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What distinguishes Katerina from the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov? (based on Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”). Literature lesson "Katerina's image" How does Katerina differ from other characters

Each person is a whole world, a whole Universe. All people are not alike, which is why in the same situation everyone behaves differently. Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm" shows us a complex, closed world of people, a patriarchal merchant town, where an unfortunate girl languishes and suffers. Her whole fault is that she is cramped and stuffy in this closed little world.

Katerina is powerless and defenseless, however, this was a completely normal phenomenon according to the Domostroev order. A young wife in her husband’s house had many responsibilities, but she was simply not entitled to rights.
Katerina does not know how to pretend and deceive, and this is her main difference from those around her. She is flexible and obedient, but it is very difficult for her to endure constant nagging and reproaches. Sincere, naive and spontaneous, Katerina trustingly reveals herself to the world. She does not expect meanness, malice, or cruelty from people. She doesn't seem to understand what world she lives in.
However, to be precise, Katerina really does not immediately understand what world she finds herself in. Her life in her parents' house was carefree, happy and easy. Surrounded by care and love, Katerina lived the way she wanted. And this “freedom” ended immediately. Life in her husband’s house does not have a single bright moment for Katerina. The conflict between Katerina and the “dark kingdom” is growing slowly but surely. As a result, a real “explosion” occurs. The case ends with the death of the girl.
You can compare Katerina with Varvara. It would seem that they are close in age and, moreover, come from merchant families. However, Varvara knows how to pretend and lie, but Katerina does not. Since childhood, she was protected from work. But it turns out that she grew up in an atmosphere far from real life. If Varvara has a developed instinct of self-preservation and understands how to behave in order to avoid problems, then Katerina does not have this knowledge and skills. She looks like a child who is absolutely defenseless.
Katerina evokes sympathy and sympathy, unlike all the other characters in the drama. She is completely alone because she does not find anyone to support her. Her weak-willed and spineless husband obeys his mother in everything, everyone else is also more busy with their own lives. Mental suffering, a feeling of misunderstanding and loneliness throws Katerina into the arms of Boris. Emotional and impressionable Katerina tries to find salvation in love. What else can a woman try to do, for whom the meaning of life is the opportunity to completely dissolve in the man she loves? Marriage does not give Katerina such an opportunity, so she is forced to decide to cheat).
Katerina cannot be judged; she is kind, dreamy, and romantic. Her imagination seems amazing for a simple, uneducated girl from a merchant family. Spiritual emptiness, vulgarity, hypocrisy, lies and hatred - these are the distinctive features of the environment in which the girl found herself. Nobody needs all her best qualities. No one could appreciate kindness, love, tenderness, sensitivity. Those around her perceive Katerina as a cave that has no soul and heart. And, lonely, unhappy, she finds no other way out but suicide.

Topic: Image of KATERINA.

Analysis of the ARTICLE


Goals : deepen students’ understanding of the main character of Ostrovsky’s play; reveal the strength and weakness of Katerina’s character; develop the ability to analyze character images; improve the skills of independent work on the text of a dramatic work; determine the meaning of the title of the play.

During the classes

I. Conversation with students about the question m:

1. How does Katerina differ from other heroes of the drama “The Thunderstorm”?

2. Tell us about her interests and hobbies as a girl.

3. What is the difference between Katerina’s life in her parents’ house and in Kabanikha’s house?

4. Could Katerina find her happiness in the family? Under what conditions?

5. What is the heroine struggling with: a sense of duty or the “dark kingdom”?

6. What is the tragedy of her situation?

7. The finale of the drama. Prove that the development of the action inevitably leads to it.

8. Could Katerina find another way out other than suicide?

9. The death of the heroine - defeat or victory?

N. Dobrolyubov writes about Katerina: “This is the true strength of character.” Ostrovsky's heroine, unlike the people around her, is a sincere, poetic nature. Katerina looks for beauty everywhere: in work, in communication with people, with God. Everything that happens in the soul is more important to it than the events of the outside world.

But one cannot help but notice the determination and love of freedom in Katerina’s character. It is useless to “remake” such a heroine or subordinate her to anyone. And such a woman finds herself in an environment of arbitrariness and hypocrisy. Katerina tries to contrast Kabanikha’s despotism and hypocrisy with self-esteem. This is the beginning of her death.

