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Circus acts for children at home. Home scenario for children's birthday “Circus show. Invitation to a children's party

Probably every boy or girl (except for Princess Nesmeyana, who cannot be pleased with anything!) likes the circus. Clever acrobats, hilarious clowns and mysterious magicians will not leave anyone indifferent!

The word "circus" is of Latin origin and literally translates as "circle". But the circus Ancient Rome called a structure similar to a hippodrome. Horse races and chariot races were held there. The largest circus was the Circus Maximus in Rome. During the time of Julius Caesar, it could accommodate up to five hundred thousand spectators, and twelve chariots could compete on it at the same time.
The modern circus appeared in France only at the end of the eighteenth century. A father and son named Astley built a round building near Paris, which they called a circus.

Child's world

There they gave performances that consisted of acrobatic acts and exercises with horses.
And at the end of the nineteenth century, the first performances with trained animals appeared. By this time, permanent circuses appeared in most major cities in Europe and Russia. Do you know how many meters the diameter of the circus arena is? The diameter of any circus arena in any circus - no matter whether it is for a thousand spectators or a hundred - is the same and is thirteen meters (or forty-two feet).

Home circus

Do you want to show a real circus at home? You don't have to become an acrobat or train animals, just learn a few interesting tricks and surprise your parents, friends, and classmates with them. We will now tell you about one of these tricks.
Endless thread - circus show
You “accidentally” notice a white thread clinging to your jacket. Of course, you immediately try to take it off - but that’s not the case! The thread goes on and on. Finally, when you have already pulled out a few meters, the thread runs out. What is the secret of this circus trick?
And the secret of the trick is very simple. To carry it out you will need a spool of white thread, a needle and a pencil. First, rewind the thread from the spool to the pencil. This is necessary so that no one becomes suspicious later. Then, using a needle (just be careful not to prick yourself!), thread the end of the thread through the fabric of the jacket, and hide the pencil in the side pocket. Now, when you pull the thread, it will begin to unwind from the pencil. And if someone demands that you show that there is no spool hidden anywhere, then you will innocently show the audience an ordinary pencil.
This is the kind of circus you can organize at home. Besides this, there are many other tricks that we will show you and you will study them.

International creative competition of hand-made crafts

Participation in the competition FOR FREE

Applications are being accepted CONTINUOUSLY

results during 1-3 days, from the moment of application!

Payment award materials after summing up competition!

Goals and objectives

1. Stimulating the creative activity of children;

2. Activating children’s cognitive interest in the world around them;

3. Provide participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities in a competitive manner;

Rules of participation

1. Participants are divided into age categories:

  • Preschoolers;
  • Pupils;
  • Educators (Teachers, Educators).

2. One creative work will be accepted from each participant. Group work is not allowed.

3. The competition is held in absentia on the basis of submitted copyright creative works(electronic).

4. Methods of performing competition works: beads, paper, fabric, etc.

Family Circus

The subject of the competition works is free.

Criteria for evaluating creative works

1. Creative fiction (originality, content, degree of structure of the material, accessibility of presentation, compliance with the stated topic)

2. Design (originality of design, style unity, compliance of design with content)

3. Artistic and aesthetic level of execution.

Application and award rules

1. Fill out the application on the page (Participation is FREE): http://myartlab.ru/zayavka

2. Within 1-3 days, your data will be entered into the results form. RESULTS

3. After you have found your results in the form, fill out an application for award materials (Paid service).

4. Submit your application to our email: [email protected] By attaching the completed application and payment receipt to the letter.

Cost of reward materials:

  • Diploma for the author (electronic) - 100 rubles
  • Diploma for supervising the author (electronically) - 100 rubles

Payment methods available: http://myartlab.ru/oplata

5. Within 1-2 business days, personalized award materials will be sent to your email!



Options invitation cards we considered two: in the form of a ticket to a circus performance, and in the form of a circus tent.

I personally liked the second option better. Firstly, because such a postcard looked very original and mysterious (I just wanted to take a look, but what’s inside?). And secondly, because it’s very easy to make such an invitation with your own hands. For one postcard you need: 2 sheets of white cardboard (10 by 10 cm), red and yellow artistic gouache, a little nail polish (with glitter), scissors, PVA glue.

Step 1. Using a color printer, print the invitation text on a piece of cardboard:

“Dear ______ (guest’s name)! We invite you to become a participant in a big circus performance! Hurry! While you still have the opportunity to choose your own role! Who will you be? An acrobat? Tamer? A clown? The circus tent is located at: ____ (your address), the selection of participants for the performance will begin ___ (date, time). Don't miss your chance! Circus director ______ (name of the birthday boy) _____ he will turn (_ age __) on the day of the performance. A lot depends on his choice!”

The text should be placed in the center, with 4 cm indentations at the top, left and right.

Step 2. On another sheet we draw a tent drawing so that the “entrance” (the T-cut line) is located exactly in the middle. For the drawing we use red and yellow paint.

Scenario of the circus circus holiday

When the yellow lapel dries, apply glitter varnish with a thin brush.

Step 3. Cut the “tent” and glue the two parts of the invitation card together.


