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What should you not do during a leap year? Leap year - signs of difficult times

In folk myth-making, the leap year is of great importance - signs and superstitions about it were formed for the sake of protection from its harmful influence on people's lives. Find out what you can and can't do during this time.

Beliefs about wedding and divorce

Leap year to this day it is considered an unhappy and difficult period for personal life. Wedding signs prohibited from marrying - the union will be short-lived, there will be quarrels and betrayals. One of the spouses may die soon. If you were unable to reschedule the wedding, get married in a church and before the ceremony say:

I am crowned with a crown, not a leap end.

It is undesirable to change your life partner - someone divorced during a leap year will never be able to establish their personal life. It was not possible to avoid a break; you need to take a new towel to the church and leave it there with the words:

Leap year, I pay tribute to you. Family angel, stand next to me.

Relationships that started in "Year of Kasyan", they will not be happy. According to signs, people who started dating at this time will often quarrel and cheat on each other.

About pregnancy in a leap year, childbirth and children

Especially in a year like this, so that the child is born healthy. The expectant mother should avoid dishes made from mushrooms - they absorb negativity from the earth. More on this below.

In the old days, pregnant women were forbidden to do laundry. Even now, doctors do not advise those expecting a child to wash by hand; this process is associated with unwanted physical activity.

Many legends about those born February 29. They are considered gifted magicians. But a number of signs about a leap year warn of the unhappy fate of those born on Kasyanov’s day. You can neutralize it by asking to register your baby for another date. There is no delay in baptizing a child; only blood relatives of the father or mother are taken as godparents.

In the old days, everyone born on a leap year, regardless of the date, was considered unlucky. If a son resembles his mother more than his father, the superstition was considered unfulfilled. If the girl inherited her father's traits, too.

Signs and superstitions about leap years prohibit observing customs associated with. If you ignore the ban and invite guests, teething will be difficult. Even in adulthood, dental problems will be constant.

Everyday superstitions

In the old days it was believed that in a leap year negative energy goes from the ground to the sky. Mushrooms absorb it well, so they cannot be collected. There is a rational explanation for the superstition - the mycelium is renewed every four years.

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Selling animals means poverty. You can give for free, refusing even symbolic payment. When slaughtering a bird, every third one must be given to those whom you wish well. Do not drown kittens and puppies so that pestilence does not attack domestic animals. Leap Day punishes the death of innocent souls.

It is not advisable to plant or replant plants. This is especially true for birch or pine - to death. But if necessary, during the first planting of the year, say:

On a leap year, it's time to die.

Juniper in the garden protects against evil spirits. She is especially active in the “year of Kasyan”, so it is worth thinking about magical security. Those living in apartments can use essential oil this plant.

What else can't be done

It is better to postpone any undertakings until next year. It is not recommended to start building a house, bathhouse or outbuilding. It is believed that the building will not stand for long, it will burn or collapse. Even moving to a rented apartment is undesirable; there will be no happiness in the new place.

Opening an enterprise, investing money in a new source of profit, changing jobs is not the most best idea. Serious purchases will not bring good things. Leave purchasing a car or apartment until better times. Strive to make this year the same as the previous one, and misfortunes will pass you by. Avoid change. It is better to postpone even changing your hair color.

They avoid talking about their plans at any time. But in a leap year there is strength evil eye much more noticeable than usual. Don't jinx what you have. It is difficult to get back what you lost during this time.

Travel and travel are undesirable; it is better to spend a difficult period of 366 days at home. In the old days, they tried to avoid the need to go on a journey. But if three monks or nuns meet on the road, the road will be successful.

There is no caroling during a leap year. The evil spirit is especially active, it is too easy to attract its attention. Dressing up as a representative of evil spirits means trouble. On Ivan Kupala they collect herbs for magic and healing with the following sentence:

Leap year, take away the negative for yourself, and give me the positive!

Good signs about leap year

Going to jail in a leap year is not as scary as in a normal year. The maximum period for a prisoner to return home is at the end of the year. Even an inveterate criminal will be acquitted or released under an amnesty if his blood relatives light candles for his health in church and pray in front of the icons.

