task and complete it without distractions.

And high speed of work - you always complete a task as quickly as possible, without procrastinating.

You should not take the question literally: “Tell me, what are your personal qualities that are shortcomings?” It is not the best solution when answering such a question to start describing your weaknesses in detail.

It is better to determine in advance which of your qualities have double meaning.

At first glance, these are disadvantages, but if you choose a different perspective, they may turn out to be advantages. Think about the wording and present your weaknesses so that they look positive.

Sample answer: “I usually spend great attention details, and I know that in some areas of activity such scrupulousness does not matter and is not always appropriate. But I see that for the position for which I am applying, this character trait should be useful.”

If your employer asked you to share three weaknesses, you could list the following: “Intolerance – I can’t stand disorder. Irritability – slightly infuriating at the incompetence of employees.

I’m picky and meticulous – I don’t allow myself the right to make mistakes.” Here you can see that not very pleasant character traits turn into advantages.

How to talk about strengths and weaknesses.

Very often, recruiters ask for examples of strengths and weaknesses during an interview. This task can be played to the obvious benefit of the applicant.

Feel free to name yours strengths. Try to tell more about those that will be useful for the vacancy you have chosen, or for the situation in the company. For example, maintaining the ability to work under stress. Support your words with examples from the past. Think about sample answers in advance.

What is a bad quality to mention in an interview? When answering a question about weaknesses, be careful and careful. There is no need to openly admit them to yourself. Instead, you can talk about minor gaps in areas that are not clearly required for the position.

Positive and negative qualities in an interview should equally present you in a favorable light. The main thing is to remember what shortcomings you can talk about at an interview, and what it is better to remain silent about.

If the recruiter insists on clarifying the weaknesses of nature, and not professional ones, then tell about 1-2, and those that cannot always be considered as weaknesses.

To be completely honest?

An employer asks you to name your weaknesses during an interview, what should you say? How to answer interview questions about weaknesses correctly?

To avoid the impression that you are not answering questions frankly, it is worth pointing out some shortcomings or gaps in knowledge, but most importantly, choose the right wording.

Honestly admit some of your shortcomings, name your shortcomings, but talk about them in a way that makes them seem more like positives.

If you have to say that you are not fully familiar with a particular type of activity, indicate only those areas that are not critical to the vacancy.

Think about your answers in advance. If you really want to get this job, then don't take the risk.

How to tell about yourself in an original way?

According to statistical research, about 90% of applicants mention their responsibility, sociability and determination. It is clear that such qualities are unlikely to interest or draw the attention of the listener to them.

If you talk about general, common character traits that are undoubtedly positive, but everyone talks about them, it won’t hurt, but it won’t make you stand out from the general background of applicants.

You can take a different route: talk about rare qualities that match your character.

Better yet, provide examples of how these qualities were used, the positive role they played, or how they were viewed positively. By using this tactic, you have a chance to stand out and be remembered.

Remember that sometimes what is more important to an employer is not WHAT, but HOW you answer questions about personal qualities. Reasonable, logical, confident answers, as well as grammatically correct speech are of great importance.

Demonstrate positive attitude, the ability to adequately respond to complex or personal issues, the ability to find compromises and the right solutions.

Successful interview! Moreover, now you know exactly what weaknesses you can point out at an interview and how to correctly talk about your shortcomings in order to make a favorable impression.

At least once in a person's life he has to write a resume. This is a self-description that allows the employer to get an idea about the applicant. Depending on what good qualities of a person are listed in it, the question of hiring will be decided.

Good human qualities for a resume: list

A resume is a kind of business card for the applicant. Of course it's not the only document, which allows the employer to form an opinion about the person. But it is important because it gives an idea of ​​what personal qualities are characteristic of the person who is applying for the vacancy.

Moreover, not only those qualities of a person that are listed in the resume are taken into account, but also the approach to the formation of this list, the level of self-criticism and self-confidence, education and understanding of what personal qualities are important for performing certain functions. For example, it will look ridiculous if a cashier prioritizes a creative approach to performing work tasks in his characteristics, and a teacher lists a presentable appearance, and charisma is not really needed for an applicant for the position of warehouse manager.

To avoid mistakes when writing a resume, it is important to know what personal qualities HR employees pay attention to first.