As you know, the road to the circus begins with ticket office. We had one like that too!

We made it from a large cardboard box from under the refrigerator. We cut out a window and painted the inscription “Cashier”. Here our little guests exchanged the invitation for a ticket to the circus. If only you could see the important faces with which the guys approached the box office to buy a ticket! And also, at the gates of the circus they were met by a huge “air clown” - as a symbol of the future holiday.

The second point is the circus tent

If the weather permits (your holiday falls in the warm season), you can build the main circus arena in the yard. To do this, you will need to install a garden tent (cone-shaped) and decorate it with bright ribbons, balloons, garlands of flags.

Circus dome

A very interesting decorative moment (can be used both to decorate a tent in the yard and game room in the house) - decoration of the circus dome.

To make such beauty you only need a few meters of multi-colored chiffon and a bunch of balloons. In addition, aerial gymnasts' trapezes can be attached to the dome. To do this you will need: a paper towel holder and several meters of clothesline. And place soft toys on the “trapeze” (surely, in every home there are a dozen of these “fluffy gifts”).

During intermission, play shop with your guests.

Set up several outlets (lemonade, popcorn, cotton candy, chips). Let some children “sell” and others “buy”. For this purpose, it is worth stocking up on printed paper “money”.

Help to maintain the fabulous atmosphere of the circus in your home (yard) posters(pictures) depicting the main participants in the performance. If you decorate the walls of a tent (or room) with them, you can create an excellent “presence effect” at a circus performance.

You can also place posters throughout your house (yard). stands with scenes from a circus performance, while cutting out the faces of the main characters (so that your little guests can stick their faces in there and take a photo).


It will be very good if in the invitation to a circus party you indicate the dress code: “come dressed as your favorite animal, clown, etc.” But if such an approach to the holiday is impossible for some reason (the parents of your little guests are too busy to take care of the costume, etc.), prepare the basic details yourself circus costumes.

Clown noses and bright ties

Red foam rubber spouts can be bought on sale, or made at home (it took me exactly 15 minutes to make a spout, a piece of red foam rubber 7 by 7 cm, a couple of drops of rubber glue and a piece of fishing gum). And ties can be cut from inexpensive bright fabric (secured in the same way, using a fishing elastic band) or a piece of wrapping paper for gifts.

Strongman barbell

The barbell can be made entirely from wood (by painting the pancakes black), or you can put two black ones on a wooden stick balloon(it will also turn out very plausible).

Wigs and masks

You can rent clown wigs for party participants, and make animal masks (tiger, zebra, lion, monkey) for children yourself.

Costumes for adults

It is advisable if both mom and dad (and all other volunteer helpers) are dressed in “circus fashion.” Also purchase other themed props for competitions (photo 4).

Crafts on the theme "Circus"

Even if you and your child live in a metropolis where there is a circus, going to shows every day is almost impossible, but getting a home toy arena with funny performers is easy! Colored paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, tape or glue - that's all you need to make circus-themed crafts with your own hands.

Before you make a paper circus with your own hands, ask your child who he would like to see in the mini-arena. Most likely, it will be a cheerful clown. To make a paper clown you will only need one template, which can be drawn using a computer. The only condition is to comply with the proportions, and the colors can be any. It is best to entrust coloring of the template to your child.

After your child has finished working with the template, cut it along the lines shown in the picture. The outer rounded strip will serve as legs, and the inner one as handles. These parts need to be twisted in a spiral. If the paper is thick, then just swipe back side with the blade of scissors, pressing them gently but tightly. Thin paper can be rolled onto a pencil for a few minutes.

No time, but really want to play in the circus? The easiest way to cheer yourself and your baby up is to wear colorful hats. They are easy to make: roll thick cardboard into a cone and attach a fringe or bubo to the top. If planned active games, ties won't hurt.

Give your inquisitive baby a bright mood! And don’t forget to involve him in creating a home mini-circus, where he will be the main artist.

Children's party in the circus style: juggling ideas!

Well, what child doesn’t love games and competitions, especially if they are part of the holiday?! Make sure that the kids don’t get bored at your celebration by diversifying it with fun competitions from our website!

Cartoon hero

The main thing in this competition is the quick reaction of each participant. Whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers. The presenter names the cartoon character, and one of the participants must name the cartoon in which this hero is. One correct answer - one point. At the end of the competition, whoever collects the most points will receive a prize.

Circus (children's party scenario)

Heroes can be both modern cartoons and old ones, for example, Leopold the Cat, Asterix, Simka, Vupsen and Pupsen, Artemon and so on.

Letter cartoons

The guys are divided into 2-3 teams. For each team it is necessary to prepare the same number of letters from which you can add up the names of the cartoons, so that it is not too difficult, you can take three cartoons, for example: “Luntik”, “Fixies”, “Masha and the Bear”, which means each team should receive one set of letters: luntikfixikimashaandbear. Letters can be cut out or drawn on separate pieces of paper. The team with the smartest and fastest guys will be the winner.

Find the right color

Children stand in a circle. The presenter thinks of a color and then says its name out loud. Children should immediately find an object of the named color near them. If someone fails to do this, he is eliminated from the game. And the presenter makes a wish new color. The last player standing wins a prize.