Getting caught in the first rain of the year means success and monetary gain. True, you need to find yourself in the rain by accident; going out into the raindrops on purpose is useless. See a rainbow - good omen even in an unlucky calendar period.

Receiving a round decoration as a gift is a good superstition. This is a talisman that was originally intended to protect you from evil in difficult times from the point of view of superstition. You can purchase such jewelry, but a personal amulet purchased is weaker than a gift.

Our ancestors considered leap year difficult time. Quite a lot bad omens complicated about him. They are designed to teach new generations the correct behavior in this dangerous period.

Everyone has different attitude for a leap year, some believe that this is the most ordinary year, others are afraid of it like leprosy. There are a lot of signs and prohibitions associated with a leap year; it is easier to list what you can do in a leap year than to read the entire list of prohibitions. This year you need to be careful in any endeavors.

It would seem like a very ordinary year, only one day more, but our ancestors had many fears associated with these days. In general, people have always been afraid of winter; it is a terrible, mysterious, harsh time. Especially in our northern regions, where winters are difficult and we can only survive them together. Therefore, a day that lengthens winter was not particularly welcomed by our ancestors.

Why you can't get divorced on a leap year

There are many things that cannot be done during a leap year, and one of these serious prohibitions is divorce. It is believed that if you get divorced this year, the rest of your life will be miserable. It’s not very pleasant, considering that people usually dream of getting liberation along with a divorce. heal new life, and this very life turns out to be completely unpleasant. And the person thinks, “It would be better if I didn’t get a divorce. Life was calmer this way.”

Divorce in a leap year brings trouble to both. But they are especially strongly reflected on the side that initiated the divorce (unless, of course, there was a mutual agreement). There are cases when a woman left her husband for another man, and six months later new husband died suddenly. Therefore, happiness new family I didn’t bring any.

Perhaps, thanks to this sign, our ancestors tried to save the family in this way. After all, if you can’t get a divorce this year, you’ll have to put it off until next year, and next year it may turn out that you no longer need to get a divorce. After all, divorces between spouses are often caused by simple misunderstandings, outbursts of jealousy and anger, situations that seem insoluble and unforgivable.

For example, there is a known case where a man filed for divorce, arguing that his wife was cheating on him. And after a while it turned out that the woman was slandered by her own friend, who forged photographs, and that man could not live without her and was even ready to forgive her for betrayal, which, in fact, never happened. So the divorce turned out to be unnecessary. Many situations, obvious at first glance, turn out to be completely different from what they were.

How to avoid divorce during a leap year

If you feel that the situation in your family is heating up to the limit, and things are heading towards divorce, and there is a leap year on the calendar, then you will have to grit your teeth tighter and try to hold back the volcano of disaster.

First, talk to your significant other, tell them about your fears and experiences, and explain how important this is to you. Try to gently clarify the relationship, maybe everything is not so critical and a divorce is not needed at all. An ordinary heart-to-heart conversation, an honest conversation, often solves family problems better than anything else.

If, after all, the conversation did not help, and the catastrophe does not move away, then try to live out this year as calmly as possible and without any special conflicts. Treat this person as an ordinary acquaintance; if you feel that you cannot live peacefully together, try to separate or, for example, live in different rooms. Everyone's situation is different, but the advice is general: try to minimize the number of contacts with a person.

There is also such a sign in case divorce could not be avoided. You need to buy a new towel, go to church, defend the service and give this towel to those who serve in the temple. In this way you give away all family misfortunes, cleanse the old from past dirt and open the door to new happiness.

The only month of the year that has a variable value
number of days - this is February. Once every four-year period in February, the number of days is 29, instead of 28 in a normal year. This is done in order to restore unaccounted hours from previous years. The fact is that 1 year is equal to the time of revolution of our planet around the Sun. This time is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. It is common knowledge that a year lasts 365 days.
So it turns out that in 4 years there are almost 24 unaccounted hours.
For this purpose, another day is introduced once every 4 years. A year in which February has 29 days is called a leap year. This is the current year 2016. The same years will be the 20th year, the 24th year, the 28th year and so on of our millennium.