Katerina's tragedy is due to the fact that she does not love her husband. She understands that Tikhon is unworthy not only of her love, but also of respect. During the farewell, Tikhon repeats his mother’s insulting instructions to Katerina.

But in Katerina’s soul a feeling for Boris had already arisen. Awakened love is perceived by her as a terrible sin, a shame, because feeling for a stranger for her, a married woman, is a violation of moral duty. The emotional drama flares up.

Katerina cannot live by deception. During this period, she is lonely, even her loved one is not able to support her... Earthly torments seem to her worse than hell, and she perceives death as deliverance from them. On Katerina’s part, suicide is strength, even protest, obviously in cases where other forms of struggle are impossible.

Who are the culprits of her death? There are plenty of them. This is the imperious Kabanikha, the weak-willed Tikhon, and the indecisive Boris. Katerina won a moral victory over all these people and circumstances.

“Katerina’s death had significant consequences in Kalinovsky’s consciousness and actions of ordinary people,” writes A. Anastasyev.

II. Discussion of the article by N. A. Dobrolyubov “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom.”

An article devoted to the analysis of the play “The Thunderstorm” was published after the production of the drama at the Moscow Maly Theater in 1860 (The critic gave a brilliant analysis of the ideological content, as well as the artistic features of the play “The Thunderstorm”. He described all the characters, but paid most attention to mainheroine - Katerina. )


1. “A ray of light in a dark kingdom” - what did Dobrolyubov mean by giving this title to his article?

2. Read the most striking, in your opinion, provisions of the article.

3. “This end seems joyful to us,” says Dobrolyubov about Katerina’s fate. Is this idea fair?

4. What is the essence of the dispute between D. I. Pisarev and N. A. Dobrolyubov regarding “The Thunderstorm” and the main character? Whose point of view seems more profound to you?

(D.I. Pisarev. Articles “Motives of Russian Drama” and “Let’s see!”.

“Education and life could not give Katerina either a strong character or a developed mind... Katerina, like all dreamers offended by God and upbringing, sees things in a rosy light... She cuts through the lingering knots in the most stupid way, with suicide, which is completely unexpected for herself.” .)

N.A. Dobrolyubov called Katerina “a ray of light in the dark kingdom.” According to the critic, at the tragic end “a terrible challenge was given to tyrant power.” The heroine’s suicide seemed to momentarily illuminate the “absolute darkness of the “dark kingdom.”

“In Katerina we see a protest against Kabanov’s concepts of morality, a protest carried to the end, proclaimed both under domestic torture and over the abyss into which the poor woman threw herself.”

III. Discussion of the meaning of the name of the drama “The Thunderstorm”.

Conversation with students about questions:

1. What does the word “thunderstorm” mean in Ostrovsky’s work?

2. What meaning does each of the heroes put into it?

Storm ... The peculiarity of this image is that, while symbolically expressing the main idea of ​​the play, it at the same time directly participates in the actions of the drama as a very real natural phenomenon and determines (in many ways) the actions of the heroine.

A thunderstorm broke out over Kalinov in Act I. She caused confusion in Katerina's soul.

In Act IV, the thunderstorm motif no longer ceases. (“The rain begins to fall, as if a thunderstorm is not going to gather?..”; “A thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment, so that we feel...”; “A thunderstorm will kill! It’s not a thunderstorm, but grace...”; “Remember my words, that this storm will not pass in vain...")

A thunderstorm is an elemental force of nature, terrible and not fully understood.

A thunderstorm is a “thunderstorm state of society”, a thunderstorm in the souls of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov.

A thunderstorm is a threat to the fading but still strong world of wild boars and wild animals.

The thunderstorm is good news about new forces designed to free society from despotism.

3. How do the heroes of the play relate to the thunderstorm?

For Kuligin, a thunderstorm is God's grace. For Dikiy and Kabanikha - heavenly punishment, for Feklusha - Ilya the Prophet is rolling across the sky, for Katerina - retribution for sins. But the heroine herself, her last step, which shook Kalinov’s world, is also a thunderstorm.

The thunderstorm in Ostrovsky's play, as in nature, combines destructive and creative forces. That is why the poetic image of a thunderstorm also expresses that “refreshing and encouraging feeling” that the critic N. A. Dobrolyubov spoke about.


1. Reading the drama “Dowry”.

2. Answer the questions:

1) What is the essence of the main conflict of the drama?

2) What are the main character traits of Larisa Ogudalova?