Kittens and piglets

Children are divided into two teams: the first team is “pigs”, the second is “kittens”. All players are blindfolded and then shuffled among themselves. With the help of grunting and meowing, children must again figure out the commands.


The presenter turns on the music to which the children will dance, but this music will constantly change, which means the dances should also change. You can play both children's songs and just music without words. The child who doesn't get confused and dances cheerfully wins a prize.

Catch the tail

All children line up in a snake formation, each player takes hold of the belt of the person in front. The first player's task is to catch the last one, and the last player's task is to dodge. From the outside, the spectacle is quite interesting. And the players themselves are very interesting and fun.


Players are given long strings with machines attached to the ends. The task of each player is that he must quickly wind up his ball. Players will wind up balls to the accompaniment of cheerful music. Whose car came first won.

It's the other way around

All children are divided into two teams. A driver is chosen from among them. The driver should show various exercises, and the children should do them the other way around. If the driver raised his hand, then the children lower their hands, if the driver leaned to the right, then the children should lean to the left, and so on. The one who goes astray will take the place of the driver.

Circle of laughter

All participants line up in a circle. One of them stands in the center of the circle. He picks up the handkerchief and then throws it up. While the handkerchief is flying, everyone should laugh out loud. But when the scarf is on the floor, everyone should calm down at once. If someone cannot restrain himself and laughs, he will draw a forfeit and fulfill the task of the presenter.

Commemorative drawing

The guys are divided into small teams of about 3-5 people. Each team receives a large sheet of paper and pencils (markers). The presenter shows a bright and colorful drawing to the children for a minute (absolutely any picture that depicts many different objects). Then the presenter closes the drawing and gives the “start” command, according to which the children must reproduce the picture on their piece of paper within a certain time, for example, 5 minutes. The team whose members can display the picture they saw as accurately as possible will win.

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Talking about the circus is not so simple. Talk about circus genres and even more so about acts,
attractions, entire programs - just a thankless and pointless undertaking. After all, for spectators, the circus is first and foremost a spectacle. And judge for yourself, how can you talk about the spectacle? That's why it's a spectacle to watch!
So I would not so much like to tell you as to show you, using one of the many examples of a motley sea of ​​circus acts, how all this is done. I want you to take a closer look at the “kitchen” of our circus. So that we too become eyewitnesses of the extraordinary and the most ordinary, familiar, nothing that actually stands out against the background of our Everyday life, a very prosaic process of creating a number and the result of what was suffered and born.
But first, let me make a short digression.
Once at the circus, after a performance, one of the spectators asked a question to one artist: “Well, you rehearse your act for two hours a day, perform with it in the arena for ten minutes and that’s all?” When do you actually work?”
Are additional comments needed on this remark?.........
I won’t bore you with banal truths that circus is courage, risk, beauty, strength, dexterity, etc.
First of all, the circus is WORK!

Circus performers and workers also say this: “Circus is a diagnosis!”
And I would also say: “Circus is a way of life!”
And not ten minutes of performance plus two hours of rehearsal, but all twenty-four hours a day, the masters of miracles - the workers of the circus arena - devote themselves to their favorite work. And then, in the arena filled with lights, we see the result of this work, which remains for each of us a magical holiday, a fireworks display of miracles.
I remember once I already mentioned those who just can’t wait after the performance to take at least one look behind the scenes and become, at least on a short time an eyewitness to everything that happens there.

So let's go there - behind the forgang (artistic entrance to the arena). Perhaps then the secret of the birth of the circus act will be revealed to us, at least part of everything that has until now been hidden from our view.

So, get acquainted! Lyubov Timokhina – artist, trainer, creator, director and performer of the “BIKER DOGS” show

Using the example of a small fragment from the life of this artist and her performance, we will learn how all this is done. Despite her young years, Lyuba is an artist with almost twenty years of experience in the circus. She came here, so to speak, by accident. Before this, Lyuba graduated from a vocational school and worked for a while at a garment factory. Of course, she also had good sports training. Even as a child, the girl did rhythmic gymnastics. So, without the participation of sports in her life, Lyubov might not have decided to choose a life filled with the romance of wanderings and constant nomadism. And later it happened, Lyuba became the wife of also a young, aspiring circus performer. Then everything went along a well-worn straight line. She began rehearsing with her husband, and later began working on the “Roller Skating Acrobats” act.

Like many people, life always prepares unexpected turns of fate. This cup did not pass our heroine either. The marriage turned out to be unstable and they soon had to separate.

Then the young artist had the opportunity to realize herself creatively. Lyuba began to prepare a new number on her own.
And here I want to make a short digression.
The circus has many different genre acts. Jugglers and gymnasts, tightrope walkers and vaulters, horse riders and stuntmen, magicians and trainers. That's why it's a circus, to amaze us, the spectators, with a kaleidoscope of acts of different design and complexity and entire attractions. It has always been this way, and, at first glance, it may seem that you won’t find anything new here. BUT! This is the quintessence of circus diversity, that each act not only should, but MUST be unique, inimitable, original, memorable and unlike other acts of a similar genre.
But it’s not that simple!
A trick plus an excellent acting performance, plus an interesting plot and many, many other advantages - this is the secret of success and the path to it.
And where does the work itself begin?
At first glance, everything is very simple. As the Great Michelangelo said, “To make a beautiful sculpture, it is enough to take a block of marble and cut off everything superfluous and unnecessary from it.” It’s about the same thing in the circus when creating a performance. But this is theoretical. But practically?