There are a huge number of superstitions, signs, and prohibitions that are associated with an extra day in February. From this article you will learn what not to do during leap year 2016.

It is popularly believed that during a leap year you should not let anyone in on your plans, as luck and fortune may turn away from you. Postpone your important affairs and events from February 29th. Otherwise you will face failure and disappointment. It is not recommended to celebrate a birthday in such a year if you are turning 9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69 years old, and so on. That is, dates with the number 9.

It’s better not to exchange your home this year. Do not start construction of a building, bathhouse or other structures. The presence of a built bathhouse in such a year can lead to illnesses and illnesses. Any building will be flimsy and will not last long.

Do not make expensive purchases or make large exchanges, as it is believed that this may end in big problems. And in general it is not recommended that in a leap year
There have been some big changes and drastic changes in a person’s life. This applies to personal life, household chores and work. It is not recommended to advance through career ladder in leap year
year. You should not change your place of work, as the new place will
uncomfortable and restless. It is believed that this will not lead to anything good. Such changes and changes have absolutely no positive prospects. On the contrary, it can break a person
life. Life in such a leap year 2016 should pass calmly, and everything
global changes must be postponed until next year.

This year it is not advisable to travel, travel, or go on business trips. It is believed that this can lead to an accident and injury. You should not use any type of transport for the first time in a leap year. On the road, you can expect all sorts of troubles and problems.

What else is not advisable to do during the leap year 2016? Women are prohibited from cutting their hair during pregnancy. There is a belief that then the child will be born weak and will
get sick often. During pregnancy it is forbidden to tell anyone
what name will the child be named? If a baby is born in a family on a leap year, then baptize him
blood relatives must. The only exception is relatives with a bad fate. For example, orphans or divorced people.

It is also not recommended for relatives who have lost a child to baptize a child. It is believed that godparents can pass on a bad fate to their godson.
There is also a belief that a child born on a leap year may turn out to be “eye-catching.” To avoid this, on the day the baby was born, wash with water and wipe with the mother’s hem. This procedure must be completed for seven years.

In a year like this, when a child’s first tooth appears, it is forbidden to invite guests to your home. The belief says that all subsequent teeth of the child will be bad.

By folk beliefs On a leap year, boys and men are prohibited from getting married, and girls and women are prohibited from getting married. If the newlyweds decide to get married in such a year, then there is a certain belief. Before the wedding ceremony begins, you can say the amulet: “I crown with a crown, not a leap end.” There is also a sign that it is supposedly impossible to get married this year on days where there is a nine. Dates such as the 9th, 19th, 29th.

If a girl has her first menstruation in a leap year, then her mother should not tell anyone about it. The sign says that if divulged, subsequent menstruation will occur with pain and will be problematic.

You also can’t get divorced during the leap year of 2016. This may have Negative influence on a person’s subsequent personal life. If people separated during a leap year, then according to legend
You must take a specially purchased towel to the church. Give it to the cleaners there. At the same time, you need to say to yourself: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me.”
Then say to yourself three times: “Amen. Amen. Amen.”

It is forbidden to carol at Christmas during a leap year. It is believed that when caroling during a leap year, it evokes and attracts devilry.

It is not advisable to sell cattle and other domestic animals this year. It is believed that after the sale, poverty may come to the house. If there are geese on the farm, then you need to keep two of the slaughtered geese for yourself, and give the third to relatives, friends or neighbors. It is forbidden to get rid of kittens in this year.

It is not advisable to meet a leap year with debts. This can lead to poverty. And not only the debtor himself, but also people close to him. By the way, it is not recommended to enter with debts
only in leap years, but also in ordinary years.

You must try to avoid any quarrels, always control yourself, and not lose self-control. A quarrel in a leap year can bring illness or disease upon a person. Also quarrel is negative
affects a person's aura. After a quarrel, according to popular belief, you need to drink three sips of holy water.