Katerina Kabanova and Larisa Ogudalova.

Katerina, in the circle of heroes of the play The Thunderstorm, A. N. Ostrovsky in the play The Thunderstorm divided people into two categories. Some are the oppressors of the dark kingdom, others are the people downtrodden by them. I’ll start with the oppressors. They are also very different people and treat their neighbors differently. Dikoy is a rude, ignorant and greedy person. They say about him: Look for such and such a scolder like our Savel Prokofich, look for more! There's no way he'll cut someone off. Dikoy is disrespectful to the people who depend on him and who are afraid of him. Here, for example. Dikoy says to Kuligin. For others, you are an honest person, but I think that you are a robber, that’s all. Did you want to hear this from me? So listen! I say that you are a robber - and that’s the end! Well, are you going to sue me? So know that you are a worm.

If I want, I will have mercy, if I want, I will crush. But Dikoy is also a coward. He does not quarrel with Kudryash, for example, since Kudryash can fight back. He is not afraid of the Wild One. Dobrolyubov in the article The Dark Kingdom assesses the behavior of the Wild One. As soon as you show somewhere a strong and decisive rebuff, the tyrant’s strength falls, he begins to become a coward and gets lost. But Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is completely different. She is cunning, acting under the guise of piety. She keeps repeating that she cares not about herself, but about the children. After all, out of love, parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, everyone thinks to teach you good.

Well, I don’t like it now. The boar is cruel. Even when Katerina dies, she does not feel sorry for her. She tells her son Tisha! It’s a sin to cry about her! Kabanikha skillfully uses various techniques to assert her power in the house. She always speaks in a friendly and instructive manner. Constantly hypocritically demeaning. The mother is old and stupid. But at the same time, Kabanikha commands imperiously.

She strives to keep everyone in line. Kabanova is trying to show her religiosity. She does not sincerely believe in God. Kabanova is superstitious and supports the superstitious prophecies of the townspeople. In religion, she sees one goal - to intimidate a person, to keep him in eternal fear. She treats Katerina in the most cruel way.

She doesn’t consider Katerina a person at all, she always humiliates and oppresses her. She doesn’t even let her say a word. You, it seems, could have kept silent if they didn’t ask you. Now let’s talk to the weak-willed, downtrodden people of the dark kingdom. This is Tikhon and Boris. Tikhon is a kind and naive person by nature. He says about himself: Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will! Tikhon is always submissive to the will of his mother. He cannot disobey his mother. Tikhon, of course, loves Katerina in his own way, he sincerely treats her and takes pity on her. He tries in every possible way to escape from the hell at home, but he rarely succeeds. How fun it is to travel with you! You've already driven me too far here! I have no idea how to break free, and you still force yourself on me. When Katerina dies, Tikhon even envies her in some ways. He says good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer! Boris, in essence, is the same as Tikhon, but he stands out from all the people in the city of Kalinov for his education, which is probably why Katerina notices him.

He's cowardly.

At the last meeting with Katerina, when he already knew that Katerina was dying, Boris was afraid that they would not find us here. Boris is the direct culprit in Katerina's death. Katerina is disappointed in Boris. The complete opposite of Boris is Kudryash. Curly loves freedom, he does not want to obey tyrants. No, I won’t slave to him. Kudryash unreservedly loves Varvara and knows how to stand up for his feelings. Kudryash is also not indifferent to the fate of other people.

To match Curly Varvara. She is the direct opposite of her brother. Varvara does not want to submit to the tyranny of her mother. She is brave and decisive. Varvara is not superstitious and does not consider it obligatory to observe established customs, but she cannot speak out in defense of her rights and is forced to be cunning and deceive. Varvara, who grew up in lies and deception , adheres to the rule: Do what you want, as long as it is sewn and covered. She despises her brother's spinelessness and hates her mother's heartlessness. Kuligin is an educated and talented person.

He has an enthusiastic and poetic attitude towards nature. Wonderful, I must truly say that it is wonderful! Curly! Here, my brother, for 50 years I have been looking at the Volga every day and I still can’t get enough of it. Kuligin is upset by the darkness and ignorance of the city of Kalinov. But Kuligin understands that no matter what steps he takes to improve his life, everything is useless and he must come to terms with it. All these comparisons of the images of the play emphasize Katerina’s loneliness in this society.

Her character is incompatible with the dark kingdom. Life is pushing her towards a cliff, towards death - she has no other way.

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