In the beginning, as usual, an idea is born. Then, like everything new, the circus act appears on paper in the form of a script proposal.
And then running around the offices of the circus department, waiting for all kinds of meetings and meetings, defending your brainchild in front of the strict and incorruptible Arts Council. It is necessary to prove, convince, insist and again write hundreds of sheets of paper, and again prove sometimes even the most common truths. The response, as a rule, is indifferent: “Do we need another issue of this genre?” or “The idea is good, but we don’t have the money” or else – “It’s simply impossible and unrealistic to do this! It will only be a waste of time and the same money.”

And so, having proven, convinced and re-convinced numerous officials that the act will be prepared without interrupting the main work, that the animals, props and costumes will be purchased at your own expense, you force the motionless flywheel of the bureaucratic machine to still spin in favor of the plan. The preparatory and rehearsal process begins. They don’t understand you, and sometimes they just get in your way, each time creating some kind of far-fetched obstacles related either to rehearsal time, or to the provision of food and necessary details, or even specifically and purposefully to ruin the idea itself in the bud.

Hours add up to days, days to weeks, weeks to months. And these months seem like long years of literally hard labor.
Perhaps this is true. After all, sometimes it takes years to prepare and develop a new trick. It happens!
Again, let me make a short digression from the topic. In the theater, an artist is required to do only one thing - PLAY A ROLE! All other organizational and auxiliary work is done by the corresponding workshops: a makeup artist will work on complex makeup, the decorations and all the props will be made by the design workshop, costumes and shoes also have someone to do. And this whole process is led by the head of the production department. This is his “headache”. Before the performance, the costume designer will bring a ready-made, ironed costume to the makeup room and will also help you get dressed if the costume has too much complex parts, make-up artist and hairdresser will work on the hair and face. That's all! It's time to show your skills on stage for the audience to judge. In the circus, it's not like that! The artist is here in his act, as they say, “a Swede, a reaper, and a pipe player.” That is, he is his own costume designer, prop man, make-up artist, and manager. staging part.

And besides this, there is also a veterinarian, if necessary, and much, much more. After all, the partners in numbers are unusual, and the creatures are of a very cool disposition. Training a group of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, which are popularly called Wolfhounds, is no joke! And there are no such numbers in the circus system yet. This is also the uniqueness of the plan.

But the circus is also everyday life. Imagine life in a foreign city, in the official and not always comfortable walls of a hostel for artists, where all the same questions, and sometimes problems, that you and I face at every step: two children, the school where the eldest son studies, care taking care of your youngest son, doing laundry, going to the shops and the market, and sometimes it’s not a sin to think about leisure time. And all this falls on the same shoulders.

Previously, when I was just starting my circus career, it was clearly not clear to me why circus performers live so secluded, why they don’t visit theaters, libraries, and admire local historical and architectural sights. After all, by the nature of their activity, this seems to be almost their responsibility. Having lived a certain part of my life in the circus, I began to understand the reason for this. True, even now I do not justify or support them in this. After all, an artist is a creative being and his work must first of all remain intellectual. It’s impossible without this!

And again work!
So hot summer gives way Golden autumn. It is replaced by a harsh snow-white winter, and later the beautiful spring announces its arrival with a ringing drop.
There are only a few weeks left until the long-awaited and such an exciting moment when Lyuba will appear before the demanding commission (after everything described above) with the results of her work. And then there will be an even more important and responsible test for her - performing in front of the audience.

You just have to believe and hope that it will be successful. How else could it be otherwise?! After all, so much work, and energy, and sleepless nights, and stressful days were spent on preparing the act and lived with it!
I'm sure this bright day will come! Will definitely come! There will be applause, the first bouquets of flowers, congratulations and friendly wishes. There will be a holiday in the life of this purposeful artist.
It’s just a pity that joyful moments pass so quickly, and gray everyday life occurs more and more often. That is life! And here nothing can be added or subtracted. We chose it for ourselves.





Released in 1970 Feature Film Gleb Panfilov "The Beginning". Starring Inna Churikova and Leonid Kuravlev.

There was such an episode. Set. The scene of the execution of Joan of Arc is being filmed. But the heroine is not at all in the mood and is not ready for filming. Something always bothers her. She can’t concentrate. The director is nervous, the extras are waiting. All the support services are waiting. But it’s still not possible to film the scene . Hours pass, but the result is still the same. And then the director manages to make one of his “provocations.” When the heroine, having listed everything and everyone who is preventing her from concentrating, explains that her hands are also interfering with her, the director gives the command “Saw hands!" The actress calms down, collects herself and plays exactly as required. Cut! And when the film crew begins to disassemble all their equipment and scenery, one of the extras asks the director how long this scene will last on the screen? "Twenty-five seconds,” he answers.
This is how it is to prepare a performance in a circus - weeks, months, and sometimes years, for the sake of ten minutes of performance in the arena. But still, what ten minutes is that! Is there anything else worth adding to what has been said?