That's how universal positive traits a person may be interested in a potential employer:

  • fast learner;
  • honesty;
  • communication skills;
  • initiative;
  • absence of bad habits.

It is important for the employer that the applicant’s personal qualities match the position he is requesting. Let's look at the most common vacancies:

1. For an applicant for a position accountant such are important human qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • perseverance;
  • pedantry;
  • non-conflict;
  • stress resistance.

2. For manager whose work involves communication, the following characteristics are important:

  • communication skills;
  • presentable appearance;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • responsibility;
  • energy.

3. Secretary characteristic:

  • accuracy;
  • diligence;
  • perseverance;
  • literacy;
  • non-conflict.

4. A person who is looking for a position in the IT field must have the following qualities:

  • independence;
  • initiative;
  • attentiveness;
  • energy;
  • skill to work in team;
  • creativity;
  • mobility.

5. If you want to fill a vacancy engineer, then add the following personal characteristics to your resume:

  • technical thinking;
  • discipline;
  • perseverance;
  • determination;
  • innovation;
  • attentiveness.

Employers will pay attention to personality traits that are associated with accuracy, punctuality, and efficiency in performing duties. Among them: accuracy; high efficiency; integrity; persistence; resourcefulness; organization; responsibility; enterprise; integrity; punctuality; scrupulousness; creativity; desire for professional self-improvement; the ability to independently make informed decisions; energy.

Human qualities are also important, which will help you join the team and find mutual language with employees and clients: politeness; flexibility; friendliness; loyalty; reliability; responsiveness; decency; self-criticism; justice; skill to work in team; optimism and sense of humor.

Sometimes employers ask you to indicate a person's bad qualities. Here, do the same as with good ones: do not be self-deprecating, but precisely formulate three qualities that you consider to be weaknesses. Among them may be:

  • lack of work experience or specialized education;
  • difficulties with communication;
  • lack of teamwork skills;
  • age;
  • impulsiveness;
  • excessive directness;
  • slowness or hyperactivity;
  • formalism and meticulousness;
  • phobias (for example, fear of air travel), etc.

Don't embellish your resume to get a job. Honesty and openness, and most importantly, an understanding of what you will do and what characteristics you must have in order to perform your functional duties efficiently, will certainly attract the attention of employees selecting personnel.

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By studying the character traits of a particular person, it is possible to identify what qualities characterize the personality. Their manifestation is based on the influence of individual experience, knowledge, abilities and capabilities of people. The list of biological characteristics includes the innate characteristics of a person. Other personality qualities are acquired as a result of life activity:

  • Sociality

It means irreducibility to individual, biological characteristics of people, saturation with socio-cultural content.

  • Uniqueness

Uniqueness and originality inner world an individual, his independence and inability to be classified as one or another social or psychological type.

  • Transcendence

Willingness to go beyond one’s “limits”, constant self-improvement as a way of being, belief in the possibility of development and overcoming external and internal obstacles on the way to one’s goal and, as a consequence, incompleteness, inconsistency and problematic nature.

  • Integrity and subjectivity

Internal unity and identity (equality with oneself) in any life situations.

  • Activity and subjectivity

The ability to change oneself and the conditions of one’s existence, independence from environmental conditions, the ability to be the source of one’s own activity, the cause of actions and recognition of responsibility for the deeds committed.

  • Moral

The basis of interaction with the outside world, the willingness to treat other people as the highest value, equal to one’s own, and not as a means of achieving goals.

List of qualities

Personality structure includes temperament, volitional qualities, abilities, character, emotions, social attitudes and motivation. And also separately the following qualities:

  • Independence;
  • Intellectual self-improvement;
  • Communication skills;
  • Kindness;
  • Hard work;
  • Honesty;
  • Determination;
  • Responsibility;
  • Respect;
  • Confidence;
  • Discipline;
  • Humanity;
  • Mercy;
  • Curiosity;
  • Objectivity.

A person’s personal qualities consist of internal perception and external manifestations. External manifestation includes a list of indicators:

  • innate or acquired artistry;
  • attractive appearance and sense of style;
  • ability and clear pronunciation of speech;
  • competent and sophisticated approach to .

The main qualities of a person (her inner world) can be classified according to a number of characteristics:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the situation and the absence of conflicting perceptions of information;
  • an inherent love for people;
  • open-minded thinking;
  • positive form of perception;
  • wise judgment.