During a leap year you cannot go picking mushrooms. Legend has it that you can even get poisoned edible mushrooms. It was believed that the collected medicinal herbs, plants and roots
on Ivan Kupala have magical and healing properties. Before their gathering in the morning, it was necessary to go to church and light candles. When collected in a leap year, old belief you had to spit on your hands three times and then say: “Leap year, father, keep the bad things for yourself, and let me take the dear ones. Amen.” At the same time, it was necessary to look in a western direction.

When preparing winter preparations, jars must be sterilized in water to which holy water has been added. If this is not done, the workpieces may either fail or be lost.
When planting seedlings and other seeds for the first time, say the words: “On a leap year, soot will die.”

Some older people prepare things for their funeral in advance. In 2016, it is better not to do this, as you can greatly accelerate the arrival of death. According to popular belief, it is not recommended to enter a church when a funeral service is being held there.
On Parents' Day in a leap year, three people must be commemorated in the cemetery before commemorating the dead.

If a person finds himself in a place of detention, then it is necessary for a relative to go to church and light a candle. When leaving the church, you must say: “The Leap Day will go away, but the servant of God (name) will come home. Amen.” And at the end of a leap year, it is necessary that a person in
prison, crossed himself and uttered the following words: “Free will, but not bondage for me.”

Now you are aware of what you should not do during the 2016 leap year. As can be seen from this article, there are a huge number of beliefs, prohibitions and signs associated in one way or another with the year in which February has 29 days. But believe in them or not, stick to them
recommendations or not in your life can only be determined by you, this is your personal right and business. If you expect trouble or something unkind and evil, then it will definitely come. Therefore, the main thing is to believe and set yourself up that everything will be fine.

A leap year is characterized by the fact that it has 1 day more than other years. In February, instead of 28 days there will be 29. People approach this period differently. For some, this is an ordinary year without any special features. But for many people, a leap year is fraught with certain dangers, which they try to avoid, relying on signs and superstitions. According to popular beliefs, a leap year has many prohibitions and warnings.

Legends about Kasyan's Day

February 29 is popularly called Kasyanov's Day. It has long been believed that this particular day is the most dangerous and difficult. These beliefs are associated with a certain Kasyan, who was said to be one of the angels who knew all the plans and intentions of God. But as a result, he was a traitor who initiated representatives of the forces of evil into all the sacraments.

He was punished for his actions - every 3 years he was beaten, and in the fourth year he was released. He descended to earth, where he did bad deeds, created evil around him and encouraged people to become evil. According to other statements, this Kasyan was a saint, but he was addicted to alcohol. Every 3 years he drank, and in the 4th year he did not drink alcohol.

What not to do on a leap year

Relying on eastern calendar, 2020 is under the auspices of the Metal Rat. This means that this year there will be surprises and unpredictable events. Since this animal is spontaneous and unpredictable, surprises are expected, and not always pleasant ones.

But since it is also a leap year, this will entail troubles and negative events, so many people want to know what is not recommended to do this year in order to prevent Negative consequences. Of course, you shouldn’t blindly believe in all the warnings; by instilling bad things in yourself, you can independently attract negativity to yourself.

It is believed that this year is unfavorable for:

  1. Carols. People have long believed that such actions attract evil spirits, so during a leap year it is better to refrain from caroling.
  2. You should not let strangers in on your plans. It is believed that the plan will not come true, and luck will pass by.
  3. Pregnant women are not recommended to cut their hair; they say that this may cause the child to have any disorders or congenital diseases.
  4. This year you shouldn’t invite guests when your baby’s first tooth is cutting through. According to beliefs, if guests are invited to this event, the remaining teeth will grow painfully and subsequently become bad.
  5. A leap year is unfavorable for selling animals. This promises poverty and adverse consequences for the living creatures in the house.
  6. You cannot get divorced during this period. If divorce cannot be avoided, you need to protect yourself from the consequences. Buy a towel and give it to the church. To protect yourself from a subsequent unfavorable family union, before getting a divorce, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God.
  7. It is not recommended to change jobs. This is fraught with problems in a new place.
  8. You cannot move to a new place of residence. It is believed that in new apartment Only failures and problems will await a person.
  9. A leap year is unfavorable for building a bathhouse; this can lead to long-term illnesses and health problems.