February 15, 2016

Have you ever had a circus party in your life? I'm not talking about those cases when someone gets drunk and starts acting weird. We are talking about a themed holiday.

Do you remember the inner thrill that dad casually said: “We’ll go to the circus this weekend!”? How mesmerizing this fairy tale was: dexterous jugglers, flexible acrobats, funny clowns. And even the air is saturated with some kind of invisible magic and admiration!

Circus themed party It will not only help bring back childhood delight, but will also bring quite adult joys.

Remember the movie "The Prestige"? Illusionists are ready to commit deception and betrayal for the sake of a new masterpiece trick - prestige.
And all for the sake of a moment of glory: an explosion of applause, enthusiastic faces and a new status as the best illusionist in the whole World! Be saturated with the charm of subtle humor, wordplay, bright costumes, entertainment in everything around you. This is how a party should be: loud, bright, brilliant, daring, fun and frank!

Try to transform yourself into an extravagant, expressive artist with unbridled imagination, high self-esteem and the overflowing emotions of real touring performers!

Let's talk about how to organize just such an enchanting holiday!

1. Relevance

This party idea is suitable for bold, relaxed groups. It is desirable that the team includes creative, artistic individuals. This format of the evening is suitable if you decide to celebrate a birthday in an original way, New Year, bachelor or bachelorette parties, as well as corporate events! The big plus is that it can be arranged at any time of the year. Another option in the piggy bank, like.

2. Inviting guests and invitations

It may take 2-3 weeks to prepare colorful outfits and characters, so you need to invite your friends in advance.

Invitations can be issued in the form circus tent: order from a printing house or make it yourself from colored decorative cardboard.
Decorate the elements on the card with glitter for makeup or manicure. If you find colored feathers or beads, be sure to use them in the design of postcards.

Second option - ticket to the circus. It is better to order such a leaflet from a printing house - it will be as similar as possible to a real ticket! If you are a decent “controller”, be sure to tear the ticket of the guest who entered the festive hall by invitation.

3. Dress code

You'll have to put a lot of work into the costumes. This is not a case where you can easily pick up something from your or even your grandmother’s wardrobe! Although renting or buying in specialized stores will not be difficult. In any case, there will be those who will try to reincarnate themselves. Here are the following tips for them.

Male images.

Women's images.

For all: don't be shy to become a trained animal - a proud lion or an aggressive tigress - isn't it a special character for a circus-style party?

4. Decoration of the festive hall

Restaurant, club, apartment, dacha. If finances allow, rent a circus arena. The main thing to remember is that the event requires a lot of space.

Looking ahead to entertainment program, we focus on the fact that 2-3 real circus acts will make your party truly unforgettable. Therefore, if you are planning such a win-win highlight of the evening, make sure that there is enough space. Invite a juggler, gymnasts, fire tamers or a magician!

Color spectrum . A pretentious circus, of course, it dictates red and white stripes, luxurious cherry-burgundy satin and velvet, golden trims, shiny elements!

Decorative elements and simple nuances that will help create the atmosphere:

Place for a photo.

Select a corner for a photo: a red curtain, a cone for a trained animal, a magician’s hat and cane, a clown’s wig, small acting paraphernalia, and if possible, ribbons or a hanging swing for spectacular photos.

If your budget allows, hire a professional photographer for a couple of hours. It is better to take high-quality photos in the first half of the celebration, while the costumes are sitting straight, the makeup is not smudged, and the eyes have not lost the ability to focus! And you will definitely take crazy selfies and photos on your phone hundreds of times before the fun ends!

In extreme, energy-saving cases, you can use the services of circus-style restaurants. There are many like this major cities. But I recommend checking the design and all the features of the room in advance, in case it turns out that your imagination is much brighter and your tent will turn out to be more soulful and festive!

5. Music

Meet guests to the Britney Spears hit “Circus”: excellent magical sound of music, under which pictures of a video with trained animals and sexy tamers pop up! If there is a screen on which you can display video, do not ignore this opportunity!

Songs about the circus, or indirectly reminiscent of the theme of performances, shows: “The performance is over” by P. Gagarina, “Furious beast, my master” from the group “Vintage”, “Harlekino” by A. Pugacheva, “Who will believe the comedian” by V. Meladze, “ Luna Park is leaving, I want to go with it." Mickey Newton. After warming up, you can prepare a playlist of modern hits. The main thing is to keep it fun, perky and rhythmic!

6. Menu and drinks

Circus artists are very active and agile: complex numbers, extreme performances, exhausting training! You can't feed them with a green salad!

Prepare a full, hearty menu that should include:

  • Meat dishes ( chicken legs, steaks, meatloaf);
  • Roast with meat;
  • Baked fish;
  • Cheese slices;
  • Sausage slices;
  • Several salads, at the discretion of the organizer;
  • Sandwiches are different (they go well with red caviar);
  • Fruit assortment.

Beware of overeating - a hearty menu has its drawbacks! Compensate for it with active competitions or dances.