The level of these indicators determines the individual characteristics of the person being studied.

Structure of individual qualities

For more precise definition qualities of a person’s personality, one should highlight his biological structure. It consists of 4 levels:

  1. Temperament, which includes characteristics of genetic predisposition (nervous system).
  2. Degree of unique mental processes, allowing you to determine the personal qualities of a person. The result is affected by the level individual perception, imagination, manifestation volitional signs, feelings and attention.
  3. The experiences of people, characterized by knowledge, abilities, capabilities and habits.
  4. Indicators social orientation, including the subject’s attitude to the external environment. Development personal qualities acts as a guiding and regulating factor of behavior - interests and views, beliefs and attitudes (state of consciousness based on previous experience, regulatory attitude and), moral norms.

Traits of people that characterize their temperament

The innate qualities of a person shape him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is divided into 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • Sanguine - easily adapts to a new environment and overcomes obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • Melancholic – weak and sedentary. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude towards any activity. Introversion, pessimism, anxiety, reasoning and touchiness - character traits melancholic.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are quick-tempered and unrestrained. Touchiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • A phlegmatic person is a balanced, inert and slow person, not prone to change. Personal indicators show how to easily overcome negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence - distinctive features calm people.

Individual character traits

Character is a set of individual traits that manifest themselves in different types of activity, communication and relationships with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of life processes and the type of activity of people. To more accurately assess the character of people, behavioral factors in specific circumstances should be studied in detail.

Types of character:

  • cycloid – mood swings;
  • hyperthymic accentuation consists of high activity and failure to complete tasks;
  • asthenic – capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive – timid personality;
  • hysterical - the makings of leadership and vanity;
  • dysthymic – focused on the negative side of current events.

Individual abilities of people

Individual psychological qualities individuals contribute to the achievement of success and excellence in certain activities. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

Exist different levels abilities:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and abilities of people is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Strong-willed traits of people

Adjusting behavioral factors associated with overcoming internal and external discomfort makes it possible to determine personal qualities: the level of effort and plans for taking actions, concentration in a given direction. Will manifests itself in the following properties:

  • – level of effort to achieve the desired result;
  • perseverance – the ability to mobilize to overcome troubles;
  • endurance - the ability to limit feelings, thinking and actions.

Courage, self-control, commitment are the personal qualities of strong-willed people. They are classified into simple and complex acts. In a simple case, incentives to action flow into execution automatically. Complex acts are carried out on the basis of drawing up a plan and taking into account the consequences.

Human feelings

People's persistent attitudes towards real or imaginary objects arise and are formed on the basis of the cultural and historical level. Only the ways of their manifestation change, based on historical eras. individual.

Personal motivation

Motives and incentives that contribute to the activation of actions are formed from. Stimulating personality traits can be conscious or unconscious.

They appear as:

  • desire for success;
  • avoiding trouble;
  • gaining power, etc.

How do personality traits manifest themselves and how to recognize them?

The personal qualities of an individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

  • self-esteem. manifest themselves in relation to themselves: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with high level self-control or lack of will;
  • assessment of the individual's attitude to society. There are different degrees of relationships between the subject and representatives of society: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rude, etc.;
  • a unique personality is determined by the level of interests in the labor, educational, sports or creative spheres;
  • clarification of a person’s position in society occurs in close connection with opinions about him;
  • when studying psychological factors, Special attention attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention, which characterize the development of personal qualities;
  • Observing the emotional perception of situations allows us to assess the individual’s reaction when solving problems or its absence;
  • measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious personality are manifested in labor activity in the form of a creative approach, entrepreneurship, initiative and bringing the matter to the desired result.

A review of people's individual properties helps create big picture behavior in professional and social sphere. The concept of “personality” is a person with individual properties determined by the social environment. These include personal characteristics: intelligence, emotions and will.

Grouping of features that contribute to personality recognition:

  • subjects who are aware of the presence of their inherent social traits;
  • people taking part in social and cultural life society;
  • personal qualities and character of a person are easy to determine in social relationships through communication and the work sphere;
  • individuals who are clearly aware of their uniqueness and significance in the public.

Personal and professional quality of a person are manifested in the formation of worldview and internal perception. An individual always asks philosophical questions about life and his significance in society. He has his own ideas, views and life positions, influencing



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