Basic Leap Year Prohibitions

According to signs, you should not have a wedding on a leap year; this is fraught with short-term and unfavorable marriage. It is not recommended to pick mushrooms; even edible ones can become poisonous. If a girl begins her first menstruation during this period, she should not tell anyone about it except her mother, this entails pain and other consequences.

Women who are carrying a baby should not be told what they plan to name it. It is better to postpone the construction and renovation of housing until next year; this may cause the fragility of the repairs and the instability of the building. It is better to refrain from planning pregnancy during this period. According to signs, babies born in a leap year will be easily susceptible to the evil eye and damage. If the baby is born during this period, it must be washed with water and wiped with the hem of the mother's skirt. Do this procedure every year until the child reaches the age of seven. Not worth taking to godfathers or mothers of their blood relatives, especially those who have a complex and difficult fate (divorced people, orphans, those whose children have died), it is believed that this is so godparent will pass on his troubles to his godson.

You cannot borrow, it entails poverty. During a leap year, birthdays on February 29 are not celebrated for those people who turn 9, 19, 29, etc. It is better to postpone the celebration to another day. It is not recommended to use a vehicle that has not been driven, flown or sailed before. This promises trouble along the way.

You shouldn’t make serious plans on February 29, they are not destined to come true. On Ivan Kupala, you need to collect herbs, since medicinal plants collected on this day have healing properties. magical power. But before you start collecting them, you need to go to church and perform certain rituals. When you pick the first plant, you should spit on your hands three times. It is better for older people to refrain from collecting things for their funeral during a leap year, as this can lead to quick death.

Before you start canning, the jars are sterilized in water, to which you should add a little holy water. If you ignore this rule, the canned food may explode or turn sour. It is not recommended to get into serious quarrels; this negatively affects a person’s biofield and provokes the occurrence of various diseases. If a quarrel cannot be avoided, you need to protect yourself by drinking a few sips of holy water.

Leap year 2016: superstitions and myths

Do you know, dear sorceresses, that the coming 2016 will be one day longer than the last? This year is considered a leap year. Is it good or bad? Let's figure it out together!

Word of mouth is an amazing phenomenon. With its help, any, even not very significant detail can acquire secrets, legends and even horror stories. It was the same with leap years. Although initially the idea was very useful and harmless.

Leap year: history

What does leap year mean? Back in 45 BC, the famous Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar introduced a calendar named after the great himself. They called it “Julian”. So, astronomically, one year, according to him, turned out to be equal to 365 days + ¼ day. It turns out that every year I accumulated an “extra” 6 hours. Over the course of 4 years, it only lasted for one day.

They were placed at the very end of February, deciding to make every 4 years one day longer. That's all!

Leap year: superstitions

However, rumor stubbornly attributed all sorts of harm and bad things to the unusual year. People generally do not tolerate anything that is not like the ordinary.

Leap year in Rus' is considered the year of Kasyan - a saint with, to put it mildly, a “tarnished” reputation. According to one version, this man betrayed the Lord and contacted the devil. True, he later repented.

According to another, he was in such a hurry to go to heaven in his elegant clothes that he refused on the way to a hard worker who found himself in a difficult situation. For this, he was given a day in the calendar that happens only once every 4 years - February 29. Which of this is true and which is not - who will figure it out now? After all, so many years have passed...

But, one way or another, the leap year has gathered a great many prejudices around it. Let's try to analyze each of them.

Is it possible to get married on a leap year?

If you suddenly, due to your inexperience and ignorance, decide to formalize your relationship within a year with 366 days, then you will hear a lot of horror stories about this. Rest assured!

Here are the most common ones:

    Young people will certainly get divorced (although let's be objective - no one is immune from divorce!)

    The couple’s life will be difficult and unhappy (it will be! If lovers do not learn to appreciate each other and fulfill their family responsibilities! And the date of marriage does not play a fatal role here)

    One of the newlyweds will die early (you might think that life expectancy directly depends on the year of marriage!)