For dessert, cupcakes and pastries with bright cream, themed cookies, popcorn, ice cream are perfect waffle cups and popsicle.
And where would we be without a huge, delicious themed cake? When ordering a cake, do not forget to emphasize the age of the birthday person so that the confectionery result does not turn out like for children!

Beverages. Non-alcoholic: assorted juices, mineral water. Alcohol: champagne, cocktails, wine, vodka.

Advice: any dishes and drinks can be decorated with colored straws, cones, rain, which will automatically turn them into a themed attribute.

7. Entertainment program

  • Try to organize 2-3 professional circus acts, this will make an unforgettable impression.
  • Ask the trainer and animal characters to perform some kind of improvisational act. If there are several animals, offer mass execution of commands to the appropriate music! The main thing is that everyone gets into character 100%!

Competition “While the match is burning.” 3-4 people take part in turn. Task: as soon as the contestant enters the “arena”, a match is lit. While it burns down, you need to tell as much good things as possible about the birthday boy. The winner is the one who managed to tell the most interesting things during this time.
If it is not a birthday, then the contestants must read out their express autobiography while the match burns out. The number of given facts in the “briefly about yourself” category is assessed.

Prepared exit of the “magician”. Preparation must take place in advance. That is, the magician must be the organizer of the holiday or a person to whom everything was explained in advance. 2-3 matches are painted with mascara, even better, thoroughly rubbed with soot and placed in the ashtray after the previous competition, immediately after which a miracle trick will take place: “Did you know that a burnt match can burn again one more time?” Watch how surprise, delight and a huge question mark grow on the skeptical faces of the guests!
The magician’s task is to fully enter into the character, because it is quite simple to expose the “fraudster”, and the acting will be remembered for a long time!

Competition "Under the Circus Big Top". After a good “warm-up”, already in the second half of the holiday, ask several people who want to perform the following task: walk along a narrow ribbon (stretched evenly on the floor, fixed at the edges with weights), placing an apple on the top of the head. Halfway through, you need to draw a “swallow” figure. The most dexterous circus performer who doesn't drop the apple wins!

Competition "Climber". 5-6 people stand facing the wall, arms bent at the elbow, palms leaning against the wall. The facilitator asks questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” For each “no” we move our palms down by the size of one palm, for each “yes” we move them up in the same way.
The host’s task is to ask as many questions as possible to which the guests will answer “yes,” for example: “Do you love your spouse?”, “Can you read?”, “Do you like the holiday?” When your hands are high enough, ask a question with a clearly affirmative answer: “Do you have a secondary education?” After the next “yes” you ask: “Why are you fighting against the wall then?”
The reward goes to the one whose hands are higher than the others - whatever one may say, the best climber!

Competition "Master of Pantomime". What's a circus without pantomime? If there are people in appropriate costumes, invite them to become contestants. Make a wish for one character at a time and see who can get the correct answer from the crowd faster. Riddle something simple: “pissing boy” or “Samson tearing the lion’s mouth”, or “pissing boy tearing the lion’s mouth”! The main thing is to have fun, it’s a circus!

8. Incentive prizes

They should be simple, but as thematic as possible. Large multi-colored lollipops, champagne, hairspray with glitter, chocolate medals, craft figures made from long balloons for modeling, clown cookies…

If it's a birthday, birthday boy give something more worthwhile. Vivid, or indirectly related to the topic. If you manage to preserve the touch of humor embedded in the gift itself or the congratulations in the card, consider that you have managed to maintain the charm of the circus atmosphere in everything!

Simple gift ideas:

For a woman: good cosmetics, a boldly colored clutch, a beautiful umbrella or any accessory chosen with taste.

For a man: a good gift would also be an accessory appropriate to his individual image and style: scarf, umbrella, diary or popular today: “Notebook for brilliant ideas”, “ Notebook superman."

The most limitless and fantastic fun at your Circus party!

Irina Nersesyan

To the music of "Blue Car" the birthday boy enters the hall, followed by all the guests. They all go around the hall.

Ved: Everyone gathered for the day with a smile without a doubt birth.

Whose, whose, whose, whose, today is the day birth?

Who, who, who, who accepts congratulations?

Whose eyes sparkle, there is a bright blush on his cheeks,

Who will receive interesting gifts from the guys?

Ved: This is our dear Dima

This is Dima dear

Look how handsome he is, he looks like an artist.

Do you like to listen to fairy tales? Do you like to eat porridge?

We love you very much, and we will not forget to congratulate you.

A game "Congratulations"

We will clap our hands loudly - (as many times as they are old)

We stamp our feet loudly...

We will shake our heads -… .

We congratulate Dimka (We present the medal)

Children go to their seats. The birthday boy takes pride of place in the center of the hall.

Ved: Finally everyone is seated, it’s time to start the fun,

And what would a show be without cheerful congratulations?

Today is only one day and hour we came to congratulate you

Clowns from Merry circus. So, meet the Clowns,

Please accept congratulations.

Fanfare sounds, Clowns come into the hall and say hello.

Anfiska: Hello, kids - girls and boys! And we are funny clowns, I am Anfiska, and this is my friend Klepa! (Points with his hand to the place next to him, but there is no one there) Oh! Where did Klepa go? Haven't you seen him? The children point to Klepa. Anfiska turns to the right, looking to the left for a friend. At this time, Klepa makes faces, imitating Anfiska. Finally, Anfiska, having outsmarted Klepa, turns around sharply and finds her friend. Both laugh and hug.

Anfiska: Oh, this Klepa, he will always come up with something to laugh at me.

Klepa: I really like to have fun! Let's play quickly.

Anfiska: Well, you’re not being polite, Klepa, but should I say hello?

Klepa: Hello, Anfiska! Now let's play?

Anfiska: Well, Klepa! Should I say hello to the guys?

Klepa: Is it with these or what? No problem! I will now say hello to everyone in turn.

Game - greeting “If you like greetings...”

Klepa: Have you said hello to everyone now?

Anfiska: No, not with everyone!

Klyopa: Well, what again? I said hello to the girls and to the boys too. Ah-ah-ah! Well, of course, with your parents? Hello, parents, children's tormentors! Well, is that all now?

Anfiska: No, not all! Where have we come? For a day birth!

Klepa: Is it true? Congratulations! (Shakes hands with someone children, but not the birthday boy.) How big you have become! Just a real Pelican!

Anfiska: I didn’t guess, Klepa.

Klepa: Yes? So this doll has it! Congratulations! (Shakes her hand.) Oh, what a beautiful dress! And what shoes! A real birthday girl!

Anfiska: Klepa! And not her.

Klepa: Isn’t she again? So Klepa congratulates several children. Finally, he can't stand it anymore and asks them for help. They show him the birthday boy.

Klepa: How come I didn’t guess right away? Here he is, a boy in denim pants, with blush on his cheeks, with gifts in his hands. Hello, hello, birthday boy! You are like an alarm clock today. He probably got up before everyone else and invited his friends over!

(option for girls: Look, she's a girl! Dressed to perfection! Rosy cheeks, twinkle in the eyes, such beautiful girl, I haven’t seen it yet)

Anfiska: Let's congratulate our (y) birthday boy (tsu) in our opinion, like a clown! Klepa and I will congratulate you, and you will answer Yes-yes-yes or No-no-no, agreed?

Anfska: Congratulations on the day birth!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Klepa: Everyone - bad mood!

Children: No no no!

Anfiska: Let r-grow big (oh, smart (oh!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Klepa: Like a crocodile, green (oops!

Children: No no no

Anfiska: Let him (same) will be brave (oh, strong (oh!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Klepa: Like a beautiful fly agaric (oh!

Children: No no no.

Anfiska: Kind (Ouch) will be happy (oh!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Klepa: Naughty (Ouch) and pugnacious (oh!

Children: No no no!

Anfiska: So that mommy loves!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Klepa: She hit me with the strap more often!

Children: No no no!

Anfiska: Let him wait (her) success!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Klepa and Anfiska: You, (name, are the best!

Children: Yes Yes Yes

Leading: Yes, today we congratulate you on the Day Dima's birth

Anfiska. Let's all stand in a circle together, guys!

One two three four five!

Let's congratulate Dima!

(the birthday boy walks into the circle).

How old is Dima today?

Children: Four!

Klyopa We will stomp 4 times! Have fun!

We will clap 4 times! Make friends!

And once again we all stomp!

And let's clap our hands again.

What a day birth, if there is no fun.

Play the music louder!

Everything for Dimochka today

We'll bake a loaf!

Performed "Loaf", R. n. m.

Clowns: Attention! Attention! On this significant day birth we decided to invite you to circus. The most amazing, the most mind-blowing and extraordinary circus. But to get there, everyone needs to be in a great mood.

Leading. And our guys good mood. Everyone smiled at each other

Clue pa: Are you ready to spend Dima's birthday at the circus. Are you, guests of the holiday, ready to have fun at circus arena? Then we need to turn into circus artists and trained animals. (draws face painting, puts on various animal hats)

Butterscotch Now even your own mother won’t recognize you. Let's stand in a circle and say the main magic spell circus performers and animals.We try to repeat after me the words and movements:

"We are toys and animals,

we play too loud.

We clap our hands

we stomp our feet

puff out our cheeks

jumping on tiptoes

and even to each other

we'll show you the tongues)

Ved: To find yourself on circus arena,I need to say the magic words: 1-2-3, circle, on find yourself in the circus arena.

Klyopa Happy today to everyone,

And there is light on our faces!

Birthday boy forward

Let the honest people through!

Circus March

Parade-Alle to the music " Circus! Circus! Circus"Oleg Popov sings

The children are walking, the presenter introduces the artists

Begin circus show,

A holiday of joy and fun

Circus arrived at kindergarten

Make everyone happy.

Brighter, brighter let them sparkle

On arena lights,

On circus show

Let's hurry quickly.

The first number of our program is brave guys, strongmen and acrobats

Klyopa and Iriska and the strongman Dima (Take big balls)

Here you go guys, strong men

Bends iron into rolls

Throw weights up

There are none stronger in the world.