    Those who get married will cheat on each other (and this is already the result of upbringing and the degree of personal decency!)

In a word, if you take apart each such speculation “piece by piece”, it turns out that everything is very far-fetched and has no logical basis. Everything attributed to couples getting married on a leap year can easily happen in any family.

If you want to choose the ideal date for your wedding, then simply contact a professional astrologer who will calculate the most favorable day specifically for the two of you.

Is it possible to get divorced during a leap year?

It is believed that people who have made such a “fatal mistake” will no longer be able to find happiness. However, divorce is not a very pleasant event anyway. And you need to try with all your might to preserve the relationship that you have legalized and, especially, in which children appeared.

Regarding the lack of happiness in the future, this is a dubious horror story. Your ability to attract the attention of people of the opposite sex is certainly the result of your personal qualities, and not an extra day of the year!

What should you not do during a leap year?

    It is believed that during a leap year you absolutely cannot change your job, otherwise you may be left without it altogether. However, if you are offered to move from an unloved position to a better one, and even get an increase in salary, you are unlikely to remember this frightening sign! Well, if you do lose your job, it’s unlikely to be because of the extra days accumulated over 4 years. Most likely, it's just not your thing. We, sorceresses, will definitely not be upset about this. We already know that everything is for the better!

    During a leap year, taboos are imposed on all changes in general. And this applies not only to work, but also to place of residence, car, partner and even hairstyle. Dear girls, how can you not change your hairstyle? whole year, if you really wanted it?! This is perhaps more destructive for a woman than some empty superstitions. And about the partner - this is too much. Well, why not drag a disgusted man along with you in a non-leap year?!

    You can't start anything new during a leap year. Perhaps, if we assume that this year is the beginning of a four-year cycle, this sign becomes more or less justified. But even in this case, you should not impose strict taboos on yourself. Let's say life itself brings you to changes in a leap year - opening your own business, starting school, creating new relationships, etc. Well, let these events happen, but try to make it go away the best way. Then you will spend all the next 4 years of the cycle on the crest of luck.

    The worst belief about leap years is that it is during such periods that the most large-scale disasters and cataclysms happen. However, stubborn statistics confirm this superstition does not give. It is enough just to note the fact that the terrible year 1941 was not a leap year. And in general, in the world every year, and not once every 4 years, something out of the ordinary happens.

    It is also believed that caroling should not be done during a leap year, otherwise there will be no happiness. Of course, this sign is very ancient. And for us, modern people, it is hardly relevant.

Having a baby on a leap year

Perhaps the most absurd statement about a leap year: you cannot give birth during these 366 days. It is believed that the fate of such a person will not be the happiest. But, excuse me, what if the Soul has already arrived? Where should I put her?! Carrying around for an extra year?

Children are a blessing and they come at the best time of our lives! Even if it happens in a leap year.

Moreover, every self-respecting sorceress knows that in many respects her happy life we create it ourselves. And no leap year is a hindrance to us in this matter! We will teach our children the same thing, right?!

Moreover, there is also the exact opposite point of view: people who were born in this unusual year are themselves extraordinary individuals. In ancient times they were even credited with magical qualities. How do you like this turn?!

Children born in a leap year

To further dispel your doubts and fears - and pregnant women already have a lot of them, and without empty superstitions, let me give you a few names of people born on a leap year:

    Russian actress Irina Kupchenko is in demand and successful in her profession, the wife of one of the most attractive men in Soviet cinema, Vasily Lanovoy (played Gray in " Scarlet Sails»)

    Garik Kharlamov, who is "Bulldog" - a talented humorist, the darling of fate and a favorite of the public

    Gioachino Rossini, Italian composer, author of many popular operas - “The Barber of Seville”, “Othello”, etc.

So, as you see, a leap year is not a reason to sound the alarm and hide in corners until better times. This is a great chance to once again make sure that we ourselves, with our thoughts and actions, our beliefs, create our own reality.

And may the only disappointment that leap year 2016 brings you is that spring will come to us a day later!



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