Strongman routine to the music of Blanter "John Gray"

Leading: The next number in our program is the brave tightrope walkers.

The Clowns come out, stretch a rope on the floor in a circle, and begin to walk along it, pushing each other.

Clue pa: What's happened? I can't do anything again? Maybe the birthday boy will be lucky today?

The clowns call the Birthday Boy to the rope, they walk along the rope from different ends and meet and hug.

Anfiska: Bravo! What a great guy, a real tightrope walker. Well, teach everyone how to walk correctly.

A game "Rope Walkers"- all the children walk along the tightrope behind the birthday boys.

Clowns It's so boring for us to walk, we need to dance together.

Dance "Ducklings"

Presenter and now, guys, circus riddles

1 Anfisk riddle

Both winter and summer

IN circus performs

He's having fun at the same time

He doesn't fall asleep. (Bear)

2Klepa's riddle

Don't touch him with your hand!

He has a mane, but he is not a horse.

There are no hooves, but there are fangs

And there are claws on the paws. (A lion)

3 Anfisk's riddle

This beast is so huge!

It weighs four tons!

If he gets into a car,

The car's tires will burst! (Elephant)

4Klepa's riddle

IN he works at the circus -

The flippers clap loudly. (Seal)

Now let's start the show

Surprisingly for all the guests.

Trained dogs perform

They know all the alphabet, they can count to five

Trainer Lead

These are my trained dogs!

You guys show yourself

You guys take a bow

Now say hello (Barking)

Follow me (Walk in a circle)

Serve (bark, stand on 2 legs)

Count how many hands I have? (bark 2 times)

How many legs (bark 2 times)

How many tails?

Well done! (lays out 3 hoops)

Jump into a hoop deftly

This requires skill

Fluffy, jump!

And now you're Two-Bit

Presenter I announce a musical break.

Dance "Boogie Woogie"

Klepa Attention! Now you will see something you have never seen before. These are trained butterflies.

A game "Catch a Butterfly"

Anfiska: Attention attention! Now there will be a competition.

A game - "Throw the ball over".

A game “Who will catch the most bubbles?”

Presenter. On circus magicians arena

(Anfiska and Klyopa show tricks)

Presenter Our holiday continues,

AND circus the performance begins.

Attention! Attention!

Today on arena

The best trained ponies of the season!

Dance "Pony"

And our performance ends

Funny guys - our clowns

(All the children are dancing with the clowns)

Day our birth ends

But the holiday doesn't end

We wanted you to be happy

Give today

With nice mood

We have more fun living. (Give a gift)

A home circus sounds cool and unusual. This perfect option for a children's birthday scenario. Find out how to organize a holiday and arrange a home circus or a party in the circus itself in this article.

It's no secret that a birthday in childhood is an expected and magical holiday. And, of course, the role of parents is very important here. You need to organize a holiday, think through everything down to the smallest detail. It is also necessary not to forget that it is necessary to arrange children's party, and, as you know, it has its own specifics. To make the celebration truly memorable, you can choose a circus as the main theme. After all, who among the children does not love the circus, especially the home circus.

Doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First you need to calculate the number of people who will attend the holiday. Each guest needs a costume if not just a performance is planned, but the participation of all those present. It is better for the organizers to take care of this in advance, since not everyone can responsibly respond to requests to come in costumes.

Costumes can be quite simple. For example, party hats for everyone or clown noses. These attributes can be given as input. A fakir costume consisting of a headdress and a cape is ideal for dad. Mom can dress up in a tightrope walker costume. Grandparents can make their own clown costumes. But the most important thing is to come up with an original costume for the birthday boy. It should stand out from everyone else.

There are several options for how to make a home circus - yourself or order a service from a company that specializes in holding children's parties. In this case, the company will take care of the script, costumes, etc. Parents may only be asked to buy necessary items. If you decide to organize a home circus, then everyone needs to come up with funny pseudonyms and interesting acts.

Dressed in a fakir costume, dad can perform simple tricks with a coin disappearing or come up with some experiments that will be not only interesting, but also useful for children. If you have a pet in the house, you can practice simple tricks with it. Everyone can take part in the performance - you can play funny scene, taking as a basis some anecdote. Or maybe one of the guests is involved in rhythmic gymnastics, then a number with a hoop or ribbon will be very useful.

But the circus can be done not only at home. You can arrange a child's birthday at the circus. This event will definitely be remembered for a lifetime. In order to celebrate a child's birthday at the circus, you must contact and coordinate all issues with the circus administration in advance.

Of course, making sure that the child is congratulated right during the performance is quite problematic and, most likely, the administration will not give its consent to this. But it is quite possible to organize a trip to the backstage after the performance. The birthday boy can also be given a gift by his favorite characters. It is only worth taking care of its transfer into the hands of the artists in advance in order to avoid awkward and sometimes ridiculous situations.

Undoubtedly, a child will be interested in seeing how the circus lives behind the scenes. You can organize a short excursion, and after that you can return and put on a show at home.

In the end, you can come up with any scenario - a birthday, a circus at which main topic or a zoo, or an amusement park, or a masquerade ball - the child will remember it in any case. The main thing is to do everything with love. After all, birthdays only come once a year.



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